Version The Second: The Comatic Encyclopedic Factbook
Present Day Comatica
”Am Nexo Somaenus”
Aerenu Lake, 41 miles W of Subudiae (2006, Terentius Iusarum)
Internet Encyclopedic Factbook for the United Empire of Comatica, Version 2.1
Approved by the Ministry of Culture, confirmed by Comatic Government as present official reference text to be given out, in representation of the United Empire.
Aceso-Eddus Online Publishing, Ltd.
Published, engineered, and hosted by Aceso-Eddus Online Publishing, Limited.
Written and Arranged by Dr. Antonius Nonium, Dr. Stronnius Guridia, Dr. Claudia Demerstius, Tiberius Amatero, and Percus Iamus.
® 2004, 2005, 2006. All rights reserved.
Layout Management: Geirus Lefneus, Marcus Estus/Text encoding: Vinna Perusas/Layout technitions: Gaius Deraus, Paulus Mluesque, Lucreteus Iulod, Quintia Hequldu/Operations coordinators: Tiberia Penta, Laeus Orus/Download formatting: Tellus Marculo/Publishing encoding and transfer: Telemachio Brustius, Nulenau Forcestas, Gregorius Ventous
Most recent encyclopedic factbook update: 2 July, 2006 [Combination update 2.1]
The Contents
A. Current and Past Leaders (
B. History (
---I. General
---II. Timeline
---III. Military Conflicts
C. Languages (
---I. Latin
---II. Cosumaedric
D. Motto and Currency (
E. The Capital (
F. Current Comatica (
---I. Major Tourist Attractions
---II. Random Factoids About Comatica
---III. National Holidays
G. Maps (
H. Military (
---I. Infantry
---II. Special Forces and Units
---III. Armor & Artillery
---IV. Naval Forces
---V. Air Forces
---VI. Comatic Military Innovations
---VII. Other
I. Government (
J. Allies (
K. Economy and My Other Threads (
L. Natural Hazards (
M. Land Description and Other Notes (
---I. Statistics
---II. Signifigant Provinces
---III. Images of Comatica
---IV. Other
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 03:36
-----A. Current And Past Leaders-----
Current Leader: Emperor Titus Celmaetus
Titus has grown to be extremely experienced in the Comatic government, ever since his induction into the Tactics Council when he was 22. But, when he was 29, his father, Emperor Lucius, was gunned down by a terrorist organization, leaving Titus as the heir to the throne.
Titus vowed to avenge Lucius, and declared the terrorist level, or national security level, the highest it has ever been. He knows how to run the government, and the people trust him greatly, for he takes after his father in many ways. He went to college for four years, graduating valedictorian with a degree in both diplomacy and law.
Titus is now 37, with a wife, Quintia (35), and an 8 year old son, Caecilius.
Dating back to 813 A.D.
Lucreteus I The Great: (Reign)813--832
Lucreteus II: 832--849
Lucreteus III: 849--875
Titus I: 875-906
Titus II: 906--921
Titus III: 921--923
Titus IV: 923-930
Titus V: 930-959
Titus VI: 959--960
Titus VII: 960--1004
Actius: 1004--1011
Atticus II: 1011--1019
Atticus III: 1019--1032
Atticus IV: 1032--1047
Sextus: 1047--1057
Antonius I: 1057--1069
Antonius II: 1069
Claudius I: 1069--1084
Claudius II: 1084--1100
Lucius: 1100--1126
Velentius The Great: 1126--1161
Velentius II: 1161--1175
Velentius III: 1175-1177
Tiberius III: 1177--1198
Tiberius IV: 1198--1204
Tiberius V: 1204--1212
Tiberius VI: 1212--1234
Tiberius VII: 1234--1235
Tiberius VIII: 1235--1250
Tiberius IX: 1250--1288
Tiberius X: 1288--1326
Tiberius XI: 1326--1339
Tiberius XII: 1339--1352
Tiberius XIII: 1352--1355
Tiberius IXV: 1355--1407
Tiberius XV: 1407--1421
Tiberius XVI: 1421--1430
Tiberius XVII: 1430--1448
Tiberius XVIII: 1448--1481
Tiberius IXX: 1481--1497
Tiro: 1497--1500
Gaius I: 1500--1504
Gaius II: 1504--1522
Gaius III: 1522--1525
Decimus: 1525--1531
Celer I: 1531
Celer II: 1531--1544
Maximus: 1544--1568
Cornelius: 1568--1573
Clemens II: 1573--1580
Clemens III: 1580--1595
Regulus: 1595--1608
Vergilius The Great: 1608--1621
Vergilius II: 1621--1622
Telemachus: 1622--1626
Lavinia The Great: 1626--1635
Stronnius III: 1635--1644
Stronnius Celmaetus IV: 1644--1648
Manducus Celmaetus: 1648--1670
Davus Celmaetus I: 1670--1677
Davus Celmaetus II: 1677
Davus Celmaetus III: 1677--1696
Arria Celmaetus I: 1696--1699
Arria Celmaetus II: 1699--1710
Salustius Celmaetus: 1710--1731
Paulus Celmaetus I: 1731--1735
Paulus Celmaetus II: 1735--1748
Quartus Celmaetus: 1748--1770
Tacita Celmaetus IV: 1770--1778
Tacitus Celmaetus: 1778--1784
Iulius Celmaetus: 1784--1785
Marcus Celmaetus I: 1785--1792
Marcus Celmaetus II: 1792--1803
Marius Celmaetus II: 1803--1804
Marius Celmaetus IV: 1804--1818
Marius Celmaetus V: 1818--1832
Accelius Celmaetus III: 1832--1844
Accelius Celmaetus IV: 1844--1867
Terentius Celmaetus: 1867--1875
Tullus Celmaetus: 1875--1880
Lucretius Celmaetus I: 1880--1886
Lucretius Celmaetus II: 1886--1899
Lucreteus Celmaetus III: 1899--1905
Atticus Celmaetus: 1905--1919
Silenus Celmaetus II: 1919--1927
Silenius Celmaetus III The Great: 1927--1938
Murranus Celmaetus: 1938--1950
Livius Celmaetus: 1950--1954
Pugnax Celmaetus II: 1954--1963
Decius Celmaetus: 1963--1978
Kristophorus Celmaetus: 1978--1988
Lucius Celmaetus: 1988--2000
Titus Celmaetus: 2000---Present
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 03:37
-----B. History-----
I. General
Early Comatica
Comatica dates back to 200 B.C., when the mainland was divided into 7 city-states. Before that, the mainland was inhabited by wild native tribes. Among the larger ones were the Collekevvi, the Inlac, the Kassvalet, and the Tarinhelex. They all spoke a dialect of Cosumaedric, later dubbed Victmaedric, meaning "old variation", with the exception of Inlac. Then, sometime around the year 250 B.C, Inlac broke into two sections: One called Desemte, which later evolved into Deste, and Aredephim, which became "Aredeth" over time. Collekevvi broke also into 3 parts. The southern section departed and became Molfent, "Move", and later became Molvin. The northeast section broke away into a small section and named themselves Amentelm, meaning "gleaming lake", and was shortened to "Telm." The remaining part stayed with the same root, but added "Vard" in, meaning "only." It became Collekevvardi.
The tribes consolidated power, built cities, and started militaries. They set up borders by 150 B.C. Colekevvardi was the most advanced, and, as a result, the modern-day cities of Collekevvardi and Selao are the oldest cities in the Empire. The city-states were self-sufficient: The Kassvalines built ships for sailing; the Collekevvardii (the extra 'i' is not a typo. It's a Latin plural ending) farmed the incredibly rich soil of the Plains. Aredeth held no signifigant power or threat; just a thin strip of land along the coast of the then called Sea of Entamen. The city-states remained un-united and unconquered, until 789 A.D., when a man named Milenanon, or more commonly known as Comaticus, conquered and united the city-states, and named it after himself. “Comatica.”
The Conquest of Comaticus
Comaticus was born on May 3rd, 744 A.D., to Poppaea and Antonius of Cerserasul, a small trading village just outside Aredeth. His father, a merchant, made a very considerable living wage, and was elected mayor of the town. Holding tremendous influence over the Comatic countryside outside the bustling epicenter Aredeth, Antonius wanted only the best for his son. He taught Comaticus from a young age to be like his father, and to grow up as a merchant.
Comaticus did not want to become a trader, however. In a grazing field outside the village, near Fort Stantinus, hundreds of troops of the Aredeth city-state would drill and train each Saturday. Comaticus and several of his friends would go and watch after the day’s chores were completed. Sometimes, a few soldiers would break the Sabbath and drill on Sunday, so Comaticus would go alone and watch, making mental notes on how he could improve them if he were their leader.
Antonius forced trading on a teenage Comaticus. Feeling buried under the pressure from his father, he ran away at 17 to Fort Prescepium, on the Bay of Aredeth.
There, Comaticus studied under the the leadership of the greatest generals in the city-state, attempting to make a difference in the world. His superior officers recognized immediately that this boy was a spectacular soldier, and had a great mind for military. By the age 23, Comaticus was the ranking officer at Fort Prescepium. At age 25, he was general of all of Aredeth’s armed forces.
