The Guests of Honor. (FT RP, closed)
Deep in space, the hulking mass of guns and armor that made up the Imperial Fist cut through the vaste void with grace that did not fit it's bulky form. It was the flagship of the entire Gronde military and the personal ship of Lord-and-Master Kalgar. The ship was on its way back from a diplomatic meeting at Snake Eaters. This time, however, it carried special guests: the Valsharess of Kaymiril, Kaymiril VII, Annastrianna d' Maril, and the one soon to be the ambassador to Gronde, Talraena d' Kestal.
With Kalgar off attending to a few random duties, the captain of his guard, Lysander, and his senior advisor, Conrad, took the brief moment to relax and chat in the officer lounge. They sat in silence for a few minutes, drinking some Vodka and eating before Lysander spoke up.
"So how did the meeting go?" asked Lysander, attempting to spark a conversation.
"It went well enough," Conrad replied. "But that's not important at the moment."
"Alright," entertained Lysander. "What is important at the moment, then?" Conrad got straight to the point.
"What do you know about those two women that Kalgar brought on this ship with him?" he asked.
"Well, the Valsharess I have met before, though only breifly," explained Lysander. "The other one I have never seen before, however."
"Yes, yes," said Conrad impatiently. "But what do you know about her? Why does Kalgar seem so interested in her?"
"He's definately taken a fancy to her, if that's what you mean..."
"I figured that out on my own," snapped Conrad.
"Ok, ok," said Lysander. "I'm not sure what you want from me. I really don't know much about her." Conrad grumbled an acknowledgement. Lysander spoke again, suddenly.
"Although you may find it interesting that Kalgar gave their Valsharess his Katana." This was followed by the sounds of a glass hitting the table.
"His katana?!" exclaimed Conrad. "Why didn't you say something before? This changes things." The two men continued to talk for about 30 minutes.
22-01-2006, 02:40
"The Valsharess is far too trusting," thought her cousin, Talraena d' Kestal. "What dignitary in her right mind would trust a person she doesn't know at all to take her safely across space and --"
"You're worrying again, Talraena. Your mother's blood in you...I've never seen your father or brothers so anxious at something so simple."
The Valsharess's words pierced through the ambassador's thoughts. Her words were soft-spoken, quiet...but had a ring to them. It had silenced crowds without raising. It was the voice of one with power.
"Your forgiveness, ussta Valsharess...but I do not see this matter as simple."
"Nor do you trust these men on this craft to be men of honor. You are more Maril than you would like to admit, at times. I believe that we will come to no harm."
Talraena almost sighed, but the Valsharess had never been wrong about a person's character. "Then I will trust you. But really..." she looked around, seeing that there were none to witness her addressing the Valsharess in the familiar, "Anna, wouldn't it help to be a bit less trusting?"
"To the contrary, it might damage diplomatic relations. That, and neither Haldosir nor Rildorath see reason to be suspicious. You know how they are."
The Valsharess's bodyguards. Fearsome warriors of a previous era...back, as if from the dead, to serve a new Valsharess. Haldosir was a red-eyed Warmancer, and it wasn't beyond his abilities to tear an opponent's heart from his chest. Rildorath was green-eyed, and shorter and more wiry than his comrad. But he was both fast and powerful...a warrior more than ready for combat, especially in his Valsharess's defense.
"Please, will be living among these people. And yet you worry about their intentions."
The Ambassador d' Kestal nodded. "But I am not you, Valsharess."
Kaymiril VII smiled. "And I am not defenseless. But I trust these people to have honor. You should as well."
"Siyo, ussta Valsharess."
After talking with Conrad in the officer's lounge, Lysander decided it would be best to introduce himself the their guests, the Valsharess again and the future ambassador for the first time. He arrived at the library wearing black carapace armor, instead of his normal powered armor. Even without it, he was a formidable form: 7'4" with a bulky, muscular build. He found them in the officer's library talking quietly in a language he could not understand. He approached them with the manner of any noble. He bowed moderately as he addressed the two Drow women.
"My name is Lysander, the Captain of Kalgar's guard. I have already become acquainted with you, my lady," he said, referring to the Valsharess. His eyes then met Talraena and he stopped mid bow for a nearly unnoticeable moment. "But you, I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting."
24-01-2006, 01:18
The Valsharess and her cousin had stopped talking when Lysander approached them.
What in the blue hells...there's no way that thing is human, is he?
The fact that any being could be quite that tall unnerved Talraena, although one of her own guard, Deris'Nokataa'Oschiva, stood even taller than this human.
She did not allow any of these thoughts to show on her face, though.
She waited for the Valsharess to acknowledge the Grondian Lord-and-Master's bodyguard before replying herself.
"Gre'as'anto lu' verve dro, Captain Lysander. I am Talraena d' you doubtless know, the Kaymirilian Ambassador to Gronde."
"Ah yes, I do believe Conrad mentioned you," Lysander replied. "Anyway, if there is anything that you need, I should be able to help."
24-01-2006, 02:48
Both nobles nodded, but it was the Valsharess who spoke.
"Thank you, Captain Lysander. We will remember."
With a nod, Lysander departed. He would need to check in with Kalgar before they came out of the Warp.
Meanwhile, Conrad had already found Kalgar in his training hall, where he was sparing with a few members of his Special Forces. Conrad was passing time watching and critiquing his employer.
“Make sure you keep on balance, Kalgar,” Conrad shouted casually, before sighing. “And how many times do I have to tell you? You still need to watch your left side!” Kalgar delivered a kick to a combatant behind him and flipped forward. The two others reacted quickly with a vicious round of attack, which Kalgar fought off.
“I know how to fight, Conrad,” Kalgar snapped, grabbing the second opponent’s wrist and throwing him to the floor. One of the officers entered the room and cleared his throat.
“Sir, we will be leaving the warp momentarily,” said the officer. Kalgar stopped his sparing.
“Excellent,” Kalgar replied. “Notify my guests as soon as we exit. I will get ready and join them shortly.”
“Yes sir.”
“Anyways, Conrad,” said Kalgar. “Where were we?” As he spoke, another of the Special Forces came up on him.
“Ahem… that left side of yours,” said Conrad with a chuckle. A swift punch to the gut of the Special Forces warrior from Kalgar quickly followed.
“Right, I’ll have to remember that.”
After bathing and getting dressed, Kalgar made his way to the Officer's library to meet his guests and inform them that they would be arriving soon. It was unorthodox, as most men of his position and power would have just sent a message. Kalgar, however, prefered doing things personally. He entered the library from a discreet door in the corner of the room and walked over to the pair of Drow women.
"Hello again," said Kalgar once he reached their table. "I must apologize for being so scarce during our voyage. I felt that I should let you know that we have left the Warp and will be arriving soon."
25-01-2006, 04:23
The Valsharess and Ambassador had been conversing quietly between themselves. There would be little else to do until they returned to sublight speeds and the Valsharess could check on what was happening in her own realm.
They looked up as Kalgar entered, and the Valsharess smiled. It was a courteous smile, as humans preferred to be greeted warmly.
"Thank you for informing us, Lord-and-Master Kalgar. As to your scarcity, can any ruler be blamed for having matters to attend to when in his own nation, as this vessel must surely be deemed part of?"
"Very true," replied Kalgar, smiling. "And please, the title is not needed anymore." Meanwhile, the Battle Barge arrived at the first check point in Gronde's Homesystem.
"By the way," added Kalgar before exiting. "Meet me at the upper command deck if you would like a spectacular view."
26-01-2006, 01:42
"Thank you, Kalgar. We will be there momentarily."
As Kalgar left, the Valsharess's "necklace" chirped at her moments before it unfolded into a screen.
She read through the message displayed on it, then drafted a response and signed it, sending it back and returning her glider to its necklace form.
"Vel'bol...?" started Talraena, but the Valsharess held up her hand.
"Thalack." The Ambassador's eyebrows raised at this, but the Valsharess shook her head.
"Come on...we wish to get there."
Both Drow stood and started the journey to the upper command deck.
Kalgar made his way to the upper command deck. The room was completely empty when he arrived. He pressed a small black button on one of the control panels, which revealed a huge window that covered the entire far wall. He waited for his two guests to arrive. As the two Drow women entered, Kalgar bowed in the manner of a gentleman and gestured to the window.
"We've entered the system and are nearing the Homeworld of Gronde now," Kalgar explained. He allowed for his guests to take in the view, which consisted of a massive blue star on the left, shining onto a massive array of orbital stations and platforms that circled the planet like droning bees around their hive. Even after all these years, Kalgar still felt tiny when he looked at it.
26-01-2006, 02:47
The two noblewomen looked at the Gronde homeworld...the distant blue star...farther than their own, cooler, yellow star...more impassive in its light. The false satellites made the planet look crowded and busy to their eyes.
Kaymiril, after all, had a lot of space yet...more greens and blues covered their native comparison, the Gronde homeworld looked bleak and gray.
"It is very grand indeed," said the Valsharess after a few moments.
"As the center of the AoN, it's large enough," said Kalgar. "It's always looked a bit bleak from a distance, but it does have a certain appeal to it." Kalgar looked out the window one last time.
"Well, we should be docking any moment now, please follow me."
26-01-2006, 04:16
The two Drow followed the Grondian Lord-and-Master, trusting his knowledge of the ship.
At one intersection, Haldosir and Rildorath stepped out in front of the Valsharess and her cousin, and at the next, two felinoid creatures dropped in behind.
The smaller one had bluish-green eyes and small, close spots. Her most recognisable feature was three black stripes on her white cheek. She stood a slender 5'10", but muscles rippled underneath her fur. The other, her mate, stood at an easy 7'6", and he was built powerfully, with a broad, deep chest, and arms that seemed barely able to control his strength.
These were Roharanhan, native to Ina, and favored among some Houses as body guards, d' Kestal included. Their muscular structure made them easily fifteen times more powerful than the slender Drow...and maybe ten times as powerful as a Human.
They were Talraena's body guards, Alam'Davarda'Oschiva, and Deris'Nokataa'Oschiva...from different families of the same clan.
Kalgar led the group down to the ship’s lower exit, where they would enter the docks. When they arrived, Conrad and Lysander were waiting for them. Lysander nodded and acknowledgement to the new faces. He didn’t seem intimidated by the fact that there was a massive cat-like creature in his presence, who’s size rivaled his own; he had fought all sorts of aliens and creatures in his career. Conrad never seemed intimidated by anything anyways.
They were led out into the orbital docks, where they were then brought onto Kalgar’s personal shuttle. It’s not until actually flying over the city that one normally realizes just how massive it is.
“It’s a city of nearly 800 million citizens alone, not including merchants and other travelers,” said Kalgar as they flew down to the City’s star port. “Much of this metropolis was destroyed during the fallen wars, but it has since been rebuilt.” The small craft slowed and landed softly.
“Welcome to the capital of the Great Forge.”
27-01-2006, 01:09
The Valsharess's eyebrows raised slightly at the number of people in the city.
"Eight hundred million...our largest city only has sixteen million, and the medics would that it would shrink."
Talraena sat in silence. So many much to learn and become in a few weeks.
"This is the central population center in Gronde," explained Kalgar. "The empire was founded on this very world hundreds of years ago. Ah, we are docked now." Kalgar opened the door and motioned to it, allowing his guests to preceed him. The door opened, it seemed, into a different world. It was a sprawling urban jungle, with massive towers reaching into the grey sky.
27-01-2006, 01:30
The two noblewomen and their guard looked around, but allowed the Valsharess the right to speak first, as always.
"It seems so...cold and impersonal, compared to the blue sky and green plant-life in Kaymiril."
The Kaymirilian sky was a light greenish-blue on a clear day, and the plant life was a deep, verdant green. A stark contrast to this.
"I'll admit, it's hard to have a personal touch in a city this massive," agreed Kalgar. "But come, our transportation has arrived to take us to the Citadel." He pointed to a medium sized, open topped vehicle hovering in the street.
30-01-2006, 03:27
The Valsharess and her party accompanied Kalgar and his party to the transport, finding places for themselves and sitting.
Talraena had never been in a city this big, and now, for the next fifty or so years, she would live and work here. It was an odd feeling, to be sure.
The Valsharess had been to large cities in other nations on several occasions. This, while unfamiliar, didn't phase couldn't. It was not a vast, shining was a bleak, gray metropolis which conserved as much space as it could by climbing higher and higher instead of spreading ever outward.
It was different. That was all.
The Roharanhan, however, were most definitely impressed. Nothing even nearing this scale could be found in their homeland...not even the highest mountain rose into the sky like some of these buildings. The urban and urbanized, with just enough of a peopled scent that it could possibly be alive...there were so many, and it was so big.
The party rode through the densest part of the city for about 20 minutes. It was very late in the afternoon and the massive blue sun brought light down in mild rays as it began to sink behind the massive buildings. Kalgar was fairly silent, allowing Conrad the honor of pointing out various landmarks in the city. The reached a parked vehicle at the corner of one of the countless streets. Their current vehicle slowed to a stop and Kalgar turned to talk to his guests.
"Lysander and Conrad have agreed to show Talraena and her gaurds the new embassy," Kalgar explained. "They can go there from here and meet us at the Citadel." Kalgar allowed for a few moments to see if there was any problem with this course of action.
31-01-2006, 03:53
Talraena stood, her guards with her.
"If my Valsharess permits?"
Kaymiril VII nodded, and the Ambassador and her guard stepped lightly off the first vessel, waiting for Lysander and Conrad before proceeding.
