NationStates Jolt Archive

Attack [open, rp]

23-01-2006, 00:55
"What is it?"
"It's, uh, it's Franberry, sir."
"What about Franberry?"
"They've declared war, sir. On us."
"I see." Lord kept his eyes on the paper in front of him. "Why is that, Snarkwood ?"
"We're... we're not quite sure, sir. Something about us being 'traitors' or some such thing."
"Ah, remind me the strength of their army."
"Around 10 million, Franberry alone, sir, but we estimate the forces for the whole region will be around 100 million. That's minus possible reserves from neutral nations."
"And our army?"
"If we enforce conscription, we could probably muster around 15 million, sir."
"That could be problemental."
"Yes, sir."
"What are we going to do about it?"
"The military board advises we request support from surrounding nations sir, and hope we can quell the attack."
"Tell them I want as much support as we can get by 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon."
"Oh and Snarkwood."
"Call my wife. Tell her I'll be home late tonight."
"Yes sir."

Jamminberry has issued a request to any nation willing and able to assist it in this time of need.
23-01-2006, 01:20
Atsyo, Freeds Astyo, read this. "They request help, do they now?"

"Yes, sir, they do, sir," said one of his messengers.

"Hmm. We shall help them. Send three helicopter attack squads plus two squadrons of Spec Ops troops there. Send a message ahead."

Dear Jamminberry,

We shall help you in your time of need. Although we have another conflict brewing around that we are in, we shall help you. We are sending three helicoptor attack squads and two squadrons of Spec Ops. They shouldarrive by tomorrow morning at 1000.

Freeds Astyo,
Leader of Hayord
23-01-2006, 01:25
Mr. Atsyo,

We respectfully thank you for your contribution. They will be put to good use.

Jammin officials have recieved word that Franberry has a stockpile of nuclear weapons and are threatening us with them. We feel safe in the knowledge that if they were to commit this atrocity, the UN would take immediate action against them. Hopefully other nations stand by us in this.
23-01-2006, 01:37
The screen lit up, a continent appeared, little blue symbols in the shapes of tanks, soldiers and planes were scattered around the map.

"Sir, Our intelligence shows enemy strength at 5 million, and 15 million if they enforce conscription"
"Pityfull, I assume our units are in place"

Red symbols now appeared, fleets surrounded the southern and eastern coasts of Jamminberry, while small taks forces patrolled the others. Smaller tank symblols now appeared below each fleet.

"Yes Sir, our aircraft are currently taking off and our assault carriers are moving foward"

Long, narrow arrows pointed to Jammin airfields. Short, Broad arrows point to beaches.

"We now have to wait for the first progress reports"


210 aircraft of the carriers Orsan, Koot and Atrial soard into the air with the rising sun. They were one of the 10 sea airfleets that were going to attack Jammin beaches and ground installations


"Distance to target: 30 minutes" said Jonas Dollit
"Roger that leader" responed his earpiece
"Prepare for entrance into enemy territory"
"Sir, I can see our fleet below us, they're lowering their landing craft"
"Roger that"
"Get ready to raise altitude to 100,000 feet in 5 minutes"


Major Petro Piddlo looked up and he saw dark shapes in the sky. Those shapes was the massive bomber fleet that was goign to hit inland Jammin instalations, including aircraft.
'There go the flyboys, they're going to bomb the crap out of those traitors"
"Those bastards shouldve never left our union" said a private from Jammilian, a close ally of Franberry
"As soon as we land, there gonna be hell to pay"


The screen changed again, now displaying massive amounts of texts, symbols and maps

"In 28 minutes, the Jammin are going to be hit in their airfields, army garrisons, beaches, comm centers, radar posts, SAM batteries, depots, factories, and whatever else you can blow up"

"Very well, if you would excuse me, I now have to go to the loo"

"Of course your majesty"
23-01-2006, 01:56
Offical Telegram to Jamminberry

Don't worry, we have a few...tricks up our sleeves. Destructive tricks.

In fact, they had many tricks.

A boat, an inflatable boat. Three guys, and a driver, were slowly approaching the... the driver squinted.
"Guys, we're coming up on the Koot. Ready your weapons!"
Guns cocked. Belts buckled. Boots...were tied, I guess.
The boat was so small that it could not be detected by radar. Sight, sure. The boat skimmed over the water, approaching fast.
"Ten more seconds!" he shouted, but only so the other three guys could hear.

--Meanwhile, back in Hayord.
"Ready the missle."
Machinery whirred. Things thudded. THUD. The missle was in place. Of course, there was almost notyhing but metal in it. A dud. But with the speed and hieght of it when it dropped, it could destroy it's target. Or, with it destroyed, chucks of it, seeing as it's so thick, could hit multiple targets. Either way, dead.
"Launch is Two minutes."
One minute.
Twenty seconds.

