Just a test...right?
The following was a news post during another very retarded show of "Desprate Housewives".
The nation of Hayord has launched a nuclear missle. Claiming it was a test, it landed in the waters of their very own gulf.
"Technical failures occured, and we plan to develop the problems until it all works out. But in the end, it will only be as protection." So said lead technician and devoloper, Rety Uitre.
Satallite pictures [pictures begin appearing] show, however, that more than one nuke has been launched. Another was launched into space, but for no apparent reasons. Scientists, including Uitre, say that those very reasons are confidental. It appears that the nuke had ran out of fuel, with expanded 'metal bags' near the bottom. Morew on this as it develops.
20-03-2006, 02:55
---1:45, Imperial Palace, Pythogris, Pythogria---
The door to the Supreme General's room burst open, as Khonsu's advisor came through, panting. Khonsu shot up. "What on this side of Soviet Arms Dealers is going on!?"
"Sir..." he paused to catch his breath. "A country just nuked themselves and launched one into space."
"WHAT? Was our space station affected?"
"No, sir. Missed. According to the lead Pythogronaut, it didn't appear to have any guidance."
"Send them a message. Ask them what the heck is going on. I want answers."
"Yes sir."
To: Hayord
From: Pythogria
Re: We demand explination!
Text: You fired a nuclear missile that nearly atomized our space station! We demand answers for this incedent! You just risked 30 Pythogrian lives, and many other foriegn ones, not to mention billions of Pythogrian and ISA dollars!
Mondoth, after detecting the failure of the Hayord test, wishes to send a team of our engineers and technicians to aid Hayord in the development of their ICBM arsenal. If our help is accepted, the engineering team will be dispatched via Mondoth Air commercial flight immediately.
20-03-2006, 03:02
Quote from The Nation Franberry's biggest newspaper
Hayord Launches Nuclear Missiles
The nation of Hayord has launched 2 nuclear missles. The Goverment of Hayord claims it was a test. One missile landed in their national waters. Lead Technician, Rety Uitre explained; "Technical failures occured, and we plan to develop the problems until it all works out. But in the end, it will only be as protection." The other missile was launced into space, but the goverment of Hayord has given no reason, they are confidential.
The President has sent a letter to Hayrod. In a press conference, he stated that the letter was a warning, telling Hayrod not to place nuclear weaponry in space, and to use their nuclear weaponry in a defensive manner.
The Nation shall bring more on this story as it develops
It was a warm spring morning in Cravna, the capital city of Cravan. All was going as usual, with commuters going to work and doing their usual daily routines. All was not normal, however, at Imperial Military High Command.
Tecnicians worked frantically to track the rogue nuclear missile, hoping they could keep tabs on it. The AMDS had been activated when word first arrived, and the military was put on high alert.
The government, however, decided against contacting Hayord's government until more information was given about the situation. One thing was clear though: this missile was a major threat to security worldwide.
OOC: Ba ba bump time!
Cravan Imperial Military High Command
"Sir, what should we do? We can't leave it up there."
The general contemplated the young officer's words, then decided on a course of action.
"Prep the 798's."
The young officer looked at the General in shock.
"Sir, they've never been used in combat before..."
"Better now than never, I suppose."
"Yes, sir.", the officer said with a grimace.
Within miniutes, the order was laid down through the chain of command. It eventually reached a top secret airfield in the western hills of Cravan.
Undisclosed Airbase, Western Cravan
The base commander watched the shapes lift off the ground, their jet engines screaming in the morning silence. Twelve jets lifted off; an entire combat squadron. These weren't any jets, though. These were the highly classified F-798 (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/F-798).
Within miniutes, the fighters edged towards the sky, and sped off into the distance. They continued to climb, and soon enough they engaged their main rocket engine. Within miniutes, they had left the atmosphere.
Cravan Imperial Military High Command
The radio in the Situation Center blared to life, and the voice of a young fighter pilot crackled through.
"Command, this is Wardog One of Wardog squadron. We are approaching the target, ETA three miniutes. Awaiting further orders."
"Wardogs, this is Command. Hold fire until given the order."
Within miniutes, a message was sent to the government of Hayord.
Official Imperial Communique
Cravanian Department of Foreign Affairs
It has come to our attention that a nuclear missile which you launched has ended up in orbit. We feel that this is a possible security risk, and have intentions of disabling it. Do not consider this a hostile action, for we are only doing this for the security of ourselves and the planet itself. This missile cannot be left in orbit, and therefore must be removed. Please respond as soon as possible.
20-03-2006, 09:42
From: President Friedman
To: Hayord Government
Animarnia would like to make it abundantly clear that nuclear weapons are not toys and should not be treated as such. We would also like to remind you that due to the recent use of and subsequent detonation of nuclear arms in the Kravania conflict, several nations are 'touch' about-unannounced ballistic missile testing and launching.
As in these tense times this could be construed as a potentially hostile act and if a nation even slight misinterprets your actions may launch a full retaliatory nuclear strike against your nation.
We would advise you to think carefully before launching any ICBM's in the future without warning the international community
President Jeffery Friedman
OOC: Wow, not a single invasion. People like me more than I know. But not sure I wanna know...
