09-01-2006, 18:45
"Antiquatauri State New"
"The Pharoah has declared that their is to be a tax on all the people to support the buiding and care of the priests of the sun god, Autumn. He has declar4ed also that such deviant religions as Judaism, Christianity and Islam to have official government recignbition withdrawbn from it. This has caused the minority of Jewish, Christian and Muslim subjects of the Holy Rmpitr of Antiquatauria to hold mass protests in New Memphis, the capital of Antiquataurua.
The blessed Pharoah announced his decision in lieu of the terrorist attacks of the afofre mentioned Abrahamic religions, notion that qoute 'their intolerance to the state religion of Autumn and attacks on the Diety's temples have forced me to use sterner measures to deal with the fundementalists, It is unfortunate, but the culture of Antiquatauria is solidly pagan, and thus the mass proselytizing, terrorist actions and assaults on the Temples nust cease, The last outrage of these owards in a corordinated attack on local Temples of the great and blessed Sun -God Autumn was the last straw."
Antiquayaurian malitia and armed forces have bene deployed to contain the protesting and rioting in New Memphis. We ask all good citizens to offer up prayers to the One True God, Autumn. and all the lesser dieties to guide our Lord Imhotep and the Antiquataurian military in putting down this rebellion of fundementalist radicals."
"The Pharoah has declared that their is to be a tax on all the people to support the buiding and care of the priests of the sun god, Autumn. He has declar4ed also that such deviant religions as Judaism, Christianity and Islam to have official government recignbition withdrawbn from it. This has caused the minority of Jewish, Christian and Muslim subjects of the Holy Rmpitr of Antiquatauria to hold mass protests in New Memphis, the capital of Antiquataurua.
The blessed Pharoah announced his decision in lieu of the terrorist attacks of the afofre mentioned Abrahamic religions, notion that qoute 'their intolerance to the state religion of Autumn and attacks on the Diety's temples have forced me to use sterner measures to deal with the fundementalists, It is unfortunate, but the culture of Antiquatauria is solidly pagan, and thus the mass proselytizing, terrorist actions and assaults on the Temples nust cease, The last outrage of these owards in a corordinated attack on local Temples of the great and blessed Sun -God Autumn was the last straw."
Antiquayaurian malitia and armed forces have bene deployed to contain the protesting and rioting in New Memphis. We ask all good citizens to offer up prayers to the One True God, Autumn. and all the lesser dieties to guide our Lord Imhotep and the Antiquataurian military in putting down this rebellion of fundementalist radicals."