NationStates Jolt Archive

Thorbad's Tale (Fantasy, Middle Ages, RP, Elune)

Nightmare Inc
25-03-2006, 06:20

The camera seems to dive down into a long, wide valley and travels across open grasslands and clear rivers before dipping lower, weaving between the trees of a forest and emerging in some hill country riddled with shallow streams. There by the side of one stream stood a small stone and wood home.

Thorbad was hard at work today. He worked hard everyday. A huge man towering just under seven feet tall and built like a warhorse, his long blonde hair lay over massive sun-bronzed shoulders and his back. Wearing thick working trousers and a leather apron, he slammed away at a tree with a woodcutter's axe. Each blow shivered the stout tree and sent shards of woodchips flying.

Laying across the stream already were several large trees with their branches hacked off. The stream was even daming up a bit, creating a small pool of water where it met with the trees before finding various gaps.

A young, handsome man rode into the scene on a lean white horse and watched as the big fellow continued his chopping for a moment. Finally he spoke up, yelling above the thud of the axe crunching into the tree, "Thorbad! What are you doing?"

The one now indentified as Thorbad turned, setting his axe on one shoulder and lifting his other hand to wipe the sweat from his eyes, "Hu? Oh.. making bridge. What you doing here Byron?" Said in a slow voice, hesitant to get his thoughts out.

Byron sighed inwardly. Thorbad was a fiercely loyal friend, as strong as a titan and seemingly invulerable to weariness, but the man was not bright. It was just a polite way of thinking of the truth, Thorbad was as slow as a turtle mentally. "If you keep dropping trees into the stream, you're going to dam it up and flood your house. Why not just use the bridge upstream?"

Thorbad squinted towards the stream, then towards his house, his shaggy blonde brows raising. His eyes seemed to enlighten slightly, "Oh." A moment was taken to ponder the thought of why he wasn't simply using the bridge, "Well.. cost money to cross bridge. Don't want to pay."

Byron's head shook, "Listen mate, if you need money, I told you before to come get me. You know where we live." The 'we' being Byron and his wife Myra. "We're more than set since Myra's father died, he left us a small fortune. We've told you that if you need money to tell us."

The giant man was resolute, his brows furrowed, "No. I'm okay." He left the tree where it was and began to walk back towards his house to put the axe away in a shed. "Find work soon."

Byron hoped Myra would forgive him, "Uh, yeah that's what I came over about. We have some work we'd like you to do. A new barn needing built." They didn't really need another barn, and he hadn't come over for anything other than to check on the big lug. "We're willing to pay you two hundred gold for the job."

Thorbad set the axe down in the shed and walked back, brushing wood chips from his apron. "Two hunnerd? That's a lot. I'll do the job." Despite his many flaws, the barbaric, slow fellow had a knack for carpentry.

"Good. I'll see you at our farm tommorow morning to start." It'd give him the rest of today to explain to Myra why he'd hired the village idiot to build them another barn. She'd understand though, she was as goodhearted as he.
Nightmare Inc
25-03-2006, 06:36
Eldar, outskirts of Elune District

Viper sat in the smokey commonroom of the Dragon's Eye, a notorious tavern in Eldar's merchant sector. Viper was a small, wicked-looking man with slick black hair and a widow's peak. He openly wore throwing daggers on holsters across his chest.

As he sipped a mug of watered down ale and examined the room, he was joined at the table by a tall couple wearing black. Hooded cloaks were pushed back to expose a dark-haired girl and a young fellow with equally dark hair. They were clearly siblings, or related somehow. The woman spoke, "We found you finally. Do you realize what a hassle it is to search half the run-down, seedy little taverns in this city?" Her voice was soft, harsh. Her compaion seated himself without saying a word and adjusted the sword at his hip.

Viper leaned back in his chair, hooking thumbs into his belt and grinning lop-sidedly. "Enough of the complaining, Kyanna." His eyes flickered to the male and he nodded, "Jazon." Said shortly. Jazon nodded back wordlessly as Viper continued. "The reason why I picked this dump was that none of the Empire's spys come around here."

"So you claim." Rasped the male, his voice just above a whisper.

Viper went on, "Trust me. I have what you've been looking for." The duo leaned in as Viper reached into his jacket and withdrew a cloth-wrapped bundle. He looked cautiously about, then set it on the table and carefully drew away the rags. Revealed was a pulsating black orb that seemed to absorb the light.