Historians are sure of one thing about Comaticus: he was a brilliant tactician. He repeatedly trained and disciplined his troops, forcing them to obey his every command without question. Each time he formed a regiment, he turned his gaze toward the other city-states, longingly fantasizing about what he could do if he had conquered them.
In 785 A.D., Comaticus announced his plans to the army and to the Aredeth government to invade and conquer the other six city-states. As a result, he was relieved of his command of the Aredeth military. In September of 785, Comaticus, followed by some 2,000 troops, stormed the Aredeth governmental building, killing the council and taking power of the city-state. He immediately began preparing the armed forces for war.
The legend has many versions. Comaticus recruited almost 192,000 and marched through the mountains to conquer Tarinholtz, an almost unruly rabble of mountain-men. The highly-disciplined armies of Aredeth destroyed any resistance quite efficiently, as a result, Tarinholtz fell quickly and silently.
Having newly captured a city-state, he enlarged his army to 229,000, and marched to Kassvaline, the sailing men. Comaticus lost 18,000 men in the Battle for Piscem Shores, an invaluable fort along a major trading route from Molvin to the city of Kassval, but the Kassvaline lost almost 40,000, crippling their resistance. With the fort taken over, the trading route was all but conquered by Comaticus's army. Kassvaline surrendered several weeks later.
The new city-state enlarged his army to about 277,000 men, and over 1,900 warships. He sailed around the peninsula of Aredeth and attacked Deste and Telm, the two weakest city-states. The Aredethian army was growing more and more ruthless. Any village found to be harboring a garrison of Deste soldiers was burned and it's inhabitants executed. This shocking brutality frightened the city-state into submission. When the time came for Comaticus to turn his sights to Telm, many of Telm's soldiers had fled to Collekevvi.
With an army of almost 334,000 men and almost 2,600 warships, Comaticus launched two attacks at once. About 245,000 men marched northeast to Collekevvardi, and the rest marched west, along with the warships coming around the south, to Molvin, the strongest city-state.
On August 11, 800, Aredethian forces began to cut off trading routes in the waters around Molvin and Collekevvi. Small companies of men would set out each day, slowly flooding Molvin with Aredethian soldiers. By December of that year, Molvin was swarmed over with over 36,000 of Comaticus's men. They amassed near the city of Molvin, and beseiged it for 14 months. This choked the city, and it fell in early March of 802.
One obstacle remained, though. There was a line of forts, spreading from the Valderels to east of Molvin, that held firm. The only way to impregnate this line was to hit it from the back. As a result, Comaticus sent a naval landing to come ashore near Westland. It succeeded, and after several battles, the force linked up with the North Molvin force. The two armies embattled the line of forts, until the defenders surrendered in December of 804.
Collekevvardi did not fall as easily as it's Molvin neighbor. They had enlisted a very large number of troops, about twice the size of Comaticus's total force; 510,000. The slow flooding of troops into the city-state would not work as it had in Molvin. A major offensive had to be launched.
Comaticus had avoided large battles wherever he went. As a result, he had lost fewer than 50,000 men in all his campaigns up to that point, while his army had killed well over 250,000 in the other five city-states. But here, a large battle was needed to weaken Collekevvardi defenses.
The opportunity came on October 19, 808. Comaticus had returned to Aredeth two years earlier to rule his new empire, and left General Telemachio Astellus in charge of the army at Collekevvardi. For months, Telemachio had been looking to cross the Kassval River. And on that mid-fall day in 808, word came from spies that there was to be a very large garrison shift at Onumar, during which the 18,000 Collekevvardian troops stationed at the invaluable trading city would be replaced by 34,000 fresh soldiers. The switch would take place from November 17 to the 26. The several days prior to that move would mean that only 1,500 Collekevvardian troops would be at Onumar.
Telemachio sent a high-priority messanger party to Aredeth to give word to Comaticus about the development, and ask for advice. For if the crossing of the river was timed wrong, Telemachio risked major battle.
The party never made it to Aredeth. It was sabotaged by rebels in the Valderel Mountains. Not receiving a reply and the date growing closer to the garrison shift, Telemachio became anxious.
The deadline came. With no reply, Telemachio made a difficult decision. If he didn't cross now, the opportuniy might never arise again. Finally, on November 20, Telemachio ordered his 29,000 men across the Kassval River, without confirmation from Comaticus
The order came too late. The shift had already occured. As Telemachio's force moved across the river and through the plains, the garrison of Collekevvardian soldiers swiftly attacked. General Telemachio called for reinforcements, and near 80,000 men poured in to support him. The Collekevvardian men did the same, and about 120,000 answered the call. The Battle of Onumar had begun.
The battle was spread over a vast area. Reinforcements and supply lines for both sides were attacked 50 miles from the primary combat zone, spreading the boundaries of the battle over a large area.
By the 26th of November, each side had close to 200,000 men involved. Embattled companies swarmed the countryside, pillaging villages for supplies. Ballistas firing rocks lathered with oil and set ablaze were a common occurance. The battle came to a peak when General Nuaruster of Collekevvardi ordered a massive advancement of Collekevvardian forces onto Comatic soldiers, known as Nuaruster's Advance. 85,000 men charged into Aredethian camps on the 30th of November.
Nearly all of them were slaughtered in 4 hours, with Telemachio's men losing only 250 troops. Nuaruster himself was killed. The Collekevvardian forces, a very heavy blow dealt to them, had to retreat back deeper into the city-state, leaving Aredeth victorious.
124,000 Collekevvardians were killed in the Battle of Onumar, with the Aredethians losing only 31,000. But Telemachio's work was not done, however. He ordered the following of the Collekevvardians into the city-state, and wanted them all to be either killed or captured. By December 23, 65,000 Collekevvardian soldiers, all of whom participated in the Battle of Onumar, were hunted down and killed. 11,000 more were captured, the majority of whom were executed on the day known as The Christs Bloody Birthday: December 25, 808.
At the beginning of 809, Collekevvardi was reeling from the massive loss from the Battle of Onumar. It's military force had been cut in half. As the city-state was in disarray, Telemachio employed his new strategy. He sent companies to hunt down blacksmiths across the embattled territory. In the coming months, Collekevvardi lost 20,000 weapon-makers in the eastern and southern sections of the city-state. Now, it's troops had to get supplies from the areas close to the actual city of Collekevvi, vastly decreasing their range and power.
This was not the end of the city-state, however. Many determined bands of rebels fought well after both Comaticus's and Telemachio's deaths. Collekevvardi didn't fall until May 11, 822, when Comatic spies infiltrate the Collekevvardian government, which was on the verge of collapse anyhow, and assassinated virtually every political leader.
This is the most detailed story about the Great Conquerer. There are many more, but they are fuzzy and lack detail. This story was in good enough detail that it was put in a book, written by one of the companions of Comaticus. This book has been analyzed and studied ever since it’s discovery 600 years ago.
Comaticus reigned over Comatica as emperor until his death in 813 A.D. He passed on his position to Lucreteus I, his dearest friend. In 838 A.D., the title "The Great" was bestowed upon Lucreteus I, 6 years after his death. Throughout Comatic history, there have only been five Emperors and Empresses with the title "The Great." This is usually reserved for leaders of Comatica that have drastically improved the empire as a whole. Lucreteus did this. Comaticus's time as Emperor was rather shaky, as he struggled to keep a balance and order in the new empire. As Lucreteus came to power in December of 813, he set things straight in a matter of months. He rebuilt shattered cities in Deste and Kassvaline, built thousands of miles of roads linking the entire empire, dug hundreds of miles of canals, and even installed public schools. His efforts are still visible in Comatic society today.
The throne had, rather conveniently, never been passed on to a seperate family again, so, in extension, Titus Celmaetus is related to Lucreteus I. The name 'Celmaetus' was taken up by Stronnius IV in 1644. 'Celmaetus' is Victmaedric for "Strong-bearer," originally used in reference to oxen.
The New Nation
Comatica became a nation on June 19, 1614, when the emperor (See footnote 1.) was given restrictions on power and the senate was adopted. This was the result of a treaty, the "Cartula Somaen Deviatianor," translating from Cosumaedric, "The Charter of Power Distribution."
The British-Comatic Wars
On March 18, 1815, a fishing ship off the coast of present day Delntum spotted a fleet of close to 15 British men-of-war, who then congregated across the North Barrow Sea from Comatica. They set up non-military settlements, which were soon inhabited by common people. By 1817, almost 200,000 colonists had moved to the area, named Plymouthshire by England.
In 1818, Marius Celmaetus V came to power, a considerably more avid warmonger than his predecessor, Marius Celmaetus IV. He immediately ordered that Great Britain disband her colony on the Barrow continent, on the grounds that Comatica controlled the land on which she had settled (This, of course, was not true; there was not even a Comatic military presence in the area).
Britain ignored the warning. Comatica began to prepare for war, much to the chagrin of the Comatic citizens. In 1820, however, the Imperial Senate wrote a declaration of war, which was enthusiastically signed by Marius. He instantaneously sent forces, haphazardly, to the area, to take control of the colony.
The war was pointless and bloody. Comatica was humiliated by a crushing defeat by the British, and retreated, yet not officially surrendering. The declaration of war was eventually cancelled, and Comatica began to nurse it’s wounds from the First British-Comatic war.
