Ottoman Khaif
15-01-2006, 22:02
Intro: Whenever Dr.James Maxwell publish one of his essays or books to the public, there was always pandemonium when he publish his writing since he criticize the system of KLM or its people or its mindsets. Although criticizes was allow and encourage, yet…the people of KLM had resentments when they hear it from the infamous Dr.James Maxwell, the uncle of Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II and the high ranking AMI officials.
Today was a special event at Istanbul University; Dr. James Maxwell was going have to speech to the College of political science and number of invited scholars from around the world. Istanbul University was one of the top Universities in the entire Khailfah ,as well as providing a very large number of Al Muslimeen bureaucrats, professionals, and business people. The speech was going to be held in the main university assembly hall.
At around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Dr.James Maxwell walks onto the stage and to the podium, first thanked the Istanbul University for allowing him to do his speech and discussion on Political background of the KLM and historic background of KLM, which he said it in Arabic and then afterwards he began the speech in British English, which everyone in the room mostly understood.
“Today topic of discussion is the political background of the KLM and its historic backgrounds from 1900 to present day. First I will start this discussion by talking about the historic backgrounds of the KLM. First major event that had profound effect on KLM history was the Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti aka Young Turk of 1909, which lead a major faction of the then Ottoman State, this faction primly goal was to restore the glory of dieing Ottoman state, by nationalist means and depose the reformist Sultan Abdul Hamid II. Their policy and ideology were of Pan Turkic then to Pan Islamicist ideas, which lead to their downfall. Only a short time later a counter mutiny broke out against the Young Turk Leadership, this mutiny was lead by yet another faction in Ottoman State, the forefathers of the Unionist-Reformist faction, the current ruling faction of the Khailfah..they are know as the Reformist, they took power in 1910 and decides to keep the Young Turk install Sultan Mehmed VI and decided to keep the Young Turks ministers around, to help in the badly need reforms to save the dieing Ottoman state. The Ottoman state lands from time period extend from North Africa (all of it) to Persia tran Afghanistan in the East and all of the Middle East, and for the Balkans plus Greece(all of it), Bulgaria, Albania and Macedonia . Theses regions of the Balkans was remains of the once powerful Osmanli state, even the Northern Regions all in name, the French had made protectorates of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, as for Libya..its was made an Italian protectorates and as for the key region of Egypt…was made a British Protectorate. As for east, Persia-Trans Afghanistan was also only in name, it’s under Russian and British spheres of interest. Just leaving the reformers with core regions of Greater Syria, Iraq, Arabia and Asia Minor, and also the Balkans regions were in a constant state of rebelling just unpredictable for the reformist to do anything for those regions. During the first period of joint Young Turks and Reformist rule which lasted from 1910 to 1928, the Ottoman Empire manger to have some kind rebirth, like the Ottoman Arm Forces underwent massive reforms and rearmament programs to rebuild themselves from ground up to be once again par with the Europe armies. This new model army was key during the Balkan conflicts against Romania, and Serbia who try to take the remaining Balkans lands of the Ottoman state in 1913, and they soundly defeated by the reform Ottoman Army core.
