NationStates Jolt Archive

Breaking Storefront Rules (FT; Open; ATTN MM)

03-04-2006, 01:40
To: The Manticoran Alliance of Mini Miehm
From: The Imperial Nycarian Grand Navy of SeaQuest
Topic: Your purchase of Stargates and subsequient breaking of the stipulated rules for their use.

In accordance to policy set down in case of events like this, your use of the Stargate to attack the SeaQuestian planet of Botany in the Waterhelper owned star cluster has caused us to initiate contingency plans.

As you have broken Rule #4 (see below), we are forced to transmit the signal to all the Stargates you have purchased from us that causes them to auto-detonate.

4.) Thou shalt not attempt to use purchased units on the Imperial Nycarian Grand Navy of SeaQuest or any of our allies.

The amount of Naquadah that will be going in each of those detonations would be enough to send a planet into an new ice age and blow a crater the size of Colorado, combined, we can only speculate how much damage it would cause.

Because of your actions, you can now consider your nation banned from any and all SeaQuestian storefronts from now until it is deemed otherwise.

No, we will not be sending you your money back. You broke the rules, so you must face the consequences.

OOC: Ie, all your Stargates you bought from me just went 'boom', within thirty NS seconds of my making this post. Oh, and you aren't getting a refund.
Mini Miehm
03-04-2006, 02:03
To: The Manticoran Alliance of Mini Miehm
From: The Imperial Nycarian Grand Navy of SeaQuest
Topic: Your purchase of Stargates and subsequient breaking of the stipulated rules for their use.

In accordance to policy set down in case of events like this, your use of the Stargate to attack the SeaQuestian planet of Botany in the Waterhelper owned star cluster has caused us to initiate contingency plans.

As you have broken Rule #4 (see below), we are forced to transmit the signal to all the Stargates you have purchased from us that causes them to auto-detonate.

The amount of Naquadah that will be going in each of those detonations would be enough to send a planet into an new ice age and blow a crater the size of Colorado, combined, we can only speculate how much damage it would cause.

Because of your actions, you can now consider your nation banned from any and all SeaQuestian storefronts from now until it is deemed otherwise.

No, we will not be sending you your money back. You broke the rules, so you must face the consequences.

OOC: Ie, all your Stargates you bought from me just went 'boom', within thirty NS seconds of my making this post. Oh, and you aren't getting a refund.

OOC: As you are so fond of doing:

1: Prove it. No Terran or Miehmish vessel was sighted in accordance with that incident, my presence was totally untraceable, unless you saw us in the Warp as our significantly smaller vessel stooged along behind Lucian.

2: Explain EXACTLY how you did it, how you knew I was involved, and how the devices operated. You know what I did to ND, and I can explain EXACTLY what happened, can you do the same?
No endorse
03-04-2006, 03:45
ooc: @@ take it to some form of IM

1) Proof is un-necessary. Were something odd to happen to my nation, odds are VERY good that TCG would get blamed, regardless of his participation or lack of which. Why? Because ICly I hate him with a burning passion. He's an enemy. Therefore, if I can't figure out who did it, he'd be a natural scapegoat. Tis the way you fight wars when you've no fracking clue what happened, blame your worst foe, or at least your foe who would be most likely try something like that.

2) It is stated in his storefront that anyone violating terms would recieve Stargate Detonation. You agreed to those terms by buying stargates from him.
4.) Thou shalt not attempt to use purchased units on the Imperial Nycarian Grand Navy of SeaQuest or any of our allies.

5.) Buyer shalt not attempt to tamper with purchased units.

6.) Buyer shalt not attempt to reverse-engineer purchased units.

7.) Violation of any/all of rules 4 - 6 will result in the activation of a Auto-Destruct Protocol, which, due to the materials used in construction, will cause a rather large and nasty explosion.

#7 means he can use a self-destruct protocol, unless you've broken #5, in which case you're violating international law and will have a huge coalition against you.

Besides, didn't you I.G.N.O.R.E. SQ? If so, you never even bought those things from him, so the point is moot as he can't detonate what doesn't exist.
03-04-2006, 08:05
OOC: Re-read my posts in the thread, MM. You'll see I specifically state the incoming wormhole is from the address of a Gate you purchased. Its all there, IC and everything.
Mini Miehm
03-04-2006, 20:10
OOC: Re-read my posts in the thread, MM. You'll see I specifically state the incoming wormhole is from the address of a Gate you purchased. Its all there, IC and everything.

