NationStates Jolt Archive

Milatary build up (open FT)

19-03-2006, 23:55
Somthing that always puzzeled outside powers was the fact that Waterhelper's shipyards never made anything.
...remote system on outer edge of the galaxy...
From a gas giant emerge several defient class escorts. They were produced inside it by nanobots.
(In side of it is a partical accelerator powered by the winds. It creates subatomic particles that the nanobots arrange with magnectic fields into the apropirate type of atom. They then take it and build a ship.)
The ships then join the fleet waiting to be sent to the homeworld for use.

(they have weapons and stuff and are piloted by human form nanbots (like replicators in stargate just dont replicate at all costs))
Mini Miehm
20-03-2006, 01:11
"The fools from Waterhelper are building up their military. This cannot be tolerated, even with our involvement in the Huntarian War. 5th and 6th are still available to be used. We can deploy them to deal with these upstarts."

"Do it. I've always wanted a province."

There were several hundred ships in the two fleets, more than enough to eliminate whatever opponents reared their heads.
21-03-2006, 04:00
Over a subspace network the nanobots communicated:
Unknown fleet detected in home system. New priority one: defend Water Prime.

The fleet consisting of three Jackson class, 10 defiant, and 20 intrepid class ships departed for the home system. From the gas giant

...home system...
a diamond cloud was created orbiting the planet and all available ships were coming. Regenerative shielding was raised above the planet and covered all inhabited areas. The phaser satellites lashed out along with their torpedoes. ((class X phasers mini coaxial torps and quantum torpedoes))
Mini Miehm
21-03-2006, 04:09
There were 700 ships in the two Alliance Fleets. They were opposed by what looked like some 30 odd ships.


Waterhelper forces. You are horribly outnumbered. You have effectively no chance at vistory, surrender and become a province of the Alliance and we'll let you live.

As the transmission went out the SD(p)s were rolling patterns of pods like mad, preparing for an opening salvo in the hundreds of thousands, especially when backed by the BC(p)s and other lighter units in the fleet. If they resisted they would be nuked into nothingness.
The Scandinvans
21-03-2006, 04:10
OOC: Interesting I might get involed in this thread later.
21-03-2006, 04:10
A new war, one between machines that protected a basin of water, the others power hungry conqueres. There is always profit in situations like these for the third party, and so a transmission rang through the void of space.

To: Waterhelper
From: The Republic(Taledonia)
Subject: Observations

We have recently observed a rather large hostile force enter your territory. Now, though we have never met before, we offer you the opportunity for assistance and refuge from those who wish to harm you. Join us, the great Republic, join our ranks and become one of us. When this is done, you shall be protected to our full extent, and you shall be treated justly and fairly, and you may grow into a super-power in the universe along with us.
21-03-2006, 04:16
OOC: If I survive

IC: "you will lose two fleets and us a planet. Our race will live we have secret colonies elsewhere and the cluster. But we know you have a war losing two fleets is irriplacable." With that a full coaxial torp was launched and began charging the power to completely vaporise the system and all that was in it.
having warp ships ((aerogel absorbs the projectiles in orbit)) was a advantage millions were evacuated while in the atmosphere. Thousands more were evacuated by the stargate which has been running continuously since the beginning of the assault.

to the republic:
We appreciate your concern but we are a proud people. We would like to remain free of any ties to a leader state if it means our death
21-03-2006, 04:33
(OOC: If you survive you will join us? Or was that directed somewhere else?)
21-03-2006, 04:50
((to The Scandinvans))
Mini Miehm
21-03-2006, 04:56
OOC: If I survive

IC: "you will lose two fleets and us a planet. Our race will live we have secret colonies elsewhere and the cluster. But we know you have a war losing two fleets is irriplacable." With that a full coaxial torp was launched and began charging the power to completely vaporise the system and all that was in it.
having warp ships ((aerogel absorbs the projectiles in orbit)) was a advantage millions were evacuated while in the atmosphere. Thousands more were evacuated by the stargate which has been running continuously since the beginning of the assault.

to the republic:
We appreciate your concern but we are a proud people. We would like to remain free of any ties to a leader state if it means our death

OOC: We've seen these before, and I'm still safely outside the hyper limit, with no declared FTLi. I know what's coming and I can easily react.


