NationStates Jolt Archive

24 hours...and then you die (Closed RP, ATTN: Ottoman Khaif)

28-02-2006, 06:02
The following takes place between 12:00 am and 1:00 am. Events occur in real time.

12:00:00... 12:00:01... 12:00:02... 12:00:03...
Istanbul, Istanbul province, Khailfah al-Muslimeen

The cavernous halls connecting the ultramodern headquarters of the Al Muslimeen Joint Stock Oil Company glistened as midnight moonlight cascaded gently over the city of Istanbul. The heavily polished tile floors reflected the darkness of the crystal clear night as it hung majestically over the calm waters of the Bosphorus. The white-walled halls, adorned with artwork of various periods and lined with lively vegetation in pewter planters, were deserted, all the staff at home sleeping, the janitorial shifts now finished for the night.

At the front entrance to the massive complex, the security guard on nightshift sat in his hard plastic chair, scanning all 40 cameras on his TV mount for any signs of suspicious activity. On top of the state-of-the-art NVPX televisual assistance network, Al Muslimeen also maintained a tabular microvibration network to ward off audio espionage, and a failsafe laser grid, which guarded the outer walls and allowed the company to staff minimal security at night. In fact, the security guard was the only man on-shift in the entire eight-acre complex in Istanbul's trendy Karaköy neighbourhood.

The security guard checked his watch impatiently. 12:01, it read. His shift ended in 29 minutes, and he could barely wait. His thoughts of retiring on the couch with a döner kebab sandwich and a thick bar of Turkish Delight while watching Pacitalian sitcoms were quickly replaced by the rattling of the wrought-iron front gates.

He shot up, unshouldering his M4 carbine and waving it at the dishevelled man behind the gates. "Hangi parti sen arzu, kic?" What do you want, you bum? One eyebrow was cocked upward, his expression wary.

The homeless man stumbled forward, crashing into the gates and sending them into a light shudder, the hinges rattling. He replied in the same colloquial Turkish. "Please, sir. Please." The man was visibly struggling with something; he appeared extremely drunk. "Could I have a light for my cigarette?"

"Not on your life," the guard said, suspicious. He could smell the dank, pine stench of resinated wine on the man's breath even from ten feet away. "Move along, now, or I'll be forced to use this thing."

The man's eyes widened slightly as he peered down at the locked and loaded carbine sitting faithfully in the guard's hands, almost craving to be commanded. "Sorry, please, sir. I just would like, please, light my cigarette, sir, please?" He shuffled closer up to the gate, and the guard's grip on his carbine tightened.

The guard stood there, his eyes now narrowed, staring at the pitiful man in his dirty clothes, the stench almost overpowering now. He hesitated, then retreated into the guard post and emerged with a matchbook. Striking one on the flint strip, he walked up to the man who now had a floppy homemade cigarette hanging lopsided out of the corner of his chapped mouth. He lit the cigarette for the man through the rectangular bars of the gate and stood back, watching as the man took a pull of Turkish tobacco.

"Ahhh, thank you, sir. Your service will not be forgotten." The drunk homeless man's smile was the last thing the guard saw. A 12.7mm NATO-standard bullet creased his forehead at three times the speed of sound, pulverising his brain and shattering the back of his skull as it exited his cranial cavity and pocked the pavement at a forty-four degree angle behind him. The guard crumpled in a lifeless heap right next to the gate and the homeless man outside stood, gratefully drinking in this instant revocation of life.

He turned around and smiled slightly as he watched a man disassemble a large-calibre sniper rifle on the opposite rooftop. The man dropped to his stomach and using a hook, fished the keyring off the guard's belt. He stood up and stripped out of his drunken homeless costume, ripping off the smarmy hobo's moustache and beard, and revealing a crisp, charcoal pinstripe suit with an ivory pouffe, gray shirt and striped ivory tie. He pulled a matching fedora out of the balloon-like costume and placed it firmly on his head, the front rim angled down, shadowing out his leaden eyes. Pressing a button on the electronic keyring, he waited with bated breath as the ebony gates opened and his destiny appeared in front of him, the length of pavement the only obstacle left to overtake.