To the Country of Pythogria:
We are planning tests in space, using new technology we have developed. Please, do not take this as the wrong way. Also, we are sorry for thretening your space station. We will not do it again. There was a sligth (sp) mistake. It will not happen again.
Leader or Hayord
To the COuntry of Mondoth:
We accept your offer of help. You have clearance to land at airport LSDT-4533, in the attached file.
Leader of Hayord
To the Country of Franberry:
We were testing the nukes for defense. We missed, however, and it came too close to a space station. None were harmed, and none will be if all goes well.
Leader of Hayord
To the Country of Cravan:
DO NOT ENGAGE THAT ICBM. It was set there as a test, almost a satalite. We are sorry, but it has a purpose there.
Leader of Hayord
The leader of Hayord, Quirly, was smirking. "So. Still, no one has figured it out?"
"No sir," responded his brother, Jersti.
"Wow. It's a bit obviosu, isn't it?"
"Yes, brother, it is." They both smiled.
"But, of course, it's jsut a test...right?"
"Jersti, we still don't know."
21-03-2006, 00:33
To: Hayord
From: Pythogria
Re: Missiles
Just make sure to scan the atmosphere for our beacon before firing again.
---Imperial Palace---
Supreme General Khonsu read over the message. "New Technology?"
"Apparantly, sir." his advisor replied.
"Monitor it from the space station and our moon colony."
"Yes sir."
OOC: OOPs, forgot someone! Sorry.
TO the Country of Animarnia:
We realize this, and will be careful in the future. Please, do not take this as a hostile act.
Leader of Hayord
21-03-2006, 00:39
Undisclosed Location, Somewhere in Franberry
"We have to further investigate this"
"Of course, we cant have everyone running around with nukes"
"A 'test' they say, a test, haha. The worst bit is that their missile missed, which is even worse, they cant even nuke who they want"
"It worries me, several agents are already on the case"
"Good, we shall have to monitor the situation even further, this was more that just a test"
21-03-2006, 00:42
To: Franberry
From: Pythogria (Black Ops)
Re: Spying
Text: Perhaps we should monitor Hayord together? We'd get more information that way.
"Sir, we, uh, well, we hav e reports of spys. Not just idle spys, but several agents in our various government branches have asked about the recent test."
"Hmm. Any questions?"
"Yes. 'Was this really a test?' 'What did/do you plan on donig with this satalite?' 'Why did you do it?'"
"Hmm. Veryspy-ish. Shot them."
21-03-2006, 00:49
To: Franberry
From: Pythogria (Black Ops)
Re: Spying
Text: Perhaps we should monitor Hayord together? We'd get more information that way.
A small passenger jet streaked into the sky. Destination, Pythogria. Cargo, Intelligence Agents. Mission, Combined Operations.
To: Pythogria
From: Franberry
Representatives have been sent, they carry the message
21-03-2006, 00:52
To: Franberry
From: Pythogria (Black Ops)
Re: Thanks
Text: Thank you. Let's get to the bottom of this!
OOC: Hayord, you couldn't know we are spying.
21-03-2006, 00:59
The jet circled over Pythogria
"We need landing" these 3 words were transmitted to the source of the messages.
21-03-2006, 01:22
(OOC: Hayord's going to do it by shooting everyone who even whispers about it - he just knows that people are asking around.
- signing out.)
21-03-2006, 01:28
The jet circled over Pythogria
"We need landing" these 3 words were transmitted to the source of the messages.
"This is Black Ops Tower 1. Coordinates being ransmitted now."
Red Tide2
21-03-2006, 01:38
"So its just a test?" The Supreme Commander asked in somewhat surprise.
"Yeah... but it got a whole lot of new guys nervous. One even warned about placing nuclear weapons in space." the Defence Minister said, "The fools probably dont realize that most of the nations here have had nukes in space for years now. Us included... with the Falling Star Model-N and the SOLG."
"Careful, Barret." The Supreme Commander warned, "That is classified information."
"With all do respect, sir." The defense minister said, "Anyone who owns an observatory would be able to see the SOLG when it passes overhead... its kind of hard to miss a gun that big."
"You have a point... but we still wont make its existance public. That is final, anyways, keep an eye on that orbital nuke. If it starts manuevering for an Fractional Orbital Bombardment(FOB)... blow it out of the sky."
OOC: Well, if it's in MY government, then I whould be able to know about, right?
"Test it. Now."
"But, si-sir, we --"
"DO IT."
The rocket, in space, exploded. No, not an explosion you...! A fire explosion...when it takes off. The side metal pounches held fuel. This nuke had a changed anatomy, enabling mroe fuel. But the problem was one wrong shot and it would explode. It launched, carefully manuvering (rockets change angle) far out of any threat to the other platforms and such. One of the pouches, one of four, had emptied. Half way around the world. Good. They set it to orbit back to it's original place.
"Sir. It worked. We are awaiting your signal." A pice of paper was handed to Quirly.
He signed it, smiling.
21-03-2006, 03:28
At the Pythogrian ISA HQ, a radio message came from the space station.
