10-04-2006, 20:38
For the fourth time in its history, the Merkar Republic has opened up its production lines to a new generation of spacecraft. All Merkari designs are reliable, technologically advanced, and have several redundant features that will ensure survival through the heaviest abuse. Our stuff is rugged and at the same time stealthy and potent. If you were looking for ages for a storefront that emphasised reliability and quality, this is it!
- First time buyers- Make a purchase of at least $10 billion and get a squadron of Kevinashaya fighters free!
- New nations (under 1 billion pop): 70% off all products
- Democracies and human rights supporters: 50% off
One mark= 1% the speed of light
Note of FTL: Merkar uses jumpgates. If you want hyperdrives or similar systems on your craft, give us the designs and we will add them on for a slightly higher price.
Information on the armor material used on spacecraft
Durtan: The hardest mass-producible material known to Merkar. It is too expensive to cover an entire spacecraft with, but is used in certain areas that recieve a lot of stress, like ramming spikes and reactor walls. About 200,000 times stronger than carbon steel.
Scythium: An artificial metal. Scythium is flexible against kinetic-energy rounds, and it allows them to pass inside its mass while surrounding the projectile with high-friction material to halt its progress. Against energy rounds (like lasers), it dissipates the impact across its surface area, eventually chanelling most of it into space. About 10,000 times stronger than carbon steel.
Sesium 43: A mass-produced version of Scythium that has the same basic characteristics but is less refined. 5,000 times stronger than carbon steel.
Metal alloy: This refers to a wide range of metal alloys used by Merkari industry. Typically, they are a few hundred times stronger than carbon steel.
The Merkari navy does not use energy shields. This is for two reasons: one, it is unable to develop its own efficiently, and two, it intends to use its spacecraft to ram enemies, which requires a strong hull.
Descritption of weapons
Mk II Antimatter Torpedoes: Costs $25 million apiece. With a range of half a million kilometers and a speed of .1 Mark, these missiles are slow but pack a heavy punch. They are only 20 meters long, but carry enough antimatter to damage a superdreadnought. They are typically detonated at a range of 4,000 kilometers from a target and unleash a concentrated tachyon burst that defeats or degrades shields ahead of the antimatter cluster. However, they can be detonated at ranges of up to 50,000 kilometers with a loss of accuracy and destructive power. A large artificially intelligent onboard computer can defeat almost all countermeasure attempts.
Point-defence plasma cannons: Plasma shards dissipate rapidly, but pack a powerful punch. These point-defence weapons are meant to kill enemy fighters and short-range missiles by creating a very dense concentration of accurate firepower.
Revoyyen Class Stealth Cruiser
Maximum safe speed: Mk 10
Propulsion: Tachyon-burst drive
Armament: 1,000 Mk II antimatter torpedoes: can fire bombardment missiles and fighters from its six docking bays; can carry up to 207 heavy fighters such as the Kevinashaya class. 4,000 point-defence plasma cannons, range 2,000 kilometers, are also carried. The bow is hardened with Durtan and can be used effectively for ramming.
Armor: 1.5 meters of electrified Scythium on outer hull; secondary hull is 9 meters further into craft and is composed of an inch of metal alloy
Endurance: Recycling tanks allow reuse of all resources necessary for survival, so crew can survive indefinetly. The tachyon drive will last for about a quarter of a light-year (2 1/2 earth years) of space travel at Mk. 10.
Max. Length: 2,132 meters
Max. Width: 364 meters
Mass: 225,508 metric tons
Manuverability: 37 degrees/ second at max speed; considerably more at slower speeds
Crew: 102 officers required to run ship in leadership positions; most of the vessel is automated. Pilots of the fighter aircraft being carried must also be included.
Cost: $47.5 billion, does not include fighters; antimatter torpedoes cost $25 million apiece and a full load is $25 billion, which is included in cost.