There was only one weapon the scum used that created a signature like that. It was the work of moments to translate back across the hyper wall. The fools would finmd no aid from those that they thought closest to them. The Balroggans would be apalled by this travesty, as would their allies the Godulans. A waste to destroy a systewm and all its inhabitants simply to stop an invader from taking it.

Transmission to the Balroggans:

The fools from Waterhelper have committed an unspeakable travesty. Destroying an entire system to prevent our vessels, concerned with the aggressive actions of this government. They tried to cause the deaths of thousands of our men and women, and in doing so they destroyed an entire system. Would you trust such as these to be the rulers or holders of any territory?
Hyperspatial Travel
21-03-2006, 07:53
Waterhelper. We have seen your distress, and are more than willing to help on behalf of the Alliance of Worlds, whether you choose to join us, or not (We will put no conditions on our help). Fifty capital ships have been mobilised in recent times, and are ready to help you drive off hostile forces, if you so wish it"

The ships were prepared. Magnate Verusias knew, that if Waterhelper accepted the help, the New Realm would be able to commission the full strength of the Interstellar Fleet, and, along with it, the highest admiral in the Alliance, the Alliance Fleet Admiral. Mini Miehm was a nation of not inconsiderable strength, but needless aggressive action was not to be tolerated by the New Realm. That was the First Magnate's policy. Those who attacked without warning, or reason, must be destroyed before they strike the New Realm.

One of the ships began to lift off, engines straining to lift it off the gravity of Aesoliar, a massive, red world. Within a few seconds, its engines let out a flare of light and heat, and lifted it through the cloudy atmosphere, into the cold darkness of space. The Tallallame was to go ahead, and secure intelligence for the possible mission.
21-03-2006, 09:34
"Aumra, your missing the point!" Anisarian roared, anger in her voice. "This is infringing upon the nation's soverinty. They built up a fleet, they never showed any threat to Mini Miehm before."

"Lady" The toneless High Lord Commander said, "I fail to see how this war involves us, while we are risking our ships for some dirt poor creatures that can't even raise ther own defence, it doesn't seem like something you would do my lady."

"Thats because its no Aumra" Anisarian said, like a mother lecturing a child, without even thinking, the center of the room glowed green, and dots that could be identified as Stars appeared. In the Middle, a sphere was shown, it held in Necrontyr "Mini Miehm" "The Miehm are becoming slightly to agressive for my tastes, for the last several years they have been on the offensive, striking nations that appear for no real reason besides whim." Several worlds lit up orange.

"Your Worried about these colonies?" Aumra said. "So the war would be a way to hold the Miehm in check, short term it would be a defence of a nation and assistance of the New Realm, long term, it would show the Miehm that their agression should be held in check."

"Perceptive Aumra" Anisarian smiled. She lay back, her Necrodermis shifting slightly. "Give Lord Commander Icidn'Issia control of the operations, give him what you feel nessersary to compleat the task."

Aumra nodded, leaving the room of the Tsarine, before a call came to him.

"And Aumra...don't kill them all, bring me back some new toys." she said, her voice deep.

"Yes my Lady." Aumra said, bowing, leaving his mistress to what ever it was she did when she was not in polotics.


-Lord Commander!- the call came through his mind. His mind became aware instant, and he knew his tomb was being woken.

"Yes my High Lord Commander" he transmitted.

-You and your Tomb have been awoken, along with the other three under your control. Arriving at your position will be a Harvest Fleet. The Miehm have been a tad agressive, your to, if they do not stand down, assist the New Realm in halting their forces. These are your orders, use any methods nessersary if they continue their agression. Understood?-

"Yes My High Lord Commander." he felt the link gone, and then, he readied the Tombs under his command for the likely conflict.
The Fedral Union
21-03-2006, 16:19
The President looked over to his advisor bester kayborn and sighed saying

“This puts the United States in an odd position, Mini Miehm is a potential ally and a CD member, how ever there actions here has raised questions and has caused me to be concern welfare of galactic stability a little, mean while water helper did nothing wrong in regards to building up, it is there right, to add to that they did not do it in an aggressive matter towards any nation..”