"Sir... one of the pouches on that rocket is halway around Earth now." the lead Pythogronaut told Control.
"What?" Control answered.
"They're detonating things."
"I'm sending this to Khonsu."
---Imperial Palace---
Khonsu told the lead Black Ops agent, "Save this to the profile. Another piece of info. I want us to constantly monitor that ship."
"By your command."
21-03-2006, 03:30
The plane touched down on the runway, the agents where nearly there.
Undisclosed Location, Somewhere in Franberry
"The missile is moving, any clue where its haded?"
"Not really, its already changed direction, it could land anywhere"
"Damm, we cannot have a nuke fliying around"
"Yeah, why cant he place them in communication statelites?"
"Because they're not as smart as us"
"Haha, we have to do something about this. I'll get a message to Hayrod"
To: Hayrod
From: Franberry
Topic: Nuclear Missile
Your missile better be a test. And it better keep out of our airspace. If it becomes a danger to Franberry, we shall destroy the missile, and your nation.
"Sir, something's happening up here."
Two Talons flew in formation, making another pass on the missile. The pilot described the events to the commanders below.
"What should we do, sir?", the radio crackled. The general thought for a brief moment as he collected his thoughts.
"Watch it closely. But keep a good distance away from it. You have permission to fire if it makes any sudden movements."
"Yes, sir."
The Talons sped off, keeping a close eye on the missle, and a tight finger on the trigger.
21-03-2006, 03:37
"Sir, something's happening up here."
Two Talons flew in formation, making another pass on the missile. The pilot described the events to the commanders below.
"What should we do, sir?", the radio crackled. The general thought for a brief moment as he collected his thoughts.
"Watch it closely. But keep a good distance away from it. You have permission to fire if it makes any sudden movements."
"Yes, sir."
The Talons sped off, keeping a close eye on the missle, and a tight finger on the trigger.
OOC: The missile is in space (at least I think so), do you have space-fighters?(If so, can I buy a couple?)
OOC: Yes, I do posess a few space fighters.
F-798 Talon (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/F-798)
At the moment, it's produced solely for myself, and technically still experimental. However, I'm sure we could work out some sort of deal... The things are pretty expensive, though.
OOC: The rocket...not the pouch... is orbiting...
"Wow, sir, the patience od these countries is...appalling. We should establish relations."
"OK. Franberry. Possibly Pythogria. Then the others."
To the Country of Franberry:
We wish to establish a military alliance and trade routes with you. If this incident all works out between us two, please, consider this. We think you a powerful ally, and will be willnig to shall nukes of this advanced technology (multi-angle rockets, extra fuel capabilities, more ;)) and will help you in times of need.
Please, consider this.
Leader of Hayord
Mondothian Orbital Authority
"Sir, the supposedly malfunctioning Hayord missile just finished maneuvers, it looks like the structures we were wondering about contain some sort of reaction mass for changing the missiles orbital station."
"Thats interesting, get StratCom to alert the missile defense network, but until it begins de-orbiting, gather as much data as possible, if these guys turn out to be another nation with space based nuclear weaponry then I want to know about it."
"Yes sir, I'll make the call to Mousauii's office immediately."
After about an hour of calls to various branches of Mondoth's defense forces, sattelites and ground based observatories added the location of the Hayord 'test' missile to their search patterns, covertly studying the weapon to try and determine its capabilities and liabilities.
21-03-2006, 16:40
"We shall play along with them"
"Yes, tell them we want to establish trade routes."
"And not a full military alliance, but we're sending representatives"
To: Hayord
From: Franberry
Topic: Trade and Alliance
We would be more than happy to establish trade routes between our countries. Concerning the alliance, we're sending representatives right now, who shall talk the matter with you in further detail.
May Friendship Blossom Between Our Countries
21-03-2006, 17:21
The defence ministry was keeping an eye on this situation since it started. Defence Minister Grand Admiral James E. Rockenbach stood in the situation room at Defence Headquarters watching the latest intel from several of the ships in orbit. He had ordered the MSF Leader to keep an eye, and some camera's, on the missile as it made it's manuvers through space. He then picked up the red phone, it connected directly to the Office of the Emperor.
Rockenbach: "Sir, reports from our satelites are that a nation is preparing orbital bombardment ICBM technology. We have the MSF Leader watching the situation closely."
Emperor Loak: "Understood. Keep me informed with any information. Send it to my video-mail box if you wish."
Rockenbach: "Yes, Sir."
He then hung up the phone and turned back to the screen in front of him. What do I do? he thought to himself. He was unsure of this situation and it's impact on the Empire, but he knew that it was up to him to make sure that this didn't turn into a really bad situation, really quick.
OOC: Hey, btw, guys, I have one nuclea rplatformr in space. Now, though, it's a sattalite. Scientists are on it to make stats for a platform. So, it's not a secret.
To the Country of Franberry:
we will let your representatives land at [DISCLOSED LOCATION]. We will insure their safety.
Thank you,
Leader of Hayord
22-03-2006, 01:39
The breaks on the Franberrian plane made a screeching sound, the pilto had come in too fast for a landing, but soon, the airplane had stopped, it was safely on Hayrod's soil.