Also a series of government reforms were done to save the state from its state of decline, in fact the entire government was rewritten by the Reformist and Young Turks. The reformers give more powers to Parliament and they also create the House of Viziers, just completely changing the Ottoman State to a Westminster like system of government, yet the Sultan still had a lot of say, which was limited in binding powers by Grand Vizier and Prime Minister, in this time a massive series of economic, social and educational reforms were pass into effect. One of these major reforms was to make Arabic then Ottoman Turkish the court language and official language of state, in efforts to united the people in more ways. The reformers set up a list of long terms goals for them to rebuild the Osmanli state. One of them was to restore the territories that were lost to the foes of the state and wait for the prefect time to strike. To make themselves stronger they play off the two major European powers of the day, the British and the Germans for aid and help in building the Ottoman state up. Even thought the ruling factions had a deep resentment for anything west, they realize that they need the west to help defeat the west in the eastern half of the world. Yet War World One broke out in 1914, despites attempts by the Germans or British to get the Ottomans to join …the Reformist refuse and rejected the offers on the grounds that Ottoman state stands to lose more then to gain, the Prime Minister Ismail Enver Pasha, an Young Turk leader and Grand Vizier Sadddin bin Yusef al Asad , an reformist.realize with the European powers fighting WW1, in the aftermath most of the powers will be greatly weakened and just allowing the Ottomans the chance to restore rule their North African and Persian lands. By the aftermath of the war 1918 prove more then the Ottomans expected, with Russia in civil war, and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire breaking up and Romania, and Serbia badly crippled by the war. The Ottomans saw their chance to restore their long lost empire in the Balkans. During the period of 1918 to 1922, the New Model Army, march in to Serbia, and Romania, also the Ottomans retook Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia from the dieing Austrian state. Also the Ottomans manger to gain back Kars from new Soviet Government under Lenin, which the Ottomans and Soviets work out a series of treaties, including the Russian withdraw of Persia tran Afghanistan, and with the British also withdrawing from that region, just restoring full Ottoman rule to that region by 1919. As for the North Africa…that’s a different story..the Ottoman Government knew they are facing the all powerful British Empire and the French…yet Prime Minister Ismail Enver Pasha manger to “get” the British Government back out of Egypt by allowing the British to maintain their base at Alexandria and joint control of Suez Canal by 1920. As for Libya…the Ottoman Army just march into Libya and say to Italy, you just fought a costly war…if you want to fight for this land of sand, then go for it…The Italian Government back off and allow the Ottomans to retake Libya, as for French North Africa. The Ottomans, who had a degree of respect for France, offer to buy the region off from France, who was in debt from WW1. French Government agrees and sold the region of North Africa for the grand total of 15 million British pounds. Morale in the Empire to rose new heights; heights haven’t been seen since the 1600s. In European Newspapers as of 1922, state in the headlines “ The Sick Man of Europe has cure himself and is once again the Loin of Europe!”, this was very incorrect to said, even thought the long term goals of restoring must of the lost lands of the Khailfah has been compete..the internal divisions between the Young Turks, and within Reformist party.
By 1926, roughly ten rebellions broke out in the newly conquer regions of the empire, just keeping the army, air force and newly rebuild navy constantly busy with putting down the rebellions in these regions and trying to slowly stabilize them and try to make them useful to the state. During this time unity within the Reformist party, was breaking down do massive ideologically different over how to run the Khailfah, and how to expand the Khailfah or over the many different mindsets in the party reach the point where the party finally broke up into these three factions one what remains of the Reformist, two the Unionist Party which believe in progressive reforms and then the Pan Islamic faction which is the forerunner to present days Hezbollah Party, This break up of the Reformist Party, had a profound effects on the government of the empire overall, it show that disunity was becoming commonplace in the Empire at time. Many Ministers of Parliament and the Viziers of the House of Vizier from both factions began to see that ruling family of the house of Osman becoming increasing ineffective in running the Khailfah….Yet the Parliament and House of Viziers at the time as of 1926, didn’t want to move against the ruling Osmanli family yet…they decide to add a new body of government to help the Sultan govern the empire better, it was call the Senate, the forerunner today’s Imperial Senate, this branch of government was design to advise and make policy with the Sultan, its first President was Mustafa Kemel. With the establishment of this Senate, stabilizations of the state began to happen, as the Senate made the Sultan a mere figurehead in the Government, which was what the factions wanted to happen. With the Sultan no more of threat to their policies it was decide to that the Osmanli family had to force out of office in the role of leadership of the empire. By 1928, by vote of the Parliament, House of Viziers and Senate, they declare that ruling Sultan Abdul Mejid II, of the House of Osmanli was to step down and allow the House of Viziers to elect and appoint a new Sultan. Now this was key moment in the history of the Khailfah, if Abdul Mejid II hadn’t agree to step down for the stake of the state and stability…civil war would have insured…yet, Abdual Mejid II picked the wise choice and agree to step down as Sultan and Khailf of the Ottoman Empire on May 1,1928, this is very important date ladies and gentlemen…on this day, the Osmanli state official ended, just ending the Ottoman Empire as we once knew it. The Government decide to keep name Ottoman as the officially many of the state, up in till Sultan Bashir officially change it to Khailfah al Muslimeen on May 1,2005. Bare in mind the Osmanli family was allow to stay in the empire and still is a politically active family even today, there is a number of Ministers and Viziers that are members of the Osmanli family. Now to back the main topic of this bloody subject, now how is the government going to elect and appoint a new Sultan/Khaif of the Khailf, well according to Islamic law, the process of appointing and electing the Sultan is done by the Islamic intellectuals of the Khialfah at the time, therefore the duty fell upon the House of Viziers to appoint and elect the new Sultan, when the House of Vizier had to pick ten candidates from the best and brightest of nation, Islamic Ministers, Generals or Thinkers…they elected and appoint the late Grand Vizier Sadddin bin Yusef al Asad son, by the name of Mustafa bin Asad, who became the new Sultan and Khaif of the Khailfah and the first Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who wasn’t Turkish, nor Osmanli, in fact his family was from Biled al Sham, and he was an full blood Arab. He was only 28 years old when he was appoint to become Sultan, his reign lasted from 1928 to 2000, so therefore he rule the empire for 72 long years…one of the longest reigns in the history of all the Khaifahs.
