NationStates Jolt Archive

AEON - A new alliance is gathering!

19-03-2006, 04:25
Open transmission to all national governments, from the Kalessin Ministry of Peace:

“For aeons, they have interfered, meddled and oppressed; those who claim that, by some ‘higher wisdom’ denied to the rest of us, they have somehow unravelled the mysteries of right and wrong, good and evil. With the blind faith of the fanatic, they roam the seas and stars alike, constantly seeking, by force if necessary, to impose their vision of what is morally ‘right’ upon those who dare to be different. And time after time, they have succeeded. Nation after nation, people after people: the dissenters have been forced to abandon their own unique ethical viewpoints, give up their hard-won insights, often formed slowly and painfully through war and famine, or won through the relentless toil of their greatest philosophers and politicians, and act, not in their own interests, but in accordance with an foreign code of morality and an alien system of ‘justice’, imposed through fire and steel, fear and intimidation.

No more!

We cannot permit this to continue.

We will not permit this to continue!

A new alliance is forming, a new power rising, to usher in a new age. An age of freedom! An age of self-determination!

Self-determination. The freedom of a people to govern itself, by its own moral code, and its own ethical standards. The freedom of a government to act as they see fit, free from unwanted outside interference. This is our creed – the creed of Kalessin, and the creed of AEON – the Ascendant Enclave of Nations.

We vow to defend the right to full self-determination in all our member-nations, against any and all would-be oppressors, whether they come in wooden warships, bearing crosses or crescents, or in vast interstellar warships, emblazoned with the starred-spattered triangle of Yut. We vow to strip those who, for so many aeons have sought to impose their blind, fundamentalist dogma upon the whole of creation, of their foolish, misconceived arrogance, and we vow, in this age, in this aeon, to allow all who join together with us, in our great enclave of free nations, to ascend to the honour, glory and nobility, that can only come by following one’s own individual morality and ethical principles.

The inaugural meeting of the Ascendant Enclave of Nations, and the formal signing of our charter shall take place in the Palace of the Rising Dawn, in the Empire of Kalessin, three days hence. All are welcome, who share our dream of a world free from bigotry and intolerance.

Join us, and be set free!”

- Doctor Liberty, Minipax.

[OOC: Conference is starting here: ]
19-03-2006, 04:33
'The Great nation of Auman believes in the fundamentals of self determination. The right of a nation to do as it pleases within its borders without interruption or investigation by foreign powers.

The Aumanii are willing to, at the very least, learn more about this concept and hopefully if it suits us, facilitate the coming of a new age of responsibility and introversion.'

~Captain Dirk Armaude, Aumanii Foreign Ministry.
19-03-2006, 04:55
The Empire of Xeraph applauds the formation of AEON. For too long we have felt ourselves a solitary voice espousing the right to self-determination.

Xeraph would be honored to attend the inaugural meeting in the Palace of the Rising Dawn. Emperor Alaric Tan'it will personally be in attendance.


Vlad, Prince of the Empire, Regent of The Grey Phoenix, in the Name of the Emperor.
19-03-2006, 05:19
Ravea feels that self-determination is one of the most important values, and deserves to be protected.

Ravea will gladly send a representative to the Palace of the Rising Dawn in order to witness this historic meeting.

~Prince Odis Basinger, Ravean Authority
19-03-2006, 05:27
TO: Ministry of Peace, Kalessin, Arda
FROM: The Colony of the Ashen Empire, Arda

And the Empire shall heed your call. An envoy shall be sent for this meeting
as per request.

Let a new age be brought forth from the burnt ashes of the ancient and
withering remains of the one we currently tread upon.


Caractor, Arch Censor of the Empire
19-03-2006, 12:50
It's an interesting situation when freedom is used as a synonym for anarchy. To call this chaos would be an insult to chaos. The nation of Kalessin, and those who even now are no doubt flocking to his twisted banner of 'freedom' stand directly against those things that make people, and nations, truly free.

Property. Law. Government.

Survival of the strongest is not freedom, nor is it liberty. It is death. It is fear. Fear is not freedom, fear is the absence of freedom. And those alliances you stand against have stood against tyranny and fear for generations.

Therefore, while we applaud --to an extent-- the dedication to national self-determination displayed by this new alliance, we are concerned as to the true motivations of the nation of Kalessin, and stand firmly against AEON's formation. We also, freely, offer our advice to Kalessin that they renounce this mad attack upon the stability that upholds the galaxy.

With Faith and Duty.
Foreign Minister Leopold dePlume
19-03-2006, 13:11
A typical statement from a cowardly noble hiding from reality. Your words, Roanian, are worthless. No one with a soul, a heart, would listen to one such as you, who seems to seek nothing more than the eternal slavery of mankind.

