NationStates Jolt Archive

The Imperial Caladonnian Republic (PT)

12-01-2006, 20:22
As dawn broke over the sea, it was payed little heed by the Senators of the Imperial Republic of Caladonn even as it washed the ornate Senate Chamber in a golden light through the high stained glass windows depicting the fall of the Empire from centuries ago.

On some days, when the business of the nation was light, the Senators would gaze out from the Citadel over the glassy waters of the harbour, the forest of ships, the white walls, the bustling crowds. The first Consul, Jerian Stoneglad, was wise indeed when he positioned the greatest building in all of Caladonn atop the Citadel, overlooking the capital- the Senators were oft reminded of the great nation they represented, and worked all the harder for it.

Still, despite the romantic visage, each of the 100 Senators were focused intently on the speaker from the Rostrum in the center of the room. Above him the green, white and silver of Caladonn adorned with the great dragon watched supremely over the proceedings, the initials S.P.Q.C- "Senatus populusquq Caladonnus, For the Senate and the People of Caladonn" another reminder of the great tradition seated on those in the room.

The man on the rostrum spoke, as his forefathers and their forefathers had spoken before him. Still, the importance of today's debate was unquestioned- indeed, some dubbed it of so great import as to shake the very foundations on which the world was founded.

And yet, in many ways, what the man, Consul Aramil Holimion, spoke about, was simplicity itself- exploration.

"My fellow senators, I have droned on long enough already," he said. "You all know what is at stake here, the very growth of our nation! Our longboats have ventured forth, in many cases discovered new lands- lands ripe for the taking, if they are primitive, or lands willing to enter into a mutually beneficial mercantile relationship.

Senators, we cannot let this opportunity pass us by! If we turn inward, become xenophobic, introspective- then all the men who have ever sat in these chairs, all they worked for will be for nought. Our nation has the makings of greatness, and great it shall be if we begin today!" He sat down amid thunderous applause.

The Senatorial Magistrate, Haldron Firnath, intoned, "We will now vote on the Consul's proposition of expansion for the Imperial Republic of Caladonn."

And then they voted. The conservatives, the superstitious, they were strong; yet, those who wished for change were stronger. It was a clear three-fourths majority- Caladonn would expand.
Terror Incognitia
17-01-2006, 20:33
The Seneschalty of Terror Incognitia, a group of islands somewhere beyond the sea OOC:(no map, hard to know)
recieved word of the Senate's decision with some concern. While more developed and centralised than some surrounding nations, making them better able to resist the depradations of traders and colonists, this made them all the more attractive a target if Caladonn's plans turned to conquest rather than colonization.

The High Seneschal turned to his advisors, both civil and military, with a heavy sigh. "First we must think of trade. What policy must we take when our established trade is threatened by Caladonnian expansion? We must also think of what to do when our clients _ahem_ allies come under Caladonnian pressure. Do we deal with them, or do we fight when it comes to that?"

The main mercantile advisor, the Head of the Merchants Guild, spoke next. "We must protect our interests overseas. We are under no threat from these Caladonnians. Trade would be profitable, but if they threaten our established trade, we must fight."

The Lord High Admiral, on the other hand, took a more careful tone. "If we must, we can fight a limited war with good prospects, so as long as it stays to naval engagements and use of our marines. An all out war, without powerful allies, I wouldn't rate our chances of anything better than an honourable truce. It all depends on how serious the Caladonnians are about expansion, and whether they will crush anyone who stands in their way."

OOC: What time period are we talking here? I don't mind, cos I haven't really specified anything yet, but I'd like to know.
17-01-2006, 22:11
OOC: This is set in the late Medieval era. Here's the main thread-

IC: The Caravels of Caladonn had already traveled far and wide- it was not for nothing that most Caladonnians were more at home at sea than on land. The charts were vague with most outer areas marked 'unkown', and few captains had more to guide them than a compass and the stars.

Through superb seamanship, masterful navigation, and quite a bit of luck, in the past months several new islands have been sighted. All have been garrisoned with a substantial number of elves to construct a settlement, while most of the ships return home to bring word of their discovery to Caladonn.

Many reports were coming in, and the Senate was pleased. However, none of the lands found so far were truly great- multiple island chains with primitive fire-sharpened stick-toting natives, but no advanced civilizations or large landmasses.

Thus, while colonisation of the islands continued, four great expeditions were planned- one for each compass point. Each expedition was outfitted with the finest Caladonn could offer, and the four greatest admirals would lead them. Their goal was simple- continue until land was sighted, then, make contact. Most doubted that Caladonn could really be the most advanced civilisation in the world; surely, there were others that were equals of the Imperial Republic.

And so the expeditions set forth, with the blessings of the Senate.

OOC2: I'm in a temperate climate, Terror Incognita, so depending on your climate the expedition that encounters you may be north, south, east or west.
Terror Incognitia
20-01-2006, 17:50
OOC: Sorry, had trouble posting yesterday. Terror Incognitia: Temperate climate, island chain. Think kind of like Britain, but in accordance with the guideline laid down in the main thread having a population of approaching 20 million. Therefore somewhat more politically complex than Britain in an equivalent period. West/East...may as well be west.

IC: By the next full council meeting, tempers were running high. The political class was divided. Continuing reports were coming in from the East; as traders returned bringing news of forts built amongst the tribes of the islands. Direct reports were scant, but trading partners who did go that way were sounding worried. Trade did not seem to be on the minds of these newcomers.

"That is because they are here for conquest! We should establish ourselves in force before they come close enough to threaten us! If we have to conquer all that lies to the East, until we reach these 'forts' and raze them to the ground, then so be it. It will make us safe."

The firebrand 'trader' (if that's what he was...rumours suggested piracy as a more likely source of his wealth) finished his speech and sat down. Deputy Head of the Merchants Guild, he put forward opinions his superior could not be seen to vioce. There were murmurs of support, but no-one spoke aloud. All waited for the next speaker...

Representing the nobility, Seneschal Nomara stood. "We can fight. But we don't know the strength behind these people. We don't know how their ships match up to ours. We don't know if this is an advance guard, or if they are an all-out effort. We should exercise caution. And while I would not demean myself with 'trade', that may be what they want. Let them have the islands. Full of savages anyway. We should send an expedition to meet them, find out their character and intentions."

Caution carried the day. While the High Seneschal could have vetoed it, it was decided that a small military expedition would be mounted, and sent out circling round the islands to the north until it approached an outlying fort, so as not to betray their origin. Peaceful relations were to be attempted, but if aggression was the response, the expedition was to return with all speed to prepare the nation for war.

The capital, Nescia, had an atmosphere of growing tension. And in the main seaport and naval base, MenXerte, there were areas of feverish preparation for the expedition....and slower movements as naval stores were checked...just in case.
20-01-2006, 22:56
OOC: Ok, cool. For my nation it's a large inland sea surrounded by land except at one passage where my capital is, Lothern. Per the rules my population is slightly over 30 million.

IC: Fort Balcar was one of the fringe forts of the new Caladonnian islands. Placed on a rocky bluff overlooking the ocean with the island at its back, the white bastions gleamed white in the sun. Below a party of natives was hard at work building the fort's harbour, while three caravels were docked in the already partly-finished harbour.

It was with intense trepidation that, as the lookout on the tallest tower spotted the shapes of foreign vessels in the distance, he heaved on the coarse bell-rope and the huge gong reverberated.