With Conrad and Lysander taking the new ambassador to the embassy, Kalgar, The Valsharess, and her gaurds, continued to the citadel. Kalgar looked back at his guest. Though she didn't say anything about it, it was fairly obvious that this ride through the bleak urban jungle didn't appeal to her very much. He turned to his driver.
"Do we have enough time for a small detour?" he asked the driver.
"Most likely," the driver replied. "Your other guests wont be arriving at your citadel for another half-hour. You have about 20 minutes to spare."
"Good, good," said Kalgar, pointing to an icon on the computer screen. "You know the place." The driver smiled.
"Of course sir." He took the next right turn. Kalgar turned to his remaining guests.
"We are taking a brief detour," he told them. "We are ahead of schedule right now, so we will still arrive at the Citadel with time to spare."
01-02-2006, 02:03
A touch of confusion crossed the Valsharess's features before she spoke.
"Very well...but where is it we are going?"
"It's simply a brief trip to visit one of our more impressive landmarks," assured Kalgar. "Hopefully, it should be more to your liking...perhaps."
01-02-2006, 02:39
She smiled, ocean-blue eyes sparkling. "You'll have to forgive me...but as you have seen, Kaymiril is not nearly so urbanized."
Their vehicle slowed to a stop in front of a building that didn't look much different from any of the others from the ground level. If one were to look up, however, they would see that this was a tower that reached higher than any other structure in the city.
"Yes, I realize that this is much different than what you are used to," replied Kalgar. He caught glimpse of her eyes when she smiled. It caught him off guard for just a moment, but he kept his composure. "Ah, here we are." He stepped from the vehicle and walked around to open the door on Anna's side.
02-02-2006, 03:32
She nodded to him slightly as she stepped out, then she looked up, narrowing her eyes.
"I couldn't even begin to guess how tall it is...taller than anything we've built, certainly."
"I could give you a number of meters," said Kalgar. "But it wouldn't mean much compared to actually seeing it for yourself." He led them into the building and up a rather lengthy elevator ride. They reached the top of the massive tower just as the sun began to sink behind a massive mountain that hadn't been visible from the ground. Looking in that direction, one could see where the city gradually gave way to a rugged wilderness. In the opposite direction, a defined line between the light and shadow could be seen moving across the sprawling city and millions of lights going on, one by one. Finally, there was the view of Kalgar's citadel. It stood among the other buildings, dark and imposing; it was a mass of battlements and fortifications, frightening, yet beautiful, to behold.
03-02-2006, 01:15
She meant it. While Kalgar's city did not appeal to her sense of aesthetics, anything on that scale and in such a setting was impressive, especially when one considered just how many lives there were, each represented by a light.
A soft breeze came across them, bringing air from the mountain to them. The massive blue star slowly disappeared behind the great shadow that was now the massive peak, its light reflecting off the ice at the top painting the once grey clouds with dozens of colors. Kalgar wished that he could have remained there longer, but his extra time was fast running out.
"Alas, my lady, we must press on," said Kalgar, turning and leading them back to the elevator. "We don't want to be late."
Meanwhile, Lysander and Conrad had arrived at the newly constructed Kaymirilian embassy.
"Here we are," said Lysander as they arrived.
"The interior hasn't been finished yet," added Conrad. "We wanted to make sure that you had say in how it was to be designed."
03-02-2006, 04:19
The Valsharess nodded, following him back down.
"So, tell me...what should I be prepared for, when we arrive?"
"Had I known, I'd have sent an architect on ahead...I've little experience in matters such as designing a building."
Lysander looked to Conrad for an explanation.
"That is quite all right, my lady," assured Conrad "We have architects here, all you need to do is help them make it to your liking."
"High Marshal Nicholai from our Honor Gaurd may be there," replied Kalgar, smiling softly. "He is a man of honor. Other than that, I don't believe there is much you would need to 'prepare for.'"
The Horned Rat
05-02-2006, 04:50
IC: And the warp, being fickle as always had given much to Gronde. Now it was going to give him a bit too much. Far worse than Chronosia’s Black Crusades, Corpsac’s Shinzus gone wild, (OOC: Even Sephrioth’s writing or Hive Fleet Imodious’ godmodding…) Korgarien’s treachery, the ferocity of Gronde’s navy, it was…Snikkit. The High Fleet Oversqueaker of the under-empire. His Flag Behemoth, The Superior, had been in service since the ship’s design but it was still as deadly, if not more so, since that date. The scarred hull slide through the black void of Gronde space. In Snikkit’s mind, it was all his space, so he didn’t even bother sending messages to Gronde announcing who he was as he began towards the heart of the Great Forge. He did however; view it necessary for him to find a docking space.
The simple message was broadcasted on a heavily encrypted AoN channel, not trusting even his parking questions to be viewed by the universe…
This is as you know High Fleet Oversqueaker Snikkit. I am here on my own accord and require docking so I can be planet side. I need however, to know where.
05-02-2006, 05:03
Lysander looked to Conrad for an explanation.
"That is quite all right, my lady," assured Conrad "We have architects here, all you need to do is help them make it to your liking."
"High Marshal Nicholai from our Honor Gaurd may be there," replied Kalgar, smiling softly. "He is a man of honor. Other than that, I don't believe there is much you would need to 'prepare for.'"
She nodded.
"I am sure they will do quite well."
If I can manage to do anything...I hated drawing.
She nodded. She knew none of the Gronde social customs, but she was a politician...she'd pick them up quickly enough.
"We will return here tomorrow," said Lysander. "It's time for us to head to the citadel to meet your Valsharess and and my Lord-and-Master."
With both parties heading towards Kalgar's citadel, the control staff for the home system detected an incomming ship that was not flying through designated routs.
"Sir," said an alarmed observer. "There is a rather large ship trying to run our blockade. It hasn't fired on anything, but it's not identifying itself."
"Do we know who it belongs to?" a commander asked.
"No, but I can get a's a large ship that looks like its been repaired and modified countless times." The commander recieved a message from the ship at last.
"Ah, I should have known," said the commander. "It's just Snikkit. Prepare for his docking."
05-02-2006, 05:50
"We will return here tomorrow," said Lysander. "It's time for us to head to the citadel to meet your Valsharess and and my Lord-and-Master."
Talraena nodded.
"Very well...probably the best course of action."
It would be a learning experience.
Ten minutes passed and both parties were arriving at the gates of the Citadel. Kalgar's general plan was to show them around the massive fortress and serve dinner later in the evening. His plan didn't account for one thing, however: Snikkit. And oversight was made and he was not informed of the Skaven commander's arrival. Things were about to get much more interesting.
"Welcome to the Citadel."
The Horned Rat
06-02-2006, 02:39
OOC: Sorry, gone most of the day lol
IC: The skaven was already heading to the citadel. The Devilfish transports were designed by a Republic member and had replaced the Thunderhawks of the Spaven. The craft was relatively empty, A skaven with bio-mechanical upgrades made him less organic than machine (Whoa…star wars moment..*slap*), his black fur was short as per the military standard. A battered sauce pan covered his scarred head, while various weapons adorned his waist, particularly his prized Warplock pistol. The tail was battered, but enchanced with even more biological surgery to some unknown use. The whole outfit was completed by crude warpstone armor plates on various areas of his body.
The other two skaven inside the craft were clearly marked out as deathvermin. The gold colored armor, the helmets with visages of warp entities, and the new P-6 rifles were all classical deathvermin. These however had extensive tattoos running down their sides. One had them all over the left side while the other had them on the right. They were curvy and ended in points, defiantly not the crude and jagged skaven runes. The two did not speak, possibly mute, but most likely not…
And the Devilfish continued downwards in this vast urban jungle…
06-02-2006, 03:08
Ten minutes passed and both parties were arriving at the gates of the Citadel. Kalgar's general plan was to show them around the massive fortress and serve dinner later in the evening. His plan didn't account for one thing, however: Snikkit. And oversight was made and he was not informed of the Skaven commander's arrival. Things were about to get much more interesting.
"Welcome to the Citadel."
The Kaymirilian noblewomen marveled at the sheer size of the citadel. It dwarfed the Valshanth in size, but for all of that, the Valshanth captured a sense of grace and safety that the Citadel didn't capture.
After could a building that looked constantly ready for war seem safe?
It was the Valsharess that first had something to say about it.
"It would appear that Gronde does nothing on a small scale."
"It is our meathod of survival," explained Kalgar. "This empire has had many enemies in it's history. We've been forced to become potent and sturdy to survive. This has been passed onto our architecture. But I assure you, it's more welcoming on the inside."
06-02-2006, 04:17
"No doubts...after all, you still must live in it. I wouldn't hesitate to think that the Valshanth and the Citadel have many similar defense mechanisms...we just hide ours, while you display it."
"Most likely," agreed Kalgar. That wasn't entirely true, but he didn't feel the need to tell his guests how many ways his home could kill an intruder or invader. The gates opened, revealing a long hallway leading into the fortress. "If you are hungry now, we can dine first and I can show you around the Citadel afterwards. If not, you can get the 'tour' first."
12-02-2006, 00:42
The Valsharess looked at her cousin.
"We'd like to see your Citadel first."
"Very well," replied Kalgar. With that, he led them into his Citadel. The interior of the fortress changed in atmosphere and architecture as they made their way down the seemingly endless corridors. It was obvious that it had not been built all at once, but instead, it's been added to little by little over the years. Some places had a gothic look, while others were very technological and clean-cut. Even the flow of people fluctuated. At some places, the halls were alive with activity while other places were completely empty. He even showed them the several places in the Citadel that were designated to drilling and training for the Honor Guard. Conrad pointed out random features and talked a little about the history of certain areas. Kalgar, however, was quieter than usual.
The Horned Rat
12-02-2006, 02:23
IC: The skaven craft glided smoothly towards a flashy landing pad on top of the Citadel. Most likely the smooth ride was from the Republican technology or some such…
Two of the finest skaven pilots in the seats were…dead. Executed probably for letting a grasshopper live or having piece of fur in the wrong place. No matter they were still dead and replaced by Plank. The piece of wood was held in place against the steering mechanism and was somehow…actually making the ship enter a controlled descent.
Flashing red lights activated as it’s frame slowly settled onto the landing pad. Not even an AI could have performed any better.
Already the two deathvermin had leapt off with weapons ready while Snikkit walked off holding Navigations Officer Plank against his side. The bodyguards adopted parade stance and flanked the High Oversqueaker as he walked briskly towards the elevator regardless of the humans and their “orders”…
Conrad, your tours are as boring as ever, thought Kalgar.
"I do believe they have seen enough of these endless hallways," said Kalgar, cutting Conrad off as he was talking about how High Marshal Nicholai used to wander this wing of the Citadel when he was a child. "But perhaps...follow me." Kalgar led the party up a few flights of winding stairs and into an elevator. He led them at a brisk, while still relaxed, pace, taking turns and going through doors at random, it seemed. He knew exactly where he was going, however. Finally, they went through a doorway and felt the cold bite of the night-time air.
"This is where I go whenever I need to clear my thoughts," Kalgar explained. They stepped into an elegant garden on the highest balcony of the massive structure. The lights of the city were closer than they were when looking onto them from the tower. "We borrowed many of our ideas from the ancient Japanese of Earth, though I added a few innovations and features of my own." As he finished his last sentence, Kalgar plucked a red rose from a nearby bush and handed it to the Valsharess.
14-02-2006, 03:07
The Valsharess accepted the rose with a smile, while Talraena and her guard went to look over the city.
"It certainly seems a peaceful place to think," the Ambassador began, but a growl escaped the throat of Davarda, and a softer one escaped her mate, directed at her.
The Drow both looked at the two Roharanhan, and the male stood tall.
"She smells a rodent pack...although I hardly see that it can be, with all the other scents they emit."
The Horned Rat
14-02-2006, 04:09
IC: ….and a slight warpstone-induced lack-of-coordination caused Snikkit to trip over the guard rail. As he plummeted he was actually fairly calm while his claws slashed into the citadels side, slowing his fall to a velocity where he didn’t splatter on a certain balcony…
Snikkit looked around for a second with his one organic eye, the other being a warpstone fueled bionic, spotting Kalgar he jumped to his feet.
“Heeeey, you’re the guy. uh...Kalgar! Yeah! With a kata…wait a sec…where’s the katana!”
He recovered his trusty sauce pan and put it back on…
The two bodyguards, while a bit irritated, knew what to do. Simple rappelling rope was employed from their gear as they descended down to their fallen master.
Kalgar was caught up with Anna's smile for a moment long enough to not notice Snikkit falling towards them until the moment he hit the balcony. He raised an eyebrow at Snikkit's sudden arrival and gave a clever half-smile. Lysander, however, seemed more disgusted.
"Who let him in this time?" Lysander said quietly into Conrad's ear. Conrad shrugged and prepared to enjoy the "show."
"Ah, Snikkit, it is good to see you again," said Kalgar, musing slightly. He payed no attention to the Katana comment. " This is the Valsharess of Kaymiril, and this is the new ambassador to Gronde. Where is your navagator?"
14-02-2006, 04:37
The two Drow noblewomen had watched the rat-type creature fall rather ungracefully to the balcony.
They allowed themselves to be introduced, meanwhile certain that at the very least, the Kaymirilian guards had some sort of information on these creatures.
As for the two felinoid creatures with Talraena...their sentience ensured that the fight against instinct would hold them back from killing these creatures.
For now, anyway.
The Horned Rat
14-02-2006, 04:49
IC: The remaining nerves in his face drew taught at the sight of the Drow. Now Snikkit might be crazy, but he knew better than to attempt killing guests of Kalgar…particularly high ranking guests…
“My navigator? Oh shit…” He frantically looked around when a slight tap came to his right shoulder. The piece of wood was in the hands of one of the deathvermin. The two had, unlike Snikkit, come down quietly.
