Scandic-German Crisis E20 (closed)
Galveston Bay
20-04-2006, 22:22
1954 The UN calls for a plebiscite in Schlwesig Holstein regarding its continued association with the Scandic Union. In spite of spirited condemnation by the Scandic Union, the UN sends in monitors. However, an election is not held but public opinion does indicate the mostly German population wishes to return to democratic Germany
events altered slightly so that they make sense as they were a bit confused in game terms
January - February
The Scandic Union refuses to return Schlwesig Holstein. Germany is divided on the issue, but The Entire Reichswehr is mobilized and the Luftwaffe Reserve is pulled up. Landswehr units from the South are being mobilized and trained in Mountain tactics. The Imperial Guard is readied and the Ar-232s are fired up.
However, the Reichstag feels otherwise.
A condemnation of the warmongering Generals is passed and the Kaiser is ordered to halt operations. He refuses and is ordered under arrest. Chancellor Von Schuschnigg and Minister Bruning resign in protest.
An apology is sent to the Scandinavian government while the Landswehr is ordered down which it doesn't.
The next day riots break out in Hamburg, Berlin and across the Rhineland and at least some demonstrations are held in every other city. Police units are hit the hardest, but many join in. The riots, rather than looting, merely begin to attack government buildings, arresting many Reichstag appointed mayors.
That next night, during the Emergency Meeting, the Imperial Guard storms the Reichstag. The Kaiser orders all members of the Reichstag, as well as the Chancellor ,Cheif of Staff and the Minsters of Foreign Affairs and Domestic Affairs, to be placed under arrest. The Kaiser then declares the Empire to be under a State of Emergency and an Emergency Cabinet is declared. Chancellor Von Schuschnigg is returned to his position as is Domestic Minister Bruning. Ex-Chancellor Rommel is made Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ex-Luftwaffe Commander Albert Kesselring is made Chief of Staff. He is replaced by Generaloberst Manfred von Richtoven.
Civilian Governments are replaced with Generals and a loose Martial Law is declared. All residents of Scandic descent are being detained for examining.
A note is sent to Scandinavia reaffirming the German People's resolve. They will fight if comes the need.
March April 1955 Germany and the Scandic Union mobilize their forces and go on alert. This triggers mobilization in Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, the Ukraine, and Italy, and military forces being placed on alert in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Iceland, Czechslovakia, France, Russia, Pakistan, and Australia. The UN urges calm, but the two nations continue their drift toward war.
May (to be added as information is provided. Each real day is one week at this point)
Galveston Bay
20-04-2006, 22:24
relevent posts to be added here by me (mostly links and stuff)
Feel free to start posting events that occur the week of May 1 -8 now
The Lightning Star
20-04-2006, 22:30
The Pakistan government advises that all Scandic and German citizens leave Pakistan, although this is not enforced. However, the police seem to be a bit more demanding on the German citizens, and the occasional German-owned store is attacked by mysterious assailants every night. The military also begins mobilization, and Pakistans MRBMs are focused towards German military installations in the region.
20-04-2006, 22:41
OOC: Reposted from Main thread
The Scandic Union is politely informing all german citizens in Scandinavia that they must leave. Transportation to Britian will be provided, and enough money will be given to purchase a ticket home. Scandinavia is also demanding the return of the thousands of Scandic tourists and bussinesmen who are being held hostage by the German government.
*Just Added*
The Scandic Union is anouncing its reluctance to deal with the German army after its coup toppled the democratically elected government. Because of this move by the German army all German military traffic through the sound is now banned untill this crisis is resolved.
The military has begun preparing fortifications and defenses in Schleswig and on the Jutland pennisula for the feared German invasion.(GB's already recieved the orders.) The government has also dug into its coffers to raise up 7 new divisions.(Purposely kept out of the papers is the fact that these divisions will take months to raise and prepare.)
To Both Germany and the SU:
You shall not begin construction on your Negev Bases until the Palestinian President feels the situation has calmed down. The UR is taking neccessary measures to ensure a large-scale war does not spread to the Arab World, as we know we'll get dragged into it one way or another.
20-04-2006, 23:28
The USEA calls for for peace and reconciliation between the Scandic Union and Germany. We further remind them that their bickering is having a serious destabilizing affect on the World and must end before too much damage is done.
We heavily advises Pakistan as a fellow member of the SCT and a neighbour in Asia that they should not get involved in this conflict and that it is not their fight. Let the silly Euros kill themselves while we better ourselves through co-operation.
The USEA extends a hand of freindship and understanding to the people of the Arab world. The Europeans have let their wars engulf the world to many times and it should not be allowed to happen again.
We offer our assistance to the UR and it's allies if it is needed.
