NationStates Jolt Archive

Frozopia Factbook: Fantasy Middle Ages

25-03-2006, 23:45
Copying Elune (Nightmare Inc) with Fantasy middle ages. Any comments are welcome. By the way I've changed some of my ideas on my nation Nightmare.....

When the lands froze many people abandonned the lands of the north, fleeing to the warmer and more comfortable lands of the south. But not the Frozopians, they decided to stay and battle it out, with hope that one day the land would reverse its decline into a frozen hell. They were wrong.

As time passed by the Frozopians adapted more and more, toughening to the new environment, even taking some of the evil creatures the land spawned and manipulating them under Frozopian control.

Corlan City
The Capital of Frozopia, it is a walled city surrounded by rough cliff faces on 3 sides, one side left exposed to a extremely steep hill side. Forged by giants many years ago, it is a huge city and very defensible, and extremely ugly at the same time.

Frozopia is ruled by King Clauro, a human being who has undisputed control over the lands. He has 3 sons, William the oldest and the heir, Conor and Crawford both younger brothers to William. Helping the king to rule the land is the Royal court: A band of Nobles and land owners.

The Frozopians have a large professional army and generally avoid conscription: they prefer quality over quantity. They also have other creatures, to carry out their bidding.......

The Frozopian army consists of 1000's of disciplined Spearmen and Longbowmen, as well as a various cavalry divisions ranging from the profession light cavalry to the ill disciplined knights.

Frozopia's navy is also large: Using large powerful ships, they are necessary if Frozopia wishes to protect its ambitious merchant fleets and to maintaining a link with those peoples over the water.

Snow beasts
The Frozopians have two types of very different snow beasts under their control:
Snow hounds
Snow hounds are the more numerous of the snow beasts: Roughly 3 meters in length, they are effectively very muscular and very large wolves, who have been tamed by Frozopians to serve them. In the last 100 years Frozopians have tamed them to such an extent that they are even ridden into battle.
Snow Giants
Snow giants are rarer, but extremely powerful monsters. Roughly 20 meters tall, these huge beasts are also extremely muscular and unintelligent. But more: They have the ability to freeze just about anything by unleashing their icy breath. It too along time for the Frozopians to tame their first Ice Giant, but now they have mastered it to such an extent that they can be told to do just about anything.

They are however notorious for losing their temper.