The Citadel (DW)
A large bleak Citadel in the Digital Web that shoots high into the sky, it is always rainy outside and dreary. It looks like a renedition of a Poe work come to life. Inside shady figures from many nations run around selling information and contacting each other. The illicit trade of these things goes tolerated in this abandoned place, but a few of the spies may infact be of the Technocratic Union.
One can easily find a quiet room to discuss matters, among one of the more bold one is a room marked with "The one true lord" is signified as the Asbenian spy room, which people are allowed to enter the room if they have some information of value.
All the spies work on a give/take system in the Citadel it seems.
Liberated New Ireland
15-04-2006, 05:09
Captain Kelly steps into the Citadel, wondering if there are any contacts from Pythogria inside.
15-04-2006, 05:13
102 looks from the top of the building. Kelly... he thinks. He jumps down, using his hacking, and lands, silently, behind Kelly.
"Hello." he says. "I've heard of you. You're Captain Kelly, aren't you?"
Liberated New Ireland
15-04-2006, 05:14
"That would be correct." He holds his hand out "And you are?"
15-04-2006, 05:16
"That would be correct." He holds his hand out "And you are?"
102 shook hands with Kelly. "I am Agent Z, leader of Pythogrian Black Ops. So, why'd you come to The Citadel? It is my HQ."
Nerd Rome
15-04-2006, 05:16
Ajac's cell phone rings. It's agent Zephyr, he thought.
"What is it, Zephyr?"
"Sire, what do you want me to do about this Citadel?"
Dang, I've heard rumors about that place.
"Try to interact as little as possible with the people there, but keep me posted on anything.....suspicious."
A cloaked figure approaches 102 and Captain Kelly and smirks, "Are either of you interested in the Asbenian Wasteland happenings?" The figure grins and a soft outline of a blackened face with a mustache is seen, his voice is a little sinister, but he seems to enjoy his work a great deal.
15-04-2006, 05:20
A cloaked figure approaches 102 and Captain Kelly and smirks, "Are either of you interested in the Asbenian Wasteland happenings?" The figure grins and a soft outline of a blackened face with a mustache is seen, his voice is a little sinister, but he seems to enjoy his work a great deal.
102 looked around at the man. "I don't know what they are, but it sounds interesting."
Liberated New Ireland
15-04-2006, 05:24
102 shook hands with Kelly. "I am Agent Z, leader of Pythogrian Black Ops. So, why'd you come to The Citadel? It is my HQ."
(I said this before Asbena walked up)
"Trying to make contacts. Back in Ireland, I have an information web that spans the whole isle. My nation knows what's happening on every corner of the island. Ever since we decided to do the right thing, and help you guys, we've been running blind. We have some basic intel on Kraven, for example, but we didn't know jack about the Leman Russ until it was blowing apart our Kerns."
15-04-2006, 05:25
(I said this before Asbena walked up)
"Trying to make contacts. Back in Ireland, I have an information web that spans the whole isle. My nation knows what's happening on every corner of the island. Ever since we decided to do the right thing, and help you guys, we've been running blind. We have some basic intel on Kraven, for example, but we didn't know jack about the Leman Russ until it was blowing apart our Kerns."
102 whispered, so the new man couldn't hear. "Well, we can help with that. As of now, I have full acsess to our whole sattelite system."
OOC: This is actually information that the rest of the NS world doesn't know about for twenty NS YEARS.
The man smiles and produces a set of pictures, "Asbena has been secretly mining a deep trail under the Wastelands, sending thousands of troops and forced labor of criminals to build a railway to the Northern Sea. There they are planning to lay down the largest ships in history make out of this stuff."
Produces a piece of Pykrete and even though it is digital, the model is absolutely stunning and could pass for a real life piece of Pykrete.
"This is Pykrete. They are mixing water with about 14% wood pulp before freezing it in a massive machine. They are going to build cheap boats out of it and are planning to dominate the Artic seas with these monsterous creations."
The spy asks, "Does this interest you?"
Liberated New Ireland
15-04-2006, 05:27
102 whispered, so the new man couldn't hear. "Well, we can help with that. As of now, I have full acsess to our whole sattelite system."
Cpt. Kelly grinned. "Like a dream come true."
15-04-2006, 05:27
OOC: This is actually information that the rest of the NS world doesn't know about for twenty NS YEARS.
The man smiles and produces a set of pictures, "Asbena has been secretly mining a deep trail under the Wastelands, sending thousands of troops and forced labor of criminals to build a railway to the Northern Sea. There they are planning to lay down the largest ships in history make out of this stuff."
Produces a piece of Pykrete and even though it is digital, the model is absolutely stunning and could pass for a real life piece of Pykrete.
"This is Pykrete. They are mixing water with about 14% wood pulp before freezing it in a massive machine. They are going to build cheap boats out of it and are planning to dominate the Artic seas with these monsterous creations."
The spy asks, "Does this interest you?"
"Hmm... This does look interesting. But to be quite blunt, I would not want to see a thermite ICBM hit this."
15-04-2006, 05:28
Cpt. Kelly grinned. "Like a dream come true."
"Indeed. Here..." He used the Attachment feature and added the pictures to Kelly's memory, "As you see, Kraven is heavily defended."
Liberated New Ireland
15-04-2006, 05:29
"Hmm... This does look interesting. But to be quite blunt, I would not want to see a thermite ICBM hit this."
Kelly snorts. "Hell, I wouldn't want to see a match hit it."
15-04-2006, 05:30
Kelly snorts. "Hell, I wouldn't want to see a match hit it."
"Well, actually, Pykrete doesn't melt by a match. Not easily, anyway. It'd need to stay there for days. But thermitre is deadly."
