NationStates Jolt Archive

France - 21c Rp

21-02-2006, 02:53
Bienvenue en France!

Voici l'histoire francaise du nouveau RP du vingt-unieme siecle.

L'etat de la France commencait du huitieme siecle, avec la fondation de l'empire de Charlemagne. Le Pape le couronna empereur le 25 decembre 800 ans; apres la traite de Verdun en 843, les trois fils de Charlemagne ont divise l'empire entre leur-meme: Charles le chauve a recu l'empire occidentale qui compose l'etat francais actuel. Apres la division, les rois francais n'ont pas pris la couronne d'empereur romain, ce qui a commence la grandes guerres de France et d'Autriche. Sous le regne de Louis XIV, l'etat francais est devenu centralise, comme la phrase "L'Etat, c'est moi!" En 1789, les Parisiennes ont attaque la Bastille et ils ont librere tous les criminels dans laquelle. Cette action a commence la Revolution Francaise dont on a cree la Republique Francaise avec les ideals: liberte, egalite, et fraternite. En 1804, Napoleon se couronna a Paris, creant l'Empire Francaiss Napoleonienne, qui vit a 1815. Apres la guerre de France-Prussie, la Troisieme Republique a commence. Dans les deux guerres mondiales, France a souffert des pertes catastrophiques, ce qui a fait le disintegration de l'empire francaise. Dans l'annee 1958, Charles de Gaulle a commence la Cinquieme Republique Francaise. Actuellement, la France se compose des territoires sous-mer et la metropole. La France est un grand etat, qui sert dans la Counseille de Securite comme une partie permanent, et est une partie de OTNA et UE.

L'histoire des presidents depuis l'annee 2000 [on sert 5-ans termes]:
Jacques Chirac = 1995-2007
Dominique de Villepin = 2007-

=== La Gouvernement ===

President: Dominique de Villepin [RR]

Premier Ministre: Michel Troummant

Union pour un Mouvement Populaire [UMP] - 367
Parti Socialiste [PS] -141
Front National [FN] - 26
Union pour la Dèmocratie Française [UDF] -14
Parti Communiste Français [PCF] - 6
Les Verts [V] - 5
Parti Radical de Gauche [PRG] - 5
Independent [i] - 13
[U]Sieges Total - 577

Partie aux traites suivants:
OTAN [North Atlantic Treaty Organization]
UE [European Union]
CEE [European Economic Commission]
NU [United Nations]
CF [Community of the Francophone Countries]
OMC [World Trade Organization]
OCDE [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development]

Des projets mondiaux de la Republique:
L'Amelioration de l'infrastructure de la Republique Nigerienne
L'Institut de la Recherche Inductive
Les Operations de Maintien de la Paix de l'ONU dans le Soudan
Les Operations de Maintien de la Paix de l'ONU dans le Haiti
L'Initiative de la Deplacement des Quebecois anglais pour Maintenir la Paix
Les Operations de la Modernization des Economies et des Infrastructure du Troisieme Pays
Les Operations de la Modernization des Forces Militaires des Republiques Afriquaines [Tchad, Republique Centrale Afriquaine, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Senegal]
Le Projet <Galena> pour l'Energie Nucleaire [au Japon]

Les Armees de Terre, de l'Air, et de la Mer:

[L'Armee de Terre (]

