The Fall of America RP - Page 3
11-04-2006, 22:55
"Agreed, this conflict has gone on far too long, our Vice CEO would like to speak with you anyway, will you be sending a representative?"
11-04-2006, 22:55
The Volunteer army in the Northeastern alliance has been increased to 35,000 soldiers, with more joining or being drafted daily (not that much of a volunteer army). The factories are churning out weapons as the NA crushes resistance from terrorist groups. The Attorney Gerneral's office has promised to look into the Tooxopia chemical's.
Aqua Anu
11-04-2006, 23:35
" Mr. Lee, my name is Jay Forrester of the Texas Gulf Forces. If you don't mind talking to a simple lieutenant, I have a message from my President.
I have just received word from the general of the Northern Armies of ROT that peace exists between the Novus American element and the Republic. A cease-fire has been agreed upon, and my President is going to try and hammer out an agreement with the CSA to cease hostilities in the north-east in order to bring all sides to a reunification conference. As you are undoubtedly aware, your forces in the Gulf have attempted a surprise landing on our shores, but the surprise was that we knew your people were coming. We have not fired upon your troops, nor will we unless necessary. Please, for the sake of peace and unity, stand down your forces until at such time we have consolidated intentions with all of the various factions. Please withdraw your forces from ROT territory and wait for developements with the CSA to commence. I am not asking your navy to withdraw from the Gulf as yet, as we may need your help if the CSA does not cooperate. I await your response."
"Well sadly we can only negotiate if we have proof your allegince is with the former Republic of the United States. Now we have more than this fleet of Naval Ships to ship out at any time. Not to mention heavy support from Kanami, which has already taken a good chunk of the West. By now they would be in Nevada. We aren't sure what you are doing with the CSA, but any sepratist group is considered hostile. Kurona is in the East, Kanami in the West. We will do what we think it takes to secure the United States, and bring it back from the ashes. Simple talks may impress a lot of the big-shot political leaders but they don't impress me. Fighting usually doesn't stop just because talking begins. Now if need be I can have my ships out of the gulf and into the Atlantic. It's up to you, but personally I have no time to talk with Terrorists."
The Queen Took the Phone. "Mr. Forrester, what our objective is, is to secure the gulf coast, and gulf cities. Maybe drive seperatist forces out of Texas. I have to agree with my General Here, I don't belive negotiations we'll work fast enough. Let's not forget about the three million other countries in this world."
Liberated New Ireland
11-04-2006, 23:37
Lynch muttered, "Sniper unit 1, cover me. Unit 2, keep your eyes open." He then yelled, "I will be representing Combat84!"
The Cities Of Peace
11-04-2006, 23:39
Young reviewed the quick message from the RoT concerning the effort to re-unify. As much as Young hated to see his vaunted CSA forced back into a single nation with others, he recognized the potential value in this move. It would first provide the collabrative nation with a pretty good amount of force, with the combined militaries of the RoT, the NEA, and the CSA. And if Young played his cards well enough, and used his spreading influence, he could possibly get control of the new nation, and perhaps bring in the Carribean nations he sought to conquer as well. He transcribed a short message back to Phillips.
President Young,
Thanks for your quick response. The need for a conference between RoT, Novus-America, the CSA, Kanami/Aqua Anu, and the NEA is of paramount importance. We five control approximately seventy percent of the old USA, as well as the majority of Mexico. With your ideas for the aquisition of the Caribbean islands and Cuba, and our possible annexation of portions of Canada, we are looking not only at the reunification of the USA, but possibly beyond to the formation of the American Empire.
I am proposing a meeting between our respective governments in a lodge just a few miles from Snoqualmie Pass, in the state of Washington. We will all be perfectly safe there as the only way to access the area is by plane or helicopter. If all agree, we can have a squadron of each of our airforces patrolling at regular intervals to assure security and privacy.
Let me know your decision.
Tom Phillips, President, RoT
ooc: let's assume that I have contacted all parties and we can begin the conference.
11-04-2006, 23:40
(OOC: *Me guesses you've made it to building*)
The 84 Delegate was taken to the confrence room which had the Vice CEO on a wide-screen at the end of the table, he looked at the delegate and smiled, "What shall I be calling you by Mr......"
Amazonian Beasts
11-04-2006, 23:45
OOC: Cool, let me just post up a response affirming that.
President Phillips,
Your conference idea is acceptable. We do wish to have a squadron on patrol in the area just in case, and two of President Young's personal guards as well to accompany for personal safety in these chaotic times.
Dan Young
President, CSA
Liberated New Ireland
11-04-2006, 23:47
"My name is Commander Lynch. And you are?" Lynch's tone was brisk, but polite.
"Cease fire!"
All men ceased fire. Calm had come after the chaose.
Kurona had made very little progress. They actually only gained controll of about 5 miles and 8 city blocks of NYC.
"The Princess is not going to be happy about this."
"What's the total loss?"
"About 92 KIA's 12 MIA's as far as we know, no P.O.W.'s."
"So it's over then?"
"All parties are calling for a truce now."
Now back with the Government, the estimates we're being ran over. By Princess Tomoyo, her advisors, and the Order.
"So, you've managed to spend about $17.2 Billion on this war all together. Gaining about five miles of New York, the size of a Pie. While Kanami has gained nearly half the West. And now they are calling for a truce."
"Ten C-130's from Kanami, which will have to be returned."
"And land that will all have to be returned. Congradulations, you likely propelled us further in debt."
She bowed as they left.
The Cities Of Peace
11-04-2006, 23:51
"Well sadly we can only negotiate if we have proof your allegince is with the former Republic of the United States. Now we have more than this fleet of Naval Ships to ship out at any time. Not to mention heavy support from Kanami, which has already taken a good chunk of the West. By now they would be in Nevada. We aren't sure what you are doing with the CSA, but any sepratist group is considered hostile. Kurona is in the East, Kanami in the West. We will do what we think it takes to secure the United States, and bring it back from the ashes. Simple talks may impress a lot of the big-shot political leaders but they don't impress me. Fighting usually doesn't stop just because talking begins. Now if need be I can have my ships out of the gulf and into the Atlantic. It's up to you, but personally I have no time to talk with Terrorists."
The Queen Took the Phone. "Mr. Forrester, what our objective is, is to secure the gulf coast, and gulf cities. Maybe drive seperatist forces out of Texas. I have to agree with my General Here, I don't belive negotiations we'll work fast enough. Let's not forget about the three million other countries in this world."
Forrester smiled to himself. The Queen's a tough old bird. " Your Majesty, the Gulf coast and it's cities ARE secure. Order has been both restored and maintained. President Phillips has secured an agreement between Novus America and RoT, and it is apparent that the CSA is willing to talk about reunification. I don't know what you are referring to when you speak of terrorists, as there are none in this part of the Restoration Alliance. And we in RoT are not seperatists....we are patriots seeking to restore the once great nation of America. So, you and I have that in common. We may have been considered seperatist at one time, but we seceded in order to maintain some cohesivness, so that society did not completely break down."
Forrester took a deep breath. " Your Majesty, there are some who would take offense at your veiled threat of having more fleets available should the need arise. I'm not taking offense..............this time. RoT may not be quite the equal of the combined forces of AA/Kanami, but we're not just going to roll over and give up.
We, NA, and the CSA are all desirous of unification. As are you. I will ask this openly: will you work with us, or will you fight us?" was out in the open. Jay hoped like hell that the Kanami's and Aquans would see the endless possibilities in a Coalition to Restore America.