Kyanna's voice was awed as she ran a gloved hand over the sphere, "This is really it. It's the Sphere of Night."

Viper chuckled under his breath. "That's right. The Triad is complete. We each have a Sphere, and since Jazon has completed the ritual Sphereboard of Destiny at the tower, we need only to place them into their proper slots and we may unleash our master plan."

Jazon spoke again, "We have the power now. But what we need is a general. Someone expendable, but easily influenced to our ways. If we infuse them with the power of the Spheres, we will give the army a proper leader. There will be no need to risk us, The Triad in direct combat."

Kyanna, "We need an empty vessel to infuse. Someone not tied too tightly to this world, someone that won't be missed much. Someone .."

Viper broke in, his grin very broad and his eyes on the large form of a dull-looking man who had just entered and lumbered towards the bar for a drink, "Someone .. like him. The village idiot. He's a dullard, a giant."

The Triad turned their heads collectively, following Thorbad as he ordered a lunch and a drink and settled onto a seat to consume his lunch before continuing work on his best friend Byron's barn.
Nightmare Inc
25-03-2006, 06:41
Eldar, outskirts of Elune District

"There he is, get him!" The voice hissed from a shadowy alleyway along the street Thorbad walked on his way home. He turned just in time to see a half-dozen men charge from the alley with clubs and nets. The nets were thrown at him, and clubs began to strike home.

Confused and frightened, Thorbad struggled while hoarsly bellowing. His massive fists flailed out, connecting with one brigand's jaw and cracking it. The brigand collapsed like a sack of rocks, his lower jaw unhinged completely. Thorbad went down bit by bit as clubs continued to impact along his head and shoulders until finally even his hard-headed brain gave in to darkness with one final blow reaching out to bury his fist deep into the guts of the nearest brigand and send him wretching, vomiting blood on the cobblestones.

The two wounded brigands were gathered up and Thorbad dumped into a wagon, and the group disappeared into the night.
Nightmare Inc
25-03-2006, 07:11
*WARNING* The following depicts scenes of torture. Viewer discretion advised.

Tower of The Triad, Location Unknown

Kyanna stared down at the naked, bruised and bloody form of the dullard strapped to a table. "Did you have to beat the daylights out of him?" she demanded of the bandit leader.

"He struggled very hard. Broke Elaad's jaw and we're not even sure if Jakob's going to make it. He says he feels like he got kicked by a hillgiant." The leader explained, cringing at the anger in Kyanna's voice. One does not upset a wizardress.

As they watched from an upper level set above the bowl-like arena where the dullard lay strapped down, a twisted, deformed looking half-elf strolled into the room followed by a goblin pushing a cart of various instruments. The half-elf was gaunt, almost skeletal with greyish skin and no hair. His gnarled ears curled downwards, hanging limp. He wore a white apron splotched with brownish stains and thick work gloves.

"Shall we begin, Mistress Kyanna?" The half-elf asked, and recieved a nod from the woman in return.

The elf produced a syringe filled with some yellowish liquid and injected it directly into Thorbad's thigh. After a moment, his eyes blurrily pealed open and his body strained briefly against the restraints. "Wha?" His eyes hurt terribly, dilated wide by the effects of the drug. He could clearly feel all of his wounds with each one seemingly heightened by the drug.

Kyanna spoke calmly in a voice of command, "I am Mistress Kyanna of The Triad. You are our property now, and you will serve us until death."

"No.. I build things."

"You are going to ascend far beyond your current humble incarnation, my dear pet." Her voice was practically a purr.

"Let me go.."

She could hardly contain the thrill of excitement that came from the fear in the large man's voice, "No. First we must break you down, until you are utterly exposed. Then we will transfuse you with the power of The Fates."

Before Thorbad could reply, an orange-hot dagger blade was brushed across his cheek. His head tried to pull away, his scream drowning out the brief hiss as skin bubbled and blood turned to steam. The cauterized gash opened along his jaw was incredibly painful.

Throughout, Kyanna continued speaking, "Lesson one pet! There is no such thing as mercy! It is the province of the weak."