CFAT (Commandement de la Force d’Action Terrestre or Command of the Terrestrial Fighting Forces) commands the following 8 brigades interarmes ("interarm brigades"):
1re Brigade Mécanisée – 1st Mechanized Brigade in Chalons en Champagne
* 501e-503e Régiment de Chars de Combat (501e-503e RCC ) armoured Regiment in Mourmelon le Grand with 80 Leclerc
* 1er Régiment de Tirailleurs (1er RTir) mechanized Infantry Regiment in Epinal equipped with AMX-10P
* 1er Régiment d'Infanterie (1er RI) Infantry Regiment in Sarrebourg with 82 VAB
* 40e Régiment d'Artillerie (40e RA) self propelled Artillery Regiment in Suippes with 32 AMX 30 AuF1, 4 TRF1 self propelled 155mm self propelled Guns, 4 CAESAR wheeled 155mm Guns and 16 120mm Mortars
* 3e Régiment du Génie (3e RG) Engineer Regiment in Charleville
* 1re Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions (1re CCT) in Chalons en Champagne with 20 VAB
2e Brigade Blindée – 2nd Armoured Brigade in Orleans
* 2e Régiment de Dragons (2e RD) armoured Regiment in Fontevraud with 40 Leclerc and 25 VAB
* 6-12e Régiment de Cuirassiers (6e-12e RC) armoured Regiment in Olivet with 80 Leclerc and 51 VAB
* Régiment de Marche du Tchad (RMT) mechanized Marine Infantry Regiment in Noyon equipped with AMX-10P and VAB
* 16e Bataillon de Chasseurs (16e BC) mechanized Infantry Battalion in Saarburg (Germany) equipped with AMX-10P
* 1er Régiment d'Artillerie de Marine (1er RAMa) self propelled Marine Artillery Regiment in Laon equipped with AMX 30 AuF1
* 13e Régiment du Génie (13e RG) Engineer Regiment in Le Valdahon
* 2e Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions (2e CCT) in Orleans with 22 VAB
3e Brigade Mécanisée – 3rd Mechanized Brigade in Limoges
* 1er-11e Régiment de Cuirassiers (1e- 11e RC) armoured Regiment in Carpiagne with 80 Leclerc
* 92e Régiment d'Infanterie (92e RI) mechanized Infantry Regiment in Clermont-Ferrand with 65 AMX-10P and 29 VAB
* 126e Régiment d'Infanterie (126e RI) Infantry Regiment in Brive-la-Gaillarde equipped with VAB and VBL
* 68e Régiment d'Artillerie (68e RA) self propelled Artillery Regiment in La Valbonne with 32 AMX 30 AuF1 and 16 120mm Mortars
* 31e Régiment du Génie (31e RG) Engineer Regiment in Castelsarrasin
* 3e Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions (3e CCT) in Limoges equipped with VAB
6e Brigade Légère Blindée – 6th light armoured Brigade in Nimes
* 1er Régiment Etranger de Cavalerie (1er REC) Foreign Legion Cavalry Regiment in Orange with 48 AMX 10 RC
* 1er Régiment de Spahis Wheeled Armoured Regiment in Valence with 48 AMX 10 RC
* 2e Régiment Etranger d'Infanterie (2e REI) Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment in Nimes with 135 VAB
* 21e Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine (21e RIMa) Marine Infantry Regiment in Frejus equipped with VAB
* 3e Régiment d'Artillerie de Marine (3e RAMa) self propelled Marine Artillery Regiment in Monferrat equipped with AMX 30 AuF1 and 120mm Mortars
* 1er Régiment Etranger de Génie (1er REG) Foreign Legion Engineer Regiment in Laudun
* 6e Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions (6e CCT) in Nimes equipped with VAB
7ème Brigade Blindée – 7th Armoured Brigade in Besançon
* 1er-2e Régiment de Chasseurs armoured Regiment in Thierville sur Meuse with 80 Leclerc, 57 VAB and 31 VBL
* 35e Régiment d'Infanterie (35e RI) mechanized Infantry Regiment in Belfort equipped with AMX-10P, VAB and VBL
* 152e Régiment d'Infanterie (152e RI) mechanized Infantry Regiment in Colmar equipped with AMX-10P
* 8e Régiment d'Artillerie (8e RA) self propelled Artillery Regiment in Commercy equipped with AMX 30 AuF1 and 120mm Mortars
* 19e Régiment du Génie (19e RG) Engineer Regiment in Besançon
* 7e Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions (7e CCT) in Besançon
9e Brigade Légère Blindée de Marine - 9th Light Armoured Marine Brigade in Nantes
* 1er Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RIMa) Armoured Marine Infantry Regiment (light cavalry) in Angouleme with 48 AMX 10 RC, 30 VAB and 71 VBL
* Régiment d'Infanterie Chars de Marine (RICM) Armoured Marine Infantry Regiment (light cavalry) in Poitiers equipped with AMX 10 RC
* 2e régiment d'infanterie de marine (2e RIMa) Marine Infantry Regiment in Champagné equipped with VAB
* 3e Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine (3e RIMa) Marine Infantry Regiment in Vannes equipped with VAB
* 11e Régiment d'Artillerie de Marine (11e RAMa) Marine Artillery Regiment in St. Aubin du Cormier equipped with TRF1 155mm Field Canons and 120mm Mortars
* 6e Régiment du Génie (6e RG) Engineer Regiment in Angers
11ème Brigade Parachutiste – 11th Parachutist Brigade in Balma
* 1er régiment de chasseurs parachutistes (1er RCP) Parachutist Regiment in Pamiers
* 2e Régiment Etranger de Parachutistes (2e REP) Foreign Legion Parachutist Regiment in Calvi
* 3e Régiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (3e RPIMa) Marine Parachutist Regiment in Carcassonne
* 8e Régiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (8e RPIMa) Marine Parachutist Regiment in Castres
* 1er Régiment de Hussards Parachutistes (1er RHP)Wheeled Armoured Antitank Parachutist Regiment in Tarbes equipped with ERC 90 Sagaie, VAB and VBL
* 35e Régiment d'Artillerie Parachutiste (35e RAP) Parachutist Artillery Regiment in Tarbes
* 17e Régiment du Génie Parachutiste (17e RGP) Parachutist Engineer Regiment in Montauban
* 1er Régiment du Train Parachutiste (1er RTP) Parachutist Transport Regiment in Toulouse
27e Brigade d’infanterie de Montagne – 27th Mountain Infantry Brigade in Varces
* 7e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins (7e BCA) Mountain Infantry Battalion in Bourg St. Maurice with 70 VAB and 12 véhicules de montagne blindés VMB
* 13e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins (11e BCA) Mountain Infantry Battalion in Barby equipped with VAB
* 27e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins (27e BCA) Mountain Infantry Battalion in Gran Gevrier equipped with VAB
* 4e Régiment de Chasseurs Wheeled Armoured Antitank Regiment in Gap with 36 ERC 90 Sagaie, 20 VAB, 72 VBL and 6 Gazelle helicopters
* 93e Régiment d'Artillerie de Montagne (93e RAM) Mountain Artillery Regiment in Varces with 24 TRF1 155mm Field Canons and 24 120mm Mortars
* 2e Régiment Etranger de Génie (2e REG) Foreign Legion Engineer Regiment in St. Christol
4e Brigade Aéromobile – 4th Airmobile Brigade in Essey les Nancy
* 1er Régiment d'Hélicoptères de Combat (1er RHC) Combat Helicopter Regiment in Phalsbourg with 22 Gazelle, 20 Puma and 14 Cougar
* 3e Régiment d'Hélicoptères de Combat (3e RHC) Combat Helicopter Regiment in Etain with 37 Gazelle, 16 Puma
* 5e Régiment d'Hélicoptères de Combat (5e RHC) Combat Helicopter Regiment in Pau with 52 various Gazelle and Puma helicopters
* 6e Régiment d'Hélicoptères de Combat (6e RHC) Combat Helicopter Regiment in Margny les Compiegne equipped with Puma and various Gazelle helicopters
* 4e Compagnie de Commandement et de Transmissions (4e CCT) in Essey les Nancy
Brigade Franco-Allemande – French-German Brigade in Mühlheim
French contribution:
* 3e Régiment de Hussards Wheeled Armoured Regiment in Immendingen (Germany) equipped with AMX 10 RC and VBL
* 110e Régiment d'Infanterie (110e RI) Infantry Regiment in Donaueschingen equipped with VAB and VBL
Brigade des forces spéciales – Special Forces Brigade in Pau
The Special Forces Brigade is commanded directly by CEMA (Chef d’état-major des Armées- Army General Staff) and consists of the following units:
* 13e Régiment de Dragons Parachutistes (13ème RDP) Special Forces Recon Regiment in Dieuze
* 1er Régiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (1er RPIMa) Marine Parachutist Special Forces Regiment in Bayonne
* Détachement ALAT des Opérations Spéciales (DAOS) Special operations detachment of the light Army Aviation in Pau

