NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: Earth III (3) Idea

21-03-2006, 22:42
I'm writing this primarily because I am bored. (This is a puppet nation of Geneticon)

I have long loved the Earth 2r Idea and I have been wondering if there is anybody out there that would love to RP a similar one because they were unable to get into the first one.

Here's the criteria:

You must be active and serious about this RP.

That's pretty much it. If you are interested, reply, and maybe we can get this off the ground. One more thing, if you are a part of Earth I or II you can still RP in Earth III.

Finally, I'm in charge and make the final rulings.

Other than that... what do ya'll think? Is there interest out there?
Amazonian Beasts
21-03-2006, 22:44
OOC: Wasn't there already an Earth III made sometime ago...?
21-03-2006, 22:45
Not that I know of... at least not in this forum.
21-03-2006, 22:52
Check Decree 2 of Earth II.
21-03-2006, 23:15
ooc: Yeah, there was an Earth III about 18 months ago. It went well for a while then crashed and burned.
The Gupta Dynasty
22-03-2006, 00:46
OOC:Correct, created by Ottoman Khaif about two years back, then renewed by Sharina about eighteen months ago.
22-03-2006, 01:37
OOC: I'll join. I want to claim...

Ireland (both Republic and Northern)
Portugal (in Europe)
Hong Kong
Panhandle of Texas
Isreal (or shore)
Scicily (sp)
23-03-2006, 15:18

Just an interest thread right now... please do not begin claiming stuff.