Meanwhile, Britain continued to expand in the Camel’s Back, moving closer to Marabal. In 1825, Comatica and Marabal allied themselves with each other, vowing to stop British expansion in the Camel’s Back. On September 6, 1826, Comatica and Marabal redeclared war on Great Britain, and attacked Plymouthshire. Eagar not to repeat the mistakes of the First British-Comatic War, the Comatic military better planned their forces movements, and coordinated them with Marabalian advances.
On January 10, 1830, British forces officially surrendered in the Treaty of Caharic, after peace talks in the Marabalian capital of Caharic. In the next two years, Britain pulled all of it’s 400,000 citizens out of the Barrow continent.
The Days of the Empire
During the reign of Accelius III, the island of Delntum was officially declared part of the Comatic nation. 3 months later, the island of Secruteus was declared part of Comatica. Then began the days of the Comatic Empire.
Initial annexations were in response to a buildup of land by Comatica's, at that time, wary neighbor, Marabal. That time was the only period that Comatic-Marabalian relations were wearing thin, and Comatica saw them as a reletive threat. Marabal expanded their borders and annexed a fair amount of land, and Comatica responded by the quick takeover of the Barrow Sea island of Delntum, populated by some 2 million people who had, ironically, fled to it when Comaticus first took over Kassvaline. Delntum was officially annexed on July 27, 1843. A small island far down south in the Barrow Sea was conquered, though violently, by the Comatic military in early October of that year, and was officially annexed on November 3.
The empire turned it's sights to the north after the two new provinces settled down. A mountainous island in the far north, Donelium, inhabited by former Roman settlers, was virtually undefended, save for a few disorganized militias. Accelius III's successor, Accelius IV, wasted no time or human lives in conquering the island, and in doing so, annexed the largest claim yet on April 20, 1846, at 610,000 square miles.
The empire struggled as it attempted to capture and annex the archipeligo of Narien, comprising of some 16,000 islands and inhabitable sand bars. The chain of islands covered a vast area of the Barrow Sea, and was ruled by former Roman citizens. Approximately 325 warships were lost in the 14-year campaign to capture all of the islands. The conflict ended promptly in February 1863 as several dozen iron-clad warships were introduced into the Comatic navy, and destroyed much of the resistance. Narien was fully annexed on August 18, 1863.
Reeling from the war with Narien, the Comatic military rebuilt it's army and navy, and, in 1872, set out to conquer the strip of sparsely inhabited land, but fertile nontheless, of Cahamina.
Cahamina was located near the harsh deserts of the Camel's Back, along the Barrow Sea. The area received a usual surplus amount of tropical moisture, so it was not categorized as a 'desert.' This land was inhabited only by nomads, which were driven out with unexpected ease. The province of Cahamina was annexed on December 10, 1872.
The last Barrow Sea colony to be settled was Ladinah, an island far south, in tropical climates. The island-dwellers were about a century behind in technology, and the military arrived to disarm them in March 1878. They met unexpected obstacles, though. In July of that year, a tropical hurricane, powerful by today's standards, blew through the area and destroyed many of the navy's warships. The losses suffered by what is believed to be a modern-day category 3 hurricane crippled the forces stationed in Ladinah, and reinforcements had to be sent. However, by the time reinforcements arrived, another hurricane had hit the area, killing about half of the soldiers in Ladinah. However, despite the losses, the Comatic forces managed the conquer the area by May 1879. It was annexed on June 29 of that year.
Comatica in World War II
Comatica, now under the title, "United Empire," lived peacefully for another 60 years. Then, in March 1941, Narien was attacked by a massive Nazi invading force of aircraft and warships. Comatica, who had not updated it's armed forces technology since the turn of the century, was overrun in a matter of days. While the military began building ships and planes in record time to match the Nazis, the German forces moved on to Delntum, Cahamina, and Secruteus. But by November 1941, Comatica had built up it's military to massive degrees: from an empire of 343 million people, the armed forces numbers were as such: over 13,000 planes, 420 warships, and almost 1.1 million ground troops.
The Nazis invaded mainland Comatica in January 1942, with an invading force of about 105,000 men. This was easily countered by 275,000 Comatics. Hitler's blitzkreig tactics virtually destroyed Comatic front lines, inflicting about 60,000 casualties, but not without heavy Nazi losses. Even so, the Nazis pushed the Comatic defenders as far north as Aredeth; the entire Kassval lowlands were occupied by the Germans, in addition to most of the Valderel mountains. Large cities such as Tarinholtz, Molvin, Kassvaline, Cadae, and Vincebam were taken over, and about 200,000 civilians killed. The Nazis prepared an invasion of Aredeth, then a city of 12 million, and boasted a force of 130,000 men, ready to destroy the city. The attack was launched on March 29, 1942, and was countered with a Comatic force of 95,000. The battle lasted a month and a half. The Comatic scheme was to make the battle last as long as possible, and attempt to wear down the Nazi occupiers. The plan worked. The Germans surrendered on May 18 of that year, after maintaining devastating losses. Over 75% of the Nazi force had been obliterated, and thus, their grasp on southern Comatica weakened. The Comatic military was able to invade Nazi occupiers in Kassval, and drove them from the mainland, despite tens of thousands of German reinforcements. With newfound courage, the Comatic military invaded Nazi forces in Delntum, then afterward, Secruteus. Both campaigns were successful. The German troops in Cahamina fell in February 1943.
Only one obstacle was left. Narien, the province that Comatica had struggled for 80 years before, was still teeming with almost 500,000 Nazi troops. A fullscale invasion was launched from Secruteus, Mainland, and Delntum on June 2, 1943, with overwhelming power. The battle lasted for close to 10 months. The last major encounter of the battle was near the capital of Narien, on the second largest island in the province, involving 115,000 troops. Comatica ultimately succeeded, and World War II came to an end in the Comatic Empire.
Several hundred other foreign provinces have since been colonized, and the current number of 460 is increasing at a rate of one about every 3 years.
1.The conquering of all of the Comatic landmass was seen as an empire until about 1650, when the control of the seperate city-states by militarial force was no longer neccesary, and all parts saw themselves as pure Comatic.
II. Timeline
• 1,000 BC--200 BC Mainland is inhabited by bronze age tribes.
• 250 BC Inlac tribe breaks into two tribes: Aredeth and Deste.
• 242 BC (Precisely recorded) Collekevvi breaks into Collekevvardi, Molvin, and Telm.
• 197 BC (According to Roman writings) Roman traders and explorers land in Deste, occupy areas with Deste and Aredeth tribes.
• c. 150 BC Tribes set up borders, take on title 'city-state.'
• c. 115 AD Christianity makes it's way to Roman occupied east-central Comatica.
• 146 AD Roman occupiers pull out of Comatica. Deste begins to rise as a major power in Comatica.
• 409 AD--482 AD Border disputes lead to the massacre of 1,140 Telm aristocrats, along with assassination of Deste's king, and set off "The White Fire Resolution," or "The War of the World's End." Collekevvardi, Telm, and Deste fight a three-sided war, which will result in the destruction of Deste and it's downfall as a major power. Collekevvardi begins to rise.
• 744 AD Comaticus is born.
• 789 AD Comaticus begins conquest.
• 791 AD Tarinholtz falls to Comaticus's army, Kassvaline threatens war.
• 794 AD Battle of Piscem Shores results in the fall of Kassvaline to Comaticus.
• 797 AD Attack on Deste is launched. The city-state subsequently falls, and Telm is conquered one year later.
• 800 AD Forces set out to invade and conquer Collekevvardi and Molvin simultaneously.
• 805 AD Molvin falls, Collekevvardi is occupied by Aredeth forces. It would not be fully under Aredeth control until 17 more years had passed.
• 810 AD Comaticus names the empire after himself: Comatica.
• 813 AD Comaticus dies.
• 1045 AD Collekevvardi separates from Comatica during the reign of Emperor Atticus Longshanks IV.
• 1121 AD Collekevvardi attempts to conquer Comatica.
• 1127 AD Collekevvardi halts invasion after losing almost 250,000 warriors. The Charter of Sequence, the first civilized charter on record in Comatica, brings Collekevvardi back into the empire.
• 1614 AD Cartula Somaen Deviatianor is signed, Imperial Senate is adopted, and Comatica officially becomes a nation.
• 1703 AD The current paper elementea is introduced.
• 1815 AD Great Britain begins to colonize in the Barrow basin.
• 1818 AD Marius Celmaetus V comes to power, warns Britain to leave the Barrow continent.
• 1820 AD Comatica declares war on Great Britain.
• 1822 AD Comatica suffers a harsh defeat by Great Britain.
• 1826 AD After rebuilding it’s army and navy, Comatica redeclares war on Britain, employing better thought-out strategies and plans. It is joined by Marabal.
• 1830 AD Great Britain pulls out from the Barrow continent under the Treaty of Caharic, ending the Second British-Comatic war in a Comatic and Marabalian victory.
• 1833 AD Tensions begin to rise between Comatica and Marabal.
• 1843 AD Delntum and Secruteus are annexed.
• 1846 AD Donelium is invaded and annexed.
• 1849 AD--1863 AD The War for Narien takes place, Narien is annexed at end, vastly increasing Comatica's power in the Barrow Sea.
• 1872 AD Cahamina is invaded and easily added to the empire.
• 1878 AD--1879 AD Ladinah is annexed.
• 1887 AD--1903 AD Period of vast expansion takes place, in which 94 new provinces were brought into the empire.