The man was careful not to get any blood on his expensive Armani suit, dragging the guard's body into the bushes. He yanked a nearby garden hose over to the pavement and hastily washed away the bloody residue. He wiped it for fingerprints with an eyeglass cloth and half-walked, half-jogged up the pavement, whistling softly to himself. We are almost there. Our task is almost at an end, and success is ours. He grinned as he used a couriered keycard to enter the main complex and began his traverse down the long hallway to the destination.

12:06:24... 12:06:25... 12:06:26... 12:06:27...

Two delicate knocks at the imposing walnut door was all it took. The CEO of Al Muslimeen Joint Stock Oil Company was at the threshold in less than three seconds, the door slightly creaking as it swung open on its hinges.

"Ah, good, you made it," Yusuf al-Azmah sighed with relief as the assassin entered the office. "Come in, come in." He made sure there was no one coming, and quickly shut and bolted down the heavy door, the iron floor latch clanking down with a muffled "tink" sound.

The shadowed man sat down in the comfortable plush chair while al-Azmah returned to his position behind the large wood desk in his comfortable, study-like office, sitting behind two inches of bulletproof glass and afforded with a fantastic view of Aya Sofya and the Blue Mosque. Books lined the shelves, and behind on the mantle, a sailboat in a bottle proudly supplemented a portrait of the late Sultan Mustafa bin Asad. al-Azmah half-collapsed back into his chair but he looked confident and excited.

"So, what kind of hell should we raise in the world today, Mr Maracazo?" al-Azmah said, grinning mischievously like a schoolboy.

The Pacitalian's facial expression was less than amused but he sighed and continued. "Everything we planned has been put in place. You just have to say the word." He lit a second cigarette and inhaled the sweet smoke of the myrrh-tinged tobacco. The smoke came out in rings, delicately holding their shape as they sailed slowly through the heavy Istanbul air. "We have manoeuvred carefully enough that there should be no problem. Success is virtually guaranteed at this point." He took another pull from the long cigarette.

"Excellent, excellent," al-Azmah said, grinning wider than before and rubbing his hands together. "You know how I love good news, heh!"

Maracazo sat, the cigarette between his second and third fingers on his right hand, with a bemused expression plastered blatantly over his rough, rugged Pacitalian face. His chiseled chin pushed outwardly slightly as though he was disgusted by al-Azmah's overzealous persona. There will be time to celebrate later, Maracazo thought to himself. He shook his head very lightly, got up and moved to the bulletproof glass, staring out at the Blue Mosque, its carved features highlighted beautifully by angelic floodlights.

"What will you do when this is done, Maracazo?" al-Azmah said suddenly.

Maracazo turned slightly, but paused. "I will have a better idea of that in exactly twenty-four hours. You have my cell phone number. Remember to use a secure channel and do not contact me from this point on unless it is absolutely necessary. I am more than happy to do your bidding... at the right price... but I can handle it without your assistance from now until the end of it. I bid you goodnight." He extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray, unhooked the door latch, opened the heavy door and walked down the hallway, a trail of smoke hanging precariously in the air.

al-Azmah stared ahead, unable to comprehend how different the world would look in just twenty-four hours. He sat there, aroused by the fact that he was about to manipulate two governments into wiping each other's states off the map, and excited by the power he now held, thanks to Maracazo. He leaned back and began to imagine the possibilities that were being laid out for him like bricks on a path...

