3rd Sino-Japanese War (E20 RP, closed)
Galveston Bay
09-01-2006, 22:16
China January 1939
8 Mechanized Infantry (6 points)
13 Garrison Units (4 points)
3 Infantry Units (4 points)
5 DW-520 Plane Units (from France)
2 A-20 Bomber Plane Units (from USA)
1 IK-2 Fighter Plane Unit (from Yugoslavia)
7 Pilots
1 Armored Corps (250 Panther and 250 Tiger tanks from France)(8 points)
9 Flak Units (1 point)
3 Anti-Tank Units (1 point)
1 Light Ship Counter (40 Patrol Boats)
25 shipping units
2 airline units
100 production points a year, plus 25 shipping, 4 airlines
(50 factories)
Peking 5
Tientsin 5
Shanghai 5
Canton 5
Hong Kong 5
Changsha 5
Kweijayng 5
Kunming 5
Chungking 3
Chengtu 3
Lanchow 2
Sian 2
1 garrison unit each Peking, Tientsin, Shanghai, Canton, Hong Kong, Changsha, Kwieyang, Kunming, Chungking, Chengtu, Lanchow, Sian, Foochow
1 mechanized corps each Peking, Tientsin, Tsingtao, Canton, Taiyuan
2 mechanized corps at Tsinan, 1 mechanized corps, 1 armored corps at Nanking,
1 infantry corps each Nanning, Lanchow, Chengtu,
2 DW520, 2 A20 Peking, 1 DW520 each Shanghai, Canton, Tsingtao, 1 IL2 Nanking,
1 flak each Peking, Tienstin, Shanghai, Canton, Hong Kong, Changsha, Kunming, Chungking, Sian,
1 AT unit each Nanking, Tsinan, Taiyuan,
1 light ship (Tientsin)
China is hurriedly modernizing its forces. Japan has already done so and is in position to attack
at the start of the blockade, 4 Chinese shipping units are in Chinese ports, the remainder are at sea or in foreign ports.
Galveston Bay
10-01-2006, 01:15
Chronology of events
1933 Imperial China breaks up into segments, the Imperial system collapses, and the Nationalists and Communists vie for control of China. Japan attacks and destroys the Chinese Navy and inflicts heavy damage before withdrawing, and also annexes Hainan. China losses Sinkiang, which becomes Kashgaria, Manchuria, Mongolia (both inner and outer), and Tibet, as well as its Cambodian and Laotian territories, and suffers great economic damage.
This war also marked the intervention of France which sided with the Nationalists and the first mass use of chemical weapons, which caused serious losses (in the millions). Rumania and other Pact states sided with the Nationalists as well, suffering various losses, and the LTA remained neutral, supplying arms to both Nationalist China and Japan.
1934 - 38
the Nationalist government manages to knit together the economy with some assistance from France, and talks continue between the Socialists, Communists and Nationalists. However, the Nationalists are winning at the ballot box by the end of 1938.
November 1938
China and the LTA nations begin talks, and the US and UK allow China to once again purchase arms from them, and also diplomatic relations are repaired.
December 1938
Japan declares martial law
January 1939
Japan declares a blockade of China.
In addition, the Union cuts funds to the Communist party in China.
February 3, 1939 Japan attacks China without issueing a declaration of war. Japanese naval forces are in the South China Sea, North China Sea and Yellow Sea, and carrier and landbased bombers attack Shanghai, Peking, and Tientsin.
The Third Sino Japanese War has begun.
Galveston Bay
10-01-2006, 01:50
GB, please check TG's
Imperial Japanese Navy:
Land and land based forces (Home Islands and Formosa)
3 Marine corps (at Taihoku)
2 Navy land based fighter units (A6M)
5 Navy land based 2-engined naval air units (Nell)
1 Navy 4-engined naval air flying boat unit (Mavis)
1 Navy 4-engined bomber unit (B17A)
9 pilot units
Deployment: 1 fighter (Franks), 2 Frances naval air bombers, 1 Rita heavy bomber at Tanian, 1 fighter (Frank), 3 naval air bombers (Frances) at Sapporo, 1 naval air (flying boat)(Emily) at Tokyo,
Combined Fleet (Home waters)
Main Body (based at Hiroshima)
Carriers: Zuikaku, Hiei, Kongo, Ryuho, Soryu, Shokaku
Battleships: Haruna, Kirishima, Nagato, Mikasa
Heavy Cruisers: Kinguasa, Haguro, Ashigara, Kitsugari, Aoba,
Light Cruisers: Naka, Kimu, Naara
5 Antiaircraft cruisers
50 modernized tech level 6 destroyers (5 light ship units)
10 tech level 6 destroyers (1 light ship unit)
3 carrier fighters (George), 1 carrier torpedo bombers (Jill), 2 carrier dive bombers (Judy), 5 carrier pilots
Striking Force (based at Tokyo)
Carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu,
Battleships: Yamato, Mushashi
Heavy Cruisers: Nachi, Myoko, Furutaka, Kako
Light Cruiser Yubari, Jintsu
10 tech level 6 destroyers (1 light ship unit)
20 modernized tech 6 destroyers (2 light ship units)
10 (1 submarine unit) tech level 6 fleet submarines (I class)
1 carrier fighter (George), 2 carrier torpedo bombers (Jill), 3 carrier pilots
Other forces (based at Nagayo)
80 (8 submarine units) tech level 6 fleet submarines (I class)
40 tech level 5 destroyers (2 light ship units)
8 transport fleet units
30 shipping units
2 amphibious fleet units
3 Battle Ship (Fuso, Yamashiro, Hyugan – Mothballed)
2 Cruisers (Sendai, Kiso – Mothballed)
Imperial Japanese Army
2 x 5 point mountain corps (resource hex Hokkaido)
1 x 5 point garrison unit
1 x 3 point flak unit (Sapporo)
1 x 5 point infantry corps
1 x 3 point flak unit (Taihoku)
1 HQ, 2 x 9 point infantry corps
2 x 8 point infantry corps (Nagoya)
4 x 6 point infantry corps (Fukoku)
1 HQ unit
2 x 12 point armored corps
2 x 12 point mechanized corps (Ominato)
1 HQ, 1 x 3 point field artillery unit
3 x 7 point mechanized corps (Tokyo)
1 x 14 point armored corps (Nagasaki)
4 x 3 point flak units (Hiroshima)
2 x 3 point flak units (Kyoto),
Imperial Japanese Army Air Force
2 x Nakajima G8N Renzan (Rita) strategic bomber units
1 x Yokosuka P1Y Ginga (Frances) bomber unit
1 x Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (Frank) fighter unit at Haikoku
useful reference
World War II US code names and actual designations are used for Japanese aircraft. These aircraft are much more like US aircraft, in that they have armor and self sealing tanks, and are as good as 1944 era US and Union aircraft.
Vas Pokhoronim
10-01-2006, 01:58
Galveston Bay
10-01-2006, 02:00
Japan has complete tactical and strategic surprise against China. Essentially that means Japanese bombing and ground attack strengths are doubled (which means amphibious landings are easier and bombing attacks more deadly).