Immediately, all looked up towards the fort. The workers from the harbour began streaming upwards, while the soldiers in their steel armour hefted longbows, spears, and helms, marching out to the walls. The Imperial Gunners came out of their quarters to the cannons, while their crews began loading a round of shot as the caravels weighed anchor and set sail, going out to meet the foreigners.
Terror Incognitia
21-01-2006, 19:28
The gleaming white fort up ahead clearly meant business. As the expedition prepared for first contact, tension could scarcely have been higher. Not only was fighting possibly imminent, it was uncertain. The experienced crews of the three warships were ready. The marines were equipped and standing ready. The few light cannon the vessels could carry were, discreetly, charged and standing ready. The wind was at their backs, giving windward advantage over any ships issuing from the fort.

And most importantly of all, the flag of truce was flying prominently, making it clear to all that their primary mission was to parley.

The Commander of the expedition, Earl Nomar, one of the few noblemen to have a successful record, or indeed any record, in naval combat, stood by the captain of the "Rampant Unicorn", his flagship. Gazing into the distance through one of the new distance glasses, he could see frenzied preparation on shore, though details were scant. And ships looked to be issuing from harbour. He gave the necessary orders to meet the foreign vessels half way, clear of any guns in the fort - and also giving a less threatening impression to onlookers on shore. It would not be long now.
22-01-2006, 05:30
The gleaming white fort up ahead clearly meant business. As the expedition prepared for first contact, tension could scarcely have been higher. Not only was fighting possibly imminent, it was uncertain. The experienced crews of the three warships were ready. The marines were equipped and standing ready. The few light cannon the vessels could carry were, discreetly, charged and standing ready. The wind was at their backs, giving windward advantage over any ships issuing from the fort.

And most importantly of all, the flag of truce was flying prominently, making it clear to all that their primary mission was to parley.

The Commander of the expedition, Earl Nomar, one of the few noblemen to have a successful record, or indeed any record, in naval combat, stood by the captain of the "Rampant Unicorn", his flagship. Gazing into the distance through one of the new distance glasses, he could see frenzied preparation on shore, though details were scant. And ships looked to be issuing from harbour. He gave the necessary orders to meet the foreign vessels half way, clear of any guns in the fort - and also giving a less threatening impression to onlookers on shore. It would not be long now.

The Caravels issued out. Commodore Jensar of the ICS Acirion stood on the poop deck, his spyglass trained on the approaching ships. They certainly had cannon, and their marines seemed to mean business, but the shining ranks of the Caladonnians, their bows at the ready, and heard the ominous rumble as the gunports went up and the light cannon rumbled out, his fears were assuaged. The wind was both a blessing and a curse- the Caladonnians would have any gunsmoke blown in their eyes, but could beat a hasty retreat to the fort's protection were that necessary.

The Caladonnian ships edged closer in the light breeze, the green, white and silver of Caladonn was raised from the masthead. All on the ships waited in expectation of what was to come, more tightly-strung than a string on a fiddle.

The Commodore got out his speaking-trumpet and put it close at hand, but didn't raise it to his lips. Let the foreigners initiate this, he thought.
Terror Incognitia
22-01-2006, 16:53
The approaching vessels had run out their guns. Tension had risen yet further amongst the crew of the expedition's vessels. Nomar could only pray that no-one would do anything stupid. The crew were all experienced enough...and if anything were to start, he wanted it to be the foreigners who started it. His orders did not include starting a war. Not yet, anyway.

He gave orders for a boat to be lowered. It would be risky, but putting himself at risk would hopefully bring some trust - with less scope for misunderstanding than shouting through a speaking trumpet. And if these foreigners were so dishonourable as to fire on a flag of truce, there was no hope of a deal in any case. The Blue Ensign of Terror Incognitia at his back, and the white flag of truce at the bow, he stood watching the command vessel as they approached. It was a matter of moments before he would have some idea of what these strangers wanted...and whether they could be dealt with.
23-01-2006, 23:13
The Commodore looked down from the deck, and saw the approaching boat of the foreigners bobbing in the waves. The bos'un noticed it too, and soon the sideboys and marines were drawn up, ready to present arms and such. Nonetheless, the crew waited in expectation for the foreigner's arrival...
Terror Incognitia
23-01-2006, 23:51
The Earl clambered aboard the ship, with the pipes shrilling in his ears.
He saluted the ensign on the quarterdeck, returning one mark of respect with another.

He then turned to the obvious commander standing awaiting his arrival, ready to open discussion...

OOC: Quite new at this, how do we manage negotiations without either putting words in each other's mouths or taking weeks?
Terror Incognitia
27-01-2006, 19:28
The sailors grew ever more fearful for their commander...and at last they snapped. One of the guncrews who had been standing around for hours touched off their cannon. With that, the rumours that had been passing around had their effect. And every cannon facing the foreign vessels fired in a ragged broadside. The other two ships joined within seconds. They might not have wanted this, but there was now no choice. Where there had been quiet there was now hellish smoke, feverish activity...and a lot of men wondering where it had all gone wrong.

The Acting Commander, Captain Uzellin, cursed the fact that Nomar was still aboard the ship. He decided they would have to make for the enemy flagship, attempt to rescue the Earl, and then withdraw as swiftly as possible. He gave the order to ready the marines for boarding.

Signals began passing to the other ships. There would only be one chance to salvage this mission - by rescuing the Earl, and getting away with some captives who could pass on intelligence.
28-01-2006, 00:59
OOC: Argh... I was all ready for negotiations... oh well, I'm okay with this too.

IC: As the gun was touched off the Caladonnian sailors flung their matches into the touchholes, sending off a broadside into the other ship. Five marines quickly tied and bound the Earl as the sailors got the ship underway and the admiral began a string of orders. The marines ran to their positions, jammed their arrows into the deck, and began sending volley after volley into the enemy, at more than six arrows a minute per marine. The flagship drew farther away from the enemy as the other ships closed in and formed a line of battle. After the original shock had subsided, the elves worked like a well-oiled machine, broadside following broadside, and much more frequent longbow volleys following on the heels of the others.
Terror Incognitia
28-01-2006, 22:06
OOC: Sorry, got impatient. This won't have to lead to full scale war, but it will be a bit messy.

IC: Volleys of arrows were coming in, along with cannon shots. Honours roughly even, thus far, as the Terror Incognitian marines were trading volley for volley. The withdrawal of the enemy flagship made the target of rescuing the Earl more improbable. But it meant that the two other caravels were outnumbered and outgunned for the moment. The temptation was to use that temporary advantage to attempt to take or cripple those two and move on to the flagship.
Resisting temptation, Uzellin allowed his captains to move on the two warding ships, as he kept moving for the flagship. The Earl had to take priority...but the other two had to be kept busy. Casualties thus far had been light, but as they closed that would never hold.
30-01-2006, 03:10
OOC: Okay, that's fine. I enjoy a battle every so often.

I'd like a bit of info on what kind of projectiles your ships have for casualties.

IC: The three ships were now together, the line of battle strong as all variety of missiles were launched at breakneck speed over the side. The ships rocked with each broadside, but the archers never lost their footing as they sent shaft after six-foot shaft towards the enemy.

