NationStates Jolt Archive

Rebellions of the Mindsets (Close rp)

Ottoman Khaif
15-01-2006, 22:02
Intro: Whenever Dr.James Maxwell publish one of his essays or books to the public, there was always pandemonium when he publish his writing since he criticize the system of KLM or its people or its mindsets. Although criticizes was allow and encourage, yet…the people of KLM had resentments when they hear it from the infamous Dr.James Maxwell, the uncle of Sultan Suleiman Al Bashir II and the high ranking AMI officials.

Today was a special event at Istanbul University; Dr. James Maxwell was going have to speech to the College of political science and number of invited scholars from around the world. Istanbul University was one of the top Universities in the entire Khailfah ,as well as providing a very large number of Al Muslimeen bureaucrats, professionals, and business people. The speech was going to be held in the main university assembly hall.

At around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Dr.James Maxwell walks onto the stage and to the podium, first thanked the Istanbul University for allowing him to do his speech and discussion on Political background of the KLM and historic background of KLM, which he said it in Arabic and then afterwards he began the speech in British English, which everyone in the room mostly understood.

“Today topic of discussion is the political background of the KLM and its historic backgrounds from 1900 to present day. First I will start this discussion by talking about the historic backgrounds of the KLM. First major event that had profound effect on KLM history was the Ittihad ve Terakki Cemiyeti aka Young Turk of 1909, which lead a major faction of the then Ottoman State, this faction primly goal was to restore the glory of dieing Ottoman state, by nationalist means and depose the reformist Sultan Abdul Hamid II. Their policy and ideology were of Pan Turkic then to Pan Islamicist ideas, which lead to their downfall. Only a short time later a counter mutiny broke out against the Young Turk Leadership, this mutiny was lead by yet another faction in Ottoman State, the forefathers of the Unionist-Reformist faction, the current ruling faction of the Khailfah..they are know as the Reformist, they took power in 1910 and decides to keep the Young Turk install Sultan Mehmed VI and decided to keep the Young Turks ministers around, to help in the badly need reforms to save the dieing Ottoman state. The Ottoman state lands from time period extend from North Africa (all of it) to Persia tran Afghanistan in the East and all of the Middle East, and for the Balkans plus Greece(all of it), Bulgaria, Albania and Macedonia . Theses regions of the Balkans was remains of the once powerful Osmanli state, even the Northern Regions all in name, the French had made protectorates of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, as for Libya..its was made an Italian protectorates and as for the key region of Egypt…was made a British Protectorate. As for east, Persia-Trans Afghanistan was also only in name, it’s under Russian and British spheres of interest. Just leaving the reformers with core regions of Greater Syria, Iraq, Arabia and Asia Minor, and also the Balkans regions were in a constant state of rebelling just unpredictable for the reformist to do anything for those regions. During the first period of joint Young Turks and Reformist rule which lasted from 1910 to 1928, the Ottoman Empire manger to have some kind rebirth, like the Ottoman Arm Forces underwent massive reforms and rearmament programs to rebuild themselves from ground up to be once again par with the Europe armies. This new model army was key during the Balkan conflicts against Romania, and Serbia who try to take the remaining Balkans lands of the Ottoman state in 1913, and they soundly defeated by the reform Ottoman Army core.

