Galactic Map (FT)
Draconic Order
29-03-2006, 04:31
Map (
Thanks to some help, we have view of the galaxy map, top-down perspective from galactic north.
At the moment, Tidan is doing the updates.
29-03-2006, 04:43
Uhm, do my eyes deceive me or is someone claiming to live in the center of the Milky Way?
The Combine of Xen
29-03-2006, 04:45
yeah makes no sense to me either.
Spit break
29-03-2006, 04:50
hey could you add me on to it?
nation: Commonwealth Of Spit Break
Region: The PLANTs
since am the only on in my region put it down as "The PLANTs" on the map put me between soviet trasa and deatharon if you could
Trinity Prime
29-03-2006, 05:06
If you could pop Trinity Prime in somewhere in the area of the triangle formed by Maldaathi, Ersatia and Nova Bazalonia, please.
Thanks a lot.
29-03-2006, 10:16
Can you please remove me from that map? It no longer shows my position
kindly define "top down" in 3-space?
and just how much space are we talking about here?
of course i haven't looked yet.
as a side note: in the milky way galaxy i know anything about,
the only worlds advanced enought to have ftl or some
functional equivelant, that arn't at peace with eacy other
are either retarded or flagrantly criminal.
on the third hand i like maps
and on the fourth, i suppose since it is ONE,
galaxy we're talking about, any view perpendicular
to it's plane, COULD be considered "top down" or
even bottem up.
as vast as the population of ns might be,
if each of us was a whole planet,
and the only planet in its solar system
harbouring sentient life,
we would still all fit comfortaby,
without the least bit of crowding,
into ONE spiral arm,
and i don't think conditions too near the galactic
core, would be all that likely to be conducive to
any of our kinds of life.
Socialist Whittier
29-03-2006, 12:42
Put me between Fedral Union and Chronosia.
Socialist Whittier
29-03-2006, 12:44
kindly define "top down" in 3-space?
and just how much space are we talking about here?
of course i haven't looked yet.
as a side note: in the milky way galaxy i know anything about,
the only worlds advanced enought to have ftl or some
functional equivelant, that arn't at peace with eacy other
are either retarded or flagrantly criminal.
on the third hand i like maps
and on the fourth, i suppose since it is ONE,
galaxy we're talking about, any view perpendicular
to it's plane, COULD be considered "top down" or
even bottem up.
as vast as the population of ns might be,
if each of us was a whole planet,
and the only planet in its solar system
harbouring sentient life,
we would still all fit comfortaby,
without the least bit of crowding,
into ONE spiral arm,
and i don't think conditions too near the galactic
core, would be all that likely to be conducive to
any of our kinds of life.
considering the center of the milky way is actually a gigantic black hole
The Phoenix Milita
29-03-2006, 12:44
whats with the people living in dead space where theres are no stars or planets and most likely only dark matter. . . silly map if u ask me
Hey guys, how about you cut down on the criticisms of people trying to play FT and just let them have their fun.
We're also in the center of the galaxy.
Can you put me on the next galactic arm due south of Jenrak?
The Phoenix Milita
29-03-2006, 16:12
Hey guys, how about you cut down on the criticisms of people trying to play FT and just let them have their fun.
no im ft too and u cant live where there is a supermassive blackhole, or nothing but dark matter -_-
Draconic Order
29-03-2006, 23:55
Ok, for all those talking about SeaQuest's placement... SeaQuest decided it for some reason, although I've asked SeaQuest why, I've never gotten a response.
edit-The top-down perspective is from galactic north...
The Humankind Abh
30-03-2006, 00:40
Since things are filling up fast, can you put me on the northern arm at the very tip of the spiral? I know New Dornalia, Talaax, and Neo Zeta border me as well.
30-03-2006, 00:41
I'm not trying to bitch at SQ, I am just wondering if he realizes taht there is no way he can live where he says his empire is located.
And I think at this point the map is crowded enough that you might want to start layering it so you can add more nations to the map without it becoming an eye strain.
Germanische Zustande
30-03-2006, 05:21
I'm not trying to bitch at SQ, I am just wondering if he realizes taht there is no way he can live where he says his empire is located.