The enemy was closing, but Commodore Jensar would not accomodate them. Signal flags ran up the halliards, and the three ships sheered off in unison, maintaining and possibly even increasing the distance between the two fleets.
Terror Incognitia
31-01-2006, 00:03
OOC: Okay, we're talking deck-mounted swivel guns...not a great accurate range, but nasty in close. Also each vessel carrying maybe a dozen cannon on deck...I'm not sure what a plausible weight of shot is, so can I leave that unspecified pending further research? Marines carrying longbows.

IC: Risky as it was in the midst of a battle, Uzellin ordered more sail to be hoisted to make up ground, as the enemy ships withdrew. One man dropped screaming to his death, an arrow in his side. Any others went unnoticed in the general confusion.

As the stakes rose the marine captains ordered their men to begin using fire arrows on the outer two vessels, wary as yet of using such methods on the flagship. Meanwhile the ship's captains, wary of fire even when usd by their own side, looked to their sand buckets.

They had to close the gap. Unless the enemy risked increasing sail, they would close the gap. But would it be fast enough?
01-02-2006, 01:52
OOC: I mainly have lowerdeck mounted long-range bronze cannons, with some smaller models for grapeshot on deck. My marines also have longbows with around 800-foot range, six shots a minute-each of these marines has trained since childhood (And elves live a bit longer than humans) in the use of their weapons.

Also, umm, flaming arrows? Do you know how dangerous that is on a ship with quite a bit of gunpowder? The French tried something similar with heated shot during the Napoleonic Wars, but every one of their ships invariably blew up when a trickle of fire reached the magazine. It'll be even worse with arrows, because instead of a few large possible fires, you have potentially hundreds of tiny small ones- and each of those fires has the same effect when it reaches the magazine, no matter what its size.

IC: The cannons of the enemy had done little damage due to the distance between the two squadrons, but the enemy arrow fire was really taking a toll- the Commodore paced the deck as next to him a marine went down, an arrow sprouting from his neck. Still, the elves fought on, naked to the waist belowdecks as they heaved on the tackles to load the guns and then push them forward again for the roar as they went off.

The enemy attempted to close and put more sail on, but the Commodore ordered more marines into the crow's nests, to pick off the enemy sailors. Meanwhile, the Caladonnian sailors raced aloft, letting out more sail quickly and efficiently as the ships heeled slightly to meet the wind, all three drawing in a line as they attempted to pull away from the enemy, or at least hold their distance.
04-02-2006, 17:26
Terror Incognitia
04-02-2006, 20:37
OOC: flaming arrows is risky, true. But with what they're trying to do, without a few risks there's no chance...

IC: The sailors letting out more sail took losses from the concentrated arrow fire. But they worked on, and the job was soon done.

What is more, the distance had closed, a little, in the time it took for the enemy ships to react to their increased sail. Still more satisfying was the sight of many flying little sparks as the arrows flew, burning just behind their heads. There had already been a couple of minor accidents, swiftly doused with sand buckets, but if they continued using fire much longer, the risk could only grow. They could only hope that the effects would be sufficiently great that they wouldn't have to.
04-02-2006, 23:46
OOC: Well okay, it's your choice, but your ships should start exploding pretty soon when fires reach the magazine if you continue.

Also, what sort of ships do you have?

IC: The Caladonnian vessels continued to pull away as the cannons roared on and on. The volleys had disappeared, as the lieutenants ordered their gun crews to fire at will and the faster ones got off more shots than the slower.

The Commodore was concerned about the enemy use of flaming arrows, but not unduly. Since some of the arrows missed the Caladonnian ships but every arrow that the enemy fired had a chance of igniting their own ships, and the Caladonnian pumps and buckets were just as effective, this hazardous tactic would only involved more risk for the enemy than more the Caladonnians.
07-02-2006, 01:10
Terror Incognitia
07-02-2006, 19:04
OOC: Sorry, I'm going in phases now. Days where I have hours sitting around, and days where I have no time at all... of the Mary Rose, a little smaller. (Just because it's the best documented vessel of appropriate tech level).

IC: The enemy ships were pulling away. Uzellin ordered all fires doused - no fire had taken hold before being put out on the enemy vessels. In a last desperate stroke, he ordered all his archers to focus on the Earl. The first and second volleys didn't have the desired effect. But of the whole third volley, one arrow had the desired effect. The Earl was mortally wounded. He could not be rescued; but he couldn't be used as a hostage, or pumped for information. The time had come to withdraw. Uzellin ordered a full retreat, with signals passing it on to the other ships. The gap between the two sides widened. Time to limp home and pass on what little had been learned from this disaster of a mission.
07-02-2006, 21:46
OOC: Okay. Mine are also carvel-built etc, so we probably wouldn't have any huge differences in speed. My nation is renowned for their shipbuilders and I'm a totally maritime nation, but that's not to say you aren't.

IC: The Commodore cursed. Although his marines had formed a shield wall around the earl, one stray arrow had gotten through and hit him. The Commodore immediately ordered for him to be sent below, and ordered the ships to make all sail at the fleeing enemy. Although the wound was certainly fatal, it was certain that with the ship's surgeon could make him survive for at least a few hours.

The three ships squared off their bow chasers, and the crewmen lobbed shot at the sterns of the enemy. Though it would be hard for the fleets to close, with a steady barrage hopefully they could knock off a spar and disable one of the ships, or hole it below the waterline.
Terror Incognitia
07-02-2006, 23:04
The sun was slowly descending towards the Western horizon, as the Incogitian vessels fled the scene. Occasional shots barked out from the enemy's bowchasers; but their crews were doubtless tired after the battle, and the rate of fire was slower than it had been earlier in the day. One shot smashed through the transom and into the Captain's stateroom, killing an unfortunate cabin boy and laying waste to the contents; most went astray.
The Incognitian sailors could confidently sail these waters at night, having recently come this way, and being experienced navigators. It should be easy to lose contact with the enemy during the night, especially if they scattered after full dark.
08-02-2006, 23:28
The Caladonnian warships continued the pursuit until they had knocked off a few of the spars on the enemy warships, but then returned to the fort as night came on. They put on all sail to make it back to port as soon as possible. There was evidence of a very heavy storm coming on, and they were wary of being caught out in the open. Leave the enemy to straggle back through mountainous waves and lightning in the dark; the Caladonnian vessels would be safe inside harbour.

Meanwhile, down belowdecks the ship's surgeon was working tirelessly on the earl, though his assistants continued attending to the crewmen who had been injured during the brief firefight. The earl was still tied down, as much for the ease of the operation as for security. He had suffered three wounds: One arrow had grazed his scalp, doing little damage but causing him to lose some blood before it was bandaged; though his legs had luckily been spared due to the wooden bulwark in front of him, both his arms had been hit by barbed arrows. To prevent the onset of gangreen, the surgeon was forced to cut them both off.

The operation was complete as the ships came into port, and the unconscious earl, with his stumps bandaged and in relatively good condition (For someone who had recently been thrice wounded by arrows, that is) was put in the sick bay of the fort's hospital under intensive care. In the morning he would be interrogated by the commandant.

Meanwhile, the fort had already sent word by cutter as the smoke was seen in the distance that conflict was imminent, but now a more detailed report was sent back to Caladonn.

OOC: Hope you don't mind me RPing the earl a bit, but he's actually more grievously wounded than you said.
Terror Incognitia
08-02-2006, 23:47
OOC: 1) I thought he was mortally wounded and going to survive maybe a few hours? You can have him conscious in that time if you want, but mortal wound is just that.
2) I've said elsewhere that I'm west of you, and I think on the map now that's the only direction I can be from you, but you've said I'm to your east. Can we clear that up please?

