NationStates Jolt Archive

The Federal Republic of Nigeria [E20]

27-03-2006, 22:36
Nigerian Government

President: Yakubu Gowon

Major Political Parties: Nigerian People's Congress (NPC), Action Front (AF), and the National Convention of Nigerian Citizens (NCNC), Nigerian Nationalist Party (NNP)

Government Type: Federal Republic

Capital: Abuja

Nigerian Armed Forces

3xHighly Trained Mechanized Division
2xHighly Trained Infantry Division
1xHighly Trained Armored Divsion
4xExpert Pilot
2xF4G Fighter/Bomber units
1xCoastal Patrol Unit
1xLight Cruiser
2xDestroyer Flotilla
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division
1xElite Marine Brigade
1xCarrier Wing
Major Exports/Trade Partners

Trade Partners
-South Africa
-United Kingdom
-North America

Oil Exports

2 Points to South Africa
1 Point to Brazil
2 Points for Nigeria's own use

-United Kingdom
-Commonwealth Nations

Friendly Nations
-North American Nations

-Rest of World



At War

Nigerian Military Equipment

Standard Issue Rifle: G3 H&K

Main Battle Tank: Centurion MBT

Light Machine Gun: L4 Bren Gun

Armored Personell Carrier: FV432 APC

Armored Car/Reconiassance Vehicle: Ferret Armored Car

Fighter/Interceptor/Ground Attack: F4G

Tactical Bomber: None

Strategic Bomber: None
28-03-2006, 00:03
Nigeria contacts it's fellow Africans and friends, the South Africans, and respectfully asks for assistance in building a modern merchant marine.

South Africa is willing to build a modern merchant fleet for Nigeria, in exchange for oil exports. The Republic will have the ships ready for delivery in 1953.

OOC: How many will you need? And just so you know, it's still 1952.
28-03-2006, 00:49
South Africa is willing to build a modern merchant fleet for Nigeria, in exchange for oil exports. The Republic will have the ships ready for delivery in 1953.

OOC: How many will you need? And just so you know, it's still 1952.

The Nigerian governemnt is willing to go through with the deal. THey will export two-fifths of their oil to South Africa for the next few decades or longer, should it prove neccessary.

OOC: I was thinking 8-10 would be a good number to start with. That gives me enough of an economy boost so that I can start expanding my base industry.
28-03-2006, 21:10
Brazil sends a message to the Nigerian Government telling them that Brazil would be very interested in helping the People of Nigeria industrialize. Brazil was given foreign aid last year and it helped tremendously. We look forward to further relations
28-03-2006, 22:19
Nigeria happily welcomes relationships Brazil. They are happy to open trade relations as soon as possible and would welcome any foriegn aid.
28-03-2006, 23:28
South Africa sends word that construction has begun on the Nigerian merchant fleet, and that the shipping units will be completed by 1953.

OOC: You'll get 1 for your 1953 build, and 9 more for your 1954 build, along with any foreign aid I send. Sorry, but there wasn't any extra money to spend on it in my 1952 budget allocations. In 1954 you'll have 15 additional commerce points with that shipping, and I can build more if you want, so you can put your own money into production centers.
29-03-2006, 00:28
South Africa sends word that construction has begun on the Nigerian merchant fleet, and that the shipping units will be completed by 1953.

OOC: You'll get 1 for your 1953 build, and 9 more for your 1954 build, along with any foreign aid I send. Sorry, but there wasn't any extra money to spend on it in my 1952 budget allocations. In 1954 you'll have 15 additional commerce points with that shipping, and I can build more if you want, so you can put your own money into production centers.

Nigeria sends it's thanks and increases it's oil shipments to South Africa.

[OOC: Sounds good! I'm getting a bunch of foriegn aid next year, which will allow me to build one or two new production centers, plus finish up my national/international air lines. Brazil is going to give me a couple as well. (Limit is still 15, right?) With that, plus the shipping I should be eable to expand pretty quickly and get my major production centers up. Plan on SA being one of my major trading partners. Do prod. centers still give two points per or is it now one point per?]
29-03-2006, 00:52
Nigeria sends it's thanks and increases it's oil shipments to South Africa.

[OOC: Sounds good! I'm getting a bunch of foriegn aid next year, which will allow me to build one or two new production centers, plus finish up my national/international air lines. Brazil is going to give me a couple as well. (Limit is still 15, right?) With that, plus the shipping I should be eable to expand pretty quickly and get my major production centers up. Plan on SA being one of my major trading partners. Do prod. centers still give two points per or is it now one point per?]

OOC: Production centers give two points at peacetime. I'm not sure what limit you're thinking of, because I can't think of anything that has a specific limit of 15. Airlines max out at 10, tourism is dependent on population (1 point per 10 million people), and commerce is 40 points using tech level 7 shipping.
29-03-2006, 03:07
Brazil will be able to give 12 points to Nigeria next year.
Lesser Ribena
29-03-2006, 11:03
Britain is more than willing to assist her ex-colony Nigeria to develop in her first steps towards total independence. However many demands have been made on the budget for next year, including budget proposals from other ex-British African nations (ie. NPC ones) and the military particularly in response to the situation in the Middle East and growing tensions in Europe. In addition there is the growing space program to look after.

However if spending can be allocated to Nigeria, it will be indicated at the next budget (1953 start). Britain is sorry that no promises can be made but hopes that Nigeria understands the severe pressure Britain is under in many areas.

However, Nigeria will be pleased to note that Britain has sponsered a vote on her admission to the Commonwealth of Nations. If she is admitted (which is almost certain) she will benefit from reduced tariffs with other Commonwealth nations as well as other benfits.

OOC: In game terms this results in a +1% growth per year from the trade bonuses as well as a loose mutual defence pact (between all Commonwealth nations and by the Treaty of Daresalaam: Germany, though nations are under no requirements to declare war on each others enemies, merely to supply them when required to) and other bonuses. See here for more details. (
29-03-2006, 12:47
South Africa will send advisors to assist in training the Nigerian military. It is in our mutual interests to have Nigeria as a regional power in West Africa.
29-03-2006, 17:37
Britain is more than willing to assist her ex-colony Nigeria to develop in her first steps towards total independence. However many demands have been made on the budget for next year, including budget proposals from other ex-British African nations (ie. NPC ones) and the military particularly in response to the situation in the Middle East and growing tensions in Europe. In addition there is the growing space program to look after.

