The Re-united States
12-04-2006, 23:33
The guns of battle still fired on the border-states. The artillery still roared and deafened the ears of those near the border. The Confederate Navy still fought the remnants of the Union naval ships. Though this meant little, victory was secured. It had been a hard fight, a bitter fight, a fight that would put the First Civil War to shame. Even as he, President Clyde Massey, straightened his tie and fixed his grey business suit and combed his hair--the battle still raged. Espically in Boston where the remnants of the Union Northeastern Armies fought with great bitterness as if defeat meant death--which is did. He smiled, he grew up an American, he would die a Confederate. Something that just ten years ago people would have laughed at. For generations the children of the South said "The South Shall Rise Again", if only a symbol of their Southern heritage, little did they know when they said it as children, that as adults they would be called to do just that--bring the South back to life. How it occured was still a blur to Clyde, even when he reflected back on it.
It began during the fall of Christianity in America--when the ideals of morals and spirituality died when several laws were passed such as the legalization of most narcotics, the legalization of homosexual marriage, along with the banning of the Confederate Flag to be flown as it was a symbol of 'racism' they declared. They would be the Federal Government, the former rulers of what is now the Union of American States. As Christianity fell, a dark cloud fell upon the Southern States. With most of these states being naturally poor, the legalization of drugs erroded the Southern Society, and the last remnants of the Confederacy were banned by the government in the name of tolerance and equality--the South began to implode. What worked in the North, was killing the South and even the West. This let to the already poor Southern economy to eventually collapse in itself. Riots, violence, and militia uprisings threaten the Federal Government's control of the region. Troops were brought into the Southern States to try to calm the situtation and with them came much aid. Though nothing, not even the prized American military could stop the tide that was spreading across the Southern States. The militias entered into gureilla warfare against the Federal Troops, and the situtation got world-wide attention as many called it the "Death of the American Union". Regardless of how radical that may have sounded at the time--it was actually happen. When a Federal Base was attack in Alabama by militias and eventually laid siege to by various militias it got a lot of media attention within the Union. When the militias stormed the Federal Base, everyone expected them to fail, but they didn't. They won the battle, and with the cameras roling the United States watched as the banished Confederate flag was risen into the sky. The flag once again became a sign and symbol of Southern Revolution. Washington attempted to see in my Federal Troops, but when the National Guard units of various Southern States started ambushing them, the United States pulled their forces across into safer States and prepared for a full scale invasion of the South. In the mean time the remaining Federal Bases in the South were attacked and captured. The American military began to splinter as the Southern States one-by-one broke away and declared independance. Only when the Southern States realized that they had all exited the Union together did they join together and appoint Gordon Christian as temporary President of the Confederacy.
The war that ensued was generally one-sided, but still bitterly fought. It was only when the Confederates launched their attack against the North did the losses begin to mount on both sides. Regardless, when New York fell into Confederate hands along with Santa Fe, Detroit, Cleveland, and Pittsburg did the Union collapse. When the Union collapse, the Confederacy moved into to finish off the Union and complete its succession. That is where the Confederate States of America stood today--or as it had been renamed the Reunited States of America. The Union of American States was the new establishment in the Northern States and those that remained with the Federal Government when the South broke away. It had come under the rule of an iron-fisted dictator--as some saw that as the only way for the North to remain strong in the face of Reunited Agression.
Though things were different in the Reunited States of America, or the RSA as it was sometimes called. There were three major parties, the Liberty Party, the Confederated Party, and the Republican Party. The latter of those three, luckily, had no relations with the Republican Party of the Old Union. He himself was in fact apart of the Republican Party, and in the recent elections he had won. The main issues weren't anything that the other parties didn't agree with him on--removing corruption that the Federal Government had left on the Reunited Society. He smirked has he finished fixing himself up, when about that time a knock came at the door.
"What is it," he exclaimed in annoyance of being interrupted.
"Sir, your ride is here, to take you to the Dixie House," said a voice behind the door.