CFLT (Commandement de la Force logistique Terrestre or Command of the Terrestrial Logistical Forces) commands the following support brigades of the French Army:
Brigade de Transmissions – Signal Brigade in Lunéville
* 43e Régiment d'Infanterie (43e RI) Infantry Regiment in Lille
* 18e Régiment de Transmissions (18e RT) Signal Regiment Bretteville-sur-Odon
* 28e Régiment de Transmissions (28e RT) Signal Regiment Issoire
* 40e Régiment de Transmissions (40e RT) Signal Regiment Thionville
* 42e Régiment de Transmissions (42e RT) Signal Regiment Laval
* 48e Régiment de Transmissions (48e RT) Signal Regiment Agen - see [1]
* 53e Régiment de Transmissions (53e RT) Signal Regiment Lunéville
Brigade de Renseignement – Recon Brigade in Montigny
* 2e Régiment de Hussards (2e RH) Surveillance Regiment in Sourdun equipped with VBL
* 44e Régiment de Transmissions (44e RT) Electronic Warfare Regiment in Mutzig
* 54e Régiment de Transmissions (54e RT) Electronic Warfare Regiment in Haguenau
* 61e Régiment d'artillerie (61e RA) Aerial Surveillance Regiment in Chaumont equipped with CL 289 drones
Brigade d’artillerie – Artillery Brigade in Haguenau
* 1er Régiment d'Artillerie (1er RA) Rocket Artillery Regiment in Belfort equipped with the Multiple Launch Rocket System MLRS
* 12e Régiment d'Artillerie (12e RA) Rocket Artillery Regiment in Haguenau with 24 MLRS
* 54e Régiment d'Artillerie (54e RA) Air Defense Regiment in Hyeres equipped with the Roland short-range surface-to-air missile system and Mistral Air Defense missiles
* 57e Régiment d'Artillerie (57e RA) Air Defense Regiment in Bitche equipped with the Roland system and Mistral missiles
* 402e Régiment d'Artillerie (402e RA) Air Defense Regiment in Chalons en Champagne equipped with Hawk surface-to-air missiles and Mistral missiles
Brigade du Génie - Engineering Brigade in Strasbourg
* 1er régiment du Génie (1er RG) Engineer Regiment in Illkirch Graffenstaden
* 2e Régiment du Génie (2e RG) Engineer Regiment in Metz
* 5e Régiment du Génie (5e RG) Engineer Regiment in Versailles
* Groupe de Défense Nucléaire Biologique et chimique (GDNBC) NBC Defense Group in Draguignan
1re Brigade Logistique – 1st Logistics Brigade in Montlhéry
* 121e Régiment du Train (121e RT) Transport Regiment in Linas-Montlhéry
* 511e Régiment du Train (511e RT) Transport Regiment in Auxonne
* 516e Régiment du Train (516e RT) Transport Regiment in Toul
* 1er Régiment du Matériel (1er RMAT) Material Regiment in Metz
* 6e Régiment du Matériel (6e RMAT) Material Regiment in Phalsbourg
* 8e Régiment du Matériel (8e RMAT) Material Regiment in Mourmelon
* 9e Régiment du Matériel (9e RMAT) Material Regiment in [[]]
* 601e Régiment de Circulation Routière (601e RCR) Transport Support Regiment in Arras
2e Brigade Logistique – 2nd Logistics Brigade in Souge
* 503e Régiment du Train (503e RT) Transport Regiment in Martignas
* 515e Régiment du Train (515e RT) Transport Regiment in Brie (Charente)
* 517e Régiment du Train (517e RT) Transport Regiment in La Martinerie
* 2e Régiment du Matériel (2e RMAT) Material Regiment in Bruz
* 3e Régiment du Matériel (3e RMAT) Material Regiment in Muret
* 4e Régiment du Matériel (4e RMAT) Material Regiment in Nimes
* 7e Régiment du Matériel Alpin (7e RMAT) Mountain Material Regiment in Lyon
* 3e Régiment médical (3e RMED) Field Hospital Regiment in La Valbonne
Support units of the 5 regional headquarters
* 526e Bataillon du Train (526e BT) Transport Battalion supports the region Île-de-France headquarter in Saint-Germain-en-Laye
* 4e Groupe d'escadrons de Hussards Armoured Group supports the North-East region headquarter in Metz
* 22e Bataillon d'Infanterie (22e BI) Infantry Battalion supports the South-East region headquarter in Lyon
* 57e Bataillon d'Infanterie (57e BI) Infantry Battalion supports the South-West region headquarter in Bordeaux
* 16e Groupe d'Artillerie (16e GA) Artillery Group supports the Nord-West region headquarter in Rennes
Support units of the 4 forward deployable headquarters (EMF)
* 7e Bataillon du Train (7e BT) Transport Battalion supports EMF 1 in Besançon
* 22e Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine (22e BIMa) Marine Infantry Battalion supports EMF 2 in Nantes
* 72e Bataillon d'Infanterie de Marine (72e BIMa) Marine Infantry Battalion supports EMF 3 in Marseille
* 15e Bataillon du Train (15e BT) Transport Battalion supports EMF4 in Limoges
Units permanently deployed overseas
* 5e Régiment Interarmes d’Outre-Mer (5e RIAOM) Mixed Marine Regiment in Djibouti equipped with AMX 10 RC
* 13e Demi Brigade de Légion Etrangère (13e DBLE) Foreign Legion regiment in Djibouti with ERC 90 Sagaie and VAB
* 6e Bataillon d’Infanterie de Marine (6e BIMa) Marine Infantry Battalion based in Gabon equipped with ERC 90 Sagaie
