Shadows of the Past, Visions of the Future [semi-open]
For the second time in a single lifetime, the Imperial Commonwealth has been consumed by war. As the wounds of the Civil War finally started to heal, the Empire was attacked by a loose coalition of aggressors, and thousands died. The Commonwealth emerged the victor, as much from the lackluster performance of its enemies as from any military successes of its own. The Royal Army stood its ground in North America, and the invasion there was repulsed. The incursion into Guyana fizzled into nothingness, and all eyes turned to southern Africa.
The Kraven slave state of Jagada came close to breaking the Commonwealth on the shores of Table Bay. The Royal Navy's Sixth Fleet met glorious annihilation at the hands of the Kraven navy, and five divisions of Royal Army and Colonial Marines stood against an assembled force of over two million of Jagada's finest. Malkyer was saved by a domestic uprising in Jagada, which drew away forces and allowed the beleaguered defenders to succeed in pushing back the invasion.
The Imperial Commonwealth has emerged victorious, but this is a hollw victory. The people are tired of war, and tired of ineffective government.
In the Imperial capital, the Emperor Alexei is preparing for a victory parade through the downtown area. A symbol of Malkyeri might and military prowess, the parade will culminate at the Navy Docks, with a christening ceremony for the warships purchased from Isselmere-Nieland to replace the lost Sixth Fleet. Following that are social gatherings and parties with influential citizens and nobles. There are other things Alexei would rather be doing, and other people he would rather be seeing.
Over the South Pacific, the Emperor's younger brother Matthew is flying to the distant colonies of the Empire, embarking on a tour of the Commonwealth that will take him most of the year. Partly a reminder for the people that the Imperial Government has not forgotten them, and partly an excuse to travel, Matthew is preparing in his own way for the future of the Empire.
Also in the capital, Prime Minister James Kilroy is making the final touches to speech he will deliver at the main social gathering after the victory parade. Kilroy was elected on the promise of greater social reform and reining in of corporations. The war, however, destroyed his hopes and exposed the extent to which the Progressive Party had gutted military operations budgets. A vote of no confidence has not been called for, nor has a general election, but the Progressive leadership can clearly see the writing on the wall.
In the southern provinces of the North American Viceroyalty, Major Jeremy Forsythe of the Royal Intelligence Agency's Public Security Division is investigating rumors concerning Isaac Saarad, the Emperor's other brother and prime instigator of the Civil War. The RIA is focusing much attention on such rumors; the prospect of a return to Civil War continues to frighten many in Malkyer. Forsythe's colleague in Africa, Major Paul Gordon, is conducting similar investigations.
General Bernard Thomas, the highest-ranking soldier in Malkyer, has recieved orders for the implementation of military reforms from the Ministry of Defense, and is tasked with making sure that those orders are carried out. With increasingly worrisome reports coming in daily from frontier units, Thomas' job grows harder each day.
Girerd Reinhold, Liberal Party MP and something of a firebrand in Parliament, is known to be his party's favored nominee for Prime Minister in the event of Liberal victory in the possible general election. The Liberals are the first "minor party" (holding fewer than a quarter of seats in the Lower Parliament) to have a serious chance at, if not a majority, then a plurality of votes, given the public's dissatisfaction with both the Conservative and Progressive parties.
The Imperial Commonwealth of Malkyer is standing at a key place in its history, and factions within and without the country have their own vision of where the Commmonwealth should be.
OoC: This is a reconstruction/political/character RP. It's open, but I'd appreciate it if you TG'd me before posting, to let me know you want in.
Ottoman Khaif
18-04-2006, 02:06
Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II ( and Ambassador Karl Landsteiner ( were walking thought the streets of downtown Vancouver, the Sultan was here to celebrate the Malkyer victory over their aggressors. They were guard by ten Imperial Black guardsmen who were dress in black suits, also the Ambassador and Sultan were both wearing black suits and with black sun glasses…almost everyone in that group…was wearing sunglasses and black suits…a trademark of KLM..some would say... As they headed thought the streets to Parliament Building. The Sultan spoke to his Ambassador to Malkyer
“ Its quite fun to out of the office and here another part of world…without being shoot…or question or leading a army..wouldn’t you say?” Said the Sultan
“Yes its good to visited places for fun then to business…yet we still have business with the Malkyer no?” ask the Ambassador
The Sultan sigh and say” Yes, we have much business with Malkyer..just be happy that we didn’t being the State Banking Companies or the State Loans and Grants reps…” remark the Sultan
“Thank goodness..those guys…scare me….creepy mofos…if I must say….and to think I am Jewish German and I am making fun of Jewish Bankers and Armenian Bankers..but you got to admit…they are creepy…” reply the Ambassador
and the group finally reach the Malkyer Parliament Building.