11-04-2006, 23:55
"My name is Commander Lynch. And you are?" Lynch's tone was brisk, but polite.
"I am Vice CEO of Toxicorp, Fritz Schmiel, please call me Schmiel, I understand you are meeting me to negotiate a truce."
Aqua Anu
11-04-2006, 23:58
The Queen nodded.
"All right, we'll bite Mr. Forrester. But we do warn you, Kanami will accpet nothing less of full restoration. Chances are they will play a role themeselves.
You want us to continually support, you'll have to at the very least make sure we have a fighting shot. Any fillibusting, stalling, any of that nonsense, you're in big trouble."
Liberated New Ireland
11-04-2006, 23:59
"I am Vice CEO of Toxicorp, Fritz Schmiel, please call me Schmiel, I understand you are meeting me to negotiate a truce."
More like your surrender, Lynch thought, but he decided to play Schmiel's game.
"That's right Schmiel, a truce. But first, we need to know some things. For example, where are your cruise missiles and chemical stockpiles?"
12-04-2006, 00:00
"hahahaha." Schmiel laughed pettily at the question, "In a game of poker you never let the other player see your hand."
Tomoyo was show in. Her meeting did not go well. She didn't know any of these leaders, and frankley she was a bit intimidated by them. She would feel a lot better if she Delgates from Kanami or Aqua Anu we're here.
Liberated New Ireland
12-04-2006, 00:06
Lynch grinned easily. "I could just send in my shock troopers, and you could die right here and now. I'm your soldiers would ensure that I would die before you did, but they would still kill you eventually. And I have the feeling that you fear death far more than I do." He cleared his throat. "Anyway, I need some assurance that you aren't going to massacre any more innocents, or we have no deal. Understood?"
The Cities Of Peace
12-04-2006, 00:10
The Queen nodded.
"All right, we'll bite Mr. Forrester. But we do warn you, Kanami will accpet nothing less of full restoration. Chances are they will play a role themeselves.
You want us to continually support, you'll have to at the very least make sure we have a fighting shot. Any fillibusting, stalling, any of that nonsense, you're in big trouble."
" Your Majesty, you have the word of the President of the Republic of Texas that the full restoration of America is our goal. In the next few days we are conducting a conference between all parties concerned in the state of Washington. There we can hammer out a plan for just such a situation. I believe it would be beneficial for you or a representative to attend. Thank you for your time."
Forrester breathed a sigh of relief. The die was cast. Let's see if history can be made.
ooc: ok, everyone. I have to go to work. Will be back on tomorrow morning.
12-04-2006, 00:15
"So be it, I will not follow along the lines of my former boss, with his untimely death we have been set back too far for us to really make our presence felt in the world, if there is nothing else I have important business to attend to."
The screen in front of Fritz changed to show 12 people sitting behind desks, they had arms crossed and were waiting for Schmiel to return, "Gentlemen and ladies, I am sorry I have kept you waiting." The door at the back of the room opened, a Toxitroop walked in with a baby in his arms, he handed the child over to Schmiel who held it up, "Although he doesn't seem like much now, Lucian II wishes you all could be here to see this, we finally did it, 99.9% identical, until Lucian grows til a capable age I will be in control." Schmiel was rocking the tiny CEO to sleep in his arms.
Liberated New Ireland
12-04-2006, 00:19
Combat84 requests assistance from the Canadian armed forces in the dismantling and destruction of Toopoxian chemical weapons.
12-04-2006, 00:21
(OOC: I'm assuming the conference has started already, if not then ignore this)
Former senator Schumer arrived at the conference site with a dozen bodyguards. Despite the need for security, Schumer was happy. Funally a chance to re-unite America and expand it once more.
12-04-2006, 01:26
Just two weeks after the bombing of Yangon, Al-A'rab has been sighted again but with a powerful new ally: India. He has now convinced enough politicians to show that the new Chinese Empire is a threat to the freedom of the Asian world and has been given full command over the army. India is one of the countries that is believed to become a super-power by 2025 by U.S. estimates, and has been modernizing at a fairly quick pace. As of now, the military has initiated a draft and focused all of its soldiers for a full-scale strike on the empire, numbering a force of at least 200 million soldiers. Zhai Ao Liu and Ran Ji Ming are even humbled by the size of the force headed for the empire and have now made a dire decision which they hope to alter the scales of the war before many more casualties in his nation must be inflicted. For this, the emperor has sent imperial eunuch Tao Bin Rui, the eunuch with the most experience in striking deals with Russia, to once again their support.
To: His Excellency Vladimir Sarov
From: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
We once again require your assistance against the invasion of the capitalists. India has now allied against us and is now preparing for a full-scale invasion. We wish for your aid by launching a hydrogen bomb on the city of Kanpur, where a majority of the Indian Army, according to our sources, are gathering for an invasion on the province of Niboer (The former Kingdom of Nepal). We would launch a bomb on them ourselves, however we are currently trying to keep the populace from believing we are starting a nuclear war. If you do so, you will be given rightful ownership of the Republic of Uzbekistan with our support in bringing it into union with your country.
"we agree with pleasure combat84. What assistance do you need involving with the chemical weapons?"
Liberated New Ireland
12-04-2006, 02:36
We have no way of destroying them. I think that, with the resources of a nation behind you, you would have the technology to eliminate them.
(Hold on before I responded to you combat84 I want to get something clear with the other nations)
To:All faction groups of former U.S
Canada does not want to have alaska forever. We will give it back to the U.S. they only reason why we annexed it was to protect the state from Russia. If you want we can talk about giving alaska back.
We will try to find the missile silos and chemical weapons. We have a man on the ground that is currently looking for them. He has much experince in spying and we believe he will be successful. the reason why we only have one man is if we sent in a squad we run the risk of being found and exposed
From: Canada
to:reunifcation alliance
We have become aware of the peace talks between the ROT and the rest of the alliance. We wish to be involved in the talks so peace can return to are neighbor to the south.
12-04-2006, 14:31
(OOC: sorry)
NYC Factory
A HumVee skidded out from the garage, the Gun mounted on top swqang about as the Toxitroops looked about the horizon for the wayward van, only just spotting the vechile the Hummer sped out to try and catch the vechile.
william swore, it was hard driving conditions out here-the streets where full of debry that made for a rough ride and aboned or burnt out cars littered the streets. The jeep took to the pavement, going round two cars before the wing merror was taken off by a lampost.
A handbreak turn down a empty allyway, knocking over binsa s they went past. The Humvee was surley two large to fit down such narrow escape roots.
12-04-2006, 16:53
Streets of NYC
"They've gone, I don't think they found out anything important, let's just get back to base." The driver said, his teeth gritted, the Hummer stopped and turned back to base.
ooc; I'm prewsuming resources are scares, urley a jeep and guns are improtant.
IC: William sighed with releaf as theHummer gave up it's chase, then began to drie slightly more sedatly, towadrs the east, taking care to skirt round any patches of fighting. Luckly the jeep contained food and water, so they wouldn't go hungry...
OOC: So basically I'm travelling East, hoping to head south into meixco/Texas.
12-04-2006, 17:08
(OOC: Resources are thin, but consider where you stole the van, that's right, from behind the kitchen, you now own a cheap 2-bit crappy van loaded with various meat products.)
(OOC: Resources are thin, but consider where you stole the van, that's right, from behind the kitchen, you now own a cheap 2-bit crappy van loaded with various meat products.)
OOC: Could be worse, could you just give me state of play ATM.
By that i meant the state of play in Texas/East America.