Cylde sighed has he grabbed his papers, which had his speech on them and walked to the door. He opened it to see a tall, white figure of Mikel Bryan, his personal butler. Cylde smiled at him, "Today is the day, Mikel." The butler nodded and motioned for the soon-to-be President to follow him. Clyde exited his three story, red brick sitting on a ten acre plot of land, mansion and headed towards the black limo parked at the end of the driveway with a man in a black suit standing next to the door awaiting for him to get close enough to open the door. In front of and behind the cars were Hummers, military grade, to defend the President's journey to Dixie House, which was prehaps an hours drive. The Union Dictator, Daron Chapman, had promised him a bullet before all this was said and done. He cast such a fear from his mind--the Union was crushed, the Reunited States stood to take its rightful claim to Inependance--no fool in an underground bunker somewhere in Maine was going to ruin this day. The motorcade drove off slowly after Cylde entered the limo. The route to Richmond was scarred with the signs of battle. Entire forests and patches of trees were burned to the ground, fields blackened by Union fire bombs, the smoke from the months of burning and conintuned burning of some parts of Viriginia made both the air foul and the eyes burn as a greyish cloud covered the air. As the motorcade passed various towns they looked like hallow shells of what they once were, people picking up the remnants of their shattered lives, bums lined the streets, while thugs and gangsters were dragged off by soldiers of the Reunited States. Though when the motorcade pased by, they all knew who it was, and soldiers gave a proud salute to a man whom they already considered their leader. Gordon just wasn't a very good leader, and for the most part General Pierce was in control of the nation. That was another man he had to deal with upon taking office. Though after seeing the scars of war, the land scortched--to see the grand city of Richmond, the Capital of the Reunited States appear in the distance was a sigh of relief. Richmond had been sparred major fighting. The lands around it was the site of major battles, but the Federal Armies retreated after loosing here, not having enough manpower to even hope to hold Richmond.
As the motorcade entered the city, the citizens were already lined up on the road praising him as he drove by. He smiled as he looked forward, as they drove down and turned down various inner cities roads and eventually come upon an old Court House, the Dixie House was located nearby, but the ceremony wouldn't be held there for fear of security risks. The limo made a sharp turn and stopped about a hundred yards from the stage which was set up to begin his inaguration. A Cylde exited the vehicle, he knew the path clear before him was his symbolic path to power, lined with people, people who supported him since he entered politics when the Union was still around. He took his first step and slowly walked down the path, as thousands of people cheered. He could feel the power, the pride, and the undying loyalty of the people. He eventually made his way to the stage where upon it was the former President of the Reunited States--Gordon Chrisitan with a smile on his face. He no more wanted to be President than the Union wanted to loose the South. In his hand was the Holy Bible, a book Cylde enjoyed very much and tried to follow at all times, Christinaity and the South were something inseperable. He would ensure that this new Reunited States would recieve the Word of God in some way, some how. He eventually reached Gordon who extended his hand, which Cylde shook with a smile on his face.
"Are you ready?" asked Gordon. Cylde simply noded his head. Gordon nodded back in confirmation and stepped up to the mircophone that was attached to the podium on the stage.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Reunited States of America," exclaimed Gordon, "I, President Gordon Christian of the Reunited States of America, a God-fearing man, a soldier for the Reunited States hereby accept the duty and consider it an honor to pass my power onto Clyde Massey!"
The crowd cheered in joy and praise. Gordon then turned to Cylde who stood next to the podium, and presented him with the Holy Bible. Clyde put his right hand on the holy book of God. Gordon continued, "Cylde Massey do you hereby pledge to uphold the Articles of Confederation which hold together these Reunited States? Do you promise to maintain this Confederation of God-fearing States? Do you promise to act in its best interests and to ensure its security, regardless of personal security?"
"I do," stated Cylde. The crowd's cheers were almost deafening.
Gordon turned back to the people, "I present to you, the President of the Reunited States of America!"
Cylde took over from there and lifted his hand immiedately as the crowd went quiet he decided to deliver his speech.
"Ten years ago, the ideal of a Reunited States of America was so far from the minds of educated men and woman, that even saying it would ever happen was considering laughable--to think it would have happened in the next ten years was itself almost insane. Though God has blessed us, He has called upon us to stand for the rights of the States, and all of all men and pledge our alligance to the commonwealth and humanitarianism of all peoples--regardless of race, sex, creed, or religion.
We stand on the forefront of a new era--an era of liberty and freedom. The Union as we know it has collapsed and a dictatorship now surpresses the freedom of the people of the Union of American States. We, the Reunited States of America, did not fall into such sins, into such low roads of morality. We survived, we maintained, and we kept republicanism alive in the war which has come to be known as the War of Southern Freedom. I can only say that we will continue to survive. No foreign nation will surpress our freedom, no dictatorship in a lost Union will lay claim to our lands. No force in the world, save the Almighty Creator Himself, can prevent our raise to great status in the World. For we can do nothing else."