It’s wrong to say that when he first came into power peaceful, a number of regions did rise up and reject his rule over such as Southern Iraq, parts of Persia and parts of Arabia like Nejd…but his forces brutally and effectively crush the rebellions. Just making his claim to leadership confirm and secure. He was a very pro-active ruler and took a major role in the reforming of the government and the system, during his reign. He improved the economy by ten fold, by having the government to invest in the nature recourses that the nation had in its lands such as oil and etc. Just improving the economy overall and improving the stranded of living for the empire as whole. Yet tensions between the many factions of the empire were the rise, do the ideologically differences, it didn’t help with the fact the Sultan was reformist and his President and Prime Minister were Young Turks and his Grand Vizier was an Unionist. Tensions were heating up to the point, where civil war could happen…Sultan Mustafa bin Asad decides to get a more hardliner stance against the threat of rebellion and civil war, by giving more power to the then young Ottoman Intelligence, which was found in 1920 to prevent outside powers from starting rebellions and etc. Now they were given powers to police the factions and prevent civil war at all defusing the tensions by any means… Just under Sultan reign… the OI became the secret police of the Sultan. It shall be known that Sultan Mustafa bin Asad, had policy that it was his way or the highway. The only reason behind his iron fisted policies was to prevent growing fractionally from reaching the point of civil war, yet these iron fisted polices were not working as planned…more factions were popping up by 1932..such as the Communist Factions and the fascist factions..and number of other splinter factions.. Just showing the growing internal disunity was on the rise. With the government full with disunity and growing rivals, the arm forces were left uncheck in terms of power…the Arm forces was now growing to become its own body and only answer to the Sultan then to government, in matter of speaking the arm forces were no longer the yes sir, no sir type of mind set…they become alive and able to think on their own..
Just they become independent of all government control by 1933.. and including the Sultan…because…the Sultan was busy trying to keep the factions in lines to his government and factions were bitterly fighting for power along themselves to notice. The grow of the arm forces in power…even the OI was powerless to prevent the arm forces from gaining power..what’s interesting was that the arm forces never took interests in doing coup and setting up a Junta government…all they were interested was defending the state at all cost from outside threats and putting down the rebellions that rose in the regions…the mindset of the officers was to loyal to the state and defend the state…even thought the state was falling apart inside..they declare their loyal to the Sultan, and pledge to defend the state no matter what..this would key in the years of chaos…
If one was to parallel to another nation, Ottoman State would mirror Imperial Japan, yet there is still many differences between the nations, such as no matter divided was the government of the Ottoman state at this time..They still manger pass badly need social, economic and etc reforms by the Sultan…he manger to enact these badly need reforms to the state….and plus the Imperial Ottoman Arm Forces were still had some hope in the government…what little hope….was to be lost soon…from 1933 to 1939 the disunity along all the branches and bodies of the government were reaching apex to the point of civil war, it was guess that the civil war may happen in 1940..yet WW2 happens..and the Ottomans were drag in by Nazi Invasion of the Ottoman Balkans in that very year…
Yet, for now we’ll take 10 minute break, to allow us to refresh ourselves and the next part of the this discussion will be on WW2 and the years of chaos..”
