Global war main thread/closed.
25-03-2006, 00:08
This is the main thread for my war sign up thread, if you want to join go there.
25-03-2006, 00:17
OCC: Taralkea, I'll be using some character similar to the ones from other threads I'm on, but they're not the same characters. Just telling you
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 00:18
Moments ago the empirial senate declared to it's people in both Dailey and the New empire that the borders of it's mighty nation will be reinforced with military enplacements at strategic locations.
This action is being ordered due to the continued threat of enemy forces to the south of our great nation.
in toltal 32 forts and 15 outposts will be contructed in strategic points along the gemanian mountain ranges and flatlands. the people are asked the help with contruction by staying clearn of all contruction sites wile the miliraty builds it's emplacements.
OOC: ok i know it's lame but it's a start and i have to have my nation building up defence fast or it can be wiped out without a moments thought
25-03-2006, 00:22
The Worker's Report
Comrades, today the diplomatic situation with the New Dailyian Empire have broken down. Their military has begun fortifying their border in preperation for what officals are sayinf 'an impending invasion'. The military is on high alert as Prime Minister Dantes addresses both houses of the General Assembly.
*Incoming report*
We've just recieved word that both the Senate and House of Deputies have agreed to allow the Prime Minister to order the military to the border. Thousands of troops are being called up, the airforce is on alert and the navy is heading towards the coast as we speak.
25-03-2006, 00:24
Lord Tesk of Taralkea has decided to attack the neighbering barbarian country o Antea (Canada) from the home country Taralkea (USA). He has sent an army of 5 million Dragon Beserkers into the barbarians. We shall see if we are sucsessful.
OOC: All countries not owned by human guys will be barbarian states therefore can still attack you.
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 00:31
Wile the outposts and fortrifications where being made a group of 100 landing craft land on the small island of Iceland. there goal is to capture and take the island for a naval outpost to claim the northern seas for the mighty alliance. with luck the barbarian nation of Iceland would fall within hours of the invation. 40,000 eleate troops move over the rocky landscape fast in an attack at night taking the capital in a mater of hours and claiming victory over the nation loosing 13000 men in the process but the price of dead is nothing campaired to the prize they captured.
25-03-2006, 00:37
Sir, said an aid, the barbarian state is ours, we lost 20000 Dragon warriors however. Yes good, said the emperer, get ready to attack Kokori (Mexico).
This just in, said the reporter on the late night news, we have control of Antea, and it is rumured that we are preparing to assault Kokori.
25-03-2006, 00:45
Send an ambbasador to Dail, said the emperor, we need allies.
Imperial Nod
25-03-2006, 00:46
ooc: can anyone join?
25-03-2006, 00:46
OOC: Yep, just go to the war sign up thread for more info.
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 00:48
The Daileyian Senate Anounces to the world a sink first order on all ships heading for ports in the british isles.
As of today. any and all Ships heading to the ports in the British isles will be fired apon without warning and there shipment taken for the glory of the empire and it's allies.
All enemy vesels you have been warned!!!
(end of message)
As the message is being sent over the TV,Radio,and Telegrams a fleet of ships are alredy captureing upwards to millions of tons of suplies from vesels heading for British ports.
25-03-2006, 01:01
OOC: Klikovio, I think its your turn.
25-03-2006, 01:05
The Worker's Report
*Special News*
Just several hours ago, the Military Council with the Prime Minister authorized a full scale invasion of Dailyian Empire, due to their seizure of ships. At dusk, the airforce flew under the radar and struck several key airfields and installations. Several of the enemy fortifications have been damaged. The People's Army under Field Marshall Skavinski have begn a full scale invasion. Naval airstrikes have also been attacking enemy positions. This attack was a complete suprise, a media blackout was ordered but is now lifted. It's hard to say exactly how much damage has been done.
25-03-2006, 01:10
Sir, said the aid, our ally is being attacked, and we have captured Kokori. Yes, said Tesk, send the army of 4.5 million to reinforce their nation, and send settlers to our newly captured territory.
OOC: I'm going to be ofline for a bit.
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 01:15
In due responce to attacks made by the nation of Kulikovo
The Empire has Signed a declaration of war The nation of Kulikovo. the army and air force have mobilized on the southern border for a blitz into the enemy held lands. with the roaring on egines and banging of boots to the ground a masive force of 300,000 march and drive over the border into enemy held lands. there orders where to butcher the woman and children and men of a small town of the enemy Empire and then fall back to Daileyian lands.
The goal was to lower the morale of enemy troops by attacking there families.
meanwile as the small troop marched across the border Bomber squades where alredy flying over enemy cities carpet bombing the cities making sure each target was devastated before heading back to base for ammo.
The Emperial navy atemps to clear the northern waters of enemy ships and also lays water minefields around Daileyian shores.
The homeguard Begines uncovering AA guns emplaced around all key cities of the empire.
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 04:26
Hurtful Thoughts
25-03-2006, 04:49
PROHT takes interest in Kulikovo, sends spies to probe for weak spots.
