FrontLine Armor Works-Your FT Ground Assault Storefront
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 00:33
FrontLine Armor Works
When your ships can't blow up a planet, go to FrontLine!
Mission: FrontLine is committed to getting the best arsenal of ground assault weaponry of the highest caliber to customers at the cheapest prices.
Corporate Description: FrontLine is an autonomous corporation in the Amazonian Dominion devoted to the construction of weapons of ground warfare. FrontLine specializes in SW weaponry and vehicles.
-Please do your own math. We can do your math for an extra 1 million on your order.
-Be sure you can afford what your buying! Check your military budgets at Thirdgeek ( or NSTracker (!
-In-Character (IC) posts are preferable and will be regarded favorably.
-Any advice is welcome!
Offers and Requesting
-For any nation that wishes to sell their own wares but has had trouble with storefronts, FrontLine will sell your products with you recieving 65% of the profits from sales.
-Product requests are welcome. If you have an idea for a product, submit it to FrontLine and we will construct and price your ideas for you. Furthermore, if you wish to offer your idea to the general public, FrontLine will be willing to construct and sell your ideas with you recieving 55% of the profits.
-With the opening of FrontLine, for two weeks we shall have our grand opening sale! All items recieve a 10% discount from the normal sale price!
-Nations with less than 150 million-person populations recieve a 10% discount at all times.
-Members of the Allied Guardians region, or members of the WACL who also play FT recieve 5% discounts at all times.
FrontLine is Now OPEN for business
*For time scale, 1 RL day = 1 NS year
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 01:11
Scout Forces
BARC Speeder
The BARC speeder is a quick and efficient scout bike for advancing army forces, strong enough to engage infantry yet quick enough to elude retalitation from stronger enemy units. Armed with two blaster cannons, the BARC can certainly engage hostile units if needed, however, the speeder bike relies on its speed as its main advantage.
Cost: 2.4 million USD
Single-Trooper Aerial Platform (STAP)
The STAP is a light scout speeder, well suited for policing forces or for light reconnaissance. Though the craft is very weakly armored, its two blaster cannons can easily cut down infantry and light resistance. The speed of the STAP, though less than the fast BARC, is good enough to avoid most confrontations in the first place.
Cost: 1.6 million USD
Heavy STAP
The Heavy STAP is the capable successor to the STAP, better armed and armored to allow the light vehicle to engage in combat operations. Though it can be used as a strafing and attack vehicle in battle, the Heavy STAP is still suited to recon and spy operations. Armed with two blaster cannons and a light concussion missile launcher with four missiles, the Heavy STAP can fend off attacks with ease against infantry and light armored units. There is a trade-off for the advances: the Heavy STAP, though quick, is significantly slower than the STAP is.
Cost: 2.1 million USD
74-Z Speeder Bike
The 74-Z is the lighter alternative to the BARC, much like the STAP-Heavy STAP relationship. The 74-Z is incredibly nimble and quick, able to slice past enemy observers and forces with ease and precision. The 74-Z has nearly no armament-merely a single blaster cannon-but the 74-Z is better used avoiding combat while conducting recon.
Cost: 1.8 million USD
Infantry Support Platform (ISP)
The ISP is a heavy scout/light attack speeder, manned by a two-man crew. Often known as the "Swamp Speeder", the ISP is well-suited to marshy or otherwise unsuitable terrains due to the repulsorlift and fan propulsion. The ISP's two twin blaster cannons are very real and potent weapons, able to engage infantry with ease and even take on heavier armor. The ISP serves as the ideal scout for missions where enemy contact is assured. Compared to many other scouts, however, the ISP is relatively slow.
Cost: 6.3 million USD
Flare-S Swoop
The Flare-S Swoop represents one of the fastest ground craft avaliable. Though the speeder bike is unarmed, it can hit speeds far greater than even the 74-Z speeder bike. The Flare-S can easily be destroyed, but in the hands of a good pilot is nearly impossible to catch. A perfect recon unit in situations where muscle and scouting are not both needed.
Cost: 850,000 USD
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 01:21
Light Assault Vehicles
All-Terrain Recon Transport (AT-RT)
The AT-RT crosses between light armor and reconnaissance. Though stronger and better built than many scout units, the craft lacks the speed of a scout. Armed with 1 heavy blaster cannon, the AT-RT can make hash out of any opposing infantry forces and can hold off light armored opposition. Also a good police and riot enforcement vehicle. The AT-RT's legs are fairly exposed, however, allowing attacks to the legs generally able to knock out an AT-RT quickly.
