NationStates Jolt Archive

The Great Council (Open RP)

24-02-2006, 00:50
OOC: As I hope some of you know my nation is supposed to be primarily lycanthrope(werewolves). I recently read a book where all were creatures were bound by a council, it seemed rather interesting so I invite anyone who wishes to join to do so. However, spammers and those who don't follow the storyline as it develops may be asked to leave.

The booming voice made almost all the people in the annex room jump. Only a select few stayed calm. Nicolette Fenris, stood smoothly and slid her sunglasses into the inside pocket of the long black jacket she wore. She watched as various members of government and pack leaders whispered and discussed what was going on. Nicolette scoffed, no one remembered the rules anymore. The laws of the Zev were quickly forgotten globally, even in Thrope. The young woman sighed and opened the ebony door to enter the chambers. She stood in what looked like an auditorium with no floor seating. She stood on a small grey platform in the center of the room, surrouned by Balconies that were, at least, 20 feet in the air.

"Ms. Fenris, there is no doubt you know why you are here."

The lycan bowed silently.

"We are living in a world filled with danger and hunts for evil." A voice spoke from behind Nicolette but she did not move. She stood with her head bowed, she would no when she had to speak. Elders spoke all around her.

"The Council has long tried to protect both human and Zev for as long as we possibly could, but there are leaks."

"Were beings are much less cautious."

"The biten used to be our only problem..."

"But now we deal with a new threat. A generation is being raised to think they are above humans. Not only that, but their parents allow them to bite and scratch at each other without reprieve."

Nicolette was unable to control the tiny gasp that escaped her mouth. Biting and scratching could turn a human, but worst still if a child were to attack another Zev, they'd easily have their throat ripped out.

"We understand your concern. We had once hoped that pack leaders and education would keep problems from arising, but we now see that the leaders are not acting as they should."

There was a pause. The silence lasted only seconds but it was odd and heavy, Nicolette lifted her eyes to face the Head of the Council.

"We have decided to reinstate the Wolcott."

There was a murmur of agreement, laced with confusion and unease. The girl scanned the room to see international delegates and every species of Zev in the room. There were wolves(of course), tigers, snakes, bears, and many others. The Wolcott was not something many Zev discussed anymore and little was known of it. The only thing that was for sure was it was elite and dangerous. Children felt the Wolcott was on level with the boogeyman, and these days it seemed as real as that. Then again, the Wolcott was always shrouded in mystery. Nicolette soon realized the room was silent and awaiting her response. Her soft voice floated through the room.


"Fenris, you will be heading up the new Wolcott. We will do our best to establish the new rules for the Zev while you choose your team. Your recruits are just through the red door."

Nicolette nodded and exited the room, coming face to face with the Zev who would be reporting to her. She got the feeling they would not be quite pleased with the arangements.
Back in the other room, the Council began their diliberations.
OOC: You can join the council discussions, or the Wolcott. You may even join both. I must limit you two two characters per event.
25-02-2006, 02:48
OOC: Just so everyone knows, the Wolcott is a Secret Police that handle protection of the species. Basically they do all they can to keep the secret the Zev(werecreatures) safe, while insuring not humans get hurt.

Please join it really will be good.
The Golden Simatar
25-02-2006, 04:34
Amara Waggner ( looked like a nineteen year old. Her hair was a raven black that hung loosely at her shoulders while her aquamarine eyes glowed brightly. She appeared to be nineteen, in fact she was older than that, by a few decades.

Amara was a hundred years old, an immortal by being bitten by a lycanthrope in Emerald City Assington. While she had been doing an overseas study, she hung around with another teen named Marcus Dante, oblivious to the fact he was a lycan, he bit her one night after they were ambushed by vampires. She found out the truth a full moon later after devouring a hunter. She had fled back to her home city of Karnotz where she had spilled everything to her friends and family within the span of a few weeks.

Marcus had followed her and while she was up in the mountains, safe from attacking any humans while she was in her wolf form, Marcus butchered her friends and family. The next night, Amara returned home and managed to shoot and kill Marcus. It was also that night she met Stephen Malone, the Golden Simatar’s first vampire and immortal. He and his wife Nicole had taken her in and since then she had been living with the Malone’s.