I, the Azim Amir-Al-Kawakazim of the Corsair State of Wabu-Dhati, do hereby declare and swear our allegiance to the ideals of this nation, and will appear in person in Kalessin to follow through on this statement.

Inshallah, when the rest of the galaxy is free, so too shall your people rise up and free themselves.
19-03-2006, 14:30
Makaar is intrigued by this alliance. We are a democratic and peace-loving nation and we wish to learn more about this alliance.

We will send an envoy to the meeting and will be very interested to see how this turns out, though we cannot guarantee that we will join the alliance at the moment.
Lord Sauron Reborn
19-03-2006, 15:15
The Prime Minister of Haraki has a question. Well, a series of questions.


Prime Minister Jaime Wolfe

From the Chambers of the Voice of Sauron in Barad-dûr

You are a ridiculous man, Mr. Wolfe. You have questions but no answers, and you deny the realities of the universe around us. The retainment of force as a sovereign right and the right of nations to self-determination are both fundamental, though yourself and the arrogant powers that be would see them denied us.

You hold to outmoded utilitarian principles when you say that it is the duty of governments to defend the rights and lives of the many rather than the one. What if the many, as you mentioned before that, desires the annihilation of the few, or to approve the installation of an autocrat? Are such things unheard of in the history of ancient Terra? What then, would your answer be, but to ignore the many—to continue to govern in a way that your elite deems appropriate for a "sane" society in opposition to its people, as little more than a teleocratic ruling clique that points only to its own seemingly God-given intellectual and moral superiority for justification?

You are not so very different than our honourable Kalessini neighbours.

We, for our part, support them in this endeavour—it has been too long since we have allowed ourselves to enjoy the fine hospitality of the Empire.

~The Voice
19-03-2006, 17:33
Romduran, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Khrrck Special, Govcentral, Khrrck

We would like to congratulate the founders of AEON on their groundbreaking endeavor. An alliance for those who fail to conform to the rigid expectations of the "civilized" world? A most excellent idea.

We will look forward to joining you at the Palace of the Rising Dawn.
Mini Miehm
19-03-2006, 17:55
The Alliance will join. Individual Freedom is over rated, but national freedom is another matter entirely.
20-03-2006, 00:05
The nation of Electron supports the rights of nations to do what they will within their own borders, without interference by international busy-bodies, and we applaud those responsible for the formation of this Alliance. We, would be most honoured to attend the inaugural meeting

-Electron Corporate Foreign Affairs Office.
20-03-2006, 00:09
OOC: For the sake of cohesion and to reduce confusion, could the persons involved please stick to one thread. The NationStates forum thread ( appears to be more active, and it might be best if future responses go there.

Weyr's response can be found here (
20-03-2006, 00:12
OOC: What tense are you? Past, present, or future?
20-03-2006, 00:27
OOC: IF all levels, good. If NOT MT, ignore this.

To Nations of All the World:

The nation of Hayord wishes to join this Alliance. We agree with the beliefs of it, and wish to join. Thank you.

Leader of Hayord
20-03-2006, 00:35
The Trinitarian Republic feels that the soveriegn rights of a nation are a great ideal, That nations should determine their own internal policies free from outside intervention is a powerful dream. However, what of those nations controlled by the corrupt, the tyranical, the evil? Human nature is a powerful motivator for political action and many national governments fall under the attractive spell of opression and corruption. While the sovereignty of nations is a sacred thing, it is not a divine right and must fall secondary to the sovereignty of the citizens. If a nation does not fall sway to the sovereignty of its people, then is cannot have sovereign rights as a nation. Therefore, while we agree in principle with the ideals of the AEON alliance, We cannot reconcile those ideals with the strictures laid out by the nation of Kalessin. The checks and balances provided by many interventionalist states is a necesary evil. Without the intervention of a right thinking national power, then the oppressions of tyranical, totalitarian states would be free to reign over their people instead of because of their people.
Truely, nations will take up the interventionalist banner for reasons of imperialism, or to further the power of the ruling elite rather than to check the evils of totalitarianism, however, the if we allow the threat of imperialism to overshadow the evil of oppression, then the imperialists and tyrants have won. If the AEON alliance does not support intervention in the interests of humanity, then we can not support the AEON alliance.
20-03-2006, 03:59
The missive was sent via the usual methods -- that is, to say, highly mysterious and quite random...but effective.

"Noting the statements and stating the notements, authorization has been requested and given and requestion and giving has been authorized and I am going to shoot this stupid machine, no damnit don't include that, argh.