War starts February 4, 1939, weather is Winter in Arctic and north temperate weather zones, clear in North Monsoon zone.
All Russian ports are frozen in Asia except Vladivostok.
Initial Japanese bombing raids involve extended range unescorted missions against Peking and Tientsin with their Rita heavy bombers, and escorted mission against Shanghai out of Formosa. The Chinese are suprised, and can only scramble one fighter unit at each target and find that their fighters have an attack of 4 and the bombers have defense of 6 (in other words, the bombers are flying high, are armored, well armed, and the Chinese fighters are second rate in comparision and have trouble intercepting). The Chinese lose a DW520 unit over Peking, another over Tientsin, and Japanese fighters destroy another over Shanghai. However, even though the Chinese lose nearly 1500 aircraft in a month, pilot losses are minimal as it is over friendly territory. (in other words 3 fighter units destroyed but no pilots lost).
Japanese losses are a few dozen bombers and fighters (none in game terms).
Japanese bombers get through the flak, with consists of older model 3 inch guns, and do 2 points of damage (out of 5) to Peking, 1 point of damage (out of 5) to Tientsin, and 3 points of damage (out of 5) to Shanghai.
The Chinese lose 6 points of production for their March turn and until those factories are repaired. (Which costs 2 points for each factory and takes a turn, in other words, 12 points)
In IC terms
Japanese bombers raid the heavily populated cities of Tientsin, Shanghai and Peking, dropping their bombs on industrial targets. Although the Chinese claim to shoot down hundreds of Japanese raiders, it is noticed that the Japanese raids continue over the course of the month unabated. The death toll is huge, as the Chinese air raid precuations are still rudimentary and no one is prepared. Nearly 100,000 Chinese civilians die in a month, and serious damage is inflicted on all three cities, severely cutting production in all three of them as well.
The Japanese claim to shoot down 2500 Chinese planes and to have destroyed all three cities.
(ooc, in wartime, claims are always exaggerated)
Vas Pokhoronim
10-01-2006, 02:02
Er, sorry. I meant to say 万歳!!!!!
Galveston Bay
10-01-2006, 04:05
Avialable points China has
however, modify the Chinese point total down by 6 points a turn for the remainder of the year or until repairs can be made.
Committed Japanese spending
Japan, take away 10 points to your year start figure, or 2 points a turn from March on.
The US government harshly condemns the bombing of Chinese cities and the unprovoked Japanese attack. An immediate embargo is placed on the sale of oil, steel and coal to Japan (ooc, which costs you 10 points right away).
The US uses those 10 points to place 5 pilot units into training, which will become available January 1940
China decides to build the following (for the first 2 "turns")
2 HQ units and 1 field artillery unit in January / Feburary.
3 infantry corps in March / April.
China orders all Chinese merchant ships in foreign or international waters to seek refuge at LTA ports (21 shipping units seek refuge, while 4 are stuck in China by Japan)
Vas Pokhoronim
10-01-2006, 05:17
The US government harshly condemns the bombing of Chinese cities and the unprovoked Japanese attack. An immediate embargo is placed on the sale of oil, steel and coal to Japan (ooc, which costs you 10 points right away).
The US uses those 10 points to place 5 pilot units into training, which will become available January 1940
The Union takes up the slack - we have a longstanding trade agreement with Nippon anyway. Have the ten points back.
Galveston Bay
10-01-2006, 06:45
American B25s out of the Philippines keep a close eye on the Japanese with airborne radar, while American submarines maintain a steady patrol in the South China Sea. American planes out of Guam, Truk, Kwajalien and Hawaii maintain a steady patrol as well.
American shipping bound for China and Vietnam is ordered into Manila Bay to be escorted the rest of the way to Vietnamese ports by destroyer escorts of the 7th Fleet.
Galveston Bay
10-01-2006, 07:01
The Japanese also launch a massive air raid from their Striking Force against the Chinese Navy at Tientsin. The Chinese scramble their fighters, but are outclassed and shot out of the skies, or destroyed on the ground. Dive bombers and torpedo planes sink or destroy nearly every one of the 30 patrol boats in the harbor, while the rest, scattered around the Chinese coast, meet similar fates.
The Chinese Navy is no more.
The Japanese lose 30 aircraft to flak and fighters, but shoot down or destroy 400 Chinese fighters on the ground or in the air in a week. Tientsin harbor is badly damaged as well, and 500,000 tons of shipping is sunk in the harbor.
Meanwhile, a similar series of strikes hits Hong Kong, Canton and Shanghai, and 1,500,000 tons of Chinese shipping is sunk over the course of the month. Port facilities are damaged, and tens of thousands of Chinese civilians are killed by bombs and fires.
Not even fishing boats are safe, and China is once again denied access to the seas.
Meanwhile, the battleships of the Combined fleet, begin bombarding the beaches near Canton. The Japanese invade with 4 divisions, and in spite of heavy and desperate Chinese resistance, get ashore. Japanese losses are heavy as well, but they manage to take Canton and cut off Hong Kong from the rest of China. In two weeks, over a million Japanese soldiers land, and the in further fighting, take Hong Kong as well.
China losses 1 IK2 fighter unit, 1 light ship unit, 4 shipping units, 2 garrison units, 2 flak units, 1 mechanized corps. In addition, all 10 production points out of Hong Kong and Canton are lost (and to use them, Japan will have to fix them at a cost of 60 points for all 10).
Japan losses 2 marine corps destroyed, 1 carrier torpedo bomber lost (Judy dive bomber), and the Shokaku needs to return home to rebuild its air group.
Chinese civilian losses to date: 1 million killed or missing, military losses 250,000 dead or missing.
Japanese losses: 40,000 dead or missing
The Japanese are ashore at Canton and Hong Kong with 1 x 5 point Marine Corps, 2 x 8 point infantry corps, 3 x 7 point mechanized corps, 1 HQ, and 1 artillery unit.
Lesser Ribena
10-01-2006, 17:15
British ships from the RN's Pacific Fleet increase patrols in British and international waters, steering clear of Japanese areas. British, Commonwealth and LTA ships are accompanied by destroyers and cruisers wherever possible on trade routes near to the area of conflict. A number of reconnaissence flights are made from aircraft carriers in the area, non of them straying from international waters.
British submarines also increase activities and patrols around the area are stepped up. All merchant navy vessels are informed of the need to show the British flag as much as possible ot avoid any misunderstandings.
The British consulates at Hong Kong and Canton are ordered to destroy any secret documents in their possession (they would probably have done this at the first indication of an invasion).
Galveston Bay
10-01-2006, 18:18
March April 1939
The weather is clear except in the Arctic where it is mud. All Russian ports are now open for shipping. The Chinese have the initiative and go first.
Chinese losses to date
1 light ship, 4 shipping units, 3 DW520 fighter units, 1 IK2 fighter unit, 2 garrison units, 1 mechanized corps, 2 flak units,
Canton, Hong Kong have fallen (10 factories lost)
Peking has 2 damaged factories, Tientsin has 1 damaged factory and Shanghai has 3 damaged factories.