The gasping man had no respite, as another dagger was drawn across his abdomen, leaving a long, shallow, cauterized gash. His body jerked and quivered, and again he would howl. "Let me go! Please! Please!"

"Silence him, Narl." The half-elf Narl nodded, leaning in and reaching inside of the man's mouth with a set of thongs, he grabbed the tongue and drew it painfully taunt. Then, the dagger sawed across, cutting the tongue out. "As I was saying, lesson two..." Her voice seemed to echo through the chamber, no matter how hard Thorbad would scream, the sounds still touched his senses. "Pity is for the weak."

The goblin on instructions, grabbed Thorbad's left hand where it was bolted to the table by restraints at the wrist and held it tight. Narl took two wooden pegs and set them under Thorbad's index finger. Then he cruely slammed a square-headed hammer down between them, causing the finger to bend upwards into a V and snap. The man's sobbing howls could still not drown out Kyanna's voice.

"Lesson three, there is only one form of justice in this world. Fate. You are our General. Our Man-At-Arms. It will be your duty to pass down the judgement of Fate, which we will decide. You are the Executioner." The fingers of the left hand soon joined the ruined index finger one by one.

"Lesson four, you answer only to The Triad and the power of the Sphereboard of Destiny, which we now wield." Narl moved lower while producing thin pieces of bamboo slit down the center. The tips are sharpened, and fit perfectly under fingernails. Narl would begin to slide them under the toenails of Thorbad, blood pouring out.

"Lesson five, the enemy is Elune. With its lordly councils, with its elven influence, it's vain goal of perfection. There is no perfect society of equality! The strong rule the weak!" Thorbad's chest was heaving, vomit in the back of his throat and his vision swimming. His voice was hoarse from the screaming, and yet it would not stop. He could already feel the heated dagger nearing his skin again, this time lopping off the thumb of his right hand, leaving behind a stump that sputtered blood erraticly with the big man's pounding heart.

"Lesson six, trust no one but The Triad." Moments passed, and warm liquid was splashed over his thighs and crotch. Seconds later, a match lit the oil. It burned briefly, blue fire licking across his abdomen, thighs and genitals. His screams errupted again, body attempting to trash against the restraints, the table shaking. His mouth was moving, only blood pouring out from his severed tongue. His body shook as he choked on his blood and vomit.

"Lesson seven. Vengence. Is. Beautiful." Kyanna purred these words out, excitement beyond sex having built within her while watching Thorbad's 'breaking down'. It was clear now that his mind was raw, his senses beginning to flutter and deny reality.

It was the perfect moment. She lifted her hands, her body uplifted by the power of the Sphere of Night, and then she brought her hands down, pointing them directly at Thorbad.

Energy poured forth, the room growing frigid as the large man's dying body was outlined in pure white light that drained the heat from the air. One by one, his wounds began to close. Even the severed fingers seemed to sprout and regrow.

Overhead in the sky, black clouds were swiftly gathering, a swirling tempest as lightning slashed throughout the atmosphere constantly. Hail pounded the walls of the tower in fist-sized pieces, and a huge orb of lightning, energy and darkness formed in the eye of the malestrom.

Then in a blinding flash, it shot downwards like a laser to surround the tower, energy pouring inside, channeled through Kyanna and into Thorbad's body.

Narl and his goblin assistant woke up several minutes later. The room was unusually still and stank of ozone and burnt flesh. Yet looking upon Thorbad's form, they saw it was as pefect as that of an artist's statue.

Slowly, the restraints gone, the huge man sat up and looked around. His eyes beheld a keen intelligence and malice, and they settled upon Kyanna standing on the upper level. Without a word, his large fist rose in salute to his new Mistress.
Nightmare Inc
25-03-2006, 07:29
Sirrus City, far south Elune outskirts

It was enough to stir the soul of a lesser man. Looking out over an army marching slowly and methodicly over the terrain, the black banners bearing three red triangles fluttering in the wind.

There were thousands. Many had flocked to the banner of The Triad upon the sacking of Zenobia City a year ago. The destruction of a city of New Elune seemed to legitimize The Triad and their power. Those who had been fearful of a swift crushing of this 'rebellion' had seen that The Triad was able to stand up to and hold its own against New Elune, at least at Zenobia City.