OOC: Yes, I know. The proof never left the planet. You never said that you made your leaders or any other nation aware of the incident. Thus, you never made anyone aware of the incident. If you can show me that I missed the post wherein you told someone, then we'll talk, until then you have no reason to act.
No endorse
03-04-2006, 21:01
ooc: MM, reasons are un-necessary. You are the scapegoat of this incident. He doesn't know for certain it was you, but he doesn't need to. He just needs someone (whom he doesn't like ICly) to blame it on. Seeing as you bought a lot of gates from him AND have warp capability, it doesn't take a mathmatician to figure that you're a likely candidate. Seeing as attacking Chron is akin to suicide by drinking a mix of 5 molar HNO3 and 5 molar HN, you're an even MORE likely option.

It's completly IC too. Whenever a nation is attacked (9/11, Oklahoma City, et cetera) the nation finds someone to blame (Al-Qaeda, Iraq, et cetera) regardless of how good the facts are. So long as there's the slighest clue that might possibly suggest that you could have possibly been the culprit, and the media gets it, SQ gets a MASSIVE public wave to beat you senseless. He could blame me if he could find any remote reason for it, such as "finding" (or at least pretending to find) a No Endorse black box in the area. Heck, I'd even RP that to the fullest reprocussions with no ret-con unless ABSOLUTLY necessary (something most FTers are failing to do quite often nowadays <_<)
Mini Miehm
03-04-2006, 21:15
ooc: MM, reasons are un-necessary. You are the scapegoat of this incident. He doesn't know for certain it was you, but he doesn't need to. He just needs someone (whom he doesn't like ICly) to blame it on. Seeing as you bought a lot of gates from him AND have warp capability, it doesn't take a mathmatician to figure that you're a likely candidate. Seeing as attacking Chron is akin to suicide, you're an even MORE likely option.

It's completly IC too. Whenever a nation is attacked (9/11, Oklahoma City, et cetera) the nation finds someone to blame (Al-Qaeda, et cetera) regardless of how good the facts are. So long as there's the slighest clue that might possibly suggest that you could have possibly been the culprit, and the media gets it, SQ gets a MASSIVE public wave to beat you senseless. He could blame me if he could find any remote reason for it, such as 'finding' a No Endorse black box in the area. Heck, I'd even RP that to the fullest reprocussions with no ret-con unless ABSOLUTLY necessary (something most FTers are failing to do quite often nowadays <_<)

NE, my friend. We discussed this last night. There is no reason for animosity between our nations. Roger has been retconned, as has my involvement in the Huntaer war, thus we've never actually engaged in open war to my knowledge. There's no reason to even suspect me. And I didn't have Warp capability when it happened, I had Chron do it for me.
04-04-2006, 20:49
OOC: Yes, I know. The proof never left the planet. You never said that you made your leaders or any other nation aware of the incident. Thus, you never made anyone aware of the incident. If you can show me that I missed the post wherein you told someone, then we'll talk, until then you have no reason to act.

OOC: Let me spell it out for you.
A.) You bought a lot of Stargates from me;
B.) You have had an obvious IC dislike for me (and proably OOC as well);
C.) A Stargate's detonation isn't exactly that hard to detect;
D.) Contact with Botany was lost;
E.) It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who did it.
Mini Miehm
04-04-2006, 21:00
OOC: Let me spell it out for you.
A.) You bought a lot of Stargates from me;
B.) You have had an obvious IC dislike for me (and proably OOC as well);
C.) A Stargate's detonation isn't exactly that hard to detect;
D.) Contact with Botany was lost;
E.) It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out who did it.


I did.

Not so, my characters have simply encountered you and found you to be arrogant. If you check we've never actually fought against each other in any major way. Our nations have barely interacted.

But still, no reason to suspect me has been shown.

This is so. Still no reason to suspect me.