Leaves China with 34 factories or 68% of their production. Giving them 8 points which they use to purchase 3 infantry corps and a fighter unit (P47) from the US (these units show up in May)
Remaining Factories: Peking 3, Tientsin 4, Shanghai 2, Changsha 5, Kweijayng 5, Kunming 5, Chungking 3, Chengtu 3, Lanchow 2, Sian 2
China has 6 rail moves, and uses them to evacuate 4 factories from Tientsin and 2 from Shanghai. 3 will go to Lanchow, and 3 will go to Chengtu. However, they will not resume production until September 1939 (3 turns).
The Chinese concentrate their forces in the north, shifting mechanized corps from Peking, Tientsin, Taiyuan and Tsingtao to Peking and Taiyuan, and shifting a garrison unit from Peking to Tientsin. The Army group around Shanghai also shifts, moving to Changsha (2 mechanized corps) and just east of it (1 mechanized, 1 armored corps). The garrison at Changsha moves into the mountain hex east of Foochow, giving the Chinese a line of sorts.
The Japanese have landed where the Chinese are weakest, and it will take weeks for the Chinese to get into position to counterattack. The Chinese garrisons at Nanning and Kweiyang are ordered to hold to the last man.
Vas Pokhoronim
10-01-2006, 19:29
The USEA Armed forces have been ordered to begin mobilization and messages are sent to allies telling them this.
Mobilization cannot be kept secret for long, and shortly after this, a fascist military coup occurs in Siam, the Thai National Army is mobilized and moved to protect Siam's borders, and all property of the USEA in Siam is nationalized.
Effectively, Indochina loses 1 production point and the Thais gain 1. And war looks imminent (the Thai military trusts in the power of Nippon - we'll find out soon whether that trust is misplaced).
10-01-2006, 19:43
Mobilization cannot be kept secret for long, and shortly after this, a fascist military coup occurs in Siam, the Thai National Army is mobilized and moved to protect Siam's borders, and all property of the USEA in Siam is nationalized.
Effectively, Indochina loses 1 production point and the Thais gain 1. And war looks imminent (the Thai military trusts in the power of Japan - we'll find out soon whether that trust is misplaced).
The USEA government publically denounces the new military leadership and refuses to recognize them.
A secret message is smuggled to the deposed royal family saying that with their consent the USEA will take action to remove the military from power.
Meanwhile mobilzation is switched so that the Marines and an infantry corps (from Saigon) are deployed to the the Siam-USEA border. The airforce is put on high alert and a flotilla of heavy destroyers is ordered to depart Cam Ranh and blockade Thai ports (Mostly Bangkok)
Also all aid to China will be allowed into Indochinese ports
Aide is promised to USEA, including military should it be necessary. In the meantime, Colombia will transport 1 fighter unit to Vietnam to be moved up to China. Accompanying the planes are Chinese Ex-Pats living in Colombia who wish to return home and help. (Read, Colombians, much like the Flying Tigers)
The ships will be escorted across by the Vincente Sewell Fleet Carrier, a cruiser, and 8 destroyers.
Galveston Bay
10-01-2006, 23:11
The US begins reflagging Chinese merchant vessels in Manila, Hawaii, Truk, and the US West Coast, and any neutral flagged merchant ship that arrives in Manila that wishes to steam to Vietnam will be escorted by the US Navy.
Middle Snu
11-01-2006, 02:15
Argentina announces support for Japan's actions, and promises to aid Japan militarily. However, in a speech designed to appease the Nationalist Party, President Alvarez promised that "We shall not commit ourselves so much that our economy or military is stressed overmuch, unless Japan is threatened directly, for this is our affair only in that Japan is our ally." (OOC: No National Effort)
Galveston Bay
11-01-2006, 06:42
Argentina announces support for Japan's actions, and promises to aid Japan militarily. However, in a speech designed to appease the Nationalist Party, President Alvarez promised that "We shall not commit ourselves so much that our economy or military is stressed overmuch, unless Japan is threatened directly, for this is our affair only in that Japan is our ally." (OOC: No National Effort)
Argentina ordered a naval squadron to Japan. This is a long, long way for that fleet. It will require them to steam from Argentina through the Straits of Magellen to Mexico to refuel (as the LTA owns practically every island in the Pacific, and are officially neutral in this war, they will not allow you to refuel at their ports). Then, using practically every gallon of fuel, they will reach Japan at the end of June 1939.
Its an impressive voyage though for the Argentine Navy and good experience.
Galveston Bay
11-01-2006, 06:43
March April Turn
Japanese / Pact phase one
The Japanese decide on a full scale offensive to take Kweiyang and Nanning, while remaining on the defensive this phase against the Chinese forces massing around Changsa. 2 mechanized corps and 2 infantry corps plus the field artillery unit and HQ move adjacent to Kweiyang. The marine unit is loaded aboard ship, but the remaining infantry corps moves into the forest hex south of Changsha. Naval air bombers from Taiwan attack the city, and disrupt the garrison unit located there, which is then destroyed by the Japanese attack and 2 infantry corps occupy the city. However, all of the Japanese units are disrupted by the attack, and the HQ is able to only reorganize the 2 mechanized corps and the artillery unit.
Losses: 1 Chinese garrison unit, plus 5 factories are destroyed at Kweiyang. Another 10% of Chinese industry destroyed or disrupted (reducing builds by another 1 point a turn). During the strategic move phase the Japanese move in 2 x 6 point infantry corps to secure Canton and Hong Kong.
In heavy fighting, the Japanese attack and capture the critical rail center Kweiyang and also occupy the area north and east of Nanning, cutting rail access from Vietnam to China. The Chinese also lose 50,000 men and civilian casualties are heavy as well.
Chinese / LTA phase two
(during this time the Americans blockade Siam, in addition, in the Atlantic, the US shifts forces to England per the US thread)
Desperate to restore contact with Vietnam, and aware that oil reserves are such that eventually their armored vehicles will be out of fuel anyway, the Chinese launch an all out couteroffensive aimed at reaching Canton. Meanwhile, the infantry in Chengtu move south a hex adjacent to Chungking. They attack the Japanese 8 point infantry with 3 x 6 point mechanized corps and 1 x 8 point armored corps. 1 Mechanized corps is destroyed as is the Japanese infantry, and the Chinese armor and 1 mechanized corps move into the hex, threatening the Japanese supply line to their forces at Kweiyang.
During the strategic move phase, the last factory from Shanghai, and all five factories from Changsha are evacuated by rail to Sian (3 factories) and Chungking (3 factories).
Those factories will not be available until November. At this point, due to evacuation and damage, Chinese production is now at 15% of what it was, and essentially China is reduced to 2 points a turn until factories come back on line in September and November (assuming no more damage is taken)
In a fierce battle between Changsha and Canton in the Hunan province, the Chinese counterattack and destroy an entire Japanese corps. However, losses are heavy on both sides. 50,000 Japanese and 50,000 Chinese soldiers are killed, wounded or missing, and the Chinese lose a large number of their valuable halftracks and tanks in the fighting. It also marks the combat debut of both the French built Panther tank (on the Chinese side) and the Russian designed and built T34, both of which perform very well according to reports.
