NationStates Jolt Archive

Raven corps finishes largest Production plant!! Atten: world!

Raven corps
27-02-2006, 23:46
pictures of Plant


Raven corps Public Newsletter

As of 8:00am eastern time the newest Raven corps production plant poened its doors to workers in the Irathian Cont. The new facility is about 80 sq. miles in size and has the ability to hold 400,000 people in its walls. the facility has over 50 underground stories which acounts for it large numbers in workers. And the building tower about 20 stories above ground. Raven corps began this endevour some time ago but never released it news until now stating

" Raven corps did not want to draw unneeded attention from more enviormental nation who see our job creating plant as a blight on our planet. This planet promises new jobs for the entire area. And will be a better good in the long run." quoted from Colderon Zion

Raven corps has spent and good amount of money on this new facitlity. Close to 500 billion dallors has been poured into the facility, to ensure good up keep and productivity. Colderon CEo of Raven corps has stated that the facility will not any other nations military. And that the only security that will be present are the Raven corps Security Forces. Which have been sent there as of today. Raven corps has stated that it has sent a "sizable" security force.....

more at 11....
28-02-2006, 01:12
OOC: thats huge!

Offical Necromonger statment of support

As he have seen aggression towards Raven corps has begun to escalate. As a member of the Necromonger chruch, we are completed to assist them in war against anyone who attacks them. New threats from the Valkya(srry about spelling) has seen it fit to begin setting up defences for a counter attack against them if they attack the new facility which has been built in the area. No disclosed numbers will be reported at this time.

Glory to the Underverse
28-02-2006, 01:19
(OOC: Yep, it's going to take a lot of bombs to take it down.)
The Beltway
28-02-2006, 01:22
To Public Relations Department, Raven Corps Corporate HQ -
We at the National Geographic Society are always looking for new stories for our magazine. We would like to send reporter John Mitchell and photographer Sarah Leen to your new plant to do a profile of the plant. Further, if we could arrange interviews between Mitchell and the construction project's manager and chief engineers, it would be much appreciated. Thank you very much.
John M. Fahey, Jr, CEO and Chairman of the Board of the National Geographic Society
28-02-2006, 01:25

I would like to offer my congrats to the Prestigious Raven Corperation for its newly completed complex, we hope to see it prosper in the future.

Justin Scharfe
28-02-2006, 01:29
OOC: thats huge!

Offical Necromonger statment of support

As he have seen aggression towards Raven corps has begun to escalate. As a member of the Necromonger chruch, we are completed to assist them in war against anyone who attacks them. New threats from the Valkya(srry about spelling) has seen it fit to begin setting up defences for a counter attack against them if they attack the new facility which has been built in the area. No disclosed numbers will be reported at this time.

Glory to the Underverse

(OOC: I'm sorry, but how do you know that I have contacted Frenzia about a possible attack on the factory, when the only IC post mentioning it was encypted in high level military encryption launguage?)
28-02-2006, 01:34
OOC: We listened to it by chance..... Police scanner picked it up...

Sorry , but I needed to hear it so I could get invloved..... Plz dont be mad. It wont happen again.....:)
28-02-2006, 01:44
(OOC: A police scanner is not going to be enough to crack this code, my friend, seeing as the transmission was sent via a satellite databurst and heavily encoded in military coding launguage. You could get involved when we send ground troops to secure the factory after the attack, OR, get involved in the Raven Corp's invasion of Frenzia, which involved some serious attacks on civilians including the killing of children and raping of women, which is why I'm attacking the facility in the first place.)
28-02-2006, 01:49
OOC: cool. But I am a necromonger..... Life is a flaw to my people.... I dont really care about human rights and the dead children. To be honest to our people the dead children are better off....
28-02-2006, 01:59
(OOC: Necro or not, you can't listen to a military transmission with a police scanner.)
28-02-2006, 03:06
It is good to see you are improving your production capacity. We wish to make you an offer. We have some raw materials in abundance which may be of use to you in your facility. We can produce large amounts of chemical salts, construction gravel, construction sand for concrete, scrap steel and titanium from recovered ships, and a number of clean energy power sources to improve the output capacities of your plant including wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, ocean thermal energy, and kelp ethanol. We will soon be able to produce large quantities of methanol with methyl hydrates.
Please let us know what you have to offer us in return.