Cost: 45 million USD
All-Terrain Personal Transport (AT-PT)
Able to turn a single man into a highly capable weapons platform, the AT-PT is a light attack walker that is handled to engaging armor and infantry attacks. Certainly capable of front line duty, the AT-PT has good armor for it's small size and is well armed with two blaster cannons and a concussion grenade launcher carrying ten concussion grenades. The single operator is enclosed, protected from fire, unlike it's cousin the AT-RT.
Cost: 70 million USD
T-2B Hovertank
The T-2B is a light repulsortank capable of engagements with enemy armor and infantry. Armed with four laser cannons, the T-2B can shoot out lasers at quick rates. A light shield defends the craft, but most heavy armor can penetrate the shield quite easily. They are very good at operating on unstable terrain with the repulsor unit.
Cost: 60 million USD
Dwarf Spider Droid
The Dwarf Spider droid is a light vehicle capable of battlefield reconnaissance or annihilation of entire infantry battalions. Though only armed with a single laser cannon, the droid is remarkably accurate, and very strong in groups. It is also capable of spotting out enemy units on the battlefield for artillery strikes. Armor is somewhat lacking on the Dwarf Spider, but the little droid is smart and fast.
Cost: 30 million USD
TIE Mauler
The TIE Mauler transfers the TIE fighter into ground combat. While not suitable against enemy armor, the TIE Mauler easily cuts down infantry with its rapid-fire triple laser cannons. Barely any armor lies on the craft, but the Mauler, like the Dwarf Spider, is very fast. It also is equipped with a self-desruct trigger: in the event that a TIE Mauler is bogged down and unable to escape, the self-destruct can cause significant damage to armor and infantry.
Cost: 35 million USD
Flash Speeder
The flash speeder is a light, fast vehicle well suited to police duties, though capable of combat. Armed with a single blaster cannon, the flash speeder relies on speed as its main advantage, avoiding enemy fire while returning fire itself. It can transport several soldiers from place to place, serving as a light transport in that aspect.
Cost: 20 million USD
All-Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST)
The AT-ST represents the strongest of the light assault vehicles, well-armed and able to take on armor and artillery systems effectively. The gyro-stabalizer of the AT-ST proves its weakness of unstability, but besides that the AT-ST is a very well-rounded craft. Requiring a crew of two, the walker is armed with two blaser cannons and a concussion grenade launcher containing twelve concussion grenades.
Cost: 95 million USD
Mad Dog Assault Mech -Spit Break Design
This light yet fast mechanized walker unit is a quick hitter great for striking and softening enemy positions, clearing the way for artillery and heavy armor. Armed with twin laser cannons and a missile pod armed with three armor-piercing warheads, the Mad Dog is a small yet dangerous opponent to enemy light armor and infantry.
Cost: 65 million USD
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 02:15
Medium Attack Forces
TX-130S Fighter Tank
The Fighter Tank is an incredibly well-rounded and capable hovertank. Well-armed with a laser beam turret, two heavy laser cannons, and two concussion missile launchers armed with twenty concussion missiles, the Fighter Tank can take on armored units much larger than itself. In the hands of a quick-thinking commander, Fighter Tanks can wreak havoc on enemy formations.
Cost: 198 million USD
TIE Crawler
Better armed and armored than the TIE Mauler, though slightly lacking in speed, the TIE crawler can take punishment. Armed with two laser cannons and a light turbolaser, the TIE crawler is quite able of inflicting significant damage on enemy fortifications or formations. A single pilot mans the craft.
56 million USD
All-Terrain Expiramental Transport (AT-XT)
Though initially to serve as a prototype walker, the AT-XT proved far too effective to simply be a testbed. Implemented in combat, the AT-XT is a frightening adversary. Armed with two blaster cannons and a concussion mortar system with six concussion mortars, the AT-XT can inflict damage on craft from long distance while still hold its own in attacks. The craft is moderately fast but well armored, holding a single pilot.
Cost: 176 million USD
All-Terrain Attack Pod (AT-AP)
The AT-AP is a heavier craft in the medium attack category, armed with a medium laser, a heavy blaster, and an energy projectile cannon for heavy strikes. Though generally mounted on two legs, the AT-AP can project a third retractable leg for stability. A crew of three is needed to operate the walker, which is well-armored against assaults. Speed is lacking on the AT-AP, however, but is more than made up in the weapons and defenses.