Japanese phase two
The situation being dangerously fluid in the south, so the Japanese shift to engage the Chinese counteroffensive . The two mechanized corps and the artillery shift from adjacent to Nanning and move north adjacent to Chinese armor. Meanwhile, the Japanese make a new landing at Shanghai. In the Hunan woods, the Japanese have 2 x 7 point mechanized corps and 1 x 3 point artillery vs 14 points of Chinese troops, which are disorganized (giving the Japanese a 1:1+1). The Japanese then commit their Rita heavy bomber unit in Formosa, which carpet bombs, giving the Japanese a column shift to their advantage plus 3 more points of attack, and to add in more, a Japanese fighter adds another point of bombing, giving the Japanese 3:2 shifted to 2:1 +1. As this is the most powerful Chinese army in the field, the Japanese decide the possible losses are worth it and attack. They roll well, and both Chinese units are destroyed, as is a Japanese unit (the Japanese must lose a ground unit instead of the artillery, and a mechanized unit dies). The single Japanese surviving corps is disorganized however.
Meanwhile, the Japanese come ashore at Shanghai with their surviving 5 point marine unit plus 2 x 6 point infantry corps (which are halved in the attack), plus 11 points of naval bombardment (using up 4 battleships of the Combined fleet) plus air support worth another 9 points from the carriers for a total of 35 points versus 11 points of Chinese defenders (garrison unit doubled for defending a city, plus a flak unit). The Chinese actually shoot down a Jill level bomber unit from the Zuikaku (wiping out its airgroup), reducing the Japanese attack 33 points. However, the Japanese have a 3:1, and roll well once again, taking the city, destroying both Chinese units at the loss of a 6 point infantry corps.
In desperate fighting, the Japanese meet the Chinese head on in the wooded hills between Changsha and Canton, in a battle known forever more as the Hunan Woods. Panthers, Tigers and T34s duel in the hills and valleys, while infantry and artillery fight it out. Clouds of Japanese heavy bombers drops thousands of tons of bombs, converting whole forests into moonscapes. After a week of fighting, the Chinese 4th Army is destroyed, but the Japanese losses are severe as well. 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 Japanese troops are casualties, and for now the Japanese offensive in southern China comes to a halt.
Meanwhile, the Japanese land at Shanghai, and once again within a decade one of the worlds largest cities is a battlefield. At the cost of 50,000 Japanese troops, the city again falls to the Japanese invaders, and 100,000 Chinese soldiers fall in its defense.
The costs of fighting have been heavy of the Chinese people again. Nearly a million civilians are dead so far in the war, caught by bombs or shells or the savage nature of modern fighting in a city.
The Japanese land two mountain corps at Canton and Hong Kong, and a headquarters unit at Shanghai as their strategic move.
Chinese / Allied Phase three
China commits its reserve around Peking in a desperate attempt to bloody the Japanese somewhere. Three mechanized corps move from Taiyuan area adjacent to Shanghai and launch a counterattack, supported by the remnants of the Chinese Air Force (2 bombers and 1 fighter). Having used up most of their aircraft previously, the Japanese can only scramble one carrier George group to intercept, and the Japanese shoot down the DW520s but are also shot down as well, leaving the bombers to get through. The Chinese have 21 points of ground strength plus 10 points of air support versus 12 points of Japanese troops (doubled) which gives them a 3:2. The Japanese are disorganized and so the Chinese get a +1. They roll well enough to destroy both Japanese corps and the HQ is evacuated at the cost of a Chinese corps. (The HQ shows up in May in Japan)
In a desperate move, the Chinese launch a full scale counteroffensive at Shanghai with their last mobile reserve. In the most intense battle of the war so far, they take the city back, destroying 100,000 Japanese troops (and even take a few thousand prisoners, mostly wounded) at the cost of 50,000 of their own and even force the Japanese to hurriedly evacuate 50,000 of their men before the city falls.
(meanwhile, in the Atlantic, the British send troops to Egypt and Sierra Leon as their strategic move)
Japanese Phase three
The Japanese decide with no other choice to land their armored reserves at Canton and Hong Kong, where they will be able to attack next turn (in May).
at this point the turn ends
Galveston Bay
11-01-2006, 06:54
Situation at the start of May 1939
The Japanese have managed to secure the rail lines and land routes from Southeast Asia into the bulk of China by capturing Kweiyang. They have destroyed half of the Chinese mobile reserve, most of its air force, and China is reduced to 10% of its pre war production for the time being. In addition, China has only enough fuel reserves to fuel its mechanized and air forces for 6 months (which means in November they run out of gas) unless the Union is willing to allow oil and gasoline shipments through their territory.
China however has managed to evacuate nearly 30% of its industry inland away from the Japanese invaders, and this will be returning to production over the next few months. It has plenty of coal to keep that industry working as well, and can continue to build non mechanized units as long as it has industry to equip them. In addition, in the first major victory for China against Japan in three wars, they managed to drive the Japanese into the sea at Shanghai, a stunning blow to Japanese pride and a major propaganda coup for the Nationalist government. They have also inflicted serious losses on the Japanese Army, in spite of their own serious losses.
In addition, strategic bombing has had its first real test, and has been found to be a dangerous weapon. However, bombers have yet to meet fighter opposition of equal capability, and the bomber generals around the world may have gotten the wrong idea about its cost in bombers and crew losses.
in other words, everyone thinks bombers are invulnerable at the moment except for a few stubborn fighter generals. Therefore, the need for long range escort fighters hasn't yet been grasped.
Galveston Bay
11-01-2006, 23:59
time is frozen for 24 hours as the Jolt has been flaky and to give everyone a chance to read what has happened so far
The Chinese air force secretly uses the Chinese international airline to fly its pilots from China to the Philippines via Laos and then Vietnam.
Galveston Bay
12-01-2006, 03:59
The Chinese air force secretly uses the Chinese international airline to fly its pilots from China to the Philippines via Laos and then Vietnam.
This essentially uses up the international airline by the time its done. However, all Chinese pilot units are out of China. They are technically interned at the moment as bellegerent military personnel in time of war. They are then flown to the United States to Luke Army Airfield for long term internment.
French military analyse the massive tank battles and begin noting weaknesses in the T-34 and Panther designs. The weaknesses are then passed on to the deisgners to be fixed.
Vas Pokhoronim
12-01-2006, 04:28
French military analyse the massive tank battles and begin noting weaknesses in the T-34 and Panther designs. The weaknesses are then passed on to the deisgners to be fixed.
Good. Though I think we must be using the T-34/85 by now.
Galveston Bay
12-01-2006, 04:36
Good. Though I think we must be using the T-34/85 by now.
yes, and you can also build Hetzers (Czech), STGIII and STGIV (Germany), Su85, Su122, and Su152 assault guns, and the Germans also produce the Hummel and Wespe (SP 150 and SP 105 guns). Of course the Americans also have SP guns as well. Both the Union and LTA have capable half tracks.
