NationStates Jolt Archive

Announcing the International Alliance for Safety and Peace

Van Luxemburg
12-02-2006, 14:04
International Alliance for Safety and Peace Treaty for Signatory nations
The IASP's Logo

Article 1
The Parties undertake to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the IASP

Article 2
The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them.

Article 3
In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Treaty, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.

Article 4
The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.

Article 5
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the IASP signatory nations.
Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to restore and maintain international peace and security .
This will be terminated in case of one of the Parties signatory to the IASP will have attacked another nation on purpose, or as a preemptive strike. The International Alliance for Safety and Peace is there for Safety and Peace, not for war, neither for genocide.

Article 6
For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:
• on the territory overseas of any of the Parties signatory to this treaty, such as the colonies Guyana Island and Kreuzbadinsel of Van Luxemburg, on the territory of or on the Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties.
• on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in the signatory nations in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force.

Article 7
This Treaty does not affect, and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights and obligations under the Charter of the Parties which are members of the United Nations.

Article 8
Each Party declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the Parties or any third State is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty.

Article 9
The Parties hereby establish a Council, on which each of them shall be represented, to consider matters concerning the implementation of this Treaty. The Council shall be so organised as to be able to meet promptly at any time. The Council shall set up such subsidiary bodies as may be necessary; in particular it shall establish immediately a defence committee which shall recommend measures for the implementation of Articles 3 and 5.

Article 10
The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other State in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the signatory nations to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a Party to the Treaty by depositing its instrument of accession with the Government of the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg.
The Government of the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg will inform each of the Parties of the deposit of each such instrument of accession.

Article 11
This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited as soon as possible with the Government of the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg which will notify all the other signatories of each deposit.

Article 12
After the Treaty has been in force for twenty years, any Party may cease to be a Party one year after its notice of denunciation has been given to the Government of the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg, which will inform the Governments of the other Parties of the deposit of each notice of denunciation.

Article 13
This Treaty, of which the English and French texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg, and Duly certified copies will be transmitted by that Government to the Governments of other signatories.

Article 14
This Treaty will be enforced by all signatory nations, and any nations member of the Security Council will be able to suggest possible peacekeeping operations in another nation not signatory to the IASP, after extensive review of both the Security Council and the host nation, the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg. The Headquarters of this treaty will be located in Luxembourg, Van Luxemburg, The Security Council will be housed in the town of Meiringen, Van Luxemburg. This, to ensure better protection of the security council.

Article 15
The role of Head General is only available to any citizen of the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg, which do not have any criminal record and are able to lead an organisation the size of the IASP. The Grand Duke of Van Luxemburg may approve any signatory member nation to send a representative or candidate to become Secretary General

Article 16
The IASP is an organization which doesn't, and will not interfere with any IASP nation's internal policies. Hereby, Any amendment or proposal which has no meaning to the continuous effort the IASP delivers, will be removed without notice. The signatory natiosn are free to decide on their own policies. the IASp will only decide over their own organization, and not their signatory nation's policies.

Article 17
The IASP will never open hostilities with another nation outside this treaty when an unclear reason has been given, or hostilities with no further peaceful means are proposed.

Any nation, with enough liberty for their citizens and not currently engaged in a violation of human rights in any area of the world, is welcome to this Alliance.

This only asks for one thing: The IASP must be an alliance which rules over all other alliances the signatory nation is member of. It asks for a high stability of it's signatory nations, which will support eachother when needed. Any signatory nation, not obeying a majority decision in the Security or General Council, will eventually be expelled, to ensure complete stability and support for the decision and the alliance.

The IASP is an alliance which focuses mostly on peace, stability and safety. It will therefore not engage in wars, as many times a spossible, but ensure humanitary support to the attacked nation's citizens, or ensure peace during, before or after a (civil) war. Every force operating under these conditions must be supplied with white colours, preferably on helmets and vehicles. The vehicles, and eventually the personnel must carry the logo and recognition markings of the IASP.

Van Luxemburgian personnel has been given white helmets as a standard supplement to the normal helmets, in camouflage colours. This serves as an example to signatory nations how operations should be fulfilled.

As read in the Treaty, only a Van Luxemburgian official, or any other belssed by the Grand Duke of Van Luxemburg, may be Head General. Other positions possible are available to any member, with the majority vote of all members.

as of now, only Van Luxemburg has a Veto. Other nations may be given a Veto after extensive review of their ability to serve the IASP. Another important point is that if the Veto is used in a proposal, it can not be used in the next one. The proposal after that one can still be Veto'ed. If that happens, the one after that proposal cannot be Veto'ed either, and so on, and so on. This to prevent that someone always uses it's Veto in proposals. If a Veto isn't used during a proposal, it can be used during a next one. Normal rules apply if a Veto is used in that proposal.