• 1914 AD-1918 AD Logistical aid is provided for the U.S. and Canada during World War One.
• 1941 AD--1944 AD Nazi Germany attacks Comatica, forces Comatica to enter World War Two.
• 1944 AD--1945 AD Several dozen thousands of troops are sent to Europe to help with the war effort. Logistical aid is provided for the Allies.
• 1955 AD Comatica successfully tests first nuclear weapon.
• 1958 AD The United Empire's population reaches 500 million for the first time.
• 1970 AD Comatica sends first satellite into orbit.
• 1971 AD Operation: Frontier begins, Comatica reaches moon on second mission (December 1971).
• 1975 AD The United Empire sets a national record by reaching 1 billion people.
• 1987 AD A population of 1.5 billion is reached in Comatica.
• 1993 AD A Comatic first walks on Mars.
• 1998 AD Comatica's population reaches 2 billion.
• 2006 AD Comatica's 2.5 billionth citizen is born.
III. Military Conflicts (RP-wise)
Note: this does not include conflicts that resulted in the overtaking of areas to be used as land claims.
Domestic Terrorism Conflict: October 1988-February 1989 (1,503 dead, 1,854 wounded)
Caharic Campaign: December 23-December 27, 1996 (300 sent, 108 dead, 22 wounded)
Sumixian War: March 5-September 16, 1997 (1,718 dead, 2,675 wounded)
Springbrook incident: January 2, 2004 (22 dead, 8 wounded)
The Imperium World War: November 30, 2004-February 7, 2006. (185,299 KIA, 17,024 MIA, 44,210 WIA. Over 1 million civilian casualties)
The Comatic-Tocrowkian War: November 22, 2005-March 25, 2006. (32,048 KIA, 5,677 MIA, 11,905 WIA. ~3,000 civilian casualties)
IV. Quotations From Famous Comaticans
"When warlike peoples endure, peace shall not."
--Velentius The Great, on the conflict in Collekevvardi (1126)
"Being at fault was Britain's first mistake."
--Marius Celmaetus V (1831)
"Nuclear weapons are for ending wars, not proliferating them."
--Titus Celmaetus (Jan. 2006)
"Expecting to learn everything in one day is as idiotic as expecting to learn everthing in a lifetime. Through exploring the world is how you can learn as much as it will allow you to."
--Lucilia Seccor (Writer, 1995)
"Only if normal men were capable of casting thought into the future and thinking about consequences, we may be able to run the world smoothly. I, however, am not a normal man."
--Comaticus (810)
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 03:38
------C. Languages----
There is only one official language in Comatica, but two are widely spoken.
I. Vic-Romus Latin
Vic-Romus Latin is the official language of Comatica. A survey concluded that 85% of all households speak the language. Experts have not determined how it came to be in Comatica, but research suggests that it was brought here by Roman explorers near present-day Deste. The Inlac tribe most likely adopted it as their language, and kept it long after the Romans left the area. The Inlacs put their own “spin” on the language, and resulted in the slightly altered form of Latin (specifically “Vic-Romus.” This term, meaning “old Roman,” is also used to describe Comatics and other people like them. It is most commonly used in reference to the Latin alteration spoken by Comatics).
II. Cosumaedric
Cosumaedric is believed to be the first language spoken by the peoples of this land. Modern-day Comatic is derived largely from Cosumaedric. This language is much similar in pronunciation as latin, but has similar sentence structure to english. Three of the original four tribes in early Comatica spoke Victmaedric (see History), but Inlac did not. It is believed that Latin made its way into the region when Roman explorers landed on the coast of Inlac's land, and passed along the Latin language to the natives. It is believed that this is why Inlac spoke Latin instead of Victmaedric (see History). When Inlac split into Deste and Aredeth, both of the city-states spoke a butchered form of Latin. As a result, when Comaticus made his conquest, he brought Latin to the other city-states. The two languages blended and consolidated, forming a new variation on Victmaedric, hence the Latin influence on the modern Cosumaedric. The new dialect was called Cosem-maedric, translating to "new variation", then shortened to "Cosumaedric."
The Latin influence of Cosumaedric is evident in such words as "albiete" (white), which, in Latin, is "albus". It is also evident in the word "Viricte" (forest), which is similar to the Latin word for "green" (Viridis). Also, the pronuciations of vowel and consonant sounds are identical to Latin.
------D. Motto And Currency----]
“Am Nexo Somaenus”
This is Cosumaedric for “To the Peak of Power.” It is pronounced, "Ahm Nayx-oh Soh-my-noos."
Comaticus would chant this when he was preparing his troops for battle, and it became their battle cry. When Comaticus would shout this, he was telling the enemy that he would stop at nothing to capture them and take power. “To the Peak of Power.”
The main form of currency in the Empire is the elementea, pronounced, "ell-ah-ment-ay-ah," plural: elementeae, "ell-ah-ment-ay-aye." It's original form was produced in the city-state of Aredeth as early as 650 A.D, in the form of a blue and silver coin the size of a golf ball. But, in 1703, Empress Arria II comissioned the production of the modern elementea, a blue and silver paper version about six inches long. The bill was redesigned in 1836, and again in 1977, the size and shades of blue changed. The elementea (noted by this symbol--‡) is currently produced in denominations of 1s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s, 50s, 100s, 200s, 500s, and 1,000s. There are four major mints: each of them in the cities of Aredeth, The Stations, Selao, and Middle Plains.
A one elementea bill: (
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 03:40
E. The Capital
Aredeth has become Comatica’s capital since it’s army conquered the land. It is a bustling epicenter of trade and business, and home to 19 million people. It is on the shore of the Bay of Aredeth, and nestled on the edge of the Valdarel Mountains. The metro area is the largest in the Empire, with 35 million people. More than 5 million people work downtown, and another 1 million live there. Downtown is also home to the Imperial Palace, and a district called the Forum. The Forum is the center of the Empire. About 3 square miles in size, it holds all of the Empires governmental buildings, including the Senate house, Imperial Archives, and much more. It also is home to the Embassy Strip, and hundreds of businesses that have been there since the 17th century.
It is widely believed among scholars that Aredeth was originally established in the second century B.C, as a fishing bartering center. It was a resting and resupply point for fishermen as they sailed in from the bay, and the Barrow Sea, before they sailed west along the East Valderel River. As Romans settled in the area, however, the city of Lopaquasus, 25 miles to the north of Aredeth, grew larger. Aredeth grew smaller, and eventually was disbanded.
Lopaquasus grew to be the largest city in central Comatica, with almost 300,000 residents. The course of Comatic history would be altered, however, on one fateful day in the fifth century A.D.
A category 3 hurricane was brewing the North Barrow Sea. Fishermen returned to Lopaquasus with dire warnings that a storm was on track to the city. The majority of the residents fled inland, while about 40,000 remained in the city, and realized too late that they were in a dangerous situation.
The northern eyewall apparently passed right over Lopaquasus, literally wiping the city off the map. 30,000 people were killed, and every structure in the city obliterated. The inhabitants that survived (some 265,000 people) moved southward to the small village of Aredeth, which was virtually untouched by the storm. Aredeth grew “overnight,” and suddenly wielded immense power over the entire city-state, now named after it’s new capital.
The Imperial Palace is located in in the forum, just across the Channel River, which cuts through downtown, and is an architectual marvel at best. It was constructed in the ages of Velentius, an Emperor adored by the Comatic people, in the 1100’s. It stands a full 460 feet tall, made of white stone, crystals and marble. It’s estates are about 2 square miles, with rolling hills and forestland. Almost 2,000 security personel patrol the grounds, and there are hundreds of miles of tunnels underneath the grounds for easy escapes.
Downtown Aredeth by night. (2000, Marcellus Quistelum)
F. Current Comatica
Today, Comatica is one of the more powerful and most expansive empires in the world, with over two billion citizens and millions of square miles of land. Comatica holds an estimated 4,000 imperial land claims all over the world, accounting for it's vast population.
Comatica draws many cultural ideals from the Roman Empire (after which the government system is modeled). In 1998, the first public bath, an almost exact replica of those in Rome, was opened in Aredeth. Soon after, two more opened, one in the Comatic Forum, the other in Downtown Molvin. Since then, about 75 public bath facilities have been opened, in such places as Nuaram, The Stations, Tarinholtz, Cosem Aredeth, Outlook, Selao, Collekevvardi, and there are over 15 in Praetelae, Secruteus alone.
(The syllables with an asterisk after them(*) hold the accent.
Cosumaedric-Koss-oo-mai*-drihck (note: the 'r' in -drihck- is slightly rolled)
I. Major Tourist Attractions
Spêluncam National Park (35 miles west of Westland)
Here, on the southwestern coast of Comatica, there are magnificent rock formations carved into a cliffside; spirals, caves with twisty stalagmites, and much more. If you were to dive underwater, you would find underwater caves and passages.
The sun sets on a rock formation in Spêluncam Nat'l Park. (2004, Stennus Preseptrius)
Museum of Comatic History (Aredeth)
Located in the Comatic Forum, an already bustling business area, this massive museum draws over 3 million visitors a year. It goes through Comatic history, all the way back to the stone age, in magnificent detail. It is virtually impossible to see all of it in one day.
