NationStates Jolt Archive

The Vietnamexican Parliamentary Election

20-03-2006, 00:39
The time has come, the time for the election of the 16th Royal Parliament. The election is six months away, and the Parliamentary elections were heating up. The one hundred seats in the unicameral body are divided by proportion among the six major parties of the Kingdom. The Parliament is controlled by a coalition of the Liberal, Reform and Progressive Parties, however, recent recession has caused unrest among the masses, and the Conservative Union and National Pride Party are expected to gain much ground in this election. The regency is controlled by the Progressives. If the Parliament is lost by the Leftist Coalition (PP, RP, LP), there will most likely not be a new regent, seeing as how there must be a 3/4ths consensus to remove him, thus causing a likely minority government.

Progressive Party:

The most powerful party in the Kingdom, the Progressives control a third of the seats in the Parliament, as well as the regency under William Confinizen. The Progressives run on a radical platform supporting welfare, urban reform, government industry, revenue sharing, and secularism. The majority of the members are pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and support encroachment into their citizens privacy. The Progressives are against any type of independence for Daria and support a strong military presence in Muur.

Liberal Party:

The Liberal Party is the weak link among the Leftist Coalition. They are socialistic in economic views, supporting many of the reforms by the Progressive Party, however are pro-life, anti-gay marriage, and feel that the educational reforms by the Progressives are not radical enough. In addition, many Liberals are angered by the loss of privacy under Progressive rule. They are advocates of autononomity for the Darian populations as long as their is protection for the Muurite minority. They currently control 10 seats in the Parliament.

Reform Party:

A fairly recent entry into the world of politics as an offshoot of the Progressive Party, the reform party is only 10 years old, however they are the fastest growing party in the political arena. The Reform Party belives that welfare should be limited to spans of 5 years at a time, adn that rewards should be given as a incentive to get off it earlier, government subsidies, urban reform, and more freedom for business and industry. They are pro-choice, undetermined on gay marriage, and secular. They are for semi-autonomity for the Daria. They currently hold nine seats in the Parliament.

National Pride:

The National Pride Party is one of the oldest parties in the Parliament existing since the 1870's. They are against welfare, however they are a exponent of government pensions, and for the most part support a laisse faire economy. They feel that Vietnamexico needs to become more involved in world affairs, however, want to keep the military as a strong defensive force rather than the offensive force favored by the Conservative Party. They are pro-choice, secular and pro-civil unions. The Nationalists are against any type of independence for any minorities within the Kingdom. The National Pride Party holds fifteen seats in Parliament.

Conservative Union:

The Conservative Union is a fairly recent party, existing for twenty-four years. It is a conglomerate of a number of smaller less powerful parties with the same platform, coming into existence after the rise of the Leftist Coalition, however, the Conservative Union is much more united than its liberal counterpart. They are the only neo-conservative party in the nation. They feel that saftey is more important than liberty, the government is best which governs the least, that government should stay out of the economy alltogether, that pensions should be handled by the companies involved, that the reforms of the Progressives need to be undone, and that religion and the state should work to complement each other. They are against any type of independence for Darians and feel that they should be punished severly for the genocide in Muur. The Conservative Union holds

Darian Liberation Front:

The Darian Liberation Front is one of the most controversial parties in Vietnamexico. They have a small party platform and that is for the creation of a Darian State out of the twin provinces of Daria and Muur. The Party has been looked down on by other members of the Parliament, since it is conneccted with the terroristic Nubanta Militia, and becasue it endorsed the slaughter of multitudes of Muurites during the Darian Rebellion. The rest of its policy remains unclear. The Darian Liberation Front holds 9 seats in the Parliament, however five of the members were arrested due to the Muurite genocide.
20-03-2006, 04:39
20-03-2006, 05:27
We vote Reform Party.
20-03-2006, 05:53
20-03-2006, 06:43
I vote Progressive.
20-03-2006, 06:44
I vote National Pride.
20-03-2006, 07:17
Not sure about the pro-life, anti-gay marriage part, but those are minor concerns. Liberal Party.
Thomish Kingdom
20-03-2006, 22:44
Conservative Union!
21-03-2006, 00:03
First Election Report(AP)

As the first Gallup Polling Series finishes, the parties are all near equal, with the Progressives holding a slight edge over the upstart Reform Party, as the Darian Liberation Front, Liberal, National Pride and the Conservative Union are all tied up. The latest news is a possible alliance between the Reformists and the National Pride Party, a move that would swing the election in a whole different direction. The alliance has been denied by the top members of each parties, but the information was given to the Associated Press by a reliable source. More on this story and others to come.
21-03-2006, 03:47
bump, c'mon people, vote or die!
21-03-2006, 03:48
do I need to Rock The Vote?
22-03-2006, 19:59
22-03-2006, 20:23
Franberry has expressed their support for the Progressive Party
03-04-2006, 13:42
22-04-2006, 01:31
22-04-2006, 01:54
22-04-2006, 20:49
Conservative Union