Attendance will be made.

For the Mage-King
~Wormaster no damnit that's Warmaster Aedrick Vitrys, Death Ferrets Legion."
20-03-2006, 03:59
OOC: What tense are you? Past, present, or future?

OOC: All tech-bases (FT, MT, Fantasy, ancient..), all races, all moral codes (so long as you adhere to that outlined in the initial post) and all governmental styles (whether dictatorship or democracy, oligarchy or republic...) are welcome.
20-03-2006, 04:05
OOC: Can I join this if I share your views but will intervene and change things if it's blatant opressiojn or if the people simply aren't happy?
The Island States
20-03-2006, 20:46
The Independent Steward Kingdom of Asherton and Stanley, soon to be the Imperium of New Haven once more, agrees with the philosophy of this organization and will send a delegation immediately to sign the charter.

Long live the Imperium! Long live AEON!

- Imperatrix Sara I, ISK
Iesus Christi
21-03-2006, 01:17
While Iesus Christi understands the need for independence in these troubled times, we also see the greater need for defence and brotherhood....what good is the world without hope?
To this end, and in the constant desire for peace and saftey for all the peoples of the world, Iesus supports this alliance and seeks to be in union with those involved. With toegtherness Iesus maybe brought into a greater understanding of other cultures and concepts.....

General John-Paul Walsh
Ministry of Social Order
21-03-2006, 02:57
Darkness lingered like a foul stench about the worlds of the Imperium; the hissing discharge of the warp upon the tapestry of frayed reality; the universe set to burning and insanity within the confines of Chronosian Space. Yet this was not some disparate gathering of mindless savages; they watched and they listened; and they let their senses guide them, their message echoing in response out into the void.

There are many who would seek what you seek; who would claim what you claim as their own. Self-determination, glory; power. To throw off old shackles and be remade as capricious lords of their own whims. There are many. Yet none would progress far without the influence of Chaos upon them; entropy freeing their hands, liberating their minds.

We are amused by your ideals and your presumption; and so Chaos shall touch your gathering. The Chronosians shall join you; to learn more, and hopefully, to forge new, stronger alliances between the people of the Imperium; and those who can better aid her.
The Gate Builders
22-03-2006, 13:35
It has long been a central tenet of my people that anyone who claims to hold absolute knowledge of morality is a charlatan. Having said that, every day we see empires and worlds claiming to be great bastions of light and morality. The Dominion has had enough. We se, just like you, that these codes cannot hold any importance to any but the people who forged them.

We wish to state our interest in this alliance, and our wish to send an envoy.
22-03-2006, 16:58
The Prefecture stands with Auman on this issue, after all it is a central tenet of the Vascilian league of mars that a nation is free to do as they please in their own borders. That a national spirit, or will cannot be determined by foreigners.

Also we have witnessed the bungling incompetence of, at the least members of the Triumvirate. The blood of the Os Sanglantian's and countless others is on their hands. Long have they sat in Saturns shadow, uncaring of any concerns beyond those of their own twisted sense of honour and justice.

And in Tannelorn we know that the just shall always prevail, over the wicked. We shall be there.
Lord Sauron Reborn
22-03-2006, 20:56
OOC: Can I join this if I share your views but will intervene and change things if it's blatant opressiojn or if the people simply aren't happy?

OOC: Not sure I know what you mean--you want to join but only to change things?
22-03-2006, 21:54
Umm....can religious states join? (Catholic radicals)
22-03-2006, 22:36
To-Ministry of Peace, Kalessin, Arda
From-Supreme Soviet Unifyed,Jason Mikoyan

The Union of Usean Soviet States will help this alliance of States to promote Self determination for it will help people see by there eyes,not others.
23-03-2006, 00:00
OOC: Not sure I know what you mean--you want to join but only to change things?

OOC: No, you see, I agree with the Alliance's views, but my nation is (arguably) imperialist, because they intervene wherever they see trouble.
23-03-2006, 00:11
OOC: Ours is rather imperialist that a problem?
23-03-2006, 00:39
Umm....can religious states join? (Catholic radicals)

OOC: Yes.
23-03-2006, 00:51
OOC: What about me?
23-03-2006, 01:18
OOC: Can I join this if I share your views but will intervene and change things if it's blatant opressiojn or if the people simply aren't happy?

OOC: You are contradicting yourself. If you share our views, then you must accept that you are not qualified to judge whether the people of another nation require your intervention.

OOC: My nations view is pretty much "Do what you want, and if the people are happy, we support you. Opress and be invaded."