12-04-2006, 17:26
(OOC: I havn't been paying much attention to East America, however I do now that LA is in the hands of the "good guys" by which I mean anti Poxicans)
Delgates of Kanami walked in. including the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Minsiter of Defense.
"Princess how are you?"
All took their seats next to Princess Tomoyo, after all allies have to stick together. A seat next to them was Reserved for Aqua Anu.
"Not good I'm afraid. We have a $17 billion debt and a gain of five miles, with 98 casulaties to show for it."
"Don't worry, we'll work it out."
Liberated New Ireland
12-04-2006, 20:28
Combat84 has returned to the Philadelphia/Trenton/Camden region, to try to restore peace to the area.
The Cities Of Peace
12-04-2006, 20:30
Gen. Scoggins and his team were the first to arrive at the lodge. He had forwarded orders to the owners that no one else should be booked there for the next couple of days. The lodge was actually 19 miles outside of Fall City, Washington, just a few miles from Snoqualmie Pass.
Woodlake Lodge was perfect for the conference. Isolated, yet readily accessible via aircraft. Set high up the northern slope of Manning Mountain, it showed a breathtaking view of the Washington topography. The lodge was not overly large. Maximum occupancy was only 50 people. Indoor pool, sauna.....the usual amenities for those wishing to "rough it" for a weekend.
Scoggins had selected this particular area because it not only had enough flat ground to land several HCGSs, but a small landing strip as well.
He had heard the report of Lt. Forrester, and smiled. The young officer had handled himself well with the Aquan/Kanami people.
All told, there would be about a dozen reps. The Republic of Texas, Novus-America, the CSA, Kanami/Aqua Anu, and a rep from Canada. Although what he wanted was unknown.
President Phillips himself had arranged the rotating air patrols of the various airforces. There were to be at least eight jets patrolling the skies at any given time, four from one nation, four from another. Every eight hours, the shifts would rotate, and two more nations would take to the skies for their shift of duty.
Each nation was being allowed a security detail of six. They were allowed to be heavily armed if they wished, but the big caliber stuff had to remain outside. In the lodge, sidearms only.
As Scoggins walked in the front door, he noticed a large oak table, about 20 feet long, made of rough-hewn planks and stained a rich, deep tobacco. This was to be the conference table.Sixteen chairs were arranged around it, though he doubted that that many people would be seated there.
The RoT delegation was comprised of himself, the President, and Governor Hoskins of north Texas.
He looked around, saw that it was all in order. "OK, gentlemen. Bars open. First round is on me!"
Now, just sit back and wait for the rest of the delegates to arrive,
Amazonian Beasts
12-04-2006, 20:30
(OOC: I havn't been paying much attention to East America, however I do now that LA is in the hands of the "good guys" by which I mean anti Poxicans)
OOC: Pretty much 3 factions...NEA, ROT, CSA...
The Cities Of Peace
12-04-2006, 20:32
OOC: Pretty much 3 factions...NEA, ROT, CSA...
ooc: NEA, Novus America, RoT, CSA, Kanami/Aqua Anu, and Ustia representing Canada
12-04-2006, 23:30
Hey, Brazilam here. I'm not updating on the Chinese Empire just yet, I'm waiting for Russia to respond to my letter. In the meantime, I would like to ask the players here some questions. If no one can tell me for any reason, it's all right. Anyway, here they are:
1. Is it possible to invade other players? Don’t worry Russia, I won’t invade you if you don’t invade me.
2. What are the country borders of Aqua Anu, Roman Greece, and Kanami?
3. Where is Voxio? Wasn’t he supposed to play as the Californian Fascists? Or did the invasion of California knock him off the game?
12-04-2006, 23:32
Hey, Brazilam here. I'm not updating on the Chinese Empire just yet, I'm waiting for Russia to respond to my letter. In the meantime, I would like to ask the players here some questions. If no one can tell me for any reason, it's all right. Anyway, here they are:
1. Is it possible to invade other players? Don’t worry Russia, I won’t invade you if you don’t invade me.
2. What are the country borders of Aqua Anu, Roman Greece, and Kanami?
3. Where is Voxio? Wasn’t he supposed to play as the Californian Fascists? Or did the invasion of California knock him off the game?
I did respond. You're China, right?
Both me an Aqua Anu are islands. I'm the in Pacific, Aqua Anu is in the 10,000 Islands Region. And gameplay wise, you can't actually physically invade a nation. Unless you hacked into it, but that's against the rules. But RP wise you can invade.
Aqua Anu
12-04-2006, 23:50
The Queen entered the bulding. Followed closely by armed guards, she was shown to her seet. She was greated in the tradtional sense from Kanami, a kiss on the hand, and a courtsey. She was bowed to by the Kuronan Princess.
"Well you can have my assurance that there will be no fillibusting in this. That's all we need."
OOC: Is it yet possible for a contingent of Lasqat mujāhidīn (prob. Salafist) to see involvement in opposition to the pitiful dregs of American arrogance?
Amazonian Beasts
12-04-2006, 23:57
Young entered the conference hall at last, a while after a lot of the others. Five guards walked behind him as he stepped in slowly, spotting the Asian nations and their personnel...which disgusted him. Imperialists, really...not the so-called liberators that they hid under in pretext. Nevertheless, he took a seat and waited for the conference to start.
13-04-2006, 00:04
Charles Schumer walked into the conference room, and scanned around for familiar faces. He saw none. Shrugging to himself, he found his seat and sat down.
The NEA has recieved delegates from pennsylvania, maryland, and Delaware to discuss joinng with the NEA
13-04-2006, 00:14
Yeah, it's me again. I have to tell Russia something though.
I did respond. You're China, right?
Yes, I am China. You did respond to my letter about taking Kazahkstan, but you must not have read my letter about dropping a hydrogen bomb on Kanpur. If you want to know what I'm talking about, read page 35, response #521.
13-04-2006, 00:15
To: His Excellency Vladimir Sarov
From: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
We once again require your assistance against the invasion of the capitalists. India has now allied against us and is now preparing for a full-scale invasion. We wish for your aid by launching a hydrogen bomb on the city of Kanpur, where a majority of the Indian Army, according to our sources, are gathering for an invasion on the province of Niboer (The former Kingdom of Nepal). We would launch a bomb on them ourselves, however we are currently trying to keep the populace from believing we are starting a nuclear war. If you do so, you will be given rightful ownership of the Republic of Uzbekistan with our support in bringing it into union with your country.
A hydrogen bomb is on route to Kanpur, comrade. We accept the offer of Uzbekistan.
13-04-2006, 00:16
Both me an Aqua Anu are islands. I'm the in Pacific, Aqua Anu is in the 10,000 Islands Region. And gameplay wise, you can't actually physically invade a nation. Unless you hacked into it, but that's against the rules. But RP wise you can invade.
Don't worry, that's EXACTLY what I wanted to know. Believe me, I am no hacker at all. I wouldn't hack if it were to save my life! (The computer-type hacking for you geniuses)
The Cities Of Peace
13-04-2006, 01:05
As the various delegates arrived, Scoggins be very aware of the tensions in the room. Most of the tension seemed to be coming from the Kanami/Aquan group. They had a brusque attitude, which seemed to say 'don't try to pull a fast one'. A suspicious lot.
The NEA rep kept to himself. He looked like he was trying to assess the situation, but not having much success.
President Young of the CSA had a distinct, none-too-subtle dislike for the foreigners. He was a part of the faction who felt that just about anything foreign was a detrement to the nation.
