FOMP-D released to the public!
The Phoenix Milita
09-01-2006, 01:19
Introducing the all new Foward, Offensive Missile Platform, Disposabile.
Designed to be distributed across a large coastal area by carriers or cargo ships, the FOMP-1 conists of a simple raft-like structure and a since advanced self contained satelite guided rocket launched jet powered cruise missile and launcher. Coordinated from a commnd ship or satcom relay the FOMP-D can provide saturaton bombing on enemy bases and defenses, allowing your regular naval ships to preform thier traditonal missions. The entire system costs a mere $1.75 million. the system is already in mass production and orders will be taken at instantly!!!!
The Phoenix Milita
09-01-2006, 03:27
these are for sale...
09-01-2006, 03:35
ooc: Holy fuck... this has to be one of the best ideas that i've seen in a long time.... Good work.
The Phoenix Milita
09-01-2006, 22:55
OOC: so how many wil u be buying ;)
The Phoenix Milita
14-01-2006, 07:40
why noone buying like the old days? have i sold to everyone already?
I have a few questions...
1. How many units does the $1.75 million package include?
2. How much coastline does that cover?
3. Can extra units be purchased?
4. What is the range of the rockets?
5. What is the payload?
6. What size target profile are they intended for? (Meaning, are they effective against mobile naval vessels?)
7. Have you considered the defensive applications of such a system?
The Phoenix Milita
14-01-2006, 09:46
1. One(1)
2. 600 Nautical Miles
3. 600 NM
4. Yes I suppose...
5. Option of: Conventional: 1,000lb HEB, or
Conventional submunitions dispenser with combined effect bomblets, or BLU-96 Fuel Air Explosive warhead, or
WDU-36 warhead w/ PBXN-107 explosive & FMU-148 fuze, or
200 kt. W-80 nuclear device
6. Yes they can take out a medium naval vessel, group of armor, or buildings
7. Not really, we have emplaced weapons for that.
14-01-2006, 09:50
i was also thinking about these.. i would also like to know what that price covers. the defencive aplications seem negligable, as it's pretty much one use, so all they'd have to do is bait your fire then survive to get through, or just punch on through with the "bait" if you don't fire..
on the other hand, a thought came to mind: how stable are these platforms if towed by, say, patrol boats, if they were fired while under tow?
The Phoenix Milita
14-01-2006, 09:58
Once they were fired they would drag the patrol boat under the water and be destroyed in a brief whirlpool.
1.75 mil gets you one raft-like structure with a single advanced self contained satelite guided rocket launched jet powered cruise missile and launcher.
14-01-2006, 19:04
well, that would appear to limit their effective use to some sort of ambush, or defence against someone who either didn't know of their existance, presance, or capabilitys.
on the other hand, it HAS given me an idea for something [admitedly rather different] that would make my rather dubious navel designes less dubious. for wich you have my thanks and a significant discount if you wanted to buy some [or a contract to make them] once i start produceing them :)
Raven corps
14-01-2006, 19:21
we will take six of them
The Phoenix Milita
15-01-2006, 22:45
Order confirmed.
15-01-2006, 22:52
nice idea, but i'd prefer it if they were re-usable...
The Phoenix Milita
16-01-2006, 09:36
nice idea, but i'd prefer it if they were re-usable...
That would defeat the purpose of a disposable missile platform....
16-01-2006, 22:40
OOC: you dont say...
i meant that the things could unload, and be virtually invisible to radar. if they were made of something that caused them to re-surface after firing, they could then fire again, and a few more times, and they'd tie up enemy air assets hunting for them.
The Phoenix Milita
17-01-2006, 00:51
...and it would exponetinaly increase the per unit cost and complexity of the item making it worhtless in the role it was originally designed for.
17-01-2006, 00:56
true. and i'd never use them anyway. cant afford outside imports. :(
maybee i'll come up with one at some point...