The Empire of Nippon, wishing to end the conflict with its neighbor China, hereby offers these terms:
I. The immediate and unconditional surrender of all government-affiliated Chinese military forces and of the surrender of the Chinese government.
II. The cession of the cities of Hong Kong, Canton, Shanghai, Macau, Tianjin and the surrounding areas and all their industries to Japanese control. Any removal or destruction of industries or the cities as a whole before Japanese occupation or during the transfer to, will be seen as a violation of this clause and will result in the immediate resumption of hostilities.
III. The Restriction of the Chinese Military to:
a. No more than eight garrison, three infantry and two mechanized corps.
b. The reduction of the Chinese Navy to no more than one hundred ships and none larger than one thousand tons.
c. The reduction of the Chinese Air Force to no more than four fighter and/or bomber units and no aircraft with more than two engines.
d. China shall not build any coastal defenses or fortify any costal cities.
IV. A ten-year ban on the importation of military goods to China including, but not limited to tanks, fighter aircraft and naval vessels, or the licensing of said goods.
V. China shall not enter into any treaties or ‘understandings’ with any nations with the exception of Japan.
VI. China shall not participate in, join, promote or affiliate itself with any political or trans-national organization.
VII. Japan will pay reparations of an amount to be decided on a later date.
These are the terms that the Empire of Nippon presents to China. Refusal to sign this treaty will result in continued war and the continued destruction of Chinese cities, peoples, the Chinese way of life, and eventually the Chinese nation as a whole.
OOC Notes:
III. D. – Refers basically to costal artillery and no fortifications built in costal towns/cities.
As to reparations, I’m willing to negotiate.
Global communication from the Sovereign Republic of China
(copy of the Japanese treaty terms are included)
China declares that it will refuse to accept Japan's terms for several reasons.
1. Japan betrayed the peace treaty established in 1936 upon the conclusion of the Second Sino-Japanese War. China has adhered to the treaty stipulations, honoring it in full. Therefore, Japan is the betrayer, not China.
2. The restrictions in this new treaty are more severe than the treaty established in 1936. China refuses to be penalized or punished for something that it never did, and for never breaking the peace treaty of 1936. If anything, Japan itself should be penalized for breaking the treaty as they engaged in wanton aggression aganist China with no justifable or reasonable casus belli.
3. China has prevailed aganist the Japanese at Shanghai, which shows that China is not out of the fight yet and that the Japanese can and will be defeated. We are determined to oppose naked Japanese imperialism and aggression to the very last man, woman, and child. The Japanese are not invincible! They can be defeated and defeated they will be.
The Japanese have betrayed their very own code of honor, "Bushido", by their actions within the past several years, including the gas attacks and the unprovoked invasion of 1939. In addition, we the Chinese now consider Japanese as Betrayers. Japan has destroyed all credibility it has with the Chinese people, and we will resist the Japanese aggressors until either the entire 500+ million Chinese populace is killed, or Japan is driven back into the sea.
We will live and die as a democracy and as a free people!
Good Day,
Prime Minister Song Jiaoren
15-01-2006, 20:07
The USEA supports China in its refusal of these disgusting imperialist terms.
It is remarked how it is astounding that any civilized nation would wish to be affiliated with these barbaric agressors.
Vas Pokhoronim
16-01-2006, 01:25
The USEA supports China in its refusal of these disgusting imperialist terms.
It is remarked how it is astounding that any civilized nation would wish to be affiliated with these barbaric agressors.
OoC: Speaking of which . . .
In April 1939, the 2nd Mobile Army Group is deployed to the Far East to participate in war games with the People's Republics of Mongolia and Manchuria.
Warsaw informs all parties that there are at present no plans for the Red Army to engage in hostile actions against any of the belligerents, and notes that, given the tragic events presently unfolding in East Asia, it should be quite understandable that the Union is concerned for the territorial integrity of its close allies in Gongjing and Ulaanbataar.
Which is why the troops are being deployed so close to the Chinese border.
2nd Mobile Army Group (Colonel General), consisting of
3rd Army (Lieutenant General) – 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Armored Cavalry Corps (T-34/85), 2nd Mechanized Rocket Artillery Brigade, 2nd Mechanized Anti-Tank Artillery Brigade, 2nd Railway Siege Artillery Brigade, 1 HQ
2nd Airforce (Aviation Major General )
5th and 6th "Angels of Shiraz" ground attack wings (Ju 187 Stuka-2), 7th and 8th ground attack wings (Ju 87 Stuka), 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th force protection wings (Fw 190D)
4th Army (Lieutenant General) - 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Motorized Rifle corps, 1 theater supply, 1 HQ
16-01-2006, 15:03
OOC: If war does break out do we TG orders to GB or just post them here each time?
Vas Pokhoronim
16-01-2006, 15:41
OOC: If war does break out do we TG orders to GB or just post them here each time?
Orders are sent to GB.
With the announcement that China has been accepted to the Seoul Conferency Treaty, the IJN begins exercises in international waters near Korea and the USEA. No official announcement is made and the ships are ordered to hold fire unless fired upon first. Army forces in southern China are once again ordered to begin studying their Vietnamese phrase books.
Ato-Sara - If I'm gonna spark a world war, I'm gonna take your ass down with me.
Galveston Bay
16-01-2006, 18:10
which fleet? Combined fleet or Striking force?
The LTA 7th Fleet also conducts exercises, and all LTA submarines beginning running patrols in the Sea of Japan and North China Sea and in the Pacific near Japan.
They are armed with warshots, but do not engage or stop any vessels and attempt to remain covert
16-01-2006, 18:18
Remaining USEA army units at the USEA-Thai border are redeployed back to Hanoi and Saigon and the destroyers in the Gulf of Thailand return to port and recomence usual patrols up and down the coast.
Meanwhile the airforce stays on high alert.
OOC: Don't be so sure.
Damn it looks like I'm going to have to go to national effort. I really did not want to do that.
Galveston Bay
16-01-2006, 18:22
May June 1939
China goes first, weather is clear in all weather zones
China has no mobile forces at the moment, so remains on the defensive and makes no moves.
The LTA 7th Fleet sends its submarines to sea, which are armed with warshots and have orders to remain covert in order to attack Japanese merchant shipping should war break out. US aircraft continue patrolling and all LTA forces in the Pacific are under wartime levels of readiness. The LTA 7th Fleet continues to convoy shipping to Vietnam and offers the same to Korea.
Vas Pokhoronim
16-01-2006, 18:31
With the announcement that China has been accepted to the Seoul Conferency Treaty, the IJN begins exercises in international waters near Korea and the USEA. No official announcement is made and the ships are ordered to hold fire unless fired upon first. Army forces in southern China are once again ordered to begin studying their Vietnamese phrase books.
Ato-Sara - If I'm gonna spark a world war, I'm gonna take your ass down with me.