OOC: Hayord. It's Hayord.
The representaives were welcomed by the people, then lead to an embassy to rest. The meeting would begin in three hours.
Imperial High Command
"Sir, not much is happening up there. Your orders?"
Reluctantly, the general realised there was nothing left to do militarily.
"Recall the fighters."
"Yes, sir."
The young officer turned towards his console.
"Wardog squadron, this is Command. Stand down-"
In Orbit
"- Repeat: Stand down. RTB, and prep for a debriefing.", the radio crackled.
"Copy that, command. Preparing our descent."
In pairs, the twelve fighters edged down towards the planet for reentry into the atmosphere. Within miniutes, the fighters were flying in formation over the Golden Triangle, headed home. They pulled in for a landing, and one by one came to a halt on the tarmac. By this time the surface of the aircraft had cooled from the reentry, and the pilots stepped out. They were taken to the command building at the airfield for debriefing.
Imperial Palace
The emperor was informed of the situation in detail, and ordered a message sent to the Hayordian government.
Official Imperial Communique
We have called off our fighters, seeing as your missile poses no immediate threat to us. However, we demand a full explanation on why this has happened. We will not accept 'It was a mistake' as an excuse, and request that a full investigation by several nations who responded to this crisis be carried out immediately. We will be in touch. Thank you.
To the Country of Cravan:
This was a test rocket. A dud, more like. If it explodes, something will ahv ecrashed into it. We can make it explode, if we so chose, but it will do no damage, only take apart the rocket. A tough explanation.
We launched it into orbit, and sudden, unpredicted winds cause it to veer off course. Our scientists, however, managed to use the rocket- angling techonlogy only new to us to move it, but it wa sonly too late. No damage done, only international tensions.
PLease forgive us for any problems caused,
Leader of Hayord
In a sudden move, the government of Hayord has released details involving the recent space mistake.
"The recent rocket sent into space experienced difficulty, involving high-atmostspheric winds that were not predicted. That caused the rocket to veer off course and venture near one of Craven's, a fellow nation, space station. With some new, classified technology, we were able to save both the rocket and station, but more importantly, Craven lives. The rocket then orbited half-way around the planet, more classified techonlogy, and orbited back to it's original position. But, let me say this: IT IS A DUD. THERE IS NO POSSIBLY HARM TO ANY THING IN SPACE OR ON EARTH. With that said, no more questions, please."
"So said Quirly, our president," said a reporter. "In other news..."
A message was immediately sent back.
Official Imperial Communique
Thank you for clearing that up, and we apologize for any misunderstandings which have occured between our nations. Again, thank you.
As an aide prepared for the message to be sent, another walked over to the emperor, busy with some files which had been put on his desk earlier.
"So, does that mean we will bring the alert level down?"
"Not just yet... I want to ensure that they are keeping their word. I believe them... but you never know."
"Very well, your highness."
The emperor returned to the paperwork on the desk, the computer on the desk on with a window open to the status of the missile in orbit.
To the Country of Cravan:
If all goes well, no invasion, no attacks, or more importantly, no deaths, the country of Hayord wishes that our countries esatblish relations. We hope you to us with our space program, and in return, we will pay you, at 34.9 billion dollars a week.
Thank you,
Leader of Hayord
The scientists on the satallite were cheering. They had found the right stats. All they needed was the specially made rockets and armor and the like. The orders were sent in.
22-03-2006, 17:20
(OOC: It was a typo)
Topic: Meeting
Where and when will the meeting take place?
Our delegation is already there and would like to commence as soon a possible.
Thank you,
OOC: I know, just making sure you knew.
The representatives were picked up from the embassy and taken to the central government building in Hayord. They were taken in and set down. The meeting began.
23-03-2006, 00:32
"My friends, we are the official delegation from Franberry. We have been sent to improve the relations between our countries. We hope to establish trade priorities, and to build a lasting link of frieindship with your country" Having finished his words, the Franberrian delegate sat down.
(OOC: Din't I fight a war with you? I'm not talking one-on-one, but i think you and some other guys once fought me and my friends)
OOC: Actually, that's a prime factor of this meeting, lol. Jamberry...with you or him?
"What does Franberry," began a Hayord delegate, "all have to offer in terms of trade? Hayord can offer natural gas, cow meat, and weapons, among other things."
Meanwhile, in space, the rocket began another launch. It boosted back to Hayord airspace, careful to avoid 'touchy' nations airspace. It stopped using half a pouch, near the Hayord platform. It floated. Close...closer...almost there...thud. Clamp. Screech. The rocket, using brand-new (right?) technology to hold the rocket onto the satalite, soon a nuclear platfrom, it used metal and clamps alike to stay on. The only difficutly would be launching it.
To all nations of the World:
We will be launching our nuclear missle. Yes, launching. It will launch into our airspace and explode 500 miles south of our capital, rendering no harm to anybody. This is an international zone, and no country owns it. It is 200 miles wide on all sides, and is a square. It will only crash into the ground and simply crunch. The extra pouches (the half-full puch will fuel the rocket, with gravity pullnig it down) will be released and caught, being stored in the satalite itself for future tests.