Bester responded with a hint of irritation towards the subject “Well Mr president, we cant have them running around attacking innocent nations for no reason, congress will get annoyed with that, but I see your point, and congress might to, this is a double edged sword..”

The President taped his some what dark read oak desk, his hand close to an emblem on it, he said “Well, Officially lets stay neutral, but I want a message sent to water helper saying they can have refuge in our space, we will give them a world, or part of Tarren Prime to settle on temporarily, while that might get the Mini Miehmians little annoyed with us, it wont cause much damage..”

United States, State Department
Subject: Help

The United States Has seen a rather nasty amount of aggression against your nation, This while in it self is a crime against sovereignty, is also a detriment to individual national rights, even though the United States will not get directly involved, we will offer aid, in the form of planetary refuge for your people, medical aid, martial aid and economic aid we are willing and able to send you any thing and evry thing but military backing at this point.
Mini Miehm
21-03-2006, 21:52
"Aumra, your missing the point!" Anisarian roared, anger in her voice. "This is infringing upon the nation's soverinty. They built up a fleet, they never showed any threat to Mini Miehm before."

"Lady" The toneless High Lord Commander said, "I fail to see how this war involves us, while we are risking our ships for some dirt poor creatures that can't even raise ther own defence, it doesn't seem like something you would do my lady."

"Thats because its no Aumra" Anisarian said, like a mother lecturing a child, without even thinking, the center of the room glowed green, and dots that could be identified as Stars appeared. In the Middle, a sphere was shown, it held in Necrontyr "Mini Miehm" "The Miehm are becoming slightly to agressive for my tastes, for the last several years they have been on the offensive, striking nations that appear for no real reason besides whim." Several worlds lit up orange.

"Your Worried about these colonies?" Aumra said. "So the war would be a way to hold the Miehm in check, short term it would be a defence of a nation and assistance of the New Realm, long term, it would show the Miehm that their agression should be held in check."

"Perceptive Aumra" Anisarian smiled. She lay back, her Necrodermis shifting slightly. "Give Lord Commander Icidn'Issia control of the operations, give him what you feel nessersary to compleat the task."

Aumra nodded, leaving the room of the Tsarine, before a call came to him.

"And Aumra...don't kill them all, bring me back some new toys." she said, her voice deep.

"Yes my Lady." Aumra said, bowing, leaving his mistress to what ever it was she did when she was not in polotics.


-Lord Commander!- the call came through his mind. His mind became aware instant, and he knew his tomb was being woken.

"Yes my High Lord Commander" he transmitted.

-You and your Tomb have been awoken, along with the other three under your control. Arriving at your position will be a Harvest Fleet. The Miehm have been a tad agressive, your to, if they do not stand down, assist the New Realm in halting their forces. These are your orders, use any methods nessersary if they continue their agression. Understood?-

"Yes My High Lord Commander." he felt the link gone, and then, he readied the Tombs under his command for the likely conflict.

OOC: He just wasted his home system, with which I have no argument. I'm done with him now.
22-03-2006, 00:18
((who said I wasted it technically the torp itself is a FLi as it causes a massive supspace shockwave and folds space to destroy it))
"They have escaped."
"The torp?"
"50% power and increasing."
"Abort it!"
"Its a FTL drive in a torpedo casing right? then send it somewhere prefibly not in our system."
"Aye sir." the warp blasted away, however the activation of the dive caused it to overload. Still it managed to secape far enough that it cleared the system and put it out of danger. At that moment the entire defencive fleet arrived:

180 Cheyenne class
460 Defiant class
40 Galaxy class
380 Intrepid class
95 Nebula class
450 New Orleans class
40 Prometheus class
350 Saber class
40 Sovereign class
80 Springfield class
350 Yeager type
29 Daytona class carrier
18 Jackson Class battle ship
5,000 Peregrine class assault fighter
Mini Miehm
22-03-2006, 00:30
The Alliance vessels returned almost immediately.