Tokyo is strongly (but respectfully) advised NOT to engage Indochina or Korea with the IJN, but rather to join with the Soviet Pacific Fleet and defend the Home Islands and Mainland against an anticipated Allied attack.
New Dornalia
16-01-2006, 20:14
May June 1939
China goes first, weather is clear in all weather zones
China has no mobile forces at the moment, so remains on the defensive and makes no moves.
The LTA 7th Fleet sends its submarines to sea, which are armed with warshots and have orders to remain covert in order to attack Japanese merchant shipping should war break out. US aircraft continue patrolling and all LTA forces in the Pacific are under wartime levels of readiness. The LTA 7th Fleet continues to convoy shipping to Vietnam and offers the same to Korea.
To: C-in-C, LTA 7th Fleet
From: Commander In Chief Our Majesty Emperor Gang, Empire of Korea
We accept your offer of escorted shipping to Korea. Be advised that we are very, very close to the Japanese.
Open IC:
Korean Register-"Only the Finest News In Korea since 1908"
May 28th, 1939
Speaker Rhee has words for Japanese, calls for national State of Emergency.
Speaking in front of a session of Congress today, Speaker Syngman Rhee, referring to the attacks on China, had this to say in a public speech. Speaking in the manner of an American Revival Preacher, he said:
"Ladies and Gentlemen assembled-
I hope, like the rest of you, that the recent conflagaration will not spread to Korea. We hope that peace will reign. We hope that maybe, a rational solution can be sought.
But, recent events in China have come to the attention to our nation and the world. Indeed they have been known for some time. The attacks upon China by our neighbors to the East--unmotivated, undeserved, and inhumane--are troubling to the extreme.
I say to the Japanese Government and Emperor Hirohito in particular--Have you no shame? Have you no idea, that your actions cost the lives of millions of innocents? Have you no idea that the Union is mobilizing men, obstensibly to guard their "allies," but in reality, to perhaps snatch the continent for themselves, once we have bled each other to death!? Perhaps you don't know. But if you do, act on your conscience. Because if you don't the larger powers of the world, who have moved already, will act on it for you.
But perhaps you will not act, even if the powers move. For that, we will defend ourselves, should you move on us.
I have spoken with Our Majesty, and with the General Staff. They have concluded that there is no choice but to declare a State of Emergency.
(Loud shouts)
Effective immediately, all Guard and Regular Ground units will be mobilized defensively to defend our major cities. Our Navy will be moved to patrol our shores. And our Air Force will patrol the skies for intruders.
In addition,the Korean National Police Agency is authorized to arrest those who are plotting to endanger the Korean Government or the people of Korea. All necessary measures to defend our people, short of actual declarations of war, will be made to protect ourselves.
That is all. Good day, and may God spare us from the apocalypse."
Galveston Bay
16-01-2006, 21:40
President Roosevelt sends a cablegram directly to Speaker Rhee warmly congratulating his brave speech.
The LTA begins escorting Korean shipping.
US and RAN cruisers and destroyers based out of Manila are escorting convoys in the South and North China Seas. They are ready to fight (although horrifically outnumbered if war begins).
New Dornalia
16-01-2006, 21:47
President Roosevelt sends a cablegram directly to Speaker Rhee warmly congratulating his brave speech.
The LTA begins escorting Korean shipping.
US and RAN cruisers and destroyers based out of Manila are escorting convoys in the South and North China Seas. They are ready to fight (although horrifically outnumbered if war begins).
Speaker Rhee sends thanks to Roosevelt, both for his praise and the new escorts.
Vas Pokhoronim
16-01-2006, 21:47
US and RAN cruisers and destroyers based out of Manila are escorting convoys in the South and North China Seas. They are ready to fight (although horrifically outnumbered if war begins).
Ottoman Khaif
17-01-2006, 05:13
The Middle Eastern Union Government has declared, do to the rising threat of war between the Asian powers. The MEU government here by cuts its shipments of oil to China (if any went thought the blockade) and Korea. In till peace can be restore in the region, we will stop selling our oils to these nations.
Galveston Bay
17-01-2006, 07:25
Orders issued by the LTA High Command
"Initiate unrestricted submarine warfare against Japan and the Pact"
At sea, the ships of the 7th Fleet are given orders to cover their convoys if at all possible, while the rest of the fleet concentrates at Manila. In Hawaii, the US 3rd Fleet is ordered to wait for the right opportunity.
Outnumbered, with only 6 carriers and facing twice their number, Admiral Kimmel revises his plans and waits.... the showdown will come soon enough. However, as the Japanese are heavily committed in China, and have suffered serious casaulties in their amphibious troops, he is confident he has time.
In Peking, Macarthur reviews the situation and recommends that the Chinese government be prepared to displace south as soon as it can. Intelligence reports indicate that Pact forces will be attacking at any moment to make the rest of China Red.
In Peking, Macarthur reviews the situation and recommends that the Chinese government be prepared to displace south as soon as it can. Intelligence reports indicate that Pact forces will be attacking at any moment to make the rest of China Red.
It will be done.
17-01-2006, 15:06
Algeria quietly offers the Chinese government and the LTA to ship some oil to China by the begining of 1940. Provided that shipments are protected of course.
Galveston Bay
17-01-2006, 18:58
The LTA fleets in the Indian Ocean and Far East immediately begin attacking Japanese merchant shipping. Over 500,000 tons are caught in the Indian Ocean, the South China Sea and the waters around the Dutch East Indies (a Japanese shipping unit is destroyed). The fighting quickly escalates, and Japanese Naval forces attack LTA convoys heading for Vietnam and Korea.
(ooc following that hollowed Japanese tradition, Naval officers ignore any orders to not attack LTA shipping...reference Japanese Army history 1910s- 40s for why they do that).
The LTA loses the cruisers Vincennes, Astoria, Chicago, and RAN Canberra and Perth as well as 14 US destroyer escorts and 4 RAN destroyers to Japanese air and naval forces, but sends 6 Japanese destroyers and light cruiser Nacha to the bottom and heavily damages the heavy cruisers Nachi and Kako.
American B17s out of the Philippines launch raids against Japanese airfields in Formosa, hitting the port of Taihoku, and fierce air battles between Japanese Frank fighters and American P47s occur. The port is heavily damaged (reducing it from a major to a minor port), and reducing its effectiveness as a Japanese support base (only 6 warship units can base there now).
American B25s out of the Philippines also attack Japanese shipping, sinking 10 destroyers and nearly 500,000 tons of Japanese shipping as well. LTA submarines attack Japanese shipping traveling between the Asian mainland and Japan, and running between the East Indies oilfields and Japan. They sink nearly a million tons (2 shipping units) at the cost of 2 Australian, 3 British and 4 American submarines. The new American torpedo is found to be defective, and the US submarines use British torpedoes until efforts to make it functional are worked out.
US losses 200 aircraft, 3 heavy cruisers, 14 destroyer escorts (1 light ship)sunk, 1 submarine unit damaged.
British losses 1 submarine unit damaged
Australian losses 1 heavy cruiser, 1 light cruiser, 4 destroyers (1 light ship damaged)
Japanese losses 1 light cruiser, 2 light ship units, 4 shipping units, port of Taihoku heavily damaged.