12:14:57... 12:14:58... 12:14:59... 12:15:00.
28-02-2006, 06:07
[OOC: Note to anybody reading this RP, unlike the show 24, that entire posts may or may not take a full hour of the RP's time. This RP takes place within the span of exactly 24 hours, but some posts, like the intro one, may be 15 minutes, while some may take place over 40, and some over an hour and 5. Just so you're not confused. We're still in the same "episode".]
Ottoman Khaif
01-03-2006, 02:19
12:25:24... 12:25:25... 12:25:26... 12:25:27...

Nişantaşı district, Istanbul, Istanbul Province, Khailfah al Muslimeen

In one of the many Turkish coffee houses in the most exclusive districts of Istanbul, there an agent of the AMI, dress in plain civilian clothing, drinking Turkish coffee and watching the rebroadcasts of a Football game between Istanbul and Baghdad, which Baghdad made last minute goal and won the game by one point, it was major upset for the locals to see their team get defeated in Baghdad.

The Agent casually check his watch and it was 12:29:30 p.m., he was waiting for someone to come at any minute..

Then a man dresses in a black suit enter the coffee house. He made direct eye contact with the agent and quickly walked over to him. They exchange greetings by nodding their heads and the black suited agent took a seat at the table.

“Agent Idriss Jettou, from North African AMI Regional Command…about time you got here…” remark the Agent in Arabic

“About time…its only 12:30…on the dot…I came right on time…besides being just transfer from Fez to Istanbul…takes time to get use your new Agent Behrooz Araz, have you read the debrief on the CEO…yet?” Asked Agent Jettou

“Yes, I have read the brief on our friend the CEO…very fishy character and I can’t believe we allow him to become the CEO of one of our major public companies…to think…he is of the hawk faction….”remark Agent Behrooz Araz (, who was of Turkmen Persian background

“Its because..he isn’t a government official, he work his way up in the company so to speak, and since it’s a public company ..we don’t have too much say over the CEOs process…but that’s besides the point.. Yusuf al-Azmah is doing some actives…that has caught the attention of the AMI.. And since your agent of the Second Chief Directorate of been assign to this mission to find out what Yusuf is up too…by the way..nice place for a meeting….why I am not shock you pick one of the many AMI meeting areas in Istanbul..try not to be so predictable …oh Behrooz..” remark Agent Jettou

“I am try not to be predictable…oh bloody Jettou…you may have serve the AMI for 30 years and myself for only 5 years.. but that doesn’t matter…rest assure I’ll find out what our CEO friend is up to…now is that all?” asked Behrooz

Agent Jettou just rolled his eyes

“Yes, that’s all for now…I have meeting back at HQ in Bursa…got a train to catch…you best be off with your investigation.. “ remark Agent Jettou and he left the Coffee house

Agent Araz paid the tab and left the Coffee House, he decide meet with one of his contacts in the AMJSOC and find out what’s going on the company lately..

12:35:24... 12:35:25... 12:35:26... 12:35:27...
15-04-2006, 01:40
12:40:00... 12:40:01... 12:40:02... 12:40:03...
Timiocato, Capitale province, Pacitalia

Save for the delicate dripping of water from the drainage pipes, dead silence enveloped the Padziano warehouse complex in Timiocato's old Docklands, the once-great shipping and distribution centre during the 1700s and 1800s. Silvery-blue moonlight filtered through the parting clouds; a thundershower earlier in the evening had moistened the streets and cleaned the dust off the buildings in the Port district. It was still warm and humid this time of night, but a light breeze fluttered through the spaces between the warehouses and turned scraps of paper and dead leaves into dancing figurines, illuminated by the soft glow of the moon.

With increasing volume, the footsteps of a tall, muscular man, dressed only in a greasy athletic shirt and torn jeans, could be heard tapping the damp pavement along the cracked concrete sidewalk of Corso San Brigionano. Cars roared by at speeds well over the legal limit and distant Rosian hip-hop music could be heard from a house party going on in one of the dorm houses nearby. The man stepped off the sidewalk, crossed the street and approached a rickety chain-link fence with overgrown weeds criss-crossing through the metal.