Also a series of government reforms were done to save the state from its state of decline, in fact the entire government was rewritten by the Reformist and Young Turks. The reformers give more powers to Parliament and they also create the House of Viziers, just completely changing the Ottoman State to a Westminster like system of government, yet the Sultan still had a lot of say, which was limited in binding powers by Grand Vizier and Prime Minister, in this time a massive series of economic, social and educational reforms were pass into effect. One of these major reforms was to make Arabic then Ottoman Turkish the court language and official language of state, in efforts to united the people in more ways. The reformers set up a list of long terms goals for them to rebuild the Osmanli state. One of them was to restore the territories that were lost to the foes of the state and wait for the prefect time to strike. To make themselves stronger they play off the two major European powers of the day, the British and the Germans for aid and help in building the Ottoman state up. Even thought the ruling factions had a deep resentment for anything west, they realize that they need the west to help defeat the west in the eastern half of the world. Yet War World One broke out in 1914, despites attempts by the Germans or British to get the Ottomans to join …the Reformist refuse and rejected the offers on the grounds that Ottoman state stands to lose more then to gain, the Prime Minister Ismail Enver Pasha, an Young Turk leader and Grand Vizier Sadddin bin Yusef al Asad , an reformist.realize with the European powers fighting WW1, in the aftermath most of the powers will be greatly weakened and just allowing the Ottomans the chance to restore rule their North African and Persian lands. By the aftermath of the war 1918 prove more then the Ottomans expected, with Russia in civil war, and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire breaking up and Romania, and Serbia badly crippled by the war. The Ottomans saw their chance to restore their long lost empire in the Balkans. During the period of 1918 to 1922, the New Model Army, march in to Serbia, and Romania, also the Ottomans retook Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia from the dieing Austrian state. Also the Ottomans manger to gain back Kars from new Soviet Government under Lenin, which the Ottomans and Soviets work out a series of treaties, including the Russian withdraw of Persia tran Afghanistan, and with the British also withdrawing from that region, just restoring full Ottoman rule to that region by 1919. As for the North Africa…that’s a different story..the Ottoman Government knew they are facing the all powerful British Empire and the French…yet Prime Minister Ismail Enver Pasha manger to “get” the British Government back out of Egypt by allowing the British to maintain their base at Alexandria and joint control of Suez Canal by 1920. As for Libya…the Ottoman Army just march into Libya and say to Italy, you just fought a costly war…if you want to fight for this land of sand, then go for it…The Italian Government back off and allow the Ottomans to retake Libya, as for French North Africa. The Ottomans, who had a degree of respect for France, offer to buy the region off from France, who was in debt from WW1. French Government agrees and sold the region of North Africa for the grand total of 15 million British pounds. Morale in the Empire to rose new heights; heights haven’t been seen since the 1600s. In European Newspapers as of 1922, state in the headlines “ The Sick Man of Europe has cure himself and is once again the Loin of Europe!”, this was very incorrect to said, even thought the long term goals of restoring must of the lost lands of the Khailfah has been compete..the internal divisions between the Young Turks, and within Reformist party.

By 1926, roughly ten rebellions broke out in the newly conquer regions of the empire, just keeping the army, air force and newly rebuild navy constantly busy with putting down the rebellions in these regions and trying to slowly stabilize them and try to make them useful to the state. During this time unity within the Reformist party, was breaking down do massive ideologically different over how to run the Khailfah, and how to expand the Khailfah or over the many different mindsets in the party reach the point where the party finally broke up into these three factions one what remains of the Reformist, two the Unionist Party which believe in progressive reforms and then the Pan Islamic faction which is the forerunner to present days Hezbollah Party, This break up of the Reformist Party, had a profound effects on the government of the empire overall, it show that disunity was becoming commonplace in the Empire at time. Many Ministers of Parliament and the Viziers of the House of Vizier from both factions began to see that ruling family of the house of Osman becoming increasing ineffective in running the Khailfah….Yet the Parliament and House of Viziers at the time as of 1926, didn’t want to move against the ruling Osmanli family yet…they decide to add a new body of government to help the Sultan govern the empire better, it was call the Senate, the forerunner today’s Imperial Senate, this branch of government was design to advise and make policy with the Sultan, its first President was Mustafa Kemel. With the establishment of this Senate, stabilizations of the state began to happen, as the Senate made the Sultan a mere figurehead in the Government, which was what the factions wanted to happen. With the Sultan no more of threat to their policies it was decide to that the Osmanli family had to force out of office in the role of leadership of the empire. By 1928, by vote of the Parliament, House of Viziers and Senate, they declare that ruling Sultan Abdul Mejid II, of the House of Osmanli was to step down and allow the House of Viziers to elect and appoint a new Sultan. Now this was key moment in the history of the Khailfah, if Abdul Mejid II hadn’t agree to step down for the stake of the state and stability…civil war would have insured…yet, Abdual Mejid II picked the wise choice and agree to step down as Sultan and Khailf of the Ottoman Empire on May 1,1928, this is very important date ladies and gentlemen…on this day, the Osmanli state official ended, just ending the Ottoman Empire as we once knew it. The Government decide to keep name Ottoman as the officially many of the state, up in till Sultan Bashir officially change it to Khailfah al Muslimeen on May 1,2005. Bare in mind the Osmanli family was allow to stay in the empire and still is a politically active family even today, there is a number of Ministers and Viziers that are members of the Osmanli family. Now to back the main topic of this bloody subject, now how is the government going to elect and appoint a new Sultan/Khaif of the Khailf, well according to Islamic law, the process of appointing and electing the Sultan is done by the Islamic intellectuals of the Khialfah at the time, therefore the duty fell upon the House of Viziers to appoint and elect the new Sultan, when the House of Vizier had to pick ten candidates from the best and brightest of nation, Islamic Ministers, Generals or Thinkers…they elected and appoint the late Grand Vizier Sadddin bin Yusef al Asad son, by the name of Mustafa bin Asad, who became the new Sultan and Khaif of the Khailfah and the first Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, who wasn’t Turkish, nor Osmanli, in fact his family was from Biled al Sham, and he was an full blood Arab. He was only 28 years old when he was appoint to become Sultan, his reign lasted from 1928 to 2000, so therefore he rule the empire for 72 long years…one of the longest reigns in the history of all the Khaifahs.

