NationStates Jolt Archive

Maldaathi sends chemical scientists to Antanjyl

07-01-2006, 12:39
Kaleena Mountain Air Force Base, Maldaathi

Director Grains saluted the oversized C-31 Hercules as it took off into the baby blue sky. Onboard the transport craft was carrying a few hundred scientists and boxes of digital documents destined for Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab on the Eastern Borderland of Antanjyl. The craft wasn't due for another 17 hours but word had already been sent ahead to the officials at the Lab about the ETA.
07-01-2006, 12:54
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Antanjyl's head viral researcher at the facility, director Knight, sat back in his office, looking over a large list of test subjects they were able to retrieve from a nearby town. There were upwards of one thousand total, but if that wasn't enough he was assured by the Emperor himself that they could always get more. The thought relieved him, since his research on the planned Legion Virus would assuredly put him down in history.

"And all it costs are a couple hundred lives..." He muttered as there was a light knock at the door, "Who is it? Are they here already?!"

"No sir. Though their time of arrival is estimated to be in roughly 17 hours. I just thought I'd tell you, since you will be expected to meet them when their aircraft lands."

"Yeah yeah I'll be there. I'm just double-checking the test subjects to make sure we have a large enough assortment of peoples in the group... Looks fine so far..."

"Alright sir. I will come and get you in case you forget."

"Sure. Just don't forget whos in charge around here..."
07-01-2006, 13:13
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

The large Hercules rumbled to a stop on the makeshift runway. Out of the large aircraft stepped hundreds of wirey men and women all clad in the long white coat that was the trademark of a scientist. They all hustled onto the runway and formed several large groups and awaited Antanjyl instruction.
07-01-2006, 13:21
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

To greet the hundreds of scientists, an equally large group of black uniformed soldiers stood in front of the entrance. In the center of which was a small group of scientists, obviously the heads of the lab. Suddenly, a tall male in the center, rather gaunt and sickly looking, walked forward as speakers came on nearby.

"Greetings Maldaathi scientists. I am Director Knight, head of this facility. I hope you have all had a pleasant trip!" He quickly took a moment to clear his throat with a series of sickly coughs, "The other roughly three thousand scientists are deep below the mountain behind me. Upon entering, I'd like you all to know that we won't be leaving untill our research is done, so get one final look at the sky."

Ironically as he said this, the entire sky was mostly covered in dark clouds, and the grass around the facility still had small patches of snow everywhere. Snickering to himself as he realised that his speach would have been better if he adjusted it to meet them, he continued.

"Our Agency Guards will help you set up. May our research prove fruitfull!"
07-01-2006, 13:45
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Several scientists shivered in the cold wind as the Director gave his speech, some murmuring between themselves. When Director Knight finished his speech the designated leader for the Scientists stepped forward and greeted the Antanjylian hosts.

"Greetings," He said, waving a long piece of blonde hair from his face. "My name is Henry Fenwick and I am the representitive of Maldaathi and the spokesperson on behalf of the MBTL Scientists you see before you. After a long journey we ask that we be allowed to rest and start work tommorow. The documents are on the plane."
07-01-2006, 13:59
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Director knight nodded his head as he gave the Agency guards a stare before giving Henry a slight bow, "But of course. How rude of me to keep you all waiting. Your sleeping quarters have already been prepared. We will look over your discs while you are resting to make sure everything is there."

The two agency guards quickly pulled out radios and began talking into them, ordering the rest of the Agency Soldiers to step forward and escort them all in en masse towards the lab doors. After numerous locking mechanisms were released, the two massive doors slid open, with enough room to allow them to all access the numerous elevators and stairwells to the rooms below.

"Well with all of this assistance I am sure that our work will be much easier. Ah, since you are the representative, here is the key to your own designated room." Knight continued as he watched the guards in the background showing everyone inside, slowly reaching into his pocket and handing Henry a keycard, "B8-299."
07-01-2006, 14:02
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry looked down at the keycard he was given before looking back into Knight's eyes.

"What level clearance does this card give me?" He asked dangling it in the air.
New Industria
07-01-2006, 14:10
((Do you mind if my country sends a military representative to the facility? We're always interested in buying new weapons))
07-01-2006, 14:12
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

"Full clearance, level 10 like mine." Knight smirked as he watched a group of scientists walk by, "Only we are allowed to leave the lab facilities unauthorised, though you shouldn't do that frivolously. If you lose it report to the Agency Guards immediately so they can change and authorise us new cards." As he finished the sentence he stiffled a yawn, "It allows us access to every level all the way down to level 42 and below that to the nuclear generator."

Stretching out his arms, he took a passing glance as the last of the scientists entered, "If anything happens jeopardising the research it is our job to make sure that the secrets of this lab never reach enemy hands. I'll have you memorise a list of special codes for the terminal later. You can share it with anyone else that you think should be at your level... It looks like we're the last ones inside."
07-01-2006, 14:17
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry could tell he was going to get along well with the Facility Director. Henry smiled slowly as he pocketed the card and followed Knight inside the structure. He waited for the thick doors to slam closed before turning to Director Knight.

"Listen mate I might head off to bed. Ill have the scientists awake at 8:30 AM. We like to excerise for 30 minutes before starting work in the labs. How is 9 AM Starting time for you?"

OOC: New Industria what Experience at Roleplaying do you have. Like any other nations?
07-01-2006, 14:24
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

"Thats fine. Though most of the scientists will be required to work untill 10PM with a modest amount of breaks in between. After all, we'll be here awhile... Does your plane need refueling?" Knight said, though before he gave Henry an answer he quickly turned to one of the Agents behind him, "Have their plane refueled and leaving the country as quickly as possible. We don't want to draw any attention from sattelites."

"Yes sir! Praise Galf!" The Agent quickly said enthusiastically before running off in the direction of the plane, his black long coat billowing behind him.

"Yeah yeah praise him... Well I'll have the list of codes for you by the time you wake up. Don't worry about being locked up though, since in Antanjyl theres not really much you'd probably like to see. Oh, in the morning you can meet me at the elevators in the center of your floor. I'll escort you to the labs. You won't be required to work the first day, since its essentially just to make sure you know how our equipment works."

Finally saying everything he had to say, Director Knight saluted lazily and made his way for the enormous metal doors leading to the facility. He could tell that they would get some work done, and finally get him the recognition he deserved.
07-01-2006, 14:34
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry bowed polietly before strolling off down the hall, following the arrows marked 'sleeping quarters'. Henry was happy with the living standards he and his comrades were going to be living in for the next few years but deep inside he was still disappointed in the fact that so soon after the long research time spent in Maldaathi working on the R-Virus he was now sent to another country to produce yet another virus. At least he was well payed.... But what good was money if he spent his life working?

Outside Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab
The pilot waved to the workers below the plane in a 'thank you' gesture for refuelling the plane. He gunned the engine and turned to his co-pilots.

"Rock and Roll. Everything has been unloaded so it's back to Maldaathi and out of this freezing tundra wasteland!"