The fence was lit only by the moon, and boxes were arranged in a pyramid position underneath. The man tested the integrity of the boxes and then, grasping the upper bar of the fence, used the wooden crates to vault over the fence. Landing with a soft thump on the gravel, he brushed himself off and walked quietly down the alley. Police sirens blared behind him and he started, turning around to look. But they screamed past, obviously following a speeding driver down San Brigionano, so the man continued, turning left at the end of the alley onto a wider stretch of pavement, overgrown with weeds and littered with paper, garbage and old tires.

A handful of sodium lights sparsely lit the wide, open corridor, the man's muscular physique forming shadows along the poorly-maintained walls of the warehouse complex. He came to a metal staircase and quietly ascended it, pulling out a key and unlocking the heavy studded-metal door. He opened it, glided inside, shut it and replaced the lock. Moving swiftly down the narrow, shallow hall, his running shoes made quiet scuff sounds on the linoleum floor. Rats and insects scurried away, frightened by his presence. The smell of rat feces and urine was nearly overpowering in this unventilated area and the man had to hold his breath until he exited the corridor and pushed through a two-way door into a courtyard.

This part of the warehouse had a roof and a seemingly endless stretch of pillars holding it up, but no outside walls. However, there was a decaying brick fence a bit further out that was shielding the impending procession from outside view. Two men in the middle of the roofed area looked up as his footsteps began crunching on the gravel and cracked cement flooring. As he approached, he could see one of the men tied to a chair with another facing him, looking over a bunch of documents on a fold-up aluminum table lit by a halogen stand lamp.

"Evening, gentlemen," the man said, his Russian-accented baritone voice echoing confidently around the wide open former storage area. "What does our favourite prisoner have for us today?" he continued, grinning and chuckling.

The tied-up man looked hungry and weak, and was sweating profusely. His shirt collar was torn and stained with dried sweat and he looked up as though he was about to be given the beating of his life by this muscular and imposing mystery man. "I--I've got you... top-secret Pacitalian and KLM high-clearance... docu... documents," he said, straining to speak clearly.

"Ah, excellent," the Russian said, grinning broadly this time. "Dmitri, do they look genuine?"

"Yes, Pasha, they do," he said, looking up. "These are Pacitalian Class-D documents," Dmitri explained, pointing to a one-inch tall by one-foot wide silvery metal container with a code input on it, "and these are Type One Access KLM documents." Dmitri pointed to a black folder with the symbol of the Khailfah on it -- a black hawk and falcon -- supplemented by a scrawl of Arabic lettering which meant "Type One Access".

"And do you know the code for the Pacitalian documents?" Pasha asked, his eyebrow arched.

"This gentleman here has given me a code, and I am about to test it," Dmitri replied. "You can have a look at the Khailfah documents yourself if you want, Pasha."

Dmitri handed Pasha the set of documents in the neat black folder. Pasha opened them and looked them over, his smile increasing in width. "Ah, yes, yes, these will work quite well." He placed them gently back down on the table and proceeded to watch Dmitri with the box of Pacitalian documents.

The code box beeped with each press of a button. Dmitri finished entering the set of 10 digits and pressed enter. He stepped back, concerned that the code might be incorrect, but a green light flashed on the display, combined with three beeps, and the lock clicked open. Pasha eagerly stepped forward as Dmitri opened the box. It was full of relevant and genuine documents.

"Excellent," Pasha said. "Excellent. I will get these to Mar--," he started, but he was cut off by the sound of voices over by the northeastern brick wall.

"Dude, haven't you tried hash yet? It blows your MIND, man," the voice of a young male said, ringing across the abandoned warehouse.

A second young male replied but his words couldn't be heard; he was too far away. Suddenly, two people jumped down from the wall and into the square. They looked around, their eyes stopping when they saw the solitary light and the group of three men. They ran forward.