And I think at this point the map is crowded enough that you might want to start layering it so you can add more nations to the map without it becoming an eye strain.
Maybe his people are gravitational entites, that exist in the distortions of space time that are black holes?
Communist Racoons
30-03-2006, 05:25
Can you put me... Anywhere? Haha, Yeah...
Nation: Communist Racoons
Region: Communist Heavan
Reason: Build a fleet and kil, I mean... be kind to you all :)
30-03-2006, 05:26
I'm not trying to bitch at SQ, I am just wondering if he realizes taht there is no way he can live where he says his empire is located.
And I think at this point the map is crowded enough that you might want to start layering it so you can add more nations to the map without it becoming an eye strain.
I don't. That's just where a wormhole connecting my home galaxy to the MWG is located.
@DO: What happened to the other thread about this?
EDIT: Never mind. I found it. I noticed a few nations had posted in the other thread that are not on the map in this thread's first post.
30-03-2006, 05:26
Maybe his people are gravitational entites, that exist in the distortions of space time that are black holes?
Then my brain would not have raised a red flag, and truly it isn't any of my business what people do even if I find it silly, but I feel it is my duty to point out that survival in that area is impossible, unless you are a gravitational entity, but their not from all the evidence I have seen.
30-03-2006, 05:27
Then my brain would not have raised a red flag, and truly it isn't any of my business what people do even if I find it silly, but I feel it is my duty to point out that survival in that area is impossible, unless you are a gravitational entity, but their not from all the evidence I have seen.
Interesting idea and all, but I RP my main race as the Alterans from Stargate.
i would like to see the day you over take someone like seaquest or dmg or anybody like that.
30-03-2006, 05:33
Perhaps another thread should be made for discussion purposes. That way, this one can get back on topic.
30-03-2006, 05:34
There really is no need now, sorry for derailing this thread any that I have.
30-03-2006, 05:34
Ehh, here is a quote from the old thread about map locations.
Xenomorph Hive, Galactic Patrol, and myself have put our Milky Way holdings on the map.
Draconic Order
31-03-2006, 23:50
Ehh, here is a quote from the old thread about map locations.
Although, that person doesn't control the mapping updates at the moment.
01-04-2006, 00:09
Although, that person doesn't control the mapping updates at the moment.
I'll let TVS, XH, and GP know they still have to wait then.
01-04-2006, 00:18
Add us anywhere really
Name: Animarnia (FT)
Draconic Order
01-04-2006, 05:55
I'll let TVS, XH, and GP know they still have to wait then.
Tidan is doing the updates... most of the time that people place themselves on the map, that is where Tidan confirms them to be. So, they are still going to wait like everyone else, and about 95% likely that they will keep where they want.
i would like to see the day you over take someone like seaquest or dmg or anybody like that.
What does that mean, and who are you talking to?
about 95% likely that they will keep where they want
I try
update (
And I think at this point the map is crowded enough that you might want to start layering it so you can add more nations to the map without it becoming an eye strain.
I realize things are way too crowded near Sol. I was thinking of making a map for each quadrant. What do you mean by layering EX?
01-04-2006, 21:27
I realize things are way too crowded near Sol. I was thinking of making a map for each quadrant. What do you mean by layering EX?
Think about cheese: Just slice the galaxy up into well... slices. You'd have a top slice, a middle slice, and a bottom slice. That should solve the space problem for a while at least.
Germanische Zustande
01-04-2006, 21:36
Nations are starting to infringe...
Galactic Patrol is getting a bit close...
Draconic Order
03-04-2006, 04:18
updated front page
I cannot claim space on this map, as it is of Milky Way. I would need one of Andromeda. unless of course you wish to put an arrow that says "To Andromeda (Rian, inner Outermost ring of the Galactic Core).
Think about cheese: Just slice the galaxy up into well... slices. You'd have a top slice, a middle slice, and a bottom slice. That should solve the space problem for a while at least.
I did think of that, and it would be easy to do, but that would mean you need to look at several different maps to see who your neighbors are. Personally I think it would be better if they can all be on one map. Now if I zoomed and made 4 same sized maps with a quarter of the galaxy on it that might be better that it is now. I will try some different things and see how it goes.
