21C ALN News Thread
No Taxes
23-02-2006, 04:50
This will be the official ALN thread containing everything about the ALN. Any proposals to the ALN should be posted here.
As a reference guide here are the current member states of the ALN:
El Salvador
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
(more may be added later)
On the behalf of the EU, the Republic of France would like to welcome this new bloc to the international setting, seeing as a United Voice for the Americas is apparently in order. We hope that our two bloc can form a cooperative and strategic economic and military partnership, in addition to the existing treaties and common bonds that unite us. [ooc: sounds like the Cold War...]
We would further encourage any nations within the ALN to join the Communaute de la Francophonie [i.e. Haiti]. Unlike the EU or the ALN, the CF is a community of francophone countries, where the French culture has made a direct impact on the nations or one of the official languages is French. In creating this organization, France would like to maintain good and friendly ties to those nations, in hopes to improve the economic, social, and military condition in those nations. In addition to these, the CF also provides a forum, in which the voices of nations can be heard in direct appeals to the UN [with a substantial vote on the UNSC]. However, in no way is this community an imposement of French ideals or French policy; rather, it is the good faith that nations will respect the other's sovereignty here and likewise make good commitments to the advancement of all good nations.
We strongly encourage all nations to apply who wish to join the CF, and we again wish you luck in your future as it pertains to the ALN.
Bonne chance et bon temps!
Diplomatic Message From Canada to America
As previously expressed we wish to know the main differences seperating the ALN from the Coalition, either way we would be interested in joining this bloc along with other American nations that have already signed up.
23-02-2006, 16:20
Israel would like to inform the United States that we are very interested in the ALN and we wish to join.
No Taxes
25-02-2006, 07:38
OOC:Canada is welcome to join the ALN, but what coalition are you talking about? I guess Israel can join even though it's the American League of Nations, and if you're going to join then give the invitation to the UAE?
IC: The US welcomes the two newest members of the ALN: Canada and Israel. There is hope that as the ALN grows all its member states will grow more prosperous also.
27-02-2006, 23:14
Very much so...
Israel is thankfull to be a member of such an honorable league. America will always be our closest ally (OOC: We owe over half our national debt to you!) and friends.
The President of Israel strongly suggests that the ALN ensures that safety reigns in the middle east.
Sel Appa
28-02-2006, 01:36
Russia is curious as to Israel's intentions in joining the ALN. Nonetheless, we accept your nation's decision and hope it proves better for the world.
28-02-2006, 03:43
OOC: (Almost) Everyone else has joined a bloc, and I'm right in the middle of the world. If WW3 breaks out... I need to have friends!!
America seemed like the most likely ally... so when I heard of the ALN I though it would be realistic (with the increased international tensions) that Israel would join.
Sel Appa
28-02-2006, 20:46
The CIS would have gladly taken in Israel. We would provide the same amount of defense and we are much closer to Israel than the ALN.
13-03-2006, 01:44
The Government of the Argentine Republic would very much like to be part of the American Leauge of Nations. We are interested with improving diplomatic ties with our North and South American neighbors.