“That is true..” then the Sultan looked at his group and remark..” No wonder we get shot at so often….we stand out a 10 miles away…oi.. oh well…we are known for our payback…I now understand why some people mistake us for the mob at times..”
The Ambassador smile “ That’s also true..that’s why we …we have the AMI, High Guard and SIA…so we can get payback as always.. like the Mob..” Then Ambassadors turn to the Guards and said” Right guys…we are like the Mob but more derange and evil!”
The Guards reply “Damn..RIGHT!” and one of them lighted his Cuban Cigar at that moment.
Crowds milled in the streets of Vancouver. Thousands of people had turned out to see the victory parade, this celebration of triumph and strength. They lined the streets, and pressed together like so many sardines. That is, except for a bubble of space around a dozen men in black suits. Crime was a rising problem in Malkyer, but it was primarily petty crimes and theft. Organized crime such as the Mafia had something of a legendary status in Malkyer.
People soon cleared the main avenue as the ground began to vibrate with the boots of soldiers. A regiment of Royal Marines led the parade, marching in full dress uniforms with medals and decorations shining in the sun, arms in stiff salute to the Emperor. The regiment's armored battalions followed, tank guns all pointed at precisely the same angle. As the regimental band offered a whirl of flutes and drums, the regiment's battle flag dipped and and the regiment turned along the street, following it past Parliament. Alexei could not help but smile widely.
Following the Royal Marines came a regiment of Colonial Marines. Levied from the Carribean, their black and brown interrupted the near-monotonous pallidity of the Malkyeri armed forces, which was as dominantly Anglo-Saxon as the rest of the country. Another group of tanks followed them, along with other displays of military power. After some time, the last soldiers marched past Parliament, and the parade ended with a lone platoon escorting the color guard. The platoon of Imperial Guards flanked a group of flags.
At the center was a tattered flag, shot through and burned. The only surviving Naval Ensign from the Battle of Table Bay, it fluttered in a place of honor in front of Parliament, flanked on either side by Malkyeri flags. The crowd was nearly silent as pipers played "Amazing Grace." The military personnel present offered salute, as did the Emperor. Civilians placed a hand over their heart, and men removed their hats. As the bagpipes issued a final crone, the three flags dipped in unison to salute both the Emperor and the Parliament.
Moments passed as the last of the military left the central Square, and civilian spectators flooded into the area. They could not pass a cordoned-off area at the bottom of the steps to Parliament, but their cheers and shouts were clear to those at the top.
Alexei raised a hand for silence. "People of Malkyer, and the Empire. We meet today in celebration of the triumph of our nation in the struggle of arms against aggressor states against whom we have committed no wrong. For the duration of the conflict, we stood firm and held the moral high ground against unending tides of merciless foes. Thousands of our countrymen fell at the hands of the enemy. Jagadan Capitol Police and Phoenix Milita sought to destroy us and bring our nation to its knees, so that we might become slaves to them.
"Our armies held, and our people stood fast. The day was ours, because from the very beginning we held the high ground, from the cliffs of the Pacific Coast to the Table Mountain to the whole morality of the war.
"But we must not let the euphoria of victory cloud our judgement or divert our minds from the task at hand. The Empire needs rebuilding, as it did after our Civil War. Be rebuilt it shall, and the Commonwealth will again become strong and secure for its people. But this reconstruction will require money, something which has been scarce in past years. Replacing lost equipment has set the Commonwealth back billions of crowns; that is nothing compared to the lives lost and forever shattered by the war.
"But we have friends in the world. Friends to whom we owe much." As if on cue, a flight of brand-new Su-37 fighters flew overhead. To be truthful, it likely was cued. "The Khailfah al Musilmeen, our great and venerable ally, has given us much aid to help rebuild, just as they sent tens of thousands of soldiers to stand by us during the war. This debt of money, equipment, and friendship cannot be repaid now, but it will not be forgotten.
"We must remember also the great..."
As the Emperor continued to speak, an officer of the Royal Navy weaved his way through the crowd. "To your left a little...there. Keep going straight," he was informed through his earpiece. It was a clever technique, if a little unsettling. One of the snipers detailed to watch the crowd as a security precaution had found the Navy officer's "target," and was no directing him to it.
The officer stood out somewhat in his dark blue dress uniform, but not as much as the clump of men in black suits and black sunglasses. Making his approach obvious so as not to risk having the guards think him a threat, he motioned to two of the men. "M'lord Sultan, Mr. Ambassador? I'm to take you to the Navy Docks now, if you'd like seats for the concluding ceremony."
Ottoman Khaif
18-04-2006, 23:12
The Sultan looked at Malkyer Naval Officer and smiled
“Very well you lead the way.” Said the Sultan in English and he nodded to his Ambassador and the Guards to follow.