Scoggins snapped to attention as President Phillips walked in, accompanied by Governor Hoskins. The presence of the Texicans seemed to lend an air of cordiality that had been previously lacking.
They were waiting for the final two groups, the Canadians and the Novus American delegation.
ooc: ok, gang, I'm off to work. See you tomorrow.
Crap I'll be out of town tomorrow.
Canadian foreign affairs minister Tim turner walked into the hall and noticed the several different groups. He was glad that so many decided to come. then without saying a word he walked over to his seat and got comfortable. He thought "It's going to be a long day."
Actually all three of us will be gone.
Well I might as well give the Kanami/Aqua Anu/Kurona Requests:
1. The United States of America be restored as a full repulbic
2. Tooxipa answer to war crimes for the hanious chemical attacks on Canada
3. We would like to see Kurona compensated for their efforts.
13-04-2006, 01:30
I'm in Chinese Imperialism mode again.
Battle Update: February 3, 2016
The emperor and Ran Ji Ming were traveling to Khatmandu for what the emperor called, "A Temporary Leave of Absence". The eunuch council warned the emperor that a great battle was to take place with the Indian Army heading into the province of Niboer and he would not be gauranteed full safety. This was, however, exactly what the emperor wanted. The former king of Nepal was now a noble of the Chinese Empire and invited the emperor and the general to dinner at his palace. It was from there, the emperor and the general had a perfect view of what was to come. The king brought them both to his dining hall with vegetable thukpa, sukuti, and tea ready for nine people. The king's family dined there as well and all bowed before the emperor and the general as a peasant did the king. The family was made of the king, the queen and three sons and two younger daughters. It was than said that on that day, the emperor stood up, rose his teacup and said, "May this empire be as grand and as eternal as the gods have made the ones of our ancestors." Immediately after that, a large explosion shook the palace, causing some of the children to hide under the table and two of the sons to turn to face the door while still in their chair. The king, queen, and the general slightly jumped out of their seats while the emperor was unshaken. The royal family did not know what the explosion was, but the emperor and the general certainly did. The hydrogen bomb that Tao Bin Rui ordered for from the Russians had dropped on the city on Kanpur. The un-mistakable mushroom cloud could be seen out the window The emperor than drank his tea and finished, "Long live, the Zhai Dynasty."
Current Status:
The city of Kanpur was destroyed and reduced to ashes like Yangon. 2.75 million civilians were killed in the explosion, and as the sources said, the majority of the Indian Army was destroyed- Approximately 125 million soldiers of the army have been killed. The rest of the army are now nothing more than another lamb for the great lion that is the Chinese Imperial Army to devour. Not only have the people this to celebrate, but now have a celebration for the emperor. On the way back to his palace, he met the Crown Princess of the Kingdom of Bhutan: Wu Ai Lang, daughter of a Bhutanese Prince and a Chinese woman from Tibet. It was said by Ran Ji Ming that when the emperor saw her, he was said to have believed that a goddess had descended from the heavens. Upon meeting her, the emperor asked for her hand in marriage, thus not only giving a possibility for an heir to the throne, but also another province for the empire. The king was more than happy when he heard the news and gave his daughter and his kingdom to the emperor with much enthusiasm.
To: His Excellency Vladimir Sarov
From: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
We give you a thousand blessings for helping us with the Indian Army great Premier. With a great deal of the Indian Army now destroyed, we are now about begin an invasion on the country and hopefully capture Al-A'rab. For another two favors to ask of you, we would like to purchase any extra tank squads you have for any price you see fit per each, and for you to send at least five of your best spies for a special mission to capture Al-A'rab and bring an end to his reign of terror once and for all. As soon as you find enough spies, send them to these coordinates: 26.5 degrees north, 80.5 degrees east. They will be met by five of our own near a statue of a Buddha and one will ask one of your own, "Nice day for a walk isn't it?" They must respond, "Yes, but it would be more enjoyable in a group." From there, your mission will be to find Al-A'rab and bring him to justice.
13-04-2006, 01:30
2. Tooxipa answer to war crimes for the hanious chemical attacks on Canada
(OOC: and Russia....... and a small town in Rhode Island........ and New York military base...... and several brave, brave volunteers who sacrificed thier lives, but you didn't hear that from me)
Liberated New Ireland
13-04-2006, 02:33
Combat84 also demands compensation for the families of those killed in the fighting with Toopoxia and Canada.
13-04-2006, 02:39
demands compensation for the families of those killed in the fighting with Toopoxia
(OOC: good luck)
Liberated New Ireland
13-04-2006, 02:44
13-04-2006, 02:45
(OOC: I was being sarcastic, but ok)
Liberated New Ireland
13-04-2006, 02:54
(OOC: I was being sarcastic, but ok)
Sarchasm isn't an internet term.
Liberated New Ireland
13-04-2006, 02:59
Sarchasm isn't an internet term.
It's not spelled sarchasm either.
13-04-2006, 05:38
OoC: People, please...
BiC: Gabe Newell, representative of the United States of Novus-America, walked into the lodge and looked around. Most of the dignitaries had already arrived, and several guards walked about, keeping to rigid patrol routes. Off to one side was a staffed bar with a few reps already huddled around their drinks. Gabe wrinkled his nose. Alcohol was never pleasing to his tastes, and he had sometimes been the victim of social faux pas when he refused drink. However, he his life-long soberness earned him a reputation as a clear headed negotiator, aiding him well from his early days as a police officer to the mediator between two fueding countries when Novus-America was asked to fill such role as a neutral power.
He took several strides towards the bar, putting the liquor out of his mind, scanning for the reps from the Republic of Texas. They were there, being cheered for paying the first round, and heartily enjoying the first real moment of peace that there had been since the breakup. He straightened his tie and approached President Phillips of the RoT.
"Mr. President?" Gabe asked, his aged voice coming across slightly gravely but with firm, rich tones. The Texan turned.
"Yes?" Gabe extended his hand.
"Gabe Newell, representative of the United States of Novus-America."
Phillips smiled and shook Gabe's hand.
"Please to meet you, Mr. Newell, though I had hoped that the commander of your expeditionairy force would be sent here."
"General Laakaso is a soldier, Mr. President, not a diplomat. He belongs on the battlefield."
"True enough," Phillips replied, letting his hand fall down. "So, can I get you something?"
"Thank you, Mr. President, but no. I'm commited to abstence."
The Cities Of Peace
13-04-2006, 19:39
OoC: People, please...
BiC: Gabe Newell, representative of the United States of Novus-America, walked into the lodge and looked around. Most of the dignitaries had already arrived, and several guards walked about, keeping to rigid patrol routes. Off to one side was a staffed bar with a few reps already huddled around their drinks. Gabe wrinkled his nose. Alcohol was never pleasing to his tastes, and he had sometimes been the victim of social faux pas when he refused drink. However, he his life-long soberness earned him a reputation as a clear headed negotiator, aiding him well from his early days as a police officer to the mediator between two fueding countries when Novus-America was asked to fill such role as a neutral power.
He took several strides towards the bar, putting the liquor out of his mind, scanning for the reps from the Republic of Texas. They were there, being cheered for paying the first round, and heartily enjoying the first real moment of peace that there had been since the breakup. He straightened his tie and approached President Phillips of the RoT.
"Mr. President?" Gabe asked, his aged voice coming across slightly gravely but with firm, rich tones. The Texan turned.
"Yes?" Gabe extended his hand.
"Gabe Newell, representative of the United States of Novus-America."
Phillips smiled and shook Gabe's hand.