Out ahead of the army rode a mass of nomad cavalry recruited in the steppes of the mountains. The tribes of nomads had thrown in willingly when promised loot and battle, and had proven themselves somewhat skillful in hit-and-run situations.

Behind the cavalry came the vangaurd of the army, mostly consisting of fresh recruits who could not be trusted in the rear least they desert. These men until proven were given wooden shields and spears or sword and could serve as fodder primarily, a first wave.

In the middle of the army came the cream of the crop, thousands upon thousands of heavy infantry dressed in the black armor, cloaks and surcoats of The Triad. Many carried heavy polearms, while others carried big shields and spears or swords. Most wore chainmail, while others wore plate and others leather, depending on the personal preference of the individual. The Triad could afford to outfit several hundred thousand soldiers, especially after taking Zenobia City and its coffers.

Armorers and blacksmiths were still at work among the ruins of Zenobia City, taking steel and iron found through the city and transforming it into weapons and armor, aided by a handful of mages to add strenghtening enchantments upon the equipment.

Further out, visable from a hilltop where a party stood, they could faintly see the walls of Sirrus City. It was a immensely rich city sitting on the crossroads of the frontier between gold and silver mines and various trade outposts.

On that hilltop, the party consisted of Lord Thorbad and his aides. The big man was encased in glossy black armor and seated on a huge warhorse. The horse was actually a Nightmare, a creature of evil and darkness dredged up from the depths of the underworld. Its hooves briefly clawed impatiently at the ground.

The other knights on their mounts looked to their leader for instruction.

Lord Thorbad's voice was quiet, commanding, "Establish camp half a mile from the city. Send the nomads out to surround the walls at a safe distance and make sure no one leaves. We will begin deployments at dawn."
Nightmare Inc
25-03-2006, 21:54
OOC: Commentry welcome.
25-03-2006, 23:58
(OOC: mind if I get involved? It's is a Gobbo nation)
26-03-2006, 00:01
I would also like to become involved.
Nightmare Inc
26-03-2006, 02:56
OOC: Uh, go for it the both of you if you want.
27-03-2006, 03:20
Asagarnia,Capital City

''My lord Gerga has just told the wizards council that another city is about to be attacked by the Triad.''

''We need to get troops their fast,get ships loaded up and land on the closest coastal area to the city,deploy messengers to go talk to Nightmare Inc's king.''

''It will be done.''

The aid left the room and walked down to the military headquarters to deliver the news of thier deployment.

1 Day Later

Their were many soldiers that were stationed throughout the capital but the king wanted more,troops from around the area rode to the capital city to get on the warships.10,000 men stood on the docks as well as many war machines and magical creatures.The war party named Army Group A were loaded onto many fast ships,it would take them at least 3 or 4 days to arrive.The messengers and a small guard was sent ahead in small fast boats,it would take about 2 or 3 days for them to arrive.After all the men arrived more men from across Alistia would be sent.

Deployed Forces

3500 men armed with pikes,spears,maces,battle axes and short swords.Dressed in little to no armour and carry a special large rectangle shield that has a detachable small round sheild built in.

1000 Knights of Alistia armed with long swords,maces and battle axes.Wearing a light plate armour and carrying a square shield with the crest of Alistia on it.

2000 horse men armed with lances and wearing heavy armour,carrying square shields.

2000 archers armed with bows and arrows wearing light armour.

1000 engineers

500 mages
Nightmare Inc
27-03-2006, 07:45
New Elune
At the capital city, a breathless messanger stumbled into the chambers of the Elder Council, the ruling body of Elune. "My Lords! A foreign army has landed along the northern coast and is claiming to oppose The Triad. One of their messangers is outside the city now."

The Elders would converse for several hours, then the messanger was sent out to commune with the messanger from Alistia. "The Elders of Elune advise your army to move south along the main highway to meet the army of The Triad. They have sacked another city, and are preparing to march north even now!"

Sirrus City
The city lay under a pallor of grey and black smoke from where several buildings still burned. The city's main gates were shattered and broken, the defenders laying strewn about the walls and streets where they had died in defense.

Lord Thorbad sat upon his black mount, staring unfeeling towards a group of several thousand prisoners captured when the city was taken. All of them wore the surcoats of Elune's military and had been disarmed. Almost wearily, the black-armored general of The Triad gestured for an aide to speak.