21-04-2006, 00:54
We will follow the Palestinian statements, and let Germany know that Syria will delay the opening of the German base in Syria until the conflict is ended. (OOC: no offense, I just dont want an ICBM pointed at me, even indirectly.)
Russia will remain neutral at this time in the conflict. However this doesn't stop massive riots in Russia as radicals in favor of war with the SU battle pacifists and government forces.
Nigerian sentiment is generally towards Germany, but no one really wants to get involved in a war at this point in time.
The governemnt urges calm and pleads with Germany to seek a peaceful solution.
Galveston Bay
21-04-2006, 06:09
Talks continue in the UN, but the drift toward war continues the first week of May. Both the Germans and Scandics shift forces forward and to sea.
Meanwhile, suddenly facing the prospect of being fought over and the promise of German democracy suspended, the citizens of Schleswig Holstein wonder if they made the right decision in that plebiscite.
Something new is also happening. Television networks from North America, South America, Europe and Asia send their anchors to Keil, Berlin and Stockholm and the crisis becomes a global media event.
welcome to the age of television
Talks continue in the UN, but the drift toward war continues the first week of May. Both the Germans and Scandics shift forces forward and to sea.
Meanwhile, suddenly facing the prospect of being fought over and the promise of German democracy suspended, the citizens of Schleswig Holstein wonder if they made the right decision in that plebiscite.
Something new is also happening. Television networks from North America, South America, Europe and Asia send their anchors to Keil, Berlin and Stockholm and the crisis becomes a global media event.
welcome to the age of television
ooc: probably worth noting that the commonwealth of nations pulled out of the treaty of daresalaam in this week too
Galveston Bay
21-04-2006, 17:09
May 8 - 15
The Commonwealth of Nations voids its treaty with Germany until such time as German democracy is restored. The effect of this on the ESA has yet to be determined.
The Scandic Union and Germany continue to argue in the UN.
Warta Endor
21-04-2006, 21:21
The UIR repeats that it will remain neutral in this conflict. All Citizens are advised to leave Germany and the Scandic Union, the Government also advises against traveling to mainland Europe. Great Britain is still considered safe.
Germany is informed by China that any German effort to secure Russian aid, supplies, or support in a possible war will be frowned upon by China. If Germany is in such a need of material, it should seek non-Russian sources.
Secret IC:
China discreetly diverts all of its European shipping "points" into "Ambigous Shipping" (As China does not have any points in Ambigous Shipping at this time).
Secret IC:
China discreetly diverts all of its European shipping "points" into "Ambigous Shipping" (As China does not have any points in Ambigous Shipping at this time).
ooc: i'm not sure how one would do this within the mechanism of the game. Ambigous shipping is lots of little pieces that arent worth counting specifically, like trade with gambia and El Salvador. Even if one could simply reassign trade like this, discreetness could be a problem too, as a lot of Europeans are going to be wondering where all their chinese luxuries went...
However, i think we do need some sort of mechanism to shift trade away from dangerous areas. If what Sharina is doing is fine by other ppl, i'll shut up (and probably do it myself.)
The Republic of South Africa issues a statement of moral solidarity with Germany, and standing military forces are placed on alert. However, no orders are issued, as the Angolan situation and budget constraints prevent South Africa from accomplishing much at this time. There is also the issue of Commonwealth rejection of the Treaty of Daresalaam.
South Africa pledges to support Germany politically, but offers no military or economic aid.
OOC: Partly a cop-out based on my inability to participate, and partly a decision reflecting South African policy and geo-political concerns. Unless the Commonwealth acts, South Africa will remain neutral during this crisis.
22-04-2006, 03:05
OOC: I should think a lot of Chinese businessmen who own all that shipping would much rather trade with the Europeans with fat wallets than the poor Central Americans and Africans with tiny wallets...
Either way, I think there should be a mechanism for that. For example, for realism, I still have quite a lot of shipping going to Scandinavia, primarily because I still trade with them a lot. (Which is the main reason why the Reichstag was so against war)
Speaking of which...
IC: The Chief of Staff suddenly realises that he has to do the entire national budget for the German Empire, something that was done by the Reichstag so recently. He begins discussions with the other Generals and the Kaiser and they agree that something must be done, since they know next to nothing about running a country.
The next day, the Kaiser announces that the Reichstag will be reassembled. However, most of its powers are still held by the Kaiser. The Reichstag's duty, now, is to create the National Budget. They are informed that once the situation cools down with Scandinavia that full powers will be restored, albeit, with a few changes which will be discussed at a further time.
Parthini']OOC: I should think a lot of Chinese businessmen who own all that shipping would much rather trade with the Europeans with fat wallets than the poor Central Americans and Africans with tiny wallets...
Either way, I think there should be a mechanism for that. For example, for realism, I still have quite a lot of shipping going to Scandinavia, primarily because I still trade with them a lot. (Which is the main reason why the Reichstag was so against war)
Speaking of which...