Draconic Order
04-04-2006, 01:54
Remember: Anyone who wants to make a better map system is encouraged to do so. I would enjoy a really complex mapping system, since I have little skill in doing it.
06-04-2006, 20:47
Nations are starting to infringe...
Galactic Patrol is getting a bit close...
Ehh, I wouldn't worry about GP, GZ. If you leave him alone, he'll leave you alone (even though, last I heard from him, he's rethinking his tech tree because of that mess in his intro (at least that's what he said in his TGs)).
@Ri-an: Ehh, some nations on this MWG map (namely myself, GP, XH, The Void Seekers, & GH) have our home base in our own galaxy. We just set-up, uh, I guess you could call them outposts in the MWG because that's where all the action is.
The Combine of Xen
06-04-2006, 20:53
Yeah what SQ said. My race doesn't normally live in the milky way. they are based in many other galaxies and universes. I just play a small sector of them. I really haven't done anything. maybe i should start probing the galaxy and start stuff with people....
just for an update toops no longer rps at the ft level after the toops-1010102war. I have control over his old planet as well as my own. I ask that you change the name to 1010103 and put in brackets that its a colony of 1010102.
Draconic Order
09-04-2006, 19:36
I wonder how many of the nations represented on the map are active, or are even still around?
@seaquest and Xen: I will, once I come out with the Aquamarinians, and the Gareens. Just let me get a little bigger.
Terror Incognitia
11-04-2006, 23:49
Can I please be placed half-way between Tannisher and Azaha on the next map update?
To anyone who's interested, I'm only just starting FT RP, have been into PT up til now. Will be beginning to throw my weight about a bit :D
Once I work out what my weight is, of course. Hehe.
Nation roughly based on Terra in the Uplift Sequence, just a bit more advanced, if that helps at all.
Terren Planets
12-04-2006, 00:52
Can my nation (Terren Planets) and my roommate's nation (Klingon Warriers) be placed on the map right next to each other? Anywhere is fine.
15-04-2006, 20:23
hi Tidan, i'd like to place a joint Neoman/Kirisuban colony world on the map.
its called Unity and is out in deep space up in the north of the map.
I'm thinking its between Kanuckistan and Imperiux but i'll leave the placing to you
Alright, I'm coming out with my two new species. You can participate in the thread here:
All nations are welcome to participate.
15-04-2006, 21:10
hi could you add me in somewhere between SeaQuest and Azaha but to the left or Norma Arm
I would be much abliged if you would add me onto the map, with a little arrow pointing off of the map a little that says "Last known location of The Wandering Empire of Aegeus"
Psyker Bearzerkers
16-04-2006, 00:15
if i could be placed on the Crux arm that would be sweet. Between Kraven and Kirisubo... theres nice clumping there
Mooz Kow Body
16-04-2006, 00:27
Map (
Thanks to some help, we have view of the galaxy map, top-down perspective from galactic north.
At the moment, Tidan is doing the updates.
:gundge: :sniper: :mp5: i want to be at the verry knwo, whare thers no one near me. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :sniper: so i kan nuke the hole galixy and not damig my oun land.
Psyker Bearzerkers
16-04-2006, 18:44
GROSS NEGLAGENCE! in regards to spelling!!!!
Terror Incognitia
16-04-2006, 21:30
I assume the difference between GROSS NEGLAGENCE! and gross negligence is a deliberate irony on your part?
And, to Mooz Kow Body, something suggests to me that nuking the whole galaxy, whether damaging your own territory or not, would stray into the territory of God-Modding.
Oh yeah, anyone interested a fact-book is on it's way :D
Draconic Order
18-04-2006, 01:46
So does anyone know if any of those on the map aren't around anymore?
Terror Incognitia
18-04-2006, 18:57
My OOCy thread. Feel free to get in touch.
Terror Incognitia (
May be shamelessly edited at any time.
Ham-fisted thugs
19-04-2006, 16:16
I'm actually putting my factbook together now. I hope to have it done and posted by this weekend. Would it be at all possible to place my star nation anywhere within the triangle formed by Hyperspatial Travel, Largent, and The Combine of Xen? Thank you in advance.