The aide rode forward within shouting distance of where the prisoners were being held. "My Lord Thorbad graciously offers you all sanctuary under his banner. If you shed your uniforms and step forward now, you may join the ranks of Lord Thorbad's Legion without being held accountable for your former allegience to Elune."

The aide guided his horse to walk backwards, and watched.

At first only a few stood and took off their surcoats, stepping over to join a few gruff-looking sergeants of The Triad. Then more.. and yet more. Thousands defected, leaving behind only a few hundred too proud, or too stupid to join with the cause.

Mounted Triad Knights trotted their mounts forward, lowering spears to jab them into the prisoners who refused to join. Each one recieved a couple of thrusts to the torso and they collapsed with crys of agony and woe.

Lord Thorbad turned his horse away, bored, it just being another scene that has been repeated a dozen times already. "We rest here for four days. Have the men take up residence in the city's central keep and barracks. Post wall sentries and scouts. In the morning five days hence, we march north up the highway towards Greystone Citadel."
27-03-2006, 17:24
The ships had been sailing for 4 days before a man in the lead ships crows nest spotted land.The men on the ships wanted to get there as fast as they could and they rowed harder and faster than before.Finnally the first ships hit the coast and men began running to secure the beach,they sent ahead scouts to watch for any enemies.It took about 2 hours for the ships to be unloaded,the engineers put up temporary buildings and checked all of the war machines for problems.The leader of Army Group A,General Potent saw that the soldiers were tired and decided that they would start marching towards the city much later into the next day to allow the men to rest.For now General Potent sent two mages on the backs of eagles to fly over the Triad army and find out as much as possible without being seen,General Potent wanted to suprise the enemy.
27-03-2006, 18:11
Nexlon yawned as he peered through his looking glass at the massive Triad army. An army that size wasn't something you see every day. He observed carefully as thousands of Elune soldiers were lined up; most defected. The rest died. Nexlon chuckled. Large and ruthless. Just the way he liked them.

He turned to the two hundred or so black-clad horsemen behind the hilltop he was stationed at. These were the Fishers of Men-A Ravean mercenary group that had been around for hundreds of years. The Fishers often got themselves involved in wars for the highest bidder. Each man could easily kill five by himself. Made up of asssassians and famous warriors, the Fishers were a dangerous force.

"We ride to New Elune at once and offer our service to the king. I have a feeling Nightmare Inc might have a need for the Fishers before this is over." He jumped on his horse and led the small force north.

New Elune
The horsemen stopped outside the gates of New Elune-out of bow range, of course, but still in hearing range. The Fishers were not model citizens, after all. Nexlon raised a white flag and cantered up to the walls.

"My name is Nexlon, and the Fishers of Men ride under me! We are mercenaries and assassians, and we have information on the army of the Triad! I wish to have an audiance with the King so that I might offer him my service!"
Nightmare Inc
27-03-2006, 19:58
New Elune
The ride up to the city itself took the mercenaries through several outlying district cities and then up a long, well-kept highway that wound its way to the plataeu where New Elune sat perched among massive walls and towers. The soldiers were clearly hard at work servicing large wall-mounted siege weapons and defensive equipment. Long pendulum-like logs booms were mounted on the walls, able to swing ajacent to them in such a way as to brush away scaling ladders.

The presence of two hundred horsemen was noted and drew a small crowd of defenders to the walls of the small keep that straddled the highway into the city and protected the first set of its gates.

Sooner or later however, a female elf, a beautiful thing, wearing silvery armor and no helmet strode up to the parapet and was filled in. Her grey eyes cast out over the small cavalry unit briefly, then she muttered to an aide. The aide shouted out, "Hail foreigners! We have no king, but you have been granted audience with the Elder Council. Your leader and two aides may attend, unarmed!"

Alistian Encampment
Some citizens who heard of the foreign relief force would venture out of a nearby town cautiously to approach the camp. They brought wagons full of foodstuffs, which they would offer to the soldiers.

Meanwhile, a flight over Sirrus City, it having been several days, would reveal a massive army assembling along the streets for a march north. There appeared to be several hundred thousand gathered, with more and more joining.

