After some time of reconstruction Syslock can now handle protecting Embassies of other nations and is offing all nations to open one in Irondin.
The Beltway
23-01-2006, 03:11
To the Foreign Minister of Irondin -
We are a relatively small nation that has only recently begun to participate in foreign affairs outside our region. We wish to build an embassy in your capital, and hereby present the credentials of Ambassador Richard F. Trump for your consideration. Trump, his family, fifty staff, and eighty guards (sixty armed with MP-5 submachine guns, fourteen armed with M-240G machine guns, and six armed with M-82A3 sniper rifles) will take up residence in the one-acre plot we wish to build on. If you wish to reciprocate, contact us here ( Thank you.
Mark Warner, Foreign Minister of The Beltway
we Fully accspet your off but sugest you discard those arms and use fine Irondin guns.