"Please to meet you, Mr. Newell, though I had hoped that the commander of your expeditionairy force would be sent here."
"General Laakaso is a soldier, Mr. President, not a diplomat. He belongs on the battlefield."
"True enough," Phillips replied, letting his hand fall down. "So, can I get you something?"
"Thank you, Mr. President, but no. I'm commited to abstence."
Phillips looked hard at Newell for a second or two. He thought of his Dad's injunction to never trust a man who didn't drink. Funny how those little things from your childhood stuck with you.
" Very well, Mr. Newell..........may I call you Gabe? I'm looking to keep this as informal as possible. Call me Tom."
15-04-2006, 23:43
To: His Excellency Vladimir Sarov
From: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
We give you a thousand blessings for helping us with the Indian Army great Premier. With a great deal of the Indian Army now destroyed, we are now about begin an invasion on the country and hopefully capture Al-A'rab. For another two favors to ask of you, we would like to purchase any extra tank squads you have for any price you see fit per each, and for you to send at least five of your best spies for a special mission to capture Al-A'rab and bring an end to his reign of terror once and for all. As soon as you find enough spies, send them to these coordinates: 26.5 degrees north, 80.5 degrees east. They will be met by five of our own near a statue of a Buddha and one will ask one of your own, "Nice day for a walk isn't it?" They must respond, "Yes, but it would be more enjoyable in a group." From there, your mission will be to find Al-A'rab and bring him to justice.
To: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
From: Vladimir Sarov
We will do anything to help a fellow Communist empire. the best of our KGB wil lsoon be on those missions, and we will give you three T-97 divisions (3,000 tanks) for $9 Billion each. We are willing to reduce it to $1.5 Billion each if needed.
16-04-2006, 00:07
To: His Excellency Vladimir Sarov
From: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
We have ultimately come to a decision of your offer on the tank squadrons. General Ran Ji Ming has made a decision to buy all three of these squadrons for $8 billion dollars each. Send the tanks to the city of Urumqi, where the general will meet your squadrons and pay your representative the $24 billion for the purchase. We hope for the best of your spies in their mission with ours. May they finally bring Al-A'rab to justice once and for all.
16-04-2006, 00:10
To: His Excellency Vladimir Sarov
From: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
We have ultimately come to a decision of your offer on the tank squadrons. General Ran Ji Ming has made a decision to buy all three of these squadrons for $8 billion dollars each. Send the tanks to the city of Urumqi, where the general will meet your squadrons and pay your representative the $24 billion for the purchase. We hope for the best of your spies in their mission with ours. May they finally bring Al-A'rab to justice once and for all.
To: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
From: Vladimir Sarov
$24 billion is most certainly acceptable. Our tanks are en route.
Our KGB agents will bring Al-A'rab to justice. I assure you.
OOC: So, do I Rp the KGB mission now?
16-04-2006, 00:35
Dayton is now the new capital of the United States, Washington D.C was destroyed by Chinese Milita's. Dayton is holding up from attacks from Anarchist group who want the U.S to fall so they can live free from all goverments. The world is now in its 20th year of WW3. China has exspanded throughout Asia. Any nation who has gone against it has been crushed, Japan was invaded and now a chinese province. Tawain was hit with over 3,000 missle's, While Russia,Nepal,Loas,Vietnam,Thailand,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,South Korea,East Timor,Cambodia,Bhutan have created a force against China. All other Nations are now owened by China. The Middle East is controlled by Isreal and Iran was destroyed by Europe,U.S,Isreal,Jordan!
Mean While in Europe.Russia has moved its forces in all European Nations besides, Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Italy,Greece and the U.K All other nations are destroyed or sevaely cippled.
In South America all nations are nuetral and peace has been settled between them. South America is not ivloved in WW3,Venezuela has been tooken over by Brazil,Peru,Argentina. All its citzens are now Slaves.
In North America,90% of American Citizens have fleed to Cananda while the rest are hiding in bomb shelters, The U.S was hit by 5 nuclear bombs. Wahington,New York, Los Angeles,Houston,Chigago were effected and Destroyed. Canadian forces have allied with American,Mexican forces to stop protest and Raids against any Oppresers, IN 34 years America will be restored.
Africa is now the least populated continent due to AIDS,Bird Flu and Mass Murder. The only remaning country in Africa is South Africa and Egypt. All others are now Anarchist Heaven.
The World would heal after 103years of fighting 5billion people died in the Global War. The World Would face WW4 When THE U.S was invaded and Destroyed 564 years from today!
16-04-2006, 00:47
OOC: Yep. Hope it sounds cool. I'm just going to set up another thread for it. Look for: The Hunt for Al-A'rab.
16-04-2006, 05:35
... the hell?
What didn't this conclude while I was gone?
Amazonian Beasts
18-04-2006, 00:37
Dayton is now the new capital of the United States, Washington D.C was destroyed by Chinese Milita's. Dayton is holding up from attacks from Anarchist group who want the U.S to fall so they can live free from all goverments. The world is now in its 20th year of WW3. China has exspanded throughout Asia. Any nation who has gone against it has been crushed, Japan was invaded and now a chinese province. Tawain was hit with over 3,000 missle's, While Russia,Nepal,Loas,Vietnam,Thailand,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,South Korea,East Timor,Cambodia,Bhutan have created a force against China. All other Nations are now owened by China. The Middle East is controlled by Isreal and Iran was destroyed by Europe,U.S,Isreal,Jordan!
Mean While in Europe.Russia has moved its forces in all European Nations besides, Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Italy,Greece and the U.K All other nations are destroyed or sevaely cippled.
In South America all nations are nuetral and peace has been settled between them. South America is not ivloved in WW3,Venezuela has been tooken over by Brazil,Peru,Argentina. All its citzens are now Slaves.
In North America,90% of American Citizens have fleed to Cananda while the rest are hiding in bomb shelters, The U.S was hit by 5 nuclear bombs. Wahington,New York, Los Angeles,Houston,Chigago were effected and Destroyed. Canadian forces have allied with American,Mexican forces to stop protest and Raids against any Oppresers, IN 34 years America will be restored.
Africa is now the least populated continent due to AIDS,Bird Flu and Mass Murder. The only remaning country in Africa is South Africa and Egypt. All others are now Anarchist Heaven.
The World would heal after 103years of fighting 5billion people died in the Global War. The World Would face WW4 When THE U.S was invaded and Destroyed 564 years from today!
OOC: Um, Bless you? What is this all about...
And what happened to the meeting...I was there...
18-04-2006, 01:16
Dayton is now the new capital of the United States, Washington D.C was destroyed by Chinese Milita's. Dayton is holding up from attacks from Anarchist group who want the U.S to fall so they can live free from all goverments. The world is now in its 20th year of WW3. China has exspanded throughout Asia. Any nation who has gone against it has been crushed, Japan was invaded and now a chinese province. Tawain was hit with over 3,000 missle's, While Russia,Nepal,Loas,Vietnam,Thailand,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,South Korea,East Timor,Cambodia,Bhutan have created a force against China. All other Nations are now owened by China. The Middle East is controlled by Isreal and Iran was destroyed by Europe,U.S,Isreal,Jordan!
Mean While in Europe.Russia has moved its forces in all European Nations besides, Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Italy,Greece and the U.K All other nations are destroyed or sevaely cippled.
In South America all nations are nuetral and peace has been settled between them. South America is not ivloved in WW3,Venezuela has been tooken over by Brazil,Peru,Argentina. All its citzens are now Slaves.
