League of Emporers
Dictators, communists, and all other so-called rejects of the world community. A new opputunity has arrived for those who do not wish to support democracy, or its capitalist ideals. A great regional alliance in the League of Emporers, which will promote fascism, communism, and industrial fortitude, and will not look down upon those who control the lives of their people in order to protect them.rat Please friends, embrace this idea, and make it grow. I call all great emporers, and leaders to join this great revolution, and wage war on the ideals of the capitlist pigs, and the corrupt democrats.
Join the region of the League of Emporers today!
-Decreed by the great leader
Although the leader of Cravan is an Emperor, he is not a despot like you suggest. He is a monarch who is kept in check by an advanced system of checks and balances by our democratically elected Imperial Senate, Head Director (our equvalent of a Prime Minister), and the Supreme Imperial Courts.
We feel that you bring dishonor to the name of Emperor, and would never join such a corrupt and evil organiztion such as your own.
Not to mention we are a completely Capitalist nation. We don't even have a Communist party.
16-04-2006, 15:42
Pythogria is a Limited Democracy, and is capitalist (but we are considering Socialism). Thus, we must oppose you.
Dictators, communists, and all other so-called rejects of the world community. A new opputunity has arrived for those who do not wish to support democracy, or its capitalist ideals. A great regional alliance in the League of Emporers, which will promote fascism, communism, and industrial fortitude, and will not look down upon those who control the lives of their people in order to protect them.rat Please friends, embrace this idea, and make it grow. I call all great emporers, and leaders to join this great revolution, and wage war on the ideals of the capitlist pigs, and the corrupt democrats.
Join the region of the League of Emporers today!
-Decreed by the great leader
OOC: You realize that capitalism and despotism can co-exist. Capitalism is an economic style while despotism is a political style.
Dictatorship =/= Socialism
My apologies to those who misinterpereted this idea. An emporer is not senatorial or democratical, he is far from it. I am giving this adress to true emporers, of absolute monarchies, imperial dictators, and expansionist communists. There are those who say that they are emporers, but you cannot truly be a king if your power is imited by parliament.
-Decreed by the great leader
"All power and glory be unto him"
"Peace out yal"
- Viceroy Altinus Maximus :)
16-04-2006, 15:46
My apologies to those who misinterpereted this idea. An emporer is not senatorial or democratical, he is far from it. I am giving this adress to true emporers, of absolute monarchies, imperial dictators, and expansionist communists. There are those who say that they are emporers, but you cannot truly be a king if your power is imited by parliament.
-Decreed by the great leader
"All power and glory be unto him"
"Peace out yal"
- Viceroy Altinus Maximus :)
Still, we oppose you, as absolutist rulers turn corrupt very quickly, and if you cause trouble we will not hesitate to act. Do not take this as a threat, for it is not.
My apologies to those who misinterpereted this idea. An emporer is not senatorial or democratical, he is far from it. I am giving this adress to true emporers, of absolute monarchies, imperial dictators, and expansionist communists. There are those who say that they are emporers, but you cannot truly be a king if your power is imited by parliament.
-Decreed by the great leader
"All power and glory be unto him"
"Peace out yal"
- Viceroy Altinus Maximus :)
OOC: It is called a Constitutional Monarchy...
Macaronia and Raviolia
16-04-2006, 15:53
Whilst the Empire of Macaronia and Raviolia is a dictatorial empire, it is a capitalist one. The Imperial Family are in fact the heads of the major corporations. The people have never yet felt the need to vote! They are satisified that the emperor has their best interests at heart.....
We however, have absolutely no interest in your warmongering.
Good day to you, Sir.
Nova Boozia
16-04-2006, 17:03
Generalfeldmarschall Hallget surveyed the report.
"What the hell is up with this guy! How can real commies be expected to be dictatorial! Does he think Stalin was a proper, by the manifesto, Karl Marx communist?"
"Shall we invade?"
"Maybe. If the flightopian theatre doesn't look nasty."