It was aimed for one of the main skyscrapers, a tall one, in Franberries capitol. With it gone, the economic value of Franberry could posibly, could, would go down. The difference would be difficult to tell, however.
23-01-2006, 01:59
"Sir, we have reports from the Coast Guard, attack ships are approaching the Southern and Eastern shoreboards."
"How's our defense out there?"
"Fairly well fortified, sir, better than the west side."
At that moment, another man ran in, breathing heavily, "Sir, I've just.. just recieved notification that we've picked up aircraft approaching on radar."
"God damnit, I want all AA manned and as many aircraft as we can get into the air, right now."
The two men saluted and swiftly marched out of the room. General Martin took a big swig of his brandy and lit a cigar. He sighed and turned on the television. There was a public service announcement telling people to get to secure areas, and prepare for bombing. He looked at the paperwork in front of him, the Southern and Eastern shoreboards had been evacuated. The only thing left to do was wait.


Pvt. John Lenkins got into his cockpit.
"We are ready for takeoff," Buzzed the voice in his ear. He started up the engine, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "St. Chuck protect us." He whispered.


149 planes took off at various Jammin airbases. They only hoped for enough time to get some more serviced and in the air before the attack.


Lord Vercanari sat at his desk. This was going to be a difficult battle. They had the reinforcements from Hayord, but that was hardly enough to turn the tide of battle. Still, they would be put to good use, and it was a start, he reasoned. Hopefully some other nations would come through before it was too late.
He sighed, how had it ever got this far? It was for the good of the people to move from that place, where there was no freedom, only mindless drones doing their leaders bidding. And now we're at war.


3 helicopters squadrons quietly took off from a western airport, headed, it seemed, in the direction the enemy was attacking from.
23-01-2006, 02:28
The 1st AA defence center at Franciscopolis
"Its commign in very fast, its seems to be aimed at the L tower, its solid, no explosive charge"
"Why would they want to hit the L tower?"
The L tower, former Stock Exchange was now a large office building, but seeing as how it was very late at night, it was only occupied by cleaning staff and some workaholics

the missisle crashed through the L tower and into the road below, the top of the building shattered and fell upon the small shops below, people were screaming as large block of masonry shattered upon the street, and the poor bastards who decided to go out for a drive at 2 in the morning were gonna regret it.


onboard the Koot a ground crew operator spots a small craft heading towards the ship at a tremendous speed
"Deploy the nets!!!!" he shouted the man
A button pressed on a blue button with a large N on it

all along the ships hull, small hatches opened, and a massive steel net sprang out in every direction, still attached to the boat. It moved 30 meters out and 100 meters down.
A message was sent sent to every other ship in the area to deploy their own protective nets.


On board the Torln air command vessel

"Sir, about 130 Jammin planes are taking off from various airfields"
"Hahahaha, 130?, thats less than one of our airfleets, remind me again hwo many airplanes we have in the air heading towards Jamminberry"
"2100 fighters and ground attack planes, 500 high-altitude bombers"
"They dont even have the ammo to shoot them all down, its onl 130 aircraft, dont be worried, we have plenty of fighters"
"Yes sir, our AWACS are traking the enemy planes and informing our own of the coming aircraft"
"Very well, anything else happening?"
"Yes multiple helicopters are heading into the direction of our ground forces"
"Detach some fighters, they'll be easy meat, make sure to protect our own helicopters"
"Yes commander"


An old Jammin fisherman walked out of his hut on the beach, he was astounded by the sight before him, countless landing craft were spewing collums of men, tanks and veichles onto the beach.


"Drop bombs"

all over southern and eastern Jamminberry, bombers were empting their bomb bays on many different targets: Airfields, AA sites, depots, marshalling yards, communication centers, radar sites and whatever else they felt like blowing up.
23-01-2006, 02:45
The night was silent. The soldiers waited with baited breath for the attack.
"Up there!"
A small point of light was visible in the night sky.
"Man the AA!"
300 men ran to their various positions. The first bomb dropped.


"Yes, Private Jenkins"
"The scouts have sent back the report, sir, and we've managed to get another 1750 planes into the air, sir, it looks like we're going to stand a fighting chance. They still outnumber us by about 300, but we have the AA, sir."
"Excellent, Jenkins. You're dismissed"


The choppers flew low over the sea, cloaked in darkness. Overhead, a squadron of planes flew for protection. Everyone knew the importance of this mission, failure wasn't an option.
23-01-2006, 02:49
"Good. It hit. Not much damage, but still some. Enough." Astyo turned to Uit, a general.
"Yes, enough."


The net got the front of the boat. It submerged, but they pushed off the net. The boat moved forward. They stopped. The driver stayed on as the other men used suction cups to climb up onto the boat. They had gone by the bridge side. How did anyone else not see them? They climbed up to the second or third floor, then cut a window open. They shot the crew in it, then jumped in.