“Ah yes, here is Plank. Plank this is Kalgar”
He paused, as if waiting for a response, “Yes, that extremely “old dude”. And these are…Kalgar’s friends…”
Another pause as he regarded the others.
“I noticed THAT already! But this is my navigations officer Plank!”
Snikkit held out the board with a smiley face drawn onto it as if it was about to speak for itself…
"I do believe that we've already met," replied Kalgar, supressing laughter. Conrad was shaking his head in ammusment, while Lysander was shaking his head in disgust.
15-02-2006, 02:03
The Drow had watched the Skaven's ungainly descent silently, and allowed themselves to be introduced.
To be honest, this was most unexpected.
Had it been any other Valsharess, this situation could have been volatile.
Kaymiril VII was, fortunately, more flexible than her ancestors had been.
While she and Talraena both thought that there was most definitely something...odd...about this new guest, he was here, and obviously not too much of a threat index.
Either that, or dangerous enough that Kalgar and the like put up with his presence.
"Gre'as'anto lu' verve dro," began the Valsharess. "I am Kaymiril VII, and this, my cousin, is Talraena d' Kestal."
She didn't offer her hand...this was not a human, and handshakes were a part of the standard human greeting.
She'd never met a Skaven before, or studied on Skaven culture.
She didn't even know what they were, really.
The Horned Rat
15-02-2006, 02:47
OOC: Last post I made…I forgot…my Deathvermin are chimera’s of Skaven and dog…oh my…
IC: The deathvermin let out a low guttural growl akin to a canine. The lapse of prscence from Snikkit’s pistol even induced one to make an actual move.
The skaven leaped off of the balcony rail, his mouth was open with saliva trailing, and his eyes were beady and red with an unhinged expression, the P-6 rifle was almost brought to bear…
…when Snikkit lashed out. A solid blow from a metal fist caved in the deathvermins face with a sickening crack and a spray of crimson liquid on to snikkit. The wretch was still alive and started flopping about in shock from it’s destroyed face. A malicious grin came over Snikkit’s face as he hoisted the deathvermin onto the railing. His tail snaked up and rested onto the injured skaven’s chest. A rising whine of energy could be heard a second before discharge…
The small Warp-lightning gun punched a hole straight through the skaven and caused the corpse to fly though the air like a bird before plummeting…
Snikkit turned to the remaining Deathvermin. “Make a note, we are not to use the ‘Doberman’ species anymore.”
Facing the Drow, “Ah yes, the new Valsharess. I take it this must be your first time in the Great Forge?”
His face twitched in anger for a second and he turned to Plank in the hands of the bodyguard, “It’s called bein ‘polite’ or something idiot, try it sometime.”
15-02-2006, 03:07
The growling of the Deathvermin had been returned by Talraena's two bodyguards...lower and drier than those of the new creatures...but even their shock was apparent at the brutal slaughter Snikkit had delivered to his own man.
The Valsharess took a moment to recompose herself...that had surprised her more than slightly, as well.
"Yes, it is our first time in this nation. We're setting up an embassy, as well as taking up a most generous offer to come and visit."
Whatever unease she may have felt did not show in her mannerisms or on her face...or even in her scent.
The fortunate thing about having neighbors whose primary sense was could learn to control it even if yours wasn't.
Talraena dropped back for a serruptitious word with Lysander.
" this normal, for...him?"
Lysander looked up quickly after Talraena spoke to him.
Where in the hell did she come from? he thought; Lysander usually didn't miss much. He shook his head.
"Actually, he normall executes more of his men than that," replied Lysander bitterly and quietly. "I don't know why kalgar lets him come here at all."
15-02-2006, 04:24
" this normal, for his species?"
If it were, then the Drow and the Skaven might understand each other better than either thought.
"Well, to a point it is," explained Lysander. "Granted, most aren't quite as...well, crazy."
The Horned Rat
15-02-2006, 22:24
IC: Whispering! Assassination attempt! Must secure the navigation officer!
“Wonderful meeting you Kalgar, Valsharess, Talraena, Lysander and…uh…Comrade! But now I must go…not here….”
He wasn’t sure of Conrad’s name, so he took a stab at it. But for now he wanted out and NOW!
He started towards the door with the deathvermin in tow. Apparently the loss of it’s comrade kept it in line as they passed the elves and cat-humans.
Another figure cloaked in shadows dropped out of the Snikkit’s craft well after they had left. It was lithe and moved with purpose unlike the cautious jerky steps of most skaven. It slid inside and began crawling down an elevator shaft searching for Snikkit…
Lysander sighed with irritation as Snikkit left the balcony, shaking his head.
"You'll have to forgive Snikkit," said Lysander to Talraena. "He doesn't always think before he speaks...or acts, for that matter." Meanwhile, Kalgar turned back to Anna. He was quite imressed at how well she hid any shock or disgust.
"You'll have to forgive Snikkit," said Kalgar to the Valsharess. "He doesn't always think before he speaks...or acts, for that matter." At the same time, Conrad was also giving the same line to the rest of the guests.
16-02-2006, 01:26
The Valsharess watched Snikkit leave, before turning back to Kalgar.
"I don't suppose you'd care to revise what you told me about what to be prepared for?"
Meanwhile, Davarda's more sensitive ears caught the sounds of the creature scrabbling over the Citadel walls, right as her nose caught the smell of an unfamiliar beast.
She alerted Talraena of this, quickly, softly, and in her native tongue.
The ambassador turned to Lysander.
"Tell me...are we expecting creatures other than him and his guard to come out of his ship?"
Lysander looked to Talraena.
"Don't worry, we have gaurds that will stop anyone else trying to get into the Citadel," assured the Space Marine. "He's brought others with him before, we've learned to be ready for it."
"I didn't expect him to show up until next month," Kalgar explained to Anna. "I would have--"
"For god's sake, Kalgar," interrupted Lysander, with a hint of irritation in his voice. "You should know better than to try planned visits with that...that thing! He just shows up whenever he wants to. And he always breaks something."
Meanwhile, the movement of the lone skaven was being tracked by the Honor Gaurd of the citadel. Whereas Snikkit walked right in unbothered, this other figure was quickly intercepted by about 30 Space Marines.
"Stop where you are! This is a restricted area!"
16-02-2006, 02:11
The Valsharess held up her hand.
"Peace, Lysander. That which is is. The Ambassador and myself would merely like to know what to expect out of him and his entourage, as would our guard."
In Kaymiril, bodyguards had a respect for their place...and that was not snapping at their superior in the middle of a conversation...especially not when another dignitary was visiting.
"Now, would any of the three of you," indicating Conrad, Kalgar, and Lysander, "care to inform us, or will we have to send to our ship for the proper information?"
The Horned Rat
16-02-2006, 03:07
IC: ..And just like Snikkit, exactly 45.67 seconds being unattended and a large explosion echoed through the hall ways.
The room was probably some sort of commemoration to some battle or something. But Snikkit had managed to build an explosive out of inconceivable objects and set off said explosive…So he was currently pointing towards some human paper pusher blaming him for the incident…
------------------------------------------------------------------------The Skaven whipped it’s cloaked head around. It had faced tougher odds than this and even then it wasn’t anything. But he figured, best to go along quietly…
It raised its paws in the air and spoke without the skaven stutter, which meant he was obviously trained in speech as well as movement.
“Oh it is? Sorry. I was simply looking for Snikkit…”
As if on cue from the Valsharess's request for knowledge of what to expect from Snikkit, the explosion echoed through the halls. Lysander immediately ran off, shouting warnings to the Skaven commander. Kalgar took a moment to let the moment wear off before speaking.
"Roughly...that," he replied. His expression was an odd one. It could be best described as a combination of subtle amusement, a small amount of embarrassment, and maybe a minor headache.
16-02-2006, 05:04
"Apparently this is common here...we will attempt to adapt."
Talraena's bodyguards almost gave chase out of sheer reflex, but held themselves back.
The Ambassador herself was thoughtful. So, this is how they live...
"Only common when Snikkit is around," replied Kalgar as Lysander ran off after the explosion. "At least it keeps Lysander busy."
Meanwhile, the Space marines were taking care of the Un-"invited" guest that had disembarked from Snikkit's craft.
"Very well, return to his ship," ordered the Sargent. "We will inform Snikkit."
The Horned Rat
17-02-2006, 00:00
IC: Inside the current "site zero" Snikkit was raving. He was bellowing on and on about how he had served in the wars when the dark empire was first allied with the AoN and how could they accuse such a figure of doing what the human had clearly done. To add emphasis to his point of view he pulled out the flintlock pistol he had and started waving it around...
The black clad skaven grinned, his unusually clean white teeth glinted from underneath.
"Of course noble space marines. I shall await there for Snikkit, and tell him to be quick about it. I'd rather not grow bored..."
He walked back out standing upright, somehow not affected by the customary hunch skaven had...
"SNIKKIT!!" Lysander's voice boomed through the corridoors. The Space Marine Captain ran towards the site of the explosion. "SNIKKIT! Can you ever go one day with blowing something up!? And for god's sake, put that gun away right now!"
The Horned Rat
17-02-2006, 02:10
IC: A shock of horror and shock crossed the skaven's face. "How could you Lysander! I Defused an explosive that was meant for Kalgar! AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME!? and I won't put away my weapon until I see that traitor to the state shot!"
He started pointing towards the unfortunate paper pusher who had been flanked by the remaining deathvermin...
18-02-2006, 22:57
"I see...It will be an eventful visit, then."
Most creatures would be itimidated by creatures that had a penchant for creating huge explosions.
A Valsharess of Kaymiril tended to learn at an early age to not only NOT be intimidated, but to intimidate such beings at will.
The Roharanhan, meanwhile, were not interested in any of the proceedings with the Valsharess or Snikkit.
Both had their attention to the scents coming from the direction of the new "skaven."
Because that didn't smell like the others had.
If there was any trouble, there would be bloodshed, as two powerful creatures unleashed killing instincts usually kept tightly under control.
The Ambassador merely stood silent. She knew better than to let first impressions of a nation cloud her judgement...
But this had really get better soon, or she would be more than ready to exchane jobs with her younger brother.
"SNIKKIT!" Lysander ran towards the pistol waving rat-man. "Put that gun away!" The space marine delivered a firm back-hand to the side of Snikkit's head with its original eye.
"I think Lysander has the current Snikkit situation under control," said Kalgar. "We can move on. I can have food served now, if you wish."
The Horned Rat
19-02-2006, 02:53
IC: The warplock pistol discharged into the wall...making a fairly large sized hole. The rubble tinged harmlessly off of the armored figures. But the paper-pusher took a fair sized chunk of debris to the head and fell to the floor dead.
Snikkit grinned at the unintentional death.
“There I performed the field execution for you Master Sergeant Lysander!”
He was probably going to ramble on some more about wars or something when a crackling static on his coms broke over. A few words got through mumbling something about “Ship.....Come here....Now idiot.”
Now, Snikkit being the controlled and rational person had a lapse in his composure. He literally screamed in anger as he jumped over Lysander’s tall frame and took off running on all fours for more speed.
And being the poor lackey it was, the Deathvermin followed its charge back to the ship…
Lysander's left eye gave a slight twitch as Snikkit ran off. He ordered a few of the gaurds to clean up the mess and he ran off to keep Snikkit out of trouble.
That rat is going to be the death of me.
26-02-2006, 18:35
"SNIKKIT!" Lysander ran towards the pistol waving rat-man. "Put that gun away!" The space marine delivered a firm back-hand to the side of Snikkit's head with its original eye.
"I think Lysander has the current Snikkit situation under control," said Kalgar. "We can move on. I can have food served now, if you wish."
Human food.
Human food was always an interesting experience, and when you got used to the food in one human nation, the next one was always tremendously different.
Good thing it was mostly-edible.
The Valsharess nodded. "If now is the time you normally set aside for the evening meal, by all means."
"Hopefully you wont object to spending a little more time in the garden while the meals are prepared," said Kalgar. "I will rejoin you shortly." Kalgar departed, followed by Conrad.
Over the years, the Citadel had hosted countless guests. Everything from small green aliens, to massive, hulking monsters. Likewise, the food served, and the way it he served it, was always different. For example, whenever he ate with Snikkit, the affair consisted of sitting on the floor with paper plates; fewer things get broken that way. With these Drow women, however, it was going to be a much more sophisticated and elegant project. Paper plates were definitely not going to cut it. Kalgar was planning on something unfamiliar, but that still would appeal to the tastes of his guests. Perhaps some sort of seafood...His thoughts were interrupted when Conrad spoke up from behind him.
"So, the Lord-and-Master is going to do some cooking, is he?" asked Conrad, jokingly.
"I cook most of my own food anyway," Kalgar explained. "It's nothing unusual for me." Conrad chuckled.
"Actually, if I remember correctly," Conrad challenged. "You've made quite a habit of living on military rations lately."
"That's not going to cut it here, now is it?" replied Kalgar, still walking.
"Most assuredly not. But I must say, the rose was a nice touch; an interesting choice of colors, definitely," said Conrad. Kalgar stopped walking and turned to face him. "Of all the roses in that garden of yours, you picked a red one. And don't try to tell me that you didn't know what you were doing."
"For god's sake, Conrad, what's your point?" asked Kalgar.
"You like her, don't you?" Kalgar gave a slight half-smile.
"Well, Conrad, you haven't remained my senior advisor all these years because you are slow-witted," replied the Lord-and-Master, before turning and continuing to walk. Conrad laughed out loud.
"Please, my boy," he said. "It didn't take any quick wit to figure you out."