Then Maxwell walk off the stage and head off to refresh himself and just allowing the people in the hall to refresh themselves and talk to themselves
Today was a special event at Istanbul University; Dr. James Maxwell was going have to speech to the College of political science and number of invited scholars from around the world. Istanbul University was one of the top Universities in the entire Khailfah ,as well as providing a very large number of Al Muslimeen bureaucrats, professionals, and business people. The speech was going to be held in the main university assembly hall.
At around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Dr.James Maxwell walks onto the stage and to the podium, first thanked the Istanbul University for allowing him to do his speech and discussion on Political background of the KLM and historic background of KLM, which he said it in Arabic and then afterwards he began the speech in British English, which everyone in the room mostly understood.
“Today topic of discussion is the political background of the KLM and its historic backgrounds from 1900 to present day. First I will start this discussion by talking about the historic backgrounds of the KLM. First major event that had profound effect on KLM history was the Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti aka Young Turk of 1909, which lead a major faction of the then Ottoman State, this faction primly goal was to restore the glory of dieing Ottoman state, by nationalist means and depose the reformist Sultan Abdul Hamid II. Their policy and ideology were of Pan Turkic then to Pan Islamicist ideas, which lead to their downfall. Only a short time later a counter mutiny broke out against the Young Turk Leadership, this mutiny was lead by yet another faction in Ottoman State, the forefathers of the Unionist-Reformist faction, the current ruling faction of the Khailfah..they are know as the Reformist, they took power in 1910 and decides to keep the Young Turk install Sultan Mehmed VI and decided to keep the Young Turks ministers around, to help in the badly need reforms to save the dieing Ottoman state. The Ottoman state lands from time period extend from North Africa (all of it) to Persia tran Afghanistan in the East and all of the Middle East, and for the Balkans plus Greece(all of it), Bulgaria, Albania and Macedonia . Theses regions of the Balkans was remains of the once powerful Osmanli state, even the Northern Regions all in name, the French had made protectorates of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, as for Libya..its was made an Italian protectorates and as for the key region of Egypt…was made a British Protectorate. As for east, Persia-Trans Afghanistan was also only in name, it’s under Russian and British spheres of interest. Just leaving the reformers with core regions of Greater Syria, Iraq, Arabia and Asia Minor, and also the Balkans regions were in a constant state of rebelling just unpredictable for the reformist to do anything for those regions. During the first period of joint Young Turks and Reformist rule which lasted from 1910 to 1928, the Ottoman Empire manger to have some kind rebirth, like the Ottoman Arm Forces underwent massive reforms and rearmament programs to rebuild themselves from ground up to be once again par with the Europe armies. This new model army was key during the Balkan conflicts against Romania, and Serbia who try to take the remaining Balkans lands of the Ottoman state in 1913, and they soundly defeated by the reform Ottoman Army core.
Also a series of government reforms were done to save the state from its state of decline, in fact the entire government was rewritten by the Reformist and Young Turks. The reformers give more powers to Parliament and they also create the House of Viziers, just completely changing the Ottoman State to a Westminster like system of government, yet the Sultan still had a lot of say, which was limited in binding powers by Grand Vizier and Prime Minister, in this time a massive series of economic, social and educational reforms were pass into effect. One of these major reforms was to make Arabic then Ottoman Turkish the court language and official language of state, in efforts to united the people in more ways. The reformers set up a list of long terms goals for them to rebuild the Osmanli state. One of them was to restore the territories that were lost to the foes of the state and wait for the prefect time to strike. To make themselves stronger they play off the two major European powers of the day, the British and the Germans for aid and help in building the Ottoman state up. Even thought the ruling factions had a deep resentment for anything west, they realize that they need the west to help defeat the west in the eastern half of the world. Yet War World One broke out in 1914, despites attempts by the Germans or British to get the Ottomans to join …the Reformist refuse and rejected the offers on the grounds that Ottoman state stands to lose more then to gain, the Prime Minister Ismail Enver Pasha, an Young Turk leader and Grand Vizier Sadddin bin Yusef al Asad , an reformist.realize with the European powers fighting WW1, in the aftermath most of the powers will be greatly weakened and just allowing the Ottomans the chance to restore rule their North African and Persian lands. By the aftermath of the war 1918 prove more then the Ottomans expected, with Russia in civil war, and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire breaking up and Romania, and Serbia badly crippled by the war. The Ottomans saw their chance to restore their long lost empire in the Balkans. During the period of 1918 to 1922, the New