Amara Cruon, Cruon Commercial House, RFS-- Registered Family Syndicate
Raven corps
28-02-2006, 04:36
OOC: Velkya I think he was talking about him not caring about the inhuman acts....


TO: Commonalitarianism
From Raven corps Public Relations

We are thankful for the offer and we would be happy to accept . WE would be more then happy.


Colderon Zion


To Public Relations Department, Raven Corps Corporate HQ -
We at the National Geographic Society are always looking for new stories for our magazine. We would like to send reporter John Mitchell and photographer Sarah Leen to your new plant to do a profile of the plant. Further, if we could arrange interviews between Mitchell and the construction project's manager and chief engineers, it would be much appreciated. Thank you very much.
John M. Fahey, Jr, CEO and Chairman of the Board of the National Geographic Society

WE would be more then happy to allow an interveiw.

Our chief Engineers are:
Markus Rell
Lamonte Criss
James Potterson

Our construction Supervisor is Dr. Feelly H. Artison.

Please give us a time
28-02-2006, 04:45
From: Allied Union Aerial High Command Center
To: Government of Beltway
Encryption Level Black

As Beltway is a semi-allied nation with regards to Velkya, we shall fill you in on the details. At 12:00 AM tonight, an air raid launched from Greenman Air Force Base in western Velkya will be targeting the massive Raven Corporation facility codenamed "Monolith" by the 54th Strategic Bomber Sqaudron and 882nd Tactical Fighter Wing. The plant is rumored to capable of producing vast quantities of chemical and biological weapons, and our intelligence reports that two representives of the National Geographic Society have voulenteered to visit the facility. We ask you that they are not allowed to make that trip, as the Air Force cannot ensure their survival if they are on-site. Should you allow them to make the trip, and they are killed, the Allied Union will not be held responsible for their deaths.

-End Transmission-
Raven corps
28-02-2006, 05:07
OOC: you know the plant will not be unarmed.....
28-02-2006, 05:10
OOC: I'm quite aware of that.
The Beltway
28-02-2006, 05:33
To Velkya -
We appreciate your message; the National Geographic people have been advised of the situation and have chosen not to go. However, they are interested in visiting Irathria; any particular locations of interest, such as wildlife preserves, native tribes, interesting cultures, interesting structures, etc, that you can give them would be of use.
As a loose ally of ours, we request that you help us in our war with Gilabad. Gilabad launched a surprise attack on our nation, and we are accepting any help you can provide. We understand your forces are probably tied up on Irathria and elsewhere; however, we would like any and all help. Thank you.
Mark Warner, Foreign Minister of The Beltway

Sorry for the delay.
Sigma Octavus
28-02-2006, 05:48
(OOC: Huh, guess my plant was finally outdone. I've had one that's about 2/3 that size for quite a while now...oh well.)
28-02-2006, 07:27
Greenman Air Force Base, Western Velkya, 11:12 PM

The cool night air brushed against the pilot. He walked towards the open ISF-2X, his helmet in hand. His entire wing, forty-eight fighters in a row, sat, armed and ready to do battle with the enemy. As he climbed into the cockpit, slipping the helmet over his head and closing the canopy, he turned, watching one of the massive BS-24 Liberator IIs climb out of the reinforced hangers which it called home. Laden with weapons, it was one of twelve strategic bombers ready to strike the Raven Corporation's Iraithian Factory, codenamed "Monolith" by their commanders.

He turned, switching the aircraft's systems on. He taxied to the runway, all two miles of it stood in front of him, as he awaited the order to launch. Soon, his squad-mates sat behind him, eager to get into the air. Then, the solemn radio message came in.

"Firefox 1, cleared for takeoff!"

He slammed his throttle forward, pushing his aircraft down the runway as the nose pulled up to the stars.

