NationStates Jolt Archive

Facists establish party

New Ausha
24-02-2006, 10:54
New Aushan facists have formed the NAFP (New Aushan Facist Party) At first glance, this parties overall support of .8% seems somewhat pathetic, however ant-facist protests have erupted across the country.

New Aushan has recntly moved into a new party, a fusion between the CCA (conservative-christian alliance), and the FRP (Federal Reformist Party) Forming the FCU (Federal-COnservative Union) which holds power, with a massive 72% support of the nation (considering there are 5 major parties.) The NAFP has made 3 headquarters buildings, mostly in relatively un-populated areas, and has begun several support campaigns. If the NAFP can aquire at least 7.5% support, it will replace the highly disliked LNP (Liberal-nationlist party) Some run in terror, as the black clad, tall hordes of facists march through the streets, requesting support for thier movement, but the New Aushan ISA (Internal Security Agency) and FCPB (Federal-Civil Protection Bureau) have gone to great lengths to limit these "demonstrations."

Strangly enough, membership to this party has risen greatly. They have yet to produce a chairman.

New Ausha has always been a democracy. Though thier is no "freedom of speech" law per se, this has been allowed.

Senator Kindef has requested a multi national poll:
New Ausha
25-02-2006, 09:17
OOC: Any international response??? :confused:
25-02-2006, 09:35
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kahanistan has recently held presidential elections in which the Fascist Party candidate lost badly, mostly because the Kahanistanian people at large thought he was mental, if not outright insane. The government did not repress the Fascist Party in any way, and the elections were free and fair.

This man wanted to make Shoobans slaves, declare Blood Feud against AMF, develop a fleet of 40 Super Dreadnaughts, and ally with the likes of Roach-Busters, The Parthians, and Doomingsland. In short, nearly 80% of the population said that General al-Ghazi wasn't fit to be the chairman of the Monster Raving Loony Party, let alone President of Kahanistan.

I hope that answers your questions on our views toward fascist parties.

Margaret Delray,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
25-02-2006, 10:03
Official Statement by the People's Republic of Kilani Ministry of the Exterior

Facism is counter-revolutionary and should be wiped out where ever it is found. Death to Facists!
25-02-2006, 11:49
Official Statement of the Democratic Republic of Hamilay

The Republic has free speech laws in place allowing freedom of the press, freedom of speech and other such rights, but these do not extend to facism. Although no right-minded populace would ever place a facist leader in power, it is better to be safe than sorry. Facism is a threat to all civilised, democratic and free nations and peoples in the world. The Democratic Republic of Hamilay has outlawed facism and all its hateful ideals, and we encourage New Ausha to do the same.
25-02-2006, 14:42
Liberal Republic of Minnechusettsfornia

Our nation holds free speech as one of the highest values and would never dream of stripping any political ideology of its right to speak. However, we use our own right to free speech to express our intense dislike of Facism. Our Facist party has very little - not enough to earn even a single senate seat. They did not even run a presidential candidate, and extensive new coverage of incidents in Roach-Busters and Red Tide mean that they are not likely to be gaining much support from a sane electorate anytime soon. Polls indicate that 95% of our populations strongly disagrees with Facism. The closest thing to a facist group anywhere near power is the National Capitalist Party, which was formed from an alliance between the Nationalist and Capitalist parties when they suddenly realized that the Minnechusettsfornian people had voted very little power to either of them. The NCP holds about a dozen seats (out of 200) having not been through an election as a unified party yet.

In short, they should be free to speak their beliefs, but be advised that, god forbid, they ever replace your ruling party, we will be watching their policies very closely with one finger on the embargo button.