NationStates Jolt Archive

Coup in a 3rd World Country (MT Intro)

09-04-2006, 01:14
355 Days Earlier


President Du'font looked over the papers, his nation was in deep famine and the situation was only getting worse, it wasn't as if he wanted the people to be like this, he had tried cutting back on the military but it all kept coming back to a drought, his nation was ruined and it would be pinned on him, he smashed his against the desk in frustration, there he remained to collect his thoughts, the phone suddenly rang and Du'font sprang to attention staring at the black device, it rang once more, he tentitivly picked it up and stammered down the phone, "H-hello?"

A man a million miles away smiled and looked out his window and down onto the streets below, "Hello Mr Du'font, I have heard of your plight and have aliies who can help your nation." Du'font was too shocked to care about reminding the stranger that he was known as President, the man continued in the typical businessmans voice, "Mr Du'font, I am Mr Schmiel CEO of Schmiel weapons, I can ensure that your nation will recieve welfare and be protected by Schmiel weapons systems, what do you say?" Du'font looked around, he was nervous, the people depended on him, he needed an answer, this offer sounded too good, "Alright Mr Schmiel, I can expect your assistance."

**** **** ****

Tremendous work was accomplished in the weeks that followed, with Schmiel weaponary the people could be kept in line and with the packages of food and water they would be happy, Schmiel even came to visit once or twice, the place had become a poster for Schmiel weapons that they were not the bad guys, especially great in the small nation Schmiel came from, Spootians were rejoicing the businessman for his charity and his heart made of things stronger than his body armour.

**** **** ***

Present Day

It was a bizaare transition, one night Du'Font had been smiling and rejoicing and the next there was a new leader, Du'fonts smiling face had been replaced by that of one of the locals, the supply of Schmiel weapons and welfare stopped and the people became curious as to what had happened, they would never know.


"Ah Schmiel, you made it I see, come now you helped create this you come see Toopoxicas new HQ, I trust you enjoyed the rise in your stocks from neighbouring Warlords who don't want a Coup?" Schmiel looked at the leader as he looked out the rundown goverment building, "Actually sir most of these nations are Democracies." Schmiel pointed out, he was not much on the leaders bigotted views, "yes whatever, you have also been bumped to level 2 for your work in this matter, one level off and I may have to send out assassins." He laughed and was followed by the room full of goons, "Sir, do you not fear international communities spotting these coups? I mean sooner or later a nation will find you and then what?" Schmiel gulped as the Goons got ready to beat the German to a pulp, "Then I'll have to be sure that it never happens until I am ready and then it'll be on my grounds!"
09-04-2006, 02:29
(OOC: Bump)
09-04-2006, 02:39
(OOC: I'm intrested)
09-04-2006, 02:41
(OOC: well, you could investigate the mystery surrounding the coup, or you could investigate Mr Schmiel who's involvement seems errily coincidental, or you could just plain invade the country and be done with it, the choice is yours)

(OOC: the last one might not be such a great idea)
09-04-2006, 02:56
I'll INVADE! No I'm just kidding. But sure I could do an investigation style.
The Beltway
09-04-2006, 02:58
OOC - I'll get involved; I have a nice investigative team from a while back that I'll bring in. Can't now however; I'm still somewhat out of it from the wisdom tooth surgery yesterday, and am in no mood for a long IC post...
09-04-2006, 03:13
(OOC: excellent, RP away...)
09-04-2006, 03:25
FBI HQ: Carmina Gadalica

"So, Mr. Schmiel, aren't you quite the busy Business Man?" Yukito Momiya a long veteran of the FBI was getting alleged reports from various Embassies, about War Lords running amock, and the so called "Evil Corperations" that we're funding them. Kanami more of a Socialist nation has alwyas looked carefully at capitalism. But most of these allegations either fell cold are we're simply not true at all. But there was a new file on his desk, and a new person in his cross hairs. He just needed to find what he was up too.

He picked up his phone, dialed 67.

A young woman in another room picked the phone up.


"Vanessa, it's me. I'm getting into a new case. Possible allged investments into Terrorist War Lords. Schmiel Weapons, has recently had a sharp stock incline over the past 400 days. This company has come under various watch dogs many times, the U.N. Homeland Security, ATF, us, even unknown groups in Kanami. I'm going to look into this, I'll want your help?"

"All right, what can I do?"

"I need you to look at their sales records, and look to who they are selling to. If it's some famin or war raveged nation, we'll have full authority to investigate."