"Hush, you old fool," said Kalgar with a laugh. "I've got work to do."
26-02-2006, 19:48
The four guards retreated some distance, still within sight and earshot, but not close enough to feel uncomfortable.
Talraena took the rose from her cousin, took the thorns from it, and, undoing the Valsharess's hair (it had been simply up and swept elegantly back), started redoing it, working the flower into it.
"In human language, this flower has a romantic meaning. What do you think of this?"
The Valsharess sat still while her cousin worked her hair. "Perhaps I do not mind, Talraena."
The Ambassador paused and leaned forward to regard her Valsharess. "What?"
"Oh, I agree the time is not now, especially with all that is happening...but I may not mind it. Give it time...a decade or so, maybe...we will see."
The Horned Rat
26-02-2006, 19:50
IC: Now, the doors could just have been opened, but Snikkit being Snikkit decided the doors had offended him for making his coffee cold or something and blew them off the hinges and banging across the landing pads.
He was walking briskly muttering something about feeding people to the fuzzles when he seen the the other skaven.
The black clothed rat-man was lounging against the ship grinning as if he had nothing to fear from the Oversqueaker.
Snikkit was just about ontop of him in a blink of an eye with his pistol under his chin, he was just about to pull the trigger when something made him stop.
“You…” he hissed under his breath, “What are you doing here!?”
The other skaven was still grinning at the duress he was putting Snikkit under,
“I tagged along for my own reasons Oversqueaker, I filled out all the paperwork to sanction it. And at least I came alone this time…”
Snikkit dropped the other skaven and turned around to head back inside, now followed by the black clad skaven.
And the poor bodyguard tried remaining inconspicuous against the wall as his charge walked by…
About 30 minutes, Kalgar and Conrad returned, followed by two of the very few servants that resided in the Citadel. Each one carried a tray with a the entrees that had been prepared for the guests and hosts. While the traditional human service style involved a series of courses, Kalgar took a different, more simple rout. The food was served in a single course. It was a light, but elegant, seafood and pasta entree.
Kalgar stopped at the table with the Valsharess and the new ambassador. One of the servants set plates at the table for each person sitting at the table; three plates. Conrad continued on with the other servant to bring food to the bodyguards.
Very sly of you, thought Kalgar. Except the ambassador is still with her...but you probably did that on purpose.
"Good evening again," said Kalgar to the two Drow women as he joined them.
27-02-2006, 04:26
The two Drow nodded as he returned, a non-verbal greeting, as there was no "hello again" in their language.
The guards hadn't expected to be fed at the same time as the rest. They ate after the rest retired, or before they awoke. It was their eat when they were not on duty, and to be alert when they were.
With Conrad eating with the Valsharess's guards, Kalgar was left by himself with Anna and her cousin. Even though he never cared much for small talk, this was far from anything beyond his abilities to handle. The atmosphere was quite relaxing in the garden.
"So what do you think of Gronde thus far?" asked Kalgar.
Meanwhile, Lysander was intercepting Snikkit before any more doors were blown off. It had already been over 43.5 seconds, yet still no explosions... He must be building an even bigger bomb than usual. At last, he found Snikkit, now being followed by that black-clad skaven. Lysander ran up to them.
"Snikkit!" said Lysander. "Who's the newcomer? I was not notified; he doesn't have clearance."
The Horned Rat
28-02-2006, 02:35
IC: Snikkit had a flash of something for a second…indecision? If that’s what it was it was gone replaced by him pulling out his warplock pistol and waving it around again.
“And just what are you saying Lysander!? Are you accusing me of harboring an assassin!? Even after I saved Kalgar from that previous attempt! How DARE you! Whole broods of my family DIED protecting your precious convoys of gold! And now you accuse me of treason!? I’ll remember this when I discuss your funding with Kalgar!”
With that he proceeded to push on by walking with a type of arrogance he wasn’t really good at, thus leading to some stumbling.
The other skaven gracefully walked by, and gave something to Lysander. It appeared to be a sincere shrug for Snikkit’s behavior. Not much compensation, but at least he was recognized for his patience…
And that poor bastard body guard trotted further along behind, trying to catch up…
28-02-2006, 02:45
"Gronde is an impressive nation, even if it has a to it than does Kaymiril."
What the Valsharess said was true...Kaymirilian architecture tended to favor openness and space...even if their politics were particularly secretive and tangled.
IC: Snikkit had a flash of something for a second…indecision? If that’s what it was it was gone replaced by him pulling out his warplock pistol and waving it around again.
“And just what are you saying Lysander!? Are you accusing me of harboring an assassin!? Even after I saved Kalgar from that previous attempt! How DARE you! Whole broods of my family DIED protecting your precious convoys of gold! And now you accuse me of treason!? I’ll remember this when I discuss your funding with Kalgar!”
With that he proceeded to push on by walking with a type of arrogance he wasn’t really good at, thus leading to some stumbling.
The other skaven gracefully walked by, and gave something to Lysander. It appeared to be a sincere shrug for Snikkit’s behavior. Not much compensation, but at least he was recognized for his patience…
And that poor bastard body guard trotted further along behind, trying to catch up…
Lysander could already feel a headache coming on. What was Snikkit babbling about this time? Why did Kalgar even let him enter the system, let alone the citadel?
"Snikkit, put the gun AWAY!" said Lysander, obviously irritated. "First of all, there were never an gold shipments, gold is not a part of our economy. "Secondly, you've never commanded any forces that have helped protect any Gronde convoys."
Meanwhile, Kalgar and his guests were engaging in generic small talk.
"Well, the Great Forge isn't all like this," explained Kalgar. "But as a general rule, we tend to favor that which is efficient, much like our political structure."
03-03-2006, 01:08
"Kaymirilian politics attempts efficiency...but it is difficult. We are still Drow."
That meant continual bickering amongst each other, as well as watching for back stabbing (or front stabbing), and all the secrecy and intrigue that their Underdark relatives had to deal with.
"No system is without its flaws, no doubt," replied Kalgar, before shifting topics. "How is your uncle, Teril?"
03-03-2006, 01:35
"My uncle is well...I have trusted him with the care of my country and household during my absence. The Kestals are the one House that the Marils have always been able to implicitly trust."
Which was why Talraena was here in the first place. Her loyalties would be in the right place, meaning she wouldn't risk a needless war, unlike some of the others.
Talraena was Teril's second daughter...he and his wife had had eight children...quite a feat, when the average Drow family had two.
"Interesting," said Kalgar ponderously. "Your system is very different from ours. We have no 'houses' or nobles. In some ways it is simpler, but I am sure that, in other ways, it is more complex."
03-03-2006, 01:55
The Valsharess sincerely doubted it. Still, she was diplomatic.
"No doubt."
The Horned Rat
03-03-2006, 02:16
IC: Snikkit whirled around, again almost losing his balance but was steadied by his deathvermin.
His eye was full of condescension towards Lysander.
“Well young Corporal Lysander, I wouldn’t expect you to know about the early days of your empire. Not a city in the Gronde Empire was without a contingent of skaven soldiers. Well Private First Class Lysander, I must be off to inspect some products we’re interested in…”
And with this he literally turned tail and started running off with his bodyguard in his wake.
The black skaven muttered something inaudible about Snikkit and plodded on behind him at a leisurely pace…
The doors to the garden burst open as a ragged breathing Snikkit stumbled through. He’d obviously gotten lost again in this damned fortress.
His remaining deathvermin had learned a lesson earlier and kept his dog-instincts under control in the presence of the cat-human things…
The black skaven shook his head, “Idiot…”
"It's CAPTAIN LYSANDER!!" yelled the marine bodygaurd as Snikkit ran off. He chased after the Skaven to prevent anything else from getting broken.
03-03-2006, 03:03
As Snikkit and company burst in, all four bodyguards -- the two Drow and the two Roharanhan -- stood up.
The Drow recognized who it was instantly, and, while they did not sit back down, they didn't draw their blades.
The Roharanhan were a different matter.
They both stood, tense, ready to move. The male could be around the party in a flash to attack this new threat, and the female was lithe enough to jump right over and up.
They stood down at a guesture from Talraena...but all four were still ready...just in case this was a hostile being.
OOC: THR, if the deathvermin wants killed it can try going after the "cat-like creatures."
The male's 7'6", 600 pounds of muscle. The female's 5'11, a little under 200 pounds, just as muscular. Their jaw power can crunch through steel if they can wrap their mouths around the object, and their claws are stronger than iron and razor-sharp. They ARE armed...but they don't need to be.
The Horned Rat
03-03-2006, 04:08
OOC: Well Snikkit made them chimera’s with dogs, so they just behave that way because of the dog mannerism thingy. And I forgot the really big name, sorry.
IC: Snikkit seemed undisturbed at the apparent violence almost ready to break out. Normally he would have instigated it himself, but a momentary lull had overcome him.
He walked, well stumbled, as he approached the dining figures, he propped Plank up almost as if the piece of wood was inspecting each of the people. At the Roharanhan he paused for a little longer before shuffling off, muttering something about “small stocks”.
The deathvermin stood at attention at the door, probably so as not to tempt Snikkit in any way or the Roharanhan…
But the black skaven gracefully walked over and picked up a piece of fruit on the table and took a bite out of it before talking to them.
“So…you were probably peacefully enjoying your meal. Nothing really out of the ordinary, when for some reason the gods pointed an ominous finger at you causing Snikkit to cross your path? Probably Karma or Dharma or whatever that stuff is. So…you’re related to the Valsharess aren’t you?”
The black clad skaven was leaning on the table with one hand watching slightly irritated and amused at Snikkit’s poking and prodding’s of the various items in the room….
03-03-2006, 04:56
The red-eyed Drow bodyguard, Haldosir, narrowed his eyes. What is this creature, and what does he know of our social structure?
Neither the Valsharess nor the Ambassador missed this, either. This creature might know...but why would he know? And better still...why would he care to know the relationships between the Valsharess and the other female member of her entourage?
Still, Talraena had been the one addressed.
"Yes. And please...who are you?"
The Horned Rat
03-03-2006, 05:33
IC: The skaven grinned. He always enjoyed peoples reactions, usually of pain, but surprise or irritation served just as well…
He gave a courteous bow to those assembled at the table.
“I am simply a humble servant of the AoN, clearly being punished for some misgiving at having to follow him.”
He indicated towards Snikkit with a nod of his head.
“Just a lucky guess, something smelled familiar between you two…In regards to skaven, if you haven't read section 3A-54D of Gronde training manuals, some pointers on snikkit: don’t make many sudden movements, question his current course of action, or insult that stupid piece of wood and he shouldn’t bother you too much. And for your information, he thinks this is the slave quarters right now…”
He turned towards Kalgar with a slight smile, "Ah, Lord-and-Master Kalagr, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad that you've kept the AoN secret weapons divsion going, gives me job!"
OOC: Yes, I am aware that the drow were controlling their scents. He’s smelling something else….
IC: The skaven grinned. He always enjoyed peoples reactions, usually of pain, but surprise or irritation served just as well…
He gave a courteous bow to those assembled at the table.
“I am simply a humble servant of the AoN, clearly being punished for some misgiving at having to follow him.”
He indicated towards Snikkit with a nod of his head.
“Just a lucky guess, something smelled familiar between you two…In regards to skaven, if you haven't read section 3A-54D of Gronde training manuals, some pointers on snikkit: don’t make many sudden movements, question his current course of action, or insult that stupid piece of wood and he shouldn’t bother you too much. And for your information, he thinks this is the slave quarters right now…”
He turned towards Kalgar with a slight smile, "Ah, Lord-and-Master Kalagr, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad that you've kept the AoN secret weapons divsion going, gives me job!"
"Greating," said Kalgar, in his standard diplomatic form. "But who exactly are you, what is your business in the capital....and just how did you get past Lysander and the rest of security?" Kalgar wasn't angry, or even irritated. The whole prospect seemed to amuse him more than anything else.
While the black-clad Skaven talking with Kalgar and his guests, Lysander slipped in the doorway and walked over to Snikkit. Abandoning his normal loud yelling, he went for a more subtle method, coming up behind him.
"My dear Snikkit," said Lysander softly. "I really cannot allow unauthorized personnel to stay within the citadel, he will have to return to the ship."
The Horned Rat
05-03-2006, 20:12
IC: The black skaven striaghtened his reclining posture with a swift salute, “Oberstleutnant Kitt, Secret weapons Division. I’m currently black listed into making sure Snikkit doesn’t do anything…unwanted.”
He grinned slightly as he answered Kalgar’s last question, “Well I just used Snikkit’s chaos to slip in, I was fairly sure that with at least two bodyguards present I wouldn’t be needed at the moment…and I believe I was wrong…”
Snikkit was mumbling something to Plank when Lysander came over.
A mischievous grin came over Snikkit’s half-organic face, “Tell you what Emperor Lysander….I won’t blow anything up for half a day…and he gets to stay….”
"Interesting," replied Kalgar. "I would introduce you to my guests, but you seem to have done so already. So tell me, Kitt, how long have you been assigned to Snikkit?"
Lysander thought about what Snikkit said. It was a very tempting offer.
"All right, fine," said Lysander. "But I'm assigning spec-ops marines to watch him while he's here.'s Captain Lysander."
The Horned Rat
05-03-2006, 20:53
Kitt shrugged, “Only one very, very, VERY long month. I’ve broken the record though. I’m the longest living non-Plank attendant.”
Snikkit extended his bionic hand, “Deal Commodore Lysander…”
05-03-2006, 20:53
"And why did you feel it necessary to sneak around, instead of taking a more official route?"
The Valsharess kept her tone conversational, but the meaning was clear.