However if spending can be allocated to Nigeria, it will be indicated at the next budget (1953 start). Britain is sorry that no promises can be made but hopes that Nigeria understands the severe pressure Britain is under in many areas.

However, Nigeria will be pleased to note that Britain has sponsered a vote on her admission to the Commonwealth of Nations. If she is admitted (which is almost certain) she will benefit from reduced tariffs with other Commonwealth nations as well as other benfits.

OOC: In game terms this results in a +1% growth per year from the trade bonuses as well as a loose mutual defence pact (between all Commonwealth nations and by the Treaty of Daresalaam: Germany, though nations are under no requirements to declare war on each others enemies, merely to supply them when required to) and other bonuses. See here for more details. (

Nigeria thanks the British for their kind words and completly understands that the British are not only dealing with the Middle Eastern Crisis, but also with numerous other ex-colonies.

They are also greatful for the invitation and possible inclusion of Nigeria in the Commonwealth.

They also thank the South Africans for their promise of military advisors.
Lesser Ribena
29-03-2006, 18:56
In addition Britain will be willing to sell any weapons or military equipment that Nigeria may require including the L1A1 SLR Rifle, Centurion 20 pounder tanks and any ships or aircraft needed. Most of these are compatable with (and have operated alongside) South African equipment and some are in use with teh South AFrican forces so the training recieved should cover them.
29-03-2006, 18:58
In addition Britain will be willing to sell any weapons or military equipment that Nigeria may require including the L1A1 SLR Rifle, Centurion 20 pounder tanks and any ships or aircraft needed. Most of these are compatable with (and have operated alongside) South African equipment and some are in use with teh South AFrican forces so the training recieved should cover them.

Nigeria is mostly interested in the Centurion and British tanks, as they are currently working on purchasing the G3 Rifle from Germany. However, the L4 Bren gun would be appreciated. They would also, in a few years, like to purchase some Hawker Hunters in order to found an airforce. Interest is also expressed in purchasing some coastal patrol craft.
Lesser Ribena
30-03-2006, 16:49
Nigeria is mostly interested in the Centurion and British tanks, as they are currently working on purchasing the G3 Rifle from Germany. However, the L4 Bren gun would be appreciated. They would also, in a few years, like to purchase some Hawker Hunters in order to found an airforce. Interest is also expressed in purchasing some coastal patrol craft.

Britain would be glad to supply teh above equipment to teh Nigerian government (essentially your units will have a higher combat value due to better foreign imports than relying on locally made equipment). The future purchase fo Hawker Hunters is also permitted, though better planes will probably be around by then (for the same cost). Finally Nigeria is granted permission to purchase coastal patrol craft from Britain, though as a tech 6 nation it would be just as easy to build them yourself and improve your shipwrighting abailities whilst at it.

You have also just been admitted to the Commonwealth. Garnering a 1% growth bonus and membership of a defensive pact.
30-03-2006, 22:06
Britain would be glad to supply teh above equipment to teh Nigerian government (essentially your units will have a higher combat value due to better foreign imports than relying on locally made equipment). The future purchase fo Hawker Hunters is also permitted, though better planes will probably be around by then (for the same cost). Finally Nigeria is granted permission to purchase coastal patrol craft from Britain, though as a tech 6 nation it would be just as easy to build them yourself and improve your shipwrighting abailities whilst at it.

You have also just been admitted to the Commonwealth. Garnering a 1% growth bonus and membership of a defensive pact.

Britain is thanked for their help and assistance.
30-03-2006, 22:50
You have also just been admitted to the Commonwealth. Garnering a 1% growth bonus and membership of a defensive pact.

As Economic Mod:
That 1% boost comes after five years, so assuming you stay with a market economy, you will get 4% growth in 1957.
30-03-2006, 22:51
As Economic Mod:
That 1% boost comes after five years, so assuming you stay with a market economy, you will get 4% growth in 1957.

Huzzah. Market economies rule. Damn commies.

Malkyer, check your TGs.
06-04-2006, 18:20
OOC: I (Brazil) gave you 12 points for 1953 and 54 if you didnt know. I also have 4 shipping going to you.
15-04-2006, 03:51
President Nnamdi Azikiwe,

I must regretfully inform you that South Africa will be unable to continue economic assistance to Nigeria in the 1955 fiscal year. Economic concerns and budget restructuring have forced us to devote capital to other projects. We hope that this does not damage relations between our two nations.

South Africa is willing to hold the current Nigerian debt (OOC: 39 points) as interest-free until 1957. As that was the agreed-upon date to begin repayment to South Africa, our respective governments will negotiate a payment schedule that year, or perhaps postpone payment further until such time as Nigeria is able to pay the debt.

The Republic thanks you for your understanding.

Girerd van Hoorn
Secretary of Finance
18-04-2006, 04:35
Mr. Van Hoorn,

I fully realize that this global depression will affect us all and your country will not be able to provide assisstance to our own. We thank you for assisstance you have provided and look forward to continued good relationships with your country.

We will begin paying of the debt in yearly installments beginning in 1955 and hope to have it completely paid off by 1957.

I would also like to thank you for the military advisors you have sent to aid us.

In Friendship,

President Nnamdi Azikiwe

The military advisors arre immediatly asked to help train the fledgling army, who are currently undergoing war games, with the 1st and 3rd Infantry Divisions playing defense to the 2nd Divisions attacker. The 2nd Division is aided by the 1st Armored Brigades Challenger Tanks.
18-04-2006, 18:37
The President of Brazil sends a letter to the Government of Nigeria,

Dear Nnamdi Azikiwe,

I, Pereira da Costa, regret to inform you that Brazil is halting its aid to Nigeria due to the present ecomonmic situation. However, Brazil might be able to aid Nigeria in other ways. We might have extra costal partrol groups that we mgiht be able to give.