We are willing to give you this offer again: Surrender your military and it will not be destroyed. You will become a province of the Alliance. These are your options: surrender and become a province willingly, or do not and we will conquer you. You have 1 hour to reply, any aggressive action or weapons discharge will result in the destruction of the vessel taking the action.
22-03-2006, 00:45
*fluid time* ((no weapon discharges in this time))
"Very well we accept... We surrender."
Mini Miehm
22-03-2006, 00:49
*fluid time* ((no weapon discharges in this time))
"Very well we accept... We surrender."

You will disperse your fleets from this system immediately. Once this is done we will land marines on the planet at your major military bases, any who resist will be summarily executed. We will bring diplomats to discuss the full terms of your provincial status.
22-03-2006, 00:56
The fleet proceded to warp to a nearby system. The shield net covering the planet was lowered and the soldiers readied foe the arrival of the marines.
Mini Miehm
22-03-2006, 01:04
The fleet proceded to warp to a nearby system. The shield net covering the planet was lowered and the soldiers readied foe the arrival of the marines.

The Marines Pinnaces dropped them directly into the bases, the powered armor squads were in their "heavy" configuration, nearly impossible to kill without heavy weapons, and heavily armed enough to hopefully deal with any resistance. The rest of the plattoons were not in full armor, simply heavy unpowered armor. "The commander of the base will present himself and surrender the armory and command codes for all defensive emplacements. You will then stand down all forces. Once again, any weapons discharge will be met with immediate death."
22-03-2006, 01:33
the commaning officer did as he was told and said nothing sad at the surrender
"put my stuff over there." said president [for life] Immanuel D'goer. He was sad, he had to surrended his country and did not know what the future held for it.
Mini Miehm
22-03-2006, 01:50
the commaning officer did as he was told and said nothing sad at the surrender
"put my stuff over there." said president [for life] Immanuel D'goer. He was sad, he had to surrended his country and did not know what the future held for it.

"You will now instruct your men to surrender all arms that they may posess, personal weapons or Government Issue. They will be returned if it is deemed necessary."

The Capital:

The Marine General entered the Presidentrs office, "You will order all forces in the Cluster to answer to Miehmish officers if any questions arise, you will order all forces to stand down while we indoctrinate them into the Auxilliaries, you will surrender all planetary defense codes. You will remain head of state, you will answer to an Alliance Governor if any questions arise. Do you understand these terms?"
22-03-2006, 02:11
"Very well." the commander brought up a console and activated program WRP123. The program brought the weapons from all over the world [using transporters] and placed it inside the base. "You have your wish."
"Very well I will order them to stand down however they have some self autonomy and may secede."
Mini Miehm
22-03-2006, 02:21
"Very well." the commander brought up a console and activated program WRP123. The program brought the weapons from all over the world [using transporters] and placed it inside the base. "You have your wish."
"Very well I will order them to stand down however they have some self autonomy and may secede."

"That is acceptable. All of these weapons will now be catalogued and coded. Permits will be required for posession of a firearm when not in service with the military or Auxiliaries. All goverment issue weapons are to be destroyed, as opposed to sold to civilians if they are removed from service. Any military weapon found in the hands of a civilian, even former military personnel, will result in, you guessed it, execution. Handguns and Class 3 weapons are not permitted to civilians. Any civilian found with such will be executed on sight by police personnel."


"If they secede we will deal with them. I expect your support when dealing with the Balroggans and Tannelorians if your commanders should decide not to comply. You will disavow them and strip them of any rights and priveleges if they resist, you will transmit to the Balroggans stating these things if they secede. We will tolerate no resistance. Quiet and vaguely public dissension is acceptable however. Active resistance will result in execution."
22-03-2006, 02:38
"That is simple." He pressed a few buttons and they were organised into groups. "military, and civilian with subcategories of explosive, projectile, and energy. They were already catalogue."
The presidnt just nodded and left mad that he couldn't do anything
The Scandinvans
22-03-2006, 02:46
OOC: Man if you had held out for a little while longer I would have been able to send in one of my Eternals to help protect your nation.
Mini Miehm
22-03-2006, 02:47
"That is simple." He pressed a few buttons and they were organised into groups. "military, and civilian with subcategories of explosive, projectile, and energy. They were already catalogue."
The presidnt just nodded and left mad that he couldn't do anything

"Cross-link us the data, then return them to their owners, unless there are military weapons or handguns that would be owned by civilians in that group."