IC: The storm had hit them hard. Hampering medical efforts, and sinking the worst damaged of the three ships, losses had been heavy. As the remaining ships relocated each other in the clear light after the storm, it was decided that they would move on to one vessel, repair it as best they could, and make all speed for home. With slightly more than one crew remaining alive, somewhat fewer effectives, it was their best chance of a safe return.

Coming across a swift naval cutter on a wild goose chase after 'pirates' they hadn't spotted in several days was pure luck. After the run of luck they'd had, Uzellin wasn't complaining. He went with the cutter, to ensure the message got through straight.

Who knew, maybe blaming a rogue faction could stil avert a full scale war? The cutter brought rumours of coming war from the North. The last thing they needed was one in the East.
09-02-2006, 23:58
OOC: Ah, ok. Instead of my earlier post then, assume that the ships return to harbour, and the earl is questioned intensely by the camp commandant and his assistants. I don't want to waste a long time with a Q&A session lasting many posts, so can you just tell me the sort of things I'd be able to get out of him.

Also, as for the east-west thing, I don't think I've mentioned, at least in the last few posts, that you're to the west, and I am also under the impression you're to the east, so that seems fine.
Terror Incognitia
10-02-2006, 00:11
Still confusion. I am to your West. I hold Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. You have just conquered Hawaii etc, and approached Aust from the East?...

Ok. He'll give you basic detail about Terror Incognitia, where it is, what kind of trading it does (everything, everywhere, or near enough). Political system: elective monarchy, with a tradition of selecting the strongest heir of the last monarch. Close noble involvement with government, also important merchants. Some consultations in a parliamentary body with gentry and lesser traders.
Religious? A state religion, but not rigorously enforced. If people pay lip-service they can privately worship as they please.
Then he'll tell you about his mission. First, to make contact. Second, to achieve a deal on Caladonnian expansion towards Terror Incognitia, lay foundations for further diplomacy.
Obviously he doesn't know about the Aust situation yet.
13-02-2006, 18:00
14-02-2006, 22:09
OOC: Ok, thanks. Once and for all, you're to my west. We can assume that the Earl has already died. After that skirmish, I'm interested in establishing peaceful relations.

IC: Though the Imperial Senate was quite concerned about the militancy of the barbarians, it was determined that another chance at peace would be given. Five ships along with senior diplomat Arathea Comilion were despatched from Hawan (Hawaii) to the barbarian land.
Terror Incognitia
14-02-2006, 23:18
When five vessels were sighted by the regular naval patrol out of Nescia, the fast cutter with them turned for port. The three frigates, meanwhile, stood into potential danger towards the foreign vessels. Reinforcements would be along shortly. Until then, they had to hope the enemy weren't hostile. However, they knew their duty.

As they came closer to the foreign vessels, they saw that they matched the description that had been passed on of Caladonnian warships. The crews became a little tense. However, their instructions were clear - that if contact were made with Caladonnians, Incognitians would not fire the first shot.

The frigates hove-to, and prepared signals to follow into harbour, assuming the foreigner's intentions were peaceful.
17-02-2006, 23:09
When five vessels were sighted by the regular naval patrol out of Nescia, the fast cutter with them turned for port. The three frigates, meanwhile, stood into potential danger towards the foreign vessels. Reinforcements would be along shortly. Until then, they had to hope the enemy weren't hostile. However, they knew their duty.

As they came closer to the foreign vessels, they saw that they matched the description that had been passed on of Caladonnian warships. The crews became a little tense. However, their instructions were clear - that if contact were made with Caladonnians, Incognitians would not fire the first shot.

The frigates hove-to, and prepared signals to follow into harbour, assuming the foreigner's intentions were peaceful.
The Caladonnians were tense, but committed to keep this encounter peaceful if possible. A white flag was raised next to the Caladonn silver and green, and the ships sailed into harbour. The marines lined the decks, though their bows were down, and a diplomat arrayed in brilliant white stood on the quarterdeck of the lead vessel, ready to come ashore if possible.
17-02-2006, 23:14
OOC: Since this is my main thread I'll post this here even though it doesn't have anything to do with TI.

IC: The Imperial Senate has today announced that now that the west has been colonised up to the borders of other nations, the north, south and east will be brought into Caladonning rule.

A large colonisation party has landed on the north shore of the southern continent, at a place called Helecon, and established a colonial town of the same name. Explorers have been sent out to the south, and new colonies are planned.

To the north a similar expedition has been sent out, which has encountered the same success. To the east, several small exploratory fleets have departed, to map out the multiple islands in the area.
18-02-2006, 03:46
(ooc: stupid tools. Here come my small group of ships to explore the continent. They have arrived at the Galapagos.)

Three small ships made their way steadily northward. Along the way they had seen a few small villages of primative tribes, but nothing indicating a civilization. Many days had gone by, and they began to wonder if there was any other nations in this world.

Then one night as they passed by an area that during the day they had seen a group of islands just on the horizon. After night fell, a call went out from the lookout. "Fire! Captain I can see fire coming from those islands." The crew all looked out port side, and sure enough just visible in the distance were dim lights. "Turn to port, head for those islands and lets see who is there." The Captain ordered as the ship swung around and the other two followed suit.

By all luck they would make it there by morning.
18-02-2006, 16:43
Fort Galapon was recently constructed- though the Galapan Islands were one of the first to be colonised in Caladonn's outward sprawl, it was still quite new. The newly finished lighthouse gleamed out over the waves, and then, suddenly, it gleamed over something else... a ship. Not a Caladonnian ship, to be sure.

The alarm rang out from the Citadel, and soon five caravels were cutting through the water, their crews at the ready and the guns rumbling out ominously. Commodore Evenal, in command of the naval forces for the Galapans, was not taking any chances, even if these ships were peaceful.
Terror Incognitia
19-02-2006, 19:12
With the Caladonnian ships docked, a small party of Marines escorted Earl Franz down to the dock. Nothing intimidating, just a few bodyguards. The Caladonnians would be fools to try anything here, after all.

A man dressed in white seemed the likely choice for the diplomat, and the small party marched towards that vessel. A gangway had been placed as part of the docking process, and they halted short of the docks end of that.

"Welcome, in the name of the High Seneschal and Consilium, to Terror Incognitia. If your intentions are peaceful, they shall be matched like for like."
20-02-2006, 15:17
With the Caladonnian ships docked, a small party of Marines escorted Earl Franz down to the dock. Nothing intimidating, just a few bodyguards. The Caladonnians would be fools to try anything here, after all.

A man dressed in white seemed the likely choice for the diplomat, and the small party marched towards that vessel. A gangway had been placed as part of the docking process, and they halted short of the docks end of that.

"Welcome, in the name of the High Seneschal and Consilium, to Terror Incognitia. If your intentions are peaceful, they shall be matched like for like."
The diplomat vaguely understood the Terror Incognitian language, it was probably related to Polynesian. He replied, "Greetings from Caladonn. I have come with full diplomatic powers to negotiate a peace settlement between our peoples. The recent skirmish between our forces was regrettable, and hopefully we can put it behind us."
Terror Incognitia
20-02-2006, 23:55
"Welcome. If you would follow me, I will escort you to the Council Hall, where the High Seneschal will, I am sure, be pleased to give you audience. We, too, regret that we came into conflict, and I am sure your offer of peac will find receptive ears."