This move was made so to prevent the loss of Chinese shipping and commerce should war break out. China learned this lesson painfully TWICE- during WW-2 and again during WW-3 / Japanese invasion. During both wars, China practically lost nearly its entire shipping fleet due to blockades and "impound" by foreign nations.
Chinese businessmen should be able to realize that war ---> no commerce (blockades) ---> no money / income (unless weapons stuff, but they'll probably get blockaded anyway)
Besides, its not just Germany that won't recieve Chinese shipping- all European nations, even the UK Home Isles are included in the "diversion of trade". Basically, all trade will have to be conducted through Syria, Turkey, or even Italy for Chinese goods to reach Germany, France, UK, SU, etc. China doesn't want to risk any of its merchant shipping being seized, sunk, or blockaded during the very real possibility of war between Germany and SU.
This point is even more serious, given that China has *NO* military Navy as it was all destroyed during WW-3. Therefore China cannot protect its merchant vessels that head into dangerous waters, especially the North Sea and the North Atlantic given that the SU-German war is imminent. (hence the reason over 75% of Chinese shipping stays within the Asia region where its very safe)
22-04-2006, 04:45
OOC: Except War=needs for lots of supplies=need for someone to get supplies from=money to whoever can give the supplies, even at inflated prices due to extreme demand.
Also, considering the fact that the Geneva Conventions protect neutral shipping and the Conflict is supposed to be localized, some daring entrepeneurs would be foolish not to.
Although, whatever.
Parthini']OOC: Except War=needs for lots of supplies=need for someone to get supplies from=money to whoever can give the supplies, even at inflated prices due to extreme demand.
Also, considering the fact that the Geneva Conventions protect neutral shipping and the Conflict is supposed to be localized, some daring entrepeneurs would be foolish not to.
Although, whatever.
Two valid points.
As I've stated, my shipping cannot be protected as China has no Navy whatsoever, and sea mines or errant shells do not respect the Geneva Convention. After all, they are just machines / technology- does a rock or a tree follow human laws and conventions? Hardly.
Despite this, my "ambigous" trade can easily cover smuggling and such, or trade with Europe through Syria, Turkey, Italy, or even Spain (well away from any danger zones between Germany and SU in Europe). The trade then goes overland to Germany, France, SU, Poland, etc.
Simple, yes?
Galveston Bay
22-04-2006, 05:40
having trade go through neutral ports is an adequate explanation, as is issueing travel bans to ports in the Scandic Union and Germany for example. The US will do that once that fighting starts (if it does) as will most neutral nations.
The Lightning Star
22-04-2006, 16:58
(Crossed over from the U.N. Thread)
The Kaiser is trying to start another Great War, and he has prevented the German People from stopping him by destroying democracy, thus defeating the very reason why he claims that Schleswig-Holstein is German land. If Germany were a full-fledged democracy, and these were talks between one democratically elected legislature and another, then Pakistan would have no problems with the German claims. However, the Kaiser has used this issue to give him the powers that Wilhelm II had. Therefore, we hereby announce our backing of the Scandic Union on this issue, unless the Kaiser abdicates and hands over all of his powers to the Reichstag, and Germany tries to solve this issue as a civilized nation, not as the war-mongers that started the last 3 Great Wars.
Pakistan states that all German citizens have 30 days to leave the country or become a Pakistani citizen, before they are forcefully ejected from Pakistan and their property being taken by the state (if they leave within 30 days, their property shall be kept safe until the end of the dispute, when they can return). Scandic Citizens are still advised to leave the country due to potential security issues (I.E. angry German citizens taking their anger out on local Scandics), but they are in no way being forced to leave the country.
23-04-2006, 00:01
The German Ambassador, infuriated at Pakistan's meddling in a crisis 10000 miles away, informs the Kaiser of Pakistan's foolishness.
The Kaiser immediately expells the Pakistani diplomatic embassy and sends the Pakistanis to Switzerland. Simulatneously, Germany pulls all of its staff in Pakistan and moves them either to China or Burma. All citizens are ordered to leave Pakistan to head to similar areas.
The Kaiser also orders an Embargo on Pakistani goods to last until the issue is cooled down.
23-04-2006, 00:18
The USEA once again advises Pakistan that supporting any side in the coming conflict is not in the intrests of Asia and if continued the SCT will not be obligated to aid Pakistan in any ensuing incidents.
Parthini']The German Ambassador, infuriated at Pakistan's meddling in a crisis 10000 miles away, informs the Kaiser of Pakistan's foolishness.
The Kaiser immediately expells the Pakistani diplomatic embassy and sends the Pakistanis to Switzerland. Simulatneously, Germany pulls all of its staff in Pakistan and moves them either to China or Burma. All citizens are ordered to leave Pakistan to head to similar areas.