"Now we wait. Make sure we stay in contact with the Cluster at all times. I want to make sure we don't have any undue resistance."
22-03-2006, 02:50
((I have nothing capible of even puting a scaratch on their ships exept coaxial torps that are basicly destroy the system yay i die anyway))
"Ok they have been send and the milatary weapons are in the sun in 3...2...1..." a small flash is seen. "now"
22-03-2006, 03:56
((no not really if you wanted a war I could give one. nanotube armor prevents lasers from affecting me and projectiles are stopped by aerogel that knocks out 90% of all weapons))
The Scandinvans
22-03-2006, 04:00
OOC: Waterhelper if you want I can funnel in resources through a number of teleportation devices that I have. These resources will include weapons, medical supplies, and food.
22-03-2006, 11:02
"High Lord Commander" The voice of Lord Icidn'Issia came into his head. "The situation seems to have abated."

-Pitty...very well, stand down your forces.- the reply came. The Old Lord Sighed, wondering what was happening, 65 million years ago, no one would have surrendered like that...

Back then, if a War was possible, it was likely to happen.
Mini Miehm
22-03-2006, 23:41
mini miehm you are at war. send your force where the are needed more. i will take up occupation duty for you. this will be easy.

I can occupy him with a Battle Squadron and CLAC Squadron, that's some 12 ships, simply because he'll be horribly outgunned.

"These are the final terms. You may have one vessel equivalent to an Imperator Star Destroyer. You may have 4 vessels equivalent to a Carrier or Victory Star Destroyer. You may have 12 vessels equivalento a Republican Dreadnought. You may have 16 vessels equivalent to a Strike Class Cruiser. You may have 24 Vessels equal to a Corvette. You may have 32 vessels equivalent to a Frigate. Any vessels over and above this number will be employed in the Alliance Navy. You may have one fleet per system, a fleet is to be defined as the ships listed above. You may have one Division of Infantry per system, you may have one Regiment of Armor, and one Battalion of Mechas or similar units. Powered Armor is to be counted towards your Armor Unit."
23-03-2006, 00:32
Apon hearing this many in the fleet initiated a mutiny and stormed off with 1/2 the ships. However the cluster was kept safe from this mutiny and still followed the centeral government of Waterhelper enven thouh it was just a pupet state.
"very well" the president saw a datapad a secatary handed him "We will reorganise what is left of our fleet and army."

((OOC: no its not nanotubes return the excited particals back to their original states thus rendering the weapon harmless, and aerogel will stop projectiles provided it is not a explosive one. If this is a Gmod what about impeller wedges at least nanotubes are fesible even for a PMT nation as it is based on real science and the new 2025 concept soldier will be using armor made of it. It is also something like 53.4x stronger then steel))
Mini Miehm
23-03-2006, 01:10
Apon hearing this many in the fleet initiated a mutiny and stormed off with 1/2 the ships. However the cluster was kept safe from this mutiny and still followed the centeral government of Waterhelper enven thouh it was just a pupet state.
"very well" the president saw a datapad a secatary handed him "We will reorganise what is left of our fleet and army."

((OOC: no its not nanotubes return the excited particals back to their original states thus rendering the weapon harmless, and aerogel will stop projectiles provided it is not a explosive one. If this is a Gmod what about impeller wedges at least nanotubes are fesible even for a PMT nation as it is based on real science and the new 2025 concept soldier will be using armor made of it. It is also something like 53.4x stronger then steel))

"Those ships that are in rebellion will be hunted down and destroyed. You will not be asked to fight against your countrymen. Any that surrender will be allowed to live, and they will all be given the opportunity to surrender. You will note that your command structure remains effectively intact, and that your civil government remains unchanged. They are resisting for no real reason. If they continue they will simply be eliminated as traitors."