With that the Marines formed up ready to march, and Earl Franz waited at the base of the gangplank for the Caladonnian diplomat.

"Ah may bring an escort. We are happy for the remainder of your men to come ashore; however only in small groups, and no firearms."
21-02-2006, 04:44
"Welcome. If you would follow me, I will escort you to the Council Hall, where the High Seneschal will, I am sure, be pleased to give you audience. We, too, regret that we came into conflict, and I am sure your offer of peace will find receptive ears."

With that the Marines formed up ready to march, and Earl Franz waited at the base of the gangplank for the Caladonnian diplomat.

"Ah may bring an escort. We are happy for the remainder of your men to come ashore; however only in small groups, and no firearms."
"Thank you. I am quite interested in learning more about your curious land. If you would be so kind as to tell me some of the basic points of your civilisation as we walk, I would be much obliged."

The diplomat followed the Incognitian, and behind her marched a Decury of Caladonnian marines, their longbows strung but thrown over their shoulders, their swords loose in their scabbards.
21-02-2006, 05:25
ooc: you know how there are rules against tagging threads? that would be SO much more effective if the thread tools worked reliably ... after working for the first time ever in a thread i got told off for tagging in.. they now don't again.

so: this is deffinatly not me tagging this thread for knowledge of what is going on in the pt world.. nope.. not at all.
Terror Incognitia
21-02-2006, 18:27
"Well, our nation was founded many centuries ago by a lost Roman merchant. He set up this city, Nescia, and from here the nation expanded across the archipelago.

We are now ruled by the High Seneschal; he is advised by the Council, which is made up of the greatest traders, generals and admirals, and nobles of the day. Some power is held by the Consilium, a broader, elected body, which represents the nation at large.

We are very much a trading nation, and are always interested in new trading partners.

Now what of your nation? For we know little of Caladonn, but would understand you better."
21-02-2006, 20:20
The ships approaching the small fleet was evidence enough that they were right about the inhabitants of the island. The crews rigged their sails to slow them down. A shout came from the Hyren ships, "We come in peace, take us to your leader!" (lol)
21-02-2006, 23:09
"Well, our nation was founded many centuries ago by a lost Roman merchant. He set up this city, Nescia, and from here the nation expanded across the archipelago.

We are now ruled by the High Seneschal; he is advised by the Council, which is made up of the greatest traders, generals and admirals, and nobles of the day. Some power is held by the Consilium, a broader, elected body, which represents the nation at large.

We are very much a trading nation, and are always interested in new trading partners.

Now what of your nation? For we know little of Caladonn, but would understand you better."
"I see, that's very interesting. We have met with the Romans earlier, in Kirisubo.

Your system of government is peculiar. Caladonn is ruled by the Imperial Senate, who elect two Consuls every ten years. The Senate is elected from the citizens of Caladonn.

Caladonn is also heavily based on trade, internal and external, mainly maritime. Our nation was united from the nine Dukedoms by the great first Consul Aramil Calad. Since then our nation has developed rapidly into a rising imperial power. We have colonised the major island chains in the western Pacific Ocean."
21-02-2006, 23:21
The ships approaching the small fleet was evidence enough that they were right about the inhabitants of the island. The crews rigged their sails to slow them down. A shout came from the Hyren ships, "We come in peace, take us to your leader!" (lol)
Captain Gamalcon ordered the squadron to heave-to, and the Captain replied, "Greetings, welcome to Caladonn. We shall escort you back to Port Canlar."
Terror Incognitia
21-02-2006, 23:45
"For obvious reasons, we would not consider our system peculiar. Your system has superficial similarities to the system of Rome before the time of emperors, the change which our founder fled.

Ah, this is the Council Hall."

Franz strode on past Marines who snapped to attention as they passed, towards the High Seneschal's chambers.
On reaching the inner sanctum, the guards would not simply pass even an Earl and Knight of the Realm. Franz asked them to take a message in of who was with him, and a lackey swiftly appeared to usher them in.
22-02-2006, 01:34
"Well, though our system does have similarities to that of Rome, it is inherently far more representative than your own. We do not give undue power to any group, such as your merchants have."
Terror Incognitia
22-02-2006, 18:54
"The High Seneschal will see you now."

The Earl and the Caladonnian diplomat were ushered in; the escort left gently outside; and greeted by the High Seneschal, sitting behind his desk. A young, vigorous man, he did not look at home with paperwork. However, that was what he was doing.

He rose from his seat, and came across to welcome the diplomat.
"Greetings. I am aware there unfortunate encounter...between my Navy and that of your nation. However, I would prefer that our nations walk the path of peace; I assume, due to your presence, that your rulers think the same. So, let us talk."
23-02-2006, 04:38
"The High Seneschal will see you now."

The Earl and the Caladonnian diplomat were ushered in; the escort left gently outside; and greeted by the High Seneschal, sitting behind his desk. A young, vigorous man, he did not look at home with paperwork. However, that was what he was doing.

He rose from his seat, and came across to welcome the diplomat.
"Greetings. I am aware there unfortunate encounter...between my Navy and that of your nation. However, I would prefer that our nations walk the path of peace; I assume, due to your presence, that your rulers think the same. So, let us talk."
"Greetings," the diplomat said as she bowed. "Yes, that was unfortunate, but let us put that behind us. The Imperial Republic of Caladonn wishes to establish relations with your country; trade most certainly, as well as diplomatic. An alliance may possibly even be in order. Though we are separated by the Pacific, these are very turbulent times. We have heard tell of the hairy barbarians to the north attacking those of Aust to the south, as well as the rise of a mainland empire in Cathay."
Terror Incognitia
23-02-2006, 18:33
"We are open to trade, and if your Republic is offering open trade, that should require little more negotiation."

"The invasion of Aust is something we have been concerned by. We have allied ourselves with Aust, and are confident of success in repulsing it. However, it comes not in isolation, but as part of a growing trend to expansionism and aggressive foreign policy.
As a matter of principle we aim to maintain peaceful relations with any nation that does not threaten us and wishes to be at peace; so establishing diplomatic relations with your country meets with my approval.
As for an alliance, I would find that acceptable, dependent upon the terms of the agreement. If allied with you, I would help defend you, but not commit to joining you in wars of conquest, for example.
Would this be acceptable to your Senate? Would you need further discussion, and more knowledge of our nation, before making such a commitment?"
23-02-2006, 19:18
The Hyren ships entered the harbor and anchored. The leader of the expedition, a Naroomese by the name of Wence, left the ship to talk to the leader of the inhabitants. Running into someone who looked like a guard or garrison soldier he asked, "Excuse me can you direct me to the leader of these islands?"
25-02-2006, 03:20
"We are open to trade, and if your Republic is offering open trade, that should require little more negotiation."

"The invasion of Aust is something we have been concerned by. We have allied ourselves with Aust, and are confident of success in repulsing it. However, it comes not in isolation, but as part of a growing trend to expansionism and aggressive foreign policy.
As a matter of principle we aim to maintain peaceful relations with any nation that does not threaten us and wishes to be at peace; so establishing diplomatic relations with your country meets with my approval.
As for an alliance, I would find that acceptable, dependent upon the terms of the agreement. If allied with you, I would help defend you, but not commit to joining you in wars of conquest, for example.
Would this be acceptable to your Senate? Would you need further discussion, and more knowledge of our nation, before making such a commitment?"
"Excellent. It seems a foregone conclusion that trade will both strengthen our nations and bring them together.