Model Army, march in to Serbia, and Romania, also the Ottomans retook Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia from the dieing Austrian state. Also the Ottomans manger to gain back Kars from new Soviet Government under Lenin, which the Ottomans and Soviets work out a series of treaties, including the Russian withdraw of Persia tran Afghanistan, and with the British also withdrawing from that region, just restoring full Ottoman rule to that region by 1919. As for the North Africa…that’s a different story..the Ottoman Government knew they are facing the all powerful British Empire and the French…yet Prime Minister Ismail Enver Pasha manger to “get” the British Government back out of Egypt by allowing the British to maintain their base at Alexandria and joint control of Suez Canal by 1920. As for Libya…the Ottoman Army just march into Libya and say to Italy, you just fought a costly war…if you want to fight for this land of sand, then go for it…The Italian Government back off and allow the Ottomans to retake Libya, as for French North Africa. The Ottomans, who had a degree of respect for France, offer to buy the region off from France, who was in debt from WW1. French Government agrees and sold the region of North Africa for the grand total of 15 million British pounds. Morale in the Empire to rose new heights; heights haven’t been seen since the 1600s. In European Newspapers as of 1922, state in the headlines “ The Sick Man of Europe has cure himself and is once again the Loin of Europe!”, this was very incorrect to said, even thought the long term goals of restoring must of the lost lands of the Khailfah has been compete..the internal divisions between the Young Turks, and within Reformist party.
By 1926, roughly ten rebellions broke out in the newly conquer regions of the empire, just keeping the army, air force and newly rebuild navy constantly busy with putting down the rebellions in these regions and trying to slowly stabilize them and try to make them useful to the state. During this time unity within the Reformist party, was breaking down do massive ideologically different over how to run the Khailfah, and how to expand the Khailfah or over the many different mindsets in the party reach the point where the party finally broke up into these three factions one what remains of the Reformist, two the Unionist Party which believe in progressive reforms and then the Pan Islamic faction which is the forerunner to present days Hezbollah Party, This break up of the Reformist Party, had a profound effects on the government of the empire overall, it show that disunity was becoming commonplace in the Empire at time. Many Ministers of Parliament and the Viziers of the House of Vizier from both factions began to see that ruling family of the house of Osman becoming increasing ineffective in running the Khailfah….Yet the Parliament and House of Viziers at the time as of 1926, didn’t want to move against the ruling Osmanli family yet…they decide to add a new body of government to help the Sultan govern the empire better, it was call the Senate, the forerunner today’s Imperial Senate, this branch of government was design to advise and make policy with the Sultan, its first President was Mustafa Kemel. With the establishment of this Senate, stabilizations of the state began to happen, as the Senate made the Sultan a mere figurehead in the Government, which was what the factions wanted to happen. With the Sultan no more of threat to their policies it was decide to that the Osmanli family had to force out of office in the role of leadership of the empire. By 1928, by vote of the Parliament, House of Viziers and Senate, they declare that ruling Sultan Abdul Mejid II, of the House of Osmanli was to step down and allow the House of Viziers to elect and appoint a new Sultan. Now this was key moment in the history of the Khailfah, if Abdul Mejid II hadn’t agree to step down for the stake of the state and stability…civil war would have insured…yet, Abdual Mejid II picked the wise choice and agree to step down as Sultan and Khailf of the Ottoman Empire on May 1,1928, this is very important date ladies and gentlemen…on this day, the Osmanli state official ended, just ending the Ottoman Empire as we once knew it. The Government decide to keep name Ottoman as the officially many of the state, up in till Sultan Bashir officially change it to Khailfah al Muslimeen on May 1,2005. Bare in mind the Osmanli family was allow to stay in the empire and still is a politically active family even today, there is a number of Ministers and Viziers that are members of the Osmanli family. Now to back the main topic of this bloody subject, now how is the government going to elect and appoint a new Sultan/Khaif of the Khailf, well according to Islamic law, the process of appointing and electing the Sultan is done by the Islamic intellectuals of the Khialfah at the time, therefore the duty fell upon the House of Viziers to appoint and elect the new Sultan, when the House of Vizier had to pick ten candidates from the best and brightest of nation, Islamic Ministers, Generals or Thinkers…they elected and appoint the late Grand Vizier Sadddin bin Yusef al Asad son, by the name of Mustafa bin Asad, who became the new Sultan and Khaif of the Khailfah and the first Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who wasn’t Turkish, nor Osmanli, in fact his family was from Biled al Sham, and he was an full blood Arab. He was only 28 years old when he was appoint to become Sultan, his reign lasted from 1928 to 2000, so therefore he rule the empire for 72 long years…one of the longest reigns in the history of all the Khaifahs.