Production time: Four earth years
The Revoyyen Class Stealth Cruiser is intended for navies that intend to avoid contact with the enemy, and use their superior reconassaince capability to bombard them with torpedoes at long range. This class embodies all of the Merkari traits of stealth and indirectness into a deadly package that makes best use of our high-quality computing and senor equipment.
The Revoyyen (named after the admiral of the Merkari fleet during the J'kran Conquest) design incorporates several emission-reduction features. For one, the relatively small size of the ship makes it much less obvious than a large battlestar. Thorough use of heat sink metals and areas minimize infrared signature. Radar Absorbent Material make it undetectable to that ancient sensor system, and secondary layers degrade X-ray, neutron, and other scans . Graviton activity within the ship and near its hull is controlled. Standard image-modifying equipment makes the craft invisible to optical sensors at all but the closest combat ranges. These are only a few of the features that make the Revoyyen possibly the stealthiest ship without a pricey cloaking device on the market.
Some argue that a smaller ship also has less sensor capability and so will not be able to spot a larger enemy first, but this is not true. In space, a point of diminishing returns is reached very quickly as sensors get larger and larger- a 10-mile-wide telescope can't see much less than what a 20-mile-wide one can, and this applies to any detection device in cosmic situations. Not only that, smaller ships will be able to data-link their sensor arrays together into one, making them just as capable as larger vessels. In fact, they will probably have a significant advantage, as these datalinked sensors will be spread farther apart (maximizing the sample area) and can confirm unidentified contacts by redundancy and triangulation. A fleet of Revoyyens will be able to detect a larger enemy a very long time before they are spotted. Not only that, but their fighter and scout craft will provide reconassaince at an even greater range.
Once the enemy is spotted, he can be engaged either by fighter aircraft or with antimatter torpedoes (see "Description of weapons" near the top of the thread). The excellent fighters are described in their separate entry. The antimatter torpedoes have a very long range, and although they may take days to get to their target, they can be launched in such number as to overwhelm the few enemy anti-missile guns that have the range to shoot at them (they detonate at a distance of at least 2,000 kilometers, out of range of most point-defence weapons). The cruiser class, however, is slow and lacks an intermediate armament, and depends on clever strategy to be used to best effect.
Should the enemy get too close, the vessel has a durtan ramming spike mounted on its hull. Durtan is 200,000 times harder than carbon steel, and should be able to tear through anything it comes across. This ship lacks an energy shield, but has relatively strong armor that is meant to compensate. Although not as hardy as most sheilding, this protection is only meant to be used as a last resort, as these cruisers should be kept away from direct contact with a strong enemy. But when your back is against the wall, expect the Revoyyen's strong hull to smash its way through the flimsy enemy armada.
Kevinashaya Class Fighter
Maximum safe speed: Mk 1 in space; too heavy for atmospheric flight
Propulsion: Tachyon-burst drive
Armament: One railgun; can fire either Gauss or kinetic-energy ammunition
Armor: 1 meter of Sesium 43; electrical defense system (see text)
Endurance: 12.6 hours of movement at Mk 1 speed
Max. Length: 25 meters
Max. Width: 8 meters
Mass: 304 tons
Manuverability: 670 degrees/second at max speed; more at lower speeds
Crew: 2; pilot and digital systems operator
Cost: $4 billion
Production time: One year
This fighter costs as much as what most nations would pay for a frigate. But in every space war that Merkar has fought, its light spacecraft have proved to be the decisive advantage, even when facing vastly superior foes. The Talon, Hercules, and Eagle classes all have high places in the history of combat, and the Kevinashaya its the continuation of this proud heritage. Heavy and expensive, it can only be carried by suitably equipped capital ships, but is well worth the effort.
Central to this design is the high skill required of the pilots flying it. All Merkari fighter pilots, men or women, are genetically modified to have a reaction speed over ten times that of a normal human. Constant practice and training ensure that their fighting elan remains sharp, and because this craft is more expensive than most it is purchased in smaller numbers and requires a smaller pilot corps, meaning that it is possible to concentrate more training funding on the few pilots you do need. This is why our spacemen have routinely come out as the most experienced in all the battles they have fought.