* 23e Bataillon d’Infanterie de Marine (23e BIMa) Marine Infantry Battalion in Dakar (Sénégal) equipped with ERC 90 Sagaie
* 43e Bataillon d’Infanterie de Marine (43e BIMa) Marine Infantry Battalion based in Côte d’Ivoire equipped with ERC 90 Sagaie and VAB
-French Guiana
* 3e Régiment Etranger d'Infanterie (3e REI) Foreign Legion Infantry Regiment, tasked with the protection of the European Guiana Space Centre in Kourou
* 9e Régiment d’Infanterie de Marine (9e RIMa) Marine Infantry Regiment in Cayenne
* 41e Bataillon d’Infanterie de Marine (41e BIMa) Marine Infantry Battalion based in Guadeloupe
* 33e Régiment d’Infanterie de Marine (33e RIMa) Marine Infantry Regiment based in Martinique
-Indian Ocean
* 2e Régiment Parachutiste d'Infanterie de Marine (3e RPIMa) Marine Parachutist Regiment in Saint-Pierre, (Réunion)
* Détachement de Légion Etrangère de Mayotte (DLEM) Foreign Legion detachment in Mayotte with 240 men
-Pacific Ocean
* Régiment d'Infanterie de Marine du Pacifique Nouvelle Calédonie (RIMaP-NC) Marine Infantry Regiment in Nouméa, New Caledonia with 6 ERC 90 Sagaie
* Régiment d’Infanterie de Marine du Pacifique–Polynésie (RIMaP-P) Marine Infantry Regiment in Papeete, (Tahiti)
Training and Formation units
* 1er Régiment de Chasseurs d'Afrique (1er RCA) Armoured Training Regiment in Draguignan
* 4e Régiment Etranger (4e RE) Foreign Legion Training Regiment in Castelnaudary
* 17e Groupe d'Artillerie (17e GA) Air Defense Artillery Training Battalion in Landes
* 132e bataillon cynophile de l'armée de terre (132e BCAT) Dog Training Battalion in Suippes
Signals and Electronic Warfare units
* 8e Régiment de Transmissions (8e RT) Signal Regiment responsible for the communication needs of the ministry of Defence and the general staff in Paris
* 41e Régiment de Transmissions (41e RT) satellite communications Regiment in Senlis
* 43e Bataillon de Transmissions (43e BT) Signal Battalion responsible for the Army IT needs; based in Orleans
* 785e Composante Guerre Electronique (785e CGE) Electronic Warfare Centre in Orleans
Commissary and Materials units
* 5e bataillon du matériel (5e BMAT) Material Battalion in Draguignan
* 1er Groupe Logistique du Commissariat (1er GLCAT) Support Centre in Bretigny sur Orge
* 2e Groupe Logistique du Commissariat (2e GLCAT) Support Centre in Rennes
* 3e Groupe Logistique du Commissariat (3e GLCAT) Support Centre in Marseille
* 4e Groupe Logistique du Commissariat (4e GLCAT) Support Centre in Toulouse
* 5e Groupe Logistique du Commissariat (5e GLCAT) Support Centre in Nancy
* 11e Base de Soutien du Matériel (11e BSMAT) Materials base in Montauban
* 12e Base de Soutien du Matériel (12e BSMAT) Materials base in Salbris
* 13e Base de Soutien du Matériel (13e BSMAT) Materials base in Clermont-Ferrand
* 15e Base de Soutien du Matériel (15e BSMAT) Materials base in Phalsbourg
* 17e Base de Soutien du Matériel (17e BSMAT) Materials base in Versailles
Miscellaneous Units
* 1er Régiment Etranger (1er RE) Foreign Legion Regiment supports the Foreign Legion General staff in Aubagne
* 1er Régiment Médical (1er RMED) Field Hospital Regiment inSt. Germain
* 25e Régiment du Génie de l'Air (25e RGA) Air Engineer Regiment in Istres tasked with construction and maintenance of forward airbases
* 519e Régiment du Train (519e RT) Transport Regiment in La Rochelle tasked with Amphibious operations support, 1 squadron is equipped with LARC 15
* 28e Groupe Géographique (28e GG) cartography Battalion in Joigny
* Brigade de Sapeurs-Pompiers de Paris (BSPP) fire brigade for the city of Paris and surrounding suburbs, part of the Engineer Corps
* 34e Régiment des Forces de Maintein de la Paix: 1er Groupe dans le Haiti; 2e Groupe dans le Soudan;
* Sig P220 - 9 mm pistol
* GIAT BM92-G1 (PAMAS-G1) - 9 mm pistol
* FAMAS - 5.56mm assault rifle
* Minimi - 5.56mm light machine gun replacing the AA-52 ( 7.62 mm) and the Browning M2
* FRF2 - 7.62mm
* PGM Hecate II - heavy sniper rifle
* 81mm mortar
* AT4, ERYX and MILAN - anti-tank missiles (now Milan II)
* SPECTRA helmet
Combat vehicles
* Leclerc - Main Battle Tanks (406)
* AMX 10 RC - Light Tank
* ERC-90 Sagaie - reconnaissance combat vehicle (192)
* AMX-10P - tracked armoured personnel carrier (1050)
* VAB - armoured personnel carrier (3820)
* Panhard AML245 series-60/90 - light armoured car (155)
* VBL - light armoured vehicle (899)
* AMX 30 AuF1 - 155 mm (272)
* MRLS - multiple rocket launcher (41)
* HM-2 155 mm towed howitzer (103)
* BF-50 155 mm towed howitzer (113)
* F3 self-propelled howitzer (55)
* RTF1 120 mm Mortar (361)
* M-51 120 mm Mortar
* Tigre - attack (80)
* NH-90 - tactical transport(11)
* Fennec light utility replacing the Alouette Astazou, Alouette II and Alouette III
* Super Puma and Cougar replacing the Puma
* Gazelle (267)