The guns of battle still fired on the border-states. The artillery still roared and deafened the ears of those near the border. The Confederate Navy still fought the remnants of the Union naval ships. Though this meant little, victory was secured. It had been a hard fight, a bitter fight, a fight that would put the First Civil War to shame. Even as he, President Clyde Massey, straightened his tie and fixed his grey business suit and combed his hair--the battle still raged. Espically in Boston where the remnants of the Union Northeastern Armies fought with great bitterness as if defeat meant death--which is did. He smiled, he grew up an American, he would die a Confederate. Something that just ten years ago people would have laughed at. For generations the children of the South said "The South Shall Rise Again", if only a symbol of their Southern heritage, little did they know when they said it as children, that as adults they would be called to do just that--bring the South back to life. How it occured was still a blur to Clyde, even when he reflected back on it.
It began during the fall of Christianity in America--when the ideals of morals and spirituality died when several laws were passed such as the legalization of most narcotics, the legalization of homosexual marriage, along with the banning of the Confederate Flag to be flown as it was a symbol of 'racism' they declared. They would be the Federal Government, the former rulers of what is now the Union of American States. As Christianity fell, a dark cloud fell upon the Southern States. With most of these states being naturally poor, the legalization of drugs erroded the Southern Society, and the last remnants of the Confederacy were banned by the government in the name of tolerance and equality--the South began to implode. What worked in the North, was killing the South and even the West. This let to the already poor Southern economy to eventually collapse in itself. Riots, violence, and militia uprisings threaten the Federal Government's control of the region. Troops were brought into the Southern States to try to calm the situtation and with them came much aid. Though nothing, not even the prized American military could stop the tide that was spreading across the Southern States. The militias entered into gureilla warfare against the Federal Troops, and the situtation got world-wide attention as many called it the "Death of the American Union". Regardless of how radical that may have sounded at the time--it was actually happen. When a Federal Base was attack in Alabama by militias and eventually laid siege to by various militias it got a lot of media attention within the Union. When the militias stormed the Federal Base, everyone expected them to fail, but they didn't. They won the battle, and with the cameras roling the United States watched as the banished Confederate flag was risen into the sky. The flag once again became a sign and symbol of Southern Revolution. Washington attempted to see in my Federal Troops, but when the National Guard units of various Southern States started ambushing them, the United States pulled their forces across into safer States and prepared for a full scale invasion of the South. In the mean time the remaining Federal Bases in the South were attacked and captured. The American military began to splinter as the Southern States one-by-one broke away and declared independance. Only when the Southern States realized that they had all exited the Union together did they join together and appoint Gordon Christian as temporary President of the Confederacy.
The war that ensued was generally one-sided, but still bitterly fought. It was only when the Confederates launched their attack against the North did the losses begin to mount on both sides. Regardless, when New York fell into Confederate hands along with Santa Fe, Detroit, Cleveland, and Pittsburg did the Union collapse. When the Union collapse, the Confederacy moved into to finish off the Union and complete its succession. That is where the Confederate States of America stood today--or as it had been renamed the Reunited States of America. The Union of American States was the new establishment in the Northern States and those that remained with the Federal Government when the South broke away. It had come under the rule of an iron-fisted dictator--as some saw that as the only way for the North to remain strong in the face of Reunited Agression.
Though things were different in the Reunited States of America, or the RSA as it was sometimes called. There were three major parties, the Liberty Party, the Confederated Party, and the Republican Party. The latter of those three, luckily, had no relations with the Republican Party of the Old Union. He himself was in fact apart of the Republican Party, and in the recent elections he had won. The main issues weren't anything that the other parties didn't agree with him on--removing corruption that the Federal Government had left on the Reunited Society. He smirked has he finished fixing himself up, when about that time a knock came at the door.
"What is it," he exclaimed in annoyance of being interrupted.
"Sir, your ride is here, to take you to the Dixie House," said a voice behind the door.