Statue of Comaticus (Aredeth)
Located in Celmaetus Park, this bronze statue of the ancient conqueror stands a full 510 feet tall, and serves of a reminder of Comatica's rich history. It is visited by near 5 million tourists each year.
Lake Telm Wilderness Park (27 miles WNW of Lake Telm at the City of Telm)
Perhaps the largest in it's part of the world, this park, funded not by the national government, but by private sectors in the surrounding towns, is coveted by the area inhabitants as the most beautiful and untouched wilderness areas in the world. There are hundreds of square miles that have never been seen by human eyes, so it is unclear as to the animals inhabiting the local woods. But in the more traveled areas, there are literally thousands of miles of hiking trails and horse paths. There are, within, at least 475 lakes and ponds, in which it is illegal to swim, fish, or otherwise disturb it's pristine habitat.
Stiller's Pond, Lake Telm Wilderness Park (2002, Paulus Lurura)
Hiking trail at the park (1999, Marcellus Quistelum)
Valdarel Forest Preserve (South side of Lake Telm)
The largest forest preserve in the region, including the most inspiring landscapes and peaks of the Valdarel Mountains, home to millions of species of trees, and plants, as well as animals. Over a thousand different species of plants and animals were first discovered in this immaculate piece of untouched land.
Celeso Valley, 30 miles ESE of Lateret. (1999, Marcellus Quistelum)
Mt. Calnihan (Goldoreum)
Mt. Calnihan is the world's tallest peak, at 35,926 feet in height. It is situated on a landmass about 2,000 miles east of the Camel's Back region, in the mountainous colony of Goldoreum. It has been scaled by only 6 people.
One of Mt. Calnihan’s tertiary peaks, about 11,000 feet above sea level. (2005, Marcellus Quistelum)
II. Random Factoids About Comatica
• There are 237 towns with the name "Crossroads," and are, for the most part, situated at the intersections of the ancient highways built by Lucreteus I during his reign in the 9th century A.D.
• 60% of the properties in the city of Subudiae are waterfront, whether they be situated on a river, waterway, pond, retension lake, swamp, or Lake Telm itself.
• The school year in Comatica begins in early March, breaks in the summer for a short while, then resumes in September, following ancient Rome's school calendar.
• 15% of all Comatics own a villa in the countryside.
• 86% of all Comatics go to college.
• All Comatics learn some sort of musical instrument as they grow up, as part of a government mandate for education. Many stay with it.
• Comaticus invented his own language when he was 15, then fine-tuned it as he made his conquest.
• Emperor Celer I died by falling down the front steps of the Imperial Palace during his own incarnation ceremony in 1531. He served as Emperor for 13 minutes.
• Of the 94 former Emperors of Comatica, 16 of them were assassinated.
• 2% of all Comatics are Communist.
• Even though the Imperial Senate was established in 1614, the Senate Building was built in 811, and used as the residence of the Emperor until the current palace was built.
• Comaticus had never killed a man, despite popular lore.
• The tallest mountain on the Comatic mainland, Ceduellum Mountain, used to be 150 feet taller. It lost it's summit after an army training shell hit it's southern face about 2,000 feet below the peak, causing it to cave in somewhat.
• Victmaedric is a dead language, but is taught in some schools to improve understanding of Cosumaedric.
• 75% of all Comatics speak Cosumaedric, but it is not an official language of the United Empire.
• Comatica and Great Britain remain enemies to this day.
• Smoking is illegal.
• Emperor Titus owns 12 cars and 3 airplanes.
• Train is still a popular form of travel, used mainly as recreation.
• Lake Telm is 1,668 feet deep at it's deepest.
• It has never snowed in Kassa Nova, Narien.
• It hasn't been above 45° Fahrenheit on Cape Auclehestum, Donelium, in 166 years.
• Drumas, Cahamina is the least populated town in the Empire, with 4 people.
• Rap music was banned in Comatica for 4 months in 1997, because Emperor Lucius "hated it."
• Comatica is the largest exporter of Brass Knuckles in the world.
• The town of Straterum, with a population of 8,300 just east of The Stations, declared itself an independent republic for three weeks in 1976. It was annexed by the Comatic government, claiming that it "unlawfully" seceded.
• Iuhustelmuachiustelodiunata, a town of 1,100 people 30 miles SW of Nevultala, has the longest name in the Empire.
• 4 people die each year because they drown in their own saliva while asleep.
• There are 88 terms in Cosumaedric that bear no counterpart in English, and cannot be easily translated. The same may be said about 425 terms in Victmaedric.
• Emperor Atticus Celmaetus accidentally shot himself on a hunting trip in 1918. He recovered after being in a light coma for 3 days.
III. National Holidays
New Year's Day; January 1
Remembrance Day; April 8 (Memorial day for victims of past wars)
Comaticus Day; May 3 (Comaticus’s birthday)
Unity Day; June 19 (Day Comatica became a nation)
Imperial Day; July 27 (Day Comatica became an empire
Autumn Remembrance Day; October 26
Christmas Day; December 25
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 03:42
G. Map of Comatica
This is the newest map of Comatica, updated December 9, 2005.
Light green: -600 ft to sea level
Green: sea level to 500 ft
Dark green: 500 ft to 2,000 ft
Yellow: 2,000 ft to 4,000 ft
Orange: 4,000 ft to 7,000 ft
Light brown: 7,000 ft to 10,000 ft
Dark brown: 10,000 ft to 12,000 ft
Black: 12,000+ ft
This is the Barrow Sea, and each respective Comatic province. (
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 03:43
H. Military
I. Infantry
The Imperial Ground Forces (IGF) are a hardy and valiant group of fighters, taught with the best training in the region. Their bodies are worked to achieve the best possible physical condition, their minds are strengthened to survive the horrors of war, and are trained to deal with pain. 75% of all cadets take a two week long course, teaching them advanced tactics and strategy, and taught several dozen kinds of ordnance. Artillery cadets are required to memorized almost all kinds of ordnance and shot, whether it be army, navy, or air force, to maximize versatility. Most regular infantry are taught the basics of sharper shooting, and Comatic snipers wreak havoc in battle and are widely feared.
How they are divided (largest first):
• Army Group
• Army (64,000 to 80,000 men, always 4 divisions)
• Division (16,000 to 20,000 men, usually 4 regiments)
• Regiment (4,000 to 5,000 men, usually 4 battalions)
• Battalion (1,000 to 1,500 men, usually 5 to 9 companies)
• Company (200 to 250 men, usually 4-7 platoons)
• Platoon (40-50 men)
Army Group Alpha
Armies 1-16
This Army group is composed of approximately 1.1 million personnel, and is the IGF's largest.
Army Group Beta
Armies 17-30
Approximately 950,000 personnel
Army Group Gamma
Armies 31-45
Approximately 966,000 personnel
Army Group Delta
Armies 46-58 (armies 54-58 reserves)
Approximately 840,000 personnel
Army Group Omega (Reserves/airborne)
Armies 59-72 (68-72 airborne)
Approximately 936,000 personnel
II. Special Forces and Units
Vedquestandrun (VQD) are the most elite unit in Comatica
Vedquestandrun itself means "Soldiers Without Death" in Cosumaedric.
The Requirements:
Must have 5 years military experience
Must have been born in Comatica
Must have lived in Comatica for 10 years
Must have a rank of Colonel Major or higher
Must have been awarded the Heart of Nobles (See below)
Must be nominated by a General
If a soldier is nominated, then he must undergo a series of training camps, testing endurance, speed, and logic. Altogether, he goes through 14 months of physical training, and 6 months of mind training. As a result, the average Vedquestandrun soldier can bench-press 310 pounds and has an IQ of 150.
There are only 700 of these incredible soldiers. They can be used as a task force, spy agency, battle unit, and more. They are funded 95 million dollars per year to give them all of the most up-to-date equipment.
GTF (Governmental Task Force)
The GTF is a task force devoted mostly to external affairs. They handle affairs too delicate to be handled with regular military. This iso pen to apply for, but participants must “Try out,” then go through 3 1/2 months of training.
The GTF is divided into 2 main groups:
GTF-Alpha: The first force sent; they are more experienced fighters, and have had 1 month more training. There are 11,000 of these men and women.
GTF-Beta: These soldiers are in larger supply, but have less experience and training. There are close to 26,000 of them.
ASF (Aquatic Surveillance Force)
The ASF is a division of the navy that guard the Comatic waters, track domestic maritime illegal happenings, and perform marine rescues. They were all once part of the regular navy, but volunteered for the ASF. They then proceeded to go through another 2 months of training, and learn how to use special vessels designed for this Force. During peacetime, this force is under the commad of the Minister of Transportation. During wartime, however, it’s commanded by the Minister of Defense. There are about 62,000 sailors in the ASF.
IIB (International Intelligence Bureau)
This is the agency that tracks down spies, supplies intelligence for the emperor, and command the armed forces, in a sense. They have the license to search whomever they suspect of anything.
IIS (Internal Investigation Service)
This is the agency that command the police and investigative forces. They track internal affairs, such as domestic terrorism, illegal drug shipments, attempted regicide, and the like. During war and/or martial law, the IIS takes complete command of the police forces.