Armor is provided by a meter of Sesium 43, but this is not the main defence. What has the most stopping power is the brand-new electrical defense system concept. A tightly-wound tachyon field surrounds the ship, much like an energy sheild. But when this detection field is seriously disrupted by an incoming laser, plasma, or other negatively-charged blast, the faster-than-light tachyons signal the Kevinashaya's central computer to direct a surge of protons to an area near the affected sector. The negatively-charged particles in the incoming energy shard are attracted to this proton surge, drawing them away from the ship and dispersing their destructive effect. Tests have shown this to be highly effective, and the light tachyon field exhausts itself only after several minutes of constant impacts.
Lastly, a single railgun is mounted on the right side of the nose. Like all the other elements of the design, it is reliable, features several redundant features, and can easily be removed by maintenance crews as part of the nose panel. The weapon can fire either Gauss or kinetic-energy (KE) slugs- this flexibility is built in to allow ammo to change in accordance with enemy weaknesses. Shields tend to be most effective against energy weapons, while armor is best against explosives and KE attacks (note that a few nations, for example Star Wars equipment users, may design their equipment in a way so that the reverse is true). If your enemy has strong shields, use KE rounds, while if his armor is strong, load up on Gauss packages. Either way, the railgun is extremely powerful and will rip through even some capital ship hulls. An advanced fire-control system, coupled with the experience of Merkari pilots, results in kill rates of 80% on 5-round bursts at 4,000 kilometers- a greater range than any other fighter cannon can even shoot! Powerful weaponry computers are an important part of Kevinashaya's space superiority capability, and will allow you the accuracy to dominate the enemy defenses at a range that they cannot even retalitate from.
Space Utility Vehicle (SUV)
Maximum safe speed: Mk 1 in space; 800 kph in atmopshere
Propulsion: Tachyon-burst drive, with additional turbofan engines for atmospheric flight
Armament: None in basic model; see text for add-ons
Cargp capacity: 1,200 cubic meters of storage space; cannot carry more than 5 tons of cargo when being used for atmospheric flight.
Armor: 2 centimeters of ceramic on top of .5 centimeter of metal alloy
Endurance: 28 hours of movement at Mk 1 speed
Max. Length: 39 meters
Max. Width: 13 meters
Mass: 5 tons
Manuverability: 106 degrees/second at max speed
Crew: 3; pilot, copilot, systems officer
Cost: $120 million for basic version; see text for add-ons
Production time: Three months
The Space Utility Vehicle, abbreviated SUV, is a general-purpose platform that has plenty of room for additional equipment. The basic model contains the normal cargo bay, and can be used for transport in or out of planetary atmospheres or as a starport "space tug". The SUV is excellent if you are looking for a multi-capability unit that can quickly be outfitted for different missions as the situation dictates. The following upgrade pacakges can be purchased and added on or removed from the vessel as the situation dictates:
Reconassaince. Cost: $800 million. This package contains sophisticated sensor equipment that allow your vehicle to scout ahead of the fleet. It adds an extra 10 tons to the mass, and will make the craft too heavy for atmospheric travel.
Cloaking. Cost: $1.7 billion. The cloaking package is best used with the Reconassaince package, as it allows you to hide the presence of your spacecraft to all but the most sensitive recievers. This will give you a stealthy scout, able to spy on well-guarded enemy positions. Adds 2.5 tons to the mass.
Self-defence. Cost: $2.3 million. An accurate fire-control system is complemented by four plasma cannons. This system is mounted on the vessel's exterior racks, and so does not hog space away from the other add-ons you buy. Adds .4 tons to mass.