Cost: 233 million USD
Armored Assault Tank (AAT)
The AAT is a well-armed and armored direct attack hovertank, capable of frontal engagements and able to take considerable damage. The impressive armament of the AAT includes a heavy laser turret, two light laser cannons, and six projectile launchers capable of carrying armor-piercing, anti-infantry, or bunker-buster projectiles. The AAT is very capable of levelling buildings, and good against armor. Fast-moving craft are too quick for the AAT targeting, however.
Cost: 140 million USD
2-M Hovertank
The 2-M hovertank is very similar to the Fighter Tank, though it trades some of the versitality of the fighter tank for heavier armor. Weaponry is the same as on the fighter tank. The 2-M can take quite a beating, capable of surviving artillery attacks, though it is quite slow. The power systems on the 2-M can be redirected to weapon output for a short time, allowing for the weapons to be considerabally stronger for short bursts.
Cost: 180 million USD
The Tri-Droid is a well-armed droid armored unit, armed with three heavy projectile cannons. The tri-droid can change height, though is best at a 5m height. Its armor is moderate, and speed is slow, but the Tri's weaponry is very powerful for a droid its size. Intelligence is not the best, but the droids are very loyal.
Cost: 102 million USD
Homing Spider Droid
The Homing Spider Droid is a strong but vulnerable support unit. Its powerful homing laser beam can be used until internal power must be recharged, allowing the droid to make sweeps across infantry lines or bore into armor with the beam. The smaller laser cannon is capable of targeting air attacks. The reactor of the Homing Spider is volatile, however, and if destroyed will explode violently. The legs are also prime targets of the Homing Spider.
Cost: 120 million USD
Gian Speeder
The Gian Speeder is a well armed but lightly armored craft with decent speed, better suited for policing actions. It is armed with two blasters and a heavy laser turret, capable of punching holes in armor if it can get off the first shot. Gians are perfect for ambushes, using their heavy laser to quickly hit an armor unit then retreating back before the enemy can respond.
Cost: 60 million USD
Mad Cat Assault Mech -Spit Break Design
This armored heavy mechanized walker is good for supplemental assaults on fortified positions in conjunction with other armor or infantry assaults. A perfect complement to the Mad Dog light mech, the slower Mad Cat is well-armed with four heavy lasers, twin needle shrapnel repeating cannons, a single medium laser and a missile launcher armed with three armor-piercing warheads designed to penetrate the strongest of alloys. The needle cannons are devestating to infantry, firing rapid pulses of depleted uranium.
Cost: 62 million USD
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 02:41
Heavy Assault Vehicles
All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer (AT-TE)
The AT-TE represents one of the strongest combat walkers, capable of dealing out significant punishment, transporting soldiers, and leading assaults. The AT-TE can eliminate entire fortresses with a considerable armament of a heavy energy projectile turret and six anti-personnel laser cannons. The vehicle can carry twenty soldiers to move about battlefields protected. While somewhat slow, the AT-TE can take considerable damage, the cockpit being the only weak spot.
Cost: 650 million USD
All-Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT)
Incredibly powerful, capable of unleashing total devestation, the AT-AT is a sight to be feared. Armed with two heavy lasers and two heavy blasters, the AT-AT's real strength lies in its nearly unpenetratable armor. Most armor weapons are simply reflected by the dense and strong armor, only the most powerful systems able to puncture it. The AT-AT is not at all fast, and its legs provide a target, but most enemies never get the chance to engage, eliminated by the AT-AT long beforehand. The AT-AT can also transport two AT-STs or forty soldiers.
Cost: 875 million USD
Droid Tank
Crewed by a pilot droid, the Droid Tank is a strong and unstoppable force. Armed with two lasers and two ion cannons, the tank droid can simply plow through most obstacles, using the weaponry to engage anything it cannot run over. Vocabulators installed on Droid Tanks allow them to issue terrifying commands to subjugated peoples, or to issue war cries or shrieking blasts.
Cost: 550 million USD
Hailfire Droid
A strong, though not to intelligent, armor droid, the Hailfire holds two missile boxes holding thirty hailfire missiles each. These missiles are very powerful, capable of penetrating most armor on vehicles, trashing buildings, or shooting down aircraft. The hailfire is fast on its two hoop wheels, and has fairly strong armor. Once out of hailfire missiles, however, the droid must reload, protected only by a light laser.
Cost: 390 million USD
Unstable-Terrain Artillery Transport (UT-AT)
The UT-AT is a strong counterpart to the AT-TE, able to engage in unstable environments filled with hazards such as natural bridges that the AT-TE's footsteps would not be suitable for. The UT-AT is strongly armed with a heavy laser, two medium lasers, and four anti-personnel laser cannons, capable of reducing structures and armor with ease. It can also transport twenty soldiers.