The driver, meanwhile, was setting bombs all along the hull of the ship. C4. Timed to 4 hours, or activated by remote. Fun fun.

One guy, the guy with a sniper rifle, began to shoot the AA gunmen from a window, the other two making a litteral fort there. Tables by the windows that were unoccupied, chairs locking doors.
23-01-2006, 03:03
The net got the front of the boat. It submerged, but they pushed off the net.

OCC: how did ur 4 guys push off steel nets? that are still fixed to the ship?
and they've been seen, therye like being shot at, and , climb up the side of the ship? Its not a cruise boat, its an aircraft carrier, it dosent have like open decks, u'd have to go up all the way to the flight deck, or maybe like, theyre midgets, so they can go in through the gonna pretend it dind' t happen


"Incomign aircraft" said Radarman Arnor on one of the many picket subs close to land. "Serveral choppers and a fighter escort"
"Get fighters on that formation"
"Yes SIR"
at the command room in Franberry

"Sir there are about 1700 enemy aircraft"
"DAMN, this is gonna be the biggest dogfight in a long time"
"Yes sir, theres no chance of them hitting the bombers, they've dropped their bombs on the targets and are flying back at very high altitudes"
"Very well, have the stike-fighters attack anythign they see, expend bombs before fighting, adn then close in on the enemy"


"Ok squadron, we're gonna bomb Jammin beach positions and then get the enemy aircraft"
"Roger that flight leader"
"Remember, keep them off the beaches"


The old fisherman stood there, gaping, as Franberrian tanks, APCs, infantry, mobile AA and atillery turned the beachead into a stronghold and started to move inland


"TOUCHDOWN, everyone out!!!"
special ops teams spiled from their transport helicopters everywere behind Jammin lines. Large helicopters were dropping APCs and light tanks to enable these formation to strike enemy logistics efforts and other vunerable areas.
23-01-2006, 03:10

BTW this is current time
23-01-2006, 03:17
"Sir, the AA was devestated."
"How many casualties?"
"200 dead, 50 more injured. The AA is completely blown to hell. We managed to down around 100 of their bombers, but nothing that'll help us in the long run."
"God damnit. How's the air fleet doing?""
"We're about to engage the enemy now, sir. Godwilling, we'll be able to hold them off."
"We can only hope, soldier, we can only hope."


The small fleet of helicopters, seemingly forgotten, scoured the border of Communist Pirate. They flew briefly inland and around 40 figures fell out of it into the dense forestry.


The old man watched as the vehicles drove past. One stopped beside him, and he heard a gun being cocked.
"What'll I do with this one sir?"
"Leave him, we're not here to harm innocent civilians, we're here to bring down the government."
The car sped away, and the man ran for cover in the forest. Once the last tanks had passed, he snuck out. There was no way he was going to let these people invade the country he loved without a fight. He pulled, from his hut, a rusty old motorcycle. After a few tries he got it sputtering away, and drove into the forest.


Up in the skies, the first planes were meeting.
23-01-2006, 03:25
"Sir, the AA was devestated."
"How many casualties?"
"200 dead, 50 more injured. The AA is completely blown to hell. We managed to down around 100 of their bombers, but nothing that'll help us in the long run."
"God damnit. How's the air fleet doing?""
"We're about to engage the enemy now, sir. Godwilling, we'll be able to hold them off."
"We can only hope, soldier, we can only hope."


The small fleet of helicopters, seemingly forgotten, scoured the border of Communist Pirate. They flew briefly inland and around 40 figures fell out of it into the dense forestry.

OCC: dont post my casualties, if u only had 300 men manning ur AA, u have like 3 SAM sites. the helicopters arent forgotten, i sent fighters after them
IM ingnoring my losses cuz its godmodding
23-01-2006, 03:29
OOC: Oh, you didn't mention steel. And they came from the bridge side, so they could just climb in the window, not walk in. I'll repost thst part here.

The net grapped onto the boat, submerging the ful lfront half of it. One man swore, then jumped off, leaving his gun on the boat. He came up and grapped the gun, and hte three others followed suit. Soon, shots hit the water around them as men on the boat begna to shoot at them. The man with a sniper shot one, two, three guys. But more showed up. They took cover under the curved part of the ship. The driver had a pack, water and weatherproof. He pulled out one bomb, set it on the ship, and went around, the other three following. They saw a rope danglnig into the water from a balconey-ish part.

"A trap?" asked the sniper.

"Or a sympasizer (sp)," answered a gunman.

He slowly ascended the rope. He peeked up, and gave the clear signal. He jumped onto the boat. Two more followed, then the driver. The driver began putting the remaining bombs on the hull. The last three ran up. A gunman was shot, then shot offboard. The men immediatly took cover. Shots rang out, but there were no more deaths. Yet.