The RRF is an organ of the IASP which consists of a multinational force, always available to be deployed overseas. Every nation is asked to supply the RRF with at least a Brigade, one Naval vehicle, and one Wing of the airforce, no matter which occupation they have inside a battle-ready force.

Current Member Nations:

Van Luxemburg (Founder)
Linkskys (Secretary)
Quaon (Secretary)
The Vuhifellian States (Secretary)

Former Member Nations:


Positions in the IASP General Council:

Head General: Grand Duke Koen van Luxemburg (Van Luxemburgian government)
Secretary of the Military: Ambassador Rian Julian (Quaon)
Secretary of the RRF (Rapid Reaction Force): Philippe Dermont(Van Luxemburgian Government, Interim position)
Secretary of Finances: Sean Westein (President of Linkskys)
Secretary of Construction: Avery Malone (The Vuhifellian States)
Secretary of Intelligence: Henria Grüne (Van Luxemburgian Government, Interim occupation)

Nations in the IASP Security Council: (reason)

Van Luxemburg (Founder) (Veto)
Linkskys (Secretary)
Quaon (Secretary)
The Vuhifellian States (Secretary)

(OOC: A bit of a UN/NATO combination. Please read the articles, and the description. I want that people understand that the IASP is about peace, and not war. They will not go to war without any reason, but will first try to keep the peace, before they will try to secure the place with the RRF, and armies of Signatory nations. I will run a check on nations that apply, to be sure that no-one can or is able to undermine the IASP. I will give out Veto's to nations that have made themselves strong for the IASP, or the peace. Any questions are greatly appreciated. Oh, and before I forget: This is MT.)
Van Luxemburg
12-02-2006, 15:07
OOC: A small bump to show the creation of the IASP's forums:
Van Luxemburg
12-02-2006, 19:19
*bump* for the night.
Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 07:33
Another *bump* in the morning.
13-02-2006, 07:52
The Country of Linkyskys would like to join your group of peace.
Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 08:01
From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: Linkskys

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

You have hereby been accepted into the International Alliance for Safety and Peace. Could you please register at our Headquarters in Luxembourg, and announce the composition of your Military Detachement to the IASP? If wanted, a position in the General Council as Secretary is possible.

Nicolas Hirtz
Head General of the IASP & Premier of Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 08:14
I would be a willing participant for the General Council Secretary position.

All weapons, vehicles and men are at the service of the IASP.

-Sean Westein, President of Linkskys.
Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 08:19
From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: Linkskys president Sean Westein

Dear Sir,

You have been accepted on the position of Secretary of Finances, and we thank you with your assignment of troops to the Rapid Reaction Force.

Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP.
13-02-2006, 14:06
From: Robert Atkins, Prime Minister, Kingdom of Andredswald
To: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP

His Majesty the King, acting upon the advice of the privy council, having established from a motion put in place in parliament that this is the will of the people, has instructed me to apply for membership of the International Alliance for Safety and Peace on behalf of this sovereign nation.

We hereby pledge adherence to the articles as stated in the Treaty, with immiediate effect. I am also in a position to send the required force to join the RRF, and shall set the process into effect shortly.

We await the response of the IASP.

- The Rt. Hon. Robert Atkins
- Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury
- His Majesty's Government
- The Kingdom of Andredswald
13-02-2006, 14:30
To: The IASP Team
From: The Free Empire of Quaon
Our Free Empire would like to join the IASP organization. Peace is an important thing in these troubled times, and Quaon would like to promote it.
13-02-2006, 15:10
Although we will not join your alliance we ask you to consider an important point. Your alliance should cover the seas as well as space. There are many nations that are not land bound and there are no laws for deep space or the deep oceans regarding peace.
Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 17:34
From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: Robert Atkins, Prime Minister, Kingdom of Andredswald

Dear Sir,

We have extensively reviewed you inquiry, and we will enter you into the IASP as of immediately. Currently, Secretary positions are still available, and you're asked if you will be able to send a representative for any position. This is however not enforced. Also, we thank you for your inquiry.

Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg


From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: The Free Empire of Quaon

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

We have extensively reviewed you inquiry, and we will enter you into the IASP as of immediately. Currently, Secretary positions are still available, and you're asked if you will be able to send a representative for any position. This is however not enforced. Also, we thank you for your inquiry.

Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg


From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: Some certain "Commonalitarianism".

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

We would like to react very skeptical on your point. We only enforce peace in nations where it is needed. Also, Deep Space is indeed a spacw without rules, as no-one ever penetrated into it. Also, on the seas and oceans, there's been no form of war, except for piracy, which can't be resolved by taking out the nation commanding it. Therefore, we will only open fire on vessels which have opened fire first.

Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
Philippe Dermont, IASP Secretary of the Military (Interim)
Brad McKensey, IASP Secretary of the RRF. (Interim)
13-02-2006, 17:36
From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: Robert Atkins, Prime Minister, Kingdom of Andredswald

Dear Sir,

We have extensively reviewed you inquiry, and we will enter you into the IASP as of immediately. Currently, Secretary positions are still available, and you're asked if you will be able to send a representative for any position. This is however not enforced. Also, we thank you for your inquiry.

Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg


From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: The Free Empire of Quaon

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

We have extensively reviewed you inquiry, and we will enter you into the IASP as of immediately. Currently, Secretary positions are still available, and you're asked if you will be able to send a representative for any position. This is however not enforced. Also, we thank you for your inquiry.

Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg


From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: Some certain "Commonalitarianism".

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

We would like to react very skeptical on your point. We only enforce peace in nations where it is needed. Also, Deep Space is indeed a spacw without rules, as no-one ever penetrated into it. Also, on the seas and oceans, there's been no form of war, except for piracy, which can't be resolved by taking out the nation commanding it. Therefore, we will only open fire on vessels which have opened fire first.

Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
Philippe Dermont, IASP Secretary of the Military (Interim)
Brad McKensey, IASP Secretary of the RRF. (Interim)
We would like to send ambassador Rian Julian to take a secretary position.
Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 17:40
From: Philippe Dermont, Secretary of the Military
To: Ambassador Rian Julian, Quaon

Dear Sir,

I have decided to give up my current position as Secretary of the Military, in favour of You. I then will retake a position in the IASP as Secretary of the RRF, while My colleagues will also shift positions, fitted to their abilities. We hope that you will be able to lead the Military Secretary position, which involves making decisions about sending peacekeepers (and not parts of the RRF) to any (ex-)battlefield in the world.

Philippe Dermont,
Former Secretary of the Military,
Future Secretary of the RRF.

(OOC: Don't you forget to register on the IASP forums?)
13-02-2006, 17:49
From: Philippe Dermont, Secretary of the Military
To: Ambassador Rian Julian, Quaon

Dear Sir,

I have decided to give up my current position as Secretary of the Military, in favour of You. I then will retake a position in the IASP as Secretary of the RRF, while My colleagues will also shift positions, fitted to their abilities. We hope that you will be able to lead the Military Secretary position, which involves making decisions about sending peacekeepers (and not parts of the RRF) to any (ex-)battlefield in the world.

Philippe Dermont,
Former Secretary of the Military,
Future Secretary of the RRF.

(OOC: Don't you forget to register on the IASP forums?)
To: Philippe Dermont
From: Raine Julian
Thank you very much, Mr. Dermont. I will gladly take the position of secretary of the military and will do my best to hold up the IASP.
13-02-2006, 17:53
TO: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
FROM: Robert Atkins, Prime Minister, Kingdom of Andredswald

We would welcome the oppurtunity to send an official to act as a secretary for the Alliance. We would send Major General Roger Martinez (Ret.), who would be ideal for secretary of the RRF - however, we are confident in his ability to fulfill any duty so assigned to him.

- The Rt. Hon. Robert Atkins
- Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury
- His Majesty's Government
- The Kingdom of Andredswald
Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 18:06
From: Brad McKensey, Secretary of the IASP RRF.
To: Major General Roger Martinez (Ret.), Andredswald

Dear Sir,

I have decided to give up my current position as Secretary of the RRF, in favour of You. We hope that you will be able to lead the RRF Secretary position, which involves making decisions about sending The Multinational RRF Military force to battlefields which need to be silenced.

Brad McKensey, Former Secretary of the IASP RRF.
13-02-2006, 18:09
i may be intrested in this allance
Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 18:12
I thought you weren't MT? This is strictly MT, so you know.
13-02-2006, 18:13
ooc oops my bad
13-02-2006, 18:24
To: Brad McKensey, Former Secretary of the IASP RRF.
From: Major General Roger Martinez (Ret.), Secretary of the IASP RRF

Dear Sir,

I am honoured that you consider me a suitable replacement for yourself as Secretary of the RRF. I will endeavour to fulfill this role to the best of my ability. I can assure you where battlefields need to be silenced, they will.