CINCPAC orders the remainder of the 7th Fleet to leave the area and regroup with the Australians at Rabual.
Korea and the USAE are effectively blockaded now as well as China. However, Japan no longer has sea access to Mideast Oil or its base in the MEU.
Galveston Bay
17-01-2006, 19:50
Situation Imperial Japanese Forces as of Phase Two, May June 1939 Turn
losses to date
3 marine corps, 1 x 8 point infantry corps, 1 x 7 point mechanized corps, 2 x 6 point infantry corps, 1 carrier fighter unit, 1 carrier dive bomber unit, 1 carrier torpedo bomber unit, 1 carrier pilot unit, 1 light ship (20 old destroyers), 4 shipping units
Japanese forces
Kwantung Army
2x 6 point infantry corps (Kwieyang), 1 HQ, 1 x 6 point infantry corps, 1 x 12 point armored corps, 1 x 14 point armored corps (Canton), 1 x 6 point infantry corps, 2 x 5 point Alpine corps (Hong Kong), 1x 3 point artillery unit, 2 x 7 point mechanized corps (clear hex northeast of Canton)
Imperial Army (home and Formosan forces)
1 x 5 point infantry corps, 1 x 3 point flak unit, 1 x 5 point garrison unit (Taihuko)
1 x 3 point flak unit (Sapporo)
1 HQ, 2 x 9 point infantry corps, 1 x 12 point armored corps(Nagoya)
2 x 12 point mechanized corps (Ominato)
1 x 3 point field artillery unit (Tokyo)
4 x 3 point flak units (Hiroshima, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osoka)
2 x 3 point flak units (Kyoto)
2 x Nakajima G8N Renzan (Rita) strategic bomber units, 1 x Yokosuka P1Y Ginga (Frances) bomber unit, 1 x Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate (Frank) fighter unit (Haikoku)
Imperial Japanese Navy
Landbased air Deployment
1 fighter (Franks), 2 Frances naval air bombers, 1 Rita heavy bomber at Tanian,
1 fighter (Frank), 3 naval air bombers (Frances) at Sapporo,
1 naval air (flying boat)(Emily) at Tokyo,
(all Japanese aircraft are available for use except for 1 Frank fighter that was used to defend Formosa against American bombing)
Main Body (based at Hiroshima)(currently in South China Sea and not available for use again until July)
Carriers: Hiei, Kongo, Ryuho,
Battleships: Haruna, Kirishima, Nagato, Mikasa
Heavy Cruisers: Kinguasa, Haguro, Ashigara, Kitsugari, Aoba,
Light Cruisers: Kimu, Naara
5 Antiaircraft cruisers
44 modernized tech level 6 destroyers (5 light ship units)
10 tech level 6 destroyers (1 light ship unit)
1 carrier fighters (George), 1 carrier torpedo bombers (Jill), 1 carrier dive bomber (Judy), 3 carrier pilots
Striking Force (based at Tokyo)
Carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu,
Battleships: Yamato, Mushashi
Heavy Cruisers: Nachi, Myoko, Furutaka, Kako
Light Cruiser Yubari, Jintsu
10 tech level 6 destroyers (1 light ship unit)
20 modernized tech 6 destroyers (2 light ship units)
10 (1 submarine unit) tech level 6 fleet submarines (I class)
1 carrier fighter (George), 2 carrier torpedo bombers (Jill), 3 carrier pilots
Other forces (based at Nagayo)
80 (8 submarine units) tech level 6 fleet submarines (I class)
20 tech level 5 destroyers (1 light ship unit)(convoy duty, not available until July)
8 transport fleet units
26 shipping units (commerce, not available until July)
2 amphibious fleet units
3 Battle Ship (Fuso, Yamashiro, Hyugan – Mothballed)
2 Cruisers (Sendai, Kiso – Mothballed
3 Carriers Shokaku Zuikaku, Soryu,(need 3 carrier planes, plus 1 more carrier pilot)
2 carrier pilots
in addition, 4 infantry corps (7 point units) appear this turn in Japan, I would assume Tokyo as a starting point. based on this
Galveston Bay
18-01-2006, 05:43
The Pact enters the war against China, and Union, Manchurian and Mongolian troops attack Nationalist forces around Peking and Tientsin.
They begin the attack at Tientsin to clear the way for Union heavier forces to get a better attack next phase against Peking next phase. 1 x Manchurian 7 point mechanized corps
4 x 5 point Manchurian infantry corps, 2 x 2 point artillery units with 1 theater supply unit and 1 HQ in Mukden to support the attack versus the Nationalist Tientsin 2 x 5 point garrison units, 1 x 1 point flak unit, 1 x 1 point AT unit. Manchurians have 31 ground points vs 12 Chinese. Union commit 1 Stuka unit to assist, plus 1 another Stuka to disrupt if possible. The Union bombers disrupt all four units, giving the attack a 3:1+1.
2 Chinese units are destroyed (both artillery units), and the other 2 are shattered (show up next turn in a Chinese held city). Meanwhile, other Pact forces move up to be in position to exploit.
Further south, the Japanese Army is given orders to remain in place for now. Japanese bombers conduct raids against Kunming, damaging 2 production centers and inflicting 75,000 casualties.
LTA Phase 3
USAE and Korean troops move to their borders to ensure their protection, and supplies funnel in to Kunming and Nanning to keep the Chinese troops there supplied and able to fight. The Chinese abandon Nanning and shift the infantry corps there north to Kunming.
Pact Phase 3
The Japanese remain in place, except move 2 armored corps into Nanning, 1 alpine corps to the mountain hex east of Kweiyang, and another west of Foochow.
Meanwhile the Pact forces in the north attack Peking, which has 20 points of defense (10 doubled for capital city). The Union attacks with 4 x 12 point armored corps (halved to 24 points), 4 x 9 point motorized infantry corps, 1 x 5 point rocket unit, 1 x 6 point mechanized anti tank unit, 1 x 10 point siege artillery corps, 2 x Mongolian 2 point artillery units, 3 x 3 point Mongolian cavalry corps, and 4 x 5 point Manchurian infantry corps for 111 points or 5:1. The Pact destroys 2 Chinese units (the militia and the antitank unit, and the other 2 units are shattered and show up next turn in another Chinese held city).
LTA Phase 4
The Chinese shift both mechanized corps out of Shanghai to Nanking.
Pact Phase 4
Pact forces overrun Tsinan, Tsingtao and Taiyun, and shift air units forward (ferrying them).
(turn ends)
Japanese forces
Kwantung Army
2x 6 point infantry corps (Kwieyang), 1 HQ, 1 x 6 point infantry corps, 1 x 12 point armored corps, 1 x 14 point armored corps (Canton), 1 x 6 point infantry corps, 2 x 5 point Alpine corps (Hong Kong), 1x 3 point artillery unit, 2 x 7 point mechanized corps (clear hex northeast of Canton)
Just curious, how does Japan be able to have a 14 point armored corps? Just wondering.