Cost: 600 million USD
Juggernaut Turbo Tank
The Juggernaut is a incredibly strong, massive tank. The juggernaut's thick armor is capable of withstanding artillery barrages and heavy armor attacks. Capable of total, all-out assaults on enemy lines, the Juggernaut holds an impressive arsenal of a heavy laser turret, a repeating laser cannon, two medium lasers, two twin blasters, and two concussion grenade launchers carrying six grenades each. The Juggernaut, like the Droid Tank, can easily simply roll over fortifications and crush infantry lines. It can transport forty soldiers across the battlefield in complete protection.
Cost: 900 million USD
T-4B Hovertank
The T-4B hovertank, armored cousin of the T-2B, as a well-rounded attack speeder with considerable protection. The craft is able to withstand heavy assault and return fire with its two lasers and twin concussion missile launchers, carrying ten concussion missiles.
Cost: 400 million USD
X-1 Viper Automaton
The X-1 Viper is one of the strongest droid units, capable of withstanding tremendous assaults and holding excellent firepower. The slow, stocky X-1 incorporates an unusual armor tactic-the channeling energy armor of the X-1 absorbs energy fire and utilizes it in its own cannons, making it nearly immune to all energy weapons except the strongest artillery. Armed with two turbolasers and two laser cannons, the X-1 can hash enemy fortifications and units with ease. Its twin gripper claws can also snatch and crush enemy units, and even have the speed to grab scout bikes and airspeeders.
Cost: 550 million USD
HellCat Heavy Assault Mech -Spit Break Design
The HellCat is a powerful mech with a deadliness on par with the Droid Tank and X-1 Viper. Heavily Armed with four medium lasers, four 130mm projectile-slug launchers, twin needle cannons, an artillery slugthrower, and four artillery missile launchers, the HellCat packs an impressive punch in a relatively small body frame. Designed to engage and eliminate fortresses and powerful static defenses, the HellCat has proven, with its versatility of weaponry, to be an effective combatant against armor and infantry as well. Though not particularly fast, it is well armored and able to withstand a beating.
Cost: 575 million USD
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 03:02
Artillery Systems
Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser (SPHA-T)
The SPHA-T is an incredibly strong artillery platform, able to reduce the strongest buildings to rubble in a single shot of its massive turbolaser cannon. Powerful than many capital ship weapons, the SPHA-T's turbolaser is so strong that it is nearly unusable against enemy vehicles and armor becuase of the power. Key units in any assault, the SPHA-T can even be used by smart commanders in space combat, mounted in ship hangers to fire on enemy capital ships, providing incredible firepower. Twelve anti-personnel turrets defend the SPHA-T.
Cost: 1.8 billion USD
Self-Propelled Medium Artillery Turbolaser (SPMA-T)
A reduced and sensible version of the incredibly powerful SPHA-T, the SPMA-T provides still impressive firepower in a medium turbolaser cannon. Around equivalent to capital ship turbolasers, the gun can engage enemy armor and artillery successfully, unlike the unwieldly SPHA-T cannon. It is also armed with twelve anti-personnel blaster cannons.
Cost: 890 million USD
MPTL-2a Mobile Proton Torpedo Launcher
The MPTL is an effetive artillery weapon that is truly great against enemy armor and artillery positions. Capable of volleying off nine proton torpedoes in one salvo, the MPTL can reduce an enemy charge to rubble in seconds. Though the craft has no other defenses, its armor is thick enough to withstand hits.
Cost: 900 million USD
All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft (AT-AA)
The AT-AA is a powerful artillery piece against air attacks of all kinds and calibers. Mounted with a weapons pod carrying flak projectiles, the AT-AA is quite capable of intercepting fast-moving fighters. The vehicles are even more effective in groups, sending up torrents of fire into the skies. These craft can also attack ground forces, with slight success.
Cost: 600 million USD
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 03:14
Troop Transports
Skiffs are light vehicles capable of transporting platoons of soldiers very quickly across battlefields. Small and light, skiffs are quick but very weak to fire-one strong direct hit generally can knock out the stabilizers. Though unarmed, they are easily modified to mount weaponry.
Cost: 50 million USD
All-Terrain Open Transport (AT-OT)
The AT-OT is a well-armored troop transport capable of moving large groups of soldiers over terrain with reasonable protection. The AT-OT is armed with four laser cannons to defend it lightly against armor and infantry. Being open, the AT-OT is very vulnerable to air attacks.