Major General Roger Martinez (Ret.), Secretary of the IASP RRF
Dostanuot Loj
13-02-2006, 18:54
For the interest of peace and security, we would be willing to put this alliance under review for our possible support.
It is indeed a noble cause, and indeed something we will think very carefully on before deciding to join or to not join.
We hope you will consider us as we are considering you.

- Commanding Officer of External Relations
The Dictorial Republic of Sumer
Admiral Panchito Guanikeyu
Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 18:59
From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP.
To: Admiral Panchito Guanikeyu, Sumer

Dear Sir,

We have decided to put your case "under review", as the name Republic is a good thing, in prinicpal, but the additional Dictorial is a bit shocking to us.

Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
Dostanuot Loj
13-02-2006, 19:01
From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP.
To: Admiral Panchito Guanikeyu, Sumer

Dear Sir,

We have decided to put your case "under review", as the name Republic is a good thing, in prinicpal, but the additional Dictorial is a bit shocking to us.

Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP

OOC: I run a very, very unique form of government. If you want, I'll post under a guest account on your forums and describe it. It's not a Stalin or Hirletesque form of government.
Van Luxemburg
13-02-2006, 19:02
OOC: That's OK with me.
Dostanuot Loj
13-02-2006, 19:23
OOC: That's OK with me.

OOC: Verewell. I posted it up. I hope it's easy to follow. The idea in my head has never transfered to paper, or text, very well.
The Vuhifellian States
13-02-2006, 19:56
To: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
From: North Point Military Command

December 11, 2072, Vuhifellian Military Calender
February 13, 2006, Gregorian Calender

Dear Sir,

We are sending this form to request that interim Commander General Avery Malone be instated into the position of Secretary of Construction. Before his promotion to Assistant General and later Commander General, Avery Malone served as Vice-Deputy Administrator of Military Assets. We hope this experience will help in the decision of selecting him to the Secretary position.

Mitoko Kusanagi
Mitoko Kusanagi,
Administrator of the Protectorate of North Point

P.S. We request negotiations for the release the current Military Council.
13-02-2006, 23:25
From: Major General Roger Martinez (Ret.), Representative of the Kingdom of Andredswald to the IASP.

On behalf of HM the King of Andredswald, I would like to congratulate our fellow member states on the recent successful pressure mounted upon the Rogue Nation of Gilabad, following which the homosexual population of the aforementioned country have now been allowed to leave and have escaped persecution.

Whilst the manner in which they have been evicted leaves a lot to be desired, this can be seen as a success. However, we have many more 'battles' in the diplomatic sector, to be fought and I would urge any country who agrees with the terms of the Treaty of the International Alliance for Safety and Peace to join with us.

Furthermore, the King of Andredswald wishes to express his gratitude to those countries who sided with the IASP. He would also like to extend further thanks to The Republic of The Beltway.

- Signed -
Major General Roger Martinez (Ret.),
Representative of the Kingdom of Andredswald to the IASP.
13-02-2006, 23:34
From: Major General Roger Martinez (Ret.), Representative of the Kingdom of Andredswald to the IASP.

On behalf of HM the King of Andredswald, I would like to congratulate our fellow member states on the recent successful pressure mounted upon the Rogue Nation of Gilabad, following which the homosexual population of the aforementioned country have now been allowed to leave and have escaped persecution.

Whilst the manner in which they have been evicted leaves a lot to be desired, this can be seen as a success. However, we have many more 'battles' in the diplomatic sector, to be fought and I would urge any country who agrees with the terms of the Treaty of the International Alliance for Safety and Peace to join with us.

Furthermore, the King of Andredswald wishes to express his gratitude to those countries who sided with the IASP. He would also like to extend further thanks to The Republic of The Beltway.

- Signed -
Major General Roger Martinez (Ret.),
Representative of the Kingdom of Andredswald to the IASP.The Free Empire of Quaon would also like to note that the homosexual refugees have arrived in Quaon safely.
14-02-2006, 00:00
14-02-2006, 10:48
14-02-2006, 11:49
TO: The ISAP Committee
FROM: The Armed Republic of Hamilay

The Armed Republic of Hamilay wishes to join the ISAP in the interests of preserving freedom and peace in the international community and joining a conglomerate of like-minded nations for national security. As a republic and democracy, we hope the ISAP member nations will accept us towards this worthy cause.