"Where?" asked the sniper.

"I don't know, I think i saw him in the bridge, second floor."

The sniper dropped to his stomach and crawled out. He could barely see from his spot, but he saw the window. A flash. Yup, he was there. He shot. The ahots stopped.

"I think I got him."
23-01-2006, 03:31
"Your highness, here are the casualties so far:
12 bombers
7 landing craft
around 500 men dead, many mroe wouned
Jammin casualties must be higher, due to the bombers"
"Very well, and the fighters are about to meet?"
"Yes, sir"
"mhm. Special forces teams?"
"deployed, heading inland, little opposition"
"Radar picked up some helis in our territory"
"Well, move any units there into a massive search of anything they may have dropped."
"very well"
23-01-2006, 03:31
OCC: dont post my casualties, if u only had 300 men manning ur AA, u have like 3 SAM sites. the helicopters arent forgotten, i sent fighters after them
IM ingnoring my losses cuz its godmodding

OOC: It doesn't take 100 men to man an AA, and with that many bombers patrolling the skies I'm bound to hit a fair number of them. And I can post how many planes I shot down if I'm aware of the number. As for the helicopters, the planes defending them managed to hold off your fighters for long enough for the choppers to reach CP land. And I'll ignore your super advanced radar system that can cover 3 coasts of a land around 1 000 000 km sq. from an aircraft carrier, allowing you to follow all my aircraft and a small squadron of helicopters probably several thousand kilometres away from your main attack force.
23-01-2006, 03:40
official communique from the NSAA government to all nations on the attack:

You will cease your unjustified assault NOW, or we will pulverize your nations. you will not be warned again.
message ends.

OOC: guys, try checking your spellng a bit more, not that i mind, but it'll make what you're doing clearer.
23-01-2006, 03:42
official communique from the NSAA government to all nations on the attack:

You will cease your unjustified assault NOW, or we will pulverize your nations. you will not be warned again.
message ends.

OOC: guys, try checking your spellng a bit more, not that i mind, but it'll make what you're doing clearer.

OOC: My spelling's ok right? Oh and I'm away for tonight, so would you mind checking back tomorrow for replies? But thanks for the backup.
23-01-2006, 03:55
yeah, yours is as good as or better than mine, actually. sorry, i wasnt paying attention...
23-01-2006, 14:30
OCC:read my posts in detail Jamminberry, it quite feasible to have a picket sub, and its very hard to hit some bombers. Hayrold (sp?) im gonna go with you on this one, and suppose u got onto my ship



Telegram to the NSAA government:

Our attack is not unjustified, as Jamminberry is a traitor to the Union, and as stated in the ancient texts, he must be brought into line
We would appreciate if you stayed out of things that arent your buissness and we wont bomb your cities.



A shot rang out and private Carl Nil dropped to the floor, "Im ok guys, but get some oppresive fire on them"
"ok, we'lll cover your back"
Automatic fire spilled along the enemies positions
"Theres four of them!!, get someone to check the hull, they've prbly put a bomb!"
"good idea"
"and keep fire on all 4 of them"

On the other side of the ship, 5 boats dropped into the water, each one containing 5 marines and 1 bomb defuser and an assistant


"All beacheads are expanding"
"Very well, and the commandos?"
"Commie Pirate is displesed they went overe their airspace, there might be another nation in this war, and as for the commandos, everything is been put on high alert, we'll catch them all"

50 bomber rose into the night sky and were heading towards Hydrad
The Marxist State
23-01-2006, 14:59
Telegram to Jamminberry
We will send the following troops to assist you:
5900 Bombers from the 19th Air Battalion launched from The Marxist State and refueled by airships in the high stratosphere over the ocean.
80,000 soldiers from the Old Guard (1st-4th Battalions)
The Submarine Tactics of Wargames
200 Fighter/Bombers from the Aircraft Carriers Steel Coral, Emerald Fury, and Revolutionary Achievment
The Battleship Jazmine Fury and the Cruiser Ressurection Rising
We have Biological agents on standby, but for now will stick with conventional warheads.
Port-at-Gallenger, The Marxist State
The huge armada sets off, it should arrive in the next several hours.
23-01-2006, 15:47
OOC: markist state, carriers cannot carry 1300 bombers each. edit your post.
Unless this "traitor" attacks you, your attack is not justified in our eyes. threatening us will get you nothing but pain. expect a military response within the hour. that is all, unless you wish to surrender we will not involve ourselves in further diplomatic relations with you.

OOC: btw, you probably dont have the technology to get a missile into any of my cities. i advise you not to try it if you want to have any population left...