One of the mages caught something out of the corner of his eye, and going on intuition, flew further south. There among rolling hills and patchy woodlands, he would sight a second army flying the banner of The Triad. This one looked far more professional, its marching collumns neat and precise, the equipment of the soldiers top-grade. There was real cavalry this time, mounted knights and dark-elf horse archers as well as other types.

Marching among the soldiers were units of towering figures. Trolls and ogres, marching in somewhat ragged formation. Near the rear of this second army, the green-ish skinned sight of storm giants were prevelent, dressed in Roman-style armor and carrying huge two-handed weapons as well as shields slung over their backs.
27-03-2006, 22:29
After the mages had flown over the area the reported back to the General who then sent the mages to prepare for battle.The men had been formed up for the long march and began moving along the highway towards the city,the horsemen upfront scouting for enemies.
27-03-2006, 22:41
Nexlon gazed at the pretty elf for a moment, then dismounted and called up two men from his ranks. He removed a saber, half a dozen hidden knives, a hatchet, a blowgun, throwing stars, silver needles and several vials of deadly poison before depositing them in sheaths and pockets on his horse. His two aides-both of whom were experts at hand to hand combat-did the same. The trio walked through the gates of the city to be guided to the Elder Council. The rest of the Fishers waited patiently outside the gates.
Nightmare Inc
27-03-2006, 23:28
New Elune
The best way to describe the city is .. as epic. Massive towers and buildings rise up above multiple-level houses and wide, clean streets. Parks mark the city and trees line many of the avenues. Forums and marketplaces are strategicly laid out, and the various districts were seperated by housing and public areas.

The massive castle in the center of the city housed the Elder Council, and highy-disciplined soldiers stood guard inside the premises.

Nexlon is lead down a long corridor, then through several armored doors, and up flights of stairs. Finally they arrive in a large room facing the mountains to the north. The cieling is thick glass, and most of the north wall is also, allowing for a magnificent view north.

There are nine men and women here, most of them old, a few young. They wore fine clothing and seemed intelligent and charismatic. The eldest among them, a man with white hair spoke up, "Foreigner, you seek to rally to the cause against The Triad and their mudering armies?"

The Golden Highway
As the foreign army marched south, they would encounter groups of citizens fleeing north towards New Elune. They didn't want any part of a battle. These citizens would report that The Triad's army is a mere two days behind them and marching north even now.
27-03-2006, 23:46
Nexlon yawned as he made his way through the city. Impressive, but he'd seen things like it before. New Elune did have very decent sanatation, however. He gave a short bow as he came before the Elder Council.

"You could say that. I was taking a ride a bit south of here and noticed a rather huge army bearing down on your people. I'm sure you were already aware of this, but I thought I might as well remind you."

He began to pace back and forth, pausing before he spoke.

"I'd like to offer some help. The Triad army is swelling massivly as it makes it's way towards you, and though I'm unaware of the size and skill of your force, you can be sure you have an emergancy on your hands. Now, I'm a mercenary, and my men and I are perfectly willing to fight if we get paid well for it. We're the best of the best, assassians and skilled horseman all around."

"Don't sneer at the size of my force, either. The Fishers aren't the only men under my command. I've made it a habit of collecting favors as I travel. I could summon a thousand men in a day, ten thousand in week or two, and up to a half a million if I had unlimited time. I've made friends with pirates, dwarves, outlaws, rangers, knights, and a lich king or two along the way. I've commanded the Ravean army twice and, with enough badgering, I'd bet that I could get it. I'm also the most respected man in the Mercenary Guild; almost all other Ravean fighters would fight for me."

He stopped and turned to the Council.

"I can bring whatever force you want to aid you. The only question is how much you are willing to pay."
Nightmare Inc
31-03-2006, 13:21
New Elune

The Elder Council would convene for an hour or so for a discussion. Meanwhile, Nexlon was escorted out of the city to wait at the main gates with the rest of his people.

Later on, the elf in armor would return to the battlements and lean over, examining the mercenaries with distaste. She muttered something to a soldier, then turned and headed back down the wall and into the city again.

