NationStates Jolt Archive

Chinese military deployments (AMW only)

AMW China
24-03-2006, 13:18
AMW China military

400,000 strong army (No other details released by PLA. Western experts have believe the Type 99 MBT used by the PLA matches the Abrams but numbers less than 2,000. IFVs believed to be equivalent to M2 Bradley)

[OOC: Army size not really that important in RPing situations as you're unlikely to face all of it at once.]

6 Carriers (Equivalent to Nimitz class)
320 J-14B Naval Fighters
24 E-150J Ground surveilance aircraft
24 E-150E AWACS
20 E-150T Mid air refuelers
30 E-150S ASW aircraft
36 E-150 Transports
26 E-150B Bombers
200 Ming SSGNs
12 Light Carriers
30 Yang Cruisers
40 Emperor Destroyers
60 Kang Ding Frigates
120 Han II SSNs

1,200 J-14B multi-role fighters
240 J-16 Fighter bombers
36 A-380 Bombers

Naval Forces deployments

2 Carrier battlegroups (Tainan, Taiwan)
1 Carrier battlegroup (Haikou, Hainan Is.)
2 Carrier battlegroups (Shanghai)
1 Carrier battlegroup (Dalian)

North Atlantic
36 Ming class SSGN
20 Han II SSGN

Arctic Ocean
20 Ming class SSGN

South Pacific
20 Ming class SSGN
8 Han-II SSN

Indian Ocean
24 Ming class SSGN
12 Han-II SSN

South China Sea
30 Ming class SSGN
12 Ming class SSBN
24 Han-II SSN

Andaman & Nicobar
12 Ming class SSGN
2 Emperor class destroyers
1 Yang cruiser
24-03-2006, 15:36
almost 200nuclear subs!!!
I know i'm hardly one to speak about perhaps stratching your resources but doesn't that strike you as a little too much? And why deploy such large forces to the artic and north atlantic?

feel free to slap me down over my concerns.
AMW China
29-03-2006, 12:33
OOC: There have been cutbacks in other forces to compensate. For example, China only has 6 carriers (compared to Quintonnia's 30) and the PLA currently consists of only 450,000 actives (compared to 800,000 IRL).
29-03-2006, 14:48
Mostly a tag, but if Hotan weren't too busy to be investigating this himself, he'd be somewhat relieved, since China too appears to have greater distractions than what's happening across the Yalu and hasn't got the manpower to occupy Korea. Might have to turn the navy to purely ASuW defence if he gets back into power, though!
Armandian Cheese
02-04-2006, 07:03
OOC: Ooh, ooh, ignore Russia and go against Dra-Pol, AMWC! I head him say unkind things about your mother...