Sure it does. Remember that basically any reason you would have to suspect me hasbeen retconned by now. The Lockdown, Roger, and Huntaer has been removed, as though it never happened. That's about all we've ver done that would give you any reason to think it was MM, expecxially since we lack Warp Capability. Once I use it again on Tannelorn, then it will be a different issue.
04-04-2006, 21:02
Geneticon wishes to inform Seaquest (Whom we consider an ally) that we will aide you if you need it.
05-04-2006, 20:53
@Geneticon: Understood, and thanks.
@MM: All you are doing is trying to weasel out of your responsibility. Not going to happen.
Mini Miehm
05-04-2006, 23:00
@Geneticon: Understood, and thanks.
@MM: All you are doing is trying to weasel out of your responsibility. Not going to happen.


What I'm actually doing is pointing out everything I'll be using against you when I invade you for committing mass murder against my citizens. And destroying a Division of troops, and a planet. Your friends can't save you now.
06-04-2006, 00:41
The Imperium finds the actions of the Seaquestrians to be unfounded, laughable and on the whole predictable from such a foolish race. This action of mass terrorism through capitalist deception shall not go unnoted by the Imperium, and Seaquestrian vessels are henceforth banned from Chronosian Space. Furthermore, all hallowed technology of the glorious Machine God shall be denied to you; all contact through Imperial Traders shall henceforth be severed.

Furthermore, any violation of our imposed restrictions shall result in the complete and utter destruction of the transgression; and their commitment to the Immaterium in death.

The Emperor sends his regrets that your race prove to be as fickle and petty as so many others; but sends his hopes that the glory of the Warp that has been let lose will open your eyes. One cannot be blind forever, not in the presence of the true light of the Gods.

-Chronosian Diplomatic Corps.
06-04-2006, 00:52
Official Response To The Chronosian Message

First off, its kind of hard to block trade with a nation that already doesn't allow trade with you in the first place.

Secondly, we don't recognize your religion or your gods and have no desire to hear any of your theocratic propoganda.

Thirdly, we can develop our own tech. We have never expressed a desire to obtain anything resembling what you use.

Fourthly, the concept of superiority over another is the mark of a weak mind. So, we would appreciate if you kept your egos to yourselves.

Fifth of all, Botany's black box recorded the fact that the incoming wormhole was from a Stargate purchased by the Manticoran Alliance of Mini Miehm from us. In the daily and routine data transmission from the device, we know have that information in our possession.

Lastly, we thank you for your concern, but we have handled things for ourselves just fine over the millenia.
06-04-2006, 00:56
You speak of arrogance little worms, and yet have the gall to lecture us on it's finer points. We simply meant our announcement to serve as a sign that we will have nothing to do with you. Not all of the actions of Rogue traders can be accounted for and so it is theoretical, whether you like to admit it or not, that some contact could take place. We of the Imperium shall step in to stop any supposed or possible trade or contact.

Simply know this; you will rue the day when you crossed the Imperium or it's allies. We have a slender thread of a peace, we would not wish to waste all our efforts upon upstarts such as yourselves. What is a millenia compared to the glorious history of the Imperium?

Our Gods do not require you to believe in them; for soon their will shall be made manifest upon the wretched Cluster. You have smote worlds with your arrogant pride, seeking to spare yourselves and a single world, you have damned countless to the glorious of the Ruinous Powers.

Change is coming, and you shall not stand against it.

-Chronosian Diplomatic Corps.
06-04-2006, 01:12
Official Response To The Chronosian Message

You lecture us on change? We know all about change. We know that change is the only constant in the universe.

As we said in our last message, we have no wish or desire to hear your theocratic proproganda. So, you can stop spouting off about your religious beliefs.

As for the possibility of rouge traders, they would be from your nation. We have enough authorized trade with our own allies that we had no need to trade with your black market.
06-04-2006, 01:25
The only constant and the only force worthy of pursuit and veneration. True change requires that all be burned and sundered for the new to take it's place; for glorious change to ravage every corner of the galaxy and the universe. We will speak of our gods if we so wish it, worms; we are their chosen, and the glories of the Warp will soon be felt across the Cluster. You hold no power where the servants of Chaos walk.

We shall come in time to claim what is ours; let us leave our intercourse at that; shall we?

-Chronosian Diplomatic Corps.
06-04-2006, 02:26
Geneticon warns all involved to keep their emotions in check. The rules were broken and the damage has been done. Retribution has taken place. Now, working towards peace should be the object of further talks.