Electronic intel. Cost: $1 billion. This package carries electronic jamming and interception equipment that will allow you to intercept and disrupt enemy subspace, tachyon-wave, and other communication. It also carries encryption equipment that can be used to protect your own signals. Adds 4 tons to the weight.
Note on designations:
We identify our SUV models by adding the first letter of the package name after the vessel. For example, our SUVs equipped with Reconassaince equipment are called "SUVR", those with cloaking ability are "SUVC", and those with self-defence, reconassaince, and electronic intel are designated "SUVSRE".
Class IIIM Assault and Replenishment Transport
Maximum safe speed: Mk 15
Propulsion: Plasma-pulse drive
Armament: 2,000 plasma point-defence cannons; has two large docking bays that can be converted into cargo space or hold about 500 Kevinashaya fighters or three times that number in cargo launches (neither of these craft come with the ship)
Cargo capacity: 1.08 billion cubic meters of storage space; 100,000 human-sized (2 meters or less tall) men can be carried
Armor: 2 meters of Sesium 43
Endurance: Six months (.075 lightyears) of travel at maximum speed
Max. Length: 3,045 meters
Max. Width: 608 meters
Mass: 132,407 tons
Manuverability: Approximately 5 degrees/second
Crew: 54 officers are required for leadership positions, rest of the ship is automated.
Cost: $14 billion
Production time: Two years
The Class IIIM is the fourth-generation replacement of our navy's previous standard transport, the Katanga class. It is a massive vessel that can transport over 100,000 soldiers in its cargo bay. As it cannot perform atmospheric travel, it is necessary to purchase some kind of space launches (like the SUV class, see above) to carry cargo down to a planet's surface. Its two large docking bays can also carry fighters, but the IIIM is equipped with only point defence weapons, minimal emission-reduction ("stealth") features, and light armor for its size, meaning that it should not be used as a warship. The massive cargo bay has 1.08 billion cubic meters of empty space, and the "top" of the vessel opens up so that prefabricated quarters can be loaded inside and used to transport men (the bay itself has no life support, so you will need to load some onboard).
For the fourth time in its history, the Merkar Republic has opened up its production lines to a new generation of spacecraft. All Merkari designs are reliable, technologically advanced, and have several redundant features that will ensure survival through the heaviest abuse. Our stuff is rugged and at the same time stealthy and potent. If you were looking for ages for a storefront that emphasised reliability and quality, this is it!
- First time buyers- Make a purchase of at least $10 billion and get a squadron of Kevinashaya fighters free!
- New nations (under 1 billion pop): 70% off all products
- Democracies and human rights supporters: 50% off
One mark= 1% the speed of light
Note of FTL: Merkar uses jumpgates. If you want hyperdrives or similar systems on your craft, give us the designs and we will add them on for a slightly higher price.
Information on the armor material used on spacecraft
Durtan: The hardest mass-producible material known to Merkar. It is too expensive to cover an entire spacecraft with, but is used in certain areas that recieve a lot of stress, like ramming spikes and reactor walls. About 200,000 times stronger than carbon steel.
Scythium: An artificial metal. Scythium is flexible against kinetic-energy rounds, and it allows them to pass inside its mass while surrounding the projectile with high-friction material to halt its progress. Against energy rounds (like lasers), it dissipates the impact across its surface area, eventually chanelling most of it into space. About 10,000 times stronger than carbon steel.
Sesium 43: A mass-produced version of Scythium that has the same basic characteristics but is less refined. 5,000 times stronger than carbon steel.
Metal alloy: This refers to a wide range of metal alloys used by Merkari industry. Typically, they are a few hundred times stronger than carbon steel.
The Merkari navy does not use energy shields. This is for two reasons: one, it is unable to develop its own efficiently, and two, it intends to use its spacecraft to ram enemies, which requires a strong hull.
