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Grand Plutocracy
01-02-2006, 16:15
03/02/2006 GRFT-European Federation Alliance
The GRFT and EF today announced a regional alliance. The aims of the alliance are to provide closer economic, cultural and political ties between our two regions.

"The alliance will also improve our security, as it includes a mutual assistance clause: if either one of our regions is attacked, the other will come to their aid" said President Isambard at the signing conference.

01/02/2006 Treaty between UKA and CGP Signed
The Foreign Ministry is pleased to announce that the United Kingdom of Azazia and the Commonwealth have formally signed a Treaty of Friendship and Trade.

President Isambard said "we are pleased to formalise our relationship with His Majesty's Government and I look forward to working with Prime Minister Collins and his people towards a fruitful relationship and a more stable world"

See the Treaty Text: TFT (

31/01/2006 RNBBT and the Court of Black Hearts
The Rogue Nation of Big Brown Things have established a Court of Black Hearts. One of the principle aims of this Region is to oppose and conquer all member states of the GRFT.

“Since the beginning of the GRFT, the RNBBT has been continually untrustworthy and treacherous in its foreign relations. First they declare war against our ally and now they have set out to destroy us too. Reason, logic or appeasement cannot be employed, we must prepare to defend ourselves” said President Henry Isambard.

The Court of Black Hearts have described themselves as an alliance of militaristic, dictatorial nations designed on subjugation of the GRFT member states. As such, the CGP must regard the CBH and allies as a terrorist Axis of Evil.

30/01/2006 Statement on the Rogue Nation of Big Brown Things
Due to the ongoing situation with in the RNBBT, and their ongoing hostility towards members of the GRFT, the Commonwealth of Grand Plutocracy has suspended all diplomatic contact with Mr. Tree Log and his government. Citizens are advised not to travel to the RNBBT under any circumstances.

Further, due to Mr. Tree Log’s continued anti-business policies, aimed at the limitation of free enterprise and personal liberty, the CGP can no longer recognise the RNBBT as a legitimate state-in-being. The CGP will continue to monitor developments within the RNBBT, and hopes that Mr. Log Tree will reconsider his position. In the event of meaningful and genuine developments, the CGP remains willing to re-establish contact as and when the possibility arises.

The CGP has also suspended diplomatic relations with the Federation of Perfect Weasels, who have joined the RNBBT in an anti-GRFT pact.
28/01/2006 UN Membership
The CGP today received endorsement by the United Nations, becoming an official member. Foreign Minister Benjamin Disraeli said “this is a wonderful recognition of our government’s commitment to international stability and co-operation”.

Regional Representation at the UN is still one of the issues the newly created GRFT has yet to settle, and the CGP hopes an agreement can be reached in the coming days.

Talks between the members of the GRFT have begun to determine which member state should represent the region at the UN. Amongst those to have put themselves forward are “the Kingdom of Paddan Aram and the Free Land of Brewatia, although the CGP has not yet come to a decision as to whether to run or not. Our position is that each member should represent the region on a rotational basis, each nation standing for one month” said the Minister.

27/01/2006 Inter-Governmental Conference 2006
Talks at the Inter-Governmental Conference 2006 have produced agreement on the contents of a draft constitution for the newly established Global Region for Free Trade.

The document, to be known as the Treaty on the Foundation of the Global Region for Free Trade Area (GRFT) and The Global Region for Free Trade Treaty Organisation (GRFTTO) is in the final draft stage. President Henry Isambard, who was representing CGP at the conference in Edwardsville said “this is a great strive forward. The trade possibilities resulting form this document alone will make the time and effort worth while”.