It’s wrong to say that when he first came into power peaceful, a number of regions did rise up and reject his rule over such as Southern Iraq, parts of Persia and parts of Arabia like Nejd…but his forces brutally and effectively crush the rebellions. Just making his claim to leadership confirm and secure. He was a very pro-active ruler and took a major role in the reforming of the government and the system, during his reign. He improved the economy by ten fold, by having the government to invest in the nature recourses that the nation had in its lands such as oil and etc. Just improving the economy overall and improving the stranded of living for the empire as whole. Yet tensions between the many factions of the empire were the rise, do the ideologically differences, it didn’t help with the fact the Sultan was reformist and his President and Prime Minister were Young Turks and his Grand Vizier was an Unionist. Tensions were heating up to the point, where civil war could happen…Sultan Mustafa bin Asad decides to get a more hardliner stance against the threat of rebellion and civil war, by giving more power to the then young Ottoman Intelligence, which was found in 1920 to prevent outside powers from starting rebellions and etc. Now they were given powers to police the factions and prevent civil war at all defusing the tensions by any means… Just under Sultan reign… the OI became the secret police of the Sultan. It shall be known that Sultan Mustafa bin Asad, had policy that it was his way or the highway. The only reason behind his iron fisted policies was to prevent growing fractionally from reaching the point of civil war, yet these iron fisted polices were not working as planned…more factions were popping up by 1932..such as the Communist Factions and the fascist factions..and number of other splinter factions.. Just showing the growing internal disunity was on the rise. With the government full with disunity and growing rivals, the arm forces were left uncheck in terms of power…the Arm forces was now growing to become its own body and only answer to the Sultan then to government, in matter of speaking the arm forces were no longer the yes sir, no sir type of mind set…they become alive and able to think on their own..

Just they become independent of all government control by 1933.. and including the Sultan…because…the Sultan was busy trying to keep the factions in lines to his government and factions were bitterly fighting for power along themselves to notice. The grow of the arm forces in power…even the OI was powerless to prevent the arm forces from gaining power..what’s interesting was that the arm forces never took interests in doing coup and setting up a Junta government…all they were interested was defending the state at all cost from outside threats and putting down the rebellions that rose in the regions…the mindset of the officers was to loyal to the state and defend the state…even thought the state was falling apart inside..they declare their loyal to the Sultan, and pledge to defend the state no matter what..this would key in the years of chaos…

If one was to parallel to another nation, Ottoman State would mirror Imperial Japan, yet there is still many differences between the nations, such as no matter divided was the government of the Ottoman state at this time..They still manger pass badly need social, economic and etc reforms by the Sultan…he manger to enact these badly need reforms to the state….and plus the Imperial Ottoman Arm Forces were still had some hope in the government…what little hope….was to be lost soon…from 1933 to 1939 the disunity along all the branches and bodies of the government were reaching apex to the point of civil war, it was guess that the civil war may happen in 1940..yet WW2 happens..and the Ottomans were drag in by Nazi Invasion of the Ottoman Balkans in that very year…

Yet, for now we’ll take 10 minute break, to allow us to refresh ourselves and the next part of the this discussion will be on WW2 and the years of chaos..”