IC: from offshore of franberry, a lone NSAA patrol ship launches 4 cruise missiles at the nearest military base in franberry itself. also, the nearest NSAA naval base deploys an escort carrier, a pair of cruisers, and 8 destroyers to the same position as the patrol craft.
The Marxist State
23-01-2006, 15:55
(OCC: Good Point, I subtracted from the amount coming out of my carriers and added to the ones from my airbases)
23-01-2006, 16:00
ooc:dude, 300 per carrier is still a bit steep. that means they're supercarriers, which are kina missile magnets, and very vulnerable. you might want to edit it further...
The Marxist State
23-01-2006, 16:08
ooc:dude, 300 per carrier is still a bit steep. that means they're supercarriers, which are kina missile magnets, and very vulnerable. you might want to edit it further...

OCC: Edited again, this thread is in desperate need of an OCC thread


Missile controll room of Tactics of Wargames


"Hows it look" asked Admril Sampson Garret via video confrence.


"On time and on target." answered Captain Leo Gracksky. "Ready to launch."

"3....2.....1.....Mark.......Fire" a female computerized voice blared loudly from the loudspeaker

Seconds later 20 Cruise Missiles were flying towards Franberry ships.

"Jazmine Fury has more missiles onboard, it should be here in a couple of hours"
23-01-2006, 23:08
"Sir, we've recieved back up from three powerful nations. It looks like Franberry will stand no chance unless they manage to get some allies too."
"Another thing, sir. Communist Pirate is somewhat annoyed that we entered their airspace."
"I thought they were neutral!"
"They are sir, but us entering their airspace is apparently a violation of their neutrality. They may be getting into this war."
"Damnit, that'll increase the casualties. Still, they're no match for NSAA or Marxist State."
"Yessir. It looks like we may win this one."


The UN.

Tobias Smyth, UN representative of Jamminberry, is outraged.
"You have no reason to be attacking us!"
"You are traitors of the Union. You must be dealt with accordingly." Replies the representative from Franberry.
"We left the union because we were tired of taking your crap."
"Nevertheless, it states in scripture you are subject to attack."
"I can't argue with this moron." Tobias stormed out of the room and into his office. He dialed the phone.
23-01-2006, 23:41
OOC: Dude, I'm your ally.

They heard the sound of the boats. "Uh-oh." They saw a boat come around and began firing. The driver changed the times to five minutes. The gunmen each threw a grenade, one at the boat, one onto the deck. There was an explosion on the deck, made bigger by some gasoline barrels. They ran through the smoke to a jet and hid. They began shooting at different men, aiming for some of the higher ranking men. The driver suddenly groaned, then died. A sniper?
The last two shot as many guys as posisble.


"The runway is clear, go ahead and take off."
Three jets and two bombers took off from an airbase in Hayord. They took off.
"Good-bye, ya flyboys."

Three hours later.

The jets and bombers saw the dogfight. Or a jet tornado, they couldn't tell.

"Let's go over and help them out," said the lead jet fighter. They turned off and joined the fight.
The bombers looked for their targets.
Found them.
Prepared for bomb droppings.
"Bombs away."
Explosions blew up trees and plant-life. The bombers turned around, sending a message to a largre airbase in Jamminberry.

"We have three jets who will need repairing and refueling. Their ID numbers are 7689-F65U, 4720-WY69, and 2468-ALY7. Good-bye."
24-01-2006, 00:51
OOC: sorry about that. Edited.

"It seems some of Hayord's men have managed to cause a disturbance on a couple of the ships. That may buy us some time."
"Excellent, hopefully the reinforcement troops will arrive in time."


"7689-F65U, 4720-WY69, and 2468-ALY7, you are clear for landing. Maintenance teams are standing by."
24-01-2006, 00:53
To both nations involved in this war, we would like to extend our offer of peaceful negotiations.

We would like to hear back from you.

Lauren Wilson
Foreign Ministry
The Marxist State
24-01-2006, 01:19
The Kroot, Trolin, and other Franberry ships

The shillotes of 2100 Super-Stratafortress class rotary bombers appeared in the sky, they were imposing figures. As soon as the piolets saw the ship, advanced Helmat HUD and Computering technology locked on to them, and a female voice told each piolt 'Ready to Fire.' Rotary missiles opened from each wing, the bottom of the plane, the nose of the plane, and top of each plane, and many of the planes fired missiles at the Franberry ships.

Franberry's biggiest port. The super-destroyer Jazmine Fury, 3 destroyers, 5 battleships, and 1 submarine appeared in the backround heading towards the port, Jazmine Fury guns opened up and fired several missiles at the port, while missiles from the submarine Fallen Star appear from under the water and head for the port.
24-01-2006, 01:33
OOC: Dude, I'm your ally.

