NationStates Jolt Archive

A PT question (OOC)

18-01-2006, 20:56
I am pondering creating a Past Tech branch of my nation, and I wanted some input from currant PT players. First of all, what is the technological limit of PT? Are most PT RPers civil war era? Medieval? Ancient?

On a related note, if I were to say, RP as the Ancient Chinese (who had gunpowder but no rifles), could I fairly use bombs and other non-gun weapons?
18-01-2006, 21:10
OOC:exactly....depends on how far u want to go back...
18-01-2006, 21:19
Well, I would be basing my civilization on tech from ancient China and Greece, but if the only other PT players are all RPing the war of 1812, I'm screwed.
18-01-2006, 21:32
well the only really commited PT players that i've got to know recently are Kirisubo, ReallyDrunk, Tobal and Philanchez, nobody else seems to play PT much and all the above civilisations are based off Celtic, Roman, Japanese, Spanish ranging from all the technologies pre Gunpowder, though if you haggle that might be allowed, magic seems to be a general no-no these days and mythological characters are rare (my Own Orcs, my puppet masters Halflings and the Elves of Caladonn) so no worries about 1800 style battles, that's more PreMT.
18-01-2006, 21:32
i roleplay as a Rome based nation and am currently going to war with a Celt tribe
22-01-2006, 05:20
Do you guys think it would work if I make up a nation? I want to create an amalgum of all the most advanced technology availiable to the ancients, and there is no way to do that within the constraints of a real life civilization.
22-01-2006, 13:40
I think that might work, you may have some complaints of godmodding but i'm sure with a resonable explanation you'd be fine.
22-01-2006, 15:18
track down the "test of time" thread if you haven't already. it's pretty much doing that. not sure if you'd get away with "all the most advanced" but you'd certainly get away with a lot of stuff, so long as it was befor the invention of the musket. [rough guess.]
22-01-2006, 21:33
In PT I RP as a nation around the great lakse and the lakes of canada. Landlocked and with a special spear and very heavy cavalry. Im mostly French-Spanish-German based civilization and the RPs that our little group are doing are mostly around the pre musket era with no real knowledge of gunpowder....
23-01-2006, 04:46
Anything Behind the current year and decade. Most seem to go centruries back. I'm looking for a PT around the 1800's that isn't RL nations or events
23-01-2006, 07:17
Anything Behind the current year and decade. Most seem to go centruries back. I'm looking for a PT around the 1800's that isn't RL nations or events

1800s? like, napolionic type era? [i'm a bit iffy on my dates there.]
23-01-2006, 17:13
Anything Behind the current year and decade. Most seem to go centruries back. I'm looking for a PT around the 1800's that isn't RL nations or events

that'd be PreMT, it's far too powerful to play against PT and little too weak to fight MT, I toyed with the idea but found that no-one else is PreMT and having to fight MT instead.
23-01-2006, 21:09
I wasn't looking for a War, just a chance to RP in the past with out having to be forced to chose to be "X" country such as (U.S.A.) or having to do "X" event (such as the WWII) I'm a MT nation but don't forget that this is a game and you can RP the past
24-01-2006, 00:38
My explaination for the highly-developed tech (which is all historically documented) is that my country is a kind of Roman Italy, by which I mean it sits on major sea trade routes to all corners of the area, wo I can import religions (my people use the Greek pantheon), weapons (from Asia, Europe, Africa, Scandinavia, etc), and other such tech.

A few more days of work and I will start writing my factbook for the PT side of my nation, then I will be ready to RP.
24-01-2006, 00:43
will you be joining Aust's PT RPing group

It's growing in size, and it's not another Earth, just a simple RPing group.
26-01-2006, 21:06
I don't know, but I've been thinking about it. Lately I have recieved several invitations to various PT RPing communities on NS, so I must research my options.

On a related note, my PT factbook should be done in two days, providing that I can work through this cold *cough*
Tribe Ravenclaw
26-01-2006, 21:29
Technically I'm a nation set in modern times, but as I use medieval technology even then I guess I can switch between PT and MT fairly simply. I use roughly a level of technology equivalent to 1200-1400a.d. England, though it's a made-up nation. I would suggest that everybody makes up their own nations, as it allows for some creativity and originality, but I guess not everybody finds fun in the same ways that I do. It is 'free form role play' after all, so you can do whatever you want really, provided you can get players to accept it.
01-02-2006, 22:01
Well, it's finally done. I finished my factbook. Here's a link (
01-02-2006, 22:29
Several variations of the bow are common throughout the empire. One type is meant to be wielded by an archer lying on the ground with his feet in the air. The bowstring is gripped with both hands and steadied with the feet, allowing larger arrows to be shot further than even a longbow

That is the most rediculous thing I have ever read. If I ever RPed with you, I would call this god modding.
01-02-2006, 22:38
And that, dear sir, is where you are wrong. These are a real weapon, I can assure you. I did not name them because i can't remember the name, but they were used by Muslim soldiers during one battle (and possibly more) in the 1st Crusade. I saw it on the History Channel.

EDIT: Furthermore, I would like to state that everything in this factbook is either a real thing or an amalgamation of real things. All of it was also invented before 1300 CE (with the possible exception of scantlings. Not sure there).
01-02-2006, 22:40
Past tech could be anything from Desert Storm if you really want down to cave men.
01-02-2006, 22:42
Really? How the hell do you aim those things? Im still unconvinced, and I definatly could not imagine them being more effective than a normal longbow.
01-02-2006, 22:45
That arrow thing kind of reminds me of that thing used in the movie Hero. Not very accurate, and not very effective unless used in frighteningly large numbers.

Is this even similar to what you use?
01-02-2006, 22:45 Read the 4th paragraph of Asian Archery.

I find the concept fascinating, and if possible I plan to construct a replica (really, can you imagine firing 5ft arrows by hand (foot?)!)

EDIT: Sadly, I have yet to see Hero. I missed it in theators, so I'll have to get it on DVD.
01-02-2006, 22:50
So I was wrong, I apologise.

I wonder how long its range would be though....
01-02-2006, 22:52
No harm done.

The article says it is longer than a crossbow, which has a notoriously short range, but it would stand to reason that by using both arms as well as the legs to manipulate the bow, and thus bring much more muscle into the picture, the range would seem to surpass any other type of bow (excluding scorpions and other such light siege weapons). This is just a guess, however.
01-02-2006, 22:57
You know, the Chinese did have MLRS style rocket powered arrow launchers, and even some Bazooka looking weapons... Everything from guns, cannons, flame throwers, to grenades, and even land mines...

Take a look at this site for more info. Pics of ancient Chinese siege weapons:
01-02-2006, 22:59
Man, awseome site! I saw the MLRS thing on another History Channel show a while back (I watch a lot of TV), but couldnt remember any details. Thanks!
01-02-2006, 23:01
You're welcome. ^_^ .

Just don't go too crazy. According to your factbook, you just have some Chinese stuff, and you're not actually Chinese. I guess you could "develop" some of the fancier items though, but do with it what you will.
01-02-2006, 23:07
I could adopt the technology through a variety of viable means. For example, I could claim that the ancients had recorded the technology from trading with China and then stored the info in the Library of Alexandria. It then passed on to Pharenia.

Or, I just bypass Alexandria and just claim I bought one on a trading mission.

Anyway, I wont use them all, but I will make use of some.