OOC: 1955 i might be able to give aid but after that, untill the depression is over, im not to sure.
19-04-2006, 04:02
The President of Brazil sends a letter to the Government of Nigeria,

Dear Nnamdi Azikiwe,

I, Pereira da Costa, regret to inform you that Brazil is halting its aid to Nigeria due to the present ecomonmic situation. However, Brazil might be able to aid Nigeria in other ways. We might have extra costal partrol groups that we mgiht be able to give.

OOC: 1955 i might be able to give aid but after that, untill the depression is over, im not to sure.

Mr. de Costa,

We fully understand and thank you for the aid you have given us up to this point. Please, ensure that your own country does not suffer before thinking of us. I believe we will be able to go forward on our own and make it through the depression
24-04-2006, 18:22
Mr. de Costa

General de Costa........:mad:
25-04-2006, 05:01
Communication from Canberra to Abuja:

The Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand sends its greetings and warm wishes to Mr. Nnamdi Azikiwe. It has been a shame that our two nations have not had more friendly communications in the years since your happy independence from Great Britain, for we share both a common heritage and an alliance.

But to the heart of this message. Australia has managed to create a budget surplus in 1956, despite the effects of this unfortunate recession, that allow us to offer you some aid that will hopefully take up the slack left by South Africa and Brazil (ooc: 9 points). As a gesture of goodwill, we do not expect repayment. It is a gift from one friend to another.


Prime Minister Andrew Parsons
28-04-2006, 03:21
Nigeria will be pleased to hear that Brazil will be able to continue its aid (12 points) to Nigeria in 1957.

OOC: g2g post later
29-04-2006, 20:33
An election year is coming up and so far, Nnamdi Azikiwe is running unopposed for reelection. The four parties are busily jockying for position, while a fifth party, the Nigerian Nationalist Party (NNP) has recently formed and beginning to make itself heard.
06-05-2006, 01:12
The Brazilian Government asks Nigeria if they have any excess oil avalible for Brazil to use. (1960 i will need 1 oil point) We hope that this could be possible.

OOC: also in 1958 u want 12 points or 4 tech 7 shipping units..... 3 points each. Ill be tech 7.5 a lil after '60 so ill get u some 7.5 shipping units once i get it (1 unit gets u 2 points)
06-05-2006, 02:43
Nigeria responds that they might be able to shift oil shipments from elsewhere, but they will ahve to check.

OOC: 12 points would be good.
06-05-2006, 18:25
South Africa informs the Nigerian government that South Africa is willing to cancel outstanding Nigerian debt in return for a continued supply of oil in the foreseeable future.

OOC: Basically, you keep sending me 2 oil points a year and I'll forgive the fifteen production points you owe me.
07-05-2006, 18:17

Syria quietly informs Nigeria that, if the situation for Congolese independence becomes violent, the Syrian army could provide a unit of helicopters for support operations.
07-05-2006, 21:02

Syria quietly informs Nigeria that, if the situation for Congolese independence becomes violent, the Syrian army could provide a unit of helicopters for support operations.

Syria is thanked for their support, secretly.
08-05-2006, 04:05

Nnamdi Azikiwe successfully wins re-election by the virtue of their being no other contenders.

The Nigerian Nationalist Party wins control of parliament in an upset victory, taking 54% of the votes.

The Nigerian People's Congress falls behind, with 16% of the vote.

The Action Front garners a bit less support, with 11% of the vote.

The National Convention of Nigerian Citizens stays ahead of the Action Front and the NPC, taking 19%
11-05-2006, 07:47
The Republic of France would like to conduct a diplomatic visitation of goodwill to Nigeria to affirm France's good intent in Africa, it is hoped that a good opinion can be reflected, aid to the potential union of NIgeria with Niger is not out of the question.
11-05-2006, 15:36
The Nigerian government is open to the French visit and promises to accomadate them with full honors.
11-05-2006, 18:19
In 1959 Syria will construct its first nuclear power plant. As part of our mutual friendship, we would offer to build a modern, advanced (TL 7.5) power plant in Nigeria. While we understand it may be difficult to provide full funding immediately, with obligations throughout Africa, and so would offer alternative payment plans (12 points per year or 8 points per year) with construction beginning when payment is 50% complete.
16-05-2006, 01:45
In 1959 Syria will construct its first nuclear power plant. As part of our mutual friendship, we would offer to build a modern, advanced (TL 7.5) power plant in Nigeria. While we understand it may be difficult to provide full funding immediately, with obligations throughout Africa, and so would offer alternative payment plans (12 points per year or 8 points per year) with construction beginning when payment is 50% complete.

Nigeria would be delighted to accept Syria's offer.

Nigerian Parliament passes a series of anti-discrimination laws, making it illegeal to demote, promote, or otherwise offer advantage or disadvantage to someone because of their tribe, ethnicity, or religion.

A resolution is also passed stating that the money from oil imports will be used to better all of Nigeria.
22-05-2006, 04:37
Nigerian Build, 1960

Tech Level 6

Market Economy

Normal Spending

Growth: 4% (3% for spending + 1% for economic bloc [Commonwealth])

Population: 35 million


Nine industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Two at Port Harcourt, one at Sokoto. 18 points)
Nineteen Tech 7 Shipping Units (28.5)
Tourism (3.5)
International/National Airports (4 points)

TOTAL: 54 points

Domestic Spending

Level III Social Spending: 10 points

Production Center: 24 points (24)

Level III Social Services for Benin and Niger: 4.5 points

Intelligence Agency: 5 Points

Sub-Total: 41.5

Military Upkeep

3xHighly Trained Motorized Division: .2.25 points
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Brigade: .5 points
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
1xExpert Pilot: .25 points
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xBAC Lightning Unit: 1 point

Sub-Total: 6.75

Military Spending

1xHQ Unit: 2 (10/10)

Sub-total: 2 points

TOTAL: points

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points
One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil


One point of oil energy fueling the military. (Only using 6.75)

One point of natural gas point fueling 9 Production Centers.
25-05-2006, 20:52
The South African Defense Ministry contacts its Nigerian counterpart about the possibility of conducting wargames between the two nations, which would benefit both nations by keeping sharp the fighting edge of South Africa's forces (which have not fought a major war since 1942, or a conflict at all since the FAS coup in the early 1950s), and field-testing the Nigerian armed forces.
26-05-2006, 05:47
The South African Defense Ministry contacts its Nigerian counterpart about the possibility of conducting wargames between the two nations, which would benefit both nations by keeping sharp the fighting edge of South Africa's forces (which have not fought a major war since 1942, or a conflict at all since the FAS coup in the early 1950s), and field-testing the Nigerian armed forces.