Projets Actuels:
construction des voitures blindees
reforme de la strcture militaire pour l'organization

[La Marine Nationale (]
[will update...]

Projets Actuels:
un nouveau design de carrier [a 2020]

[L'Armee de l'Air (]
[will update]

Projets Actuels:

[Gendarmerie (]
[will update]

Projets Actuels:
21-02-2006, 03:26
Also asking all nations to join:

La Communaunte de la Francophonie

Kingdom of Belgium
Republic of France
Principate of Monaco
Republic of Quebec (

Italics indicate NPC
[some African NPCS to be added...]
21-02-2006, 03:27
Also asking all nations to join:

La Communaunte de la Francophonie


All nations with French as an official language that is... [Canada can join too, because of Quebec...]
Islamic Arab Nations
21-02-2006, 04:56
Scandinavian Federation would like to prepose to you a joint venture to create a new more advanced space station to further what we know about the space and earth.
22-02-2006, 04:47
To all see this thread, I invite you to review this thread ( need nations to join...

Basically, this is a thread that RPs the 20th century as if the Seven Years' War never happened [i.e. no American Revolution, no French Revolution, no Napoleon, no weird 19th century, strangely persistent map for the 20th century from the 18th century]. We definitely need the Ottoman Empire, Portugal, and the Netherlands [or United Provinces] to join. Please talk to Nebarri Prime to join this thread with an appropriate country from the list that are available. I make the map, so I hope that I can put your country to good use :)]
23-02-2006, 02:40

PM Villepin speaks in front of the press, on the revelations in the world [conveniently translated your common language].

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. These past weeks have been rather startling in their appearance, especially concerning the affairs of France and the world. We have seen the rise of an aggressive America, and with the solidarity of the world, their invasion of Cuba has been terminated. We expect the American government to do their part and withdraw their troops, to allow UN peacekeepers to monitor Cuban elections, as they recently performed in Haiti.

We are more concerned with the developments proceeding from Greece and Russia. We express our solidarity with the two governments, hopinig that some compromise can be achieved among the two. I can assure you that France has been doing her part to ensure that conflict does not arise from this issue.

That said, we are faced with the self-declared autonomy of a Kurdish state, which is a great relief to the people in the new state. We send our hands of encouragement to the new state as they begin the process of state-building, much as the current Iraqi government still has to deal with. We send out warnings to the governments in Turkey, Syria, and Iran, to forgo forceful integration of Kurdistan with Iraq; rather we encourage their cooperation with the new state. Moreover, a war with Kurdistan will not go easily for the Turkish government, if they wish to join the EU. Syria and Iran are both known as uncooperative states, especially the latter. We urge both nations to pursue peace and avoid entangling into any kind of deep mess with Kurdistan.

As of the present moment, our protestors in the streets of Paris are peaceful protesting the American presence in Cuba, and while we do not fully condone the actions of the USA in maintaining their troops - numbering around 1000 - outside of their bases in Cuba, as this would normally constitute a breach of sovereignty, we encourage our people to recognize that the USA is a separate entity and France has no direct interest in micromanaging their affairs. Peaceful protest is granted, but with the memories of November 2005, we are not hestitating to institute martial order to maintain peace for the greater good of the French people.

We encourage the world to open to each other in open, friendly arms, expressing our faith that solidarity in the international community can achieve many great things for the world.

We bid you a good night, ladies and gentlemen, and we thank you for coming out to attend this meeting."

23-02-2006, 16:36
OOC: you didn't mention the fabulous news that Israel is ceasing hostilities against the Palestinians.


Public message to France:

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert wishes to meet with either the French President or PM on matters of peace and security in our world. He expresses his desire to meet sometime next week, if that would be convinient with one of your leader's schedules. Thank you.
Riptide Monzarc
23-02-2006, 19:42
The Republic of Quebec would like to join Communaute de la Francophonie.


Julien Bouchard, interim Prime Minister of Quebec
The Xeno
24-02-2006, 05:39
To France,

Argentina would like to order 12 LaFayette class frigates from French shipyards. We offer a bid of 1.6 billion dollars.
25-02-2006, 03:00
The Federal Republic of Nigeria would be happy to except French assistance in modernizing our country. We are also indeed greatful for your offer to subsidize our agriculture industry. We feel that your offer of help will help us greatly. Curently the next step we plan is start construction on a efficent paved highway system. However we do not have the construction equitment to undertake the building of highways from scratch like we will be, any assitance you could offer in gaining peices of this equitment would be greatly apprectiated.
The Xeno
25-02-2006, 03:18
Originally Posted by Naktan
To Argentina:

We are willing to consider the sale of 12 Layette Frigates. We would also encourage Argentina take a more pro-active role in the cessation of hostilities between Brazil and Venezuela. It is almost likely that these aggressive acts may transpire into a South American war [ooc: which Russia might seize upon as an opportunity]. Our garrison in French Guyana will attempt to moderate the action, although we are painfully away from that part of the world that we feel that we would not make much an impact on the actual schematics of the war there.