Descritption of weapons
Mk II Antimatter Torpedoes: Costs $25 million apiece. With a range of half a million kilometers and a speed of .1 Mark, these missiles are slow but pack a heavy punch. They are only 20 meters long, but carry enough antimatter to damage a superdreadnought. They are typically detonated at a range of 4,000 kilometers from a target and unleash a concentrated tachyon burst that defeats or degrades shields ahead of the antimatter cluster. However, they can be detonated at ranges of up to 50,000 kilometers with a loss of accuracy and destructive power. A large artificially intelligent onboard computer can defeat almost all countermeasure attempts.
Point-defence plasma cannons: Plasma shards dissipate rapidly, but pack a powerful punch. These point-defence weapons are meant to kill enemy fighters and short-range missiles by creating a very dense concentration of accurate firepower.
Revoyyen Class Stealth Cruiser
Maximum safe speed: Mk 10
Propulsion: Tachyon-burst drive
Armament: 1,000 Mk II antimatter torpedoes: can fire bombardment missiles and fighters from its six docking bays; can carry up to 207 heavy fighters such as the Kevinashaya class. 4,000 point-defence plasma cannons, range 2,000 kilometers, are also carried. The bow is hardened with Durtan and can be used effectively for ramming.
Armor: 1.5 meters of electrified Scythium on outer hull; secondary hull is 9 meters further into craft and is composed of an inch of metal alloy
Endurance: Recycling tanks allow reuse of all resources necessary for survival, so crew can survive indefinetly. The tachyon drive will last for about a quarter of a light-year (2 1/2 earth years) of space travel at Mk. 10.
Max. Length: 2,132 meters
Max. Width: 364 meters
Mass: 225,508 metric tons
Manuverability: 37 degrees/ second at max speed; considerably more at slower speeds
Crew: 102 officers required to run ship in leadership positions; most of the vessel is automated. Pilots of the fighter aircraft being carried must also be included.
Cost: $47.5 billion, does not include fighters; antimatter torpedoes cost $25 million apiece and a full load is $25 billion, which is included in cost.
Production time: Four earth years
The Revoyyen Class Stealth Cruiser is intended for navies that intend to avoid contact with the enemy, and use their superior reconassaince capability to bombard them with torpedoes at long range. This class embodies all of the Merkari traits of stealth and indirectness into a deadly package that makes best use of our high-quality computing and senor equipment.
The Revoyyen (named after the admiral of the Merkari fleet during the J'kran Conquest) design incorporates several emission-reduction features. For one, the relatively small size of the ship makes it much less obvious than a large battlestar. Thorough use of heat sink metals and areas minimize infrared signature. Radar Absorbent Material make it undetectable to that ancient sensor system, and secondary layers degrade X-ray, neutron, and other scans . Graviton activity within the ship and near its hull is controlled. Standard image-modifying equipment makes the craft invisible to optical sensors at all but the closest combat ranges. These are only a few of the features that make the Revoyyen possibly the stealthiest ship without a pricey cloaking device on the market.
Some argue that a smaller ship also has less sensor capability and so will not be able to spot a larger enemy first, but this is not true. In space, a point of diminishing returns is reached very quickly as sensors get larger and larger- a 10-mile-wide telescope can't see much less than what a 20-mile-wide one can, and this applies to any detection device in cosmic situations. Not only that, smaller ships will be able to data-link their sensor arrays together into one, making them just as capable as larger vessels. In fact, they will probably have a significant advantage, as these datalinked sensors will be spread farther apart (maximizing the sample area) and can confirm unidentified contacts by redundancy and triangulation. A fleet of Revoyyens will be able to detect a larger enemy a very long time before they are spotted. Not only that, but their fighter and scout craft will provide reconassaince at an even greater range.
Once the enemy is spotted, he can be engaged either by fighter aircraft or with antimatter torpedoes (see "Description of weapons" near the top of the thread). The excellent fighters are described in their separate entry. The antimatter torpedoes have a very long range, and although they may take days to get to their target, they can be launched in such number as to overwhelm the few enemy anti-missile guns that have the range to shoot at them (they detonate at a distance of at least 2,000 kilometers, out of range of most point-defence weapons). The cruiser class, however, is slow and lacks an intermediate armament, and depends on clever strategy to be used to best effect.