Then Maxwell walk off the stage and head off to refresh himself and just allowing the people in the hall to refresh themselves and talk to themselves
18-01-2006, 02:28
Dr. Jonathan Kilrain eased himself into his seat to listen to Dr. Maxwell speak. By all reports he was a fascinating figure, even if some of his writings were a little...wordy. Kilrain was glad the chairs were reasonably comfortable; he felt that this presentation would take some time. Taking out a notebook, he began to jot down a few key ideas while Maxwell spoke. He intended to make the most of this experience, and would torture his classes at the Royal University for a week with discussion over this lecture. A slight grin formed on Kilrain's face. Sometimes, he wondered if had something of a cruel streak in him.

When the ten-minute recess was announced, Kilrain took advantage of the opportunity to stand and stretch. Though the ten-minute break didn't allow for it, he intended to speak with Maxwell later, if possible.
Ottoman Khaif
20-01-2006, 06:06
When the 10-minute break was over and everyone was back in their seats, Dr.Maxwell came back with large clay jar and a hammer in hand. He walked to the podiums and saying the following

“To give everyone an idea what happen to the Ottoman Empire during and after WW2, I shall show you…”

Then Dr.Maxwell use his hammer and hit the clay jar four times…just breaking it into small fragments

“That’s what happen to the Ottoman Empire during and after WW2, ladies and gentlemen…it fell apart and nearly killed itself….still today, the people of KLM still bear the scars from that era…their mindsets have been forever changed…they were never able to recover..from those scars…you have to ask yourself…what happen to them..that left such mental scar…well your about to hear it now…when WW2 began…the Ottoman State declare itself netural and hope to avoid yet another European War,but didn’t work out…Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy had their plans which call for the Ottomans to kick out of Europe and North Africa. So by 1940, the Germans, Italians plus Vichy French forces invade Ottoman North Africa, effective the Ottoman forces in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco by doing massive attack as for Egypt, the British Garrison manger to hold off the German invasion of Egypt and just giving the Ottoman Africa Core some time to recover and fight to recover some lost lands in North Africa, as the Germans and Italians forces attack North Africa…they attack the Ottoman Balkans in one massive attack…they destroy the entire Ottoman of the Balkans…they overwhem..all the Ottoman Balkans within a matter of days..were under the foot of Nazi rule, expect Bulgaria…which was barely holding out…it was only because the Nazis were not interested in taking Istanbul for now..they wanted to focus on the Soviets and maintain their existing holdings…the Second World War was bloody for the Ottomans are they fought desperately for their right for existent…they couldn’t force the Nazis out of the Balkans..they too well dig for North Africa…the Ottomans forces were making some headway while fighting along side British troops in Egypt. Sultan Mustafa Bin Asad, declare a Jihad against the Nazi in vain hope of uniting the Muslims against the Nazi threat…the war took its total on the Ottoman Army which had to fight two fronts, the North African Fronts was less bloody then to the European Front was far more bloody…the Ottoman forces had to fight for every square inch of each mile to retake their lands…the Ottomans only manger to retake Greece, Albania, Macedonia and parts of Romania by 1945, roughly 300,000 troops of the Ottoman Army give their lives to defeat the Nazism in Europe. The Ottomans manger to retake their North Africa lands with easy after the war, but as for Balkans.. that was completely different story….for the Ottomans, with the Soviets …now before I can get into this part of the discussion, I would to like to state why I was light on the details for WW2.,because the time during WW2 has been study very much and there is no need to repeat already stated facts. Now to move into the post war world and Soviet-Ottoman war..