Soviet Trasa
19-04-2006, 22:03
Heh, if this was divided into quadrants then i would be just within the Gamma Quadrant.
Draconic Order
21-04-2006, 19:49
Ick... too many questions that I don't want to answer.
23-04-2006, 00:49
I am on Earth and in the Southeastern Sectors of the Andromeda Galaxy.
Draconic Order
23-04-2006, 20:09
I am on Earth and in the Southeastern Sectors of the Andromeda Galaxy.
No one can be on Earth, or anywhere in the Sol System.
24-04-2006, 22:41
Could you place the Vindikar System in the Cygnus Arm? Between Koprulu Colonies and where it says Cygnus Arm.
Draconic Order
25-04-2006, 05:54
Tidan we need you!
update (
...And we're back.
FYI, for those who requested colonies placed on the map, sorry but there is not enough room for everyone to have more than one system. You only get one spot.
update (
...And we're back.
FYI, for those who requested colonies placed on the map, sorry but there is not enough room for everyone to have more than one system. You only get one spot.
Judging from the scale of the map, I assume that each yellow dot represents each races holdings, including all colonies.
Draconic Order
25-04-2006, 23:42
Updated the front page with the recent update.
Each yellow dot has been traditionally been a capital or where a nation is centered. People could hold systems on the other side of the galaxy for all we know. The map just lets you know who is near you and where you would be going in order to get in contact with said nation, since there are many who like to know these kinds of things.
Draconic Order
27-04-2006, 06:59
Draconic Order
29-04-2006, 18:48
So, do we know which nations aren't around anymore so we can delete them from the map?
So, do we know which nations aren't around anymore so we can delete them from the map?
*I am here*
30-04-2006, 14:51
OCC: My main country has always been on Earth. My colonies are in the Andromeda Universe. Why do you say no one can be on Earth Or in the Sol System? Finally I will defend my space against all comers if need be.
30-04-2006, 16:40
place my planet/region Davigwtheria not too southwest of The Humankind Abh please
Dark Initiates
30-04-2006, 17:01
Please put us in the Void near the galactic core on the left side, near The Polaris Castes.
Thank you for your time.
Instead of trying to tell you where it is, I decided to mark it to make it easier to plot. Could you please name it New Cravan?
Draconic Order
30-04-2006, 22:04
OCC: My main country has always been on Earth. My colonies are in the Andromeda Universe. Why do you say no one can be on Earth Or in the Sol System? Finally I will defend my space against all comers if need be.
We say no one can be on Earth or in the Sol System because half the FT nations on Nationstates claimed at one point that they were in the Sol System. Having four dozen Sol states was not acceptable, so to alleviate the whole mess, we all decided that no one gets Sol.
01-05-2006, 00:06
Interesting map you have here. I've gone ahead and placed myself just to help you out.
We say no one can be on Earth or in the Sol System because half the FT nations on Nationstates claimed at one point that they were in the Sol System. Having four dozen Sol states was not acceptable, so to alleviate the whole mess, we all decided that no one gets Sol.
You could have a list of nations whose main country is in Sol and their colonies are spread about the universe...
Draconic Order
02-05-2006, 00:51
You could have a list of nations whose main country is in Sol and their colonies are spread about the universe...
To complicated and unending. This is much simpler. Sol remains a unclaimed referance point.
03-05-2006, 02:11
We say no one can be on Earth or in the Sol System because half the FT nations on Nationstates claimed at one point that they were in the Sol System. Having four dozen Sol states was not acceptable, so to alleviate the whole mess, we all decided that no one gets Sol.
I will play it that way in this storyline ... however in the bigger picture ( Outside this storyline ) I stand firm on what I said earlier since I am much older then most of you.
Here However I will be located only in the Southeastern Andromeda Universe. My solar system is located in the middle of a cluster of nine
solar systems where many differant types of species live, some are friendly
to my civilization, some are not. I will control all of them if you enter any of their area's of space as you must cross their space to enter mine.
03-05-2006, 19:12
Do you still add places on the map? If so, could you try adding Brazilam somewhere near Cravan? Or if it isn't, just somewhere NEAR the center of the milky way would be fine.