This Austian war has also concerned us. We know little of the barbaric Frozopians and strange Ostians, but the Kirisubans seem civilized. As this war is across the entire Pacific from us, it would seem that the best policy would be one of armed neutrality.

However, recent events have made it seem that Caladonn should perhaps have a less passive voice in foreign affairs. We are waiting to see developments, and may perhaps join this war.

Therefore, if the Senate concludes that it would be best for us to join this war, then we will sign an alliance with you immediately; however, if they decide that neutrality is best continued, then at the end of this war we will sign such a pact with you.

As for its terms, we are open to suggestions."
25-02-2006, 03:25
The Hyren ships entered the harbor and anchored. The leader of the expedition, a Naroomese by the name of Wence, left the ship to talk to the leader of the inhabitants. Running into someone who looked like a guard or garrison soldier he asked, "Excuse me can you direct me to the leader of these islands?"
The Legionary looked at the newcomer strangely, but his language resembled Incan and could be understood. He led the stranger to the Commandant of the fort's office. The Commandant rose and bowed to the foreigner, before resuming his seat and gesturing for the barbarian to pull up a chair. He placed his plumed helmet on a hook and said, "Greetings, sir. Port Canlar is the southernmost major city of the Galapan Islands, ruled by Proconsul Hamindar. The Galapans are a colony of the Imperial Republic of Caladonn, a nation to the northeast of here. Who are you and where have you come from?"
25-02-2006, 06:32
"My name is Wence. I am an explorer from the Twin Thrones of Hyr far to the south at the very bottom of the world. Our people have lived inside themselves for countless centuries, but now we seek to rediscover the world we left. We discovered your islands while travelling north along the coastline, and so would like to introduce my people to you and find out about your people."
25-02-2006, 22:22
"My name is Wence. I am an explorer from the Twin Thrones of Hyr far to the south at the very bottom of the world. Our people have lived inside themselves for countless centuries, but now we seek to rediscover the world we left. We discovered your islands while travelling north along the coastline, and so would like to introduce my people to you and find out about your people."
"Welcome then, Wence. We have never met a nation from so far to the south.

If you wish I can provide you with escort to the Caladonnian homeland, where you could see more of our land and meet the Senate for an official arrangement."
25-02-2006, 23:11
"That would be very welcome. Thank you Commandant."
Terror Incognitia
26-02-2006, 22:00
"We felt that for the sake of stability in the region, we could not afford to have Aust fall to the Northern, or Triple alliance. It would have rather cramped our style, to have them on both sides.

We would welcome your nation as allies. We are happy to pass you intelligence of the war; and can arrange for you to send a message home and remain here, so that word of a successful truce and trade agreement can reach your home while you await further word of the war.

On the terms of any alliance, we would think probably in terms of mutual defence, and not allying with each others enemies. I would certainly be unwilling, and I can see your Senate equally not wishing, to commit beforehand to aiding wars of expansion. We would probably feel honour-bound to assist you in any major conflict, but we would not wish to lock ourselves into helping you conquer and occupy other lands."
26-02-2006, 22:03
"That would be very welcome. Thank you Commandant."
The Commandant nodded, and gave off a string of orders. Two Caladonnian sloops were quickly readied for departure, and weighed anchor with the ships from Hyr later that day.

(OOC: Using fluid time, the ships now arrive after a short sea voyage in Calad, Caladonn)

The White spires of Calad came over the horizon just as the sun came up, and even the Caladonnians who had seen this sight many times were awed. The great Sea Gate of Calad, made of white stone, opened before them, and the ships came into the high-walled Outer Harbour. Alert guards clad in silver mail and bearing strung longbows patrolled the walls, while below teeming crowds of elves jostled along the streets as merchants made transactions, sailors bragged of their exploits, schoolchildren recited verses of history, and the life of the bustling Imperial Capital moved on.

The double set of gates of the Inner Harbour opened to admit the small squadron, and the proud bows of no less than fifty Caladonnian warships could be seen, some under construction and others being repaired. The vessels finally docked at the far end of the Harbour, where on the steps a welcoming committee awaited the Hyr.
Oda noh Nobunaga
27-02-2006, 17:41
ooc: taggy-swaggy, yo-hay!
03-03-2006, 21:37
03-03-2006, 23:01
The Hyren ships sailed into the harbor and docked. Wence lead the others off of the ships to the welcoming committee waiting for them. Wence met the greeters with his explorers and archers behind him. They crossed their arms over their chest and bowed deeply in greeting and respect. "I am Wence of Hyr, I am most humbled and honored to have entered your awe inspiring capital."
04-03-2006, 23:28
The Hyren ships sailed into the harbor and docked. Wence lead the others off of the ships to the welcoming committee waiting for them. Wence met the greeters with his explorers and archers behind him. They crossed their arms over their chest and bowed deeply in greeting and respect. "I am Wence of Hyr, I am most humbled and honored to have entered your awe inspiring capital."
The delegation bowed in return. A tall elf in white stepped forwardafterwards and said, "I am Etanar, Imperial Senator of the Republic. I welcome you to Caladonn on behalf of our people. If you would be so kind as to follow us, we can lead you to your quarters. The Senate is not currently in session, but will convene in two days. Until you recieve an audience with them I will be your guide around our city if you wish."
05-03-2006, 00:55
(ooc: Incase you havn't taken a peek at the pics in my thread, here is what the type of hyren you are meeting looks like: Naroomese Hyren ( I like to think of them as elf-like so they should get on quite well :) )

Wence and the hyren walked along with their hosts. "Thank you. It has been quite a long voyage thus far, a rest would be most welcome. If you have time later we would very much like to see some of the city. It is beautiful, how old is it?"
05-03-2006, 01:54
05-03-2006, 05:26
(ooc: Incase you havn't taken a peek at the pics in my thread, here is what the type of hyren you are meeting looks like: Naroomese Hyren ( I like to think of them as elf-like so they should get on quite well :) )

Wence and the hyren walked along with their hosts. "Thank you. It has been quite a long voyage thus far, a rest would be most welcome. If you have time later we would very much like to see some of the city. It is beautiful, how old is it?"
OOC: Ok, thanks. This should work out well, you're right.

IC: "Of course. It is getting a bit late tonight- in the Harbour District business continues at all hours, but after a long voyage I'm sure you want some rest. I will lead you to your quarters for now, and then tomorrow I would be honoured to give you a tour of Calad.

Ah, the age of Calad? Our modern scholars place it at around 2,300 years old, definitely the oldest city in Caladonn. Legend holds it was founded by the falcon-child, Aramil and his two brothers."

The Senator stopped speaking as they arrived at a well-appointed whitestone house in the Imperial Quarter. A Guard saluted as they passed inside.

"Now here we are at your quarters. If there is anything you need do not hesitate to ask- understandably you may be unfamiliar with our customs. I will see you tomorrow morning, goodbye for now."

With that the Senator strode off.
Terror Incognitia
05-03-2006, 19:39
OOC: Maybe you think our negotiations are finished. Otherwise, b_u_m_p

"We felt that for the sake of stability in the region, we could not afford to have Aust fall to the Northern, or Triple alliance. It would have rather cramped our style, to have them on both sides.

