NationStates Jolt Archive

Establishing Roots (Semi-Open)

The Island States
16-04-2006, 02:38

This is a thread concerning the establishment of two military/civilian outposts throughout the Orion Spur in the following systems:

HD 211415 (44.4 LYs from Sol - G1V type)
18 Scorpio (45.8 LYs from Sol - G1V type)

The thread is semi-open so that those who may be already be in possession of these systems (with sufficient proof of colonization or involvement) may join, as well as those with a significant interest in New Haven's actions (the Concordat, Auman, AEON, etc.)

In order to join this thread, please PM me (and in cases of colonization, proof will be required for it to be accepted).


(HD 211415 System)

A handful of destroyers emerged from hyperspace throughout the HD 211415 system, scanning each sector as they exited their hyperspace windows. "Beginning system survey," Captain Elijah Parker of the I.N.H.V. Walt Whitman FTL radioed back to Imperial Fleet Command some. "Will relay results ASAP.


Another group exited hyperspace in the 18 Scorpio System and radioed the same message as the HD 211415 expedition. The roots of the rising Imperium would be in place with the establishment of military and civilian bases on new worlds far from home...
The Island States
17-04-2006, 17:12
[Imperial Fleet Command - IFC HQ, Ashertonopolis, Colony of Asherton]

"Admiral, it would appear that both systems contain habitable planets, 18 Scorpio contains extensive asteroid fields and the other one contains a high proportion of Helium-3 rich gas giants," Mission Controller for Operation Magellan reported. "Overall, two planets with habitable characteristics have been discovered, one appears to have a stargate already on the surface and one has a stargate buried under the surface. What are your orders?"

"Determine gate coordinants for the first gate and detach an excavation team to recover the other," the Commander ordered as a sudden coffee craving kicked in. "Can someone get me a cup of coffee?"

(HD 211415)

The chevons on the stargate glowed as each one locked on the Ashertonian side. As the seventh chevron locked, a great kawoosh shot from the event horizon before it became stable, indicating that a wormhole was now active between HD 211415a and somewhere else. Similar actions would be taking place on 18 Scorpio's planet, where the gate was also above uncovered.

A team of twenty exited the gate, followed by several large cargo containers on wheels carrying the materials they would need to begin establishing a base.

"Commander, this is Pathfinder Team One," Captain John Yates radioed back through. "Atmosphere is clean and stable, no sign of danger. We're going to erect an iris on this end and get back to you."

"Understood, Captain," the Commander replied. "Fleet Command out."

"No indication of those odd hostiles that were reported when New Haven opened its first hyperspace gate," First Lieutenant Keith Birmingham reported. "We might be off their list of gates-to-go-to."

"Assume nothing, Lieutenant," Yates ordered. "Alright, we have until nightfall to get this iris established! Lets get to work people!"
The Island States
27-07-2006, 22:38
Over the next few years, minor military bases were placed on the surfaces of the two planets and their stargates rendered 'buried'. Over time, hyperspace gates were constructed in orbit and on the ground as the ships patrolling the systems changed from New Havenic to Bryn Shanderese in design (still piloted by New Havenics crews).