(will RP this better later, haven't sent them yet, just issuing the orders)
Hurtful Thoughts
25-03-2006, 05:20
Unknown airport
New Daileyian Empire
A rather tall man in a black business suit holding a briefcase walked off the plane, armed with, well, nothing. Just a notebook, a pen, an AM radio, some business files, and some spare clothes coming from the plane's cargo hold. Nothing else. No guns, no knives. just a briefcase full of cold hard currency.
His task was to infiltrate New Daileyian Empire's infrastructure, and manipulate it towards ruin. As a manager for a local pharmacy, nea the capitol, but not near the gaurds.
His first task, get a cover job.
2nd, get info
3rd report to HQ
4th set things in motion
25-03-2006, 05:22
OOC: Yay! Boredom over!
Hurtful Thoughts
25-03-2006, 05:25
Secret message to Kulikovo embassy
Source unknown
Voice scrambled
"Greetings, how much would you pay if the New Daileyian Empire was... taken care of? please send your response in a public radio broadcast, and please be dicrete about it."
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 05:30
The Daileyian Empire was Hard at work. small bands of troops where now taking over ireland and the rest of the british and another small force of 13,000 men landed on the southern point of Greenland. there goal was to set up a relay station there to comunicate easaly with the new world and the Daileyian allies there.
(OOC: new world is north america BTW)
Meanwile a Diplomatic agent was being sent to Hurtful Thoughts to see if they could arange a none agression pact between there nation and the great armies of the Daileyian Empire. little dose the Goverment of Hurtful Thoughts know but 3 spies where being paradroped into the back woods of there nation. in case things went wrong with the diplomate these spies where ordered to carry out assasin strikes on key officials of the nation.
25-03-2006, 05:33
"Its time to take more, said the emperor, send all of my Dragon warriors to Leka (japan) from there we will attack Rehalla (China).
Hurtful Thoughts
25-03-2006, 05:33
hmmm, and what if a farmer, who happens to be CDF, sees one of these paratroops and decides to kill him for tresspassing? With a tank.
And do you even know who, or where you are going to attack, a simple yes/no will suffice. Followed by why would they be important.
Travel will also be very slow going, since the only fast way is public or military, and public is expensive and highly regulated.
That leaves walking. Hope you landed on the right island.
In New Daileyian Empire
A POHTian applies for a job at a pharmacy, with all his reffrances checked in advance, he had a clean record, the only military he had was the crappy compulsry type, and showed an obvious resentment of his homeland, "Argentina".
"We shall gladly accept your NAP, as soon as you can write up terms we both agree upon."
Meanwhile, a CDF on manuvers with the police in an open field, New Roanoke Island, spots a parachutist, and goes over to investigate.
(CDF units number 500 men at arms, trained by 5 police officers)
ether the CDF on an otherwise uneventful training exercise, or a bunch of really pissed off farmers, I'd say they have a 33% chabce of being spotted.
50% chance they won't be able to find a target, or are on the wrong island.
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 05:43
OOC:i'm not thinking that far ahead man. i know that there is a risk. there is always a risk in times of war. sending a spy in is a way of testing landing zones for masive air drops of men and suplies if and when the Daileyian empire desides to attack. my nation is however hoping for a peaceful NAP to be signed to prospone a secondary front.. oh and dude in a OOC post try to put ooc infront of your post otherwise it confuses a bunch of people.
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 06:01
the Paracutist dies from a malfuntion in his paracute and ends up hanging dead from a tree.
the 2nd parachutist lands in the water off one of the islands
the 3nd fails to jump and declaires to the pilot "are you nuts those are shark infested waters down there"
all 3 of the spies carry no identification that would lead back to the Daileyian empire.
Hurtful Thoughts
25-03-2006, 06:02
Might want to start thinking a few steps ahead (or think of what what you are doing is going to acomplish and how to plausably deny it), with leaniancy in the plan so that a few deaths won't jeapordize your missions.
The CDF on manuvers finds a dead body sngged in a tree, they cut him down and give him a propper funeral for the unidentified man. "John Doe #5462872"
Your not the first to try. And the first one to try had his plan backfire. Currently blaming a sales rep for the death of over 5 million people, mostly CDF troops.
PROHT has 2 landmasses
New Roanoke Island = Bouganville
Mainland = Paupa New Guenia
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 06:12
The Daileyian Empire evades France in a masive invation to secure the nothern seas. a loss of 30,000 men was the prise the empire paid for this last conquest. the empire now begines to fortifie it's newly created lands useing slaves from ocupied nations.
the spy who landed in the water reaches shore and set up a Radio becon on a secure channel to the senate. "this is spy 41867898 reporting in. i have made landfall and have found the raft in the bushs as told. heading to section 212 of satelight images. planting the becons as ordered sirs" with that he ditroyed the radio device and tied it to a rock and tossed it to sink into the water and headed off in his raft.
25-03-2006, 06:14
China had now been conquered, and the Dragon warriors were now working on russia.
Hurtful Thoughts
25-03-2006, 06:21
Any word on how my agent is doing at finding a job?