"That is good. Half of your fleet has betrayed you, I am afraid that they must be destroyed, or convinced to surrender once again."
23-03-2006, 23:41
"They have become trators we want nothing to do with them." he hands him a datapad. "here are their weak spots. The ionizing radiation slightly weakens the shielding on it. Also it would be nice if we could get some better ships because of our reduced fleet capasity."
Mini Miehm
23-03-2006, 23:49
"They have become trators we want nothing to do with them." he hands him a datapad. "here are their weak spots. The ionizing radiation slightly weakens the shielding on it. Also it would be nice if we could get some better ships because of our reduced fleet capasity."

"We'll give you the designs for several of our obsolete models. It's better than what you have at least. We're preparing to pull out, and the Governor is on the incoming occupation vessels. Admiral White Haven should treat you well enough if you behave."

In space the occupation forces arrive, aging Medusa Superdreadnoughts, and relatively modern Gryphon CLACs, enough to overmatch any force the Waterhelper Rebels could field. The 2 Fleets began preparing to leave the system, gathering up the Marines and their officers. The Superdreadnoughts and CLACs would provide Infantry Support for the planetary authorities now.
24-03-2006, 02:49
"Thankyou for your help. We apprechiate it. In return we promise we will not revolt. Prehaps one day you can learn to trust us as allies."
Mini Miehm
24-03-2006, 22:55
"Thankyou for your help. We apprechiate it. In return we promise we will not revolt. Prehaps one day you can learn to trust us as allies."

"Perhaps. If you do not revolt, and you prove yourselves useful to us we will give you more freedoms, and eventually we may return your soveiregnty. You wouldn't know where the Fleet would be going would you?"
24-03-2006, 23:16
"If you are talking about the Rebel Fleet, the most logical coice would be the cluster as it is getting politicially unstable however we will have oh... one... two hours before they arrive" (not RL I'll post it before I leave again)
Mini Miehm
24-03-2006, 23:30
"If you are talking about the Rebel Fleet, the most logical coice would be the cluster as it is getting politicially unstable however we will have oh... one... two hours before they arrive" (not RL I'll post it before I leave again)

"Shit... We can't touch them there. We'll let them live until they leave then, or let the Balroggans deal with them."
25-03-2006, 00:20
"Trust us these are our ships they have several "fetures" that were designed for this." The captain intiated a repote self destruct and

20 Cheyenne class
130 Defiant class
20 Galaxy class
90 Intrepid class
47 Nebula class
100 New Orleans class
100 Saber class
40 Springfield class
75 Yeager type
1,500 Peregrine class assault fighter

blew up (About 75% i think) when their forced quantum simgularities impoded the ship
Mini Miehm
25-03-2006, 02:16
"Trust us these are our ships they have several "fetures" that were designed for this." The captain intiated a repote self destruct and

20 Cheyenne class
130 Defiant class
20 Galaxy class
90 Intrepid class
47 Nebula class
100 New Orleans class
100 Saber class
40 Springfield class
75 Yeager type
1,500 Peregrine class assault fighter

blew up (About 75% i think) when their forced quantum simgularities impoded the ship

"Well, that'll work. We just need to get ahead of them and interdict them before they arrive."
26-03-2006, 01:09
"With the plans you have proided ur computers have extraoplated uses for them in other ship and new ships. We have a massive ammount of new shios and technology now. Also the nanobots are working to reconfigure the existing ones."
01-04-2006, 03:58
Space and time seemed to fold in on itself at the edge of the Waterhelper system, refocusing in on itself in a massive display of energy and science. Instant transmission through manipulation of Black holes had long been a perfected art in the Vascilian league, however it was considered unsafe in all but the largest of vessels.