The Nigerian High Command Responds that it would love to conduct war games with the south Africans at some point. They suggest they are held in Nigeria as the Nigerians currently lack the transport capicity to shift forces to South Africa.
26-05-2006, 15:33
Nigerian Build, 1961

Tech Level 6 (1 year to Tech 7)

Market Economy

Normal Spending

Growth: 4% (3% for spending + 1% for economic bloc [Commonwealth]) (One center every two years)

Population: 35 million


Ten industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Two at Port Harcourt, Two at Sokoto. 18 points)
Nineteen Tech 7 Shipping Units (28.5)
Tourism (3.5)
International/National Airports (4 points)

TOTAL: 56 points

Domestic Spending

Level III Social Spending: 10 points

Production Center: 24 points (24)

Level III Social Services for Benin and Niger: 4.5 points

Intelligence Agency: 6 Points (Now has trawlers)

Sub-Total: 44.5

Military Upkeep

3xHighly Trained Motorized Division: .2.25 points
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Brigade: .5 points
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
1xExpert Pilot: .25 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xBAC Lightning Unit: 1 point

Sub-Total: 7.75

Military Spending

1xElite Armored Brigade: 2 points (Uses British Centurion tanks)

Other Spending

For the Improvement of Niger and Benin: 1 point

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points
One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil


One point of oil energy fueling the military. (Only using 6.75)

One point of natural gas point fueling 9 Production Centers.
27-05-2006, 15:52
South Africa will send the following forces to Nigeria to participate in wargames [ooc: I can can things around if you want]:

Army Attachment:
1x Light Infantry Division
1x Mechanized Flak Group
1x Armored Division
1x Mountain Brigade
1x Parachute Brigade
1x HQ Unit

Naval Attachment:
1x Light Missile Cruiser (SANS Drakensberg)
4x Destroyers
1x Amphibious Assault Group

Air Attachment:
2x Mirage IIIC Units (w/ elite pilots)
1x Helicopter Gunship Unit
1x Helicopter Transport Unit
1x Kommando Battalion (airborne)

OOC: That comes out to a total of 38 points of combat value for the Army (including the Helicopter Gunship), and I tried to make my naval detachment about equal to yours in size. Also, I TGed Galveston Bay and he'll handle the actual wargames once we get the forces sorted out.
27-05-2006, 16:11
OOC: You actually have about a third more combat power then I do on ground forces, but that works because the attacker generally needs more of an advantge in numbers or power anyway. You airforce will out number mine, but my Lightning's are more effective in air-to-air combat. This should be fun.

So, it looks good!

Nigerian Army

3xHighly Trained Motorized Divisions
1xHighly Trained Armored Brigade
1xElite Armored Brigade
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division
1xElite Marine Brigade

Nigerian Airforce

1xBAC Lightning
1xExpert Pilot


1xCoastal Patrol Unit (40 patrol boats)
1xLight Missile Cruiser (NFS Nigeria)

NFS is Nigerian Federal Ship

Sound good?

And is there a map?
27-05-2006, 16:21
OOC: I was just planning on using the CIA World Factbook map for Nigeria, since there's no online WIF map of Africa.

I'll go ahead and TG the force list to GB, so that he can get started on everything.
27-05-2006, 16:51
The Italian Commonwealth and it's colonies are interested in establishing relations with their southern neighbor. If you would have him, Ambassador Nino Arnoldo would visit your country, and aid may be in order from the commonwealth to Nigeria.
27-05-2006, 16:57
Nigeria would gladly welcome a visit from the Italian Ambassador.
04-06-2006, 03:29
Nigerian Build, 1962

Tech Level 7

Market Economy

NATIONAL EFFORT (Doubles Economy)

Growth: 2% (1% for spending + 1% for economic bloc [Commonwealth]) +1 center this year.

Population: 35 million


Twelve industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto. 24 points [36])
Nineteen Tech 7 Shipping Units (28.5)
Tourism (3.5 [Doubled to 7])
International/National Airports (4 points[Doubled to 8])

TOTAL: 79.5 points

Domestic Spending

Level III Social Spending: 14.5 points

Production Center: 24 points (24)

Intelligence Agency: 6 Points

Basic Atomic Research: 12 points

Sub-Total: 56.5

Military Upkeep

3xHighly Trained Motorized Division: .2.25 points
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Brigade: .5 points
1xElite Armored Brigade: .75 points
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
1xExpert Pilot: .25 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xBAC Lightning Unit: 1 point

Sub-Total: 8.5

Military Spending

2xExpert Pilot: 8 points

1xF5 Fighter Bomber Unit: 2 points

1xC123 Transport Unit: 2 points

Sub-Total: 12 points

Other Spending

Rwandan Crisis: 4.5 points

TOTAL: 79.5 points

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points
One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil


One point of oil energy fueling the military.

One point of natural gas point fueling 12 Production Centers.

Nigeria is requesting aid from both Germany and South Africa in developing Atomic reactors for power uses.
14-06-2006, 05:31
In recent elections, the NNP maintained a mjority, stressing closer ties with Germany, South Africa, and the United States of America. Their platform also involves the spreading of Nigerian influence throughout north-west Africa and maximizing the economic and technological potential of Nigeria. In addition, a broad number of laws are passed increasing the power of the Federal governement.


-The power to nationalize any industry for the good of the country.

-The powers to imprison political dissidents or any person deemed to be working against the greater good during a time of national emergency.