OCC: Whos Ally?

a hail of counter battery missisles and countless shells flew at the incoming missisles.
it was like a wall of explosives, still at a fair distance away from the fleet, and the missisles were about to hit it

HQ of 3rd coprs

"we have the 77th Division, Imperial Guard, now at our disposal"
"the 77th???"
"yes, they will form our spearhead into Jamminberrylin"
"attack the capital? now?"
"Yes, we have just recived orders from Franciscopolis"
"Well, with the 77th im sure we can"

a screen comes to life
77th Division:
Created in 1934 by General Peter Cipton, it was, and is, made up of midgets. In the words of Gen. Cipton "We need this cuz midgets are harder to aim at". After 1934, all midgets that joined the army joined the 77th, and were trained as a shock division.


"sir, some new nations have joined on Jamminberry's side"
"how many?"
"thats not much"
"But they have billions of men. They outnumber us by billions"
"But the Holy Union, call upon our allies"
"Even so, by billions"
"Well, we can still fight them"
"No we cant, we're outnubered ridiculosly"
"Damn, well, bring out the nukes"
"Yeah, do it now"
"Sir, please no, come on. Broker for peace, a return to the Status Quo, at least a ceasfire"
"Status Quo, ceasfire, but no nukes"
"Fine, ill ask for a ceasfire, and peace talks, but if those dont work"
"No, hydrogen bombs"
"Oh God"

Franberrys UN delegate steps up to the podium

"We feel that Jamminberry has paid their price in this war. His Higness has asked for a ceasefire, and the commencation of peace talks, as I speak, our units are stopping offensive movements, but they will defend themselves if attacked. THey will not leave Jamminberrian soil until the peace talks end. Thank You, May there be peace in our time"


All along the armies, soldiers were stopping their advances. Red Cross personnel were going over to enemy lines to find the wouned, and vice versa
HQ of 3rd corps

"We dont really need the 77th now"
"No, unless they want the war to go on"
"Sir, I hope it dosent"
"I understand that, I dont really want it to continue either, but if we must, it is our duty"
"Of course sir"
24-01-2006, 01:39
OOC: you fire nukes, and i'll make your entire country uninhabitable for the next thousand years or so, and your tech proabably is too poor to get even one past my missile defences...
oh, and i'm not in the UN, so i dont get to hear UN stuff ICly except from my spies there...

IC: the NSAA task force takes up position off the franberry coast and awaits developments.

Message from the NSAA government to that of franberry:
We will not accept any less than the surrender of your forces, and the removal of the person who initiated this war from power. if you refuse, your nation will be invaded by our forces.
message ends
24-01-2006, 01:50
Franberrys UN delegate steps up to the podium

"We feel that Jamminberry has paid their price in this war. His Higness has asked for a ceasefire, and the commencation of peace talks, as I speak, our units are stopping offensive movements, but they will defend themselves if attacked. THey will not leave Jamminberrian soil until the peace talks end. Thank You, May there be peace in our time"

We are willing to accept a peace agreement based on the following conditions:

1. Franberry and Jamminberry, and their respective regions, will become and remain allies.
2. The records will show that Franberry, facing insurmountable odds, valiantly surrendered and returned to the HUoH of their own free will. Jamminberry and its allies will cease and desist all military action against Franberry, and will accept this as a victory.
3. Franberry will sign an agreement stating that it will launch no more attacks against Jamminberry, unless attacked first. Furthermore, it will sign a Defensive Treaty, stating that it will assist Jamminberry in any further attack. Jamminberry will do the same.
4. There will be no further propoganda or slander spread throughout the HUoH about Jamminberry being a "traitor" or about it being carried by its allies.

These conditions must all be accepted for the treaty to take place, you may have a 1 hour recess, and then the decision must be made. If these are not accepted, there will be a preemptive nuclear strike. You have been warned.


Message to NSAA:
We have issued an offer of peace to Franberry, and are currently awaiting a reply. Please halt you troops a safe distance away until further notice. Thankyou.
Transmission Ending.
24-01-2006, 02:08
We are willing to accept a peace agreement based on the following conditions:

1. Franberry and Jamminberry, and their respective regions, will become and remain allies.
2. The records will show that Franberry, facing insurmountable odds, valiantly surrendered and returned to the HUoH of their own free will. Jamminberry and its allies will cease and desist all military action against Franberry, and will accept this as a victory.
3. Franberry will sign an agreement stating that it will launch no more attacks against Jamminberry, unless attacked first. Furthermore, it will sign a Defensive Treaty, stating that it will assist Jamminberry in any further attack. Jamminberry will do the same.
4. There will be no further propoganda or slander spread throughout the HUoH about Jamminberry being a "traitor" or about it being carried by its allies.

These conditions must all be accepted for the treaty to take place, you may have a 1 hour recess, and then the decision must be made. If these are not accepted, there will be a preemptive nuclear strike. You have been warned.