"I'll get on it."
09-04-2006, 03:34
King Exelentor IV was sitting by his personal pool, soaking in the sun. The nineteen year old monarch was one of a dying breed, the benevolent absolute dictator. Although he had the power to execute half of the nation with a word, he knew that it was his god given duty to help the poor and unfortunate, and make life for everybody as good as possible. That had been the mindset of the Kings of Riveaou ever sense the Missionaries came. He glanced down at his pager, and saw he had a new message waiting for him. He pressed a button, and the voice message came on.

"Your royal highness," the voice began, "we have received reports of a severe anomaly in the government of a third world nation. One moment their elected president was in command, now... no one knows who is sending down the orders. A company, Schmiel weapons, had been providing humanitarian aid to the country but that aid has ended. We request your decision on a course of action in this matter."

The young king returned to the palace shortly, and summoned the head of the Foreign Relations Department.

"Mr. Dynomon, what do you think of sending an investigative team to the nation in question to find out what is going on."

"Your highness, I think that could be a good idea."

"Then I want you to alert the military to prepare some of our shadowwalkers for immediate deployment."

"Yes, your highness"

[OOC: What is the nation like. Is it an island or landlocked? What nations border it. What is the climate? Does it have a hyper vigilent police force, or is it lax to non-existant?]

[OOC: Edited]
09-04-2006, 13:44
(OOC: Toopoxia is not the third world nation that was taken over, the situation is like this, Toopoxia is more like a mass organisation of sort of terrorists they move from one nation to another draining resources, usually a nation which is in debt, famine or political instability, they have fronts in the form of multi million corporations such as Schmiel Weapons, if you're investigating Schmiel recomend you start at Schmiel HQ in the nation of Spooty, my puppet though not technically puppet wanking as neither nation is really helping the other, anywho, the Toopoxican organisation has secretly arrived in the small landlocked African nation formerly ruled by President David Du'Font, I have no name for it yet but it isn't known as Toopoxica cos the Toopoxican organisation tries to remain hidden, there is a relativly small conscripted forse which uses Schmiel weapons and there's the Poxican Guard who use whatever the budget can afford, but unless you come real close to capturing anyone who will destabalise the Toopoxican organisation I wouldn't worry about them yet, lastly there are scores of Bounty Hunters who are on the Poxican payroll, they'll turn up if they find a single person or persons trying to break the organisation.)

"Mr Schmiel!" Schmiel looked up and then puished the button on his intercom, "What is it?" He asked quickly, the current situation called for vigilance, "We've picked up on some people looking into our sales records." That wasn't illegal but Schmiel knew that they would only have to link Du'Font and the sales in order to merit an attack, of course sending in an Assassin may rouse further suspicions, all he could do was make sure that they came to a dead end, he closed the intercom channel and picked up the phone, quickly he inserted the number, the phone rang for a while...

"Mr Schmiel, you have not been instructed to phone, you must delete your logs soon." The leader was busy watching the moon through the hole in the goverment wall, Schmiel sounded worried, "Phone logs are no longer important, we have someone trawling through our sales records." The leader hang up and stared out the window, he smiled and looked back at one of his Goons, "send a spy to keep his eyes on this investigator, if he gets too close then have him dealt with!"
10-04-2006, 00:40
(OOC: Bump)
10-04-2006, 03:43
Deep in the jungles of southern Dreedan, a military base existed. Ever sense the Dreedaneese government collapsed, Axinon and Riveaou both maintained bases on the island. In one base, RU003, a team of hackers was discussing their plans. While one looked at the web site of Schmiel Weapons, the others were figuring out how to mask their footsteps. Of course they had nothing to worry about. The base was top-secret, heavily guarded, and was impossible to determine the location of. The ability to change IP at will also aided them. At the current time, the computer was “camouflaged” as a system from a small ex-soviet republic.

"All I have to say is that the fools who operated "Operation: X Marks the Spot" were totally incompetent" one man said.

"Whatever, that was a year ago, and that did not even involve the Dominion."

"Ok, Clegg, how is the site structured?"

The man at the computer turned around. "Generic input/output system. Should be very easy to crack."

"Good. We have not received formal orders to begin yet, so don't. Everyone get some sleep."

"Ok, boss"
10-04-2006, 15:51
"Tracking programs aren't working, it looks like it could be a military hacker, way beyond my skills." The hacker sat before the computer, they had found the hacker but could not trace where the user was coming from, a man stepped out the shadows and into the light, his zippo flared up as he lit the ciggarette in his mouth "You do realise that if you find nothing you will be the one I assassinate." The zippo was shaken out as the man paced around the room with his ciggy, "K, well we know it's from a small ex-Soviet republic, maybe we could narrow it down." The nerd was smiling at his plan which for once did not involve a computer, "y'know for a nerd you really are a dips--t, if they have managed to stop your trace program then why would they allow for you to find thier approximate location, keep working!"
The Beltway
10-04-2006, 16:21


"Hello?" Juan Gonzalez, investigator for the National Police of The Beltway and undercover agent for the Defence Intelligence Agency of that same nation, muttered into the telephone. It was four in the morning, and he wanted to get back to sleep.