[There is also a UNSC resolution on the floor to condemn and authorize economic sanctions on the two powers...if you are on the UNSC, please support this]

As it stands currently, the Argentine military is woefully short of the capabilities to enforce a ceasefire. Which is why we have gone to the French government about the purchase of war machines. We are hoping that you accept our bid for the ships, due to the fact that there is war breaking loose in South America, and in order to put an end to it, we greatly require such ships.
25-02-2006, 09:24

President Jacques Chirac, in a statement in Tirana [on his Balkans goodwill tour, to end in Belgrade soon], addressed the world about the general situation in Greece and Russia.

"Messieurs et Mesdames...The times are approaching when the choices of a nation can decide the fate of the world. We are watching two faces - of Greece and of Russia - stare at a little mess in the kitchen of the world, and while this mess seems small and insignificant, the one and the other have stared at each other into a constant state of tension. World diplomacy cannot exist like this; it is bad blood for the people! Tensions in the world shall inevitably lead to two courses of action: of conflict or of resolution, and in our history, we have seen our fair share of conflict. In these coming days, the Russian Federation and the Hellenic Republic of Greece can decide whether they shall want to end this tension in resolution or in conflict - and I hope that they will certainly choose the former. In that case, I invite the leaders of the Greek and Russian states to meet with me during my stay in Yugoslavia, where we can all communally resolve this matter, and at the same time, offer encouragement to a new and old growing state.

"But right now, in talking to you from the capital of Albania - one of the many sources of contention between the two states - I wish to reveal to you that the Albanian government is willing to cooperate with the Greek government, especially in the conspiracy of some renegade Albanians working with Turkish insurgency groups to overthrow and assimilate the Greek government. As of yet, there is little substantial evidence for this on both sides, but I am certain that with their cooperation, they can come to a consensus on the causes of their problems. Furthermore, we should expect improved dialogue between the two countries, leading to improved relations or at least a better cultural understanding of the other.

"In addition, we make a warm welcome to all French states in the world - either directly influenced by French culture or nations with French as a primary language - to join La Communaute de la Francophonie. Among our many modernization, integration, and good-will good-faith missions to improve the economic condition of third-world countries, we hope that the Communaute will improvev French relations with all of these nations, leading to a better understanding of each other's cultural background, as well as a more uniform and representative voice of the French speaking world. Even so, our modernization initiatives in Nigeria, Quebec, and Yugoslavia are among the many attempts by the French state to improve the economic condition of those states, in equalizing the economic standards of the world. With our infrastructure and economic enhancement initiatives in Nigeria, we hope to add another African nation to the ranks of a leading world power, and encourage other African nations, to show that it is possible to be an African nation, proud, and economically strong and powerful. In the newly established states of Quebec and Yugoslavia, France wants to help both nations to rebound, to form a stable economic base with stable political entities to help perpetuate the actions of the state. In all of these things, we see a world that is becoming modern, civilized, and most importantly, cooperative.

"We cannot forget the events on the South American continent, where two regional powers - Brazil and Venezuela - currently wage a little war over the aggressive behaviors of both nations. While the nation of Brazil is right to react in self-defense, we feel that they have not adequately explored all of their diplomatic options, and thus we have submitted to the United Nations Security Council a resolution that hopefully will lead to somme action to stop these grave errors -above all, violations of international convention and law. At the same time, we are faced with the Darfur crisis, where Muslim militants are again wrecking havoc on the citizens of Sudan. While France was not sufficiently convinced that Sudan was committing acts of genocide, we are firmly convinced now that the government has done little to perserve the human rights of its citizens - basic rights of all humans, regardless of faith or color - in the Darfur region, as tensions now mount to conflict. WE have also proposed a resolution that will send peacekeepers to Sudan to enforce UN law, international law, and defend the rights of the people in the region. We are glad to say that most of the world supports us in our calls, and we thank you for your solidarity - in recognizing with us the necessity to act on this matter. Hopefully, once this resolution passes, we can add another benchmark to the defense of human rights in the world.

"It is a warm day here, and I would not wish to detain you any further. Besides, I have heard that Albanian sun is very good for the soul. I bid you a good day and may we meet again in peace."


[This Statement comes from President Jacques Chirac on his good-will trip to the Balkans, while in Tirana. His next visit will be in Belgrad, to visit the new Yugoslavian state.]
The Xeno
25-02-2006, 13:52
In which case, we will gladly provide the ships, at a reasonable price for them all.

[ooc: i know alot about militaries, but nothing about their economics...]

We stated originally, our bid was 1.6 billion dollars.

OOC: France wouldn't profit much on that price. Just a couple million dollars per ship. But it's still a profit, Argentina doesn't have a lot of cash to just throw around.
25-02-2006, 15:58
PM Villepin has announced in a private briefing with news reporters that France has officially dropped the support for the admission of the G4 into permanent seats in the UNSC. Due to the aggressive and uncalled acts by the state of Brazil, we are convinced that Brazil would not suit the role as a member of the UNSC. In place of Brazil, we would support the admission of their southern neighbor - Argentina - in their place if the G4 and Argentina agree to the proposal. In addition, France endorses the addition in the UNSC of another African nation, although the African Union has yet to agree on a nomination. We further extend our belief that the UNSC needs a larger committee to reflect the power shifts in tthe 21st Century [we suggest 25 UNSC seats, 10 seats being permenant]
06-03-2006, 19:24
The Republic of France has initiated a research group to determine the feasibility of inductive powering. The research is to occur over 50 years [i.e. 50 weeks RL...scheisse that's a long time RL...], with the international backing of any nation willing to give assistance to the research. In time, it may be appropriate to link our inductive research to the fusion research around the world.

At current, the following nations support the Inductive Research Initiative [L'Institut de la Recherche Inductive], based in Grenoble:

Israel [contributing 8 scientists]
08-03-2006, 03:00
[ooc: seeing as I've been a bad boy with my French poltiics, I'll assume that Dominique de Villepin ran for president and won the election :p!!!


