Relative Liberty
18-03-2006, 16:02
Pre-Dreadnoughts and Dreadnoughts:
Jauréguiberry, Jauréguiberry class. Keel laid in April 1891, launched in October 1893.
Charles Martel, Charles Martel class. Launched in 1893.
Masséna, Masséna class. Keel laid in September 1892, launched in July 1895
Bouvet, Bouvet class. Kell laid in January 1893, launched in April 1896
Charlemagne, Charlemagne class. Keel laid in July 1894, launched in October 1895
St. Louis, Charlemagne class. Keel laid in March 1895, launched in September 1896
Gaulouis, Charlemagne class. Keel laid in January 1896, launched in October 1896
Henri IV, Henri IV class. Keel laid in July 1897, launched in August 1899
Suffren, Suffren class. Keel laid in January 1899, launched in July 1899
Republique, Republique class. Keel laid in December 1901, launched in September 1902
Patrie, Republique class. Launched in december 1903
Liberté, Liberté class. Keel laid in May 1903, launched in April 1904
Justice, Liberté class.
Democratie, Liberté class.
Verite, Liberté class.
Danton, Danton class. Keel laid in January 1908, launched in July 1909
Condorcet, Danton class. Keel laid in August 1907, launched in April 1909
Diderot, Danton class. Keel laid in Octobre 1907, launched in April 1909
Voltaire, Danton class. Keel laid in July 1907, launched in January 1909
Mirabeau, Danton class. Keel laid in May 1908, launched in October 1909
Verginaud, Danton class. Keel laid in November 1907, will be launched in April 1910.
Torpedo boats:
Balny class:
Balny, Capitaine Cuny, Capitaine Mehl
Ouragan class:
Temeraire, Aventurier, Defi
Coureur class:
Coureur, Veloce, Gronduer
Avantgarde class:
Turco, Dragon, Grenadier, Lancier
Agile class:
Agile, Eclaire, Kabyle, Orage, Tourbillion, Corsaire, Mousquetaire, Chevalier, Lansquenet
Averne class:
Averne, Dauphin
Argonaute class:
Argonaute, Tourmente
Filibuster class:
Ariel, Aquilon, Forban, Mangini
Cyclone class:
Cyclone, Bourrasque, Rafale, Borée, Tramontane
Mistral, Sirocco, Simoun, Typhon, Trombe, Audacieux, No 7, No 20 - No 369, A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I
Torpedo cruisers:
Condor class:
Epervier, Faucon
Wattignies class:
Bombe class:
Bombe, Couleuvrine, Dragonne, Fleche, Lance, Sainte-Barbe, Salve
Levrier class:
Levrier, Leger
D'Iberville, Casabianca, Cassini
Dunois class:
Dunois, Lahire
Durandal class:
Durandal, Hallebard, Fauconneau
Framée class:
Yatagan, Pique, Epee
Rochefortais/Pertusiane class:
Pertusiane, Escopette, Flamberge, Rapiere
Arquebuse class:
Arquebuse, Carabine, Sarbacane, Arbalete, Mousquet, Javeline, Sagaie, Epieu, Harpon, Fronde, Francisque, Sabre, Dard, Baliste, Mousqueton, Arc, Pistolet, Belier, Catapulte, Bombarde
Claymore class:
Claymore, Stylet, Tromblon, Pierrier, Obusier, Mortier, Carqouis, Trident, Fleuret, Coutelas, Cognee, Hache, Massue
Branlebas class:
Branlebas, Slaive, Poignard, Sabretache, Oriflamme, Etendard, Fanion, Sape, Gabion, Fanfare
Spahi class:
Spahi, Hussard, Carabinier, Lansquenet, Mameluk
Voltigeur class:
Voltigeur, Tirailleur
Chasseur class:
Chasseur, Fantassin, Janissaire and Cavalier to be launched in spring 1910
Coast defence ships and monitors:
Tempete class monitors:
Fusee class gunboats:
Fusee, Mitraille
Acheron class gunboats:
Acheron, Cocyte, Phlegeton, Styx
Jemmapes class CDS:
Jemmapes, Valmy
Bouvines class CDS:
Bouvines, Amiral Trehouart
Vauban protected cruisers:
Tage, Amiral Cecille, Davout, Pothau
Forbin class protected cruisers:
Forbin, Surcouf
Troude class protected cruisers:
Cosmao, Lalande
Linois class protected cruisers:
Linois, Galilee, Lavoisier
Alger class protected cruisers:
Alger, Isly
Friant class protected crusiers:
Friant, Chasseloup-Laubat
Descartes class protected cruisers:
Descartes, Pascal
D'Assas class protected crusiers:
D'Assas, Cassard, Du Chayla
Catinat class protected crusiers:
Catinant, Protet, D'Entrecasteaux, Guichen, Chateau Renault
D'Estrees class protected crusiers:
D'Estrees, Infernet, Jurien de la Graviere
D'Estrees class armoured cruisers:
Dupuy de Lome
Amiral Charner CA class:
Amiral Charner, Bruix, Latouche-Treville
Pothau CA class:
Pothau, Jeanne d'Arc
Gueydon CA class:
Gueydon, Dupetit-Thouars, Montcalm
Dupleix CA class:
Dupleix, Desaix, Kleber
Gloire CA class:
Gloire, Amiral Aube, Conde, Marseillaise
Leon Gambetta CA class:
Leon Gambetta, Jules Ferry, Victor Hugo, Jules Michelet, Ernest Renan
Edgar Quinet CA class:
Edgar Quinet, Waldeck-Rosseau
Sirene class:
Sirene, Espadon, Silure, Triton
Farfadet class:
Morse class:
Francais, Algerien
Naiade class:
Naiade, Alose, Anguille, Bonite, Castor, Dorade, Esturgeon, Grondin, Loutre, Ludion, Lynx, Meduse, Otarie, Oursin, Perle, Phoque, Protee, Souffleur, Thon, Truite, X, Y, Z
Aigrette class:
Aigrette, Cigogne
Omega class:
Omega, Emeraude, Opale, Rubis, Saphir, Topase, Turquoise
Circe class:
Circe, Calypso
Pluvoise class:
Pluvoise, Ampere, Berthelot, Cugnot, Floreal, Fresnel, Fructidor, Gay-Lussac, Germinal, Giffard, Messidor, Monge, Papin, Prairial, Thermidor, Vendemiaire, Ventose, Watt
Relative Liberty
31-03-2006, 20:01
We will need at least 100 more Faman MF-11 planes.
And thank you for continuing to support the Serbian cause for Slavic peoples with us.
Accepted, planes will be shipped as fast as possible.
The Danish Air Corps would like to buy the Faman MF-11, and the Antionette. We plan to modifiy the Antionette into a heavy bomber, and the Faman MF-11 into an all purpose fighter/bomber and scout plane. All modifications will be shared with the French Aerocorps.Accepted, the planes will be delivered at once.
OOC: Do you or do you not own all of Denmark's colonies. If you do, you shouldn't have any problemsn paying, though if the latter is the case there could be complications.
Russia was interested in seeing if Denmark would like to join the Triple Entente. We would like to, for it would fortify Danish naval power, with the addition of Great Britain's and France's. Denmark wishes to be the 3rd greatest naval power in the world, only behind France and that of the Queen.France is always willing to strengthen the positions of our friends, Denmark is no exception. You have our support, though you should also contact the governing body of the United Kingdom before you make any official announcement.
We also wish to purchase about 200 75 mm artillery peices. We have plenty of heavier artillery, but need those quick firing versions of yoru artillery.As always, France is ready to assist their allies and comrades. Consider it done!
We would like to purchase a further 125 75mm artillery pieces.Argentina is one of France's closest friends, and we are happy to assist them in any cause, but before we deliver such a larg eorder, we must ask you for what purpose the cannon are needed.
Denmark would like to buy the production plans to manufacture the french 75mm guns, they're so good that we want to produce one for the Danish expeditionary forces in the virgin islands. I will also need heavy costal artillery weapons for the defense of St. Croix, I don't want the Queen to pull something funny on us, but you would know all about that, right France?We will not sell the production rights of any of our weapons, equipment or vessels.
I recently bought the plans for the Faman MF-11 and the AntionetteOOC: No, you didn't. Read my respnse again.