19-02-2006, 23:41
The Shadow Runners
Doing the Jobs you Cant
Q:-Who are the shadow runners?
A:-You will never know
Q:-What do the shadow runners do?
A:-Anything from Sabatage to Killings even terrorist actions, we do the things your people cant...for a price.
Q:-But if you get caught dont we get in the shit?
A:-Nope, our Agents (the shadow runners) are dead, there is no trace of them ever, figerprints not on file, DNA's the same. no trace of them anywhere, they get caught thye get busted out within 24 hours, all thats left are questions that have no answers.
Q:-Ok this sounds to good, whats the catch?
A:-nothing really, its just costly, we dont do any willy nilly job and we dont just have your normal spys and mercs, we have the best and the best cost.
Q:-Ok so what is the cost?
A:-depends on what you want, you could pay anything from 1 million up to a 100 million, it just depends. WE're not cheap.
Q:-Ok so what happens IF your agents get caught and you cant get them out, wont they tell the people holding them who hired them?
A:-IF they did the people investergating it would come up with so meny dead ends, so meny stone walls that in the end they would have to give up.
Q:-So how do we pay?
A:-25% upfront, no return on that. If the contract is completed the other 75% is payed apon fullfilment of contact. If we fail, you pay another 25% (totaling 50% of agreed price), where this money go's you dont need to know. Why this much? simple, we all have costs and besides if plan A fails we just do plan B, and thats less suttle.
Q:-So how do we contact you?
A:-though this address:-
Q:-wont that get traced?
A:-are you kidding you think we're that stupid? it cant get traced and even if it did we would know the moment they did and be gone.
1st rule:- If your pulling a contract on someone from another nation YOU MUST have permission to do so, both people must agree apon it.
2nd Rule:- when filling in a contract it must be done IC and RPed, i dont want any "i want you to kill the leader of [nation] how much" or "i want you to blow up this [nation] nuclear power plant" it must be RPed out, failing to do so will jsut mean ignore it.
3rd rule:- EACH contract the shadow runners takes will be partialy planned with who ever the contract is to be taken on. If its just Mercs to help in a war all people must be told, i dont to get draged into a hissy fit over someone not wanting others involved.
4th rule:- i have the right to accept or reject ANY request.
5th rule:- The Thread for a contract must be made by:- A) the person who made the contract B) Me after talking to the parties concerned C) The person the contract has been made on.
6th rule:- All threads will be talked about, this means how it will start, what roughly will happen and what are the possible endings, nothing is to be set in stone so to allow freedom, this way no one knows if the contract will be completed or not.
7th rule:- If you're not making a contract dont post.
Doing the Jobs you Cant
Q:-Who are the shadow runners?
A:-You will never know
Q:-What do the shadow runners do?
A:-Anything from Sabatage to Killings even terrorist actions, we do the things your people cant...for a price.
Q:-But if you get caught dont we get in the shit?
A:-Nope, our Agents (the shadow runners) are dead, there is no trace of them ever, figerprints not on file, DNA's the same. no trace of them anywhere, they get caught thye get busted out within 24 hours, all thats left are questions that have no answers.
Q:-Ok this sounds to good, whats the catch?
A:-nothing really, its just costly, we dont do any willy nilly job and we dont just have your normal spys and mercs, we have the best and the best cost.
Q:-Ok so what is the cost?
A:-depends on what you want, you could pay anything from 1 million up to a 100 million, it just depends. WE're not cheap.
Q:-Ok so what happens IF your agents get caught and you cant get them out, wont they tell the people holding them who hired them?
A:-IF they did the people investergating it would come up with so meny dead ends, so meny stone walls that in the end they would have to give up.
Q:-So how do we pay?
A:-25% upfront, no return on that. If the contract is completed the other 75% is payed apon fullfilment of contact. If we fail, you pay another 25% (totaling 50% of agreed price), where this money go's you dont need to know. Why this much? simple, we all have costs and besides if plan A fails we just do plan B, and thats less suttle.
Q:-So how do we contact you?
A:-though this address:-
Q:-wont that get traced?
A:-are you kidding you think we're that stupid? it cant get traced and even if it did we would know the moment they did and be gone.
1st rule:- If your pulling a contract on someone from another nation YOU MUST have permission to do so, both people must agree apon it.
2nd Rule:- when filling in a contract it must be done IC and RPed, i dont want any "i want you to kill the leader of [nation] how much" or "i want you to blow up this [nation] nuclear power plant" it must be RPed out, failing to do so will jsut mean ignore it.
3rd rule:- EACH contract the shadow runners takes will be partialy planned with who ever the contract is to be taken on. If its just Mercs to help in a war all people must be told, i dont to get draged into a hissy fit over someone not wanting others involved.
4th rule:- i have the right to accept or reject ANY request.
5th rule:- The Thread for a contract must be made by:- A) the person who made the contract B) Me after talking to the parties concerned C) The person the contract has been made on.
6th rule:- All threads will be talked about, this means how it will start, what roughly will happen and what are the possible endings, nothing is to be set in stone so to allow freedom, this way no one knows if the contract will be completed or not.
7th rule:- If you're not making a contract dont post.