"Hey, dudes! Is this a drug deal, man? Cos if it is, my friend here wants to try some hash and--"

"No, dude, I didn't say that, man, shut the fuck up..."

Dmitri and Pasha exchanged irritated glances. The latter man cut the two hippie dormers short. "For your information, boys, we are conducting some important business here that is none of your concern."

The first dormer guffawed. "Well, man, there's no need to get raisin bran on me, hah! We just want some dope."

"Well, you're NOT going to get it here," Pasha replied. "Move along."

"Nah, man, we wanna watch you," the second hippie said. "What is this, one of those action movie kidnappings? This is great! Have you tortured him yet?" He chuckled and exchanged a high-five with his friend.

The tied-up man flinched at the word torture, but recovered and started to speak. "Young man, please-- go away. Please."

Dmitri wheeled on his heel and screamed at the man to be silent, his voice echoing for seconds around the abandoned complex. He turned back, calmly this time, and smiled.

"Okay, you've got us. This is a drug deal. We have some bud, rock and LSD, but we've just run out of... hash." Pasha and Dmitri nodded at each other. "But we do have another type of drug, a new one you probably haven't tried before. It's called ecstasy."

The two hippies exchanged bemused glances and turned back to Pasha. "You've got to be joking, haha! Ecstasy's been around forever, dude."

"Ah, but this is a different kind," Pasha replied. "It's just hit the market. Enhanced with traces of angel dust. You barely even feel anything."

With that, Pasha and Dmitri whipped out their Pomentane C-610 9mm handguns and fired two shots into each of the hippies' heads. They crumpled into heaps, dead before they hit the ground. The hippies' facial expressions told it all - that shocked realisation of one's impending death in the face of a gun barrel.

Pasha turned to Dmitri. "Search them and get this cleaned up. I need to get these documents to Maracazo in Istanbul immediately." He turned to the tied-up man. "And if you tell anyone about this little gun dance or what you sold us today, even with us graciously paying you more than you deserve, you know what we'll do to you." His iron-gray eyes went cold and, with one last gaze at the scene, documents in hand, he turned, walking over to a pearly black Infiniti sedan.

Getting in, the door closed with a thump and the engine roared to life. Pasha placed the documents on the passenger's seat and put the car into drive, accelerating out of the warehouse, onto the driveway, and out onto Corso San Brigionano. The night was still calm and humid, the moon reflecting off of the glass buildings of downtown as Pasha sped away to the airport.

12:59:57... 12:59:58... 12:59:59... 01:00:00
Ottoman Khaif
15-04-2006, 04:25
01:01:00... 01:01:01... 01:01:04... 01:01:05...

Greek Quarter, Istanbul, Istanbul Province, Khailfah al Muslimeen

Agent Araz enter a local Greek Restaurant in the Greek Quarter of Istanbul, Has he waited for waiter to take him to a table. His eyes were train on finding his contact in the AMJSOC. They were darting all over the place to find that contact… Then a waiter to came up to him and said the following in Arabic

“Sir, how may I help you?” ask the waiter

He reply in Arabic

“Ah, yes…I am meeting with my friend…a Miss Katherina Ivanovna…I believe is expecting me..”

“Ah yes..Miss. Ivanova..I’ll take you to her table.” Reply the Waiter and he lead the Agent to her table, which was in the very back of the restaurant out of plan sight. Just to prevent anyone from seeming them meet.

Agent Araz look at Katherina , she attractive and of Slavic background, and in her mid 20s..She had dark brown air and green just looking at her, she was very uneasy and nervous and her hands were shaking has she try to hold her cup of tea.

Agent Araz just told the Waiter to get him a cup of Turkish Coffee, that was all and he took his seat.

“So, Katherina what do you have for me, today?” He asked in prefect English

“Well..I notice that, Yusef al-Azmah schedule…that was odd for tonight… he rarely works this late…and he block off the time period from 11:30 PM to 1:00 AM as private meetings…which is very odd for him…as his personal assistant…I notice these odd things…..” she said and took a sip of her tea..