We would welcome your nation as allies. We are happy to pass you intelligence of the war; and can arrange for you to send a message home and remain here, so that word of a successful truce and trade agreement can reach your home while you await further word of the war.

On the terms of any alliance, we would think probably in terms of mutual defence, and not allying with each others enemies. I would certainly be unwilling, and I can see your Senate equally not wishing, to commit beforehand to aiding wars of expansion. We would probably feel honour-bound to assist you in any major conflict, but we would not wish to lock ourselves into helping you conquer and occupy other lands."
07-03-2006, 00:29
OOC: Sorry, forgot to reply to that. I pretty much agree with you but I'll restate it here.

"That seems excellent. For the moment we are wary of joining in the west Pacific war, but it is still an option."
Terror Incognitia
07-03-2006, 00:37
OOC: np. I forget stuff as well. I now don't want this to go too far, given the impending diplomatic revolution with Frozopia (see my thread...)
19-03-2006, 01:23
The next day was spent touring the magnificant city, its white towers soaring over them. Wence and his group thanked the Senator for his time and returned to their quarters, tomorrow they were scheduled to meet with the senate.
20-03-2006, 22:36
The next day was spent touring the magnificant city, its white towers soaring over them. Wence and his group thanked the Senator for his time and returned to their quarters, tomorrow they were scheduled to meet with the senate.
OOC: Good to have this going again.

IC: The day dawned cool and clear, and soon after sunrise the Senator came to meet the Hyren ambassadors. Today was the day they would meet with the Senate.

The Senator and his companions ascended the streets of Calad, tier after tier, until they finally came to the Seventh Tier and the great Gate of Valaton. The guards ushered them through, and they climbed up the stairs of the Citadel till they reached the top.

This was the Senate chamber, the heart of Caladonn. In the center rose a huge white pillar, which was actually the base of the Tower of Ecthelion that extended above the Citadel. Between the Tower and the edge of the Citadel's floor were huge sheets of glass, making a gigantic dome over the heads of the Senators.

For the size of the room, the 100 Senators were dwarfed by comparison. Each had his seat, arrayed in circles from the center. In a balcony from the central pillar was the Rostrum, the podium adorned with a captured prow of an enemy warship from ages past. Atop the Rostrum stood one of the Senators, making a speech. He stopped when the Hyren entered, and the Sentators rose and bowed. One said, "Greetings. I am Senator Princeps Amirian Qualendar, the leader of the Senate. I bade you welcome to our nation."
Terror Incognitia
20-03-2006, 23:19
Due to the sheer distance of Caladonn from Incognitia, the messenger sloop sent this way, one of several, was only just approaching it's destination. They had not yet sighted land, but they knew they were closer than they had been for some time now, as the birds were more numerous, and of types only found so far from land.
They carried news, though it was old news by now where they had come from; and a diplomatic offer. They hoped the Caladonnians would prove receptive.
23-03-2006, 04:01
Due to the sheer distance of Caladonn from Incognitia, the messenger sloop sent this way, one of several, was only just approaching it's destination. They had not yet sighted land, but they knew they were closer than they had been for some time now, as the birds were more numerous, and of types only found so far from land.
They carried news, though it was old news by now where they had come from; and a diplomatic offer. They hoped the Caladonnians would prove receptive.
A patrolling Frigate sighted the Incognitian vessel and brought the allied ship in to land at the western port of Helarcir, where the diplomats were led up to see the Governor. He inquired about their business so far from home.
Terror Incognitia
23-03-2006, 19:12
"Well, sir. Our Government has reached a very important decision, and decided that all our allies and friends should be informed.
That is, that we have joined the alliance which is invading Aust.
It is not expected that your nation will aid us in this war. However, the treaty between our nations means that our diplomacy affects yours; so this change in our stance might affect decisions by your rulers."
23-03-2006, 23:51
"Well, sir. Our Government has reached a very important decision, and decided that all our allies and friends should be informed.
That is, that we have joined the alliance which is invading Aust.
It is not expected that your nation will aid us in this war. However, the treaty between our nations means that our diplomacy affects yours; so this change in our stance might affect decisions by your rulers."
"This is interesting. Caladonn will remain neutral, but I thank you for bringing us this news."
Terror Incognitia
23-03-2006, 23:55
"Thank you. As the first Incognitians (or so we believe) in Caladonn, we are intending to remain, to become better acquainted with your nation, and represent our government to yours. Will this be acceptable?"
25-03-2006, 04:19
"Thank you. As the first Incognitians (or so we believe) in Caladonn, we are intending to remain, to become better acquainted with your nation, and represent our government to yours. Will this be acceptable?"
"That is fine. If you wish, you can take up permanent residence in the Diplomatic Quarter."
Terror Incognitia
25-03-2006, 12:45
"That would be most kind. Further news from our homeland may arrive at any time; until then I would be interested to meet some of your traders about the possiblities of trade between us."
26-03-2006, 17:59
"That would be most kind. Further news from our homeland may arrive at any time; until then I would be interested to meet some of your traders about the possiblities of trade between us."
"No problem, it is the least we can do.

I will lead you to the Mercantile Quarter tomorrow if you wish to converse with our merchants."
Terror Incognitia
26-03-2006, 23:51
OOC: Can we skip to 'tomorrow' then?

IC: "Thank you. I am sure you will be able to recommend those merchants who will be best able to trade with us, saving me much time."
27-03-2006, 23:16
OOC: Can we skip to 'tomorrow' then?

IC: "Thank you. I am sure you will be able to recommend those merchants who will be best able to trade with us, saving me much time."
OOC: Sure.

IC: The next day the Incognitians were escorted through the city to the great hall of the mercantile quarter. There they met Aramanth, the Guildmaster of the Merchants, as well as five of the other higher-ups.
Terror Incognitia
28-03-2006, 00:01
"Good sirs, I speak for Incognitia; though we are very distant from you, we wish to trade with your nation.
My people have trading links across the Western parts of the great ocean, and beyond; and so have a great variety and quantity of goods to trade; and so I ask you, what i in particular demand in these parts, to merit the vast journey?"
28-03-2006, 21:51
"Good sirs, I speak for Incognitia; though we are very distant from you, we wish to trade with your nation.
My people have trading links across the Western parts of the great ocean, and beyond; and so have a great variety and quantity of goods to trade; and so I ask you, what i in particular demand in these parts, to merit the vast journey?"
"Hmmm," the High Guildmaster said. "Caladonn has many products available- it is what has made us the hub of American trade. In addition, though the journey between our lands is long, it is dotted with Caladonnian colonies meaning that there is little need for the stocks that are usually required for such a distant voyage.

But now, to trade. Caladonn produces its singular whitestone, harder than granite yet as beautiful as Marble. If you'll notice the entirety of Calad is built out of this; that is why it has been dubbed 'The White City.' Furthermore, Caladonnians are arguably the world's greatest shipwrights, both commercial and naval. The tall trees from Veneslar (Venezuela) to the south allow us to construct vast ships with multiple decks. Continuing in the construction theme Caladonn produces fine metalwork- though not equal to the products I have mentioned, it is still quite important to the Caladonnian economy."
Terror Incognitia
28-03-2006, 22:31
"We ourselves are the centre for trade in the West of the great ocean, so we also have many products to offer.
We will be interested in this whitestone, I think, though transporting it in any great quantity may be difficult.
Our shipwrights are also well known; and we obtain high quality timber from Kilani, which is much closer to us; however we would be interested in an exchange of shipwrights, and possibly of ships also; we probably both have things to learn, and may be able to help one another.
Our practical metalwork is of a high quality, in everything from swords, to ploughshares, back to cannon, however in fine metalwork we have much to learn, and much demand.
We will have much cloth to trade, from our manufactories, of every conceivable quality.