Nation: Holy Empire of Brazilam
Draconic Order
13-05-2006, 01:27
I will play it that way in this storyline ... however in the bigger picture ( Outside this storyline ) I stand firm on what I said earlier since I am much older then most of you.
Here However I will be located only in the Southeastern Andromeda Universe. My solar system is located in the middle of a cluster of nine
solar systems where many differant types of species live, some are friendly
to my civilization, some are not. I will control all of them if you enter any of their area's of space as you must cross their space to enter mine.
That's fine.
Liberated New Ireland
13-05-2006, 01:32
Could you put me in the Sagitarrius Arm, near the edge, right between Deatharon and Spit Break
update (
Liberated New Ireland
13-05-2006, 02:16
update (
13-05-2006, 03:31
update (
I also say thanks.
update (
Uh... It's Cravan with an A. You can leave it, though... Everyone says Craven for some odd reason.
The Alaskan Federation
13-05-2006, 20:01
Put me near Cravan.
Draconic Order
15-05-2006, 07:56
updated front page
15-05-2006, 08:52
Even with the best STC technology you could not live next to the massive super black hole that makes up the center of the milky way galaxy. In fact you couldnt even approach withing a thousand light years of it. Move him away from it..because that is the wankiest placement of a nation i have ever seen. It would be impossible to attack, however more impossible to survive.
*looks up and points to the massive star destroying x-gamma ray bursts coming from the massive hole in the sky reaching out for 10 000 light years..then disentegrates with the planet i am sitting on*
Oh and about no one in Sol, Tannelorn is one of the oldest FT sol nations in placement. There are acutally 100's of nations in Sol. Most of my nation is near mars in the asteroid fields, and most of my posts have taken place there.
Yes we have said that no one gets sol.
Frankly I really don't care if they claim to live inside of a star, or even inside a black hole. We ask them where on the map they want their dot and I put them there. I really don't want to go about checking each nation to make sure their claims correspond with the laws of physics or not. If you want to screen applicants then consider taking over the map updates, I don't plan to.
It is not up to me to be the FT nanny, I was just the one who updated the map once. Really for all you know they could be above the center of the galaxy since our map is 2d.
If you want them to move their locations talk to them, we make it a policy not to move nations unless asked by that nation.
Draconic Order
23-05-2006, 05:23
If only we could manage to bring about a fully 3D map... would help a lot.
23-05-2006, 05:33
Can I request to have my nation on the map , somewhere around 1010102 to Parlim ? Thanks .
update (
Draconic Order
24-05-2006, 04:28
Updated front page.
24-05-2006, 04:41
The United States of Earth, being located on Earth, wishes to be placed in the Solar System as we claim merely Earth, its moon and Mars as well as stations throughout the system.
Draconic Order
24-05-2006, 06:23
The United States of Earth, being located on Earth, wishes to be placed in the Solar System as we claim merely Earth, its moon and Mars as well as stations throughout the system.
As we have stated before... no one can claim the Sol System or anything in it.
The Phoenix Militia
24-05-2006, 06:56
Put The Phoenix Militia in between the Koprulu Colonies and Gorn Hegemony, a little closer to Koprulu Colonies, and make sure our dot is actually in the galaxy, and not in the massive starless vaccum of space or black holes...
24-05-2006, 20:23
Hmm... this presents a conundrum... mostly because of my name. Might a suitable "deposit" of "donations" change your mind on the subject? :p
Draconic Order
01-06-2006, 07:31
Sorry... at one point you could've been from the sol system, like so many others, but now you are somewhere else.
12-06-2006, 06:53
That is really silly, though i will state claiming any sol world is silly as well. How Sol actually works in FT NS is that there are hundreds of nations claiming portions of planets, the asteroid field and whatnot.
Tannelorns main center of power is on mars/asteroid field for instance. Though we are expanding our empire. If you want to be placed in sol, dont put yourself on this map, as sun is already there. Instead find an area of sol you would like to join, and try to get involved there.
So for the record, many many nations here did not just start in sol, but have their powerbase there. However Sol is already marked as just that. Meaning if your in there..then your not really gonna get marked on the map now are you?
unless of course like me you are in a colonial mood.