"Hey, Juan, it's me. Jacob Shay," the man on the other end said. Shay was a sergeant on the National Police. He and Gonzalez had worked together once before, almost a year ago.

"Shay. I don't remember anybody by that name... unless you mean the man who blundered a simple murder investigation and turned it into an international incident?" Gonzalez said angrily.

"Quiet; the past is the past. We got a new assignment; some backwater nation suffered a coup, and the powers that be want to know more about it," Shay replied, hoping to move on.

"Shay, you know that in one week, it will have been a year since... And you expect me to be willing to work with you again? And on an international thing? You've got some nerve, thinking you can call me out of the blue to do this..." Gonzalez shouted. Shay let him vent; after a few minutes, he stopped.

After a bit, Gonzalez calmed and said, "Fine. I'll work with you. But we're not going to go into this without knowing what we're doing. I want to know what we're looking into, what we need to find out, how we're going to find out what we need to find out - then, and only then, will we actually go out to this backwater nation."

Sorry for the delay. What sort of info is available to my investigators about the nation where the coup occurred?
10-04-2006, 16:32
(OOC: the tiny nation ((so far un-named, feel free to give it a name)) was granted freedom after a war with several neighbouring Democracies, it established its own democracy and for a while was quite successful under David Du'Font until a famine hit the region and the nation became desperate for aid in the aftermath, which they got from Schmiel Weapons... You know the rest, there's more info on the surrent state of the nation in one of my earlier posts.)
Liberated New Ireland
10-04-2006, 18:45
Isle of Ireland News
We have recieved word that the Proffesionals (People's Republic of Liberated New Ireland's regular army) have been mobilised. We await evidence of Toopoxian interference in the country. If evidence is found, the PRLNI will attempt to root out and defeat the notorious terrorist group once and for all.
10-04-2006, 20:36
(OOC: LNI, so far the only IC info that you know is that a nation was mysteriously overturned in a bloodless coup, the only clues as to who or what caused this are the apperance and disaperance of Schmiel weaponary, the Toopoxican organisation has not yet even made any suggestion that it is involved (SOOC: it is) start off by sending in an investigator or looking into Schmiel, or you could invade but I really don't suggest it not cos I'll kick your ass but because you'll kick my ass and that's really not much fun.)
Liberated New Ireland
10-04-2006, 20:47
OOC: My forces are only mobilized, they aren't invading. And we only suspect you because we're suspicious bastards. And because you kicked the hell out of my army in FoA. BTW, post in my civil war thread. No one's even looked at it... :(
10-04-2006, 21:09
(OOC: I'll look at the Civil war, one thing though, this RP and FoA have nothing in common, this RP is based on the NS main earth wheras FoA is an alternate history, it's a little confusing I know it took me three months to figure it out when I first signed up last year)
Liberated New Ireland
10-04-2006, 21:19
OOC: Yeah, I know that FoA doesn't affect my nation. I was joking.
10-04-2006, 21:48
(OOC: my bad, you sending in any Covert Ops?)
Liberated New Ireland
10-04-2006, 22:08
OOC: Maybe... My nation really isn't strong in spying... But i'll come up with someone soon.
11-04-2006, 23:36
(OOC: bump)
The Beltway
12-04-2006, 15:59
In retrospect, The Beltway's National Police aren't going to be that interested in a coup in some tiny Third World nation. Perhaps you should have your company ask to purchase stock in Baltimore Shipyards (, but have something odd included (either a corporate motto, a misplaced document accidentally attached to the message, or just a throwaway remark that's way out of place) that makes the people in that company suspicious...
Oh, and North Voltaia's what I've decided to name your third-world nation...

Two days after Shay's late-night call
"Mr. Shay, I've checked out what I could from here. This isn't really that significant. So some defence firm may have been unduly involved in a coup in a Third World nation nobody cares about. Does that really matter to The Beltway?" Juan Gonzalez said loudly to Jacob Shay, who was still nursing a hangover. "Did you really need to wake - me - up - for - THIS!"

"Jeez, man, you don't have to shout... I have a hangover, for the luvagod..." Shay muttered, rubbing his head. After a minute, he said, "Look, we're off the case. It seems that the powers that be don't care about North Voltaia any more than you do."