Use of your colonies as stopping places could make trade between us far more profitable than otherwise."
01-04-2006, 17:27
"We ourselves are the centre for trade in the West of the great ocean, so we also have many products to offer.
We will be interested in this whitestone, I think, though transporting it in any great quantity may be difficult.
Our shipwrights are also well known; and we obtain high quality timber from Kilani, which is much closer to us; however we would be interested in an exchange of shipwrights, and possibly of ships also; we probably both have things to learn, and may be able to help one another.
Our practical metalwork is of a high quality, in everything from swords, to ploughshares, back to cannon, however in fine metalwork we have much to learn, and much demand.
We will have much cloth to trade, from our manufactories, of every conceivable quality.

Use of your colonies as stopping places could make trade between us far more profitable than otherwise."
"Excellent. Whitestone might be difficult to transport, but we have some very large trading ships thta could carry a significant amount.

I'm sure a ship technology exchange would be very beneficial. Our metalwork mainly focuses on the practical as well, but we do have a significant fine metalwork industry that would supply your needs.

Caladonn does not have a very developed cloth industry, which could be a very worthwhile import.

I'm sure that the colonies would certainly aid in trade. Our ships can be resupplied at each, and they do form something of a string of archipelagoes between our lands. Our navy can keep the area free of pirates."
Terror Incognitia
01-04-2006, 18:26
"So it looks as though our trade will primarily be cloths for fine metalworks and whitestone; and an exchange of ships and maritime technology. I am however uncertain, as to whether it would be better to exchange ships or shipwrights. Probably both."
03-04-2006, 00:53
"So it looks as though our trade will primarily be cloths for fine metalworks and whitestone; and an exchange of ships and maritime technology. I am however uncertain, as to whether it would be better to exchange ships or shipwrights. Probably both."
"Yes, that seems reasonable."
Terror Incognitia
03-04-2006, 15:55
"In that case I am sure that we can finalise the details another time; meanwhile I can send word home, and the trade can begin to flow.
While our navy cannot guarantee the safety of any ships sailing to us at the moment, until the Austian navy is neutralised, we doubt they would attack simple traders, and will welcome any traders from your nation who choose to make the journey."
03-04-2006, 17:08
"In that case I am sure that we can finalise the details another time; meanwhile I can send word home, and the trade can begin to flow.
While our navy cannot guarantee the safety of any ships sailing to us at the moment, until the Austian navy is neutralised, we doubt they would attack simple traders, and will welcome any traders from your nation who choose to make the journey."
"Our merchants are equipped to defend themselves against pirates and the like, and can outrun many naval ships. West Indiamen, in fact, are often used as decoy Ships of the Line in wartime."

OOC: Terror, is some ship going to arrive to tell me that Kirisubo is under attack? I'd like to get in on that...
Terror Incognitia
03-04-2006, 17:52
OOC: Strictly speaking, my nation doesn't know Kirisubo is under attack yet ICily. You'll know ASAP after I do.

IC: "In that case your merchantmen will be safe enough; and peaceful traders are always welcome in our ports. If they wait a while, we may be able to come to an arrangement on customs; but if they are prepared to pay the standard dues they could sail today."
05-04-2006, 21:52
OOC: Strictly speaking, my nation doesn't know Kirisubo is under attack yet ICily. You'll know ASAP after I do.

IC: "In that case your merchantmen will be safe enough; and peaceful traders are always welcome in our ports. If they wait a while, we may be able to come to an arrangement on customs; but if they are prepared to pay the standard dues they could sail today."
OOC: Okay then.

IC: "Very well, that will work nicely."
Terror Incognitia
05-04-2006, 22:46
"And of course, if you want to send escorts with your merchantmen, or ships of exploration and colonisation, they will be most welcome in our lands.
(OOC: Possible opening for a smallish force to come over before I can tell you ICily what is going on?)
06-04-2006, 20:29
"And of course, if you want to send escorts with your merchantmen, or ships of exploration and colonisation, they will be most welcome in our lands.
(OOC: Possible opening for a smallish force to come over before I can tell you ICily what is going on?)
OOC: Okay, I was thinking it would be faster not to send a squadron traversing the Pacific, but since you still don't seem to know about the war this seems like a good strategy.

IC: "That would work out nicely. We will send convoys of merchantmen soon enough, but we can dispatch an exploration fleet immediately. They may also re-establish contact with Kirisubo, a nation to your north that we have met before."
Terror Incognitia
06-04-2006, 22:00
"Kirisubo are an ally of ours; we would be most supportive of two of our allies establishing firm relations between each other.

In that case, unless you have any further business, that concludes everything I wished to discuss."
09-04-2006, 02:59
"Kirisubo are an ally of ours; we would be most supportive of two of our allies establishing firm relations between each other.

In that case, unless you have any further business, that concludes everything I wished to discuss."
"That is good. We may actually ally with Kirisubo if it seems opportune in the future.

I do not believe there is anything else we need to discuss... however, I would be honoured if you would remain in Calad in case anything else comes up. One of you can perhaps join the convoy heading to Terror soon, to facilitate trade."
Terror Incognitia
10-04-2006, 15:58
"We were planning that I would remain here, along with my ship. My second in command could go with your expedition. You should have no particular problems in Incognitia, but he may be able to smooth your path somewhat."
10-04-2006, 22:30
"We were planning that I would remain here, along with my ship. My second in command could go with your expedition. You should have no particular problems in Incognitia, but he may be able to smooth your path somewhat."
"Very well, that will work out nicely."

The next day, the convoy departed Calad to travel to Terror Incognitia.
Terror Incognitia
10-04-2006, 22:37
Though Caladonn was very far away; nonetheless their closest colonies were a matter of days rather than weeks sail away. At each one they could find, the sloops that had been sent were passing a message to the local military commander, or civilian administrator.
"Our ally Kirisubo has been invaded by Aust, and almost certainly by the Han Chinese as well.
We are giving them all possible aid in their time of need.
Any assistance that your great nation felt able to offer would be most appreciated at this time."
The message would take time to reach Calad itself. But it would be spread by many hands, and some of them would find the fastest route.
11-04-2006, 20:47
As soon as the message reached Caladonn's westernmost major naval base, their fastest ship was sent out to tell the news. Meanwhile, Admiral Cenior, as commander of the entire West Fleet, ordered a great mustering to begin. He had little doubt that the Senate would aid Caladonn's allies; after all, that was what an alliance stipulated.

Hundreds of warships were being gathered, each colony sending their forces as they heard the news.
Terror Incognitia
11-04-2006, 20:51
OOC: :D What sort of land forces, if any, are we looking at here?
14-04-2006, 02:03
OOC: Pretty much no land forces, probably around a couple thousand marines as an amphibious force. A large amount of ships though- I have 20 SOTL of my Western Fleet there, as well as smaller ships, and more coming. I could technically have around 350 SOTL with my population... obviously I don't have anywhere near that, but I'll be producing more as soon as I get word of this.