Cost: 150 million USD
Multi-Troop Transport (MTT)
The MTT is an extremely armored troop transport, its armored shell capable of shrugging off armor shots with ease. Though quite slow, and armed with only four lasers, the MTT can be used as a battering ram to knock down obstacles or buildings. It can carry a good deal of troops, or its insides can be reconfigured to carry racks of battle droids, able to carry over 100 droids.
Cost: 250 million USD (without reconfigurizable interior for droid rack)
255 million USD (with reconfigurable interior for rack)
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 18:08
Air Support
Low-Altitude Assault Transport/Infantry (LAAT/I) Gunship
The LAAT/I Gunship is a tough and powerful aerial menace, providing advancing armies with the power from the skies to strike hard at enemy positions. The LAAT/I is incredibly well-armed with two forward-facing laser cannons, a rear-facing laser, four composite-beam laser turrets, eight air-to-air rockets, and two top-mounted rocket launchers containing twenty rockets each. The top two rocket launchers can be configured to carry a variety of missile weaponry, from chemical warheads to explosive seeker rounds to EMP torpedoes. The LAAT/I is also built to carry up to thirty soldiers across battlefields quickly.
Cost: 525 million USD
HMP Droid Gunship
The HMP gunship is a droid-controlled gunship capable of rivalling the LAAT/I in weaponry. Unlike the LAAT/I, however, the gunship can not carry soldiers, it is only a weapons platform. In that regard, however, it is quite effective, armed with two laser turrets, a medium laser, two light laser cannons, and fourteen wing-slung rockets, while fast enough to make quick passes over enemy positions and avoid being hit by fire.
Cost: 565 million USD
Shadow Droid
The Shadow Droid is a well-armed, small and light aircraft capable of strafing enemy lines and clearing out enemy air support with ease. Fast, agile, and a small profile make the droid near impossible to hit, and it has a strong weapons load of two rear-mounted lasers, a frontal quad laser, an ion cannon, and two concussion missile tubes carrying eight missiles.
Cost: 440 million USD
T-47 Airspeeder
The T-47 is a multi-role light airspeeder capable of heavily damaging air support and armor. Though the craft is easily shot down by anti-air or fighters due to its light armor, it is nimble and fast enough to avoid much fire. Armed with two lasers, the craft is lightly armed, but the guns are strong enough to soften up enemy positions effectively.
Cost: 300 million USD
V-Wing Airspeeder
The V-Wing is more of a dedicated attack airspeeder than the T-47. Capable of hitting much higher altitudes, and armed with twin rapid-fire laser cannons, the V-Wing is adept at engaging slow air support craft and easily destroying ground armor and artillery. A scramjet booster engine provides the V-Wing with short bursts of incredible speed.
Cost: 580 million USD
T-16 Skyhopper
A small and quick craft very well suited to aerial recon and policing duties, the T-16 can also adequately hit enemy lightly fortified positions. An easy prey for aircraft, the T-16 must use speed and agility to its advantage, as armor is negligible and armament only consists of a single heavy laser cannon.
Cost: 220 million USD
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 19:02
Vehicle/Infantry Air-Space Transports
Lambda-Class Shuttle
The Lambda shuttle is an elegant transport more often used to carry high-ranking officers and commanders than standard infantry. Armed with five twin laser cannons, the lambda is slow and not well armored, unable to effectively defend itself, generally requring escort.
Cost: 700 million USD
Sentinel-Class Landing Craft
The Sentinel, although shaped close to the Lambda, is a down-and-dirty craft meant to move troops and speeder bikes down into the thick of conflicts. Armed and armored significantly better than the fragile Lambda, the Sentinel carries four laser cannons, an ion cannon, two concussion missile launchers carrying sixteen missiles, and a triple repeating blaster turret. It is built to take a punch and can move up to fifty-four soldiers and six speeder bikes.
Cost: 850 million USD
Low-Altitude Artillery Transport/Cargo (LAAT/C) Gunship
Despite its name, the LAAT/C is not a gunship, only armed with two laser cannons and one rear laser. Though fairly well defended with thick armor, the craft is very slow, making it a nice target for air support craft. The LAAT/C is function-designed, its grasper claws under the body capable of ferrying in a variety of armored craft, including mighty AT-TE walkers.