-The FID is also granted broad powers, including permission to tap phone calls and preform searches provided they are granted warrants by a secret oversight court.
14-06-2006, 05:48

The military begins work on it's first atomic weapon after the South Africans share the technology with them during the construction of Nigeria's nuclear reactor.
16-06-2006, 07:02
Liason officers and technicians from the SADF travel to Nigeria, to assist the Nigerians in developing modern missile technology. The transfer is a combination gesture of goodwill to Nigeria and demonstration of South African power and influence, but is also an element of of the Pan-Africanist policies that have steadily increased in importance in the South African government.

OOC: You get everything up to and including ICBMs.
17-06-2006, 17:22
Nigerian Build, 1963

Tech Level 7

Market Economy

NATIONAL EFFORT (Doubles Economy)

Growth: 2% (1% for spending + 1% for economic bloc [Commonwealth])

Population: 45 million


Fourteen industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, One at Porto Novo, One at Niamey. 28 points [42])
Nineteen Tech 7 Shipping Units (28.5)
Tourism (3.5 [Doubled to 7])
International/National Airports (4 points[Doubled to 8])

TOTAL: 85.5 points

Constant Spending

Level III Social Spending: 14.5 points
Intelligence Agency: 5 Points

Military Upkeep

3xHighly Trained Motorized Division: .2.25 points
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Brigade: .5 points
1xElite Armored Brigade: .75 points
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xExpert Pilot: .75 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xBAC Lightning Unit: 1 point
1xF5 Fighter-Bomber Unit: .25 points
1xC123 Transport Unit: .5

Sub-Total: 10.75

Military Spending

Purchase of German Carrier: 4 points

Upgrade one Motorized Division to Mech. Division: 1 point

Government Spending

Nuclear Infrastructure: 24 points

Industrial Center: 24 points

TOTAL: 84.5 points

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points
One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil


One point of oil energy fueling the military.

One point of natural gas point fueling 14 Production Centers.

One Nuclear Power Plant

Two potential Hydroelectric
25-06-2006, 03:38
Nigerian Build, 1964

Tech Level 7

Market Economy

NATIONAL EFFORT (Doubles Economy)

Growth: 2% (1% for spending + 1% for economic bloc [Commonwealth])

Population: 45 million


Fifteen industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, Two at Porto Novo, One at Niamey. 30 points [45])
Nineteen Tech 7 Shipping Units (28.5)
Tourism (3.5 [Doubled to 7])
International/National Airports (4 points[Doubled to 8])

TOTAL: 85.5 points

Constant Spending

Level III Social Spending: 14.5 points
Intelligence Agency: 5 Points

Military Upkeep
1xHighly Trained Mech. Division:
2xHighly Trained Motorized Division: 1.5 points
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Brigade: .5 points
1xElite Armored Brigade: .75 points
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xExpert Pilot: .75 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xBAC Lightning Unit: 1 point
1xF5 Fighter-Bomber Unit: .25 points
1xC123 Transport Unit: .5

Sub-Total: 10.75

Military Spending

Purchase of German Carrier: 4 points

Government Spending

Nuclear Infrastructure: 24 points

Industrial Center: 24 points

TOTAL: 84.5 points

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points
One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil


One point of oil energy fueling the military.

One point of natural gas point fueling 14 Production Centers.

One Nuclear Power Plant

Two potential Hydroelectric
28-06-2006, 21:26
Fifteen industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, Two at Porto Novo, One at Niamey. Reduced to .5 points each. [1.5 due to Nat'l Effort.]) 22.5
Nineteen Tech 7 Shipping Units ([Minus 4 from US Embargo, reuced to 1/4] 24 points) 6 points
Tourism (4.5 [Reduced to 25%] 1 point)
International/National Airports (4 points)

33 points

Constant Spending
Level III Social Spending: 14.5 points
Intelligence Network (FID): 5 points

Military Upkeep
1xHighly Trained Mech. Division:
2xHighly Trained Motorized Division: 1.5 points
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Brigade: .5 points
1xElite Armored Brigade: .75 points
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xExpert Pilot: .75 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xBAC Lightning Unit: 1 point
1xF5 Fighter-Bomber Unit: .25 points
1xC123 Transport Unit: .5

10.75 points

All other projects are put on hold as the government scrambles to maintian social services and their military.
02-07-2006, 03:11
In late February as tensions explode across Europe and key Nigerian allies gear for war, the Nigerian military decides that the civilians have dithered enough. On February 19th the military, under the leadership of General Aguiyi-Ironsi, siezes control in Abuja. Infantry units storm the Presidental palace and parliament, placing the politicians under house arrest.

General Aguiyi-Ironsi declares himself temporary head of state until the economic and military crises are abated. He proceeds to order the military to full mobilization and announces Nigeria's support for Germany in the war against Turkey. In other words, war has been declared.

Messages are sent to Germany requesting assistance in transporting troops to the warzone. The Light Division is ordered onto the C123 transports for transport to Germany. The rest of the military is ordered to standby.

Nigeria's small navy (four destroyers, a light missile cruiser, and fleet carrier without aircrew) are ordered to rendevous with the German fleet in the Mediterranean for the time being.

Nigeria is at war.
08-07-2006, 05:47
Even as Nigerian troops began deploying in Greece, massive protests rock Nigerian cities as hundreds of thousands take to the streets, protesting Nigerian intervention in what is seen as a European affair. Under intense pressure, the government orders the complete withdrawal of Nigerian troops from the war.
18-07-2006, 21:51
Units in the Nigerian military are ordered mixed from basic training onwards so that the soldiers will be able to identify and mix with the other tribal cultures.
25-07-2006, 18:37
Nigerian Builds

National Effort in Effect

56.25 food points (Requires 45)

10 food points sold to Germany for 1 production point.

Population of 45 million

No Growth

Fifteen industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, Two at Porto Novo, One at Niamey. Reduced to .5 points each. [1.5 due to Nat'l Effort.]) 22.5
Twenty Tech 7 Shipping Units ( 30 points [reduced to 1/4]) 6 points
Tourism (4.5 [Reduced to 25%] 1 point)
International/National Airports (4 points)
Food Sold: 1 point

34 points

Constant Spending
Level III Social Spending: 14.5 points
Intelligence Network (FID): 5 points

Domestic Spending
Aid to Southern Sudan: 5 points

Military Builds

BAC Lightning Put in desert storage
F5 bomber put into desert storage.