This "Kitt" had best stop evading the questions. Few were foolish enough to evade the dictates of the Valsharess, spoken or not.
Davarda bent down so that she and Snikkit would be nose to nose.
"See to it that nothing explodes in a place that could damage people."
The words were soft...but the scents coming off of her had more information for him.
He looked like food. He moved like food. Any misbehavior, he would be food...and she needed more food than normal, as she had nursing cubs yet.
The Horned Rat
05-03-2006, 23:18
IC: Kitt repressed his full grin as he regarded the drow female.
“High and mighty Valsharess, I’m sure there are others in your nation much like myself. Ones who are designed specifically to enter places wehre they shouldn’t. But in this case it was more of habit. And come on, would you want to spend more time with him!? And I doubt very much that I got in here all by myself, this fortress is one of the most secure I’ve seen, and I’ve been to many places…Are you done with me now so I can go and make sure Snikkit doesn’t find any red buttons? Or shall you wish for me to answer some more questions?”
His tone wasn't meant to be arrogant, but it probably came off like that...
Snikkit’s lip curled back revealing the broken and unkempt teeth. He didn’t respond to threats very well, especially from a slave, but Lysander had made a deal with him.
“People caught in any damages that occur from faulty Gronde construction are commemorated with the Horns of the Great One. So those who die in my tests should feel honoured.”
Snikkit turned towards Lysander, “Unlike you…not honoring all the soldiers you died for your damned gold!”
"That is probably a good idea," said Kalgar to Kitt. "Lysander needs all the help he can get." Kalgar wanted to ask the skaven agent what, exactly, he did to get black-listed and assigned to Snikkit, but he decided it would be better to inquire about such things when his guests were not present.
Lysander shook his head wearily. He knew that there was no point in arguing with Snikkit; he just needed to get him away from the guests.
"Come along, Snikkit," said Lysander. "There is food ready for you now. "
The Horned Rat
08-03-2006, 01:20
IC: Snikkit was already shuffling off throwing his organic arm into the air in exasperation.
“Fine Colonel Lysander! I can take a hint that Kalgar wishes to be alone while they discuss the gold trade…”
Kitt had already turned away after a quick bow,
“It was wonderful meeting you for the second time Kalgar. A joyous occasion as well at us meeting each other Valsharess and Ambassador…”
He walked by the bodyguard and slapped him upside the head.
“Swell job your doing, you’ve only cost Gronde several hundreds of thousands of Dubloons in damage.”
The deathvermin let out a growl but slinked behind Snikkit as the three left the gardens to head back inside….
08-03-2006, 04:34
The Valsharess and Ambassador looked back at Snikkit for a brief moment, before turning back.
The Valsharess raised an eyebrow, half-amused.
"It strikes me as odd that a society such as this would still be using gold."
Meanwhile, as Snikkit left, Davarda stretched back out to her full height and shook slightly.
Threatening smaller creatures was less fun if she didn't get to carry through.
Kalgar smiled as he replied.
"Well, we only use it when we feel like something a bit gaudier than the normal Space Marine armor."
Meanwhile, Lysander led Snikkit and the other Skaven figures out. Thankfully, nothing had blown up in the garden.
15-03-2006, 00:05
"I see...I hadn't thought of Gronde as a nation to be gaudy at all. Perhaps it is a side we will see while we are here."
"Well, as you can see by the lavish and luxurious estate in which I reside in," said Kalgar, "The Great Forge is one of the gaudiest nations in the galaxy...well, we could be if we knew that Snikkit wouldn't break everything anyways." Kalgar smiled slightly. In reality, Gronde was one of the most efficient empires in existance. But Anna most assuredly knew that already.
15-03-2006, 02:02
"Yes...I could see the Valshanth being slightly less open if we had Snikkit or the equivalent walking our halls at will."
The Valsharess looked at Kalgar, making eye contact.
"So, tell me...just how did you come to meet him, anyway?"
The Horned Rat
15-03-2006, 20:36
IC: Snikkit had to admit, the carpet was useful for covering up his customary step-thump fashion of walking.
He snaked a small wire with a camera on the end around a corner, an unguarded, but nevertheless well-made metal door was all that resided in that hallway.
“You” Snikkit pointed his power claw towards the deathvermin, “You’re point…”
The deathvermin slid reluctantly from the wall as he started around the corner followed by Snikkit.
“You know you shouldn’t do that Oversqueaker…Lysander probably won’t be too happy with you trying to break into this room.”
Snikkit glanced behind him as they reached the door, “Shut up! Just because you’re from him doesn’t empower you to bother me. So shut your mouth, or a chirogen will seal it for you…”
The threat was hollow, but it got Kitt to shut his noise tube while Snikkit got to work trying to dismantle the door’s electronic lock…mainly by destroying said lock…
Kalgar met the Valsharess's gaze. He knew more questions regarding Snikkit would be asked. Granted, this question would be a bit less ackward than what he expected.
"Snikkit and I fought together in a few of our nations' earlier wars," Kalgar explained. "He wasn't quite so crazy back then. No plank...I still don't know where he got that thing."
Meanwhile, Lysander was quickly getting frustrated again.
"How did you lose Snikkit?" he asked one of his marines. "All you had to do was keep an eye on him."
"I don't know how he got away from me, sir," the marine replied. "He was right in front of me one second, then he was gone the next."
"I warned you about him," said Lysander impatiently. "Reassign yourself to maintenance for the rest of the week."
"Very well, sir." Lysander dismissed the marine and ran down the hallway. He'd been dealing with Snikkit for quite some time. When he wasn't blowing things up or bothering guests and staff, he was breaking into locked rooms. There was only one hallway close by that had locked rooms.
16-03-2006, 03:17
"I see...what happened to him, or has his mental condition gradually changed to the current status?"
"I see...what happened to him, or has his mental condition gradually changed to the current status?"
"I'm really not sure, to be honest. It went several years where I hadn't seen him. He was completely different when we met again."
16-03-2006, 03:37
"I see...and the only one who can likely answer the question best...probably does not believe he is insane."
This was common medical knowledge, across almost all races the Valsharess had encountered.
"Perhaps," said Kalgar. "But I can't help but feel that it is not that simple. I can't really explain why."
16-03-2006, 03:52
The Ambassador spoke then, for the first time during the meal.
"And why is he allowed to wander so freely, if he is known to be insane, murderous, and destructive?"
Kalgar sighed. He knew this question would come up eventually.
"Well, it would be best for me to be honest with you, Kalgar began. "The Under Empire of The Horned Rat pays us to keep him around here as much as possible so he doesn't cause trouble for them. Most of that goes into repairing the damage he causes. The rest...well, that goes into buying a pack of gum every now and then." With that, Kalgar took some of this human innovation from his pocket and offered it to his guests.
16-03-2006, 04:06
Both Kaymirilian aristocrats declined.
"We have a similar substance in Kaymiril, only found naturally in the bark of one of our trees. While the lower classes enjoy it freely, the ruling classes decided long ago that it should be forbidden to them," explained the Valsharess.
"I see," said Kalgar. Kaymiril certainly had many strange laws. "But anyway, it is quite reasonable to assume that Snikkit causes a great deal of damage while he is back in his own nation. Therefor, we keep him around here when he's not commanding one of their armadas as a favor to an ally for money. Besides, it keeps Lysander busy."
The Horned Rat
20-03-2006, 00:17
IC: And finally, some wire was cut, perhaps a chip was broken, or maybe it was Kitt pushing the access code, but anyway the door wished open as they stood there waiting for their eyes to adjust to the dark.
Kitt grinned at what was there…
The door to the room opened slowly. Kitt was the first to see Conrad sitting at a table with a cup of tea and a slightly smug grin on his face. He had slipped out, unnoticed, earlier in the evening.
"You know, you really shouldn't be here," said Conrad, taking a sip from his cup casually. "Lysander won't be happy at all."
20-03-2006, 02:10
"I see," said Kalgar. Kaymiril certainly had many strange laws. "But anyway, it is quite reasonable to assume that Snikkit causes a great deal of damage while he is back in his own nation. Therefor, we keep him around here when he's not commanding one of their armadas as a favor to an ally for money. Besides, it keeps Lysander busy."
Talraena nodded.
"He is outcast, then? While he still has a position where he can claim power...he is not really in a position to act on he can just make trouble wherever he goes."
"Well, it is not quite as simple as that," Kalgar explained. "He is an a sense. However, he is in a position of power and can act on it as much as he wants. That is the problem."
20-03-2006, 02:19
"He acts on it with beings under him, suchs as rat...that met its end while jumping at one of the Roharans. But he did not act as such with the other one...the one that called himself Kitt."
"That does cross me as odd," admitted Kalgar. "Normally he executes whomever he wants, whenever he wants...which is almost everyone around him, and quite often. The Horned Rat politics are more complex and simply...strange than anything I've ever seen before. And I've been many places."
20-03-2006, 02:25
"Perhaps they are not entirely foreign to us...we have to deal with Ina natives often, and they have an odd political system. Not that it helps them much."
The Valsharess's words were spoken at a normal tone...but there was something else there...maybe...regret?
"Interesting..." said Kalgar as though he were about to continue, but he paused for just under a second and said something else. "I detect some regret in your voice..."
20-03-2006, 02:43
Talraena looked at her cousin, who nodded.
"More than half of the Roharanhan people believe our Maril House to be dieties. Not those that marry into the family, but those born into it. If you knew of the land, it would be hard to believe...but our first Valsharess...and the founder of a very long-lasting dynasty -- for the Roharanhan, at least -- brought a great decrease in the fighting, and lowered the annual death toll by seventy-five percent. It is a relative peace that has lasted. When it begins to fail from what it is, then a Valsharess or a Qu'essan will step in to help restore it. It has been their one perpetual regret that they cannot bring to that land a greater prosperity. Many children are still orphaned, and the younger orphans tend to die. Their people starve or die of is not a pleasant thing to watch, especially since they're only on the other side of the planet."
The Horned Rat
20-03-2006, 02:50
IC: Snikkit stepped back shocked.
"Master Sargent Conrad? Just what are YOU doing here!? We're authorized for this place, but I'm sure a "corporal" such as yourself is not!"
Kitt sighed with annoyance and wandered away down the corridor....
Kalgar listened attentively as the new ambassador explained the matter. He really couldn't think of anything to say regarding it. He looked at the Valsharess's eyes; it seemed that they understood eachother better than he had thought.
IC: Snikkit stepped back shocked.
"Master Sargent Conrad? Just what are YOU doing here!? We're authorized for this place, but I'm sure a "corporal" such as yourself is not!"
Kitt sighed with annoyance and wandered away down the corridor....
"Ahem...I am Lord-and-Master Kalgar's senior advisor," said Conrand, matter-of-factly. "I can go anywhere. Now, are you going to behave for a while or will I have to 'advise' Kalgar to limit your rations while you are here?"
20-03-2006, 03:41
Kalgar listened attentively as the new ambassador explained the matter. He really couldn't think of anything to say regarding it. He looked at the Valsharess's eyes; it seemed that they understood eachother better than he had thought.
The Valsharess took a sip of her drink, before setting the glass down. It was allowed to make a sound just loud enough to be heard...a sign that the topic was closed.
"Now is neither the time nor place to dwell on such matters. Is there perhaps anything you would like us to know, Kalgar?"
"What do you want to know?" inquired Kalgar, not sure what was being asked of him.
22-03-2006, 01:50
Talraena looked at the Valsharess, and then back to their host.
"Is there anything you want us to know? It is a straightforward question. If there is some bit of information that we have not gotten, some fact you think would be interesting, then tell us. If not, it has been a while since you've been in your nation, and doubtless you have matters to care for, and we will withdraw and allow you to see to your duties."
"Well, I'm not one to tell random war stories," Kalgar explained. "I leave such things to Conrad. However, it might interest you to know that the area in which we are currently sitting is one of the few parts of this citadel left fully intact after the fallen war."
23-03-2006, 03:40
The Valsharess nodded.
"Then this is an example of older Gronde architecture, compared to most of the rest of the building."
"To an extent," Kalgar replied. "Many of the damaged areas were blended with the old achetecture reasonably well, though differences can be found. The areas that were completely rebuilt do have a different achetectural template, however. They are less gothic in appearence."
23-03-2006, 04:38
The Valsharess nodded.
"Many places in Kaymiril show different styles of architecture, but few buildings show contrast. The Ancestral homes, mostly...the Valshanth more than most, as each Valsharess builds onto it."
The Horned Rat
23-03-2006, 18:41
IC: Snikkit’s inorganic eyelid twitched visibly. Grand Admiral Lysander was more abrupt and easier to deal with. This human was…different…
“I was on perfect behavior! I was simply looking for the…uh…kitchens! I have to make sure the food that was prepared for young Kalgar wasn’t poisoned.”
--------------------------------------------------------------------------And meanwhile, Kitt had ducked around a corner and was wandering off into some place or other…the fortress was very big….
Conrad raised an eyebrow at Snikkit.
"That seems unlikely for a few reasons, Snikkit," replied the aging advisor. "First of all, I am the only one who can say who is or is not on 'perfect behavior.' Secondly, Kalgar normally cooks his own food anyway, so there is no risk of poisonings. Lastly, you've been to the kitchens before; you know where they are. And you also know that they were set off-limits to you because of a string of explosions that occurred during your last visit. Now, I'm not sure about your sanity, but I know that your memory is just fine."
Kalgar and his guests continued to make small talk for a while longer. Dinner was adjourned and everyone retired to their rooms or wherever it is they go at night.