And accompanying the largest armada Tannelorn had ever sent to war were two of the mighty super dimensional fortresses, the Fortitude and the Arch Angel. Hundreds of flotillas formed up, and tens of thousands of Morgenrates were launched, before they left they uploaded almost 500 of the new morgenraete III omega patterns. Their space time compressor systems and Twin Pulsar cannons giving them an edge over even the Mark III alpha and beta patterns. Quickly they moved ahead of the massive fleet as it prepared to wage war on the aggressive, power mad emperor of Mini Miehm.

The vessels moved with great speed towards the primary inhabited planet within the system, scanning the reaches of the system with their DEM sensors, looking for anything that may be the enemy. As they started to move out. In huge sweeping formations, patrolled by shoals of beowulf frigates, the fleet advanced on its objective. The Bad-Hertzfeldt Assault ships of the Grand Army of the Prefecture lay nestled within the middle of the might formation, preparing to move ahead and crush any planetary defenses they may encounter, and add the weight of fire of their Ubeck cannon turrets to the Melee.

However several of the Naval ships had the new UBeck Accelerator cannon of the navy. A massive weapon capable of locking a space time conduit directly on an enemy ship, and firing a 5 ton shell at 57%c, with a force of 22 gigatons directly on the armoured hull of a ship. The effects of the new weapon system were disastrous for any enemy vessel hit, and almost impossible to evade.

They made quick time to the planet, Engaging any planetary defenses immediately at extreme range, first with 'raetes then with the massive Loengren and ingelstung cannons. The first shots of the war were being fired, and it was obvious the Tannelornian navy was trying to draw Mini miehms forces out in to the open.

As the attack began a transmission was sent out to the planet of Waterhelper.

"Your Allies have arrived, you shall be oppressed by the will of a mad emperor no longer, all civilians head towards shelters immediately, any military forces is the time to strike against the Terran Confederacy, This is at once a declaration of liberation for Waterhelper, and war towards Mini Miehm."

ooc Waterhelper is allied to tannelorn, and by extension the Vascilian league. I am acting on behalf of my allies to liberate them, and to crush the emperor of Mini miehm. Check this site for all my recent rp's, and you will see development of new weapon systems amongst other things. Log in as guest and check out The hand that feeds, as well as planetary data links.
02-04-2006, 14:46
The damned tend to their works idly; for not all the Imperium is peopled by daemons, or monstrous mockeries of the human condition as the Chaos Space Marines tend to be. Some go about their daily lives in careless worship of the powers above them, tended to be the priests of the Four Gods; others carve out grand merchant enterprises amongst the tyrannous stars; while others still live lives of dire excess; of piracy and bounty hunting amidst the blazing void.

Above them all, toils a soul (Or lack thereof), tainted by knowledge most damned. He has seen the storm to come, he has tasted the conflict; and now; as he shrugs the silk and velvet robes from his well-muscled torso, he lets his fingers drift under the chin of the gilded youth that stands before him. Her lip quivers as her emperor touches her flesh; a mighty blessing, or a glorious damnation; she cannot tell which. Fear overcomes her, and she slumps, falling to her knees in rabid, almost spontaneous supplication.

"My Lord-" A voice cut through the silence as he turned, the girl scuttling away, whimpering; he had been ready to feast; the feast had been upon him, and now, now he was interrupted.

"What?" His curt hiss was the only reply, the only response.

"We have reports of a war breaking out in the Cluster; the Miehmish forces are being assaulted there; and we still have not ascertained raw data on the Maw."

He raised a hand, silencing the Servitor who brought him such news, chuckling lightly.

"We shall not interfere yet; I understand much of what will come to pass; one must merely await the key moment of action; the final stroke of glory. We shall aid only when we must; we shall act only when we need. Now...Leave us"

The servitor bowed, turning and leaving; Remiel chuckled lightly, turning to the slave with eyes that crackled as through the hellish inferno of the warp raged within. "Now...Where were we...?"
03-04-2006, 02:38
My defence fleet sprung into action forming a barrier between the planet and the fleet. They had orders to "help" MM delivered personally my my trusted messangers. (nanobots)
Mini Miehm
03-04-2006, 21:58
OOC: I'll make a post here once the Cluster is all sorted. No forces in use there are likely to be activated against this force, except maybe an Emperor if WH has a Stargate here.