“That’s doesn’t tell me anything I need to known.” Said Agent Araz , then the waiter came back with his Turkish Coffee and he thanked the waiter

Then he continue on

“We need more information on his dealing during the Black Banner Mutiny….the AMI knows he had something to do with the hiring of the clandestine soldiers for hire..” he said

She rolled her eyes and said” Look…I been your contact for nearly one month…give more time….I have to access to his personal bank account records….just one more week…that’s all I need..”

“I understood your doing a great service for your county and getting rewarded for it.. but time is running out…we need this information now or never.” He stated

“Very well, I’ll try my best to get to you the information you need..I got to go..its late and I need to sleep.” Said Katherina

“ go out first…I’ll leave a bit later to make sure no one thinks we were here together.” Said Agent Araz

She nodded and paid the tab for her meal and she got up and left the restaurant, as soon she left the restaurant walk to the her apartment….she being follow by two men in black suits.. Has soon as she took a turn in ally which was a short cut to her apartment building, midway in the that ally she saw two men in black suits and another two men in black suits blocking the other way…they quickly grab her before she knew it and blindfolded her and gag her, then a unmarked white van pull up to the curve and they threw her in it and drove off..

One of the men made a quick call to their boss
“Sir, we have the girl and on way to the safe house.” Said the man

“Good, find out why she was working with the AMI, by ANY means, the CEO is paying us top dollar” Reply the Boss

Agent Araz knew nothing of this since he left the Restaurant, fives minutes after she left and he went on business as usually heading off to his next part of his investigations.

01:30:00... 01:30:01... 01:30:02... 01:30:03...
02-05-2006, 23:31
01:35:00, 01:35:01, 01:35:02, 01:35:03
Distrito Espagnano Vego, Monterio, Margheria province, Pacitalia

A light fog drifted down the narrow cobblestone streets of Monterio's Old Spanish Town, white lights casting angelic beams across the etched and weathered centuries-old buildings. An athletic woman of above-average height and long blonde hair stalked these narrow paths, following the sound of hurried, frantic footsteps tapping on the ground. The footsteps were growing distant but as she turned the corner she saw the distant shadow of a jogging man as he rounded the edge of a long street, a briefcase in hand. She increased her pace and headed in his direction, her jackboots lightly slapping the hard stone ground.

The long, narrow path lined with doors and dimmed, curtained windows opened into a large plaza with a central fountain. Tall date palms, wrought iron oil lamps and benches lined the square-shaped open space. The smell of espresso and grilled meats floated through the warm, moist air as the woman followed her frightened quarry at a distance across the plaza. He stopped abruptly and looked back in her direction, causing her to have to change direction in a heartbeat. She headed nonchalantly for the other side of the fountain in an attempt to circle in front of him and cut him off.

Walking briskly, she wiped water from her face as she closely strafed the large marble fountain. Her footsteps tapped the stone ground gently but the sounds were drowned by the laughter and loud voices of other people in the plaza. A huge fireball erupted behind the woman and she started but realised a lamb-grilling demonstration had begun, and so she continued on. She approached the man on his left flank, drawing nearer and nearer. To her benefit, her quarry kept checking over the other shoulder allowing her to comfortably and casually approach at a swift speed. She celebrated inwardly as he tripped and stumbled over a raised piece of stone and fell to the ground, his briefcase skittering noisily across the pave.

She hurried over and picked it up, approaching the man. "Here you are, sir. Are you all right?"

He stared at her, eyes wide, then relaxed and struggled to his feet. "Y-yes, I think so. Thank you, ma'am." He tipped his hat and began to walk away but she grabbed his arm and looked him dead in the eye.