Cheer's came from his comrades as the plane slowly took off narrowly avoiding a rather large outcrop of rocks and headed back to Maldaathi.
New Industria
07-01-2006, 14:44
OOC I havent roleplayed here before, but Ive been rping regularly at another vBulletin site for almost a year and consider myself fairly experienced: heres my post- if either one of you has any objections to the content or my writing ablilty Ill simply delete it. BTW my country is The Dominion of New Indutria-

Colonel Chang pulled the visor of his cap down over his face and leaned back farther in his chair, he hated these missions.
"ETA thirty minutes," the pilot said flatly as the tiny airplane began its descent. Chang sat up and looked around the small plane with a smirk, only the government of New Idustria would be arrogant and opulent enough to send their representative in a luxury jet. "Businessmen," he muttered cynically in a voice raspy from years of smoking.
Like all of the Dominion's military leadership, the colonel was a mercenary. He had little pride in the country he served, save that it paid him substantially for his services... and he was (though he would never admit it to even himself) slightly afraid of Industria's leader, Desmond Kain. The man even looked like the devil, with his slicked back hair and all black suits. Sure, he was little more than a glorified CEO... but Kain's dark eyes seemed to look past one's flesh and into one's soul. It was him that had sent Chang on this mission, and the thought of failing Desmond sent shivers up the colonel's spine.
"... this is New Industria aircraft 3690, requesting permission to land." the pilot said into the radio.
The colonel looked out of the small, round window to his right and down on the snowy peaks below him. The Antanjyl's were known as an exceptionally harsh people, and Chang had heard rumors of a slave trade... they also seemed to worship their Emporer, a strange practice.
Well if Desmond Kain wanted samples of the Legion Virus he would get it, regardless of the natives strange traditions.
The colonel adjusted his clothes, grey-black fatigues, into a semblance of neatness and prepared for his first encounter with Antanjyl and all of its suprises.
07-01-2006, 14:50
OOC: Industria you can RP BUT it won't be for long. Its only a quick inspection of a few days at maximum. We don't want you seeing TOO much. Just enough and we have an expectation you will purchase the results of these tests for a decent price if you come.
07-01-2006, 14:57
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

"Permission..." A woman's voice began to speak on the other line before pausing for a moment, as if looking over something, "...Granted. You may land 3690. Welcome to Antanjyl Secret Biological Weapons Lab. May your stay be... Pleasant."

With that the line went dead as a group of soldiers in black stood around the landing strip, two of which were waving, trying to make sure the plane knew where to land. The landing strip was partially covered in a thin sheet of snow, since the blizzard season of Antanjyl was still going on. They had been lucky so far to dig out the valley for the arrival of the scientists themselves, but with the coming of the next plane they grew a bit lax.
07-01-2006, 15:17
OOC: BUMP. Please post New Industria
New Industria
07-01-2006, 15:19
Chang quickly buckled his seatbelt as the plane's tires connected with the icy runway. The jet swerved and bounced dangerously as it skittered down the slick strip of asphalt, one of its wings clipped a rock outcropping... after which the pilot uttered a slew of profanities. The plane drifted for a moment and came to a rest with its wheels locked in a two foot snowbed.
Chang sighed and made his way towards the door, leaving a shivering pilot alone in the cockpit.
"Exceptional landing" he muttered cynically as the Anjantyl guards came to greet him.
07-01-2006, 15:38
((Gotta rush this up. So next post you can have yourself guided to your room and resting. It won't be much though, since the lab isn't made for visits from anyone important))

The group of eight guards stared at Chang, then each of them stared over at the plane before one of them stepped forward, his dark longcoat blowing in the wind as he stared forward at Chang, almost sizing him up. The man was completely covered in scars, as if someone had whipped a razor continuously along all of his visible features.

"Greetings. Welcome to the lab... Will your plane be alright?" He finally stated as a few snowflakes began to fall again, landing on the man's black hair, "In anycase... Lets get inside. There should be quite a bit of snow tommorow. If you need any assistance leaving... Well you can count on us to move the snow from the runway."

With that, the officer quickly guided the man further inside, stopping at an elevator as he slid a keycard in. At that point a seperate card was handed to the man, with a light blue color to it. On the front, written in Antanjyl was, "Clearance Level 2".

"Sorry about the rush, but unfortunately we need to get you to your room. The scientists have already begun resting, so your tour will have to wait." The man said cooly as he looked at the other guards, "I take it you had a pleasant flight?"
New Industria
07-01-2006, 15:50
"Outstanding," the colonel responded sarcastically as the stepped through a steel doorway into the facility. He was disappointed that he would have to wait for the tour, and the inevitable squabbling over prices... but such was life.

"Dig out my plane and repair it, I wish to leave as soon as possible once the tour is over." he said in his raspy tone to the guard.
"Very well, your room is ahead- number 53. Enjoy your stay," his escort replied and turned down another hallway. Chang scowled and lit a cigarrette as he lay down on his metal, thin cot. The room seemed more like a cell, but the colonel guessed the facility wasn't built for comfort.
07-01-2006, 16:01
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

The Agency Guards stared at his cigarette for a second, but since the man was in such a bad mood they decided to just let it slide. They'd tell him in the morning the smoking on that floor was prohibited. Smirking a bit, they walked off, glad that he was only able to receive such a crappy room. In anycase they would leave him a memo on the smoking, and how it may affect viral cells.
07-01-2006, 16:08
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

It was 8:23 AM and the hundreds of Maldathian Scientists began to congregate outside the Cafeteria which Director Knight told them they could start their aerobic's class in.

It was 8:39 AM before Henry, the Maldaathi Head Scientist, shuffled through the door and called everyone inside to begin....
07-01-2006, 16:15
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

By the next morning, most of the Antanjyl scientists were quickly getting to work setting up the labs and making sure everything was in order. A few also went below to the bottom levels to feed the test subjects and make sure that they were at an average health. With the thousands of labcoat wearing men and women, it was almost impossible to move against the flow of people in certain spots, and the Agency had taken its que and moved out of the way. One of the levels however, was strictly directed for them, which included a firing range and such to keep them from growing too bored between shifts. As soon as Chang woke up, he would find numerous obtrusive no-smoking signs outside his door, along with a list of reasons why.

The director quietly walked to the main lab himself, which was roughly the size of a warehouse, with scaffolding and extremely advanced apparatus everywhere. In particular was large room in the center of it all which was closed off to safely hold the virus during testing. It was completely sterilised, even when compared to the rest of the lab.
New Industria
07-01-2006, 16:30
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab
Chang's eyes opened slowly as his watch alarm went off. He took in his surroundings with the calm gaze of a skilled soldier. A dozen bright orange nonsmoking signs decorated his room, each with a short paragraph explaining that it was either bad for the air cirulation system in the complex, for his lungs, or for the viruses. The mercenary ran a hand through his short black hair and laughed, he had smoked three packs a day for thirty years... and they expected him to quit now?

The colonel dressed and stepped out of his room and into the busy hallway tentatively... shouldn't they have sent some one to greet him?
07-01-2006, 16:36
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

"Ah mister Chang! You're up rather early, though I guess this is a perfect time to show you our main lab before our work gets too indepth!" A woman quickly called down the hall, jotting something down on her notepad as she approached, "Well the main lab is on floor B20. Now if you'll follow me to the elevators?"

Before the man could answer she began walking down the hall towards them, keeping a single eye on him as her shoes tapped against the ground, an occasional group of scientists walking by.
07-01-2006, 16:38
Encoded Telegram
To: Director Knight of the Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab.
From: Director Grains of the Maldaathi Biohazard Testing Lab.
Subject: Further Manpower and Equipment

To Director Knight,
We here at the MBTL have decided to send additional man-power and equipment to increase the speed of production of the Legion Virus. Accompanying the transport will be a further 2 transport planes containing 1000 Special Forces Operatives, Spec Ops Equipment, further documents on the development of the "Legion" Virus and various other items. We hope you can house the further 2000 Scientists and 1000 Special Forces Personell accomadation and food wise as well as room for the additional equipment we are sending. If this is inline with your plans please reply to this telegram post haste.