Feel free to have airplanes fly in ouver our airspace and land at a base at our south border. They will be notified of the launch, and if an country sees this as a potential harm to any person, feel free to engage it. But, we have closed off the area in which a REAL nuclear attack would affect. So no harm, if any is there, wil lcome to anybody.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Leader of Hayord
Official Imperial Communique
We have no intentions of being present for the test. We have faith in your word that it is a dud.
Also, we would be happy to assist you in your space program, assuming it is used for peaceful purposes. Please contact us with further information on this subject, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The aide present looked over the communique, and looked to the emperor.
"Your Imperial Majesty, what about our own space combat capibilities? We're telling them they can't have technology like that, when we do."
"I realise that.", said the Emperor while looking thorugh some papers on his desk. "It is in our best interests to keep space combat technologies to a limited few, including ourselves. I'll gladly help them get into space, but I don't want another country running around with space weaponry."
"I see, sir. Thanks for clearing that up."
"No problem. Now send the damned message. I would but I've got enough to do here."
"Of course, sir."
The aide rushed off to his office so he could send the message as soon as possible.
To the Country of Cravan:
We will gladly accept your help. We wil lnoly use it as defense, and if in offense, it will be because we were greatly offended. Please state when your scientists can coem in and help us. We will secure their safety.
Thank you,
Leader of Hayord
"Well, brother, it looks as if this is working. We are advancing our space program."
Quirly, nodded, smiling. "Yes, it does. Aren't you glad you went with this?"
His brother nodded. "I am."
Engineers and scientists who volunteered to assit Hayord began to pack, as they would be staying a while.
Official Imperial Communique
We request that Cravan establish an embassy in Hayord so as to give our engineers and scientists a place to stay. Please state any terms you may have for this to occur.
23-03-2006, 04:39
Pythogria will monitor this test from space.
To the COuntry of Cravan:
We have an embassy they can stay in until the Cravan embassy is finished. We will begin constructing it, and you can send us the terms.
Thank you,
Leader of Hayord
To the Country of Pythogria:
We do not mind you monitoring this, but please, by 100% sure this rocket is of any harm before engaging it.
Leader of Hayord
Official Imperial Communique
To the country of Hayord
Thank you for allowing them to stay there for now. For our terms, we request that we are able to keep a few unarmed cars at the embassy, two unarmed helicopters, twenty armed marines, four Imperial Guards, and whatever civilian staff is required. If you wish, we shall begin construction of a Hayordian embassy in our capital.
23-03-2006, 23:29
Secret IC:
Several SA-25A Badger-class sub orbital assault fighters began to track the missile that was slowly moving through space. They were far enough so that the nation that owned the rocket couldn't see them, but close enough to keep visual contact and sensor sweeps going for any activity with the missile. The Empire was wary about why this missile would go wary and why it would be slowly moving toward the Colonies of the Empire. They would make sure that if it started to decent out of it's orbit, that it would be dragged into International Waters as it came through the atmosphere.
23-03-2006, 23:32
OOC: Ah, the 13 Day-war, that was a fun, pointless war that ended in stalemate
"Franberry can offer almost everything, although our specialty is in military goods."
Franberrian fighters took off, and followed, 100 km behind the missile, as soon as it started it's decent, they would move 250 km back, to ensure to be safe from a nuclear explosion.
23-03-2006, 23:37
From: Animarnia State department
Animarnia will observe the test however see no need to launch any fighters to engage the missile so long as it dosn't ver towards our airspace. be warned any nuclear detonation in our airspace will be treated as an act of war and incur a full nuclear retaliation.
Animarnia Airbase 14; Gendo
An SR-71 black bird took all of 10 minutes to taxi to the run way and perform pre-flight before launching into the air, its SCRAMjet engine pushing the plane forward at 32,000lbs of thrust as the recon plane lifted off the ground and began to climb rappidly, accelorating to Mach 3 and heading to Hayord airspace to monitor the nuclear 'test'
Although it was said Cravan would not monitor the situation, what the Hayordian government didn't know wouldn't hurt them. Four Talons were already tracking the missile's trajectory from orbit, and would intercept it if it threatened inhabited areas.
Imperial High Command
Technicians sat at their stations, tracking the missile which was in flgiht. If anything went wrong, the Talons would be notified immediately to take it out.
To the Country of Cravan:
We will consent with your temrs. We wish the same terms for our embassy in your capital. As a bonus for you, we will always have a personal jet plane on stand-by, just for you.
Thank you,
"We can also provide electronical products."
OOC: The rocket is still in orbit.
23-03-2006, 23:40
OOC: I'm waiting for there own missile to nuke there capital...I can see it coming *chuckle*
Official Imperial Communique
To the country of Hayord
These terms are perfectly acceptable, and we humbly accept your offer of the jet. We would've used one of our own, but we will use the one you have provided.
Wardog Squadron, In orbit
The young pilot watched his radar as the missile lay in orbit. He and his wingmen had their orders to destroy the missile if ordered to do so.
He looked at his console, trying to find what time it was. He sighed when he discovered he had only been in orbit for ten miniutes, when it had felt like hours. He decided to enjoy the view instead of concentrating on the task at hand.