"Where do you think you're going so fast, now," she said, smiling. She pulled a chrome case out of her pocket. Opening it, the blonde woman retrieved a capped syringe filled with a thin bluish liquid and began flicking it to remove the air. She squeezed the tamp and watched as the fluid squirted out onto the ground. Satisfied, she walked over to the man who started back, frightened out of his mind. He tripped again and fell.

She put on a show in case anyone else was watching. "Oh, my God, sir! Are you sure you don't want help to a hospital? Let me help you, please." She reached out a hand and pulled him up, jabbing him in the wrist and pulsing the fluid into his arm. "There we go, that's a good lad." He went limp in her arms and passed out. She patted the man on the back. "Come on, sir. You need to rest." She grinned, feigning sheepishness, at a curious old lady, who returned a light, thin smile.

Dragging the man up onto the bench that lined the fountain, she laid him across it and flipped open her cell phone. She pressed a speed-dial number and waited for the call to connect.

"Code Bravo. I have the subject in my custody."

"Copy that, Agent Five. Collection and extraction to commence in ten minutes. Stay at guard level two."

"Accepted. Over and out." She pressed end and shut her flip phone, waiting the ten minutes until the fake ambulance came to collect her quarry, signalling the end to a successful mission. But she was too busy celebrating to notice the woman in a cardigan and jeans sitting watching her on the other side of the fountain.

1:59:57... 1:59:58... 1:59:59... 2:00:00.
Ottoman Khaif
03-05-2006, 01:12
02:00:00... 02:00:01... 02:00:02... 02:00:03...

Istanbul, Istanbul Province, Khailfah al Muslimeen

Agent Araz had headed off to another part of Istanbul, to an area that well known hangout for employees of the Al Muslimeen Joint Stock Oil Company (AMJSOC), the hangout was an old Turkish Coffee shop, which dated back to 1700s. Just from looking outside of the shop, one could tell that this place had a lot of history behind it, just looking at the old architecture.

Agent Araz enter the shop, and look around for his contact, it was a rule for AMI agents to have two contacts in these missions related to major CEOs…the rule also stated that both contacts must never know of the other, just in case one of the contacts is capture, they still have another contact within the group. Agent Araz saw his other contact sitting alone in a corner, he was drinking Turkish Coffee. Araz simply walked over to the contact and took his seat, and he began to speak in Arabic

“Long time, no see my old friend…Faruq al Hassan.. so what news you being me?” remark Agent Araz

Faruq al Hassan was, Yusuf al-Azmah personal accountant… and now AMI contact

“Well…I did some checking of the “our friend”….personal financial records before the Black Banner Mutiny.. apparently…he bought a large amount of shares in some companies…about 18 million dinars worth….yet what’s odd…his current records…show no shares worth 18 million dinars and he didn’t sell any of his stocks for at least six years…so I believe we found our proof that he funded…the mutiny..” stated the Accountant

“Interesting at best….but I need proof of the records, before I can make my case..” reply Agent Araz

Then Faruq took out a flash desk out of his coat pocket and give it to Agent Araz, who put it away in his pocket.

“This should help you…in your case…now its time for you to fulfill your part of the deal.” Said Faruq

“Very well, I shall take you to your safe house, where you be out of the reach of any of Yusef hit men…lets go.” Said Agent

The Accountant and the Agent walked out side the shop, and Agent Araz made a quick call to the AMI for a car to pick them up.

As Agent Araz made his phone call, out of corner of his eye, he saw a black unmarked BNW sedan with tainted windows speed down the street. At first he didn’t react, then one of the passenger windows when down and AK-103s stuck out and beginning firing at will..

“DUCK!” Yell Agent Araz, but it was too late for Faruq…he took shots to the chest and died right on where he stood.

And the Sedan dove off at full speed

Agent Araz called Regional AMI Command of Istanbul

“Man down…repeat man down….we have been attacked request backup…”

“Back up is on the way, just stay where you are…” reply the voice.

Something told Araz today was going to be a long one..

02:38:01... 02:38:02... 02:38:03... 02:38:04...