In North America,90% of American Citizens have fleed to Cananda while the rest are hiding in bomb shelters, The U.S was hit by 5 nuclear bombs. Wahington,New York, Los Angeles,Houston,Chigago were effected and Destroyed. Canadian forces have allied with American,Mexican forces to stop protest and Raids against any Oppresers, IN 34 years America will be restored.
Africa is now the least populated continent due to AIDS,Bird Flu and Mass Murder. The only remaning country in Africa is South Africa and Egypt. All others are now Anarchist Heaven.
The World would heal after 103years of fighting 5billion people died in the Global War. The World Would face WW4 When THE U.S was invaded and Destroyed 564 years from today!
OOC: What?
18-04-2006, 15:47
Dayton is now the new capital of the United States, Washington D.C was destroyed by Chinese Milita's. Dayton is holding up from attacks from Anarchist group who want the U.S to fall so they can live free from all goverments. The world is now in its 20th year of WW3. China has exspanded throughout Asia. Any nation who has gone against it has been crushed, Japan was invaded and now a chinese province. Tawain was hit with over 3,000 missle's, While Russia,Nepal,Loas,Vietnam,Thailand,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,South Korea,East Timor,Cambodia,Bhutan have created a force against China. All other Nations are now owened by China. The Middle East is controlled by Isreal and Iran was destroyed by Europe,U.S,Isreal,Jordan!
Mean While in Europe.Russia has moved its forces in all European Nations besides, Sweden,Norway,Denmark,Italy,Greece and the U.K All other nations are destroyed or sevaely cippled.
In South America all nations are nuetral and peace has been settled between them. South America is not ivloved in WW3,Venezuela has been tooken over by Brazil,Peru,Argentina. All its citzens are now Slaves.
In North America,90% of American Citizens have fleed to Cananda while the rest are hiding in bomb shelters, The U.S was hit by 5 nuclear bombs. Wahington,New York, Los Angeles,Houston,Chigago were effected and Destroyed. Canadian forces have allied with American,Mexican forces to stop protest and Raids against any Oppresers, IN 34 years America will be restored.
Africa is now the least populated continent due to AIDS,Bird Flu and Mass Murder. The only remaning country in Africa is South Africa and Egypt. All others are now Anarchist Heaven.
The World would heal after 103years of fighting 5billion people died in the Global War. The World Would face WW4 When THE U.S was invaded and Destroyed 564 years from today!
OOC: This isn't over is it? My empire is still expanding for Pete's sake! And I'll have you know that I conquered all of those countries that formed a resistance, of course minus Kazahkstan which I gave to Russia. I will conquer East Timor someday too.
18-04-2006, 15:54
OOC: This isn't over is it? My empire is still expanding for Pete's sake! And I'll have you know that I conquered all of those countries that formed a resistance, of course minus Kazahkstan which I gave to Russia. I will conquer East Timor someday too.
OOC: What? I missed you conquering the world?
OOC: Whut, this isn't overt is it?
19-04-2006, 14:45
OOC: What? I missed you conquering the world?
OOC: I didn't exactly plan on conquering the world, I really had... other plans. I'll let you know as soon as India is conquered. And for these plans to occur, I wouldn't like this to end. I hope Kulikovo says something about this soon. He made it, he should decide if it's over or not.
Amazonian Beasts
19-04-2006, 16:46 can all the sudden nukes come from no place in particular, and how can all the citizens, now seemingly getting content (at least in the RoT and CSA and NEA) all the sudden run to Canada...
19-04-2006, 16:47
OOC: I didn't exactly plan on conquering the world, I really had... other plans. I'll let you know as soon as India is conquered. And for these plans to occur, I wouldn't like this to end. I hope Kulikovo says something about this soon. He made it, he should decide if it's over or not.
OOC: This is fun! If he ends it I will reincarinate it.
That post has nothing to do with this thread. Its only an idea that someone came up with and was a retard to post it on this thread so ignore it.
20-04-2006, 00:11
That post has nothing to do with this thread. Its only an idea that someone came up with and was a retard to post it on this thread so ignore it.
OOC: Confirmed.
20-04-2006, 20:53
OCC: Man, what's happened to my thread? There's too much to read!
Is this continuing or what?
Liberated New Ireland
21-04-2006, 13:36
Didn't the main conflict end?
Didn't the main conflict end?
Wqe could restart the whole thing, anyway my caracters are still trecking south east. Anyone who wants to meet them...
22-04-2006, 19:54
Indian Invasion: February 21, 2016
Having at last brought Al-A'rab to justice, the Chinese forces now march into the lands of India. Tanks moved across the lands, crushing soldiers beneath their tracks. Along the way, Bangladesh was taken with India. Air strikes destroyed cities and leveled their people’s buildings along with their fighting spirits. The Prime Minister was captured in Jaipur and is now a political trophy along with Htun Win and Al-A'rab. India is now a province of the Chinese Empire. Not since the conquests of Genghis Khan have the people known such a triumph over the Indian people. The emperor was pleased to hear this when he had taken this great amount of territory. But he was not done with conquest just yet... He now had his sights now on the Pacific and beyond. Its conquest was a dream made by the Japanese, but is now a future reality of the Chinese Empire.
Current Status: With the capture of three leaders, who opposed the empire’s expansion, the empire now has its sights in expanding into the Pacific. The Japanese tried this more than 70 years ago and failed with the intervention of the Americans. The American nation is now in shambles and there is no longer any superpower to keep China from making this dream change into a reality. After the Pacific has been taken, the empire will at long last have the chance to make America a province of the empire, building the economic and military machine of China to an even larger scale.
As the emergency level rises to DEFCON 1, Kanami, and her allies condmen the attacks by Brazilam. Especially against Kurona, who had no way to defend themselves, against them. The Leauge of Nations has (Hey I can dream can't I) has mobolized the Security Council, and INTERPOL to aid in stopping the hanious attacks, and bring the ones responsible to justice in the ICC.
War has offically be declared against Brazilam, and Kanami plans to mobolize and strike back with crushing blows. As to when no time fraim has assembled. But B-52's are being organized
20 B-2 Stealth bombers, took off. The B-52's we're a decoy. Their first target would be SAM Sights, Radar sights, and Power Plants.
In the dead of night they flew over Brazilim, lights out radio silent, and dropped their max payload.
22-04-2006, 21:34
OOC: Just to let you know Kanami, I am China.
To: His Excellency Vladimir Sarov
From: His Imperial Majesty, Zhai Ao Liu
The flames of war have now been faned across the Pacific and the nations are begining to fight back. We now see this as the begining of the war and will require the full strength of your navy and airforce combined with ours to put these nations out of our way to invading the Americas. Continuous missile bombings and naval battles should more than suffice against them. If a military invasion is neccessary, feel free to do so. We will be bringing as many warships possible to add to the navy and airforce invading the Pacific. We must also bomb the countries and destroy their capitals. It would not end the war, but it will cut their fighting spirit by a significant amount. We shall await for your response.
To: His Imperial Majesty, Zhai Ao Liu
From: Priemier Vladimir Sarov
The Soviet Union shall pledge it's navy and air force to this campaign. We wil lfollow our allies in this war, and our forces are now moving to the Pacific.
(I guess I should tell you I'm no longer in the Pacific Region)
22-04-2006, 21:40
(I guess I should tell you I'm no longer in the Pacific Region)
OOC: Oh. Well what kind of Location is "A Free Democracy"? No means of offense, its just gonna be harder if you aren't in the Pacific.
22-04-2006, 21:42
OCC: Can someone give me a brief summary of what's happened. There's way too much to read.