Should the enemy get too close, the vessel has a durtan ramming spike mounted on its hull. Durtan is 200,000 times harder than carbon steel, and should be able to tear through anything it comes across. This ship lacks an energy shield, but has relatively strong armor that is meant to compensate. Although not as hardy as most sheilding, this protection is only meant to be used as a last resort, as these cruisers should be kept away from direct contact with a strong enemy. But when your back is against the wall, expect the Revoyyen's strong hull to smash its way through the flimsy enemy armada.
Kevinashaya Class Fighter
Maximum safe speed: Mk 1 in space; too heavy for atmospheric flight
Propulsion: Tachyon-burst drive
Armament: One railgun; can fire either Gauss or kinetic-energy ammunition
Armor: 1 meter of Sesium 43; electrical defense system (see text)
Endurance: 12.6 hours of movement at Mk 1 speed
Max. Length: 25 meters
Max. Width: 8 meters
Mass: 304 tons
Manuverability: 670 degrees/second at max speed; more at lower speeds
Crew: 2; pilot and digital systems operator
Cost: $4 billion
Production time: One year
This fighter costs as much as what most nations would pay for a frigate. But in every space war that Merkar has fought, its light spacecraft have proved to be the decisive advantage, even when facing vastly superior foes. The Talon, Hercules, and Eagle classes all have high places in the history of combat, and the Kevinashaya its the continuation of this proud heritage. Heavy and expensive, it can only be carried by suitably equipped capital ships, but is well worth the effort.
Central to this design is the high skill required of the pilots flying it. All Merkari fighter pilots, men or women, are genetically modified to have a reaction speed over ten times that of a normal human. Constant practice and training ensure that their fighting elan remains sharp, and because this craft is more expensive than most it is purchased in smaller numbers and requires a smaller pilot corps, meaning that it is possible to concentrate more training funding on the few pilots you do need. This is why our spacemen have routinely come out as the most experienced in all the battles they have fought.
Armor is provided by a meter of Sesium 43, but this is not the main defence. What has the most stopping power is the brand-new electrical defense system concept. A tightly-wound tachyon field surrounds the ship, much like an energy sheild. But when this detection field is seriously disrupted by an incoming laser, plasma, or other negatively-charged blast, the faster-than-light tachyons signal the Kevinashaya's central computer to direct a surge of protons to an area near the affected sector. The negatively-charged particles in the incoming energy shard are attracted to this proton surge, drawing them away from the ship and dispersing their destructive effect. Tests have shown this to be highly effective, and the light tachyon field exhausts itself only after several minutes of constant impacts.
Lastly, a single railgun is mounted on the right side of the nose. Like all the other elements of the design, it is reliable, features several redundant features, and can easily be removed by maintenance crews as part of the nose panel. The weapon can fire either Gauss or kinetic-energy (KE) slugs- this flexibility is built in to allow ammo to change in accordance with enemy weaknesses. Shields tend to be most effective against energy weapons, while armor is best against explosives and KE attacks (note that a few nations, for example Star Wars equipment users, may design their equipment in a way so that the reverse is true). If your enemy has strong shields, use KE rounds, while if his armor is strong, load up on Gauss packages. Either way, the railgun is extremely powerful and will rip through even some capital ship hulls. An advanced fire-control system, coupled with the experience of Merkari pilots, results in kill rates of 80% on 5-round bursts at 4,000 kilometers- a greater range than any other fighter cannon can even shoot! Powerful weaponry computers are an important part of Kevinashaya's space superiority capability, and will allow you the accuracy to dominate the enemy defenses at a range that they cannot even retalitate from.