Straight between Raven Corporation and Western Osea, 11:43 AM

At nearly 120,000 feet, it would seem that escorts were unnecessary, that nothing could get close. However, the AUAF wasn't going to take any chances. The mission was simple. With the guidance of a local AWACs craft, Firefox and Drake squadrons would target the enemy surface-to-air batteries with HARM strikes, paving the way for Xero, Necro, and the bombers. As the twenty four aircraft approached the enemy factory, they began to link their RADAR systems with that of the AWACs, illuminating any enemy RADAR sites in the area.

With a flourish, the two squadrons released their ARM-42 Nero HARM missiles, which then proceeded to streak upwards, before they would plunge down right on top of the RADAR arrays. As the missiles streaked towards their targets, the fighters turned back, heading towards the impending bomber formation.

(OOC: I've fired nearly one hundred anti-radiation missiles at your factory. Any RADAR guided air defenses and RADAR arrays are going to be hit pretty much without warning.)
28-02-2006, 12:22
We wish something in return for supplying you with industrial materials. We would like one dozen two ton cloning vats with the right to make them. If this is acceptable please let us know.


Amara Cruon, Cruon Commercial House, RFS-- Registered Family Syndicate
Raven corps
28-02-2006, 15:49
We wish something in return for supplying you with industrial materials. We would like one dozen two ton cloning vats with the right to make them. If this is acceptable please let us know.


Amara Cruon, Cruon Commercial House, RFS-- Registered Family Syndicate

Agreed, the vats will be sent to you after arrival of the supplies.

Night before

The first night of operation was always the worst because all of the problems that where not seen before made themselves known. The worst was the constant alarm that would go off if a sea gail would fly by.

" Sir, we got to do something about the anti-air RECON system. its catching every little dust mite in the air. I can get anything done if I keep hearing the alarm every 20 seconds..." explain the 5th district chief mantiance leader as he looked over the repair charts for the part of the plant he controled. close to 30 complaints about the air raid sirens where making the workers panic.

" I knowJack. I have then here to, but it something that the SEC force has to take care of. I got know thing to do with them anymore. SO I cant help you. Oh and by the way, did SEC Force install secondary anti-air systems with you.?" explained the 45th district chief.


"Thought so. God they're wierd...."
28-02-2006, 19:23
3000 tons of scrap steel processed into metal bars, 3000 tons of scrap titanium processed into metal bars, 10,000 tons construction of gravel, 10,000 tons of mortar sand for cement, 50 2 ton containers of chemical salts, 10- 100 Megawatt wind barges, 100 Megawatts of clear solar panels which can be used in place of windows. These are basically bullet proof and can resist most light to medium explosives, they are about 2 inches thick. 2- 10 Megawatt underwater tidal generators. 2000 barrels of kelp ethanol each barrel is made of kelp biopolymer and contains 50 gallons of ethanol. This is my intial placement.


Amara Cruon, Cruon Commercial House, RFS-- Registered Family Syndicate
28-02-2006, 22:32
(OOC: Raven, respond to the missile attack.)
Raven corps
28-02-2006, 22:52
OOC: I will When I can....
Raven corps
02-03-2006, 23:48
About half the H.A.E.S.B.'s where radar guilded batteries, the others where aerial Sonor. As the air was disturbed the some 200 operational batteries came to life and located the incoming missiles. Soon about 200 anti-air missiles leaped out of thier tubes and hoped to make contact with the incoming. With the inital firing of the batteries the air raid alarm came to life. the the plant was light up. Soon security teams where placed out prepare for a possible ground invasion. Plant crews where ordered to the lower decks, as the plant repair crews where called topside, so they may begin repairs once the engagment was over.

( Alarm..... Warning Incoming detected...... Alarm)

The plants directoer woke up from he slummber and quickly alaerted the H.Q. of the alarm.....

( 12th District)

On the run way 40 Black widow air superiorty fighters where kept preped and ready. And as the alrm hit, corporate security pilots ran to thier respective aircraft and began to take to the air.