Cost: 600 million USD
Theta-Class Shuttle
Similar in function and design to the Lambda, though slightly less armed and armored, the Theta is the elegant pinnacle of transport. Designed to move high-ranking military commanders and politicians, the Theta is not designed for combat manuevers, only armed with two quad lasers and a rear laser turret. Slow and weak, the Theta relies heavily upon fighter or air escort.
800 million USD
CC-9979 Lander
The CC-9979 is a utilitarian landing craft, capable of moving entire armies from space to a battlefield. Armed with four turbolaser turrets, the CC-9979 is capable of lightly defending itself from capital ship attack, though serves better with fighter escort. The CC-9979 is capable of moving and dropping hundreds of tanks and thousands of soldiers. It has a Class 2 hyperdrive to allow it to move with fleets.
Cost: 8.5 billion USD
Hardcell-Class Transport
The Hardcell is similar to the CC-9979 in that it is designed for function over appearance. The ugly, slow, and lightly armed craft is sheathed in heavy armor to defend it from capital ship and fighter attack. It is capable of transporting thousands of tanks, droids, and soldiers. The Hardcell has a Class-1 hyperdrive.
Cost: 5.75 billion USD
Core Ship
The Core Ship is a truly massive lander, able to move forces capable of subjugating entire fortified planets. Unarmed and slow, core ships have thick armor that is impenetrable to nearly all weaponry, save the heavy guns of the SPHA-T artillery. Thousands of armored units and hundreds of thousands of soldiers can be stored on a core ship.
Cost: 10.5 billion USD
Galofree Medium Transport
The Galofree transport is an older model ship, barely armed with two quad lasers and weakly armored. The transports are slow as well, needing escort to remain protected from attack. They do their job with efficiency, dropping off medium-sized complements of soldiers and vehicles, though far less than the larger CC-9979s and Hardcells. The Galofrees have Class 2 hyperdrives to move between systems.
Cost: 2.8 billion USD
Acclamator Assault Ship
The Acclamator is part landing craft, part star frigate. Designed as an assault lander to carry enough forces to overrun any fortified base, the Acclamator can carry hundreds of tanks, gunships, and artillery systems and thousands of soldiers. It is also an effective ship-to-ship combatants, armed very well with a dozen dual turbolaser cannons and twenty-four laser turrets. It has an exceptionally fast Class .6 hyperdrive.
Cost: 35.9 billion USD
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 19:58
Infantry Droids
B-1 Battle Droid
The B-1 battle droid is a basic infantry droid, fairly unintelligent and carrying a blaster rifle. The droids, though by themselves weak, are overwhelming in numbers. Though they can usually be destroyed with a few shots, B-1s do not utilize self-preservation and advance upon forces with near unstoppability.
Cost: Platoon (25 droids)-500,000 USD
Battalion (400 droids)-8 million USD
Division (10,000 droids)-200 million USD
B-2 Super Battle Droid
The Super battle droid is the stronger, bloodthirsty, fearless successor to the B-1 battle droid. Sheathed in heavy armor, the droids can take multiple small-arms hits and still fire with their wrist-mounted twin blasters. Their cognitive head is concealed in the body frame, preventing a weakness to be exploited. Though they are still quite unintelligent, they are fearless and tireless combatants.
Cost: Platoon (25 droids)-625,000 USD
Battalion (400 droids)-10 million USD
Division (10,000 droids)-250 million USD
Destroyer Droid
The Destroyer Droid is a single-function droid designed to kill all opponents, and that task only. Ruthlessly efficient, destroyers do not stop until either they destroy enemies or are destroyed themselves. Armed with two twin heavy blasters, as well as a bubble shield generator to defend themselves from fire, they are fiercely dangerous. Though slow in their firing mode, destroyers can fold up into a ball to roll around at a much faster pace.
Cost: 1 droid-40,000 USD
platoon (25 droids)-1 million USD
battalion (400 droids)-16 million USD
Division (10,000 droids)-400 million USD
Hunter-Killer (HK) Droid
The HK droid is a powerful, smart, intuitive droid capable of comprehensive analysis of a situation and the formulations of plans. Designed to pursue and assassinate targets, the droids serve very well as stealth killers or bounty hunters. Also usable in the field, HK droids are not very good battle droids, where there intelligence is wasted. They can be outfitted with wrist-mounted flamethrowers, stun rays, carbonite guns, and ion disruptors, and can handle many types of standard infantry weapons.