It’s wrong to say that when he first came into power peaceful, a number of regions did rise up and reject his rule over such as Southern Iraq, parts of Persia and parts of Arabia like Nejd…but his forces brutally and effectively crush the rebellions. Just making his claim to leadership confirm and secure. He was a very pro-active ruler and took a major role in the reforming of the government and the system, during his reign. He improved the economy by ten fold, by having the government to invest in the nature recourses that the nation had in its lands such as oil and etc. Just improving the economy overall and improving the stranded of living for the empire as whole. Yet tensions between the many factions of the empire were the rise, do the ideologically differences, it didn’t help with the fact the Sultan was reformist and his President and Prime Minister were Young Turks and his Grand Vizier was an Unionist. Tensions were heating up to the point, where civil war could happen…Sultan Mustafa bin Asad decides to get a more hardliner stance against the threat of rebellion and civil war, by giving more power to the then young Ottoman Intelligence, which was found in 1920 to prevent outside powers from starting rebellions and etc. Now they were given powers to police the factions and prevent civil war at all defusing the tensions by any means… Just under Sultan reign… the OI became the secret police of the Sultan. It shall be known that Sultan Mustafa bin Asad, had policy that it was his way or the highway. The only reason behind his iron fisted policies was to prevent growing fractionally from reaching the point of civil war, yet these iron fisted polices were not working as planned…more factions were popping up by 1932..such as the Communist Factions and the fascist factions..and number of other splinter factions.. Just showing the growing internal disunity was on the rise. With the government full with disunity and growing rivals, the arm forces were left uncheck in terms of power…the Arm forces was now growing to become its own body and only answer to the Sultan then to government, in matter of speaking the arm forces were no longer the yes sir, no sir type of mind set…they become alive and able to think on their own..
Just they become independent of all government control by 1933.. and including the Sultan…because…the Sultan was busy trying to keep the factions in lines to his government and factions were bitterly fighting for power along themselves to notice. The grow of the arm forces in power…even the OI was powerless to prevent the arm forces from gaining power..what’s interesting was that the arm forces never took interests in doing coup and setting up a Junta government…all they were interested was defending the state at all cost from outside threats and putting down the rebellions that rose in the regions…the mindset of the officers was to loyal to the state and defend the state…even thought the state was falling apart inside..they declare their loyal to the Sultan, and pledge to defend the state no matter what..this would key in the years of chaos…
If one was to parallel to another nation, Ottoman State would mirror Imperial Japan, yet there is still many differences between the nations, such as no matter divided was the government of the Ottoman state at this time..They still manger pass badly need social, economic and etc reforms by the Sultan…he manger to enact these badly need reforms to the state….and plus the Imperial Ottoman Arm Forces were still had some hope in the government…what little hope….was to be lost soon…from 1933 to 1939 the disunity along all the branches and bodies of the government were reaching apex to the point of civil war, it was guess that the civil war may happen in 1940..yet WW2 happens..and the Ottomans were drag in by Nazi Invasion of the Ottoman Balkans in that very year…
Yet, for now we’ll take 10 minute break, to allow us to refresh ourselves and the next part of the this discussion will be on WW2 and the years of chaos..”
Then Maxwell walk off the stage and head off to refresh himself and just allowing the people in the hall to refresh themselves and talk to themselves