"Bien. I'm going to visit Louis Bradstreet's grave. You let him die, you know..." Gonzalez replied, then walked out. Shay stood in shock, remembering those last days in West Corinthia - Bradstreet getting gunned down in the street, Plame and Lim standing guard over Shay's hospital room, the General who turned out to be a counter-intelligence agent and who nearly killed them all - it had been a mess. But, no use in remembering the past...
12-04-2006, 16:32
In retrospect, The Beltway's National Police aren't going to be that interested in a coup in some tiny Third World nation. Perhaps you should have your company ask to purchase stock in Baltimore Shipyards (, but have something odd included (either a corporate motto, a misplaced document accidentally attached to the message, or just a throwaway remark that's way out of place) that makes the people in that company suspicious...
Oh, and North Voltaia's what I've decided to name your third-world nation...

(OOC: I don't understand stocks at all, so if I get this wrong throw it down to me not being in the know, k, I added on the Phone logs for Schmiel Weaponary but it's in white Spoiler tint so you'll have to highlight it to read.)
The Beltway
12-04-2006, 16:56
OOC - Stock is simply a tiny portion of a company; buying a share of stock means owning a share of the company.
13-04-2006, 21:03
(OOC: Bump)
Liberated New Ireland
13-04-2006, 21:05
OOC: I'm thinking this thread is going to die like my civil war thread. The war in Pythagoria is somewhat more important...
13-04-2006, 21:06
(OOC: no problems, I was planning on just keeping this nation as somewhat of a Toopoxican warehouse anyway)
The Beltway
13-04-2006, 21:25
Juan Gonzalez crouched at a gravestone in a cemetery outside Dover, sobbing quietly. He placed a flower on the grave, and stood - and saw Jacob Shay in front of him. "What are you doing here, Shay?" Gonzalez shouted. "Why have you come, you murderer?"

"To pay my respects to my comrade," Shay said quietly, then suddenly shouted, "He was my friend, too, you know! You can't deny that..." Shay walked around, holding a flower.

Gonzalez stood bodily in Shay's way. "You let him die, Shay! And now you think that you can come and pay your respects to him? He won't take your respects; they're worthless, as worthless as you," he shouted, shoving Shay for emphasis.

"Look, I may be worthless, I may have let him die, but at least I didn't come here for a fight," Shay said, recovering his balance. "I came here, like decent people do, to pay my respects to a friend and to mourn his loss. Now, will you let me do that?"

"No," Gonzalez answered. "No, you aren't a decent person. You're a fool, a coward, a worthless excuse for a human being; you let him die, and you let us down. But I'll let you pay your respects to the man you let die." Gonzalez then walked away, glaring.

"Thank you. Oh, and by the way, ever heard of Schmiel Industries? We gotta investigate that; something about it possibly poisoning people," Shay shouted back at the retreating Gonzalez, finally able to say what he had come to say. He then put the small flower gingerly on the gravestone and braced for an angry retort that never came.

I'm back in this...
14-04-2006, 01:41
"Hmmm... very interesting..." muttered one of the hackers.

"What?" inquired the team leader.

"This stuff I have been able to pull up. The companies sales records. A number of internal memos too. Most are encrypted though. I am pulling out now. I inserted a small snippet of code into their mainframe though. It is impossible to find unless you are looking for it. Only a few lines of code in the many lines that make up the Windings server that this company uses. It will transcribe every internal memo that is sent to a Glarvanian government site. Of course, the Glarvanites will have no idea about our little operation. I am cutting off the link now..." said the hacker.

"Good work. Set the computer to work on decrypting the memos now. I will personally look over the financial records you grabbed, and see if anything turns up."
17-04-2006, 03:32
18-04-2006, 01:21
(OOC: Bump)
19-04-2006, 18:39
(OOC: and now for some more plot exposition)

8 Years Ago

Lucian held in his arms a small child which picked at its mouth and occasionally kicked playfully out towards Lucian, "I'm very sorry sir, She died as a cause of my actions." A man in a black gown had walked into the room, he was expecting a little more sorrow from the man who cradled the child.

"She will have a proper burial, right now all our efforts are to be made in training him." Lucians eyes were fixed upon the face of the baby, "Inform my wifes family, and have him taken to the nursery." Lucian handed over the now crying blanket.

Present Day, North Volitaia

"What is this crap!?" Johnathon ripped down the poster which hung upon a nail speared through his door, "Compulsary Military Training Act?" John took a quick look down both ends of the streets, sure enough there were posters upon everyones door, on the back was a list of times and somthing about the punishment given for those who failed to turn up.