Cost: 1 droid-500,000 USD
10 droids-5 million USD
50 droids-25 million USD
Octuptarra Droid
A scaled-down version of the Tri-Droid built for infantry combat, the Octuptarra droid is an infantry killer. The octuptarra is armed with three laser cannons facing outwards from the central head feature, capable of hitting targets from far distances. The head does make somewhat of a target, however. The droids can also store poison gases inside of the head console to infect enemies.
Cost: 1 droid: 125,000 USD
Platoon (25 droids)-3.125 million USD
Battalion (400 droids)-50 million USD
Division (10,000 droids)-1.25 billion USD
Crab Droid
The Crab Droid is an infantry killer, scuttling about on six fast-moving legs. Though the internal intelligence module of the crab makes a vulnerable target, the droids are able to generally kill infantry before getting hit themselves with twin blaster cannons that can fire at rapid rates. It can also be modified to utilize a bubble shield generator and a mud-jet sprayer to blind opponents.
Cost: 1 droid: 200,000 USD
Platoon (25 droids)-5 million USD
Battalion (400 droids)-80 million USD
Division (10,000 droids)-2 billion USD
Chameleon Droid
A stealthy saboteur, the Chameleon droid is an undercover droid equipped with a holographic imaging unit to conceal it from view. Able to defend itself from enemies with a blaster turret, it also carries four anti-infantry or anti-vehicle mines to lay in front of advancing enemy forces. These mines can also be switched for a variety of weapons including explosive charges, thermal detonators, and biological charges.
Cost: 1 droid: 350,000 USD
Platoon (25 droids)-8.75 million USD
Battalion (400 droids)-140 million USD
Division (10,000 droids)-3.5 billion USD
Amazonian Beasts
25-03-2006, 20:34
We are Now OPEN for business!
our human forces are spread thin so we need some droids to fill the gap.
3000 divions of B-1 Battle Droids (600 bilion)
we will supply the weapons for them.
10 CC-9979 Landers-85 bilion
totalw/o discounts 685 bilion
total w/ dicounts 616.5 billion
send them through any of our 4 stargates please.
25-03-2006, 23:34
OOC: Assuming Trade discussions where Successful
Bah, forgot this was under my main nations account... oh, well.. This is Nova Bazalonia. If you need me to confirm I will.
On the Nova Bazalonia - Amazonian Beasts dedicated Trade/Diplomatic line
Greetings, To supplement our ground forces we would like to place the following order.
10 x Self-Propelled Medium Artillery Turbolaser (SPMA-T) (8.9 Billion)
100 x All-Terrain Open Transport (AT-OT) (15 Billion)
2000 x 74-Z Speeder Bike (3.6 Billion)
200 x T-2B Hovertank (12 Billion)
Sub-Total - 39.5 Billion
Discount 3.95 Billion (%10) - within 2 weeks
Total - 35.55 Billion
Attached is a Stargate address to deliver the goods. Payment will be waiting for you there.
umm.... you are aware that you're selling the same stuff I am right?
It's not that I have a problem, but most of the pictures you have looks like it was coppied from my store front, and put in a photobucket account (except for the AT-PT. While we do both sell those, I think that many sites have the same exact pic so people can't tell the difference other than the url link).
And personally, I think the land assault stuff you're selling is over priced (unless you're doing it on purpose, which case scratch).
HOWEVER, there is some stuff on here that I missed (bad for me, good for you).
Some, I never even knew existed. (Chameleon Droid, Octuptarra Droid, Low-Altitude Artillery Transport/Cargo (LAAT/C) Gunship to name a few, and most of the stuff you got from the games(Empires at War right?)).
But... it is in a different format than what I have. So, that's good.
Another thing, I'd suggest to have special discout sales.
Amazonian Beasts
26-03-2006, 01:47
umm.... you are aware that you're selling the same stuff I am right?
It's not that I have a problem, but most of the pictures you have looks like it was coppied from my store front, and put in a photobucket account (except for the AT-PT. While we do both sell those, I think that many sites have the same exact pic so people can't tell the difference other than the url link).
And personally, I think the land assault stuff you're selling is over priced (unless you're doing it on purpose, which case scratch).
HOWEVER, there is some stuff on here that I missed (bad for me, good for you).
Some, I never even knew existed. (Chameleon Droid, Octuptarra Droid, Low-Altitude Artillery Transport/Cargo (LAAT/C) Gunship to name a few, and most of the stuff you got from the games(Empires at War right?)).
But... it is in a different format than what I have. So, that's good.
Another thing, I'd suggest to have special discout sales.
Huh? I used and google searches for my stuff...and I hadn't seen your ground store until last night (your starship store gets all the attention). I'll exchange the pics for different ones if you want. TG me if you want anything else. And thanks for the ideas.