The Horned Rat
24-03-2006, 03:05
IC: Snikkit threw his arms up in the air in exasperation. “FINE! We’ll just see who’s so smug when Kalgar is poisoned by his own inexperience! I’ve cooked enough that it would take him ten lifetimes to achieve my skill!”
And with that Snikkit started stumbling down the corridor to wherever it was he chose to sleep…probably ontop of a desk or something…
And unlike the mice in some stupid human fable about a “Christmas”, one certain mouse was stirring.
Kitt had gotten “lost”. He might actually be lost, but he wouldn’t admit it. He was however, mapping out the structure…and many irritating sealed doors…
24-03-2006, 03:22
And unlike the mice in some stupid human fable about a “Christmas”, one certain mouse was stirring.
Kitt had gotten “lost”. He might actually be lost, but he wouldn’t admit it. He was however, mapping out the structure…and many irritating sealed doors…
When he came to the area nearing the sleeping quarters of the Valsharess and Ambassador, Kitt would come upon the female Roharanhan.
She looked down at him, her tail swishing in a way that in her people's language meant that he wasn't going any further along that direction.
"Are you lost?"
The Horned Rat
24-03-2006, 18:23
IC: Kitt looked up at the Roharanhan.
"No not lost...wandering."
He looked the creature up and down, essentially analyzing her.
Female, strong, slightly annoying…
He grinned as he talked, “Say, you remind me of a genetic cousin called “cats”. They make amusing mewling noises when they get hit by a vehicle…”
24-03-2006, 22:36
"And you resemble something that translates to 'food' in my language. It makes a most gratifying scream when you sink your claws into its spine."
Davarda also had her opinions of Kitt, but would not share them so readily.
The Horned Rat
25-03-2006, 02:27
IC: “The spine? Why would you attack that? You have the possibility of paralyzing the lower half of the body. And since skaven anatomy is as far as I know human-like, they have soft tissue below the waist…”
Kitt pointed in a vague direction of where the other roharanhan, “If you’d like I could provide a demonstration on the proper technique on your..” He sniffed the air twice, “Male companion if you’d like?”
He kenw he was treading a fine line, but that was him, didn’t know when to stop…
With Snikkit off wandering again, Conrad took to his normal hobby of walking around unnoticed and popping up at improbable times. One such time was during the exchange between Kitt and Davarda.
"What a wonderful night for a walk, wouldn't you say?" said Conrad suddenly, as he walked up to them, seemingly out of nowhere. "But I say, would either of you care for some tea?"
Meanwhile, Lysander recieved a short message from Conrad stating that Snikkit was out of trouble for the time being. With that, Lysander retired to his office to finish some papers. As he opened the door, he saw none other than Snikkit on top of his desk...sleeping.
Of all the off-limits places in this citadel, that thing chooses MY DESK to sleep on? though the Captain with a sigh. Without another thought, the Marine walked up to the desk and pushed the Skaven officer off of it and onto the floor. He then sat in his chair and rubbed his forehead.
25-03-2006, 05:36
Davarda bared her teeth at Kitt's (obviously) futile threat to her mate, and a harsh sound, akin to a growl, rumbled through the hallway.
Her snarl did not decrease as Conrad approach, and her focus did not change.
"Get that thing away from here, unless you want its entrails on your floors."
Silently, Nokataa slipped up behind her, rumbling words in their native tongue. Her ears turned back toward his voice, but her posture didn't change.
Nokataa looked over her head at Kitt, then back toward Conrad.
"Perhaps it would be best if you took him to where he had less of a chance of disturbing the Valsharess and Ambassador. Her instinct to kill runs high right now."
The male Roharanhan's words were deep and resonant...powerful, rumbling, persuasive. He would have made an excellent addition to the Rata clan, but he'd been born Oschiva.
The Horned Rat
25-03-2006, 18:10
IC: He was so close he could feel it…but it’d probably be a bad thing. Fighting and killing a diplomat’s bodyguards….
“I like you. Violent, trained, furry…and you smell good! But I’ll let you retire in peace for now, make sure you get some rest while Snikkit’s not blowing stuff up!”
He started walking away when he noticed Conrad, “Tea? What kind?”
"I've got quite a selection," replied Conrad. "Come with me, I'm sure we can find something to your liking.
The Horned Rat
26-03-2006, 06:20
IC: “Hey, do you have mint? I tried it once…but every time I try getting it in the Under-Empire it’s poisoned…so about as edible as most rations there…”
Snikkit landed in a massive heap, he mumbled something…
“Paper hat…no…enemy of state…cats….urgggg”
And fell back asleep…
26-03-2006, 19:43
Nokataa gripped Davarda around the back of the neck with his teeth.
She'd always been quick to fight...but ever since she'd had her first litter...and it had just gotten worse with this, her second.
She strained against him, wanting to taste blood, but after a brief argument she stopped, and he released her, telling her to go with a flick of his tail.
She left him, slipping into a room. They'd had no recourse but to bring the two remaining infants with them, and they needed fed every so often.
Lysander strongly considered having Snikkit removed from his office. He decided, however, that he would do less damage this way than if he was woken up.
Conrad overheard some sort of exchange between the two Roharanhan. He didn't really pay it much heed, however. He would be more than able to keep this "Kitt" occupied for the time being. This would leave Lysander to deal with Snikkit on his own. The advisor chuckled to himself at the thought.
"As a matter of fact, I do have mint tea," answered Conrad. "And I can assure you, it's not poisoned."
The Horned Rat
28-03-2006, 02:17
IC: Kitt let out a wave to the roharanhan,
"Nice meeting with you!"
He turned back to Conrad,
“Well I’d enjoy some of that, haven’t had any since I was having fun over in…a place…”
He’d let Conrad lead the way, he wasn’t sure where his office was, the human just popped up wherever whenever…
28-03-2006, 03:50
Nokataa stayed as he was as the human and rat left them. Partially because he was more settled in nature than his mate was, and partially because one of the Drow bodyguards was now there as well, since both Roharanhan had felt a need to be in the same spot at once.
Conrad led Kitt to his study, where there was already a pot of tea waiting for them...which was odd, because Conrad hadn't called anyone up to make it.
"Come in, have a seat," said Conrad, pouring the tea and taking a seat himself. "Sugar?"
The Horned Rat
30-03-2006, 01:58
IC: Kitt had a seat and leaned back, obviousley not hindered by the skaven genetic hunch. He looked around, there was a certain atmosphere, he half expected there to be a fireplace somewhere...
"Sugar? No thank you, but do you have honey? There was a type of 'bee' called the 'african bee', it apparently overran and consumed an entire terra like planet. I'm almost addicted to that stuff."
The study had a certain relaxing, yet somehow stimulating as well, mood to it. There were shelves of books on the walls, a solid wood desk, and a fireplace.
"Interesting, I do have honey," replied Conrad, passing a glass jar filled with the golden substance. "I've never known it to be addictive, though."
The two continued to talk for a few hours.
ooc> THR: We'll work it out over AIM and post it all at once, in one big post.
ic> About 5 hours later, Conrad left Kitt and went to check on Kalgar's guests. Kalgar was off attending to various things, so Conrad was to make sure that they were doing well. He knocked on their door; there was a button to ring a bell, but knocking was a habbit that he'd had for a very long time.
The study had a certain relaxing, yet somehow stimulating as well, mood to it. There were shelves of books on the walls, a solid wood desk, and a fireplace.
"Interesting, I do have honey," replied Conrad, passing a glass jar filled with the golden substance. "I've never known it to be addictive, though."
The two continued to talk for a few hours.
ooc> THR: We'll work it out over AIM and post it all at once, in one big post.
ic> About 5 hours later, Conrad left Kitt and went to check on Kalgar's guests. Kalgar was off attending to various things, so Conrad was to make sure that they were doing well. He knocked on their door; there was a button to ring a bell, but knocking was a habbit that he'd had for a very long time.
01-04-2006, 04:24
Talraena had been brushing out and putting up her cousin's hair, and the Valsharess had been quietly doing her work.
"We haven't done anything like this since we were children," the Ambassador had remarked.
"No...although I recall bigger circles, with less real work, more family, and everyone having someone's hair to do."
This elicited a soft laugh.
"Remember how much we used to mess up?"
"Yes...but it was good many ways. And a good way to bond."
They both looked up when Conrad knocked, Talraena tying off her cousin's hair and the Valsharess calmly filing her work. There was no sense of danger, and if it had been anyone that didn't belong, they wouldn't have made it even into the corridor.
Instead of asking him to enter, the Valsharess slid her hand from right to left, taking a telekinetic grip on the door and opening it.
"Advisor Conrad. Please come in."
Conrad bowed as he entered.
"Good morning," he said. "Kalgar is off attending to various matters. We aren't as structured as you are probably used to. You are welcome to use the library. Kalgar will probably be in the training hall in a few hours if you would like to bother him. For the most part, you are free to go anywhere you want and do whatever you want. The ground rules are simple: Don't go in any locked doors, don't touch anything that might explode, and don't feed the Snikkit."
01-04-2006, 04:52
The Ambassador nodded. "The first and third rules seem fairly self-evident..."
"But please define what could potentially be volatile here," finished the Valsharess.
"Well, for the most part, Snikkit is the most volatile thing that's not already locked behind the locked doors mentioned in the first rule," Conrad explained. "Also be careful of anything that Snikkit has come in contact with recently...such objects can, at times, become volatile. Other than that, just try not to infuriate Lysander too much." The advisor said the last bit with a smile and a silent laugh.
02-04-2006, 03:16
The Ambassador raised an eyebrow. "I think Lysander irritates himself."
"In the poor fool's defence," replied Conrad. "Captain Lysander has to deal with Snikkit rather often..."
02-04-2006, 03:26
"But it sounds like you used his 'defense' to continue treating him as the fool, where he isn't here to defend himself."
The Valsharess's words were quiet and final.
The Ambassador nodded.
"In any event, I have much research to do on the customs and etiquette of this culture. You mentioned a there any way I could get directions to it?"
Conrad raised his eyebrow for a moment at the Valsharess's words, but he decided not to give it any more thought. The advisor turned to the ambassador.
"The library is down that hall, taking the first left, and walking until you see large double doors on the right."
02-04-2006, 04:20
"Thank you."
The Ambassador made a perfunctory nod to her cousin before leaving. Nokataa followed her, followed soon after by Davarda.
The Horned Rat
02-04-2006, 05:09
IC: Kitt had wandered off yet again to some location of the fortress, but Snikkit had awakened and escaped Lysander’s careful watch…
He hadn’t gone far though, just down the hall from his office he was jury rigging a bizarre looking device onto the wall. An oddly fear-inducing humming was coming from it as it charged up power to do some as of yet unknown objective…
The bodyguard had slept outside the door and snikkit had woken him up earlier with a swift kick to the face breaking some of his dirty teeth. He had been assigned to watch/distract Lysander duty…
By this time the device was fully charged and Snikkit grinned as he pulled a duct taped lever.
A bright flash of green light filled the air as the warpstone-fueled device carved a good five foot hole in the wall, which must’ve taken out some load bearing object seeing as the wall collapsed.
Snikkit pointed as the dust started to clear, “Quick! Lets get the gold!”
Lysander has dosed off for about 30 minutes. Though space marines rarely even needed sleep, he'd been stressed out for a long time and went without it for about three weeks. Reasons aside, his unintentional nap had given snikkit more than enough time to sneak out...and according the the Citadel manual, leaving Snikkit unattended, though without the ability to make explosives, for more than 20 minutes meant something was about to get broken. He woke up to the sound of part of the wall callapsing.
"SNIKKIT!!!" Lysander's voice boomed through the halls as he trampled over the skaven's bodyguard and ran towards the rubble.
02-04-2006, 05:34
In the library, Talraena and her guards raised their heads at about the same time, the moment before the sound of the wall collapsing reached them.
Nokaata raised himself. "Stay here."
Talraena stood.
"No...we will all go. Davarda, stop by on the way to check on your children."
The female Roharan slipped out just ahead of her mate and the Ambassador.
When Tal arrived at the scene of the destruction, she looked around, raising an eyebrow.
"Good day, Captain Lysander. You appear to be having some trouble here."
Lysander rubbed his forhead as he assessed the damage from Snikkit. The Skaven had already run off. Then the Ambassador showed up. He turned away from her after she made the comment.
"Wonderful..."he mumbled sarcastically to himself as he took a few steps away. "Where would I be without the keen perception of the drow?"
02-04-2006, 06:10
Tal sifted through the different chaotic fashkan at the site, shoving some away, fixing in her mind what needed to go where to undo what had been done.
"Well, Captain...likely in the same position, running around in circles."
She snapped her fingers, drawing the building materials together in a complex web, setting them back in their place, and repairing them. The spell looked like it had no effort put into it, and the wall...the wall was once again solid.
"It was good to talk to you, Captain. Now, if you will excuse me, there is quite a bit more research I have in front of me for today."
She walked back to the library, her bodyguard following.
Lysander turned around as she walked off, the angry expression of someone who's pride was just shot down on his face. Who did she think she was? This wasn't her Citadel. She had no right to critique his job. He was about to yell something after her when a voice came from behind him.
"You know, there's no shame in admitting defeat when one is completely and truly beaten," said the voice. It was Conrad; he'd appeared out of nowhere once again. "And face it, she's the better man here." Lysander's eye twitched over so slightly.
"She's the ambassador..and a foreign woman at that," said Lysander, a mild amount of anger evident. (probably more that was less evident) "What does she know about the way this citadel operates?"
"Well, well, well," said Conrad, amused, while walking past the Space Marines. "So you already love her? That's fairly cute."
"What the hell are you talking about?!" asked Lysander, horrified. "You're out of your mind!" Conrad simply laughed and continued on.