OOC: Then go and join ToY. And learn to spell 'oppress' and 'oppression'.
23-03-2006, 01:20
OOC: You are contradicting yourself. If you share our views, then you must accept that you are not qualified to judge whether the people of another nation require your intervention.

OOC: My nations view is pretty much "Do what you want, and if the people are happy, we support you. Opress and be invaded."
23-03-2006, 01:32

Conference thread is here:
Lord Sauron Reborn
23-03-2006, 15:25

Umm....can religious states join? (Catholic radicals)

Yep. Why, Iesus Christi, another applicant, is a radical Catholic state.

OOC: Then go and join ToY. And learn to spell 'oppress' and 'oppression'.

Heh--looks like I'm not the only raving pedant 'round these here parts. :p ;)
28-03-2006, 02:40
[OOC: Ooops, such a clumsy oaf, always bumping into things...]
Sovereign California
05-04-2006, 23:44
California is of course interested in this organization, we have seen it to ourselves that we defend our rights to sovereignty and self-determination. California prides itself on a long standing democratic tradition in governing ourselves. Our military is one of the best in the world and we feel that we should not have to contend with the goddamned Americans for our share of the continent of North America.

So, as the President of the Californian Federation, I will say that California is definitely interested in the Ascendant Enclave Of Nations.
06-04-2006, 00:09
Message from the King of Maraque;

Since the founding of my great nation over 495 years ago these are the principles we have always practiced under and wish to join such an alliance. Unfortunately I can't attend the conference.

Stephen D. Norris, King of the Secularist Kingdom of Maraque
06-04-2006, 02:43
California is of course interested in this organization, we have seen it to ourselves that we defend our rights to sovereignty and self-determination. California prides itself on a long standing democratic tradition in governing ourselves. Our military is one of the best in the world and we feel that we should not have to contend with the goddamned Americans for our share of the continent of North America.

So, as the President of the Californian Federation, I will say that California is definitely interested in the Ascendant Enclave Of Nations.

OOC: Then go here:
17-04-2006, 23:03
Somewhere in Vrak...

Translated from Vrakian.

-Well, what do you think of this?
-Most interesting, actually. It seems that the ideals they espouse are similiar to ours. And given the collapse of the Order, it would behoove us to at least consider this alliance.
-What of the consequences? Cultivating closer ties with any Arda nation could jeopardize our standing within the FKC. Not to mention any long term plans with other nations that may be more Yut-inclined.
-Perhaps. But we already enjoy cordial relations with those through the NDA and KIST. So far, I haven't heard any complaints from any of them. As far as Yut goes, they lost their chance long ago. Menelmacar still hasn't apologized and given their record never will. And the rest of Yut and their ilk ignore the Klatch, unless they deem it necessary to interfere in our affairs.
-We cannot lead like we once did. We don't have a king and we are no longer the head of the FKC.
-True, but don't think we have no influence. We can bring up this alliance to Parliament for consideration. And there are other allies of ours that may consider this. It is the least we can do.
-What of our own views? What is our position?
-We will have to send someone to investigate. And since this is held in Kalessin, I know the perfect walrus for the job.


Ipshi Hagwonak thought that he was retired, but with the latest message and then a follow-up visit from two very important VIPs, he began to prepare to undertake perhaps the most dangerous and yet fascinating diplomatic journeys in his career. He idly wondered if they drank vodka in Kalessin.

OOC: Just a prelim for me. I can't seem to subscribe so this will have to do.
Communistic Govts
24-04-2006, 22:57
On the planet Comerand, home of the Imperial Union of Communistic Governments...

Imperial Premier Pwelski a stern charasmatic leader whos wisdom reach well beyond his years sat in his office working on trivial issues that affect his nation's empire. Suddenly his secretary, Ron'va Oporasky, handed him a datapad containing a message.

"An alliance!?!" blurted out Pwelski.

The advisor Korrel Grigarov replied,"I believe this alliance is a way to have good and healthy relationships with other nations. In other words we need allies, sir."

"Hmmm..." Pwelski pondered.

"If it is any help Tannerlorn's leader has spoken highly of this alliance,"the advisor added. (OOC: Tannerlorn what is your leaders name lol.)

" make good points Korrel...fine our participation in this alliance is assured. Send a message to them about our move here."

"Yes, Premier," Grigarov replied.

Message to the leader of Kalessin and AEON

The Imperial Union of Communistic Governments has decided under heavy consideration that this nation will join the alliance known as AEON. Our membership request is that this alliance respects the Imperial Union's sovereignty and way of life and you will get the same treatment from us.

Message ended.
05-05-2006, 11:38
ooc the one you know would likely be Space Lord Kharrack Communistics. :)