III. Armor & Artillery
Armored divisions: 48
In each armored division:
1,000 T9-ACFT’s (Armored Comatic Field Tank)
150 T11-MHA tanks
300 T-90 MBT’s
175 Command vehicles
305 APC’s
750 LAV-A’s
590 BMP-3 fighting vehicles
1,200 protection troops
1,150 mordars, w/ 810 mordar vehicles
105 6-AS Entrenchment Attack vehicles
245 Multiple-lauched rocket systems
385 M-220 TOW missle launchers
500 Mobile AaSmA Batteries
870 Gimlets
250 M198 Towed Howitzers
450 Self-Propelled Howitzers
410 NP-080 Anti-aircraft flak guns
Infantry Escort Divisions
IE Divisions:
In each:
375 T6 Light FETs (Field Escort Tank)
885 T3 Armored Humvees
195 3-AU Light artiillery assault vehicles
IV. Naval Forces (ICNF)
The ICNF, or Imperial Comatic Naval Forces, are the pride and joy of the Comatic military. During the Imperium World War, a massive buildup of naval forces was in direct need to protect the Comatic military on two fronts. In several months, shipyards in Serel, Kassvaline, and all across the Narien archipeligo manufactured almost 700 new ships, state of the art, to fight the Black & Grey Imperium on our own land, and the North Atlantic Coalition in former Frozopia. One of these feats was the Battleship Fleet, consisting of 40 light battleships, 30 Lefty Class battleships, and 25 Imperial Class battleships, most powerful ship class ever to sail in the Barrow Sea, and verging on a Super-Dreadnought. This fleet, coupled with air support from almost 3 dozen aircraft carriers in the vicinity, held off Black & Grey Imperium forces from taking Narien, which is an imperative holding in the Barrow Sea. After the war ended with a Comatic victory, the navy was not downsized, and was enlarged by hundreds of ships from the beginning of the war.
Category B Carrier-Battle Group
1 Cryptic Class aircraft carrier
2 Franses Class frigates
2 Jester Class destroyers
3 Celmaetus Class missile destroyers
2 Comatic Class missile frigates
1 Croaker Class attack submarine
2 Iatruna Class nuclear-powered submarines
1 Lefty Class battleship
1 Lucreteus Class ammunition ship
1 fuel/water tanker
1 Donelius Class SAM ship
1 Welton Class missile/artillery ship
Category A Carrier-Battle Group
1 Supresta Class internalized flight-deck aircraft carrier
1 Cryptic Class aircraft carrier
3 Cerenau Class frigates
2 Clunerum Class ICBM-bearing nuclear submarines
2 Dipson Class attack submarines
1 Gerei Class submarine tender
1 Narien Class aircraft-tender
1 Ladinah Class SAM ship
1 Emperor Class battleship
1 Albia Class hospital ship
3 Helvetic Class destroyers
1 Lucreteus Class ammunition ship
2 Stasis Class cruisers
1 fuel/water tanker
1 Welton Class missile/artillery ship
1 Iacaunia Class minesweepers
1 Levitua Class gunship
2 Comatic Class missile frigates
Escort-Battle Group
1 Olympic Class light battleship
1 Franses Class frigate
2 Jester Class destroyers
1 Iatruna Class nuclear-powered submarine
2 Serel Class anti-SSM escorts
1 Quinter Class carrier-escort
1 Donelius Class SAM ship
1 Secruteus Class ASW ship
1 Lucreteus Class ammunition ship
1 Valumer Class destroyer-escort
1 Albia Class hospital ship
Invasion Group
4 Nuaram Class coastal-assault ships
1 Lefty Cass battleship
3 Helvetic Class destroyers
2 Franses Class frigates
1 Cerenau Class frigate
4 Dipson Class attack submarines
2 Gerei Class submarine tenders
1 Viride Class command ship
3 fuel/water tankers
4 Valderel Class logistics ships
2 Welton Class missile/artillery ships
4 Lucreteus Class ammunition ships
5 Aredeth Class troop carriers
2 Albia Class hospital ships
2 Cryptic Class aircraft carriers
Light Scout Group
2 Franses Class frigates
1 Jester Class destroyer
1 Telm Class scout submarine
Coastal Defense Group
1 Celmaetus Class missile destroyer
1 Delntum Class APM launcher
1 Praetelae Class anti-airborne object ship
2 Faramus Class brown-water fighting ships
1 Ladinah Class SAM ship
65 Cat. B CBGs
32 Cat. A CBGs
37 EBGs
17 IVGs
25 LSGs
44 CDGs
390 ASF-390 Ferries
4,500 C-120 Gunboats
2,815 D-ASF Patrol Boats
70 Iuliam Class Patrol Ships
130 Opala Class Gunships
2,550 F-05 Rescue helicopters
1,265 F-08 Patrol helicopters
V. Air Forces (IAF)
Blackrod Attack Wing Squadron
14 Z281 Blackrod “All-Around”s
5 Z311 Blackrod Hellslingers
General Attack Wing Squadron
6 G-41C Monitors
6 Z281 Blackrod “All-Around”s
8 X45 Wielders
Escort Wing Squadron
9 G-41C Monitors
6 HT-524 Anti-SAM planes
3 Z311 Blackrod Hellslingers
1 X45 Wielder
Bomber Wing Squadron
7 Class HT-688 Payloaders
7 A-TU40 Blackrod bombers
9 G-185H Sweepers
Stealth-Bomber Wing Squadron
11 Class HT-790 Stealth bombers
Assorted Assault Wing Group
3 G-225M Artillery planes
5 G-210J Gunplanes
Reconnaisance Wing Squadron
10 X41 Unmanned Intelligence-Gathering planes
Logistical Wing Squadron
5 Logistics Dropships
6 52-A Refuelers
9 Class HT-494 Patrol planes
Transport Wing Squadron
14 CAF-V3 Paratrooper transports
12 CAF Ground Forces transports
Transport Helicopter Wing Squadron
8 XK Carrier Helicopters
Helicopter Attack Wing Squadron
6 GF9 Telex helicopters
4 J-458 Fighting helicopters
2 J-242 Standardized choppers
APM Defense Wing Squadron
10 Airspace Patrol Missiles
131 BAWS
148 GAWS
105 EWS
133 BWS
68 RWS
115 LWS
275 TWS
161 THWS
VI. Comatic Military Innovations
All of the following are military weaponry and equipment coined and designed by Comatic engineers, and said to be the first of it's kind.
Light Aircraft Armor--Sucaereum Plating Defense, or SPD, is an armor composite used by Comatic military engineers to safeguard aircraft. It is as strong as steel, but about 40% it's weight; however, it cannot be readily mass-produced, so it is only used on Z281 Blackrods, expensive and sophisticated fighters in the Comatic Air Force. It is composed of the rather new synthetic element Sucaereum, as well as cobalt, and a dozen other classified metallic elements. The SPD armor has a higher melting point than regular steel, and can withstand many blows before peeling. Defense Minister Tiro Santaelium is looking to have SPD armor equipped onto certain tanks and helicopters.
Smart Rapidfire Aircraft-to-Aircraft Missiles--The Anti-Aircraft Smart-Missile System, or AaSmA, has only recently been introduced into the IAF. Comatic fighter aircraft are able to fire these at a steady speed of 55 RPM, and are guided by precisely coordinated magnetic systems, based in satellites and in the fighter from which they were discharged; as a result, jamming systems are not very effective on them. Most fighter aircraft can hold about 250 AaSmAs, and 2 can take down most enemy craft. They are very small and quick, and enemy pilots are hard-pressed to protect against them. Also, they are being introduced into the INF, mostly on destroyers, frigates, and cruisers.
Automatic Aircraft Cannon--AACs have been installed in most IAF fighters, and on all bombers. The rounds themselves are not smart; the cannons swivel according to the bogie's position and fire 45 mm rounds at a rate of 300 RPM. Fighters hold about 1,650 rounds, and most bombers hold twice that. They are mounted in two places for more rapid firing.
Airspace Patrol Missile--The APM is, in basic terms, a small, unpiloted rocket, approximately 55 feet long. Aboard it is an advanced weapons system, and a GPS guiding system. It is able to patrol the sky for up to 17 hours at a time, sending back information and other signals. If an aircraft enters it's range, and not predetermined as friendly (excluding commercial planes), the missile system will be put on alert, and send an automated, "hacking" message to the unidentified craft's computer, basically telling it to provide it's information. The pilot doesn't know this is going on. If the information determines that it is hostile, or if it provides no information at all due to a specific APMIS Block, the missile system will fire many small AaSmAs towards the craft. If they are ineffective, larger ordnance will be used. If all else fails, the APM itself will kick into Offensive Mode, speed up, and turn itself into a very potent missile itself.
TDI, or, Teledirumpi, meaning to explode far in Latin, is a chemical compound slightly similar to napalm. It is a gel-like substance that consists of Sucaereum, Mercury, Sulphur, and about two dozen other classified elements. It has been primarily used to coat rounds of conventional weapons, creating a large explosion when the round impacts an object. With a quarter of an ounce of TDI coating a bullet, a 25 mm round can create an explosion the size of a 55 mm mortar round, and a 42 mm round the size of a 98 mm tank shell. TDI can only be used in guns from the size 14 mm to 44 mm. As a result, in the Imperium World War, to fight the vampires from Vhammpyr, which can only be killed if dismembered, 15 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 23 mm, and 27 mm guns were converted to be carried by a soldier as a regular semi-automatic weapon. When the rounds were coated with TDI, the rounds from these guns blew the vampires apart, effectively killing them.