Signed Director Grains
New Industria
07-01-2006, 16:45
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab
Change scowled and wordlessly followed the woman towards the elevators. As they stepped into one of the lifts the merc finally spoke.
"This Legion Virus, my superiors have taken quite an interest in it... what makes it unique? Why should the Dominion have any interest in buying it?"
07-01-2006, 16:54
Encoded Telegram

To: Director Grains of the Maldaathi Biohazard Testing Lab.
From: Director Knight of the Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab.
Subject: RE: Further Manpower and Equipment

To Director Grains,
Your terms are acceptable, and we await these new recruits in the furthering of the legion virus. Accomodations will be made immediately, and in fact I was just proposing with our Emperor the idea of sending another 1000 scientists from the capital. So we were actually just getting ready for new arrivals. Send them whenever you can. Our runway will be prepared immediately.

Signed Director Knight


Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

"Ah so you've been informed of the name?" The woman said, marginably surprised as she brushed her hair back and smiled faintly, pressing the correct button on to get to the lab, "Unfortunately for now it is top secret. All I can say is that once unleashed, it will be quite a sight to behold."

Within seconds the elevator suddenly started to move at an extreme speed downward, the scientist quickly grabbing hold of a railing before it came to a stop. As the elevator doors finally opened, it revealed two hallways on either side, and a large one going forward, at the end of which were a pair of heavy metal doors.

"Well it looks like we've made it to the lab in one piece..."
New Industria
07-01-2006, 17:08
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab
"The Dominion's leadership was informed of the name by a telegram from your Imperial Palace. It said it would be of interest to a small nation like ours, as well as the other weapons you produce here. It, unfortunately, informed us of nothing else. I was sent to evaluate wether this is true or not." Change said, coldly observing his surroundings, "And I have yet to see the real purpose of this institution."
07-01-2006, 17:20
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

"The Legion Virus will make all other viral weapons obsolete." Was all the woman said as she whipped out a level 9 clearance card and flipped it across the door, "Along with that dozens of other viruses are being tested. Some of which will reach the outside market... Though the Legion Virus is the only one our government currently wants. They consider it a stepping stone to Antanjyl's goal."

As she finished rambling, the doors finally began opening. Within the door was an extremely bright room, the size of a large warehouse and loaded with large and impressive machines. To compliment these machines were dozens upon dozens of scientists in labcoats, though on the floor below, under a large reflective surface one could clearly make out scientists in biological containment suits working with extremely small instruments and examining microscopes.

"Well mister Chang. This is the main lab which will be developing and testing the Legion Virus."
08-01-2006, 08:48
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry was startled as the door slid open, his level 10 clearance card in his hand.

"Oh hello, I was just about to leave but since we have a guest I suppose I could stay and join you in the tour then?" He asked cheerfully, the scientists were enjoying their own tour of how the base operated.
08-01-2006, 08:57
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

The woman nodded as she viewed director Knight on the lower lever in his biological contamination suit as he checked on the virus samples already down there, a few scientists watching on, were probably being guided by him before he noticed Henry. There was a slight shortage of the suits, but with the coming scientists they would bring more to allow a more thorough tour of those types of locations. For now at least that would have to wait, so perhaps she could show them both around the upper portions of the lab.

"Oh I'm sorry..." She suddenly mumbled, smacking her forehead, "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Professor Emilia Gares. When I'm not giving tours I'm also the scientist in charge of lab B30-24, which is currently being refitted for our experiments. So your name is Henry correct? What would you like to see first?"
08-01-2006, 09:20
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry extended his hand to the fine young lady with a smile.

"Yes my name is Henry, Henry Fenwick. I wouldn't mind showing this military man a few of my scientists and how they work on the viruses. That is if he is an interested buyer."
08-01-2006, 09:28
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

The woman bowed gratiously, shaking his hand as she returned to an upright posisition, giving a passing glance at Mr.Chang.

"Err... Why yes!" She finally stated enthusiastically, standing out of the way of the two men, as if expecting them to begin shaking hands at any moment as well, "This is Mr.Chang, his nation is interested in our viral research, and surprisingly has some minimal information on the Legion Virus, though only the name. If he likes what he finds in this complex he assures me that they will purchase samples of it."
08-01-2006, 09:37
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry looked at Mr. Chang disapprovingly. He stunk of smoke and he looked like an ass. Henry lowered his hand and put it into his pocket.

"That's very interesting," He said emptily to Chang before turning back to the gorgeous Dr. Emily. "What are you doing tonight?"

Henry winked slyly.
08-01-2006, 09:56
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Some scientists from the lab looked on, either jealous or surprised at how forward Henry appeared. For a scientist he was rather forward, especially with a woman who was perhaps half his age. Emily, after blushing for a few moments eventually came to a response.

"Errm... Well after the lab work I was planning on going to my room then... finishing some paper work there." She said shyly, brushing at her hair as she looked around, perhaps for someone to help her, "Would you like to assist me doctor Henry, that is if you're not busy I mean."
08-01-2006, 10:06
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry offered another sly wink.

"I'd love to help with your.... paper work. Sounds exciting so I'll see you there but forgive me for now as I have a meeting with one of my co-workers in the Cafeteria. I'll see you tonight." Henry said as he walked off toward the Cafeteria.

Outside Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab
A large Hercules plan landed in the rare early morning Antanjyl sun outside the Lab in a quiet manner. A few black-clad guards rushed to the plane entrance ramp. The guards were met by an armed man dressed in army fatigues.

"We bring the extra workers and equipment the lab required. We also have a Company of extra soldiers onboard. Wanna lend a hand getting everyone off loaded?"
08-01-2006, 10:17
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Emily shook her head a bit as Henry walked off before returning a glance to Chang. It was rather rude of her to ignore him like that, especially when she was giving him a tour. Though she wouldn't bring that up, since it would no doubt anger him.

"Well Mr.Chang, please follow me and I'll show you the storage facility where we keep the numerous viruses. Do you know how to put on a Bio Contamination Suit?" She said slowly as she stared up at the man, looking at an elevator at the other side of the room, "Whenever you're ready we can take that elevator to the lower section and get suited up."
08-01-2006, 10:32
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Outside, the Agency guards were quickly called outside as the first of the Hercules touched down outside of the base. Working quickly, the Agency moved in, dozens upon dozens of them quickly unloading the plane. As they did this more Agency guardsmen continued to keep the runway clean and dry with a special saline solution. As the first was finished, it steadily took off to make way for another. In total four of them were landed, full of supplies, scientists, and soldiers for the lab. While they were working on the final plane however, roughly an hour after they stared, the blizzard picked up. Though it did not slow the unloading down, it signified that for a few more days the entire lab would have to be shut off from air travel.
08-01-2006, 10:41
Outside Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab
The 23rd Special Operations Company along with the thousands of bio-hazard researchers stood outside the large blast doors that were blocking their entrance to the warmth inside the lab. To anyone watching it would have looked extremely suspicious to see almost 5000 foreigner's standing around a mountain.

Where was the red carpet greeting?
08-01-2006, 11:03
Outside Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

After a few more minutes with everyone waiting outside, the Agency suddenly opened the blast doors, as the commander walked out in front. There were only a dozen near the entrance now as he pulled out a microphone, though in all honesty he expected them to have followed the rest of the equipment inside. But, not wanting to insult everyone, kept his mouth shut.