Space Utility Vehicle (SUV)
Maximum safe speed: Mk 1 in space; 800 kph in atmopshere
Propulsion: Tachyon-burst drive, with additional turbofan engines for atmospheric flight
Armament: None in basic model; see text for add-ons
Cargp capacity: 1,200 cubic meters of storage space; cannot carry more than 5 tons of cargo when being used for atmospheric flight.
Armor: 2 centimeters of ceramic on top of .5 centimeter of metal alloy
Endurance: 28 hours of movement at Mk 1 speed
Max. Length: 39 meters
Max. Width: 13 meters
Mass: 5 tons
Manuverability: 106 degrees/second at max speed
Crew: 3; pilot, copilot, systems officer
Cost: $120 million for basic version; see text for add-ons
Production time: Three months
The Space Utility Vehicle, abbreviated SUV, is a general-purpose platform that has plenty of room for additional equipment. The basic model contains the normal cargo bay, and can be used for transport in or out of planetary atmospheres or as a starport "space tug". The SUV is excellent if you are looking for a multi-capability unit that can quickly be outfitted for different missions as the situation dictates. The following upgrade pacakges can be purchased and added on or removed from the vessel as the situation dictates:
Reconassaince. Cost: $800 million. This package contains sophisticated sensor equipment that allow your vehicle to scout ahead of the fleet. It adds an extra 10 tons to the mass, and will make the craft too heavy for atmospheric travel.
Cloaking. Cost: $1.7 billion. The cloaking package is best used with the Reconassaince package, as it allows you to hide the presence of your spacecraft to all but the most sensitive recievers. This will give you a stealthy scout, able to spy on well-guarded enemy positions. Adds 2.5 tons to the mass.
Self-defence. Cost: $2.3 million. An accurate fire-control system is complemented by four plasma cannons. This system is mounted on the vessel's exterior racks, and so does not hog space away from the other add-ons you buy. Adds .4 tons to mass.
Electronic intel. Cost: $1 billion. This package carries electronic jamming and interception equipment that will allow you to intercept and disrupt enemy subspace, tachyon-wave, and other communication. It also carries encryption equipment that can be used to protect your own signals. Adds 4 tons to the weight.
Note on designations:
We identify our SUV models by adding the first letter of the package name after the vessel. For example, our SUVs equipped with Reconassaince equipment are called "SUVR", those with cloaking ability are "SUVC", and those with self-defence, reconassaince, and electronic intel are designated "SUVSRE".
Class IIIM Assault and Replenishment Transport
Maximum safe speed: Mk 15
Propulsion: Plasma-pulse drive
Armament: 2,000 plasma point-defence cannons; has two large docking bays that can be converted into cargo space or hold about 500 Kevinashaya fighters or three times that number in cargo launches (neither of these craft come with the ship)
Cargo capacity: 1.08 billion cubic meters of storage space; 100,000 human-sized (2 meters or less tall) men can be carried
Armor: 2 meters of Sesium 43
Endurance: Six months (.075 lightyears) of travel at maximum speed
Max. Length: 3,045 meters
Max. Width: 608 meters
Mass: 132,407 tons
Manuverability: Approximately 5 degrees/second
Crew: 54 officers are required for leadership positions, rest of the ship is automated.
Cost: $14 billion
Production time: Two years
The Class IIIM is the fourth-generation replacement of our navy's previous standard transport, the Katanga class. It is a massive vessel that can transport over 100,000 soldiers in its cargo bay. As it cannot perform atmospheric travel, it is necessary to purchase some kind of space launches (like the SUV class, see above) to carry cargo down to a planet's surface. Its two large docking bays can also carry fighters, but the IIIM is equipped with only point defence weapons, minimal emission-reduction ("stealth") features, and light armor for its size, meaning that it should not be used as a warship. The massive cargo bay has 1.08 billion cubic meters of empty space, and the "top" of the vessel opens up so that prefabricated quarters can be loaded inside and used to transport men (the bay itself has no life support, so you will need to load some onboard).