Military Upkeep
1xHighly Trained Mech. Division:. .75
2xHighly Trained Motorized Division: 1 point
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Division:.75
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xExpert Pilot: .75 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xC123 Transport Unit: .5 points
1xCV (Tech 7, Jet Capable): 1 point

8.00 points

Mothballed/Desert Storage
1xBAC Lightning Unit
1xF5 Bomber Unit

Total: 33 points

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points

One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil

Other Energy Production

One Nuclear Power Plant

One point of Natural Gas

Two potential hydroelectric


One point of oil energy fueling the military.

One point of natural gas point fueling 15 Production Centers.


1966 Build

National Effort in Effect

56.25 food points (Requires 45)

10 food points sold to Germany for 1 production point.

Population of 46 million

No Growth

Sixteen industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, Two at Porto Novo, One at Niamey, One at Cotonou. Reduced to .5 points each. [1.5 due to Nat'l Effort.]) 24 points
Twenty Tech 7 Shipping Units ( 30 points [reduced to 1/4]) 6 points
Tourism (4.5 [Reduced to 25%] 1 point)
International/National Airports, Two units: (4 points)
Food Sold: 1 point

36 points

Constant Spending
Level III Social Spending: 14.5 points
Intelligence Network (FID): 5 points

Domestic Spending
Aid to Southern Sudan: 3 points

Military Builds

1xF4G Fighter/Bomber Unit: 3 points

Military Upkeep
1xHighly Trained Mech. Division:. .75
2xHighly Trained Motorized Division: 1 point
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Division:.75
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xExpert Pilot: .75 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xC123 Transport Unit: .5 points
1xCV (Tech 7, Jet Capable): 1 point

8.00 points

Mothballed/Desert Storage
1xBAC Lightning Unit
1xF5 Bomber Unit

Total: 36 points

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points

One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil

Other Energy Production

One Nuclear Power Plant

One point of Natural Gas

Two potential hydroelectric


One point of oil energy fueling the military.

One point of natural gas point fueling 15 Production Centers.


1967 Build

National Effort in Effect

56.25 food points (Requires 45)

10 food points sold to Germany for 1 production point.

Population of 46 million

No Growth

Sixteen industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, Two at Porto Novo, One at Niamey, One at Cotonou. Reduced to .5 points each. [1.5 due to Nat'l Effort.]) 24 points
Twenty Tech 7 Shipping Units ( 30 points [reduced to 1/4]) 6 points
Tourism (4.5 [Reduced to 25%] 1 point)
International/National Airports, Two units: (4 points)
Food Sold: 1 point

36 points

Constant Spending
Level III Social Spending: 14.5 points
Intelligence Network (FID): 5 points

Domestic Spending
Aid to Southern Sudan: 2 points

Military Builds

1xGarrison Unit

Military Upkeep
1xHighly Trained Mech. Division:. .75
2xHighly Trained Infantry Division: 1 point
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Division:.75
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xExpert Pilot: .75 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xC123 Transport Unit: .5 points
1xCV (Tech 7, Jet Capable): 1 point
1xF4G Fighter/Bomber Unit: 1 point

9.00 points

Mothballed/Desert Storage
1xBAC Lightning Unit
1xF5 Bomber Unit

Total: 36 points

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points

One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil

Other Energy Production

One Nuclear Power Plant

One point of Natural Gas

Two potential hydroelectric


One point of oil energy fueling the military.

One point of natural gas point fueling 15 Production Centers.



National Effort in Effect

56.25 food points (Requires 45)

10 food points sold to Germany for 1 production point.

Population of 46 million

No Growth

Sixteen industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, Two at Porto Novo, One at Niamey, One at Cotonou. Reduced to .5 points each. [1.5 due to Nat'l Effort.]) 24 points
Twenty Tech 7 Shipping Units ( 30 points [reduced to 1/4]) 6 points
Tourism (4.5 [Reduced to 25%] 1 point)
International/National Airports, Two units: (4 points)
Food Sold: 1 point

36 points

Constant Spending
Level III Social Spending: 14.5 points
Intelligence Network (FID): 5 points

Domestic Spending
Aid to Southern Sudan: 2 points

Military Builds

1xF4G Fighter/Bomber: 3 points

Military Upkeep
1xHighly Trained Mech. Division:. .75
2xHighly Trained Infantry Division: 1 point
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Division:.75
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xExpert Pilot: .75 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xC123 Transport Unit: .5 points
1xCV (Tech 7, Jet Capable): 1 point
1xF4G Fighter/Bomber Unit: 1 point
1xGarrison (Abuja): .25 point

9.00 points

Mothballed/Desert Storage
1xBAC Lightning Unit
1xF5 Bomber Unit

Total: 36 points

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points

One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil

Other Energy Production

One Nuclear Power Plant

One point of Natural Gas

Two potential hydroelectric


One point of oil energy fueling the military.

One point of natural gas point fueling 15 Production Centers.



National Effort in Effect

56.25 food points (Requires 45)

10 food points sold to Germany for 1 production point.

Population of 46 million

No Growth

Sixteen industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, Two at Porto Novo, One at Niamey, One at Cotonou. Reduced to .5 points each. [1.5 due to Nat'l Effort.]) 24 points
Twenty Tech 7 Shipping Units ( 30 points [reduced to 1/4]) 6 points
Tourism (4.5 [Reduced to 25%] 1 point)
International/National Airports, Two units: (4 points)
Food Sold: 1 point

36 points

Constant Spending
Level III Social Spending: 14.5 points
Intelligence Network (FID): 5 points

Domestic Spending
Space Program: 4 points

Military Builds

Military Upkeep
1xHighly Trained Mech. Division:. .75
2xHighly Trained Infantry Division: 1 point
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Division:.75
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xExpert Pilot: .75 points
1xHQ: 1 point
1xCoastal Patrol Unit: .25 points
1xDestroyer Flotilla: .25 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xC123 Transport Unit: .5 points
1xCV (Tech 7, Jet Capable): 1 point
2xF4G Fighter/Bomber Units: 2 points
1xGarrison (Abuja): .25 point

10.25 points

Mothballed/Desert Storage
1xBAC Lightning Unit
1xF5 Bomber Unit

Total: 36 points

Trade Assignment

Four Units to South Africa

Four Units to the United Kingdom

Four Units to Germany

Four to the United States

Two to Brazil

Oil Points

One to the UK

Two to South Africa

One to Nigeria

One to Brazil

Other Energy Production

One Nuclear Power Plant

One point of Natural Gas

Two potential hydroelectric


One point of oil energy fueling the military.