25-03-2006, 06:22
Thats for Dailyian.
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 06:26
Any word on how my agent is doing at finding a job?
OOC: lol going to be harder then you think to find a Job in the Daileyian Empire. all Jobs are asigned by the goverment after the great revolt of 2078.
The Pharmecy employee smiled and said "go to the Goverment employment agenct's office and see if you can find a job from them. it's ileagal for me to even look at your resume."
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 06:31
(OOC: I'm going to have to go to bed. my eyes are not working so well today. talk to you tomorow!)
Hurtful Thoughts
25-03-2006, 06:33
2078! I thought this was 2010!
The agent then goes over to the local government office, smiles crtly and asks: "Mind if I apply for a job? I mean, you do have a war and all, you'll need some help to keep your country going, and the expertise I can offer is of such that nobody else can give, you'll have wounded, and I'm a practicioner of medicine, force me into slavery and you'd get nothing, employ me and get everything."
25-03-2006, 06:47
post modern tech
future tech
25-03-2006, 06:53
Post modern.
25-03-2006, 06:56
New Daileyian Empire
25-03-2006, 16:56
((it's 2103 by Daileyian Calendar. oh and he is asking because he is FT))
The officer grins "forieners must go through 3 months probation in this country before they can even apply for a job and even then you must take the citizenship test" he says as he closes the employment window "come back when you've taken the test" he yelled through the door.
Hurtful Thoughts
25-03-2006, 18:32
Plan B
25-03-2006, 18:37
Which is?
New Daileyian Empire
26-03-2006, 04:15
Hurtful Thoughts
27-03-2006, 02:34
(world's most blatent hint to plan B)
Johny grab a gun, not this gun, that is my gun grab A GUN grab a gun.
Shoot them and watch them run watch them run.
The Yanks are coming...
Hurtful Thoughts
28-03-2006, 02:22
the agent (lets call him 'Bob Abdual Smith' for the remainder of the thread)
heads back to the pharmacy, with his briefcase. Wlks inside, and informs the man at the counter that he interested in buying stock from their company, and would wish to learn more, take a tour, and review their stock records, mostly price quote and current volume.
Hurtful Thoughts
28-03-2006, 03:48
OOC: Not really in PMT yet, so I'm going to fastforward my curent weapons designs in the works for the somewhat distant future (haven't RPed these things ever before) Crash course feasability study.
the New Daileyian Empire delegates have been invited to the:
PROHT Air, Land and Sea Exhibition of weapons
Day 1:
Land showcase:
First Showcases the venerable HT-101, with upgraded bolt on armor, capable of sustaing hits from better weapons. These have been renamed HT-102.
Followed by thier new Plasma Mortars, after comparing them to PROHT's old 5" conventionall Mortars, the 25 Kw plasma mortars outrange them and fired three times as fast, and fired balls of plasma over hills and into target bunkers, incinerating their targets.
An announcer claims that PROHT already has larger, more powerful guns in production.
Then a lone man. Walks out onto the field, then an old model HT-101 rumbles out in front of him and levels its guns at the man. The man then coolly pulls out an odd pistol, and fires at the tank, which bursts into flames. Then a platoon of HT-101s blitz him, and the man quickly dispatches them all, one of the burning tanks stop inches from his face before crumpling into a smoldering heap. The man then walks off the field.
Then the usual display of firepower sets in, a few (10,000) One tenth Ga (10 pounder) auto-shotguns, pumpng APDS 90 mm shells into tanks at one mile away.
A few ETC capable CCE-5 and CCE-8 towed cannons shooting at targets 50 and 75 miles away respectively, talk of mounting them on HT-101 chassis like the older CC-5/8 is heard in hushed tones among the crowd.
Day 2:
Sea showcase:
PROHT showcases its Class B block IV cruisers, mounting four 8" gas compression ETC guns, possesing many times greater firepower than normal ETC, reported range of 150 miles. Recoil is handled by some physical mechanism that PROHT declines to describe (although it is obviously the massive 'flippers' on the side of the hullthat keep the boat from swamping or going backwards when firing)
Also shown are 5 heavily upgraded Hiragi Class arsenal ships, with six 8" ETC block III guns, and similar hull fittings, although such fittings are far more extensive.
PROHT also unviels a line of covered deck Aircraft Carriers, developed jointly with the Former Demecratic Colonies aid. It too was extensively modified. With a more robust cammand and control system and simpler and safer landing arrangements.
PROHT unviels the PDE-3 supersonic Close air support plane, and the PDE-5 Air superiority aircraft, based loosely on the perfomances demonstrated many years go by Shrak Aeronotics and Flightopia's exibition flying team.
Hurtful Thoughts
29-03-2006, 04:30
No, I do not intend a threadjack, I just don't want to get run over by hover tanks when I'm still using M-16s and M-113s as WMD. With my premeir mud mover using proppellers as its cheif motive force when other use anti-matter drive.
New Daileyian Empire
29-03-2006, 16:56
dude i beleave this thing is dead? the starter of it. has not posted for a few days.