NationStates Jolt Archive

French Thread (Imperial glory)

Kamy kamy
13-03-2006, 06:30
OOC: This post will be constantly updated
France contains 5 Provences, and is a Military Dictatorship
Paris, Champage, Britanny, Burgandy, Aquintine
The French army is 150,000 trained regulars with 36,000 cavalry and 100 small cannon deployed, and has a treasury of 3 million francs, with an annual income of 76 million Francs.

French troops are orginized into Corps, which allow for a more fluid transition of troops and makes manuvering alot easier for commanders. Each corps has 15,000 infatry, 3,000 cuirassers, and 10 cannon
Corp Layout:
1 corp in Paris, 100% strength
2 corp in Aquintine, 100% strength
3 corp in Paris, 100% strength
4 corp in Champagne, 100% strength
5 corp in Aquintine, 100% strength
6 corp in Burgundy, 100% strength
7 corp in Champagne, 100% strength
8 corp in Aquintine, 100% strength
9 corp in Aquintine, 100% strength
10 corp in Aquintine, 100% strength
11 corp in Champagne, 100% strength
12 corp in Champagne, 100% strength

5,000 infantry and 6,000 cavalry are also deployed as coastal guards, but the cultural revoultion has forced those 5,000 troops to be called up to fill the gaps in French ranks

Regimental system: All regiments of infatry contain 5,000 regulars, all regiments of cavalry contain 1,000 cuirassers, and artillery batteries contain 5 12-pound cannons
First Army on the Franco-Germanic states border in Champagene under the command of Charles Dumouriez (The army of The Rhine) 12 regiments of Infantry, 12 regiments of cuirassers, and 8 artillery batteries (4 corps)

Second Army is on the Franco-Spanish border in Aquintine under the command of Courier de Franchez (The army of Spain) 15 regiments of Infatry,15 regiments of cuirassers, and 10 artillery batteries (5 corps)

Third Army is on the Franco-Piedomontese border in Burgandy under the command of Eugene Beauharnais (The army of Italy)3 regiments of infatry, 3 regiments of cuirassers, and 2 artillery batteries (1 corp)

Fourth Army is in reserve, ready to be called up for active duty under the command of Louis Desaix (The army of France) 6 regiments of infantry, 6 regiments of cuirassers, and 4 artillery batteries (2 corp)
Kamy kamy
23-03-2006, 06:16
March 18th, 1781, Courier De Franchez, a most brilliant and clever commander, was promoted to the position of Major General of the armies of France. His wife Joesphine was "persuading" people in numerous high positions that he should be promoted further, and on July 15 1781, he became the Supreme commander of the French armed forces, answering only to the King of France. Ambitious and bold, Courier won the favor of the old king and was given many privelages. A devout Catholic, Franchez's name means literally Courier of Cross. He has always supported the Pope and wishes to create a new Catholic empire in Europe, but with Religion having little impact in Politics. But his political ambitions were just begining. . .

On December first, 1781 Franchez gave the following speech to his most loyal men:
"Glorious soldiers of the French Kingdom, your time as warriors has been long and valorus, and I can not think of anyone who deserves this honor more. Tomorrow, December Second, the cruel Monarchy of King Louis will end as he has committed horrible atrocities to the French people. It is your duty to cleanse France of this evil man, and instill a new French order that will bring your country to greatness and eternal glory!!!! Tonight we strom the palace and execute the king, and I shall become Le Dirigeant of the new French Empire"
With that the troops seized Versaille and executed many members of the imperial nobility. Heads of state were put on pikes and then buried in a mass grave, on top of which a grand momument was built. With an sinester smirk, he turned and declared to his men that the new period of French greatness had begun.

The people of France reacted very well to this news, since their new leader was striving to make France even more powerful, and help out the impoverished by offering highly-paid military service, however some of the populace remained loyal to the former monarch and soon assembled an army to face Franchez. The brilliant tacticion out-manuevered the larger royalist force and win a stunnig victory outside the city of Metz on the fifth of January 1783 when he crushed a 100,000-man army by breaking it into seperate parts and crushing each part seperatly.

He then fought a short war with Belguim/Batavia from June to July 1783, who where hoping to use the chaos to seize French territory along the Rhine, however their army was slaughtered when they tried to attack the city of Strasbourg and were caught by fresh French forces arriving from Paris. Franchez's policy of "No foes march free" ment that, although suffering more casualties then the French could have, the enitre Batavian army was either captured or killed in a prolonged fight. Peace was signed on July Eigth, 1783.

Foregin policy:
Britain: mostly Nuetral, Franchez is open for disscusion about a possible Anglo-French alliance.

Spain: Friendly, as Franchez is looking to make money and Spain has given them many deals to ponder. Also seems to be concerend with their oversees colonies so a military threat arising is very unlikely.

Batavia (Low countries): Hostile in every aspect except open war. Franchez is looking to expand and Batavia seems to be a prime target. Belguim has often opposed French dominance, and Franchez won a quick war against them with the peace only coming 18 months ago.

Prussia: Friendly, Prussia seems to have goals for uniting the German people, and Franchez realizes this could mean having a powerful ally to guard his flank. It could also mean a powerful enemy, and Franchez wants to make sure the united german regime is friendly to France.

Austria: Nuetral. Franchez is looking for an excuse in his country's defeat in the seven years war, and seems to blame Austria for most of it. Tensions aren't high and war is not on the Horizons since Franchez knows Austria could be a powerful ally or powerful enemy.

Ottoman: Nuetral, contact and trade but no political agenda for relations. This may change, since the Ottomans may offer him some chances for African colonies to enrichen France coffers.

Poland: Friendly, since the Polish Ruler had been a long-time friend of the Dirigeant. The polish are also sitting on one of the richest areas of Europe, the Province of Silesia (according to New Ausha's map), and Franchez reconizes an economic bonus could be coming his way if he opens up French markets.

Lombardy: Friendly, Franchez is lookin to secure a solid trading partner and Lomabardy seem to be open. Military action is out of the question since the Alps protect Lombardy and the larger Lombardian navy prevents any kind of a naval landing around the coast. This also means that France has a fairly secure defensive border, and Franchez has a minimal garrison of troops in place.

Switzerland: Nuetral, no political agenda. The Swiss have very little the French could possibly want, and pose no threat to them Militarily.

Russia: Friendly, since Russia has many natural resources that Franchez wishes to help exploit for profits. Also has one of the few armies that could defeat France, and Franchez wants to avoid any war with them.

Portugual: Poor, the French are disgusted at the larger portugese empire and wish to show them French dominance. Also, the French ambassador to Portugal was recently snubbed when asking to buy colonies. Military action could be on the Horizon, but not too many believe that Spain would let French troops march throught their borders.