"Alright! Sorry for not opening the doors sooner!" The voice came up on the speaker, though hard to hear over the beginning blizzard, "Now that all of the supplies are where they should be you may now all calmly walk inside. We've set up a plaque near the elevators to tell you all which floors to go to. Once again please calmly walk inside and slowly walk behind me!"
08-01-2006, 11:09
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

The men and women watched as the doors slammed open before they all trudged into the warmth of the Lab. Many people were murmuring between them selves about which country had the more advanced and luxurious lab. This lab was definately the more comfortable of the two but the Maldathian's possessed a larger fountain of knowledge. After a few minutes of sorting themselves out friends who were split up said their goodbyes as they carried their belongings and headed to their Quarters.
08-01-2006, 11:40
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Director Knight finally arrived at the second floor of the lab, once again in his lab coat with a strange look on his face. He had been taking a look at the R-Virus samples from Maldaathi. They'd given him alot to think about, most of which could only further the Legion Virus, though a few could be used in their secondary divisions.

"Well that was rewarding... Hmm..." He mumbled, finally noticing that everyone had already went to bed, leaving him alone in the dimly lit lab. Snickering to himself quietly, he walked over to the nearest door and made his way down the hall to his room, whistling to himself as he passed a few Agency Guards.
08-01-2006, 11:50
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Outside Emilia Gares Quarters

Henry, stilled dressed in his every day coat, wiped a smile off his face and knocked on her door.

"Emily, it's me Henry. Are you inside?"
08-01-2006, 11:57
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Outside Emilia Gares Quarters

After a few minutes of silence, followed by thud and the shuffling of papers Emily finally came to the door, wearing a red pair of silk pajamas with some undicipherable phrase from the vantage point Henry had, over the right breast. Bowing a bit, she slowly opened the door, which was much larger than his own, almost like that of a hotel room. Also in the room, over the red plush bed was an extremely wide picture. On it were a large group of people outside of Antalia castle, from the style of dress given generals, and standing directly behind her was a large muscular figure, almost seven feet tall with his hand on her shoulder, standing right next to a statue of a large demon, which seemed to be staring directly into the camera.

"Welcome to my room. I'm uhh... Sorry about the mess." She mumbled, slowly moving out of the way to show a large pile of papers and some ceramic material covered the floor around a desk.
08-01-2006, 12:10
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Outside Emilia Gares Quarters

Henry stepped inside Emily's room with a smile and looked around her room inconspicuously. Henry turned back to Emily and looked her over. She looked fine in her silk pyjamas. He sat down on the edge of her bed and watch her gracefully sit in a chair not too far from where Henry sat. She turned around to look at him.

"I thought you weren't going to come." she said softly.

Henry chuckled.

"No I always planned to come...." He said as his eyes laid upon the picture he had seen as he walked in. He pointed at it and asked, "Is that your boyfriend? I didn't know you were involved with someone..."
08-01-2006, 12:30
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Outside Emilia Gares Quarters

"Oh... You mean the tall one?" Emilia said with a kind smile, as if remembering something, "No thats my father. It was taken after the palace was renovated right before my mother died giving birth to one of my sisters."
New Industria
08-01-2006, 16:27
ooc sorry for not being around, lets just assume the tour took place

Airspace Above Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab,

"Sir the blizzard is really picking up!" the pilot said as the jet shuddered violently in the storm.
"As soon as we clear the storm clouds we'll be fine. Push through." Chang said calmly, lighting his first cigarrette all day, "I want to get the hell out of here. These Antanjyl's and whoever they're working with... there's something wrong with them."
True as what the colonel had just said might have been, it was a somewhat hypocritical statement from someone who had put down riots by ordering the entire town set aflame. The truth was simply that Chang mistrusted the bustling scientists down there, they were always alluding to either some Demon-God or a 'Grand New World'. The Dominion was run by pragmatists, not fanatical visionaries.
That however, was not the reason for the mercenary's departure from the lab, it was simply the fact that he could not afford to be away from the Dominion for too long, and the blizzard would have prevented him from returning. The Dominion's Corporate Leaders would send a telegram to the Anjantyl Imperial Palace requesting the virus.... if they liked what Chang would tell them. And after seeing Legion's effectiveness... the colonel was sure they would.
08-01-2006, 23:18
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

Henry felt a deep feeling of sorrow for Emily's lose.

"Oh.... I'm... sorry." But Henry's mood lifted as he realised it didn't seem to bother her as much as he thought it would've. He reached over and nudged her chin playfully. "At least you didn't die." He said slyly.
09-01-2006, 05:47
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

"Ahh yes I guess theres always that." She murmured, suddenly realising that Henry reminded her of one of the other generals of Antanjyl. At least by the way he seemed to be acting around her, "So... Are you married?"

Emilia smirked a bit and walked over to the bed, sitting next to him. He might have been tactless, but there was something enamouring about how hard he was obviously trying. In a way it was actually almost funny, causing a smile to pass over her lips as she leaned against him.

Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Outside, the Agency Guards finally left the runway as Chang's plane took off, allowing the snow to cover everything up as they returned within the depths of the lab. While they were hoping that his government would like to purchase the legion virus, there were many more uses for it than simply commercial value.
09-01-2006, 06:34
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

Henry was content on the inside as Emilia lie against him.

"No.... I have been dedicated to my work all my life. I suppose some would call it sad.... but.... I enjoy working for my country, I just don't enjoy what comes with it. With all the restrictions on a social life it has been hard. Does Antanjyl treat you with more respect?"
09-01-2006, 07:00
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

"Well I suppose they treat me with respect." Emilia said softly, staring off as she thought about the question a bit more. Though for all she knew it could have all been due to her father, "Though I'm sure my father being Galf's high general had something to do with it. Though I'm sure your nation treats you with respect! Otherwise they wouldn't have given you such an important job here."
09-01-2006, 07:04
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

Henry blushed slightly.

"I... I guess so huh?" He said with a slight smile on his face.

"Though I'm sure your treated with respect because of who you are. Not because your the daughter oa general." He said while slowly edging his hand closer to Emilia's.
09-01-2006, 07:10
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

"T-thanks." She stuttered as she clumsily grasped his hand, sighing to herself. They had alot in common, despite the fact that he was from Maldaathi, and no doubt was older than her.
09-01-2006, 07:14
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

"Age is no problem." Henry said as if reading Emilia's mind. "In Maldaath, we have developed ways to make our lives longer or even shorter if it was desired. And as such it is possible to reduce my genetical age back to any age I choose, while keeping all knowledge I possess now. I suppose its why I wasn't worried about becoming a life long researcher. Because my country would reverse my age so I had a full life of retirement after working so vigourously for them. All of our main leaders are cloned, all have stayed the same age for over 700 years.... So it's no problem." He said hoping to ease her worries.
09-01-2006, 07:19
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

Emilia stared at him for a second, as if expecting a punchline. She'd never heard of such a thing in Antanjyl, especially not seven hundred years ago. Though surprisingly, he didn't seem to be joking, which actually caused her to smile a bit more. The outside world seemed to be even stranger than her father had said.

"Seven hundred years ago? The only one in our nation to have still been alive at that time would be our Emperor... I wonder if the secret to his lifespan has something to do with that." She murmured, rubbing up against him, "Henry, do you think you could show me Maldaathi someday?"
09-01-2006, 07:24
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

Henry smiled as he stroked Emilia's hand.

"Of course! But how about you show me your country first." Henry said as he pulled out his Level 10 Clearances Card from his coat pocket with his free hand and waved it around. "Authority to leave the base when I please. Plus my country left a vehicle here for me. But it's all up to you."

Henry shuffled closer to Emilia.
09-01-2006, 07:28
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

"Really? I'm not sure if you'd like Antanjyl... Are you sure we'll be able to get to town through all the snow?" She said softly as she stared at him, brushing some hair out of her eyes as she smiled strangely, "But if you want I wouldn't mind, since the nearest city shouldn't be too far."
09-01-2006, 07:32
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

Henry stood up and looked down at Emilia.