22-04-2006, 21:46
Basic Overview:
-China conquered India and Bangledesh
-China and Russia become good buds. :)
-China fires missiles on Aqua Anu, Kanami and Kurona
-They all declare war on China, and now a war happens
Hope this helps. :)
OOC: Oh, and I plan to take Europe and Africa.
Aqua Anu
22-04-2006, 21:46
Aqua Anu's navy set up a "drift net" fleet in the borders of the Pacific ocean. AQA's powerful navy might be able to hold them off. Submarines we're creeping bellow.
"General of the Navy has ordered the use of a secret navel weapon. 30
IX-529 Sea Shadow is now on it's way to several miltary coastal. And this is in fact a stealth ship. It can delive a massive shelling load, and launch torpedos underwater, and if needed deliver nuclear weapons. Now our current naval drift net in the pacific awating Chinese and Russian forces, will act as a decoy and try to hold back their fleets. Kanami is running constant air raids against China, and now we will run naval raids."
"Thank you General." Said the Queen.
Sea shadows moved through the black night, preparing for their strikes against enemy targets. 15 diverted to China, 15 went to Russia. Strikes we're made.
(Okay I might be embellishing the actual capablities of this ship. But it's the future right?)
22-04-2006, 21:48
The subs were found just outside Soviet waters.
"Attack them!"
Torpedoes came from both sides of the subs. A naval battle began.
(I'm not really sure what kind of a region it is. I only move there a few days ago. I'll ask the region founders)
From: canadian goverment
we are outraged at this unprovaked attack on are allies. In response the Canadian navy will send a large battle group to protect Aqua Anu and Krona from the chinese and Soviet forces.
The Cities Of Peace
22-04-2006, 21:57
ooc: hey everybody.....haven't posted in a while. Much RL stuff happening. The last I saw, ROT, Kanami, etc had a meeting to sort of band together to restore America. I'm assuming that happened. Are we done with that?
22-04-2006, 21:57
From: canadian goverment
we are outraged at this unprovaked attack on are allies. In response the Canadian navy will send a large battle group to protect Aqua Anu and Krona from the chinese and Soviet forces.
Canada, stay out of this, or Mother Russia WILL stomp you.
22-04-2006, 21:59
(Btw the Sea Shadow is not a sub, it's a full boat. Take a look
More and more air raids we're being commenced against the Soviet Union and China. Kanami had a major air force, and trying ground invasions would be risky and costly. For now they we're crippling from the air.
They did bomb quite a few things, but Russia held it's airspace. In the end, parts of major cities were destroyed, but the attack was repulsed.
Aqua Anu
22-04-2006, 22:01
(Yeah sorry I guess I should have mentiond the detail of the Sea Shadow)
On board Canadian flag ship:
"We have arrived in Agua waters sir. The chinese have conducted a large scale invasion and have taken a good chunck of it." They admiral responded saying "We can't really help with that but we can attack the navy. Wheres the chinese naval force?" "Reports have them just off shore of Aqua Anu." "Alright splet the battle group and have them hit from the left of the island, My group will hit from the right. Will catch them in a pensier movement." "Yes sir!"
22-04-2006, 22:05
"Priemier! Sir! Canada is moving to attack China!"
"Send our fleets down there. Catch them in a pincer just before they attack the Chinese fleet."
2 Russian fleets sped out to see, working to attack the Canadian fleet from behind right after they began to attack Chinese troops.
Kurona's forces landed on the far side of the main Island of Aqua Anu. (it's actually composed of 11 small islands, with one large one.)
Their mission was to liberate the grand nation of Aqua Anu. A long time freind. They we're fully armed and marched inward, not daring to split up, many took to the cannals of the deserted streets, and waded through them. Others provided cover on the side streets. Snipers took the the roof tops.
Slowly in the green of the Night Vision enemy combatons came into sight.
"All right on my mark. 3, 2, 1. Fire at will."
Hell broke lose as Kurona opend fired on the Chinese troops.
We have suprise we have suprise
"Do not let them move from their positions! Now is as good as anytime! Broken Arrow!
22-04-2006, 22:15
The Russian fleet began to launch shells, missiles, and torpedoes at the Canadian fleet.
22-04-2006, 22:29
Jianghu I-class Missile Frigate SS Hong Long
The fleet now fired more missiles at the Canadian fleet. The admiral was even more pleased to learn that the enemy flagship was sunk, likely crushing Canadian forces further.
OOC: With my fleet there too, they're a bunch of wreckage.
Prime Minister Alex Whitmore in a Hidden Bunker well beneath the range of Bunker Buster Bombs was growing frustrated. China and Russian together we're one giant and unstopable Juggernaut. If Kanami surendere everything it stood for over the last 200 years would be lost. If they didn't, they would be wipped of the map. Most we're advising for nucleaur strikes, but what good would that do? They would just hit back. What to do what to do?
As the Flagship sunk the admiral gave one last command to what was left of the fleet "All ships disengage, All ships Leave at once, live to fight another day." Then the ship went down taking the admiral with him.
(I never deployed any Canadian troops to Aqua Anu, Canada dosen't have that cability. Also I'm most likly not going to be on this thread for a long time so see you!)
"We need to try aurmor piercing rounds."
Several soldiers we're equpied with newer anumition, to peirce aurmor. But many we're begining to doubt it was going to work.
Aqua Anu
22-04-2006, 22:57
Aqua Anu has fallen to China. And what was though that the Queen was Evacuated, she stood her ground and only forced her young daughter out.
Now the Proud Queen is dead, and Aqua Anu has fallen. All it can say to the world is: "Thanks for Nothing."
22-04-2006, 23:30
OCC: I created a different thread if anyone's interested. It's called The Drug Wars. Just trying to get some people involved in it.
22-04-2006, 23:32
the Soviet Union has begun the invasion of Alaska. Troops have landed, and the operation is expected to be very, very short.
23-04-2006, 00:29
OCC: I created a different thread if anyone's interested. It's called The Drug Wars. Just trying to get some people involved in it.
You know what, SO HAVE I! What a coincidence huh? :p Anyway, its the story of a prince of Japan, and YOU (points to all who are reading this) get to tell the story of his life! Search for the RP, Arekusuhito- A Rising Dragon, Hope for a Lineage, or A Nations Downfall.
23-04-2006, 01:17
A;aska was Russian. The Yukon will soon fall.
Chihiro woke up from a horrific nightmare. She had dreamed the world was being dominated by one country, even her proud country was too. Okay so she was only 14 and in middle school, but she was planning on going into the Parliment, maybe even become the Prime Minister someday. To make sure she ran from her bedroom up the stairs to the roof of their apartment building, and saw the vast and golden city still intact and still there. She sighed and fell to her knees in tears. It was a very bad dream.
She crept back down to her room and into her mothers room. "Mom?"
Her mother Kirin woke up to the sound of her daughters voice.
"What is it honey?"
"Bad dream, c-can I sleep here tonight?"
"Thanks mom."
She threw her self down on the bed, and cuddled up close.
23-04-2006, 03:27
The Yukon was under attack. Canada had yet to respond to the Russian attack.
I don't think Canada will be on for a while. That's what he said earlier
23-04-2006, 03:29
I don't think Canada will be on for a while. That's what he said earlier
OOC: Well, then... My guys are attacking Alaska then. He needs to be able to respond.
No I'm on its just I'm getting tired of this thread. So go ahead blow the shit of me because I'm done with this thread.
Liberated New Ireland
23-04-2006, 03:31
OOC: This thread hasn't concluded yet?