Meanwhile, a maintenance droid found itself in the room containing the young of the two Roharan bodyguards. Identifying them as something that wasn't supposed to be there, the droid moved in to attempt removing them.
The Horned Rat
02-04-2006, 06:33
IC: Snikkit seen and heard many people coming and took the cover of dust as an oppurtunity to take flight with his Deavthvermin chimera...
02-04-2006, 06:37
When they reached the library, Talraena turned to Nokaata. "Davarda has not yet returned to us, so go see what is keeping her."
Talraena smiled slightly. "I sense no threat here...besides, I can take care of myself for a few minutes. Go on. You haven't even looked at your children in two days."
Nokaata bowed slightly, leaving.
Davarda slipped in before the door closed after the robot. She was going to let it go about its business, and then it started reaching for her young.
With a snarl, she leapt, twisting in midair to land over them, facing the machine, teeth bared, fur bristling, and the bone armor starting to creep out at the back of her head and along her arms.
She leapt at it, teeth snapping down on its carapace with hundreds of pounds of crushing power, claws capable of carving through steel walls working on rending it to pieces so that it would never pose a threat again.
There would be blood on the inside of her mouth if she snapped any of the metal with her teeth, but that taste would only add to the killing experience.
The poor robot had no idea what it was getting itself into and was scrap metal before it knew what had happened. It did, however, send a message to all other cleaning units, informing them NOT to move the little furballs.
02-04-2006, 07:11
That would serve the other cleaning units well.
Davarda spat out the metal shards, although she could feel a few still sitting in her mouth, irritatingly.
They'd come out in a few days, like bone shards. But she'd have to be careful about how she ate.
Bone shards digested if swallowed. Metal shards would not...and would possibly cause intestinal damage, if not death.
Nokaata got there as she was settling down next to her young, letting them root around under her loose clothing to feed.
He communicated with her briefly, before taking the droid's head with him to explain what had happened to Talraena.
Meanwhile, the Valsharess herself had been doing very little "of interest." There were things that still had to be attended to, but the rest could wait. Her uncle could deal with things still.
Standing up, she walked out, wandering around. She told her guards not to follow her for now, she would be able to find her way back.
She was passing a door when she heard sounds coming from inside it, and decided to investigate. When she found it unlocked, she slid silently in, observing what was happening first, waiting to speak.
On the other side of the door was the main training chamber in the citadel. It was the room where Kalgar spent a great deal of his spare time. It was a large room, with several different parts to it. The entire thing was about 200 feet long and 350 feet wide. The Lord-And-Master was currently in the center of the chamber with his shirt off, sparring with a few black-clad combatants. Kalgar was not particularly bulky, especially for a space marine. He was about as large as a slightly taller than average human. His muscle structure, however, was exceptionally well developed and defined. He had several scars, though not too many.
His opponents would attack one by one at times, and other times they would attack in groups. They were all potent fighters, but Kalgar was significantly better. His fighting style used combinations of several different combat arts and disciplines and he dispatched his foes.
"Not bad, but you're still leaving your left side too open!" Conrad's voice called over from fairly close to right below Anna's position. (the actual training areas were about 25 feet below where the entrances were)
"That can't be right," Kalgar replied, delivering a kick to the gut of one of the opponents. "They haven't even come close to landing a hit. How open could I possibly be?"
02-04-2006, 07:30
"Very open, actually. You wouldn't be able to block an arrow coming toward your left flank...and your defense isn't perfected until you can successfully deflect any attack from any direction and angle. The perfect warrior is not the one with the perfect offense...he is the one with the perfect defense."
Kalgar looked up at the Valsharess. He must be slipping because he didn't see her enter.
"Perhaps...but sometimes the perfect defence..." began Kalgar before ramming his elbow into his current opponant. "Is the perfect offence."
02-04-2006, 07:40
"You are stronger and faster than your opponents. You're not trying to be beaten, you're trying to stay in shape. You also fight a number of foes, each of which must watch that he does not get in the way of his comrades. A single match has different rules than a match of this sort."
"True enough, though many of the same elements remain the same," replied Kalgar. "And there is only so much that can be attributed to strength and speed. One still needs to skill to control it. It's unfortunate that there aren't many, if any, good opponents around these days."
02-04-2006, 08:00
"Either of the guards I brought could easily challenge you...might not be able to defeat you...but only if you cover that left flank."
It was then that Conrad spoke up.
"Perhaps, your grace," he said. "You could provide a suitable challange for him if you're up to it."
02-04-2006, 19:50
"I personally doubt I would be much of a challenge. But I will send for Haldosir, and he could easily be the challenge that the Lord and Master seeks."
"Your mother seemed to be an excelent warrior," said Kalgar. "Surely, you couldn't be any less. Besides, I don't think proving your point would be a matter of strength."
02-04-2006, 20:40
"Very well...since you request it."
The Valsharess seemed to vanish, reappearing a few seconds later in front of Kalgar.
Her clothnig had changed from something fitting to wear to a diplomatic meeting to something appropriate to spar in, a silken blouse and matching pants.
She reached to her right and slightly behind her, taking a staff out of what had previously been the air. It was strong and light, and long...perfect for her to use.
"Try not to rough him up too badly," Conrad told the Valsharess with a chuckle. A gong sounded through the chamber and the sparring match had begun.
05-04-2006, 03:45
The Valsharess pulled one of her feet back, to let her move quickly, and then set her staff.
She didn't look AT Kalgar...instead, she took in the area he encompassed, and a little bit more. She would see the slightest hint of movement, and she would respond.
And thus, set, she waited.
Kalgar eyed the Valsharess, taking her stance, build, and weapon into consideration. He knew that if he attacked at full strength, he'd probably break her in half. This meant that he'd need to hold back in power, but he'd focus on speed. In his mind, he could see the radius of Anna's attack range and her possible attack angles from her current stance.
The two of them stood and waited for a few moments; Kalgar realized that she wasn't going to move first. Kalgar darted forward, cut to the right, and spun his right leg counter clockwise in an attempt to hit her ankles and take her off her feet.
12-04-2006, 00:08
The Valsharess saw the leg coming, and waited until just before his leg reached a certain point before lashing out with her staff...a swift, sharp, low, sweeping blow aimed at the back of his knee.
Kalgar kept his eyes, not on the Valsharess's staff, or even her hands, but on her wrists and arms first, watching for the very subtle preliminary signs of a movement in the muscles and tendons. When she made her move, he leaned forward slightly, while he was still in the middle of his own sweeping motion, and caught her staff.
15-04-2006, 02:53
She had been watching for this, and at the last second jerked the staff away and up, meanwhile sidestepping.
Bent over with his foot out like that was a bad way to be in combat.
As she stepped, she whirled, a balanced movement as he, overbalanced, doubtless tried to compensate, and lashed back out again towards the point at his left he always left unguarded.
Kalgar quickly saw himself in an unfavorable position. He immediately used his right leg to launch him away, flipping backwards of the way of Anna's staff range. With his footing restored, he quickly came back with varies series of kicks. Some were aimed high, others low, and the rest at mid level. His attack wasn't particularly aggressive, and he was careful not to overextend himself. There was a purpose for it, though.
17-04-2006, 00:31
For most of his attacks, the Valsharess simply side-stepped. It allowed her to gauge his speed and attack method while revealing very little of how she worked.
Some of the attacks warranted blocking with her staff, and she used both ends with equal capability, deflecting his blows from one side to another.
She knew he wasn't using his full strength. If he did, he'd break her.
Right...time to end this. The match had been going on, fairly pointlessly, for a time.
At his next low kick, instead of sweeping the staff down to block it, she jabbed it down at an angle...this wasn't a block, this was an attack...aimed along the path of the foot, ankle, and leg. To get jabbed like that would surely hurt.
Kalgar continued his attack for a few moments. He wasn't really attempting to land a hit, rather to read his opponant's ability. This wasn't really working, however, as the Valsharess seemed at least as adept at hiding her skill as Kalgar himself was. But he was able to read her enough to tell what her blocks were and what would be an attack. She went for his leg with her staff; he retracted it immediately to avoid the hit. In the same motion, he brought that leg to the floor, changed his balance, and used it to deliver a very quick blow with his other leg.
Meanwhile, Conrad was reasonably amused as he watched the bout. He was not longer alone. A fairly well-sized bird was pirched on the railing next to him...and appeared to be talking to him. The bird was actually Kalgar's glider, and talked in a very strange language.
"j0. w/-/47 r t/-/3y |)01/\/6?" asked the bird. Conrad's translator was able to tell him what it meant.
Tell me, what are those two up to?
"They're sparring, Largo," Conrad replied, shaking his head slightly.
"/-/4x0r! 15 /-/3 cr4zy?"
Uh the man insane?
"Probably," answered Conrad. "He should know not to mess with her. Have I tought him nothing? You know what I always tell him..."
"...p/-/34r t3h c|_|t3 0/\/3z."
Fear the cute ones...
17-04-2006, 01:17
Kalgar's move was foolish.
It allowed her to twist and sweep up with her staff while his leg swept harmlessly by her...while her staff headed straight toward his unguarded left.
Kalgar balanced himself quickly and brought his left arm up to block the Valsharess's strike. Who says my left is open? He returned with a quick punch with his right arm.
17-04-2006, 01:30
She ducked under the blow, whipping her staff around back of her to strike at his ribcage, on the right side.
With a fairly satisfying crack, Anna's staff hit Kalgar's right side. With all the attention that everyone, including himself, seemed to be paying to his left side, he had practically forgotten about his right.
The blow didn't hurt...aside from what may amount to a blow at his pride. Conrad called the match.
"Ok, that's the match!" yelled Conrad from above. Largo added in with a comment of his own.
"|)|_|d3, t3h c/-/1c|<z0r pwn3ed j00."
You were defeated by the lady in a most humiliating manner, Master.
17-04-2006, 01:41
The Valsharess stood, dismissing her staff.
"A good match...even if you did hold back."
A glow briefly surrounded her, and she was out of sparring garb and back into her previous clothing.
Kalgar smiled slightly and bowed. He remained silent. He was quite impressed with Anna's skills. Conrad walked over.
"So...Kalgar," said Conrad jokingly. "All this time I've had you fighting spec-ops forces and huge, drooling monsters, and all I would have needed to do is find some attractive diplomat about half your size." Conrad patted Kalgar on the shoulder and Kalgar shot his advisor an akward glance.
17-04-2006, 02:07
The Valsharess shrugged eloquently.
"If he enjoys this sort of thing, let him do it. We recieve training in combat only because the ability to fight may someday mean the difference between living and dying."
She turned to go. "I'll leave you to the conclusion of your morning exercise...and you do leave your left side open."
With that, she walked out, heading toward the library to check on her cousin.
The Horned Rat
18-04-2006, 02:44
IC: Snikkit glanced around Lysander’s office. The hand of fate had been sparing as of late and nothing seemed to have been destroyed. But now the ominous finger of doom pointed at a stack of fairly important papers on his desk…
Within seconds smoke filled the air as Snikkit reclined in the chair, enjoying a cigar made from previously mentioned papers…
After the Valsharess left, the two continued their routines. There wasn't much more to be said at the time.
Meanwhile, Lysander returned to his office to see Snikkit smoking a cigar of some sorts. Quickly realizing that he's never seen the rat-man smoke before, he knew that Snikkit was destroying something, in some way. He looked at the cigar, looked at the desk, and then back at the cigar.
"Snikkit...You seem to be smoking rather important documents."
The Horned Rat
19-04-2006, 02:55
IC: Snikkit leapt out of the chair on top of Lysander’s desk, bringing him up to the human’s height. A vein was visibly bulging as he screamed at him.
Lysander sighed.
"I can still see the Great Forge seal," said Lysander, pointing at the 'cigar.' "And my signature is right there, just starting to burn. Now go away..."
The Horned Rat
20-04-2006, 17:03
IC: Snikkit's lower eyelid twitched upwards in denial.
He shoved the still burning papers towards Lysander's head and with a swift motion swiped a handful of medals and campaign ribbons.
Snikkit dashed out the door and tore down the hallways.
A sign indicated that the library was up ahead...
Hm, perhaps I should expunge any heretical texts?....nah, better hide these confiscated medals...
21-04-2006, 02:25
Talraena was just settling back in when she heard Snikkit tearing through the hallway, in that direction.
She looked at the newly returned Davarda.
"Would you care to halt that creature?"
"GET BACK HERE!!" Lysander yelled after Snikkit as he, once again, made chase. The boots of his light carapace armor clanked against the floors. "Unlike you, I actually earned my medals. I didn't just award them to myself for executing underlings!"
Talraena was just settling back in when she heard Snikkit tearing through the hallway, in that direction.
She looked at the newly returned Davarda.
"Would you care to halt that creature?"
Davarda flicked her ears and stretched out, shaking slightly to limber up.
With an effortless leap, she sailed out of the library and into the rat-man's path...a running step and a bound, she was over and behind him.
A swift turn, and she grabbed for the back of its neck to pick it up and hold it still.
After all...apparently the one to keep control of this rodent had lost it.
But what I wouldn't give to let it run free so I could chase it.
The Horned Rat
21-04-2006, 23:33
IC: As the bodyguard grasped him, Snikkit tripped. Maybe it was his slippery fur, or maybe the emtal was just a bit to slick for it's quick grasp, or perhaps some entity of unparalleled malice was pissed off at the mortals in the nearby facility, especially the one who went to touch Snikkit…
His tail arched straight back and unleashed a blinding beam of green warpstone energy that shot straight through the wall at the hallways and possibly continued. The stench of ozone filled the air even as two loud bangs were heard as two of Snikkit’s warplock pistols unloaded reducing another large section of hallway to rubble. A thin green beam shot erraticly from his bionic eye carving up that already beaten hallway.