The Kaiser also orders an Embargo on Pakistani goods to last until the issue is cooled down.
Not wanting Pakistan to suffer so heavily, the FNS will replace German goods with Pakistani goods until the German Embargo is removed.
The Lightning Star
23-04-2006, 00:34
The USEA once again advises Pakistan that supporting any side in the coming conflict is not in the intrests of Asia and if continued the SCT will not be obligated to aid Pakistan in any ensuing incidents.
Pakistan informs the SCT that it is acting on its own accord, and does not expect any support from the SCT. In the words of Ayub Khan, "In the great struggle for democracy and freedom, we must all participate. However, different countries can do it in their own ways. The rest of the SCT has its might in their economies. Pakistan does not have that luxury, so must try and use Pakistans strengths to try and liberate the people of the world."
The Lightning Star
23-04-2006, 00:38
Not wanting Pakistan to suffer so heavily, the FNS will replace German goods with Pakistani goods until the German Embargo is removed.
Pakistan heartily thanks the FNS for its support of our attempt to return democracy to Germany and to try and prevent a war in Europe. However, the leaders of Pakistan make it known that even if every country in the world were to cut off trade with Pakistan, the Jihad in the name of Democracy will continue.
23-04-2006, 00:42
The Green Cross of Bulgaria is willing to help take care of any displaced persons and peaceful innocents in the areas involved within reason as well as try to send humanitarian aid with the support of the International Red Cross/Red Cresent and the World Health Organization if so necessary...
The People of Bulgaria hope that a peaceful and proper solution could come out of this conflict, but it is not a hopeful situation at the moment... Bulgarians in other nations are told to be on a high state of caution due to the Crisis as well as to watchful and aware of what is occuring around them.
23-04-2006, 00:53
Pakistan informs the SCT that it is acting on its own accord, and does not expect any support from the SCT. In the words of Ayub Khan, "In the great struggle for democracy and freedom, we must all participate. However, different countries can do it in their own ways. The rest of the SCT has its might in their economies. Pakistan does not have that luxury, so must try and use Pakistans strengths to try and liberate the people of the world."
Satsified that the situation has been made clear, the USEA wishes Pakistan good luck and prosperity for many years to come.
23-04-2006, 01:06
Pakistan heartily thanks the FNS for its support of our attempt to return democracy to Germany and to try and prevent a war in Europe. However, the leaders of Pakistan make it known that even if every country in the world were to cut off trade with Pakistan, the Jihad in the name of Democracy will continue.
A "jihad" in the name of democracy? This to support a nation denying elections to its populace, in support of a nation blatantly disregarding the UN? Those who use religion as a weapon have never been welcome in Syria, and as a consequence we will ask all Pakistani citizens and diplomatic representatives to leave immediately, and are advising all Syrians and diplomatic representatives to leave the Pakistan immediately.
(OOC: We're very serious about that here, you are getting harsher treatment than the SU at the moment.)
The Lightning Star
23-04-2006, 01:18
A "jihad" in the name of democracy? This to support a nation denying elections to its populace, in support of a nation blatantly disregarding the UN? Those who use religion as a weapon have never been welcome in Syria, and as a consequence we will ask all Pakistani citizens and diplomatic representatives to leave immediately, and are advising all Syrians and diplomatic representatives to leave the Pakistan immediately.
(OOC: We're very serious about that here, you are getting harsher treatment than the SU at the moment.)
Jihad means "struggle", not just "holy war", as the west believes. We assumed that Syria, a nation with a much higher percentage of Muslims than India, would know this. We do not mean a literal jihad against Germany. We mean an theoretical "jihad" in the name of democracy. Now that the Kaiser has offered to abdicate and greatly reduce his sucessors power, we shall support Germany in their claims. Therefore, our "jihad" has prevailed, and democracy wins again.
23-04-2006, 01:24
Jihad has, unfortunately, become a tool of Muslims, like the Scandic backed Saudi family, and the PLO in the United Republics, who wish to use religious ties as a weapon. We feared, due to your close ties to the Scandic Union, your goverment had joined them.
However, the jihad is not yet done. Scandanavia continues to deny the German plan, as it denies the people of St. Petersburg elections, and as it wishes to continue to deny the Arabian people the right to democracy. Perhaps now that you have overcome your first challenge, you will join us in fighting others.
The orders to withdraw are recalled scarcely an hour after being sent, frustrating several tourists cutting short vacations, and rushing towards the nearest border.
We ask Syria to not question other nations sovereignty by forcing your form of democracy on them. This is the principle of the treaty of west phalia, and you would be wise to follow it, lest we stop treating you as a nationstate.
25-04-2006, 22:07
OOC: Umm... are we going to ratify everything into a treaty? Treaty of Dublin praps?