23-03-2006, 23:50
International Airspace about to enter Hayord
The SR-71 Black bird sreamed through the air at Mach 3 towards Hayord at high altitude the only thing that could fly higher than a SR-71 were the U2's, its boosters kicking in to accelorate the plane to mach 3.5, at this speed it would simply out run any interceptor missiles launched at it from Hayord;
"This is Ghost rider to base; About to Enter Hayord airspace"
"Roger that, you have a green light Ghostrider"
"Roger" Said the pilot as he entered Hayord airspace
Beep beep beep. Silence. Beep beep beep. Silence. This happened repeatidly, the watcher chuckling to himself. "You'r joking...right?" His commander walked over to his station. "Well, well, well. They seem to forget that one of our spceialties is in airspace. So, better radar. Identify it."
"Roger, commander."
...three minutes later...
"Sir, it's Animarnian. A recon plane, from what we can tell. May be a mistake. But it's flying pretty fast."
"Roger. Monitor it."
"Yes, sir."
The watcher left. The commander turned to his phone. Dialed.....
"What the..."
"They never said they would look at OUR ground. This rocket is headed towards INTERNATIONAL land."
"Send some fighters."
Three ships, highly classified for protection, took off, bearing three heat-seeking missles, and two machine guns per wing. Also, three roof-busters were harbored by it.
They took off, heading to intercept the SR-17...
Imperial High Command, Cravna
"Sir, reports of three unidentified targets taking off from an airbase in Hayord have been recieved from orbital sweeps. They appear to be on an intercept course, but we don't know what they're moving to intercept."
"Keep an eye on them. We don't want a war erupting from this whole situation."
"Yes, sir. Should I alert the Talons in orbit to this?"
"You might as well. If something happens, they should know."
"Yes, sir."
The radio operator began calling out to the squadron drifting in orbit, which was waiting for the word to move. Meanwhile, radar operators worked frantically to track the three unidentified Hayordian fighters.
OOC: Well, I'm launching now...
To all Countries of the World:
We will be launching the rocket back into orbit. After taking our excess fuel into the platform, it is time to test our calculations. They will be launching in ONE hour. Tell your fighters, and we will launch.
Thank you,
Leader of Hayord
24-03-2006, 04:12
OOC: the SR-71 isn't stealth, just very very fast. only plane in the US military that flys higher is the U2 which is on the edge of space. the blackbird can outrun missiles its a niiiiiiice peice of kit I want to stroke one but anyway...sorry this is such a short post
Hayord airspace
the SR-71 Blackbird moved at mach 3.5 at almost exo-orbital altitudes and began taking recon photo's of civilian cities, military and infalstructure facilitys as it passed over them...
OOC: Ya, but there is INTERCEPTING (not yelling, just stressing in a nicely way), and something like... ok, just trying to looking big.
The three fighters were within sight of the plane. They contacted them. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LEAVE OUR AIRSPACE, OR RISK BEING SHOT DOWN. We realize that you are going to fast to be shot down, but we can still shoot you down with our technology. We were told that your country would be monitoring our luanch, but NOT INVADING OUR AIRSPACE AND TAKING PICTURES. LEAVE. OUR. AIRSPACE."
Three warning shots were fired with the machine guns.
24-03-2006, 04:34
OOC: yup yup, no offense taken, I just looooove the black bird, and..you wouldn't know it was us, all SR-71's are unmarked you'd know it was forign deffinetly but not it was ours specifically but eh.
Hayord Airspace
The SR-71 maintained Radio Silence as was standard operating precudire in these matters, the SR-71 performed banked to the right to avoid the gunfire, not knowing if it was warning shots or not, then performed a broad turning circle that would take it out of Hayord a different way than it came in as it began its journy out of Hayord Airspace it was still snapping away taking photos of facilitys it passed over...
several Spy Satelites overhead began to monitor the Hayord's and the area there rocket would drop also using the drop as a convienent time to run satelite sweeps for radiological hotzones such as missile silos and nuclear stockpiles...
OOC: Mty excuse for this little godmod? Superior techonlogy. LOL. But I do have a sattilite, and you can simply trace it back if you catch it at the right time.
Two of the jets ventured under the Blackbird, hoping to hide it's view. Luckily, it had turned in time, of it would have seen what wasn't supposed to be seen...
The nuclear dud had turned, magnetivity (that's word, right?) and clamps helping. It began it's check-up for the orbit entrance...
24-03-2006, 04:49
OOC: aye, I'll give you that one. and if you put a lot of effort into it you could trace its flight path back to us..and our spy satleites are running scans over your country so...if theres something we're not supposed to see, this could get interesting
Hayord Airspace
The Black Bird continued its journy out of Hayord airspace at Mach 3.5, simply outrunning its 'escort' and its futle attempts to prevent it from taking recon photo's as it passed over the Hayord country on its way out..
Animarnia Satelites began detecting multiple radiological hozones, presumed to be reactors, silos and stockpiles of nuclear weapons. several other facilitys were photographed as well as some interesting and unexpected finds as more photos were taken of the entire country as the satelite passed overhead and beamed back to Animarnia Intelegence Command...
