NationStates Jolt Archive

Austria-hungary World Factbook

15-01-2006, 18:19
World War One RP (
Military Size as of July 1914:
3,000,000 Soldiers availible for combat
16 Battleships
28 Assorted Warships (No Dreadnoughts)
35 Aircraft, although we did not have a "Modern" Airforce by 1914

-Offical War Log
by Order of his Royal Emperor Franz Josef I
Alliances as of July 1914:
-Formed "Dual Alliance" With Germany in 1879 in fear of attack from France or Russia.
-Became "Triple Alliance" In 1882 When Italy Joined
-The "Triple Alliance" was center of much controversey, but When Britan, France and Russia formed the "Triple Entente" in 1907, It gave the Austrians Confidence that they were in the Right.
15-01-2006, 23:56
Telegram from Foreign Minister Giorgio Sonnino to Has Imperial Majesty Emperor Franz Josef
The Kingdom of Italy cries out in pain for the loss of your heir the Archduke. We would like to assure you that we will honour our membership in the Triple Alliance if our forces are required.
Dex Aie
16-01-2006, 18:40
The Bulgarian government sends its sympathy to Austria-Hungary in the aftermath of the most dispicable act of terrorism by Serbia. This atrocity serves to remind us all what a dangerous place the world has become - mainly due to the belligerence of nations such as Serbia who put their own agendas before the maintenance of a world peace.
16-01-2006, 23:32
the Spanish government also offers it's condolences and support if necessary
16-01-2006, 23:40
Thank you all, Friends.

Our people our mouring the death of our beloved prince,
however we are also mobilizing,

His death will not be in vain. Those who roam the earth in this barbaric, uncivilized fashion will pay.
31-01-2006, 19:36
Russia also wishes to convey it's sorrow over such an act. But consider mobilizing a rather despicable act on its own. Should an entire country pay for the mistakes of a few? We believe going to war with a nation is imprudent.
02-02-2006, 03:24
Speech to the peoples of the great the Austro-Hungarian Empire:

"My loyal constituents, The state of our great nation worries me nightly. The two crowns I wear are as divided as the lands the govern. the honerable Slavic people have benifited from much autonomy in the times of peace, but times are changing. recent events in the world around us require us to pull together as a whole, defeat a common enemy and come out of this conflict as prestigious as we entered.

In light of possible resentment towards the Austrian people I move to bring our Slavic brothers closer, as we are a familiy, and In the near future will have to fight as just that.

The wheels of goverment are turning, and the the near future the mistreated members of our great society will unite together in brotherhood."
02-02-2006, 20:55
To his Imperial and Apostolic Majesty, Franz Josef I

I hope that you are making sure to stay with your doctor, as these trying times must be having an adverse effect on your health. I myself have found the stress from such a situation trying my heart and soul, and at times it is only the thought of travelling with my children that keeps me going.

I would like to tell you the honor you wish to bestow upon me by asking me for my daughter Titiana for marraige to your heir, and Karl Von Hapsburg seems a very good choice for a succesor. However, I must decline at this time.

To agree to such a union in our current state of affairs would make Russia appear as untrustworthy. We would be considered a betrayer of our duties to the cause of Slavic autonomy. Uniting all Slavs under the banner of Austria seems to smack of arrogance, as well as threaten the Slavs who live under my dominion. I can not go back upon the word of myself or my predessecors. Nor would the people allow me to back down when we have started this endeavor. Tragically I fear that this war will decide both our dynasties. I kept the people in check after the disaester of 1904. I may do so again, but to do so now would be much harder.

I hope this war should be quick. The less men lay dead the better. Either Austrian or Russian. But to lay peace, you must forget your conquest of Serbia. What happened in Sarejevo was a travesty and a tragedy. But desperate men will do desperate things, and to punish another country because of the acts of a few men in a city miles away is not the right path.

There will be a few things I shall promise. No Austrian soldier shall be mistreated. An army that surrenders to a RUssian force will be treated to the best of our abilities, and any misconduct shall be strictly punished.

Hopefully this shall end quickly, and we may return to a semblance of peace. Once that has happened, I hope to fulfil your wish of continuing your line. Then may we concrete our peace in the care of two individuals. Until then, I must stay my course. We will protect Serbia. That is as simple as it gets. Remember to watch your health.

The Czar of Russia, Nicholas Romanov the II
08-02-2006, 23:06
To Whom it may concern:

I Franz Josef I, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, Invite you to a banquet during mid-october in Vienna. Both Hungarian and Austrian Parliments will be in attendance as we try to sort out our diffrences and become closer to one another. I however, will not be in attendance as important bussiness prohibits this. I hope you understand.

Franz Josef I