NationStates Jolt Archive

IEC Bank - National Loans

United Island Empires
25-03-2006, 14:51
IEC Bank

National Loans

We are a Bank set up in the United Island Empires, we now control the banking for the entire of the region of the Lesser Antilles. We now specialises in loans of nations, especially for nations that need funds for wars. A loan with us may be the difference between a great national victory or a disgraceful loss.

Currant Interest Rate: 4%
Next Expected Change: 2nd April

If you need a loan for any purpose here is the place to get it. Simply tell us:

i. How much you want.
In Dollars or Antilles Yent
Max. 1 trillion US$

ii. What the loan is for:
1. Military Funds
2. Public Services
3. Public Sector Corporation
4. Government subsidies
5. Other (please specify)

iii. Approximate Payback Timescale

iv. Whether your nation is currently a member of the United Nations

v. Whether your nation is currently at war

Thank you for your time.

Find out more about the IEC Bank here (
United Island Empires
29-03-2006, 20:20
We have reduced interest rates to 4% to increase international trade.