OOC: Actually, I posted it earlier, hiding it. ;)
The fighters soon landed. "They got some pictures," said a pilot.
The nuke had flames in the rockets...
24-03-2006, 05:06
OOC: well if we've found something then your gonna have to give me something to go on to advance the plot *grin*
Leaving Hayord
The SR-71 left Hayord Airspace and opened an encrypted Signal "Ghost Rider to the barn, we encounted some unfriendly skys but mission accomplished" he said simply as the SR-71 headed for home...
OOC: Just so everyone knows, the missiles that the SR-71 outruns, were designed and manufactured between twenty and thirty years ago, modern AA missiles travel at between machs four and eight, quite a bit faster than the SR-71
IC post to come, but first I'm waiting to see what this missile thingy does
OOC: Ooh...goody....
IC: *blows up SR-17* LOL, jk!!
Also, when Quirly 'signed' something, he signed a form so that 200 more nukes of the same of the one in space. That's the pictures. Otherwise, I got nothing.
The rocket had launched, again. It was just about to enter the atmosphere...in now...
25-03-2006, 00:44
Secret IC:
The SA-25A's used their boosters to try and keep up with the missile, tracking it's course and possible trajectory. If it was to fall anywhere near any habitable land mass the SA-25A's orders were to shoot the thing down by using whatever means possible. This included their railguns and/or their fusion missiles. They still kept their distance though to stay out of sight of any other nations ships.
25-03-2006, 00:51
The Pythogrian space station monitored the missile, ready to fire it's guns and missiles should it be needed.
The order was handed down, and the Talons were to begin tailing the missile. The four fighters lit their engines, and removed themselves from orbit. They came down, and came in close to the missile.
Seconds later, a collision between a Talon and an unknown aircraft nearly occured.
"What the hell was that thing!?", exclaimed the pilot who had the close call with the unidentified object. He checked his scanners, but was getting interference from the heat of reentry.
"Whatever it was, it looks like they're trying to keep up with the missile, too. It'd be best to just stay out of their way."
25-03-2006, 01:14
Secret IC:
Aleart signals went off on Falcon 10's display panel.
F10: "Command, this is Falcon 10. Some plane just almost hit me. Looks like from the logo on the side it was from Cravan."
F11: "Will someone tell them to watch what the fuck their doing?"
Command: "We won't tell anyone that were in the area. Maintain radio silence."
Command then forcibly cut off all radio traffic between the Falcons and Command.
F10: "Falcon 11. Watch my 6, i'm going to move next to one of the aircraft."
F11: "Hell no. You know what happened last time you flipped someone off? They shot your ass down!"
F10: "Alright. Just make sure that fucker doesn't try that shit again."
F11: "Rodger that."
F12: "Will you two shut the fuck up already and concentrate on flying?"
"Sir, I think we have planes following the nuke, but... but we can't tell."
"Monitor it. Count the planes."
"Yes, sir."
The missle was almost to the earth now. The nuke has slowed a little to be guided, and it was guided to the center of the international zone. 500 feet and closing...
OOC: What spacecraft exploded? There was a near miss, but they didn't collide. And I have a feeling that it isn't all that easy to detect the fighters right now, since they're still in the upper atmosphere.
OOC: Oh, I'll fix it. Sorry.
25-03-2006, 04:14
The Pythogrian space station watched as the missile impacted the water. They expected a masive flash of pure and utter white visible from space, and a shockwave was as well. Pythogrian ground forces would watch as a towering mushroom cloud filled the air.
Instead, the missile impacted the water and sank.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
OOC: Dude, it was a dud. A fake. Just metal. And fuel, but that's almost all gone.
25-03-2006, 04:20
OOC: Dude, it was a dud. A fake. Just metal. And fuel, but that's almost all gone.
... oh... Sorry. Editing post now.
OOC: *blows up your capital, and explosions say "Hayord did it!"* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOO0O0O0OOOO!!! lol,jk
It's ok.
The missle had indeed sank. But the radars and cameras had survived the atmosphere, and the sinking. Even night-vision was on there, due to the emptiness and blackness of space. New creatures could possibly be discovered...
25-03-2006, 04:29
"Sir, the missile has impacted! It's sunk!" radar operator Wei Long told everyone in the radar station. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
"Wait... it's... it's a sub?"
Everyone gasped.
"This is new." his supervisor said. "Contact Khonsu about this."
To: Hayord
From: Pythogria
Re: A submarine?
Tell us, how on earth did your missile begin to DRIVE ITSELF AROUND UNDERWATER? You launched a sub! What is it's mission?
OOC: Oh, God. Ideas...
To the Country of Pythogria:
What are you talking about?
Leader of Hayord
25-03-2006, 04:36
We have seen your missile drive itself around underwater. We have stellites you know, and they can detect underwater movement.
To the Country of Pythogria:
It is simply sinking. There is no way we can make it move, unless we had fuel.
Leader of Hayord
The missle still had fuel to go 25 miles. So it did. The sacientists decided to give it little bursts of fuel to travel short distances. It was working,the roket traveling underwater...
"Just think of what this means!"
25-03-2006, 04:47
Explain how it is turning then.