Liberated New Ireland
15-04-2006, 05:30
"Indeed. Here..." He used the Attachment feature and added the pictures to Kelly's memory, "As you see, Kraven is heavily defended."
"Well, I am more curious about Kraven forces in Icica. We'll worry about the homeland later."
15-04-2006, 05:32
"Well, I am more curious about Kraven forces in Icica. We'll worry about the homeland later."
"Then..." he did the same thing again, "Here they are. It's not good either."
The spy grins, "That has little effect on it sadly, the ships are resistant to most missiles and bombs because of their properties to asborb the weapon and bullets and reform ice around them and not let them explode, or if they explode on contact the blast damage is minimal! A timed weapon would work fine, but it doesn't split well either."
The spy shows a complex missile that appears to be a hypersonic missile.
"These work wonders, it fractures the whole super structure on most of them, even if they don't explode, they cannot defend themselves, its the flaw of the whole material!"
15-04-2006, 05:35
The spy grins, "That has little effect on it sadly, the ships are resistant to most missiles and bombs because of their properties to asborb the weapon and bullets and reform ice around them and not let them explode, or if they explode on contact the blast damage is minimal! A timed weapon would work fine, but it doesn't split well either."
The spy shows a complex missile that appears to be a hypersonic missile.
"These work wonders, it fractures the whole super structure on most of them, even if they don't explode, they cannot defend themselves, its the flaw of the whole material!"
"Well, Pythogria has 500 thermite ICBMs. If used, they have enough thermite to melt through 100 feet of Pykrete, each, in our tests."
Liberated New Ireland
15-04-2006, 05:37
"So, does Pykrete work anywhere outside of the North Sea?"
15-04-2006, 05:38
"So, does Pykrete work anywhere outside of the North Sea?"
"With refridgeration, it'd work in the Erarz Desert."
Liberated New Ireland
15-04-2006, 05:40
"With refridgeration, it'd work in the Erarz Desert."
"As in, like, a refridgerator?"
Produces what appears to be a copy of the blueprints for a massive carrier that dwarfs the Nimitz carriers.
"Behold, my friends. The behemoth of the seas. It is over a mile long and is heavily armored, thermite is weak against this armoured super carrier, though if you look closely you see that the design plans have a flaw just 8 feet below the flight deck. The armor plating ends and you could split the entire armor siding off and send it crashing on the rest of the flight deck with a well placed shot."
Nerd Rome
15-04-2006, 05:44
"What is it Zephyr?"
"You said to keep you posted on anything suspicious."
"I'll keep you updated."
15-04-2006, 05:45
Produces what appears to be a copy of the blueprints for a massive carrier that dwarfs the Nimitz carriers.
"Behold, my friends. The behemoth of the seas. It is over a mile long and is heavily armored, thermite is weak against this armoured super carrier, though if you look closely you see that the design plans have a flaw just 8 feet below the flight deck. The armor plating ends and you could split the entire armor siding off and send it crashing on the rest of the flight deck with a well placed shot."
"Seems good enough... but how can it resist thermite, especially in large amounts?"
Liberated New Ireland
15-04-2006, 05:48
"Seems good enough... but how can it resist thermite, especially in large amounts?"
"How could it resist the sun and a magnifying glass?" (Cpt. Kelly just isn't taking this seriously at all, is he?)
15-04-2006, 05:49
"How could it resist the sun and a magnifying glass?" (Cpt. Kelly just isn't taking this seriously at all, is he?)
"Easily. But could it resist a REALLY big one? We have that, two of the, called Orbital Flares. They can focus sunlight onto stuff."
The spy nods, "They have a strong insulator against heat and a deck armor plating that is supposed to be 48" thick. It is made to take hits even if the armor is stripped away to! Its ability to self-repair is incredible. However most will be small ships that will easily be destroyed with the weapon though."
15-04-2006, 05:52
The spy nods, "They have a strong insulator against heat and a deck armor plating that is supposed to be 48" thick. It is made to take hits even if the armor is stripped away to! Its ability to self-repair is incredible. However most will be small ships that will easily be destroyed with the weapon though."
"48" thick? You do realize this will not be able to move over two miles per hour?"
The spy nods, "They appear to be compensating for a steel shell and massive nuclear reactors to push it. We'll see all in time though."
15-04-2006, 05:58
The spy nods, "They appear to be compensating for a steel shell and massive nuclear reactors to push it. We'll see all in time though."
"Well, good luck. I'm pretty sure Pythogria would want one, if it worked."
OOC: Did and already replied.
The spy nods, "As allies you would be entitled to it, although the government probably won't release this baby. Its a two decade project."
15-04-2006, 06:02
OOC: Did and already replied.
The spy nods, "As allies you would be entitled to it, although the government probably won't release this baby. Its a two decade project."
"I'll be looking forward to it."
The spy smiles, "And what news do you bring of Pythogria's exploits?"
15-04-2006, 06:05
The spy smiles, "And what news do you bring of Pythogria's exploits?"
"Well, we've begu na military build-up, with new designs and all, and we're being invaded by Kraven Corporation."
"You know if you send a message to Asbena they will probably side with Pythogria and help stop Kraven. Though you didn't hear that from me. "
15-04-2006, 06:13
"You know if you send a message to Asbena they will probably side with Pythogria and help stop Kraven. Though you didn't hear that from me. "
"No, we have all the help we'll need."
OOC: That and the thread's closed.
OOC: No its not...its supposed to pick up after a scene.
-----------------Action END----------------
15-04-2006, 06:16
OOC: No its not...its supposed to pick up after a scene.
-----------------Action END----------------
OOC: What? No, the Kraven invasion of Pythogria thread is closed, only players already entered can participate.
OOC: What? No, the Kraven invasion of Pythogria thread is closed, only players already entered can participate.
OOC: Oh alright. Nvm lol. ^-^