Plank went flying and embedded itself almost 3' in the wall. The assault-cannon installed in his mechanical claw arm had a reduced warm up rate and started firing off dozens of rounds in random directions. One new device he installed, an auto-grenade launcher, decided it was the perfect time to launch a warpgrenade!
The device glowed the sickening green of warpstone as it bounced down the hallway before stopping in Kitt’s hands, who seemingly came from nowhere.
With the grace of a professional he produced a thin piece of metal and slid it where the grenades original pin was supposed to be.
He probably would’ve sighed, or yelled, or done something…but just the sheer amount of damage inflicted on the hallway was so hilarious! But he decided against laughing since it looked like Lysander was about to suffer a coronary or something….
Davarda's prehensile tail wrapped around Snikkit's, picking him up from his prone postition and bringing him eye to eye with her so she could evaluate him.
It was a destructive beast. Destructive beast that was prey.
Destructive prey-beasts never really tended to last.
And yet...this one was protected, wasn't it?
The Horned Rat
23-04-2006, 03:46
IC: Snikkit evaluated the beast before him. His warpstone fueled bionic eye narrowed the beam into a small dot that rested on it’s forehead.
“Thank you for helping the superior officer to his feet. You will be commended for your valorous actions during the battle for the 33rd hallway.”
He started to wriggle free of it’s grasp while Kitt was poking around in the rubble, he spotted what he was looking for and grabbed and walked up to Lysander.
“Here you go good Captain Lysander”
In his extend hand was Lysander’s missing medals….
Davarda turned part way toward Lysander, standing and grasping the back of Snikkit's neck with her hand, much like she would hold her children.
"Did you lose this?"
Lysander first looked at Snikkit.
"Oh will you be quiet, you idiot," said Lysander, softly, but his irritation was evident. "This was the 72 hallway. WAS." Lysander then turned to Davarda, took Snikkit from her, and dropped the ratman in front of Kitt.
"Thank you," said Lysander when Kitt handed the recovered medals. "If you would do me another huge favor, would you take Snikkit back to his room?" Lysander then took a moment to survey the damage and dwell on what just happened. Finally, he turned back to Davarda and Talraena, and addressed them both.
"I bet you thought that you were being really clever, didn't you?"
23-04-2006, 13:42
"'Clever,' Captain Lysander? Perhaps we should refrain from doing you any more favors if you cannot keep track of things you are responsible for, especially if you're going to have a bad attitude about it."
The Ambassador had not even looked up from her text.
"Now, if you are done with your snapping and snarling, please leave so that I may continue my research."
Yes...causing an entire hall to be destroyed. What a favor.
"Well, my lady, you should keep in mind that were I to deal with Snikkit any other way, your research would probably be on fire right now."
24-04-2006, 02:25
"Such little concern you show for your library, Captain. Pitiable in a commoner, and despicable in a military man.
"As to your duties...well done, letting him run rampant. I'm certain that's a very good way of dealing with a being you think of as a known hazard.
"Also, it appears you did not understand before, Captain. Your presence is obviously no longer required here. You may be dismissed, to do more useful work than sit around and argue with me."
Before Lysander could even form the reply that he was, no doubt, already forming, Conrad popped up out of nowhere.
"Ambassador Talraena, please refrain from giving our captain orders in our citadel. I will escort you to a location that is not strewn with rubble. Lysander..." Conrad looked at the rubble and damage in what was once a hall. "Well, you know the drill. Have fun."
24-04-2006, 02:55
"Apologies, Advisor Conrad. In Kaymiril we find that a man will normally understand an order if his mind cannot process a request."
She stood, waiting for her two guards before approaching Conrad.
"But do lead on."
The Horned Rat
25-04-2006, 21:07
IC: Kitt could tell the situation was fairly tense, but gradually losing pressure. However, Snikkit was still in the area, causing a 67% chance increase for a diplomatic situation shortly followed by war.
“Uh Snikkit…there’s um….SPIES! Yeah! We captured them wandering around that water fountain you wanted protected, so we took them into custody.”
Snikkit turned away from the possible conflict grudgingly as he started to lope off towards his room.
“Very good Chief Warrant Officer Kitt! Their maybe a promotion in this for you!”
Kitt regarded Lysander with an you owe me look before following the crazed skaven to interrogate the “rocks” he labeled as spies…
Conrad was probably a little angry deep on the inside, but nobody would every be able to guess.
"Please, you've never had to deal with Snikkit to the extent that the Captain has," said Conrad. "I'll have to ask that you refrain from berating Lysander to such a degree."
Nokaata coughed something in his gutteral native language, for which he was reprimanded by his mate.
Or whole-heartedly agreed with...the only one who could understand the rough Roharhan tongue was the Ambassador...and a d' Kestal never told.
06-05-2006, 01:51
"You cannot honestly tell me you do not do worse."
Talraena looked around.
"I thank you for your escort, I can find my way back to my rooms from here."
"Well, I don't issue orders to those who are not under my command, if that is what you mean," Conrad replied. He smiled slightly. "I don't mean to lecture you. Lysander is a good man. But anyway, if you can make your way from here, I will bid you good bye for the time being." Conrad bowed and headed back to his office.
06-05-2006, 02:18
Tal went her own way, followed by her bodyguards.
Kitt wasn't to be the only uninvited visitor to arrive at the Citadel. A man by the name of Mercarius had slipped in with one of the construction crews; a feet that had yet to be performed without the aid of a full-scale invasion. Mercarius was dangerous fugitive, and ex-space marine, and a skilled assassin. What made him even more deadly, was his state-of-the art combat suit that was stolen from Gronde black ops labs. If not for the stealth field is generated, it would be look like a skin tight layer of blue metal that covered his entire body. He slid silently from hallway to corridor with only one priority: Kill his target and anyone or anything that gets in his way.
The Horned Rat
06-05-2006, 03:00
IC: Kitt was walking down an empty hallway whistling some random military song when he could smell something…odd.
He slowly gazed around curious at the new scent he picked up. He took a slightly defensive posture as he could feel it coming closure. He withdrew into a narrow side-passage and waited for not even a moment when whatever it was came running past him, and, deciding to go all macho on whoever this was Kitt dived out with a flying kick towards the general area where it’s head should be…if it was humanoid….
One moment, Mercarius was darting down a hallway, the next, a flying foot came out of nowhere and impacted him squarely in the head. He stumbled backwards and turned to face his attacker as his stealth field faltered slightly. Mercarius charged at Kitt, sending a flurry of punches against the ratman.
Davarda could feel that something was wrong, and communicated this to her mate.
She then left to go look for the cause. Likely it would be nothing, but she'd feel better knowing.
She started going in ever-widening circles around the area she was to be guarding.
This...this was a hunt.
The Horned Rat
06-05-2006, 21:36
IC: Kitt could barely keep up with this armored human it was so fast. A swing followed by a close dodge, another powerful blow followed by a graze. He knew he couldn’t keep up this came much longer unless he planned on taking a few punches himself.
He approached it in a phased plan, stage one was to back pedal…which didn’t turn out to well as he tripped and fall to the ground…
Mercarius looked at his attacker akwardly. Wasting little more time, he ran forward and delivered a few kicks at the stumbling Kitt.
The Horned Rat
07-05-2006, 04:17
IC: And here’s where the human proved to be just that…
He weathered the kicks; some audible snapping could be heard as a few ribs gave out, but now he was in a feasible angle to put some hurt the other way.
His foot lashed out towards Mercarius’s throat, normally it’d be a graceful blow designed to just hurt the enemy, but this time he spared only enough to keep his attack straight and true…
And now another facet of Kitt’s existence came into it’s own as those ribs started popping and snapping again…this time into place and fully healed….
Mercarius stumbled backwards from Kitt's kick. However, at the last moment, the cyborg grabbed the rat-man's ankle before it withdrew. Mercarius yanked Kitt towards him and punched at his face.
The Horned Rat
07-05-2006, 23:25
IC: At the lat possible moment Kitt clawed out at Mercarius’s wrist. He didn’t stop the blows entire force, but at least his face wasn’t paste.
Kitt landed heavily a few yards away, moving still, but a lot slower than before. He was half-hoping that the blue-armored-freak would move on thinking him beaten…
Mercarius decided to go a different direction. His hope for stealth and suprise was lost; he knew that Space Marines would be swarming this place in moments. He needed to create enough confusion to allow him to complete his mission. He also needed to finish off his attacker. He produced a small, but deadly explosive from his belt and tossed it just out of arm's reach of Kitt. Wasting little time, Mercarius sprinted off at super-human speed and activated the detonator.
The Horned Rat
08-05-2006, 02:27
IC: Kitt watched it bounce; he knew he wouldn’t make it out in time to escape the blast.
Well ain’t this irony. I survived how long in the presence of Snikkit, only to get offed by a goddamn grenade! What the fuck!
He just kind of grimaced as he gave an ancient symbol of profanity towards Mercarius before the explosive went off…
Lysander and Conrad were still milling about as Talraena was walking away when the sound of thr explosion resonated through the citadel. Lysander's eye twitched a bit.
"SNIKKIT!!!!" Lysander's voice boomed out. Conrad looked at his watch and called out.
"You still have a few seconds left before you can blow stuff up on purpose!"
08-05-2006, 03:16
Talraena tilted her head, having uncovered her ears (an involuntary reflex at the sudden sound of the explosion).
"The footsteps runing away from the center are too heavy for Snikkit's...and too sure. I'm afraid you have another culprit here, Captain."
Doubtful, Lysander looked at Talraena. This was unheard of.
"There is no way that a creature as destructive as Snikkit would be allowed into this fortress on my watch," Lysander replied.
09-05-2006, 02:16
The Ambassador made an eloquent shrug.
"If so you say, so then it must be. After are more familiar with the security system than I am."
The Horned Rat
09-05-2006, 02:21
IC: And almost as if on cue, after Conrad’s shout, another explosion occurred. However coming from the opposite side they were at…
Snikkit half-walked, half-darted around the corner before he noticed them. Standing up he bowed slightly,
“Did somebody call me?”
Lysander looked at Snikkit, then back in the direction of the first explosion, then at the ambassador, then back at Snikkit, then back in the direction of the first explosion again...and finally he looked to Conrad, but the advisor had already vanished.
"Oh crap..." said Lysander, drawing his power sword. "Well, if it's not Snikkit, then there is nothing stopping me from killing it!" With that, Lysander ran towards the direction of the first explosion.
09-05-2006, 02:32
The Ambassador rubbed her forehead as Lysander ran off.
"Waele jaluk. Nokaata, go find my cousin and inform her of this. It is not for her to get injured now by some vague and unforeseen threat."
"No need."
Talraena turned to see her cousin and Valsharess standing there.
"I assume you speak of this apparently new threat. Let us listen for a few minutes, and if necessary, we can then act."
Talraena nodded. "If such is your will, ussta Valsharess."
Mercarius walked around another corner, four dead Space Marines in his wake. One of them had a crushed skull and the other three had various slashes. The Sergeant actually gave the cyborg a tiny bit of sport, swinging his chain-sword about and trying to drive him back. The excitement lasted only for a moment, however, before the blue clad human weapon crushed the marine's head in his hand.
The cyborg darted around the corner where three more marines awaited him. More Great Forge Marines...Threat lever = Med-Low. The three were all cut down with surgical precision by Marcarius's energy blades. He continued on when another Space Marine charged from the side. This one was different. He wielded a power sword with a good deal of skill. He recognized this was Lysander, the captain of Kalgar's gaurd. Veteran Space Marine Officer...Threat level = Mid-High. Lyander lashed out with several powerful, yet well controlled and accurate slashes. The cyborg blocked and parried the marine's attacks with superhuman quickness. They fought for several moments before Mercarius delivered a swift kick to Lysander's un helmeted head, knocking him unconscious.
She saw front of her.
Softly, silently, she padded along the corridor, over the crushed corpses that smelled of fresh death and still-warm blood.
She was getting close...closer...and she could smell the danger...the hate that created a maisma around this...thing.
Her armor-glands opened, spreading a bone-like substance over her skin, leaving very little unprotected.
And then she ran, still silent and deadly in her motions.
Armored front and back...the only chance might be the face.
Fortunately, there was something to bounce off of.
Leaping, she flew, executing a mid-air turn. As soon as her back paws hit the surface, she forced herself forward, teeth and claws headed straight for his face with all the might in her body.
Mercarius walked towards the fallen Lysander with his energy blade ready to finish the job. Suddenly, he detected motion and heat comming from his left side. He turned towards the source and time almost seemed to slow down for him as the large humanoid cat flew at him. With frightening speed and power, the cybord rammed his left arm into Nokaata's chest with force enough to punch through tank armor, while keeping his blade in his other hand.
OOC: Nokaata is the MALE, and is still with Talraena and the others. This is Davarda.
Davarda let out a pained howl as the machine-man's arm rammed through her chest, but left her claws extended, ready to slash and rend, spinning slightly...she should be able to catch this...thing across the face, with claws hard and sharp enough to rend through steel.
ooc> My bad, I get names mixed up.
ic> Davarda's claws slashed through the armor on Mercarius's face. He could detect the damage, but felt little actual pain. In another fast action, the cyborg thrusted his body backwards and onto the floor with his left leg and used his right leg and the momentum to kick his new attacker off of him and hopefully send her flying into the wall behind him.
Cat-like creature; female...strong claws and ability to endure lethal damage... Analysing weaknesses: lack of technological support. Threat level = Mid-high.