23-04-2006, 03:32
No I'm on its just I'm getting tired of this thread. So go ahead blow the shit of me because I'm done with this thread.
OOC: Well... OK... If you wish.
Soviet forces rage through Canada over the next few months. The Canadian Military is no problem, and all of Canada soon falls under Soviet Union control.
24-04-2006, 02:08
To: His Excellency Vladimir Sarov
From: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
The lands of Canada and Northern America have now at long last been taken. All of the seperate American factions have been united under the Chinese Empire and Alaska along with Canada is now Russian. Our recent sources tell us that you now have your eyes set on Europe and Africa. The empire is willing to help our grand ally in all ways possible. We shall send as many troops necessary for taking what countries you plan to take, while China begins its conquest in the Middle East. May both our empires be great benefactors in these takings.
To: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
From: Priemier Vladimir Sarov
We congradulate you on your sucsess. We would like to accept China's gift, and wishes them luck in the Middle East. Who shall get Oceania and South America?
24-04-2006, 02:21
To: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
From: Priemier Vladimir Sarov
We congradulate you on your sucsess. We would like to accept China's gift, and wishes them luck in the Middle East. Who shall get Oceania and South America?
To: His Excellency Vladimir Sarov
From: Tao Bin Rui, Imperial Eunuch of the Chinese Empire
To keep you ahead of terms, China is currently taking Oceania, but Russia has a chance to take land in South America. China does not have plans as of yet concerning the lower Americas, but you are more than welcome to take them if you find it desirable.
(SECRET IC PLEASE NO GODMODDING, don't crash down on me so quickly)
Governments had been whipped out, republics fell in the wake of the Juggernauts of the Soviet Union and China. The only opposition left was the Order of the Hawk. A group that has existed for 200 hundred years, and will continue to exist again.
In the occupied territories, things we're calming down. The Government was finally letting their gurad down, and most of the focus was on taking the rest of the world. Just like they wanted.
But Rule 1: Never trust Anyone. And also in this case they would be following the George Lucas Rule: technology is inherently evil and is the exclusive province of the Bad Guys. They're the ones with the robots, factories, cyberpunk megalopolises and floating battle stations, while the Good Guys live in small villages in peaceful harmony with nature. (Although somehow your guns and/or heavily armed airships are exempted from this.)
Now in someone's basement the order was meeting up, by the masses.
Women, Men, Children.
"All right quite down, quite down. It's been a while since we we're conqured So far we have been very fortunate. Few casualties, and a good ammount of sucess. But these are small, so small the Governments have writen them off as accidents, negligence. And we have to expand."
"We'll be massacered. No countrie could stand up to them."
"Yes that is true. They have the military Juggernaut, but we have the will. They may have a lot of hitech gizmos, but they have no real instincts. And they don't have the will. They will continue marching confident of their global empire. But we need to hit them where it hurts. It may be costly, but freedom isn't free. We need to strike the core, and we need to strike hard. We have a whole case of newer weapons, and we can make this work. But only if we abide by this oath."
Cases of weapons we're infact stolen from several military vaults several days ago.
Naturally the Government has captured and killed all the theives, and will be tightning their grip. (Gov. Propaganda)
Amazonian Beasts
24-04-2006, 02:26
OOC: Wtf...Brazliam, congrats on just killing an RP. Good job, mate. Of course, while I'm in Washington DC, you assume I'm just not paying attention. Love it. Keep up destroying your reputation.
IC: The CSA, which still lives, beyond China's poor fantasies, beheads and destroys China's leader. China goes into turmoil and is hit by nuclear weapons, the country is wiped out. Every Chinese citizen dies painfully. CSA leaders laugh.
Amazonian Beasts
24-04-2006, 02:30
OOC: Ah, never mind...this has gone down the tubes anyway...I'm out.
Kurona fell to the Soviet Union, and the Princess Tomoyo was spared, by a wonderful woman, who sacraficed her self in her place. Plus now she was widowed. Her Li Hirihito was killed defending Kurona. Now she had stripped the royal formalties, and was a reble island to her self. Helping uprisings wherever she could, sailing the seas alone, on an old fassiond boat. Something the Grand Naval Forces would never be on the look out for. Occasionally she blew up a ship or two. However when ever she was spotted, most dismissed her tiny boat as an illusion of the Sea, or a mere fishing vessel. She also dressed more in western fasions, as opposed to her usual Kimono.
24-04-2006, 02:33
OOC: Ah, never mind...this has gone down the tubes anyway...I'm out.
Oh. :/ Well... okay, if you insist.
24-04-2006, 02:40
Quote Kanami: (SECRET IC PLEASE NO GODMODDING, don't crash down on me so quickly)
No prob. I promise I will wait until a fair time to... respond to this.
24-04-2006, 02:45
OOC: I suggest we restart. This has gone... into nothing.
Lord Balmung
24-04-2006, 12:48
There has been a horrendous amount of godmoding going on in the last five pages, especially from Brazilam.
24-04-2006, 16:44
There has been a horrendous amount of godmoding going on in the last five pages, especially from Brazilam.
Yes, Brazilam, I'll have to agree with Lord Balmung here.
25-04-2006, 14:52
There has been a horrendous amount of godmoding going on in the last five pages, especially from Brazilam.
Aw man you're right... :( ... I guess I didn't realize until now... How does this sound, I'll delete all of those battle responses and... Well, I hope I can redeem myself. :( And I certainly can't say that this is my first RP for an excuse either.. :headbang:
25-04-2006, 14:54
Aw man you're right... :( ... I guess I didn't realize until now... How does this sound, I'll delete all of those battle responses and... Well, I hope I can redeem myself. :( And I certainly can't say that this is my first RP for an excuse either.. :headbang:
Yes. Restart. And I have a better plan this time.
27-04-2006, 22:29
Yes. Restart. And I have a better plan this time.
Uh... Are we restarting someday? Is it on a different post? Could Kulikovo possibly answer? :confused:
28-04-2006, 03:17
Is anybody even around? :(
28-04-2006, 03:19
I am no longer in control of this thread, it has a mind of its' own. I am the architect but yet the building keeps adding on floors without me. This thread is a self-sustaining entity. What do you want from me, the forgotten architect?
28-04-2006, 03:26
I am no longer in control of this thread, it has a mind of its' own. I am the architect but yet the building keeps adding on floors without me. This thread is a self-sustaining entity. What do you want from me, the forgotten architect?
Ooooooooooh. Okay. We've just got to restart this thread is all.
28-04-2006, 03:27
Restart? What do you mean?
28-04-2006, 03:29
Restart? What do you mean?
I mean by starting this thread from the begining again. Aparently, I made some mistakes I shouldn't have (A really big one- godmoding when I didn't realize I was), and now this whole thing has gone insane. If you have to blame anyone, just blame me.
28-04-2006, 03:31
*Hurls rock at Brazilam*
I'm too lazy, Does anyone else think I should restart the thread?
28-04-2006, 03:34
I should've monitored the thread more. But there was too much to read. But ti's still 99.9% your fault
28-04-2006, 03:35
*Hurls rock at Brazilam*
I'm too lazy, Does anyone else think I should restart the thread?
Thank you. I deserved that.
28-04-2006, 03:38
Shame on the rest of you for not telling him he was godmodding as well!
All right All right, give them a break now. Yes they we're god modding, even I thought so, but I didn't do anything, and my companions and I are still learning everything about Role Play. We all carried away every now and then, I forgive you for godmodding, we all make mistakes, and for some this was your first.