"Lead the way." He said as he made for the door.
09-01-2006, 07:37
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

"Alright then! I'll go get my coat!" She said enthusiastically as she walked over to a closet, tossing it over her along with a pair of boots. Though not conventional, it should keep her warm untill the vehicle's heater went on. Quickly rushing to the door, she looked back for a second at Henry, "Well lets just avoid most of the Agency Guards by taking the elevator. It wouldn't be very good to have people notice us leaving together."
09-01-2006, 07:43
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

Henry watched Emilia walk through the door and prompty followed behind her. Staying quickly on her heels they entered the elevator which had quickly arrived on their floor due to the lack of demand. They slipped on together and were now caught in a tight space. Henry was a head taller than Emilia but it didn't matter....
09-01-2006, 07:48
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Emilia turned a bright pink as she accidentally moved forward into Henry, averting her eyes to the numbers as they slowly moved up to the first floor. Remaining silent for a moment as she eventually backed away, she slowly turned her head up to meet his eyes, "Err... What type of vehicle is it?"
09-01-2006, 07:54
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab, Emilia Gares Quarters

Henry chuckled.

"The car is a special issue 4x4 designed and produced by Maldaathi. Its quite safe. We would easily outlast the blizzard if we somehow became trapped...." He looked around the elevator before quickly adding. "Not that getting stuck is likely."

The Elevator dinged and the doors opened. Henry allowed Emilia to step out first before following her. They walked up the the keypad that managed the blast door locking system. Henry swiped the card through the slot and quickly typed in a personal code. After a few seconds the blast doors opened and the two stepped out into the freezing blizzard. Henry made sure Emilia was ok before he searched for the black veichle. Upon spotting it he pointed it out to Emilia before he jogged over to it and unlocked both doors. He jumped in just after Emilia and he turned the engine on, quickly turning the heater to full.
09-01-2006, 07:57
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

As Emilia finally arrived in the passenger's seat of the car, she immediately shivered, rubbing up against Henry for warmth, despite the heater only starting up. Resting against him, she stared at the dashboard for a moment, then looked at the snow coming down out the front window. She hoped what he said was true, since the nearest access road was a few miles off.

"So where do you want to go?" She said softly as she leaned against him, "The nearest road is roughly a few miles from the other side of the mountain..."
09-01-2006, 07:59
Outside Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry wrapped his arm around Emilia and rubbed her arm in an attempt to make her warm.

"It's totally up to you as to where we go. You know this area better than I."
09-01-2006, 08:04
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

"Well..." She began speaking, sighing comfortably against him as she stared out the window, "Gibbot is just to the North of here, thats a pretty nice city to visit I guess. My father used to take me there when I was growing up."
09-01-2006, 08:07
Outside Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry hugged her again before shifting to the steering wheel and throwing his seatbelt over himself.

"It might be best if you wear your seat belt. Might be a bit slippery on the roads.... just a precaution you know." He winked at Emilia.

Henry put the car in gear and gunned the engine before roaring north towards the town Emilia suggested.
09-01-2006, 08:11
Outside Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Emilia nodded quietly and fastened her seatbelt, leaning back as she starred at the road in front of them. Antanjyl was a mountainous region, but as long as he pair attention to the road they wouldn't have to worry about driving off the road. As such she would at least try not to distract him too much.

"Thanks... Its been awhile since I was able to leave the lab."
09-01-2006, 08:15
Antanjyl Mountain Region

Henry chanced a look at Emily. She looked exquisit.

"No problems. If at any time you feel like a break just come holla. Fancy listening to some music?" He asked her as he continued to watch the road carefully, which was proving to be difficult through the thich snow.
09-01-2006, 08:18
Antanjyl's Mountain Range

"Does it pick up many stations? Most of Antanjyl's music stations are required to shut down after 2000 hours." She smiled, noticing his stare and returning it with a stare of her own, "Other than the official government news station, but I highly doubt that would be worth listening to."
09-01-2006, 08:24
Antanjyl Mountain Region

Henry laughed to himself at Emilia's comment.

"No, I can patch us through to a Maldathian satellite that will then link us to the Maldathian Radio Link Up."

Henry showed Emilia how to patch in to the Maldathian Air Waves and watched carefully as she did it. After a few pushes of certain buttons, a new age type of music direct from Maldaathi flew into the car.

"Just turn the knob until you find something you like."
09-01-2006, 08:28
Antanjyl Mountain Region

"Oh no... This is nice... So what kind of music do you usually listen to Henry?" She inquired as she watched the snow fall in front of the vehicle as it made good time through the harsh enviornment. At this rate they would be able to see Holy Gibbot City within an hour or so, "Oh and how is your work on the Legion Virus going?"
09-01-2006, 08:34
Antanjyl Mountain Region

Henry admired Emilia's beauty again before answering.

"To tell the truth. I usually listen to this back home and I'm glad you decided to leave it. As for the Legion Virus that is top secret.... but as you have a soft spot with me, I'll tell you.... There has been so far no work on the Legion Virus. We arrived the first day and rested. On the second we took a tour of how the lab worked. So tommorow is the first day before actual work begins."

As Henry was in 6th Gear and he was relatively confident of his driving skills he took his hand off the stick and rested it upon Emila's.

"Not long now."
09-01-2006, 08:49
Holy Gibbot City

Emilia let out a soft sigh, keeping quiet for a few minutes as she listened to the song on the radio. However this was soon interrupted by the two fifty-foot tall bronze statues of Galf, each one holding a sword pointing diagonal to the road, outside of the entrance to Holy Gibbot City. The City was much nicer than most of Antanjyl, with archaic looking buildings and accomodating buildings everywhere. However it was easy to tell that it was Antanjyl due to the constantly patrolling guards. This was easily offset by the fact that most of them weren't out during the blizzard.

"Ah we made it!" She said enthusiastically at the rather gothic looking arches, "You can barely make out the statues in the snow though..."
09-01-2006, 08:59
Holy Gibbot City

Henry was slightly excited by the statues but faked it to be more than what it was for the sake of Emilia.

"We too have similar architecture in Maldaathi. Some areas are hand mand valleys carved like Ancient Greek designs. Its beautiful, but so is this."

Henry continued past the gates and further into the City. He looked out the windows but was unable to see past the thick snow stuck to the driver side window. So giving up Henry began to look for somewhere safe to stop. Within minutes Henry found a motel carpack and pulled in, turning the engine off. Henry turned to Emilia and softly murmured to her "Wanna go get a room?"
09-01-2006, 09:03
Holy Gibbot City

"Yes." She replied oddly, but with a smile as she helped herself out of the jeep, nearly slipping on the ice as she gripped the door to remain balanced. Staring at Henry for a second she slowly gazed at the brick hotel, "Its not as if driving back through the blizzard would be any simpler... Do you have money?"

Smiling a bit, she reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a few round glimmering pieces of metal, the currency of Antanjyl. If one were to look closely, there was an intricate skull carved on the front.
09-01-2006, 09:13
Holy Gibbot City

Henry walked over to Emilia and pushed a button on the key chain to lock the doors before pushing her hand back into her pocket.

"Nonsense. I have already been paid and I have more than enough to pay for several nights even at the most expensive hotel."

Henry grabbed her by the hand and led her inside. They walked to the reception desk where Henry tried to act cool by leaning over.

"The Pent House for the night please."

The receptionist on the other side stopped chewing her gum and looked from Emila to Henry before smiling. She turned around and walked over to a key covered wall where she pulled a random key down and strode back over. She dumped the key on the table.

"460 Skulls please."