After the Nazis were defeat the Ottoman state faced yet another theat..that was the Soviets..who occupy Ottoman Balkan regions of Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Slovenia. The Soviets were under the leadership of Stalin at the time..Stalin was dead set on creating his satellites states to protect his Soviet Union from attack from the West. So if they mend Stalin had to break off a part of the Ottoman State for his let it happen was his policy, in his eyes the Ottomans were another old “Imperial” state to killed off. Plus Stalin saw the Ottoman State has a major threat to his goals for the Soviet Union. Since Ottoman State around this time had a strong socialist party which happen to be anti Stalinist and was set to win the election in the Parliament and Senate. Just creating a openly anti Stalinist state at Stalin doorstep…something Stalin couldn’t allow to happen. One way or another, Pan Islamic or Socialist the Ottoman State was threat to Stalin plans . So when Sultan Mustafa Bin Asad demanded the Soviets hand back the Ottomans lands that were occupied by the Soviets in Mar 10,1946. Stalin reply, “ Make me hand back your lands.”….then Sultan Mustafa Bin Asad, who was an hotheaded man…declare a state of war between the Ottoman State and the Soviet Union as of May 1st of 1946….well here is food for thought…the Ottoman Army was still recovering from WW2…they only number 400,000 troops at best and only 200,000 troops were in the Ottoman held regions of the Balkans and 200,000 were thinly spread to the other regions of the empire and Soviets had well over 500,000 troops in Balkans alone and another million ready to be deployed against the Ottomans. The reason why Sultan Mustafa bin Asad was so willing to go war against the Soviets, was for one he was known as hardliners on his policy of maintaining the state at all cost and not allow any part of the state to be given up to anyone, so when Stalin decide to take these lands and make his proxy states…he knew the Ottomans wouldn’t allow that since these lands were Ottoman Lands, therefore he was setting up a trap , he knew the Ottomans would fall for. Stalin goal was not take over the entire Ottoman Empire…all he was interested in was the Balkans and therefore, he was going to just fire bomb everything else.. when the war began…right a away the Ottoman were CRUSH in Albania, Macedonia, what little lands they had left in Romania and half of Bulgaria was lost..all that was left of the Ottoman Army in the Bulgaria was 50,000 troops…as for Greece…a number of civil defense garrisons…this was by July of 1946…the Ottomans were fighting the Soviet only without any support from the outside world..not even their ex allies from WW2 would help…Sultan Asad declare a jihad against the Soviets and move the remaining 200,000 of the remaining Ottoman Arm forces to support the Balkans front, the commanders were no retreat…”you fight and died where you stand, ties your legs…no run…death to the foes of the Empire…that was the Sultan orders for his men…there is retreat….you must fight to the death for the stake of the state staying alive…with that the 250,000 Troops of the Ottoman 1st Army dig into their lines and got ready to died for their Khailfah or Empire…depending if you were a Muslim or non-Muslim….the war was becoming more bloody and more brutal as each month passed by September of 1946…half the cities within the Soviet range of bombing….was firebomb…the most hardest hit areas were Turkey and Persia.. Somehow the soldiers of the Ottoman 1st Army were barely holding on and kept on holding the line.. The Ottoman States was slowly falling apart do this costly war….the soldiers at the front often reported they are under supplied and their rations were nothing but a loaf of bread and they were told to make it last two weeks…As for the Soviets, they were allowing the Ottomans to think they were holding the lines…they didn’t plan to attack the line intill the dead of winter…Stalin was busy ordering the purges of the Pan Islamic and Ottoman Socialist Parties.. in the occupy Ottomans lands, which were the core of the Socialist Party base for the Ottoman Empire…it was all because the Socialist party of Ottoman Empire wasn’t pro Stalin, they were anti Stalinist…therefore a threat to Stalin was ordering the mass killings of all freedom fighters all of any kind etc….he brutally kill entire towns , just because one of their citizens was a freedom fighters…. Stalin and his NKVD forces slaughter 10,000 of 10,000s in the occupy regions for fighting against his rule… for the other areas of the Ottoman Empire, he order the fire bombings of every city..of the Ottoman Empire within his reach….he order his bombers to bomb the civilians centers..Stalin was doing total war against the weak Ottoman State…. which was causing major damage and causing massive destabilize of the state as whole…As the war progress…. support for the Sultan and his policy was falling apart….by December….the Soviets began a massive assault on the Ottoman lines at the Bulgaria in the cold of winter….the soldiers of the Ottoman 1st Army, barely had any winter clothing…or barely any supplies…they all fought to the bloody death…every single officer to solider…ties his legs together to so to prevent himself from running from the lines.. This battle was known as the battle of the lines…it happen on December 25,1946…the men who fought at this are the fighters for their sacrifice for the state….they give their lives to prevent the Soviets…from taking anymore of their homeland..all of them these men of Ottoman 1st Army were killed… in honor of these fallen heroes…the arm forces war cry today is “Long live the fighters!”…anyways…Stalin decided after crushing what’s left of the Ottoman Army..he send a message to the Ottomans stating he would withdraw from all the regions of the Ottoman Empire, and state a cease fire is in effect, as of January 1, 1947. Stalin was smart one , he had crippled the Ottoman state to the point of collapse and destroy the Socialist party of the Ottoman Empire…why you may ask…to prevent anti Stalinist state from rising…plus thanks to Stalin the Ottoman Empire future as Socialists state died too on that.. The Ottoman Government was crush in many ways, what remains of the arm forces had lost all faith in the government and the people were anger at the state for falling to protect them. Plus the Soviets devastate most of the major industry centers of Turkey, the Ottoman Balkans, Persia, Bilad al Sham and Iraq were left in ruins..and plus it was winter and there already food shortages breaking out in many of the regions hit by the Soviet Army..Plus the Ottoman Balkans were left in chaos…and there was no army in place to restore order and help in sending aid…which cause the chaos to grow