Now, TDI is only used in some 25 mm and 40 mm guns, for shelling enemy tanks and positions without the presence of artillery or armored backup. It is also used in small missiles, for more effective destruction.
VII. Other
1.96 million engineers in Special Operations
994,000 in Bomb development and special weapon development
568,000 in ballistics and weapon studies
25 in tactics council
Military Ranks (lowest to highest)
Private Second Class
Private First Class
Colonel Private
Lieutenant Orderin
Colonel Major
Orderin Major
Lieutenant Major
Captain--Leader of a squad
Togas Captain
Togas--Leader of a company in higher divisions
Tollum--Leader of a Unit
Commander Major
Field marshall--Leader of a Decilater
General Major
General--Leader of a division
Senatorat--Leader of a battalion
Military Awards
Medal of Command- (received when soldier reaches the rank "Commander")
Medal of Brotherhood- (received when a soldier saves a comrade in
Mission Leader Badge- (received after leading 5 successful IGF missions)
Mission Leader Emblem- (received after leading 12 successful IGF missions [prize money of ‡1,500, 4 weeks of R & R])
Distinguished Soldier Medal- (received after completing 10 IGF missions)
Battle Troop’s Pendant- (received after completing 25 IGF missions [prize money of ‡2,500, 4 weeks of R & R])
Medal of Denamiantel- (received when a soldier reaches the rank "Denamicas")
Distinguished Pilot's Emblem- (received after the completion of 5 IAF missions)
Imperial Pilot Medal- (received after the completion of 10 IAF missions [prize money of ‡3,000])
Veteran Flying Cross- (received after completing 17 IAF missions [prize money of ‡10,000])
TOD Star- (received when voluntarily going 6 months beyond the common tour of duty)
TOD Medal- (received when voluntarily going one year beyond the common tour of duty)
Dedication Medal- (received when voluntarily going two years beyond the common tour of duty)
Larenum Medal- (received when voluntarily going three years beyond the common tour of duty [prize money of ‡5,000])
Senatorat Pendant- (received when voluntarily going 5 years beyond the common tour of duty [prize money of ‡10,000])
Heart of Nobles- (received when a soldier is recognized by a ranking officer as focused on their studies and training, determined, patriotic, and has a postitive attitude)
Medal of Generital- (received when a soldier reaches the rank "General")
Pendant of the Leader- (received when a soldier reaches the rank "Senatorat" [prize money of ‡100,000)
Red Dawn Ring- (reward for an extreme act of bravery in battle [prize money of ‡30,000])
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 03:45
I. Government
Present Day Comatica is is known as the “People’s Empire.” The emperor makes most of the decisions. At one point in Comatic history, the emperor ruled over Comatica in all it’s entirety. But that was a period recorded over 400 years ago. Now Comatica is ruled not only by an emperor, but an Imperial Senate.
If an issue comes to rise that the emperor makes a decision on, the emperor makes the decision. The Imperial Senate, a large council of 360 representatives from all parts of Comatica, takes a vote on how they feel. If More than 60% of the senate disagrees with the emperor’s decision, then the senate will vote on it themselves. The choice with the majority of votes is passed into law. In case of a tie, the chief advisor to the emperor will break it with his or her vote.
If the emperor dismisses an issue, the issue will then go to the senate, where they will vote on it. The choice with the majority of votes is passed into law.
Term: 5 years
Elected by elections every two and a half years by the citizens. Every election, half of the senate is up for election. Then the other half is up for them the next election time.
Average Salary: 155,000 USD, 195,000 for the Senate Speaker
Term: As long as emperor predetermines. However, impeachments may be filed against them if it is in order.
Appointed by emperor
Average Salary: 245,000 USD
Term: Usually 4 years in peacetime, can be extended by up to to 7 years during wartime
Training: a month and a half for regular infantry
Average Salary: 27,500 USD, those who voluntarily stay for 5 years are rewarded with 60% college tuition paid. There is a 10% raise for every promotion above the rank Togas Captain, and a 20% raise for every promotion above the rank Denamicas.
Chief advisor--Mundatus Veldaem
Minister of International Relations--Cornelius Durantum
Minister of Public Security--Quintus Grumium
Minister of Culture--Aurelia Contillus
Minister of Special Forces--Lucilius Veldaem
Minister of Transportation--Caecilius Vuliaemae
Minister of Defense--Tiro Santaelium
Minister of Imperial Grounds--Telmaete Unraela
Minister of Communications--Actius Vael
Minister of Education--Dr. Cellus Novramae
Minister of Law and Order--Dr. Marcus Fultunum
Minister of Environment--Pulmaenuler Ianuadus
Minister of Commerce and Trade--Drusilla Vulcanerum
Minister of Agriculture--Stronnius Mellusum
Minister of Labor--Iulius Quilae
Minister of Immigration and Customs--Melissa Decium
Minister of Public Health--Dr. Tiro Iuloniul
J. Allies
Naos Cole
Roman Republic
Militia Enforced State
San Haven
The Beltway
Mandalore Prime
Tree Hugging Lesbians
The Grey Phoenix
The Black Shadows
The Katanas
Friendly Nations
The Real ALM
Major Alliance Organizations
World Anti-Communist League [WACL]
Questarian Commonwealth
Grand Alliance of Peace Through Strength [GAPTS]
K. Economy and My Other Threads
•Military Equipment
•Electronic devices
•Coal and gypsum
•Tungsten, gold
•Motor vehicles
•Petroleum products
Comatica is a largely capitalist nation, with few restrictions on corporations. Most of the government’s products are purchased from such companies as PriorCom, Mission Forces, and Bell-Lecrea.
Here ( is my nation page on Thirdgeek. For those who don't know, it has all of my economic information.
And you can check Here ( for all of my threads that I have created in International Incidents.
L. Natural Hazards
(M)-Minimal chance of occuring
(MO)-Moderate chance of occuring
(H)-High chance of occuring
Hurricanes (H)-(affected areas)Southeast and South coasts
Blizzards (H)-northeast, east-central
Mudslides (M)-mountainous area
Forestfires (M)-southwest
Flooding (MO)-anywhere
Volcanoes (M)-possibly southeast coast
Earthquakes (MO)-Valderel Mountains
Tornadoes (MO)-Southcentral area and Kassval area
Rip Currents/Tidal waves (H)-all coastlines
Worst Disasters:
Hurricane Mundatus (1997)
September 2, 1997
2,439 deaths, 14,677 worldwide
Winds up to 195 MPH, lowest central pressure ever recorded in the Barrow Sea (876 millibars at it's strongest, 879 at landfall)
450 miles in diameter
Landfall at Pointe Casere, 21 miles N of Veldaem
49 Billion USD in damage
Blizzard of 2004
December 29, 2004
Highest snowfall amounts about 81 inches, about 3 1/2 to 7 inches an hour
Temperatures down to -15 degrees, with a windchill of -42
Winds up to 50 mph
Ice prior to storm
An estimated 2.6 million people lost power
Impacting Telm, Subudiae, and Lateret
Tornado Outbreak of 1981
August 17, 1981
Spawned from Hurricane Dacius
308 confirmed tornadoes
22 F3, 5 F4, 2 F5 tornadoes
Near Kassvaline and Piscem
199 deaths directly related to outbreak
Kassval River Valley Flood of 1970
Kassval river valley area just north of Kassvaline
7 Billion USD in damage
40 deaths
A. Mainland
High: 138º F--80 mi. NNE of Kassval
Low: -69º F--10 mi. S of Telm
B. Throughout the Empire
High: 146º F--Secruteus
Low: -112º F--Donelium
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 03:47
M. Land Description and Other Notes
I. STATISTICS (all statistics from year 2006):
Drinking age: 20
Adult age: 20
Gambling age: 18
Inheritance age: 17
Military age: 18 (ground troops), 17 (Naval), 20 (Air force)
Life expectancies:
Literacy rate (ages 15 and over): 99.67%
Telephones (Main lines in use)
Telephones (mobile cellular)
Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
Mainland: 5,640,984 sq. miles
Entire empire: 38,377,255 sq. miles
Largest Cities:
1. Aredeth: 19,404,921
2. Molvin: 12,367,511
3. Collekevvardi: 7,002,375
4. Tarinholtz: 6,242,908
5. Kassvaline: 5,550,429
6. Telm: 4,888,092
7. Deste: 3,996,114
8. Numeradus: 3,102,020
9. Inlac: 2,458,786
10. Streamouth: 2,353,712
11. Selao: 2,245,828
12. Westland: 2,013,570
13. The Stations: 1,909,654
14. Middle Plains: 1,798,378
15. Southton: 1,643,893
16. Cape Casem: 1,610,216
17. Outlook: 1,467,455
18. Vincebam: 1,385,232
19. Laalt: 1,349,565
20. Lateret: 1,299,043
Aredeth: sea level to 503 ft.
Molvin: sea level to 130 ft
Collekevvardi: sea level to 48 ft.