(OOC: I need you to post how many I took down...... before I can post damage)
03-03-2006, 01:24
Airspace near Raven Corporation factory, 11:51 AM

The Raven Corporation response was laughable, but the professional and diligent pilots of the AUAF kept their heads, responding with a much more effective approach. The SONAR guided missiles, using a guidance system designed to work underwater, simply streaked into the sky before running out of fuel, their meager sensors confused by the ambient noise around them, never tracking the quiet and high-flying fighter and bomber squadrons. The fighters continued flying with the bombers, which prepared to respond. Targeting satellites marked key structural areas (identified by the mission planners) with lasers, as the large bomb bays of the Liberator IIs opened to reveal hundreds of guided bombs and missiles in all.

"Cleared to release, all units, bombs away!"

Then, the bombers let loose. Pouring a vast quantity of munitions into the factory, over one thousand separate warheads, from standoff missiles to 1,000 pound LGBs, along with large submunition dispensers began to streak downward as a rain of bomblets poured down upon the factory. Dozens of tons of explosives, aimed at key support points in the large structure, would find no difficulty in destroying the large and cumbersome plant. As these behemoths emptied their bellies into the facility, Archer III missile submarines of the Velkyan Home Fleet, appearing several dozen miles off the coast of Raven Corp's territory in Iraithia, began to launch large amounts of cruise missiles, aimed at finishing the factory, should the bombers not be able to. In addition to targeting the same structural points as that of the facility, the airfields, SAM sites, and motor pools were targeted, so that air superiority over the facility could be established and airborne troops landed.

As the fingers of flame pushed skyward, two squadrons of ISF-2Xs took off, armed with chemical dispersing bombs, which were filled with neutralizers in case of a weapons leak over the facility. Even though Velkyan troops carried NBC gear built into their battle suits, the chemical fallout was close enough to Velkya to warrant a chemical clean-up. These aircraft pushed to full throttle; they would arrive in theatre within the hour. As these aircraft took up, four thousand combat soldiers and three hundred airborne vehicles of the Velkyan 6th Airborne Division loaded up into transport aircraft which would deliver them to the facility to capture it and allow for more accurate demolition of the weapons and the factory itself. A carrier task force, which was cruised patrol in the Osean Straight, also responded, pushing full ahead to link up with the submarines which launched the cruise missiles.

Meanwhile, back with the aircraft mounting the raid, the sophisticated RADAR systems of the warplanes detected the outdated YF-23s of the Raven Corps Security Forces, and responded in kind with a barrage of ALRAAMs, large range, RADAR guided missiles with superior maneuvering capabilities, aimed at the oncoming fighters.

(OOC: Munitions launched at factory:
230x SOD-23 IR guided Submunition dispenser
70x ARM-42 Nero HARM missiles
200x ALAM-2 Anti-Ground Standoff Missile
500x LGB-73 Laser Guided Glide Bomb
200x ALCM-7 Demolisher Air Launched Cruise Missile
100x CM-12 Tomahawk II Cruise Missile

Missiles launched at Fighters:
72x ALRAAM Air-to-Air missile)
03-03-2006, 01:26
OOC: Ouch. That factory is DEAD.
Raven corps
03-03-2006, 17:47
OOC: well I guess I cant use old crap with you
I have a little suprise for your man when they enter the plant....
03-03-2006, 23:09
OOC: My friend, my goal is to destroy the plant, not occupy it.

Now state your losses, please.
Raven corps
06-03-2006, 16:14
OOC: that a lot to destroy. not to mention you called my Anti-air usless because of the words Sonor, and stated that it would be confused by the ambiant sound. you would have to use a ultrasonic emitter to distract them. It aerial sonor. not normal sonor. And the YF-23 black widows are not out of date. Raven corps keep its aircraft in state of the art shape. They just use the Black-widow body model. Now that I have stated my concern, I will state my loses


The attack took a good toll on the plant, striking multiple anit-air units where hit along with a good number of smoke stacks, which fell and damaged three levels of the plants underground level.

Staff loss of the plant was minimal due to the alarms. But assets loses are calculated at around 3 billion dallors. out of the 100 destricts 10 where completely destroyed or made inoperable. Used assets lost are estimated around 4 billion dallors. Current stated of the plant is at reduced productivity by 47%. or at below average productivity.