February 12,1947…this date will be known as the date that the years of chaos began.. in Istanbul..anger mobs were organizing into heavy arm mobs ..They were anger and very upset about what had happen to their nation and how ineffective the Government became…so your wondering what they did….well they storm the Parliament while it was in meeting and discussing ways of restoring order and rebuilding to the nation. They shot death the Prime Minister Ismail bin Hussein…poor Prime Minister Hussein he was in the wrong place and at the wrong time..he was really a good leader he was at the level of Churchill…but…the mob shot him and then behead him and put his head on a pike. They did that to all the MPs of Parliament. And they ransack Parliament and burn it to the gound..there was army to stop them…it was all crush….as for the House of Viziers…they behead Grand Vizier Hashmir bin Aziz…and killed most of the Viziers….and burn down the House of Viziers as for the Sultan Mustafa bin Asad…he was just lucky…about two days before the riot broke out. He left with 20 Viziers to Damascus to give a speech to the people of Bilad al Sham.. He didn’t realize how close he was to beheaded by the Mob…Since his family and his power base in Damascus, he was protected and safe from getting beheaded.. now to back to the riots… the people were venting their anger and outrage on the government and anything related to the Government in Istanbul…plus these riots were spreading thought out every major city in the Empire expect Damascus the Sultan power base…not even the OI was safe from the riot in Bursa, the OI HQ was burn to the ground by the mobs all the agents were beheaded and put on pikes.. since their mobs were after anything related to Government…they went after the lawyers since good numbers of MPs and Viziers and other government ministers were lawyers it was logically for the mobs to go after the lawyers… a saying that was said during these chaotic times. It went as the following “ Kill all lawyers the loyalist pigs of the failed government that promise to protect us…and failed…kill them all , hang them by the light post or by the tree branch….kill all lawyers..”…Throughout the Ottoman Empire.. Lawyers were killed by the 1000s…after the years of Chaos..when the Ottoman State was rebuilding itself…it rewrote the legal system to edit out the term lawyers replace it with the terms Judicator to replace offensive lawyer and Archon to replace the term defensive lawyer. Even in present day, people use lawyer in past tense, then to persent tense… With the total collapse of the central government, all the regional governments also collapsed… anarchy had taken over completely in the Ottoman State..and there was nothing the Sultan could do at this time, besides getting his power base ready for support him in his wars to reunited his state. In Istanbul factional fighting broke out between the many factions in the city..this factional fighting spread to the other areas of the Empires..besides the factions fighting eachother..nationalist rebellion began to rise throughout the Balkan regions.. These nationalist rebellions were being support by Western Allies or the Soviets.. yes ladies and gentlemen…Western Allies, and the USSR were actively supporting the nationalist rebellions. they knew that the Ottoman Empire was too cripple to do anything…As for North Africa, Britain and France decide it was time to do some peacekeeping missions in the area to protect their interest…so Britain send a large force and with easy occupy Egypt and Libya, as for France, occupy…Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco all in the interest of keeping peace and protecting their assets in the region.. and plus they actively supplying rebel factions that were against the state with arms and money all in the interest of making the Ottoman state was most humiliating for the Ottoman State to do nothing while outsiders began to occupy her lands…the people of these regions form freedom fighter cores and began to resist the British and French troops in their lands…can you even think this state where in your in such a state of weakness that you can’t even defend your home from robbers…that was the state of the Ottoman State at this time