Amara had developed a taste for human flesh and to satisfy her cravings, prisoners with no future, family or anyone who paid attention to them became her dinner during her wolf phases. Both she and the prisoners would have electric collars to keep them in a certain area, a place that few humans moved through. But about thirty years ago, she was able to start changing into her wolf form herself and have her human mind in control at all times, the moon held a bit of sway but not as much as it once did.

The Malone’s were like Amara’s parents, they took care of her, listened to her, loved her, and helped her out when she needed it. But being immortal in a nineteen year olds body did not do much in the ways of forming friendships. An American horror film fan who had supplied useful information shortly after she learned what she was had passed away decades ago and she was left with really no one to talk to. She had hung around various nightclubs, but never developed an attachment to anyone as she knew they would pass away and she didn’t want to turn anyone.

She had attempting to make her monthly human hunts more interesting by attacking the convicts in her human form, but the thrill lasted only a short time.

So, a month earlier Amara had left the Golden Simatar for a few months of travel to explore some of the immortal world. She had first visited Tarlachia, in her opinion the next best thing to living in the Golden Simatar, though she avoided Assington like the plague, the Malone’s were the only vampires she trusted and she feared of getting killed on the streets of Emerald.

Amara looked over the edge of her copy of National Geographic at the other female werewolf standing in the doorway before going back to an article on Megalodon.
25-02-2006, 04:55
Nicolette smiled coldly and snapped her fingers on at the girl. "If you make eye contact you better be willing to say something." Nicolette had been told quit often her voice was frightened people when she seemed mad. Mostly, her voice never changed from the soft, sleepy tone she normally spoke in. When she was mad there wasn't much of a difference, but certain intonations on words turned the sweet voice into something cold and apathetic. She eyed the girl again.

"So talk girl."
The Golden Simatar
25-02-2006, 06:07
Amara heard the woman finally speak and the young lycanthrope sighed. She closed her magizine and stared calmly at the other woman. Amara now had a low starting opinion of her, she didn't like getting pushed around that much by arrogant people. Maybe coming here was not such a good idea, yet Amara decided she would give this woman a chance. She spoke in a sarcastic tone.

" that what you want or something else?"
25-02-2006, 18:23
Nicolette smiled. "You have moxy. That's good." She nodded at took a the seat directly to the left of the door.

"I thought for a second you were one of those types that gets intimidated and shys away. Guess I was wrong." She shrugged her shoulders lightly.

"I've never been good at first impressions." The way Fenris stated it, you couldn't tell if she meant that she wasn't well at judging people based on first sight, or if she meant her stand offish approach earlier.

OOC: We need more people to join.
The Golden Simatar
26-02-2006, 03:36
ooc: check your tgs


Amara smiled slightly as she continued to study the other lycanthrope. She could not tell how old she was so Amara knew she could be a bit rude, but not rude enough to spark a confrontation; in case this wolf was older. Amara's nineteen year old apperance would give off the idea she was young and would give to the slightest pressure.

She stared at the other werewolf. "So, I take it you are the one behind all of this."
26-02-2006, 06:10
Another form, a male, wandered in the door. His journey from his homeland to here had been strenuous, but he new it would be worthwhile. The lycanthrope, a wolf by night, went by the name of Gregori Amango, but his contemporaries called him "Night-Muzzle," do to his granite personality and black markings around his muzzle in wolf form. He was a tall man from what looked like Greek heritage from long ago, slowly bred out in favor of inner lycanthrope breeding. This had given him a feral appearance, even in his pure human form. Sharper teeth, longer claw like fingernails that grow abnormally quick, and small furry "gloves" give away his lycanthrope status to the world. A proud veteran of the Ottawoan-Hellenite War, he was a Lupinite, or tribal lycanthrope from Narcilia, by birth, being born to two rather unspectacular parents, he wished something greater both for himself and his pack. After Nagamo founded the United Socialist States of Ottawo, he quickly rose the ranks of the armed forces, his natural abilities and acquired skills making him a valuable asset to wherever he was stationed. He found national pride in this new country, it was finally a greater purpose for he and his packmates to live by, and was honored to be the Lupinite delegate to the legendary grand council. Awaiting further instructions, Gregori simply stood at military ease. Still in his military uniform, albeit what he considered to be his more casual clothing (his official officers uniform instead of his wartime fatigues).
26-02-2006, 17:21
OOC: We're moving the topic to NationStates. The beginning is linked there. No one post in this topic further.New Topic (