As of yesterday Colderon Zion Called for a meeting between himself and the Velkya command. Colderon wishes to find out the exact reason why his plant was attacked unprovoked.

Colderon had this to say...

" You attack a plant that belonged to a private company, not only that you have also attacked an area of non-combatants. Such acts are terrible and should not be over looked by the world. You say your better then us, by I find that hard to believe. You bombed staff hospitals, and staff child care centers. Now thats evil...."

OOC2: losses:
200 anti-air defences
about 7 billion dallors in collateral damage
36 hospital workers
20 staff children...
06-03-2006, 23:40
I would just like to assure the public that this attack was not unprovoked.I would also like to let the public know tha Raven corps is good at changing information to make himself look like the good guy.If hospitals were really hit we are sorry but we would like to ask why it is such a big deal to you when you blew up over 200 Frenzian children,allowed your soldiers to rape women,and converted men to fight for you.The attack on the plant was called for,you make weapons at the plant therefore it is fair game.You chose to begin the fight against me and now you complain because your soil is bombed.
07-03-2006, 00:56
[ A couple platoons of RAID operatives should take care of this place, whenever I feel well enough to post. (-_-') ]
07-03-2006, 01:40
From: Grand Senate of the Allied Union of Velkya
To: All Nations of the World

We care not for the Raven Corporation's lies and misinformation, if they cared about children so much, they would not have placed them in a chemical weapons production facility. We shall continue to launch strikes on the facility's structural weakpoints until there is nothing but ruins left. If the Raven Corporation wished to evacuate it's "children", it should have done so when it declared war on Frenzia and murdured it's civilians.

-End Transmission-

OOC: Explain to me just how this "aerial sonar" works. SONAR works by bouncing sound waves off objects and recieving them to generate a visual image of a object. This works underwater because water carries sound much better than air. If you were to use such a system in air, the effective range would be tremendously limited. Also, when did you decide to upgrade these fighters to a better standard, before or after you saw my fighters?
Raven corps
07-03-2006, 15:43
OOC:The aerial sonor works like normal sonor but it uses Low charge EMP emitted from the center of the plant to detect objects instead of sound. A pulse is sent out, a pulse not limited by air waves. The pulse would come in contact with the object causing the EMP charge to be absorbed and the reciever, the SAM batteries in this case would see a gap in the pulse dome. If the shape is not something that it know to be normal to the area it will fire upon it. And the Black Widows where upgraded when our newest fighter was developed....( F-OO). The older aircreft where put in to a major overhaul to try and keep up with the newest aircraft.

Press conference... Willink, Terra City.

" As many of you can see, Frenzia, in an effort to try and degrade the great corporations, has begun to call upon its murdurous friends to attack our weapons plants. With children in the plant they still bombed it. So, because of Velkyas quick and unprovoke attack, children have died. And chemicls have been found to have escaped into the surrounding area. We advise all nation in the area not to travel in unprotected craft. as the chemicle will turn the water into a med. grade acid. I hope they are happy, not only did they kill children, but now show complete disregard for the enviorment. ( Colderon looking into camara) You disgust me...."
Raven corps
07-03-2006, 15:51
I would just like to assure the public that this attack was not unprovoked.I would also like to let the public know tha Raven corps is good at changing information to make himself look like the good guy.If hospitals were really hit we are sorry but we would like to ask why it is such a big deal to you when you blew up over 200 Frenzian children,allowed your soldiers to rape women,and converted men to fight for you.The attack on the plant was called for,you make weapons at the plant therefore it is fair game.You chose to begin the fight against me and now you complain because your soil is bombed.

Second press conference.....