The Armed Republic of Hamilay
Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Dept. of Defense
14-02-2006, 15:06
TO: The ISAP Committee
FROM: The Armed Republic of Hamilay

The Armed Republic of Hamilay wishes to join the ISAP in the interests of preserving freedom and peace in the international community and joining a conglomerate of like-minded nations for national security. As a republic and democracy, we hope the ISAP member nations will accept us towards this worthy cause.

The Armed Republic of Hamilay
Dept. of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Dept. of Defense
OOC: Please join our forums. They can be found on the first page.
Van Luxemburg
14-02-2006, 15:11
From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: The Vuhifellian States

Dear Sir,

It certainly is possible to install Mr. Malone as Secretary of Construction. Your task will be to constrcut and rebuild recovering nations, free'ed by the IASP, aswell as constructing bases for both the RRF and other instances. We hope that Mr. Malone will have a lot of pleasure in doing it's job.

Nicolas Hirtz.

(OOC: I'll talk about the P.S. on MSN)

From: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP
To: The Armed Republic of Hamilay

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

Consider your Inquiry "Under review". Your classification by the UN is still being researched by our experts, and we will notify you when admitted.

Nicolas Hirtz.
Van Luxemburg
14-02-2006, 19:46
A *bump* for the night!
14-02-2006, 22:41
14-02-2006, 22:55
The Free Empire of Quaon would like to announce IASP resolution #1 has passed: Universal Crimes. The text can be found here ( This text will be law in all IASP member nations.
Van Luxemburg
15-02-2006, 15:10
Van Luxemburg
16-02-2006, 20:14
Van Luxemburg
18-02-2006, 07:25
C'mon! We need members!
Van Luxemburg
18-02-2006, 17:06
What is it? Too much text to read? Join! :p
Van Luxemburg
20-02-2006, 10:56
21-02-2006, 17:26
To: Nicolas Hirtz, Head General of the IASP

Greetings from the Libertarian Concordance of Czardas! As a defender of human rights and democracy, we wish to join the IASP to help prevent highly destructive wars, to which Czardas has all too often been a witness (ranging from the Imperial Galactican War some decades ago, which plunged the Concordance into economic depression, to its current conflict with the alliance of the CAD, which has caused the deaths of uncounted thousands of civilians along with military personnel). A candidate for any position within the IASP may be named at some point in the near future.

We will also contribute military forces to the IASP if we are accepted, in case of any need for them in the future.

~ Kari Alhoun, Czardaian Foreign Minister
Van Luxemburg
21-02-2006, 17:35
From: Grand Duke Koen van Luxemburg, Head General of the IASP
To: Kari Alhoun, Czardaian Foreign Minister

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

We have accepted your proposal, with a great compliment on the rights your citizens get. We only have one thing to make clear: we will only try to solve your current conflict with the CAD by peaceful means, and will not help you militarily. This, to prevent any misuse of the IASP as simply a Mutual Defence Alliance. However, the CAD is not an alliance that is noted very positive in the IASP's books. Could you please make your military detachement known to us, so we can put it in our current file of RRF participants? Also, a position as the RRF or Intelligence Secretary is possible, as long as skilled personnel is sent for the position.

Grand Duke Koen van Luxemburg,
The Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg
Head General and Founder of the IASP
21-02-2006, 19:08
To: Grand Duke Koen van Luxemburg, Head General of the IASP

We thank you for your swift response to our request. We were not expecting any military aid from an alliance dedicated to the spread of peace after all; however, numerous attempts at diplomacy throughout the course of the conflict have failed and we do not believe the CAD would listen to the IASP any more than it has Czardas or its allies, centering as they do on military force.

Our military detachment will consist of up to one large carrier, three cruisers, four destroyers, four littoral combat ships, the 14th Tactical Fighter Wing (144 fighters and light bombers), and 15,000 Czardaian Shock Troops, which we can deliver to any base where they may be needed. In addition, for the position of Secretary of Intelligence we would like to nominate the Czardaian Vice-Director of National Intelligence, Airya Wong, who has served capably in gathering massive stores of intelligence for Czardas throughout the past ten years. I do not believe Ms. Wong will disappoint in this position.

Once again, we thank you for your message and wish you a pleasant day.

~ Kari Alhoun, Czardaian Foreign Minister, and proud owner of an XY chromosome
14-03-2006, 14:24