The soldier spoke up, "Your offer has been declined. You must be across the border of Elune within eight days." And he also would turn and disappear. The other soldiers on the walls resumed their duties, many of them building, others watching the plataeu and plains intently.
31-03-2006, 16:25
The army marched for two days before they finally made it to the city.The army marched to the front of the castle and formed up.An officer was selected to go talk to the elders.He walked up to the gates and waited.
31-03-2006, 22:28
Nexlon was suprised that the Council would decline whatever help he could give. Oh well, there were always other clients. Like the Triad, for instance. Nexlon decided to take his men and make the same offer to the Triad. They were sure to take him in, but he wouldn'd offer any extra help. Nexlon usually preferred fighting for good guys, but the Fishers needed money, and war was the place to get it.
01-04-2006, 08:47
-several miles of the coast-
A small fleet of large ships could be seen gliding slowly through the waters.

On the lead ship looking off the port bow the ship, Hisoka ( only see the rolling waves of the ocean. Groaning softly, he reached into his robes and pulled out a small silver rosary. Mumbling a soft prayer, his hands fingering the cold metal.

"Blessed Light. Oh guardians of the pure, hear my cry...." he began, that was before he had to clutch onto the rail for dear life as a certain someone slammed into him from behind.

"Hey Hissy!" shouted a female (, long crimson hair flowing in the ocean breeze, "Whatcha doin?"

"Oh for the love of....," Hisoka began as he turned to face his "fiance". For what seemed like the eight billionth time, he wondered what in the name of the Abyss convinced him to be engaged to her. Smoothing out a few wrinkles from his robes, he struggled to rein in his urge to call upon the Light to smite her.

"Well Miya, I was.." he started, before he was interrupted once again.

"Hisoka-sama!" a soldier called out from navigational area, "Land sighted on the starboard bow only a few miles away. Also sir, smoke seems to be rising up from somewhere."

His robes whirled as he rushed over the starboard side of the ship.

"Signal the rest of the fleet," he ordered a nearby soldier.

Nodding, the soldier ran off to the signal flags.

-an hour and a half later-
The small Seidourian fleet sat motionless in the waters, anchors dropped.

Onboard the Jihi, Hisoka and Miya sat in conference with the rest of the leaders of the fleet. Across from Hisoka sat Admiral Kanzo (, leader of the Seidourian First Expeditionary Fleet. Next to him was Kanashii (, captain of the Seidourian Sacred Knight Corps, and his brother Shoryuu (, captain of the Seidourian Divine Knight Corps. Pacing around the room was the Third Legion commander, Tadashii ( (Each legion contains about 5,000 soldiers, not including support units and such.)

"So who are we waiting for?" asked Tadashii, his impatience clearly showing.

"Well," Hisoka said, "I believe the only two people we're missing is Mahou and Kishu."

Suddenly, the door to the room burst open a male, who was attempting to smooth out his mage robes, and a female, who smiled sheepishly.

"Well speak of the devil," Kanashii muttered.

-twenty minutes later-
Ten small landing ships ran aground as they reached the shore. Stepping out of the ship, Hisoka had a small frown on his face.

"Tell me again Miya. Why did they send me?" he grumbled.

"Well Hisoka, you are after all the most senior member of the priest division assigned to the Third Legion," Miya replied, grinning at his expense.

After several minutes of organizing themselves, Hisoka looked over the small assembled forces. There was a small team of priests, ten in all if he was excluded, a small escort of three sacred knights and three divine knights, and one of Miya's three man assassin teams.

Sighing softly, he grumbled, "This is going to be troublesome."

Well on the brightside, they had managed to bring enough mounts for all of them.

-Several hours later-
The small exploration team rode into the charred remains of a once peaceful village.

Hisoka's eyes narrowed as he calculated the possiblities of any survivors. Hearing a soft groan from one of the burned houses, one of the sacred knights, Kaisho, dismounted and carefully approached the ruins.

"Sir!" he cried out, "We've got two survivors. Seems to be a young male and his sister."

With experienced haste, Hisoka and the team of priests rushed over, if they were lucky they might be able to save the two.

Mumbling a prayer to the Light, Hisoka channeled healing energy onto the young male.

-twenty minutes later-
Wiping off the sweat from her forehead, Mina, member of Hisoka's priest team, took a drink from her water skin. Although it was difficult, they had managed to stabilize the two. Looking over to Hisoka, she strained to hear what he was asking the teen.

Mumbling a spell of wakening, he paused for a moment as the teen began to wake up.