One point of natural gas point fueling 16 Production Centers.


Tech Level 7.5 Requirements

1. Level 3+ social spending for at least 10 years [X]
2. Has reached at least 75% of economic productivity maximum for at least 5 years [_]
3. Created a communications satellite network alone or be paying a portion of the cost of one. [_]
4. Has the ability to build nuclear power plants. [X]
5. Has an airline and tourist industry. [X]
27-07-2006, 20:53

Followingthe end of the so-called Twilight War, the military government steps down and the civil government is put back into place with elections.

Ahead in the polls is the Nigerian Nationalist, with a platform of social justice, integration, and a Nigerian hegemony in Western Africa.
30-07-2006, 07:10
in 1968 Yakubu Gowon, an ex-General, is elected President of Nigeria. After the ensuing Cameroon incident, he manages to get several reforms through parliament. In them it stipulates that money earned from the oil will be used for educatio and be handled by a nuetral third party so as to avoid corruption.

He also begins a series of anti-corruption campaigns, trying to avoid ethnic tensions. Other measures include massive education efforts and cultural integration programs.

Also passed in '68 is a law requiring all people aged eighteen to twenty-five to serve two years in the military or doing some other public work, usually alongside people from different cultural background.

In addition, a trade agreement is signed with India. [OOC: More on this later...]

In the meantime, Aguiyi-Ironsi, leader of the '64 coup has been made Chief of Staff of the new presidential regime. This probably stems from Gowon's service under him in previous years.
30-07-2006, 07:53
1970 Build

[Subject to Change]

Free Market

Normal Spending

73.25 food points (Requires 52)

20 food points to Ethiopia as Famine Relief

Population of 52 million

4% Growth [3.6 Prod. Centers]

Twenty-two industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, Two at Porto Novo, One at Niamey, One at Cotonou, two at Yaounde, one at Douala, one at Bafoussam, one at Bamenda, one at Tiko.): 44 points
Twenty-five Tech 7 Shipping Units [Maxed]: 38.5 points
Tourism: 4.5
International/National Airports, Two units: 4 points

97 points

Constant Spending
Level III Social Spending: 15 points
Intelligence Network (FID): 5 points

Domestic Spending
Nuclear Power Plant: 24
Space Travel Research: 8 points [12/24]
Research of the Congo Jungle: 3 points
Nuclear Power Plant for India: 24
Enviromental Studies: 4 points

Military Builds

Military Upkeep

3xHighly Trained Mech. Division:. 2.25
2xHighly Trained Infantry Division: 1 point
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Division:.75
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xGarrison (Abuja, Yaounde, Port Harcourt): .75 point
1xHQ: 1 point

2xCoastal Patrol Unit: .5 points
2xDestroyer Flotilla: .5 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xCV (Tech 7, Jet Capable): 1 point
1xCarrier Air Wing: 1.5 points

1xC123 Transport Unit: .5 points
2xF4G Fighter/Bomber Units: 1 point
4xExpert Pilots: 1 points
3xGarrison (Abuja, Yaounde, Port Harcourt): .75 point

Mothballed/Desert Storage
2xBAC Lightning Unit
1xF5 Bomber Unit

Military Total: 14.25 points

Trade Assignment

Five Units to South Africa

Two Units to the United Kingdom

Three Units to Germany

Three Units to FNS

Three Units to the Americas

Seven to India

Two to Brazil

Twenty-five total

Oil Points

Two to South Africa

Two to Nigeria

One to Brazil

Other Energy Production

One Nuclear Power Plant

One point of Natural Gas

Two potential hydroelectric


One Oil Point [25]: Twenty-five Shipping Units

One Oil Point [25]: 4.5 tourism, 4 airline, 16.5 excess

One Natural Gas Point: 20 Production Centers.

One Nuclear Power Plant: 2 Production Centers


Tech Level 7.5 Requirements

1. Level 3+ social spending for at least 10 years [X]
2. Has reached at least 75% of economic productivity maximum for at least 5 years [_]
3. Created a communications satellite network alone or be paying a portion of the cost of one. [_]
4. Has the ability to build nuclear power plants. [X]
5. Has an airline and tourist industry. [X]
30-07-2006, 08:59
Abuja, Nigeria, April, 1968

In Nigeria’s capital talks are held involving President Yakubu Gowon, Chief of Staff Aguiyi-Ironsi and several notable high ranking Indian Cabinet Ministers from the Indian Republic. Present was the Indian Minister of External Affairs, the Minister of Power, the Minister of Commerce & Industry, the Minister of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, and the Minister of Atomic Energy.

Much was cheerfully discussed between the two parties, with an essay written by Indira Ghandi praising Yakubu Gowon for his “great leadership” and his government’s “tireless and successful efforts to return Nigeria to its former state of greatness before the Western Powers reduced it to poverty in the name of civilization” read aloud, President Gowon in return praising President Gandhi’s “exceptional intellect and foresight,” and the two sides signing a trade agreement, the Indian-Nigerian Trade Agreement, allowing for increased commerce between the two states and providing the Indian Republic with the materials necessary to build a civilian nuclear reactor in Madras in 1970. In return the Indian government agreed to pay back half the cost at 2 production points every year for 12 years.
Lesser Ribena
06-08-2006, 10:36
Britain harshly condemns the annexation of Cameroon by Nigeria. This type of imperialism is not what Britain wants to see in the Commonwealth of Nations. We would ask that UN officials and troops be placed in the country, that Nigerian forces withdraw and a UN monitored plebescite be conducted into the future of the country. If they wish to be part of Nigeria then Nigerian troops may be replaced, otherwise UN and Commonwealth forces will take their place and rebuild Cameroon as a sovereign state. If there is no complaince then Britain will push for UN sanctions on Nigeria and suspension from the Commonwealth (OOC: which I am about to shake back into shape).
06-08-2006, 23:18
Nigeria points out that the government of Cameroon asked for annexation and that a plebiscite has already been held. It sees no reason for UN intervention.
08-08-2006, 18:54
South Africa replies to the Nigerian proposal, stating that a unified peacekeeping force to deal with intracontinental disputes, and to better organize and command various African armies in the event of a conflict involving powers outside of Africa is an idea which the RSA supports fully.