Henry pulled the money from his pocket, told the woman to keep the change and hurriedly rushed Emilia and himself to the elevator.
09-01-2006, 09:18
Holy Gibbot City

"That key works for the minibar as well!" She quickly made sure to shout over at the two guests before returning to chewing her gum, staring at the expensive looking vehicle outside.

Emilia almost cried out as she was dragged off by Henry, quickly closing against him as they reached the elevator, "Ah what a gentlemen..." She said jokingly as she wrapped an arm against him, absentmindedly pressing the elevator button for the top floor, floor 24.


Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

"Thats... Odd..." Director Knight muttered under his breath as he looked over at the blast doors, scratching his chin. He woke up to recheck the virus samples, but seeing the door open was glad he had, "Gah... Stupid Agency Guards... Can't they learn to keep the damn thing shut?!"
09-01-2006, 09:42
OOC: My god that got boring.

Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

---===6 MoNtHs LaTeR===---

Encoded Telegram
To:Kuroi Minaev
From:Henry Fenwick, Head Researcher in Antanjyl
Subject:Emilia Gares and the Legion Virus

Kuroi Minaev, I'm sending my girlfriend, Emilia Gares, to Maldaathi for the birth of our first child. Please take good care of her while she awaits my return to Maldaathi. On other news the Legion Virus is coming along well and is 87% complete. We will be coming home soon. If you have any other problems please reply to my telegram.

Signed Kuroi Minaev


Chievloynsk Command Base, Antanjyl

The small convoy of Maldaathi cars pulled into the large base that Maldaathi had finished establishing only weeks ago. Out of the convoy stepped a now obviously pregnant Emilia Gares and her boyfriend Henry Fenwick. They commenced a romantic stroll to where a Maldaathi Ka-60 Kasatka sat waiting to transport Emilia to her new homeland. The two said their goodbyes before Emilia was taken from Henry's sight into the horizon. After a few minutes he turned and entered the same car he exited. The convoy again left the base to head back to the lab Henry worked at.
09-01-2006, 09:59
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Encoded Telegram
To: Emperor Galf
From: Director Knight
Subject: Legion Virus

The Virus is nearing completion. At this time we are prepared to accomodate General Gares to help watch over our research and boost morale. While his daughter may have left, we assure him that her whereabouts are secure. The Virus should be finished soon. No matter the cost I will have everything finished within the next two months for the Legion Virus. This I can guarantee you...

Signed Director Knight
09-01-2006, 10:11
Encoded Telegram
To: Henry Fenwick, Head Researcher in Antanjyl
From: Kuroi Minaev
Subject: RE: Emilia Gares and the Legion Virus

We are pleased to hear how well you are faring and how the Legion Virus is coming along. It goes without saying that even is Antanjyl wishes you to remain to head more viral creations we will forcibly decline. We will replace you after the completion of the Legion Virus. To supervise the final stages of the virus we are sending my sister Kuroi Jessica. Treat her with respect like the way we treat your future wife.

Signed Kuroi Minaev
09-01-2006, 10:19
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Director Knight came into the lab, not bothering to shave as he immediately walked over to his terminal and began typing. Ever since the Virus reached the 70% completion rate. Along with this, just one week ago all of the lab's Agency Guards were switched with a newer batch to keep them fresh, and among there were the Emperor's own Mercenarial Guard, the Daemons. There was also a never-ending supply of people with sacks of their heads brought in during the middle of the night, though as of yet none of the Maldaathi scientists had seen them.

"All is going according to plan..." Knight muttered quietly, typing up a few lines of text on the monitor before getting up from his seat, "When Henry gets back tell him I'm going to go meet General Gares. He will be staying at the facility untill the end of the project!"

"Yes, Director Knight!"
09-01-2006, 10:36
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

A small luxurious jet plane touched down in the frozen tundra, which was the Antanjyl Bio Weapons Lab runway, with a soft grace. After several minutes the occupants of the plane regained their composure and the stairwell to the ground opened up. Out stepped from the plane a magestic beautiful woman dressed in a formal white suit and high heels. She slowly walked down to the ground before running over to the waiting Henry Fenwick and threw her arms around him.

"Henry, so very nice to meet you after so long!" She said with a tear forming in her eye. "You must show me around!"

Henry nodded in agreement. "Yes lets go."

And the two headed for the mountain while The Kuroi Family servants moved her luggage towards a waiting convoy who would take her luggage to the nearby Maldathian Base where she would be staying for the few days she was in Antanjyl.
09-01-2006, 10:43
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Director Knight soon walked out of the blast doors as well, cringing under the summer's warm sunlight as he rubbed a hand against his stubble. It'd been a long time since he'd been out of the lab, and as he stumbled forward two large hands held him steady. Staring up, Director Knight froze in his tracks as the man, roughly seven feet tall and wearing an Imperial Army Uniform, stared down at him with a pair of dull blue eyes.

"G-general Gares! I appologise for my appearance..." Director Knight quickly said as he pushed away from the general and went into a bow, "But the lab... The viruses have kept me from a hot shower or shave for some time... Once again I'm sorry about your-"

"Theres no need to speak of that here..." Gares said in a calm, emotionless voice as his black hair caught the breeze behind him, "I've come to see the virus research, anything else would be wasting Galf's time. Do you have the photographs?"

"Y-yes sir..." Knight quickly pulled a folder out of his labcoat and handed it to the general, who promptly handed it to a soldier, who went back to a conspicuously hidden jeep and drove off.

"Well I suppose you should show me to my room after that... Now lets get things underway. You said you'd finish things in two months? Thats amicable, I'm sure Galf will be pleased. Hes been seeing foreigners lately, so I suppose this is a suitable punishment for my asking too many questions..."

"Right this way sir." The director said slowly as he began to walk towards the blast doors, the tall man following behind him.
09-01-2006, 10:50
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

"Who are they?" Kuroi Jessica asked disdainfully.

Henry managed a grim smile. "The one who entered is an unknown but the man who come from inside was base Director Knight. Not much of a researcher himself he keeps his many happy in their quarters."

She nodded. "Let's catch up then."

And the duo trotted off hurridly behind the two who had just entered the Lab.
09-01-2006, 10:56
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

The two men stopped in front of an elevator just as Director Knight was handing a card over to Gares, not unlike his own. Nodding in approval, the larger man quickly stashed his card into a pants pocket as the elevator doors opened and the two stepped in, Knight spotting Jessica and Henry just as he was about to close the door.

"Ah! Henry!" Director Knight quickly moved his hand away to allow the two in, "It seems you have some sort of magnetism when it comes to beautiful women. Please join us. This is General Gares."

General Gares quickly stepped to the side to allow the two in as he slowly put the folder into his military style black jacket. He remained relatively silent for a minute as he attempted to stick the large folder in a pocket attached to the inside of his jacket. Accomplishing that, he bowed his head slightly and brought a hand forward for the two to shake it.
09-01-2006, 11:09
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Henry rolled his eyes as Kuroi Jessica began to blush feverently.

"My god..." he muttered to himself before turning to Knight. "This is my sister.... well not really my sister... more like a close friend. Her name is Kuroi Jessica, daughter of Kuroi Lukav, Chairman of Maldaathi. She is to be adressed as Jessica."

The elevator stood shocked.

"Lets get moving huh?" Henry suggested.
09-01-2006, 11:16
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapons Lab

Director Knight nodded his head slightly as he pressed the button for the 20the 20th floor, home of the Legion Virus. Almost immediately it began descending, and Director Knight, despite his slightly unshaven appearance, couldn't help snickering at Henry's reaction.

"Well then since I am surrounded by such important people, I can only ask the Lady, Kuroi Jessica for her forgiveness." Director Knight said as he made a bow, smiling, "Though I suppose it is only fitting that a man as powerful as as Kuroi Lukav would have such a stunning daughter. Once again I am sorry."