Cylde sighed has he grabbed his papers, which had his speech on them and walked to the door. He opened it to see a tall, white figure of Mikel Bryan, his personal butler. Cylde smiled at him, "Today is the day, Mikel." The butler nodded and motioned for the soon-to-be President to follow him. Clyde exited his three story, red brick sitting on a ten acre plot of land, mansion and headed towards the black limo parked at the end of the driveway with a man in a black suit standing next to the door awaiting for him to get close enough to open the door. In front of and behind the cars were Hummers, military grade, to defend the President's journey to Dixie House, which was prehaps an hours drive. The Union Dictator, Daron Chapman, had promised him a bullet before all this was said and done. He cast such a fear from his mind--the Union was crushed, the Reunited States stood to take its rightful claim to Inependance--no fool in an underground bunker somewhere in Maine was going to ruin this day. The motorcade drove off slowly after Cylde entered the limo. The route to Richmond was scarred with the signs of battle. Entire forests and patches of trees were burned to the ground, fields blackened by Union fire bombs, the smoke from the months of burning and conintuned burning of some parts of Viriginia made both the air foul and the eyes burn as a greyish cloud covered the air. As the motorcade passed various towns they looked like hallow shells of what they once were, people picking up the remnants of their shattered lives, bums lined the streets, while thugs and gangsters were dragged off by soldiers of the Reunited States. Though when the motorcade pased by, they all knew who it was, and soldiers gave a proud salute to a man whom they already considered their leader. Gordon just wasn't a very good leader, and for the most part General Pierce was in control of the nation. That was another man he had to deal with upon taking office. Though after seeing the scars of war, the land scortched--to see the grand city of Richmond, the Capital of the Reunited States appear in the distance was a sigh of relief. Richmond had been sparred major fighting. The lands around it was the site of major battles, but the Federal Armies retreated after loosing here, not having enough manpower to even hope to hold Richmond.
As the motorcade entered the city, the citizens were already lined up on the road praising him as he drove by. He smiled as he looked forward, as they drove down and turned down various inner cities roads and eventually come upon an old Court House, the Dixie House was located nearby, but the ceremony wouldn't be held there for fear of security risks. The limo made a sharp turn and stopped about a hundred yards from the stage which was set up to begin his inaguration. A Cylde exited the vehicle, he knew the path clear before him was his symbolic path to power, lined with people, people who supported him since he entered politics when the Union was still around. He took his first step and slowly walked down the path, as thousands of people cheered. He could feel the power, the pride, and the undying loyalty of the people. He eventually made his way to the stage where upon it was the former President of the Reunited States--Gordon Chrisitan with a smile on his face. He no more wanted to be President than the Union wanted to loose the South. In his hand was the Holy Bible, a book Cylde enjoyed very much and tried to follow at all times, Christinaity and the South were something inseperable. He would ensure that this new Reunited States would recieve the Word of God in some way, some how. He eventually reached Gordon who extended his hand, which Cylde shook with a smile on his face.
"Are you ready?" asked Gordon. Cylde simply noded his head. Gordon nodded back in confirmation and stepped up to the mircophone that was attached to the podium on the stage.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Reunited States of America," exclaimed Gordon, "I, President Gordon Christian of the Reunited States of America, a God-fearing man, a soldier for the Reunited States hereby accept the duty and consider it an honor to pass my power onto Clyde Massey!"
The crowd cheered in joy and praise. Gordon then turned to Cylde who stood next to the podium, and presented him with the Holy Bible. Clyde put his right hand on the holy book of God. Gordon continued, "Cylde Massey do you hereby pledge to uphold the Articles of Confederation which hold together these Reunited States? Do you promise to maintain this Confederation of God-fearing States? Do you promise to act in its best interests and to ensure its security, regardless of personal security?"
"I do," stated Cylde. The crowd's cheers were almost deafening.
Gordon turned back to the people, "I present to you, the President of the Reunited States of America!"
Cylde took over from there and lifted his hand immiedately as the crowd went quiet he decided to deliver his speech.
"Ten years ago, the ideal of a Reunited States of America was so far from the minds of educated men and woman, that even saying it would ever happen was considering laughable--to think it would have happened in the next ten years was itself almost insane. Though God has blessed us, He has called upon us to stand for the rights of the States, and all of all men and pledge our alligance to the commonwealth and humanitarianism of all peoples--regardless of race, sex, creed, or religion.
We stand on the forefront of a new era--an era of liberty and freedom. The Union as we know it has collapsed and a dictatorship now surpresses the freedom of the people of the Union of American States. We, the Reunited States of America, did not fall into such sins, into such low roads of morality. We survived, we maintained, and we kept republicanism alive in the war which has come to be known as the War of Southern Freedom. I can only say that we will continue to survive. No foreign nation will surpress our freedom, no dictatorship in a lost Union will lay claim to our lands. No force in the world, save the Almighty Creator Himself, can prevent our raise to great status in the World. For we can do nothing else."