Galveston Bay
18-01-2006, 06:49
Just curious, how does Japan be able to have a 14 point armored corps? Just wondering.
elite pre war regulars armed with best equipment and considerable recent experience.
Final positions for the Pact forces will be posted tomorrow, I have more battles to resolve
Galveston Bay
18-01-2006, 07:15
Battle of the Philippine Sea
US 3rd Fleet (Admirals Kimmel/Brown/Fletcher)
Fleet Carriers Enterprise, Yorktown, Wasp, Hornet, Ranger, Bon Homme Richard, Battleships Texas, North Carolina, Washington, Alabama, Light cruisers Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Savannah, Nashville, Boise, anti aircraft cruisers Biloxi, Hampton, 2 light ships (20 destroyers), 2 light ships (30 destroyer escorts), 4 Corsair, 2 Avenger
US Army forces Truk
1 fortification, 1 x 5 point flak unit
Union Pacific Fleet
2 superbattleships (Georgy Volgin, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon), 3 fleet carriers (Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité), 3 carrier air groups, 2 battleships (Vladivostok, Gongjing), 3 heavy cruisers, 3 antiaircraft cruisers, 40 destroyers (2 light ships), 100 submarines (8 units), 2 amphibious assault fleets, 2 naval infantry corps,
Japanese Striking Force (Admirals Nagumo/Kondo/Yamashita)
Carriers: Akagi, Kaga, Hiryu,
Battleships: Yamato, Mushashi
Heavy Cruisers: Nachi, Myoko, Furutaka, Kako
Light Cruiser Yubari, Jintsu
10 tech level 6 destroyers (1 light ship unit)
20 modernized tech 6 destroyers (2 light ship units)
10 (1 submarine unit) tech level 6 fleet submarines (I class)
1 carrier fighter (George), 2 carrier torpedo bombers (Jill), 3 carrier pilots
On June 3, the American fleet reaches its position at Point Luck and waits for the expected Japanese and Russian fleets heading toward the Caroline Islands. PBYs and B24s range out from the island, and on the night on June 3, radar equipped search planes find both fleets. The Pact forces don’t know that the Americans have been reading their codes, and are well aware of their approach and intentions.
The two sides have parity in aircraft types and numbers and in carriers, but the Pact fleets have an edge in surface ships. Although the Pact forces have radar, the Americans have the advantage of having airborne radar for their Avengers and search planes, and plan to use it to advantage. The Americans have other advantages as we;;, they have 100 more fighters then the Pact fleet, fighters that can also carry 4,000 pounds of bombs and rockets, and American 5 inch guns, the most lethal antiaircraft guns in their arsenal, have proximity fuse ammunition.
However, the battle doesn’t start of well for the Americans. A Union submarine manages to penetrate the screen and fire a spread of torpedoes that smashes into the fleet flagship, the anti aircraft cruiser Biloxi, which detonates in a fiery flash, killing all aboard, including Admiral Kimmel. The Russian submarine is sunk a few minutes later, but Admiral Brown is forced to take command, and he hands command of the screen to Admiral Spruance. Worse, now the Pact knows the Americans are in the area, and surprise is blown.
Shortly after dawn, dozens of float planes begin searching for the Americans, who have the advantage of already knowing where the Japanese are. Leaving 1 fighter unit to cover the fleet, the rest of the carrier aircraft, 432 in all, launch a massive strike at the Japanese.
Even as the American strike is on its way, the Americans are spotted, and the Japanese and Russians launch their own strikes. The Russians send in 100 torpedo bombers escorted by 100 fighters, while the Japanese send in 100 dive bombers and 100 torpedo planes. Each of the 2 Pact fleets retain 100 fighters to defend themselves with.
The American strike reaches its target first, and Corsairs and Georges fight a swirling dogfight. 2 Corsair units gang up on the Japanese fighters, shooting that unit down (and destroying the pilot unit), while the 2 Avenger units and 1 Corsair unit concentrate on the Japanese carriers and the battleships. The Mushashi is hit by 20 torpedoes and 10 bombs, and rolls over and sinks while the carrier Akagi is left a burning wreck and among the dead are Admirals Nagumo and Kondo.
Even as the Americans are leaving the scene of their strike, the Russians come in and are intercepted by defending Corsairs. Both the Russian and American fighter unit are splashed, costing the Russians a carrier pilot unit, and Russian attack planes, now joined by the Japanese, make their attack facing a wall of flak. The Russian and Japanese torpedo bombers are slaughtered (both air units destroyed and both pilots lost), but the dive bombers get through, scoring several hits on the Ranger, and also killing Admiral Fletcher. In spite of a valiant effort to save her, the Ranger eventually goes down later that morning.
By noon the Pact finds themselves with only 100 Russian and 100 Japanese aircraft left, while the Americans are at nearly full strength.
18-01-2006, 19:42
OOC; Hey GB how much shipping did me and Korea lose?
Galveston Bay
18-01-2006, 19:54
Admiral Pye, now CINCPAC as Kimmel is dead, takes over command of US forces in the Pacific.
Meanwhile, Neither side in the Philippine Sea is really sure how much damage they have actually done. Pilots on both sides have made big claims of hits and sinkings, but confirmation has not come back verifying these. Both the US and the Japanese fleet are also under new command.
However Yamashita does know that he has only 1/3 of his aircraft left, and the Russians are in similar straits. The best bet is to try for a surface action, where the bigger guns of the Pact battleships will be equal to the longer effective range of the American battleships. He orders Admiral Kondo to take command of the Japanese battleships and urges his Russian opposite number to place the carriers and amphibs under his command, and send Kondo in with all of the heavies to force an engagement. If the Americans want to save Truk, they will have to fight for it.
(ooc: this is a good link on battleships, I am rating the Russians superheavies the same as the Yamato, and the Russians heavies the same as the Richelieu: http://www.combinedfleet.com/baddest.htm this is just one of the many sources, and they generally all agree on the ratings on this website)
Meanwhile, Admiral Pye looks over the situation. He has lost a carrier, and has only 5 left, and only 2/3rds of the Pacific Fleets carrier planes. Truk can always be taken back.
He orders a withdrawal. Brown and Spruance are outraged, but comply with the orders.
(soon after Pye is sacked and replaced by Nimitz, but not in time for this battle. Based on Pye's reaction to the attempt to relief Wake Island in 1941)
Galveston Bay
18-01-2006, 19:55
OOC; Hey GB how much shipping did me and Korea lose?
1 shipping unit each
Galveston Bay
18-01-2006, 20:00
in the Pact Phase three, 2 x 8 point Russian marines corps assault and take Truk with heavy fire support from battleships. They have a 2:1, and manage to destroy the American garrison without losing a unit. However, unless the Japanese take either the Philippines or the Marianas islands, these troops and this base will not be in supply unless the Pact physically has warships in the Marianas Sea zone
out of supply bases cannot be used to supply ships.
Galveston Bay
20-01-2006, 07:10
due to a number of the Pact players quiting, the rest of this will be handled as a history... hope to finish by Saturday