I dont know the name of the newest world but if you would like to place me in the galactic northwest of sol sagittarius arm, inbetween Brazilium and Deatharon [in the middle somewhere give me lots of room] Just mark me Tannelorn. Thats where my colonisation is centered. When we have named the system i shall give you a name to fill in, thanks.
Bat Land
12-06-2006, 07:42
Bat Cave would like to be placed between Ersatia and Einhauser.
I would like to claim a spot on the edge of the core and northern bar... similair to Guerilla? NorthEast of Sea Quest by about a thumbnail give or take.
12-06-2006, 14:40
Can I do something unique, have a base in hyperspace at the center of the map, so I won't exactly be in the giant black hole.
Third Commonalitarianism of Man.
hey Commonii that was my general idea... if the say no how about being neighbors. We can work on the blackholes together.
уточнение (
Arizona Nova
12-06-2006, 17:52
Oh, good times. I'm already on the map, although I'm in the wrong arm - I'm down slightly, in the Perseus Arm; specifically, the M103 star cluster.
I have a "solution" for Sol. It would provide an IC reason the Earthclans are scattered to the stars and why no one can now claim the Holy Terra. You Humans and clients destroyed the planet. Or you humans nolonger are allowed back after being forced to flee the homeworld.
Some say it was one is really sure but everyone knows the Homeworld is no longer "available" It is a sacred Pilgrimage for some nations but that is it. Sol belongs to all of EarthClan.
The American Privateer
12-06-2006, 21:34
I would like to claim an area in the Cygnus Arm between Germanische Zustande and Communist Racoons
Guerreros, Crossman, and Ootbrrfry all form a triangle. Place me in the center of it. It shall become the Birthplace of The Machine.
14-06-2006, 15:56
Cool good spot, a little closer to the galactic edge would be great for Exotic matter mining, but not utterly important..close enough as is heh.
but honestly the Sol argument is fine. If you wish to be placed on this map, it means you are not entirely in sol or based there. If like me you really are based in sol as a center of power, but are expanding then take a look at the NS solar system. Hundreds of nations constantly fighting over tiny scraps of land and space. Its the reason Tannelorn has started its majour colonisation.
So no one can be marked on Sol on this map. It would be too hard/argumentative. This is for outside Sol nations/holdings. If you want maps of sol or to be from sol, find the specific regions and regional forums for those worlds.
Sound good?
15-06-2006, 00:04
humm.. this has potentual to be interesting. my i request a position half way between Crossman and FutureEngland, inline with the path between Terror Incognitia and Sol? some potentual interestingness to be had there.
Draconic Order
17-06-2006, 05:28
уточнение (
Updated front page...
Draconic Order
26-06-2006, 20:56
Soon we are going to have an overcrowded galaxy.
29-06-2006, 03:42
I would like to be placed in a triangle with MationBuds and 1010102.
The Longinean Order
03-07-2006, 01:41
I would like to be placed in the same system as The American Privateer, as our home system is one and the same.
East Coast Federation
03-07-2006, 07:53
Think I could nail the area slightly above the 10,000?
12-07-2006, 05:21
Is this map gonna get updated or what?
12-07-2006, 09:11
I'm in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Put that on your map and smoke it.:p
Vespeterium Minor
12-07-2006, 10:51
Hey, could you add me under the name 'The Cyber Empire'. About midway between the Draconic Order and WinTrees. Thanks.
27-09-2006, 23:11
what is this map for, a play group or is it all the nation no matter what?
28-09-2006, 17:38
what is this map for, a play group or is it all the nation no matter what?
Its for all space based nations. though it suffers from a terminal case of out-of-datedness.
The points do not represent the entirety of their territory, it does represent their capital planet.
I'm not on there, because that map is of Milky Way, and I'm in Andromeda.
28-09-2006, 20:36
Hey, Draconis, good work on the map. Very well done.
Look who's back!
update (
Amazonian Beasts
12-10-2006, 02:39
Lol, I'm so happy no one has any space near me...
Could I be placed in an area somewhere below Amazonian Beasts and to the left of Xodonia? Thankyou.