Message to NSAA:
We have issued an offer of peace to Franberry, and are currently awaiting a reply. Please halt you troops a safe distance away until further notice. Thankyou.
Transmission Ending.

All our troops have been halted

as far as your peace offering
we will accept it
and are willing to add a new point

That Franberry and Jamminberry partake in a nuclear defense pact, that will remove any warheads targeted at each others nations, and if a nation is attacked, that the other shall go to its aid.

Our troops have begun to embark their ships, we hope that the other nations withdraw their troops from any Frannberrian territory, land, air or sea.

Thank You
24-01-2006, 02:22
we will accept the peace threaty signed, but we still require that the person responsible for initiating this war be removed from power. also, our threat against nuclear action stands, and is extended to ALL nations involved. we require a decision soon.
24-01-2006, 02:26
The treaty is written up as follows:

"The representatives of Jamminberry and Franberry equally and willingly agree that they will abide the following conditions:

1. Franberry and Jamminberry will remain allies, and agree (refer to seperate Defensive Pact) to uphold their promise to come to one anothers defense in times of war.

2. Tracking beacons will be placed in all Military equipment, allowing both nations at any time to see the location of said equipment. It is to be kept out of the other's nation unless specifically agreed upon beforehand.

3. A seperate Nuclear Defense Agreement has been signed stating that neither nation will fire at, target or otherwise threaten the respective other nation with any sort of nuclear warhead, regardless of any previous clauses that have been broken.

4. No negative propoganda will be spread about the other nation.

Finally, and the feeling is held by the NSAA, an important ally to Jamminberry, the man responsible for initiating this war will be punished accordingly. Only if this and all other conditions are agreed to will the treaty be accepted.

Furthermore, both nations will pay any dues for the damage caused, and issue a formal apology to avoid public uproar.

If, at any point these conditions prove inconvenient for either nation, a meeting may be held to amend them, providing both parties are in equal agreement.

Agreed to by the undersigned:

Tobias Smyth, UN representative of Jamminberry

X____________, representative of Franberry"


To Hayord, NSAA, and Marxist, Jamminberry gratefully extends the hand of alliance to you. If at any time you are in need of something our meager nation can produce, it is yours. Without your help we doubt the war could have been finished with so little bloodshed.


The old man looked over the ocean at the setting sun. Well, the crisis had been averted without him having to lift a sandal. Good thing too, Chuck thought, as he made his way into the hut, These things are brand new.
24-01-2006, 02:33
OOC: nothing personal, but you're new and in the UN, ICly, my nation has little respect for you. sorry, no alliance. and my demand still stands. I have IC reasons, which you might find out in a while, but might not...
The Marxist State
24-01-2006, 02:34
The Bombers attacking Franberry ships were called back and all military units slipped back into international waters and airspace.

--Message to Franberry and Jamminberry--
We accept Jamminberry's offer of alliance. Our forces shall stay in International Airspace/Waters for 1 week to monitor the situation, but after that all forces must leave to fight a Capitalist Uprising in the state (see thread: ).

~Morgrim Haslan, Captain of the Secret Military
~Admril Fitzgerald of the Navy
~General McLusky of the Army and Marines
~Air Marshall McLusky of the Air Force
~Captain of the National and Coast Guard, Alanna Jones,
~Captain of the Reserves, Jospeh Babalonyia.
~Minister of Foreign Affairs, David Draiman
~Minister of Defense, Sheizcka Karanov
~Prime Minister, Igor Kakarof
24-01-2006, 02:42
The treaty is written up as follows:

"The representatives of Jamminberry and Franberry equally and willingly agree that they will abide the following conditions:

1. Franberry and Jamminberry will remain allies, and agree (refer to seperate Defensive Pact) to uphold their promise to come to one anothers defense in times of war.

2. Tracking beacons will be placed in all Military equipment, allowing both nations at any time to see the location of said equipment. It is to be kept out of the other's nation unless specifically agreed upon beforehand.

3. A seperate Nuclear Defense Agreement has been signed stating that neither nation will fire at, target or otherwise threaten the respective other nation with any sort of nuclear warhead, regardless of any previous clauses that have been broken.

4. No negative propoganda will be spread about the other nation.

Finally, and the feeling is held by the NSAA, an important ally to Jamminberry, the man responsible for initiating this war, the leader of Franberry: His Holyness Kaer Tarnilov IV, will be impeached from the throne, and a new leader be elected/appointed. Only if this and all other conditions are agreed to will the treaty be accepted.

Furthermore, both nations will pay any dues for the damage caused, and issue a formal apology to avoid public uproar.

If, at any point these conditions prove inconvenient for either nation, a meeting may be held to amend them, providing both parties are in equal agreement.