Shaking him gently, Hisoka asked, "Hey you alright? What happened here? Can you give us some directions to the capital of this nation?
Nightmare Inc
03-04-2006, 18:07
The army marched for two days before they finally made it to the city.The army marched to the front of the castle and formed up.An officer was selected to go talk to the elders.He walked up to the gates and waited.

Once again, the elf paladin was called to the gates. Her expression was severe as she mounted the parapet and looked down over the edge at the assembled army. Soldiers of course had been watching the peaceful approach. It certainly didn't seem to be a hostile army, but why take any chances?

Under directions of the elf, an aid would call out, "Come no closer and state your business!"


Meanwhile at the ransacked town the Seidourians were currently occupying, the boy's glazed over eyes faintly turned in the direction of the person speaking, "Wha.. New Elune.. north don't go.." The words slurring together several times, "Triad going there.."
04-04-2006, 07:14
Meanwhile at the ransacked town the Seidourians were currently occupying, the boy's glazed over eyes faintly turned in the direction of the person speaking, "Wha.. New Elune.. north don't go.." The words slurring together several times, "Triad going there.."

Quirking an eyebrow, Hisoka turned to face Miya.

"Hmm....New Elune...interesting," he said, "What do you think Miya?"

Pondering for a moment, she answered, "Normally I'd say we go find this place, but this "Triad" concerns me. Maybe we should send a message back to the fleet first."

Walking over, Kaisho saluted Hisoka before asking, "Sir. We're all set to go. What are your orders?"

Lookin up into the sky as if seeking divine guidance, he replied, "Here's what we're going to do. Since we need to return this two to their people we'll head north to this New Elune that they speak of. Meanwhile, I want two of the assassins from the squad to head back and inform the fleet."

Reaching into his robe, he withdrew a small ivory white stone. Handing it to Kaisho, he said, "Also,give this to the assassin team. This will allow them to locate us when the time comes. Now hurry. Time is of the essense."

Saluting stiffly, Kaishou hurried over to two of the assassins and relayed Hisoka's orders.

-several minutes later-

Watching the two assassins head out, Hisoka turned to the rest of the exploration team and gave the orders to move out. Glancing at the two sleeping forms that sat limply on the saddles of two of the knights, he gave a soft sigh and turned back to the road.

-several days later-

Through the grace of the Light, or so Hisoka hoped, the small team finally managed to finally reach the city of New Elune. The members of the team were silent for a moment, momentarily awed by the sheer beauty of the city even though it was only the outside.

Riding up to the gates of the city, Hisoka called out as loud as he could, "Greetings people of New Elune. Please open your gates as we have two of your people that we found as we traveled here."
Nightmare Inc
17-04-2006, 18:24
South of New Elune

The glittering, brightly colored armies of Elune sprawled out along the plain a mile outside of the city's edge. Hundreds of thousands of individuals, from elven archers to dwarven sappers and centaur cavalry. The colorful banners on lances thrust into the air, proudly proclaiming regiments and brigades. There was a hum of activity about the army of Elune, laughter and pre-battle jokes, shouted commands and the generalized conversation of a quarter million voices.

The sound would slowly die however, as looking forward, they saw a lone figure ride forward upon a massive warhorse, its hooves lifting and stamping down in a slow, walking gait. The figure atop the horse was large, seven feet tall and more encased in polished black armor. From the back of the horned helmet spilled long golden braids. He looked out across the field at the assembled enemy for a moment, as all around him, other forces began to crest the same slight rise into view.

Towering figures, trolls and ogres marched among precise formations of infantry and cavalry. The army of the Triad wore black surcoats and bore dark banners with foreign runes aloft.

Over the course of the next hour, an army to rival that of Elune assembled, spreading out into an attack formation as their general watched on from the higher ground.

On the plateu overlooking the battlefield, that elven paladin peered through a spyglass down at the black mass facing off with the beautiful Elune military. She shook her head, speaking to a small, golden-skinned elf beside her, "Gather your riders and proceed with the attack. No need to let them get entirely ready." The golden elf saluted and jauntily trotted off, his armor clinking.

Soon, dozens of huge golden eagles launched themselves from the walls of New Elune, clutching rocks and large clay pots in their taloned feet. Riding on the backs of the eagles were those golden elves, carrying tridents and longbows.

The eagle riders swept down towards the lines of their foes, prepared to begin the battle.