Tarinholtz: 6,535 ft to 8,289 ft
Kassvaline: sea level to 262 ft
Telm: 5,334 ft to 6,719 ft
Deste: sea level to 757 ft
Numeradus: 2,787 ft to 3,461 ft
Racial Makeup:
White: 89.4%
Black: 5.6%
Asian, Pacific Islands: 3.6%
Hispanic Origin: 2.3%
Ancestrial Makeup:
Native Comatic: 49.6%
Marabalian: 11.8%
German: 9.3%
Eastern Asian: 7.6%
Italian: 7.5%
British: 5.9%
Other: 19.3%
4,122 miles from the tip of Cape Casem to downtown Kassvaline
3,108 miles from Oceana Naval base to the eastern Comatic/ Camel Desert border
Longest River: Kassval R.--3,674 miles long, from Streamouth to Kassvaline. Avg. depth 290 feet.
Lowest point: Lowland Valley, 97 miles SE of Stata, 683 feet below sea level.
Highest point: Ceduellum Mountain, 108 miles WSW of Subudiae, 26,551 feet.
Very hilly and heavily wooded in the northeast, treeless hills and plainsland in the Collekevvi and Numeradus area, rocky peaks and mountains in the southwest, with rolling, wooded hills near the coast, coniferous forest in higher elevations near Cadae and Vincebam, low hills and low-lying area in the southeast, with vertical-walled canyons in areas.
Northeast Comatica: Adirondack mountains in upstate New York and Vermont hills.
Southwest Comatica (Valderel Mountains): Austrian Alps
Central Comatica (Central Valderel Mts): Southern Appalachian Mountains (Georgia, Tenessee, North Carolina)
Collekevvi hills: hills of Ireland
II. Signifigant Provinces
Mainland: (pop)424,564,200
Delntum: (pop)33,456,200
Secruteus: (pop)12,224,900
Donelium: 14,580,600
Narien: (pop)28,836,600
Cahamina: (pop)18,108,500
Ladinah: (pop)16,474,700
Gordoleum: (pop)8,341,800
Costelaeneum: (pop)12,783,100
Helnulatael: (pop)6,955,400
Ialduaea: (pop)18,076,000
Retelacum: (pop)22,348,700
III. Images Of Comatica
The Collekevvi Plains (
The famous Lake Telm Forest (photo #1) (
Picture #2 (
Picture #3 (
Picture #4 (
The West Cadae Wall (10 Miles W of Cadae). (
The Medoru River, Comatic Blues Country (Northern Kassval). (
Sunrise Over Cape Casem. (
Central Valderel Mountains (Photo #1, 47 Miles NE of Vincebam) (
Photo #2 (
Greater Aredeth. (
Old Fort Prescepium (9 Miles S of Aredeth) (
Beach on Southern Secruteus. (
Narien Islands (Southern portion of province). (
Early morning photo of Kassvaline Suburb (
Kassval River, 77 miles south of Streamouth (
Ravine 14 miles SE of Stata (33 feet below sea level) (
Remnants of Old Tarinholtz as Comaticus knew it (
Railroad bridge along the Copper Mountain line, central Valderel Moutains near Cadae (
Horse farm in Northern Collekevvi (
Railroad near Cerserasul, the birthplace of Comaticus (
Sunset over Cape Lecasus, 55 miles S of Veldaem (
Mountain Scene in The Stations (within city limits) (
Summit of Ceduellum Mountain (
Stone quarry outside of Lateret (
Hikers in a Donelium forest (210 miles NE of Serel) (
Alpine lake in Western Donelium (
Lake in the Comatic Blues Country (47 miles NNE of Stata) (
Rural scenery (55 miles W of Molvin) (
Sunlit path through Tesadel Valley (20 miles SSW of Selao) (
Observation point at Tesadel National Park (22 miles SSW of Selao) (
III. Other
Comatica is devoted to land preservation without obsessing over it. Trees blanket all of the areas where they would naturally grow. The plains of Collekevvi, however, are the largest lands in Comatica that are treeless. Otherwise, you would see mist-damped hills swept over with evergreens. In a book (Yeah, that’s right, book) I am writing about the dominion of Comaticus, I described it like this: “In the south, majestic, snow-capped peaks rose into the heavens. In the north, steep hills rolled through the countryside, blanketed by towering, leafy trees and lofty evergreens.”
This describes the landscape well. As for military purposes...
In the gray chasms that are the valleys, and the forbidding gray monsters that are the mountains, there are many precipaces upon which to stand, many delves in which to hide and shoot from. The shoreline is rippled with dozens of harbors sheltered by jauntily placed seaside cliffs, carving formations into the rock and the reef unlike any seen among the more ancient places of the world.
My eyes have set upon a great place, more indescribably beautiful that one’s imagination could have ever conjured. I beleive that even Rome’s most fluent poets would struggle under the unfleeting task of sending the Comatic land into other minds.
This is how Comaticus described the land outside of Aredeth when he was on his magnificent conquest. He was amazed how the land in Comatica varied by so much. So when he developed Comatic, his own specially developed dialect of Cosumaedric, he made “Comatica” a phrase in Comatic, meaning “Great changes among the lands.”
Many ruins of Ancient Aredeth are left among the modern buildings and skyscrapers. They are preserved as historical sites, and serve as a reminder of Comatica’s rich heritage and history.
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 04:06
OOC: Whoo! Did it! Took me 4 days, but I got it arranged better than I ever thought possible!
OOC: Whoo! Did it! Took me 4 days, but I got it arranged better than I ever thought possible!
OOC: Took me that long to read it too...
29-03-2006, 08:54
OOC: NICE WORK. Kept me interested from start to finish. Good on ya. :)
29-03-2006, 08:55
Good work like last time, PDC.
Really outstanding..........nice job.
Present Day Comatica
29-03-2006, 21:34
Thanks for the comments, guys. I admit it is a long read...but I really don't expect everyone to read it all at one time. More a reference thing. Plus I had fun writing it.
The Gupta Dynasty
29-03-2006, 22:48
OOC:Better than the last one. And I never thought that possible. You rock, Comatica!
Present Day Comatica
30-03-2006, 01:38
OOC:Better than the last one. And I never thought that possible. You rock, Comatica!
OOC: Thanks, Yafor (If you still go by that). The whole point of making this was to make my factbook more presentable. From the comments I've been receiving, I guess it worked. :D
The Gupta Dynasty
30-03-2006, 01:41
OOC:Of course I do. I am Yafor 2, you know. And boy, did you succeed!
Present Day Comatica
30-03-2006, 02:12
OOC: More photos of Comatica added, a new addition to Current Comatica coming right up.
30-03-2006, 02:25
OOC: That first picture is bloody gorgeous, though. Wow...
Present Day Comatica
30-03-2006, 02:37
OOC: That first picture is bloody gorgeous, though. Wow...
OOC: Yeah...I shopped around for the best quality one I could find.
Additions complete...for now. >_>
Present Day Comatica
01-04-2006, 21:00
For some reason, I can't stop adding pictures.
01-04-2006, 21:45
For some reason, I can't stop adding pictures.
Though that picture of the Celeso Valley looks strangely like the Bosciati Amforgano Passa in Meritate province... ;)
Present Day Comatica
02-04-2006, 03:13
Though that picture of the Celeso Valley looks strangely like the Bosciati Amforgano Passa in Meritate province... ;)
That is strange. >_> <_<
Present Day Comatica
02-04-2006, 15:19
New section added! Random Factoids About Comatica (I had fun writing this part :D ).
Present Day Comatica
06-04-2006, 01:20
Ah, the evils of surpluses of spare time. [More updates]
Present Day Comatica
08-04-2006, 21:45
OOC: Bump
Present Day Comatica
25-04-2006, 02:00
Aceso-Eddus Online Publishing, Ltd.
Aceso-Eddus is proud to present...
The publishers at Aceso-Eddus (http://www.acesoeddus.cta/) have released into the network the new version of the Comatic encyclopedia. New loaders now can enjoy the new and fully updated Comatic supercenter, with more photos and info than we could pack into 2.0.5. Have fun!
New features in v2.0.6:
--Two new sections, including Quotations From Famous Comaticans and Images of Comatica.
--Additions to the General History section.
--Updated statistics.
--Minor layout changes and software tweaks
Free download (new users): Version 2.0.6 (http://downloads.acesoeddus.cta/v&page=0908)
Combo update (current users): 2.0.6 (http://downloads.acesoeddus.cta/do=v&page=0122)
Present Day Comatica
27-06-2006, 21:33
Aceso-Eddus Online Publishing, Ltd.
Aceso-Eddus is proud to present...
Yes, it's been some time, but the publishers and technitions here at Aceso-Eddus (http://www.acesoeddus.cta/), in their corporate headquarters in both Aredeth and Kassa Nova, have been as busy as ever. Now, we're releasing the next generation of the award-winning Comatic encyclopedia. Version 2.0.9 is now available for download.
New features in v2.0.9:
--Major updates to the Military section.
--Several new images.
--A new credits notation for the software updaters and engineers, whose activity as nearly doubled over the past few months.
Download for Windows (http://downloads.acesoeddus.cta/v=989_%20windows_operation.htm)
Download for Mac OS X (http://downloads.acesoeddus.cta/html_v=431_%20macintosh_operation.htm)
System requirements:
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Mac OS X 10.1 or higher (Mac OS X 10.2.8 recommended)
Click here (http://downloads.acesoeddus.cta/v=572_%20older_versions.htm) if you are currently using Mac OS 8.6 to 9.x.