Agreed to by the undersigned:

Tobias Smyth, UN representative of Jamminberry

X____________, representative of Franberry"

Consider that signed

But His Majesty Kaer Tarnilov the IV, dint not start the war, but rather, the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I assure you they will be put to death, you can see it today at 21 hrs, on all goverment channels (other channels will show it too, check your listings)
24-01-2006, 02:43
NSAA: In that case we extend the hand of gratitude, and thank you for your assistance in this war. You will be remembered fondly in our nation.

Marxist: If you require any assistance in that uprising, ask and ye shall recieve.
24-01-2006, 03:04
--Message to Franberry and Jamminberry--
We accept Jamminberry's offer of alliance. Our forces shall stay in International Airspace/Waters for 1 week to monitor the situation, but after that all forces must leave to fight a Capitalist Uprising in the state (see thread: ).

Although you were our enemies, we shall give you aid as a gesture of goodwill if you ask for it.
24-01-2006, 03:42
The country of Hayord gratefully accept your hand of peace. We off the same to you, and when in need, cal upon us.

Freeds Astyo,
Leader of Hayord


"They offered a ceasefire. And we didn't even use a nuke." Astyo was peaking to his advisors. "D*mn it. Meh. Maybe on Red Tide."

OOC: Jamminberry, we are currently involved in the overthrowing of the Frozopian-occupying countries. YOu do not need to join, but you may of you wish.
24-01-2006, 04:28
OOC: cool. and no nukes, thank god...
consider all NSAA warships withdrawn...
The Marxist State
24-01-2006, 13:13
OCC: I actually could use help in that thread. Also, please join the fight against Red Tide, not only does his nation abuse human rights, he's an asshole
24-01-2006, 14:15
OOC: er, dont let most experienced players hear you saying that, they dont like IC and OOC mixing, although i dont mind it...
and too many of my forces are already involved elsewhere, sorry.
New Isabelle
24-01-2006, 14:38
"Sir, the suface disruption appears to have ceased."

"Poor fools, perhaps they will see their fate afterall. Countdown?"

"12 minutes till we're in poistion, sir."

"So be it."

The moon-sized sphere slowly drifted in orbit above the ocean, looming over the world like a dark cloud, a dark, evil cloud. Soon Franberry and Jamminberry would feel the rath of the Death Star.

**cue music**
Dun Dun Duuuuuuuuuuun
24-01-2006, 15:18
look, declaring war on people is foolish, doing it randomly in someone else's thread is harsh, and using a death star on people who are using modern day technology is pointless.

From an orbital defence platform near earth:
"Sir, some foolish n00b is trying to use a death star again..."
"oh dear, another one?"
"yes, sir, another one"
"very well, activate the I.G.N.O.R.E. cannon."
"aye sir, powering up n00b reconverters"
"n00klear reactor active, feeding power to cannon"
"ready to fire, sir."
"weapon fired. Target destroyed."
"good work.shut down cannon, go back to normal operating routine."
"aye sir."
24-01-2006, 19:39
look, declaring war on people is foolish, doing it randomly in someone else's thread is harsh, and using a death star on people who are using modern day technology is pointless.

From an orbital defence platform near earth:
"Sir, some foolish n00b is trying to use a death star again..."
"oh dear, another one?"
"yes, sir, another one"
"very well, activate the I.G.N.O.R.E. cannon."
"aye sir, powering up n00b reconverters"
"n00klear reactor active, feeding power to cannon"
"ready to fire, sir."
"weapon fired. Target destroyed."
"good work.shut down cannon, go back to normal operating routine."
"aye sir."

Good weapom
24-01-2006, 19:42
sry about that typo

seriously, we just made peace, and a death star?????

we have liek, space shuttles, not laser carriying spaceships
24-01-2006, 19:45
OCC: I actually could use help in that thread. Also, please join the fight against Red Tide, not only does his nation abuse human rights, he's an asshole

If the goverment of Franberry was provided with links, we would be able to help you.
24-01-2006, 22:30
If the goverment of Franberry was provided with links, we would be able to help you.


And NSAA, you've got to set us up with one of those n00b cannons. They seem useful. :D
25-01-2006, 13:23
dude, build your own, and use them on the fools who go around trying things like that. nobody will complain at you for having one, no matter what, as long as you only use it when people blatantly do something dumbarsed.
(my version of the n00b action was much more civilized, i tried to infiltrate everyone, rather than declaring war on them, so i'm one of the few people who havent ever been hit by an I.G.N.O.R.E round...)
The Marxist State
25-01-2006, 13:32
(I always nuke them, and then they shut up, for example)

For being such a dumbass, New Isabelle, we will launch 100 nucular missiles at you. They are equipped with Anti-N00b N00ks, so don't try it.

Have a nice day.