Chirac 1995-2007
Villepin 2007-]
09-03-2006, 23:06
France has just sent a review team of 40 investigators to New Caledonia, to determine the cause of a recent explosion of an Australian cruise liner of the coast. We lament the loss of life and we sincerely hope that nothing serious will result from this tragedy.
The Macabees
11-03-2006, 02:38

Communiqué to Paris
As a European neighbor, and one of the leaders of political resistance against Australian imperialism, we ask France to begin the developement of some strategy, alongside Spain, for the preperation of a joint naval task force to block Australian access to their African colonies. We urge France that it is time to act, and peace will not solve the ambition of what seems a fool and a kid in the seat of the Australian administration. Unfortunately, Australia has been mirrored by Italy, but the Italian problem can be solved another day. Spain believes that the greater of two evils currently is Australia, especially since Italy still has some sort of cooperation with European countries, while Australia has risked cutting all diplomacy with all nations. Military intervention, in the end, will be the only way to humiliate Australia enough that it will not try again.
11-03-2006, 02:44
OOC: Proproganda? If that's not it you can't use it because that isn't a true statement. Espically while Aramaki is in Israel for the summit for peace. If you two are planning something against Australia we will be able to see you coming a long long way in advance. We aren't selling our technology outside of our allies and we have ties stretching across the entire Indian Ocean. IF such action is even taken by either nation, Australia is not responsible for losses that will be incurred as a result of such actions.
11-03-2006, 06:17
[ooc: what's the propoganda?]
13-03-2006, 00:19
France officially bars any form of trade with Australia, seeing as they refuse to acknowledge our warnings and demands to cease hostilies with the people of Somalia. France furthermore warns Australia that if they do not remove their troops within a reasonable amount of time from Somalia, we will proceed to use military action to liberate the Somalian state.

SIC to L'Armee:

Mobilize elements of the Pacific Fleet in Noumea for possible attacks by the Australian navy.

Mobilize elements of the Mediterranean fleet for the defense of the Egyptian state from a forced attack by Australia.

Mobilize the Indian Ocean Flotilla for possible attacks by the Australian navy, and prepare a defense of French territories therein.

To peacekeeping forces in Sudan, prepare for re-deployment to Somalia and its neighboring states, in the event that Australia attacks those states. An additional 1000 men will be joining the forces, along with 500 men from Tchad and the Central African Republic.
The Macabees
13-03-2006, 00:21
[OOC: Engagements have begun in the Red Sea. The faster you can reinforce the Spanish/Italian fleet, the better.]
13-03-2006, 00:24
[Egypt has approved of this, I presume?]
The Macabees
13-03-2006, 00:31
[OOC: Argh: read this:]
13-03-2006, 00:38
I was wrong about the 1978, Egypt privatized the Canal, creating the RAFIMAR... it's a private company, meaning that you guys can move your ships if you've got the money to do it :p
14-03-2006, 21:35
As 2012 nears, France prepares for its third election in the new century under the new 5-year term plan. Current President Dominique de Villepin [RR] has announced his candidacy for a second term, siting the need to continue strong policies abroad. He said in a speech two days ago that France "is travelling a perilous line between global conflict and global peace" and that his experience will "prove to keep the balance of peace."

Opposition candidates range from the candid Jean-Marie Le Pen [FN] - who claims that France hasn't been active enough and that France should have gone to war with Somalia instead of a "measily [trade] embargo that will benefit no person" - to the charismatic Lionel Jospin [PS] - who publicly decries Villepin's policies on Algeria and Africa as "too soft and reactionary - detrimental to the work that France has already committed for the past three decades."

We are anxious as this election rolls on, in the hopes that a good, just, and exciting election year comes around.


And this just in:

Parlement is opening for new elections as well. The current majority party - La Union pour un Mouvement Populaire [UMP] - commands astounding power, with 367 of 577 seats. Their policies generally support Villepin's policies, especially with his spearhead into the international scene by standing up against oppressive governments and unwarranted invasions. They are expected to hold the majority. Le Parti Socialiste [PS] - with 141 seats - also holds considerable power in Parlement. Listed below are the parties with considerable power in Parlement:

Union pour un Mouvement Populaire [UMP] - 367
Parti Socialiste [PS] -141
Front National [FN] - 26
Union pour la Dèmocratie Française [UDF] -14
Parti Communiste Français [PCF] - 6
Les Verts [V] - 5
Parti Radical de Gauche [PRG] - 5
Independent [I] - 13
Sieges Total - 577
14-03-2006, 21:41
Villepin has proved to be a good president, with excellent leadership capabilities and magnificient negotiation skills. Denmark would like to endorse Villepin for his efforts to lead a turbulent world to a safer and more peaceful situation.

[ooc: should we hold nobel peace prizes? :D ]
14-03-2006, 22:12
[ooc: maybe :)]
15-03-2006, 08:12
[SIC to Armed Forces:

Current UN peacekeeping force Sudan - numbering around 3500 - is to divided into two groups: the first group [numbering at 1000] will continue to assist UN peacekeeping actions in Sudan. The second will prepare for first strike operations against Australia in Somalia.

Forces in Nouvelle Caledonie are expecting to remain on French territory, while the French Pacific Fleet is expected to assist efforts to blockade Australia and prevent troops, weapons, and supplies from leaving for Somalia. The Indian Ocean flotilla is expected not to take any action and remain at port in Djibouti and Reunion.

Elements of the 2nd Armored Brigade - the 2nd {Dragoon} Armored Regiment [40Leclerc and 25VAB], and the 16th {Chasseur} mechanized Infantry Battalion] - are preparing for operations in Somalia, pending Australia's reluctance to provide even a clear plan for leaving the country. They have regroups in Toulon, where the Mediterranean fleet has mobilized many of its units for action.

