NationStates Jolt Archive

Taralkean Embassy Exchange.

20-03-2006, 23:06
The most Holy Tesk, Prince Regent of Taralkea, welcomes all nations to establish an embassy in Taralkea. Please state something about your nation, ambassador name, aides he will take with, and what he would like the building to be like, and we shall have it specialy constructed for him.
There can be no more than fifty warriors, no weapon vehicles, and no more than 80 floors.

Signed, Tesk.
20-03-2006, 23:25
20-03-2006, 23:39
you have one in my capital. so sing me up.
20-03-2006, 23:42
Okay, I already know you, so no reason to get information about you country, say your ambassador, who he's bringing with him, and what kind of building. Is your ambassador going to be Major Asshole?:p
20-03-2006, 23:42
Franberry would like to send a delegation.

Franberry is a socialist nation, their major priorities are Defence, Education and Healthcare. Franberry is the leader of the Socialist Confederacy. We have 500 plus million people. Franberry is going through a bit of troubulent times, with a small depression in the economy, we hope to clear this up in a matter of days.


Ambassador: Geory Halisnky, his wife, and 3 children
Diplomats: 20
Staff (diplomatic): 100
Staff (Cleaning, Cooking, ect.): 100
Guards: 50
Vehicles: 1 VIP helicopter, 10 Luxury Compact Limos, 50 black sedas, 10 Vans
Embassy: Looks like a palace, 5 stories at most. Protected perimiter, reinforced walls, safe room.
Residence:Some sort of expensive looking building

We would like to send over an achitect to help with the construction of the embassy. We would also like anoffice tower so the embassy can work while the final building is being built.
20-03-2006, 23:45
yes it will be major asshole. he will have dark helmet for protection and thats it. i want abuild that looks like megamaid.(if you don't know what that looks like just google image it.)
20-03-2006, 23:45
Yes thank you, we have a tower that should be satisfactory, if you wish to bring diplomatic relations farther, have your ambassador tell us.
20-03-2006, 23:46
yes it will be major asshole. he will have dark helmet for protection and thats it. i want abuild that looks like megamaid.(if you don't know what that looks like just google image it.)
Will do.
20-03-2006, 23:48
no giant vacum tho
20-03-2006, 23:49
20-03-2006, 23:50
have you seen space balls? mega maid has a giant vacum which sucks the air from planet druida.
20-03-2006, 23:51
Yes thank you, we have a tower that should be satisfactory, if you wish to bring diplomatic relations farther, have your ambassador tell us.
You are welcome to establish an embassy in our lands, we just ask that you follow the same criteria that we had to abide by.
20-03-2006, 23:51
Okay, no vacum.
21-03-2006, 00:10