" People of the world. When I said the name Frenzia the first time. They had threatened to atack us with WMDs, for the sole purpose to destroy us because we are a company. This nation see the need to threaten us. with wepaons becuase of who we are. And now claims that we where the bad guys for the first attack. That is true cowardness. We dont rape women, they came to us willingly. The children the ones who came up with the own deaths. And the men took up arms to fight with us after they saw what life could be under our control. And once the Frenzian government saw that we could better the lives of the people, we became the worst threat. And now they call for our destruction by the means of other nations, by playing on thier heart strings. I ask that everyone try to see through thier lies. It is the right thing!"
09-03-2006, 16:31
We have nothing against large corporations,we buy most of our militaries equipment from large weapons manufactures.However when a corporation attempts to destroy our nation with nuclear weapons then we have a problem with them.We also have a problem with them when they invade a town and strap children with explosives to make them heavy so they will set off land mines placed outside the town.Frenzian people would not come to you willingly ever,we are highly patriotic and know the evils of your company.You make biological weapons in factories with children,you support terrorism.We do not ''play on our allies heartstrings.''They understand how evil you are,why do you think you have few allies in this war,nobody wants to support someone like you.
10-03-2006, 02:02
Over Raven Corps Facility

As the bombers turned around, returning to base, the flight of hypersonic fighters armed with the neturalizers screamed over the ruined facility, dropping the bombs. The agent, harmless to humans and animals, spreading in large clouds similar to smoke bombs. The agent, working at the chemical level, broke down the poisions leaked out, rendering them husks of matter in seconds. As the chemical preformed it's duty, it began to clear, and any exposed chemical weapons would be cleansed from the area. As they too turned towards Velkya, submarines began to launch another wave of missiles, targetting any remaining SAM batteries in a wave of 200 cruise missiles.

From: Rear Admiral Martin Vostok of the Velkyan Navy
To: Raven Corporation

Go fuck yourselves, you useless hypocritical scumbags.

-End Transmission-
The Phoenix Milita
10-03-2006, 02:05
OOC: It's 80 sq. miles in size but can only hold 400,000 people???
10-03-2006, 02:06
OOC: It should be completly obliterated with the amount of muntions I've poured into it.
10-03-2006, 02:12
OOC:Well thats a 500 billion dollar blow to Raven corps
10-03-2006, 02:38
Open Transmission to all sides-

Any attack upon Terra city or any area within willink used by The Glorious Raven Corps shall result in a declaration of War.

Good day
10-03-2006, 02:42
(OOC: Indeed, Frenzia, it is.)
Raven corps
20-03-2006, 16:19
Offical press release....

" The Production plant that was recently built has suffered damage from enemy forces. Currently the damage is totaled at 300 billon dallors. Raven corps is calling for the Payment of such to help in the repair costs.

In other news we have been unsuccessful in stopping the chemical spilling. We ask all of those who travel in the area to please avoid it at all costs. Ravenb corps will not be responsible for damage to your vessels."
20-03-2006, 19:16
We have genetically engineered bacteria that thrive on eating petroleum and other chemicals. We will not be using military grade industrial chemical eating bacteria. We can send a small team to help clean the massive spill. Unfortunately, most of our resources are tied up in other activities right now. If the spill involves minerals we have just engineered a mineral absorbing algae that can be processed into metals fairly easily, aluminum, mercury, etc.
21-03-2006, 01:13
(OOC: The chemicals have been cleaned up by air-launched neturalizers.Secondly, RC, respond to the attack on your SAM sites.)
31-03-2006, 22:39
(OOC: I'm still waiting for a response, I'm afraid you can't puss out on this one.)
31-03-2006, 22:45
OOC: calm, He has been felling the pain of having someone cut his cable lines.....
31-03-2006, 22:53
[OOC: What does it make?]
31-03-2006, 22:58
(OOC: It's several weeks, he's purposely avoiding the thread.)
02-04-2006, 05:48
I was told by Raven corps that he is having some ''legal'' issues.I would not expect a post for a little while.
Raven corps
04-08-2006, 21:39
OOC: well that was fun.... 2 months in jail for contempt of court....

Offical Raven corps press release....

The Production facility that was struck some time ago just before it was fully operational was been left to its own demiss . The plant will go as abandoned. Anyone who wishes to take the remaining resources are welcome to them....

Colderon j. Zion CEO of Raven corps