Edit: Pics updated. If anything else is still already is yours, TG me and I'll change it.
Amazonian Beasts
26-03-2006, 01:54
1010102-the total for your shipment is confirmed at 616.5 billion, shipment on the way. Glad to do business.
Nova Bazalonia-Total 35.55 billion confirmed, your shipment is on the way. If you require anything else, be sure to visit FrontLine!
Amazonian Beasts
26-03-2006, 20:28
Amazonian Beasts
27-03-2006, 00:39
Amazonian Beasts
27-03-2006, 23:33
Spit break
27-03-2006, 23:59
ASB i'd like to give front line armor works the chance to sell two battle mechs
this is a hunter killer armed with twin 170mm laser cannons and a missile pod that can fire 3 missiles before reload its a fast attack mech
and this bed boy is a heavy armor assault mech armed with four 110mm laser cannons 2 in each of the pods at the end of each arm and two 157mm cannons one in each pod it also has one 95mm laser cannon and a triple missile pod
Amazonian Beasts
28-03-2006, 00:08
Certainly we will accept your ideas! You will in exchange recieve 65% of the profits, which FrontLine will record in every sale of your mech units.
Spit break
28-03-2006, 00:56
special delivery to Front line armor work the 3rd in the mech series from Maius Military Industries
this is the Hell cat a Heavy Assault mech design to take out base's/fortress's it is armed with four 95mm laser cannons four 130mm cannons two 170mm cannons and one 230mm cannon mounted on the main torso it also has 4 artilery missile launchers
Amazonian Beasts
28-03-2006, 00:57
Idea accepted!
Amazonian Beasts
28-03-2006, 23:53
Amazonian Beasts
31-03-2006, 00:54
Amazonian Beasts
02-04-2006, 04:45
Spit break
02-04-2006, 04:48
*brushs off dust* you need a bigger and brighter sign for your store its too dull
Amazonian Beasts
02-04-2006, 04:50
OOC: Eh, my history with stores ain't glorious...
you should make heavy version of the destroyer droid with hevaier weapons to.
Destoryer driod mrk 2
4 plasma machinegun-10 kilowat
2 plasma blaster- 20 kilowat
mode of transportaion
2 tracks(upright form)
1 wheel (the ball)
3 inches all around armor
shields-20,000 hp
02-04-2006, 07:24
can someone explain all this to me?
Nova Bazalonia
02-04-2006, 08:09
can someone explain all this to me?
Do a search for Storefront.... I think there is a thread that explains the concept in detail....
But I'll give a summary...
A Storefront is a way for one nation to sell another nation goods (such as weapons, weapon systems, defense, and other general goods). These goods can then be used in various Role-plays (RP). It is a way of ensuring that nations use weapons and stuff that their nations could In-characterly (ICly) afford.
To see your nations budget goto and enter your nation's name into the box provided. It wil display alot of information about your nation including your government's budgetory details.
In this case Amazonian Beasts Storefront sells things that are based off of Star Wars. Though his goods are only available to FT (Future Tech) nations as the Star Wars technology would be considered Future Tech
what droid would you recomend for occupation duty?
Amazonian Beasts
07-04-2006, 01:13
For occupation duty, out of the infantry droids the Destroyer droids and Super Battle droids would be best at handling basic policing and intimidation duties. Crab Droids would be suitable for riot duties in case situations got out of hand. For larger affairs, I'd recommend the Dwarf Spider droid and Tank Droid (due to it's intimidating vocabulator and near-unstoppability to anything but heavy weaponry).
Spit break
07-04-2006, 01:22
if i may add......if your looking for a good mech i suggest a squad or two of Hell Cat's and a few Mad Dogs for recon
For occupation duty, out of the infantry droids the Destroyer droids and Super Battle droids would be best at handling basic policing and intimidation duties. Crab Droids would be suitable for riot duties in case situations got out of hand. For larger affairs, I'd recommend the Dwarf Spider droid and Tank Droid (due to it's intimidating vocabulator and near-unstoppability to anything but heavy weaponry).
i will think about that but since i have sold them into slavery i guess i dpn't need them....just yet.
I have decide to take up droids for occupation duty i wish to have the following:
100 divisions of Crab Droids-200 billion
100 divisions of Destroyer Droid-40 billion
1000 Droid Tanks-550 billion
total- 790 billion
please send these through my stargate.
Amazonian Beasts
07-04-2006, 20:18
790 billion confirmed, your order is en route.