NationStates Jolt Archive

Dragan Riocht (Erin is Informal)

Dragan Riocht
30-03-2006, 01:17
They had started off as nomads, traversing the plains of Europe. However, as their culture lasted longer and longer, they began to coalesce back towards their original homeland, pushed by the Scandanavians and others back to the lands around the opening of the Black Sea into the Med, and the lands around the River Jordan. There, their Prophets had been born. There, their God had revealed himself to their ancestors. Their they had built their Temple to him. Until the Mediteranean Valley had flooded. They became mobile at that point, moving around at all times. However, as the regional warlords gained power, they had returned to the lands of their birth.

Now, centuries later, they controlled the Ionian Penninsula, Asia Minor, and the lands along the banks of the Jordan River down to the Suez Penninsula. There had been a split at one point in their existence between the Nomads of the desserts, and the settlers of An Ghreig, An Turic, and Iosrael. The Nomads inhabited the desserts of the Suez Canal, and the lands to the Euphrates River.

As the government began to form, there was much dispute until an agreement was made. The Emporer would be chosen by the Five Elector Lords. Lord O'Neill of An Ghrieg. Lord McBride of An Turic. Lord Tulane of Iosrael. And the Lords McKnight and O'Connor, of the Nomads. The five lords had combined their funds and built the Palas Impiruil. There, on the banks of the River Jordan, the Five Lords would meet to detemine who would be the new Emporer. This year, the 254th since the founding of the Empire, the son of Lord O'Neill had been chosen for several reasons.

1. He had been raised among the commoners, and had many friends among them
2. He was trained in the classical arts and in Scriptural Studies
3. He knew the politics of the region, and how to please both the Eirnians and the Nomads
4. He had proved himself to be a tactical genius in games of strategy from all across the known world

Now, Impire Shane O'Niell was the rulrer, with only the Council of Electors to hold him in check.
Niall Noiglach
02-04-2006, 02:20
Shane O'Neill sat in the balcony of his room, and watched the military of Iosrael drilling below him. Halberdiers practiced formations for anti-Cavalry and anti-Infantry charges, as well as how to properrly charge an opposing force. The Swordsmen clashed their steel swords together in intricate and fast paced swords play. Every know and then, a yelp arose as a man was hurt with one of the blunted practice blades. Across the courtyard, Handgunners practiced their aim, refining it even more, while trying to reduce their reload time to below 1 minute. next to them stood the archers, whose job it was to pin down and slaughter the enemy forces with massive numbers of arrows. On the cavalry grounds, the lords of Iosrael led their paladins in Cavalry Charges on specially designed dummies, created purely to simulate the average Infantry line. Pistoliers, the sons of the nobility, rode their wild stallions through the special maze of Infantry targets,ing and dropping their pistols.
The American Privateer
02-04-2006, 15:02
Just as a warning, someone managed to hack my nations, and so please disregard my posts for a while. I will login and delete them if possible, put I can't promise much.
The American Privateer
03-04-2006, 03:34
okay, whatever was wrong has been fixed, and I have control of my nations again (w00t).