The factional fighting reach a point where even the Sultan own power base of Bilad al Sham fell into a state of factional fighting as of December 1947.. just forcing Sultan Mustafa bin Asad to retreat to Arabia, with his fellows. He began to organize his forces in Arabia and recruit the local Bedouins tribes to his forces and just in the desert, Sultan Mustafa Bin Asad, began to organize his grand army to take his empire, it would be in till 1949, when he would began his massive war against the factions. to reunited his state. Istanbul from 1947 to 1950 was the control by least 18 different factions…each faction only rule the city for a short time before other faction beat them out..and another one took over, during time each faction name themselves the true leaders of the Ottoman State, at one point the Socialist faction manger to take over for two day and proclaim the Ottoman State has change its name to Islamic Federated Union of Socialist Republics..but it only lasted for a few days and only existed in Istanbul…well parts of the city..they were destroyed by another factions and just ended the short-lived Socialist state, when 1949 came around Sultan Mustafa bin Asad march his new army out of Arabia…..he call his army….the Army of the Dunes, because they recruit and lived in the Dunes of Arabia desert.. Incidentally after the years of Chaos…the term Dune became the official title for the new empire, which was, know as Dune Imperium For the next eight years Sultan Mustafa Bin Asad fought each factions and crush each one as his forces march to each region of the Khailfah, and restore order…the British and French decide it was not worth fighting the Ottomans and left…the Sultan march his forces in the Balkans, he personals his troops and crush every nationalist rebellion within his empire …The Sultan didn’t brother to march into Istanbul, intill he had crush all the rebellions and factions..for eight long years…he march with his men to all the areas of the Empire and brutally crush all the regions..that refuse to bow his will as the Khaif of the Ottoman State….He show no mercy to anyone that refuse to bow and swear the oath of allegiance to him, he beheaded them were they stood…on the same day where the years of chaos began February 12…but ten years later it was now 1957. Sultan Mustafa bin Asad march his forces back into war torn…Istanbul and restore the Central Government, he give this speech on radio to his people to state his plans to rebuild their nations from the ruins of the years of Chaos, it went as the following

“To my brothers and sisters of the Ottoman Empire, I tell you this our state is dead…and new one has taken its place…. this new state has promise it will get revenge for wrongs that the outsiders have done to us…revenge is all we can hope for my people…to get our revenges…that is all I promise you…..I promise during my reign as Sultan…I will get revenges against those who have wrong us…if takes 40 years so be it…as long as we get our revenge..let be known to the world…we will come to get our revenge ..let will be know to the world within 10 years will we will be back on our feet and ready to began our wars of revenge….let be known we say the following to your dogmas… TO HELL WITH IMPERIALISM, TO HELL WITH COMMUNSIM, TO HELL WITH NATIONALISM, TO HELL WITH CAPITALISM…TO HELL YOU ALL YOUR BLOODY DOGMAS, WE SHALL FOLLOW OUR OWN DOGMA…of revenge shall we not rest in till we had our revenge..”

That was his speech to his nation and to the world; like he said in ten years the Ottoman Empire rebuilds herself from the ground up and rewrote its legal system, government and almost every aspects of its views were change to fit the revengeful state mindset.. Their mindset was one of a victim who was badly beaten by a group of people…and that victim was now out to get his revenged at all cost…it wasn’t in till present day…they finally got compete their revenge…so many people were ruin by the years of chaos (1947 to 1957).. even today…the people of Khailfah al Muslimeen still bear that scar from the years of Chaos…still today they view foreigners with most distrust…they can’t stand outsiders missing with their internals…do these scars…still today they can’t trust anyone as they once did before the years of chaos..they trust very people…from the outside world.. its been nearly 50 years since the years of chaos have ended and still today…the scars still carried heavy weight on the mindsets of the people of the core regions of KLM…they(elderly) can never forgiven or forget what has happen to their lives were profoundly change and ruin…thanks to Stalin invasion and the years of Chaos…there is a saying in KLM …it goes as the following “Never again shall we be ruin by the outsiders, never again…never again.”…just I end my speech, and now I open the floor to questions.”

Said Dr.Maxwell
Delta Green
20-01-2006, 06:10
"Rantings of a madman?"
"Thats a class 8X-Seraphim. I'd file it under the waiting list for now. We do not have the resources or time to react. Put it in the Tango Alpha Golf file for now. Just to be safe."