General Gares looked on quietly, eyeing Henry for a few seconds before the elevator finally came to a stop. Rubbing a hand against his jaw he finally began to speak in an exceptionally cool voice, "Well I suppose this is our stop. Come Director Knight, you must show me this Virus and allow Lady Kuroi Jessica to become accomodated in her own quarters."
09-01-2006, 11:25
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

Kuroi Jessica merely smiled. "I regret to inform you that I'm not staying on the premises. I am to stay at the Chievloynsk Base under my father's orders. I'm truely sorry." She slightly bowed to the Director and stepped off the elevator and wait for the other men to lead the way.

"My father wishes for me to study the Legion Virus before it is completed." she added with a polite smile.
09-01-2006, 11:31
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

"Ah your father is indeed a wise man." Knight said with an almost sly smile as he escorted the group to the main doors, numerous scientists moving out of the way upon noticing the seven foot tall general, "I am sure they have a much nicer room for you there in any case... Well here we are."

Sliding the card through the slot, the huge blast doors began opening, showing off the warehouse sized lab, with dozens of scientists walking around working electrical equipment, while on the lower level people in biological contamination suits were examining samples first hand. Stepping out of the way for the group to see, Director Knight suddenly began to speak.

"As you can see, this facility is state of the art... This is only the main lab, there are many others scattered throughout the entire complex, with just as many scientists working diligently to complete the virus in the next two months. While we hope to never use the Virus on any enemy nation... We would like to keep the option open, at the very least to be used as a deterrent against attack."
09-01-2006, 11:39
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

The beautiful Kuroi Jessica drew a fan of an old Chinese style from her sleeve and began to fan herself in a noble fashion.

"Will we be observing the virus in its natural state?"
09-01-2006, 11:46
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

"Ah but of course. Please follow me and we'll have you suited in some biological containment suits for your own safety." He said, still smiling pleasantly as he walked over to an elevator on the far side of the room, "On the bottom floor we can get you suited. We've also aquired a custom-made suit for the general upon hearing of his arrival."

Gares nodded and turned, "Well I have some research photographs to look at. I'm not a scientist, so I can't say that looking at any of the virus samples under a microscope will be able to tell me anything about it. Director Knight, good luck with your tour. I hope this folder does not disappoint."

"Ah no... I can assure you that it won't." He suddenly quipped as he stepped into the elevator, moving towards the back as he awaited the arrival of Henry and the beautiful, though dangerous Jessica. Or at least dangerous when one considered her father, which Director Knight had, "If you don't want to put on one of our suits Kuroi Jessica I can always lend you a disc showing it."
09-01-2006, 11:51
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

Kuroi Jessica began to flip the fan articulately in front of her, as to show off in front of her host.

"I'd rather I saw it in person. To make sure its genuine." She looked to Henry. "Not that I don't trust you Henry." She winked at him and reached up for a quick kiss on the cheek. "Lets suit up."
09-01-2006, 11:58
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

"Ah well then I suppose this should be fun. I only hope you don't get your hopes up..." He smiled a bit as he beckoned them into the elevator and pressed one of three buttons, "I'm sure someone as cultured as yourself might find starring at a simple virus under a microscope a bit boring."

As the elevator came to a stop, a door right behind Knight opened, opposite of the one which opened. Behind him stood a long line of biological contamination suits, along with a large one standing out, which was supposedly to be the general's. Walking forward, he quickly began to look through the suits.

"Ah Jessica, you strike me as a size 10 correct?" He said with a sly smile as he began to look for a suit to fit her in.
09-01-2006, 12:08
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

Kuroi Jessica offered a flattering smile and nodded in approval. After Knight found the only suit that would fit her he simply stood idly by.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a seductive accent as she raised her arms out in front of herself. "Put it on me."
09-01-2006, 12:13
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

"Ah Kuroi Jessica, you honor me." The director said playfully as he put the top section over her, tactically pushing it around her at the right moment. Quickly redeeming himself with Henry there, he brushed his hair back a bit and grinned, "I appologise, my hand slipped."

Giving himself an egotistical high-five in the back of his mind, he eventually got around to finishing up, making sure to take his time as he finally finished. Staring back a bit, he nodded in approval.

"Ah I hope your appearance doesn't cause too many distractions. After all these researchers are only human."
09-01-2006, 12:16
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

Kuroi Jessica giggled playfully as the man dressed her and began to enter the lab.
09-01-2006, 12:18
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

Director Knight followed behind her, though only for a second before slowly moving ahead to where the samples were and opening the door to the virus samples with a quick flick of his keycard. From there he carefully walked over to a microscope already set up with four lenses, though whatever it was looking at appeared to be in a large metal casing.

"Well simply take a seat and we can begin."
09-01-2006, 12:20
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

Kuroi Jessica sat into an empty seat and shuffled closer to the microscope. It was now about buisness.
09-01-2006, 12:29
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

"Alright now. This is the Legion Virus in it's original state." Director Knight began, though he would attempt to make things brisk and easily understood, "Untill it reaches air, the virus remains like this, inactive. However once it reaches air..." He flicked a switch releasing air onto the sample, causing a sudden surge of life as they began to slowly move about, "Though to actually reproduce... The Virus must first enter the body. In this case the lungs... Now wheres that slide... Ah here."

Pressing a switch, the entire sample was moved and replaced by what appeared to be an organ, though from the microscope it was hard to tell, "Now let me just adjust the focus a bit... And voila!" Suddenly numerous small parasitic looking cells could be seen swarming around the lungs, "This is the interior of lung tissue. As you can see the Virus is already active. Within a matter of days, sometimes even weeks you'll see a noted change."

Flicking a switch again, another sample came up, and the microscope was adjusted to show it. The slide was showing human tissue being eatten away by the virus at a rapid rate, moving through a sample of veins within the closed system, "As you can note, after reaching the blood stream there is no hope of survival. Even a full blood transfussion and lung transplant could not stop the damage permanently done to the victims body. We are currently attempting to up the time of death and effectiveness of infection. Once this is done the Legion Virus will be complete."
09-01-2006, 12:40
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Kuroi Jessica nodded that she understood and stood up to leave followed by Knight. By the time they reached the Lock-Down room Henry had gone. Kuroi Jessica sighed as she waited for her tour guide to remove the suit hoping he would realise they were the only two there.
09-01-2006, 12:47
Antanjyl's Secert Biological Weapon Lab

Director Knight seemingly disregarded the fact that Henry had left as him having to do something important, and slowly helped Kuroi Jessica out of her uniform. He would have thought the man would have stuck around, seeing as how he would have needed to get her to the Maldaathi base anyways. Quickly removing his own suit, he stared at Kuroi Jessica for a moment, brushing a hair away from her face.

"Hmm... I wonder where Henry went off to..." He inquired softly as he moved forward, keeping eye contact on Kuroi Jessica, "Wasn't he supposed to bring you back to the base?"
09-01-2006, 12:53
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Kuroi Jessica shook her head.

"No, my guards are ment to take me back. He is to meet me there." She said as she flicked her fan back up her sleeve and pushed her body against the directors.

"See you tommorow." She gave a sly wink, turned away and walked to the front blast doors.
09-01-2006, 12:59
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

As she did this, Director Knight quickly dragged a hand along her body, a sly smile of his own coming over his features. While he could feel an imminent threat looming overhead if he did anything to such an important woman, he himself could care less. Despite any conquences, he always made sure to keep a keen footing. Thats what made him the director, despite his slight tendency towards womanizing.

"Ah..." He whispered as she walked off, a hint of enthusiasm in his voice, "I can hardly wait Kuroi Jessica." His voice ended there as he waited for her to leave, a triumphant smile coming over him.