However, the RSA states that any such force would, realistically, be financed and equipped in large part by South Africa and Nigeria. South Africa proposes placing the African Defense Force under the joint command of a South African-Nigerian General Staff until such time as a multinational organization such as the Organization of African Unity is able to take full command of the proposed ADF.

OOC: I sent GB an email requesting his advice on what to include in the ADF, but I think the basic idea should be to have a light force capable of moving quickly, with either a mechanized or armored division to give it some muscle. Tentatively, I'm thinking something along the lines of:

2x Parachute Brigades
1x Light Infantry Division
1x Mechanized (or Armored) Division
1x HQ Unit

A couple of attack helicopter units can provide air support, while a C130 unit or something can move the light units and drop paratroopers. The Nigerian and South African Air Forces can supplement the ADF if they need fighters or bombers.

Do you have any suggestions?
08-08-2006, 19:03
OOC: I like it so far. I can provide the Mechanized Division and the light infantry if you can provide the parachute troops and the HQ. I'll work on getting some helis in '71 and '72.
08-08-2006, 19:12
OOC: I like it so far. I can provide the Mechanized Division and the light infantry if you can provide the parachute troops and the HQ. I'll work on getting some helis in '71 and '72.

OOC: South Africa's production is entirely used up in 1970, so I'll have to wait until '71 to build anything else. Figure by then we'll have a functioning OAU to take over, the military stuff built, and then we ('we' as in us and NPCs in Africa) can start putting surplus points into an OAU fund to operate and maintain the ADF. On that note, one of us should go to the NPC thread and see about getting other Africans to sign on to the ADF.
08-08-2006, 20:42
OOC: By email, GB suggests we go heavy on light infantry (maybe 4 parachute brigades instead of 2?), with an infantry division and a mechanized brigade as muscle. Throw in 2 attack helicopters and 1 or 2 transport helicopters and I think we're good to go. Any thoughts?
09-08-2006, 06:07
OOC: By email, GB suggests we go heavy on light infantry (maybe 4 parachute brigades instead of 2?), with an infantry division and a mechanized brigade as muscle. Throw in 2 attack helicopters and 1 or 2 transport helicopters and I think we're good to go. Any thoughts?

Sounds like a plan.
12-08-2006, 18:36
1971 Build

[Subject to Change]

Free Market

Normal Spending

73.25 food points (Requires 52)

20 food points to Ethiopia as Famine Relief

Population of 52 million

4% Growth [4 Prod. Centers]

Twenty-five industrial centers (Three at Lagos, Three at Abuja, Three at Port Harcourt, Three at Sokoto, Two at Porto Novo, Two at Niamey, One at Cotonou, two at Yaounde, Two at Douala, one at Bafoussam, one at Bamenda, Two at Tiko.): 50 points
Twenty-five Tech 7 Shipping Units [Maxed]: 38.5 points
Tourism: 4.5
International/National Airports, Two units: 4 points
Oil Exports: 3 points

100 points

Constant Spending
Level III Social Spending: 15 points
Intelligence Network (FID): 5 points

Domestic Spending
Space Travel Research: 12 points [24/24]
Ethiopian Relief Fund: 15 points
Manned Orbital Mission: 5 points

Military Builds

6xSu-27 Squadrons from Russia: 12 points
2xGarrison Units: 6 points
3xTransport Heliocopters: 3 points
1xParachute Brigade: 2 points
1xSpecial Forces Battalion: 1 point
6xExpert Pilots: 9 points

Military Upkeep

3xHighly Trained Mech. Division:. 2.25
2xHighly Trained Infantry Division: 1 point
1xHighly Trained Light Infantry Division: .5 points
1xHighly Trained Armored Division:.75
1xElite Marine Brigade: .75 points
3xGarrison (Abuja, Yaounde, Port Harcourt): .75 point
1xHQ: 1 point

2xCoastal Patrol Unit: .5 points
2xDestroyer Flotillas [4 destroyers]: .5 points
1xLight Missile Cruiser: .5 points
1xCV (Tech 7, Jet Capable): 1 point
1xCarrier Air Wing: 1.5 points

2xC123 Transport Aircraft: .5 points
6xF4G Fighter/Bomber Squadrons: 1.5 point
8xExpert Pilots: 2 points

Mothballed/Desert Storage
2xBAC Lightning Unit
1xF5 Bomber Unit

Military Total: 15 points

Trade Assignment

Five Units to South Africa

Two Units to the United Kingdom

Three Units to Germany

Three Units to FNS

Three Units to the Americas

Seven to India

Two to Brazil

Twenty-five total

Oil Points

Two to South Africa

Two to Nigeria

One to Brazil

Other Energy Production

One Nuclear Power Plant

One point of Natural Gas

Two potential hydroelectric


One Oil Resource [25]: Twenty-five Shipping Units

One Oil Resource [25]: 4.5 tourism, 4 airline, 15 for military, 1.5 excess

One Natural Gas Point [20]:

Two Nuclear Power Plants [40]: 25 Production Centers


Tech Level 7.5 Requirements

1. Level 3+ social spending for at least 10 years [X]
2. Has reached at least 75% of economic productivity maximum for at least 5 years [_]
3. Created a communications satellite network alone or be paying a portion of the cost of one. [_]
4. Has the ability to build nuclear power plants. [X]
5. Has an airline and tourist industry. [X]