All forces mobilized for action have been given the codewords for initiation for combat operations. Let us hope that these initiations will never commence.]
15-03-2006, 22:46
[SIC to Military Forces: Stand down all non-foreign units...potential for crisis has been potentially averted.]

France will drop its trade embargo with Australia, if and only if Australia accedes to the following conditions:

1- A clear and definitive plan is drafted to withdraw Australian troops from Somalia peacefully by the year 2016 at the latest;

2- Australia assents to a UN peacekeeping force to assist in this matter;

3- Australia assents to apologize for its misactions in the African region and for needlessly threatening the world order into a potential conflict;

4- Australiia assents to reparations to the people of Somalia for any damages that their military has caused.

These demands are to be subject to future evaluation, only to lessen the degree of these demands - no further demands shall be incurred.
15-03-2006, 22:51
(OOC: You're taking a harder line than the US is, with demands for apologies and the like, though, with Australia a US ally still, I guess that this should come as no surprise.)
16-03-2006, 00:23
Australia's current plans for withdrawal are completely abominable, and they in fact make no real plan to leave the country by 2016, except if only in statement. France maintains the embargo.
16-03-2006, 06:42
The Ministry of Defense announces the initiation of the 34e Regiment des Forces de Maintien de la Paix [34th Peacekeeping Regiment] as France's official peacekeeping unit for service in UN operations. As an official army unit, the 34th Regiment is expected to be equipped with modern French armory, along with many of the other French Foreign Legion units abroad. The HQ for the34e has been established tentatively near Toulon, the principal military port on the Mediterranean, with a relocation to a more convenient location.

Furthermore, France announces the construction of its second nuclear powered aricraft carrier, finally adding another carrier to the fleet. President Villepin declared that France was ready to pursue another project, despite the seeming ineffectiveness of the Charles de Gaulle; he says that France is ready "to forge a new line of carrier technology, with the mistakes learned and the methods enhanced from our previous construction." After negotiations broke down over the construction of a second carrier with the UK [seeing as France wanted to build a British ship in French docks], Villepin broke back Chirac's former statement and has approved a long standing design for the new carrier. Construction is set to start in 2013, with its estimated completion in 2020 [ready for service in nine weeks...].
16-03-2006, 23:12
[ooc: I hate doing this...]

France is very angry that Italy has forced the surrender of Tunisia, effectively annexing the territory. As a friendly state to both nations, we are aggrieved that we must make a choice between the two, but seeing as Italy has committed the most grave offense to national sovereignty of a nation, we are considering the most horrible options possible now in counter this grave affront to national sovereignty.

We most vehemently detest this annexation and refuse to acknowledge it.
18-03-2006, 19:56
France proposes the following resolution:

The UN GA:

Noting with approval the Australian desires to quit Somalia,

Noting further with approval that Australia's current forces are attempting to improve the Somali condition,

Concerned that the previous actions by the Australian military may lead to scars in the Somali people,

Recalling the past resolution condemning Australia for their invasion of Somalia,

Aware of the various tensions between many nations in the world about the Somalia crisis,

1. Authorizes the organization and deployment of UN peacekeeping forces to assist Somalia and Australia in the following manners:
a) Reconstruction of damaged infrastructure and territory,
b) Construction improvements and modifications to better serve the Somali people, to include:
i) Hospitals,
ii) Schools,
iii) Residential buildings,
iv) Police and fire stations,
v) Government buildings, and
vi) Basic infrastructure,
c) Military training and equipment of the Somali forces,
d) Monitoring of free and fair plebiscite elections for a new Somali government,
e) Assisting the interim and elected government organize and implement Somali policy and enforcements effectively,
f) Providing welfare and humanitarian aid to Somali citizens in dire need of nutrition and medical supplies,
g) Offering personnel to assist in implementing these actions and orders, and
h) Assisting Australian main troops in their withdrawal from Somalia;

2. Encourages all UN members to contribute actively in resolving Somalia's return to national sovereignty in the following manners:
a) Economic assistance,
b) Diplomatic encouragement, and
c) Political assistance;

3. Further encourages those UN states that currently hold sanctions on Australia to cease sanctions upon passage of this resolution;

4. Calls for the creation of a UN oversight committee - the United Nations Committee for the Peaceful Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of the Somali Republic - to monitor UN peacekeeping efforts in Somalia;

5. [U]Decides to remain actively seized in the manner.

This resolution has one week to pass...or fail.

Y - 12 [France, Spain, Saudi Arabia, United States, South Africa, Singapore, Australia, Somalia, Denmark, Austria, Italy, Argentina]
N -

With the passing of this resolution, France formally declares an end to the barring of trade between France and Australia. As far as UN peacekeepers go, we havev not decided on a final force to send, but we are agreeing on a minimum 5000 troop presence. We will update this when it comes around.
19-03-2006, 20:12
France calls upon the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to cease what seems to be a blatant attack on Tunisian people, evven if the intended target is Italian troops, and even then to forgo the attacks on Italian troops. War and conquest will solve nothing, and at best, it will leave both of your nations detached from the world scene. We furthermore call upon the Italian goverrnment to cease its senseless debacle of invasion and conquest, seeing as their actions are not fit for a European nation in this modern age. Until further ado, we officially withdraw French ambassadors from Rome and any consultates across your country, and all French citizens in Italy are requested to return to France; likewise we order all Italian citizens to return to Italy.

We hereby bar direct diplomatic contacts between the Republic of Italy and the Republic of France.

SIC to Military forces around Provence and Savoie: Perform border closure procedures with the Republic of Italy. Ensure that French and Italian citizens have free passage to their parent countries and restrict the border to any French citizens leaving France without any state permission, and bar any Italian citizen wanting to enter France, unless by state authority.
21-03-2006, 06:57