NationStates Jolt Archive

The Armed Forces Factbook of Arbeiterreich

26-03-2006, 20:09
The Glorious Revolutionary Armed Forces of the People's Republic of Arbeiterreich

Military Branches:
Rote Armee (Red Army)
Luftwaffe Des Leute (People's Air Force)
Kriegmarine der Leute (People's War Navy)

Military Command Staff:
Arbeiter-Reichmarschall: Vorsitzender Alexander Neuberger
(Workers's Empire Marshall)

Roter Armee Kommandant: General Brenner Reimers
(Red Army Commander)

Kommandant Luftwaffe Der Leute: General Hans Braun
(People's Air Force Commander)

Kriegmarine-Kommandant Der Leute: Admiral Otto Breer
(People's War Navy Commander)

Order of Battle:

Number of Enlisted Personnel (Including Logistics):
Total: 700,000
Active: 250,000
Reserve: 450,000

Number of Fighting Personnel:
Total: 178,228
Active: 57,350
Reserve: 120,878

Number of Logistical Personnel:
Total: 584,772
Active: 192,650
Reserve: 392,122

Active Armed Forces Order of Battle

Rote Armee:

40,000 Infanterie-Einberufene (Infantry Conscripts)
10,000 Pferd Kavallerie (Horse Cavalry)
150 Steyr SK 105 Light Tanks - 450 Crew
125 T62 MBTs - 500 Crew
100 PzH 2000 155mm SPGs - 500 Crew
200 Marder 1 ICVs - 600 Crew, 1,2000 Infantry Capacity
200 TM170 APCs - 400 Crew, 2,000 Infantry Capacity

Luftwaffe Des Leute:

200 Tornado GR1s - 400 Crew
200 Alpha Jets - 400 Crew
300 C-160 Transalls - 1,500 Crew; 27,900 troop capacity

Kriegmarine der Leute:

10 Bremen Class Frigates - 2,000 Crew
20 Tiger Class Missile Boats - 600 Crew

Total Active Armed Forces Personnel:

Reserve Armed Forces Order of Battle

Rote Armee:

90,000 Infanterie-Einberufene (Infantry Conscripts)
30,000 Pferd Kavallerie (Horse Cavalry)

Luftwaffe Des Leute:

100 AS-532 Cougar Helos - 200 Crew; 2,000 troop capacity

Kreigmarine Des Leute:

10 Kulmbach Class Minehunters - 430 Crew
2 Spessart Class Oilers - 84 Crew
2 Luneberg Class Supply Tenders - 164 Crew

Total Reserve Armed Forces Personnel:
26-03-2006, 20:10
Information on Equipment used by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the People's Republic of Arbeiterreich

Rote Armee:

Infanterie-Einberufene - Conscripted Soldiers that go through a two-week training program which covers basic training, armed combat and close-quarters bayonet combat. A standard Platoon of 30 Conscipts is divided into 3 detachments of 10 soldiers, with each detachment armed with 6 AK-47 Assault Rifles, 2 AK-101 Light Machine Guns and 2 RPG-7 Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launchers.

Pferd Kavallerie - Horse Cavalry is stil used in the Rote Armee due to the low cost of such units and the weak economic state of Arbeiterreich following the Revolution. The Horse Cavalry spend 4 weeks training to handle their horses, and are armed with Mauser Karabiner 98ks and P08 Parabellums left by the German Army after retreating from the colony following the end of the Second World War.

SK-105 Light Tanks - Sold to the Government of Arbeiterreich in the late '70s, this mobile anti-armour vehicle comprises a fast and cheap weapon in war, although it is greatly outclassed by modern and heavier Battle Tanks on an open battlefield. To this end, SK-105s are often used in hit-and-run tactics of warfare and in large numbers. Tank Crews spend 4 weeks training to operate their vehicles in their respective fields of operation.

PzH 2000 155mm SPGs - The Artillery of the Rote Armee is one of the more modern aspects of the military, and is therefore used greatly in the tactics of the military, with artillery bombardments being a key strategy before any advancement of the rest of the forces. Crews are trained for six weeks in operation of their vehicles.

Luftwaffe Des Leute:

Torndao GR1 - The most advanced fighter-bomber used by the People's Airforce is used extensively as the frontline weapon of the Luftwaffe, and comprises the future possible nuclear deterrent of the Arbeiterreich with the capability to drop free-fall weapons. Pilots are trained for 3 months in Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground tactics.

Alpha Jets - The Alpha Jet comprises the second-line in aerial defence and combat operations by the Luftwaffe, and is often used in support of the Tornados. Pilots are trained for 2 months in Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground tactics.

C-160 Transalls - Comprise the aerial transport wing of the Luftwaffe, capable of logistic support and troop transport. Pilots are trained to civilian standards, with a 1 month training session in evasive tactics against ground-based AA weapons.

Kriegmarine der Leute:

Bremen Class Frigates - The main punching force of the People's War Navy, the Bremen Frigate is used in large numbers and extensively in hit-and-run tactics due to the small numbers of vessels.

Tiger Class Missile Boats - Used in support of the Frigates, the Tiger Class are often used to shower the enemy with Exocet missiles to distract them from the Frigate attacks, whilst also supporting as an Anti-Air vessel.
27-03-2006, 15:55
Updated with weapon's details