To the Country of Pythogria:
We have just recently given it fuel, so it is moving, now, yes. Our advanced rocket technology is turning it. Are you intrested in buying some?
Leader of Hayord
The scientists se toff an explosion. But only in their computers. The average blast radius was 150 (30- original - x 3 -water transports shockwaves much better - = 165) miles. The country of Hayord was now a superpower.
25-03-2006, 04:53
If this is true, Pythogria would love to purchase 50 of these rockets immediately.
OOC: Well, for a regular warhead... I'm not sure. But not enough to shift the plates, unless this is equivalent to twice this thing:
OOC: OK, thanks.
To the COuntry of Pythogria:
We will send ships with the supplies, and then have engineers constructed them there.
Thank you,
Leader of Hayord
25-03-2006, 05:01
Pythogria thanks you. In return, we give you 40,000 tons of amphorus steel.
To the Country of Pythogria:
We thank you. Please, put them on the ships when they return.
Leader of Hayord
25-03-2006, 05:17
We shall. Agiain, thank you. Perhaps we could establish an alliance?
OOC: I'm gonna post out of quote because it says I need to type something. But, yeah.
The country of Hayord is glad to announce that they would like to establish relations with Pythogira, relations in the form of an alliance.
The scientists se toff an explosion. But only in their computers. The average blast radius was 55 miles. That could shift tetonic plates! The coutnry of Hayord was now a superpower.
OOC: OK, what is the average blast radius for aregular nuclear missle? This was a made up number.
OOF: In answer to your question: A 1 megaton missile has an effective radius of about 2-3 miles depending on conditions, a City buster nuke (the most common type) is between five and nine megatons and has an effective radius of about 30-40 miles. The largests bombs that are a normal part of either America or Russias arsenal are around 30 megatons with an effective radius of around eighty to a hundred miles
Underwater you can triple (if not more) the effective range because water transfers shockwaves so much better.
25-03-2006, 05:59
OOC: I'm gonna post out of quote because it says I need to type something. But, yeah.
The country of Hayord is glad to announce that they would like to establish relations with Pythogira, relations in the form of an alliance.
If that is so, then we are allies.
OOF: In answer to your question: A 1 megaton missile has an effective radius of about 2-3 miles depending on conditions, a City buster nuke (the most common type) is between five and nine megatons and has an effective radius of about 30-40 miles. The largests bombs that are a normal part of either America or Russias arsenal are around 30 megatons with an effective radius of around eighty to a hundred miles
Underwater you can triple (if not more) the effective range because water transfers shockwaves so much better.
OOC: I was planning on halfing it almost because it was underwater, but thanks for telling me! 55 x 3 =...uh...dang it...165!!!!!!Cool...lol, thanks!
The Country of Hayord wishes to set up an embassy in your capital (Pythogia). We will set up the same in ours.
25-03-2006, 06:09
The Country of Hayord wishes to set up an embassy in your capital (Pythogia). We will set up the same in ours.
We alow this. Just don't bring cars, as they are illegal in Pythogria.
25-03-2006, 06:12
That and drugs, nukes, or other heavy weaponry.
Good. Except for the nukes we are trading to you. But no one needs to know, right?
25-03-2006, 06:21
well, actually, we will announce that we have a small arsenal. We won't have tons. We won't say you delivered them though.
OOC: These'll be useful in an RP I'm planning involving one of my cities being devastated.
OOC: Oh, sure, blame the big guy.
25-03-2006, 06:28
OOC: Actually, you won't be blamed at all. The concept will be a terrorist infiltrating my missile fgacility and launching a missile at Gria Island, causing devastation. I'll ask for help rebuilding.
OOC: OK. I will. I'm also planning a terrorist attack on my people. Not me doing it, some one else.
25-03-2006, 06:38
OOC: OK. I will. I'm also planning a terrorist attack on my people. Not me doing it, some one else.
OOC: Well, which attack should happen first?
OOC: I don't care. Mybe the first one, and then the second one while everyone is helping.
25-03-2006, 06:41
OOC: I don't care. Mybe the first one, and then the second one while everyone is helping.
OOC: Well, how about I get attacked, you and others help, and then you get attacked?
25-03-2006, 06:57
OOC: Thread started!
25-03-2006, 07:18
OOC: NOW it's started.
27-03-2006, 03:49
I'm going to put my forces on standby. I hae a current situation that requires my imediate attention for the next week and a half. My father has had a heart attack and passed away on Saturday. I need to be there so i will be away from a computer starting Tuesday, March 28th till Wednesday April 4th. Please do not attack my forces or do anything bad to my forces till i return. I will post when I am able to get to a computer.
27-03-2006, 03:51
I'm going to put my forces on standby. I hae a current situation that requires my imediate attention for the next week and a half. My father has had a heart attack and passed away on Saturday. I need to be there so i will be away from a computer starting Tuesday, March 28th till Wednesday April 4th. Please do not attack my forces or do anything bad to my forces till i return. I will post when I am able to get to a computer.
Oh my... I am very, very sorry for your father.
OOC: Oh, I'm very sorry to hear that.
We're pretty much done now.