He turn his head to Ambassador and mutter something in Arabic “Next time,We need to pick some new colors for the guards suits…. standing out like this isn’t that good all the time..”
The Ambassador nodded and remark in Arabic
“But its funny being mistaken as the Persian Mafia at times!”
The Sultan just let out a light laugh and said in Arabic “ Indeed my friend…indeed..”
The massive Bastion-class battleship dominated the view of the Naval Dockyards of the capital, and dwarfed many of the smaller ships in harbor. Leading politicians gave speeches, going on about the greatness of the Empire and her allies, and the strength and pride of the Royal Armed Forces, the Navy in particular. The Emperor joined Fleet Admiral Howell at the bow of the ship, smashing a bottle of vodka, a reflection of the Emperor's Russian heritage, over the gray hull. His Majesty's Ship Defiant was born, and the Royal Navy officially received the first in a massive installment of ships, intended to bring the Navy to the forefront of technology and power, a fitting station for an empire.
After the ceremony and pomp, Alexei disappear among a throng of citizens, and found his way to the Sultan. He returned the Royal Navy captain's salute, and nodded to the Sultan. Following that, he reached for the other man's hand, taking it in a friendly clasp.
"Suleiman, my friend. I'm glad to see you could make it. I hope Captain Galloway has taken care of you and your men. He's the naval attache to the palace. What do you think of the new ships?" He gestured excitedly to the dreadnaught and a cruiser nearby. “You know of the Great White Fleet, I’m sure? I’m planning something like that for our own Navy.” The Emperor was talking fast, full of youthful excitement. Despite his status as emperor, he was still a young man, and prone to excitement upon seeing such instruments at his command.
A world away, two desert-camouflage Humvees were parked outside of a small farmhouse. Several armed men surrounded the house, while one went inside.
Major Paul Gordon stood in the doorway of the house, his 1.8 meters dwarfing the small dark man in front in of him. “Charles Neo Kayode?”
The African nodded. “Is there problem?”
“You might say that, Mr. Kayode.” The Anglo’s face was impassive. Charles Kayode had risen to his current position by being blind to others, and this occasion was no different. Something was wrong.
“Perhaps my lawyer could assist you? Shall I call and him in touch with you at the police station?”
“Mr. Kayode, I don’t work for the police.” Ah, thought Kayode. That explains the soldiers outside. “Tell me. What do you know about Isaac Saarad?”
Panic spread across Kayode’s face. “I—I am a citizen of Malkyer! I have legal rights!”
The small African reached for a drawer in a table behind him, and Gordon reacted accordingly. Grabbing the man’s other wrist, he flipped him around and pinned him against the wall. He twisted the arm until the other man went limp. “None of that. Now, again. What do you know?”
An hour later, as Gordon strolled out of the farmhouse and toward the Humvees, he murmured a snatch of verse to himself.
“I know the devil, his pomps and his works,
Aye, I know them well!”
He doesn’t have any living relatives. That will simplify things for the city.
Bone crunched as another man met the bar with his face. Glass shattered and a bottle became a weapon. A thug charged the thin man with pale features, who easily sidestepped him and tripped him, spinning and connecting a vicious back-kick to the head while the man struggled to regain his balance. He crumpled quietly. Jumping into the air, the pale man lashed out with his foot, breaking an opponent’s sternum while pulling down another. Barring the attacker’s arm over his shoulder, the pale man pulled down hard, snapping the arm and exposing white bone. The attacker fell, screaming.
Straightening his clothes and popping his back, RIA special agent Jeremy Forsythe looked to the corner, where the body of a Mafioso-type gangster sat in a chair, lifeless eyes staring at a glass of tequila out of a head that was slumped forward with a neatly round hole in the center.
Stepping outside, he squinted in the hot sun and licked his lips in the dry air, and lamented that secessionists seemed to thrive in unpleasant climates. Why couldn’t there be a nest of them in Seattle? His skin would burn far less there.
Ottoman Khaif
02-05-2006, 00:48
“It is good to see you, my friend and yes the Bastion class is a excellent ships, the High Seas Fleet has number of them in service, may these ships serve your nation well in the future..” reply the Sultan, then the Sultan turn to Ambassador Landsteiner who talking to one of the Russian Imperial Guardsmen in Russian
“My god…they destroyed a perfectly good bottle of vodka……I could have got drunk…by drinking that bottle…why destroyed the liquer of life!” remark the Guard
“Because, god hates bah” reply the Ambassador in Russian, then he realize the Emperor was standing next to the Sultan and the Sultan just rolled his eyes at the exchange, no one could have seen since he was wearing sunglasses
Ambassador Landsteiner began to speak
“Ah, Emperor how’s it going…hope everything is going well and etc.” said the Ambassador in English