After all, he could do no better than a powerful leader's daughter.
09-01-2006, 13:16
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

As the door shut behind Jessica, it would only take a moment to realise that Director Knight had actually followed her on. Laying a hand against her shoulder, turning her towards him, he stared into her eyes for a moment. Two days... Two days to free himself of this pathetic fate he was living for himself...

"Jessica..." Knight whispered seductively, "I know this may seem a bit forward for such a beautiful woman, who is almost assuredly asked this quite a bit." He pushed up against her, pushing a hand through her hair as he moved her against the elevator wall, "But I would love nothing more than to go with you once you finally return to Maldaathi... I can tell that this might be a bit to take in, but I've never met anyone like you, and even if it has only been a day, giving up on you now would only damn me to a fate worse than death."

Knight brushed his lips against hers expertly as he moved back staring down into her eyes as years of practice and training in this type of thing paid off, "I love you and would like nothing more than to be with you forever. So if you'll have me..."

He wouldn't spoil what he was about to say with words as he pushed up against the petite woman, arms on either side as he stared into her eyes passionately.

Oh yes... Though he'd only known her for a day, he was almost positive that under these circumstances he had a chance. If not there were other options...
09-01-2006, 13:22
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Kuroi Jessica nodded a yes.

"My plane is here to take me now. I decided I should report to my father what I had seen. So its ready to take us to Maldaathi. Quickly let us go now and you can be back before anyone notices!"

Kuroi Jessica led Knight by the hand and to the nearby waiting plane.

Within minutes the plane was in the air and heading towards Maldaathi.
09-01-2006, 13:28
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Before going into the air, Knight made a quick few convuluted phone calls to his associates in the lab to make sure that it would be almost impossible to locate him in the lab. However, he also made sure that people would actually still see him, with the help of a few personal friends. Though he would surely need to pay the bribes back at a later time, they would do for now.

Sitting back in the plane, Director Knight was almost surprised at the speed in which everything had gone through. While he didn't enjoy the thought of betraying his beloved Antanjyl once he went to Maldaathi, it was all for a good cause. That cause of course being his own Agenda, and from the things hes heard about this Maldaathi, not to mention the beautiful woman he now possessed, everything was going according to his grand plan. To think how everything came together, it was almost as if fate intervened.
10-01-2006, 07:23
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"Ohhhhh yeeeeaaahhhhh..." Director Knight muttered, rubbing his head enthusiastically against his keyboard as he began to snore. Smiling triumphantly, he suddenly began to laugh, "Yes... Behold your new god... Ohhh baby... Yeah..."

"Director Knight? What the hell are you doing?" A voice suddenly broke through from behind him, as an Agency Guard tapped his shoulder lightly, "You need to get the hell up. You're distracting the other scientists, and are you viewing pornography?"


"This is Donavin. You know, that guard who always escorts you to your room." The guard grinned, seemingly angry as he lifted the man from the keyboard he way laying on, "Now how about you get some rest and let the other scientists finish up here?"

"Shit... I had the most wonderful dream." Knight said with a smile as he quickly hit a few keys on his keyboard to get rid of the pornography, all seven screens full, "I'm pretty sure you were in it."

"Really?!" Donavin said, in a strange voice which hid the full intent behind it.

"No... No that was Henry. Ah well, you're both about the same height. I'll finish up work here, you go wander around like you always do Donavin."

"...Yes, sir."
10-01-2006, 07:41
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Director Knight slowly walked out of the blast doors once more, almost eerily like his dream as he stumbled forward and was grabbed by the hand of a large man. The sun was out, and the short summer of Antanjyl would soon be beginning, staring up at the general, Director Knight slowly pushed himself away.

"Ah my appologies General. I haven't been able to get out much with all the lab work going on. We're nearing the final stretch of the program... Like promised I'll get it for you within the next two months." Director Knight said with a sly smile, "Here are the photographs."

Reaching into a side pocket, Director Knight pulled out a folder full of photographs and handed them to the much taller general. As he did this, he looked up at the sky, as if expecting the helicoptor to come down. Henry should also have been outside, at least to meet with the general. Though the timing was off, Knight was still expecting everything to happen.

10-01-2006, 07:58
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry rocked up the little scene behind Knight who he laughed at softly.

"Nice website you found..." He whispered in Knight's ear as he walked by.

"You requested my presence?"
10-01-2006, 08:03
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"Oh yeah that website... I must have accidentally went onto it while I was dozing off." Director Knight said with a defensive smirk as he stared up at general Gares, "By the way," He muttered, about to ask if Jessica was coming, though suddenly stopping, "This is General Gares... Are you expecting anyone for the last stretch of the Legion Virus to come from Maldaathi?"
10-01-2006, 08:09
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry thought for a moment. Only person to come to Antanjyl from Maldaathi would be in three weeks to collect the... incentive.... that was used for Maldaathi to consider helping create the Legion Virus.

"No." Henry simply said. "You were... expecting someone?"
10-01-2006, 08:15
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"Ah no... It was just a dream I guess. Well General, lets get you prepped to check out the virus in the lab." He said calmly, writing off thing from before as simply a strange, albeit interesting, dream.

Gares stood at least seven feet tall, and was decorated in a black military uniform, with numerous red medals ornamenting his rank. Despite his age, his hair was a jet black, and in an unkempt fashion moved down the back of his head. Though he noticed Henry, he didn't seem to say anything at the man, or even make eye contact.

"Well that is what I'm here for isn't it? Galf is looking forward to Legion, and though you've constantly kept him informed, he still decided to send me to view the thing first hand." He said in a cold voice, as his eyes gazed off at the blast doors, as if something was troubling him, "Well lead the way Director."

"Yes, sir! Henry will you be joining us?" Director Knight said with a grin as he rubbed a hand against his unshaven cheek. Not bothering to wait for an answer, he quickly began to march off towards the blast doors.
10-01-2006, 08:22
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry looked at the General and recognised him from the picture in Emilia's Quarters.

"Yeah sure." He said and began to walk back through the large blast doors.
10-01-2006, 08:28
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Once inside, General Gares slowly placed a large hand on Henry's shoulder, "So, are you the one responsible for brain-washing my daughter into leaving Antanjyl? Don't you think you're a bit old for that sort of thing? Damn foreigners are all the same..." Putting preassure on the man's shoulder he continued walking behind Knight.

Director Knight remained silent as he walked over to the elevator and pressed the button, causing the door to open as he turned around, a smirk on his face. He was still rather excited to show Gares the virus first hand, since Legion was almost like a child to him. Not like an actual child, since Legion was something that Director Knight could actually be proud of.

"Well it looks like the two of you are getting aquainted. Might wanna ease off once we're inside." He said jokingly, though stopped as Gares stared at him, "In anycase lets go."
10-01-2006, 08:39
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry tried hard to ignore the general's hand as they walked inside while he felt the hand on his shoulder ease.

"Yes." He said with a smirk. "Your daughter jumped at the idea to go back to my home country and wait for my return. Did she tell you she was pregnant?"

He softly laughed to himself as he walked ahead with Director Knight who then stopped suddenly to wait for the general.
10-01-2006, 08:44
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"Ah yes..." The General said, ducking down slightly as he entered the elevator, clenching his fist in such a way that it made an audible sound, "I've heard of it from the Director when I inquired on here whereabouts..." Gares suddenly smiled a bit, licking his teeth, "But I still have other children, I suppose it cannot be prevented, though I will have to remind myself to make sure the others retain some moral values..."

Director Knight, seemingly not paying attention, pressed the button for the twentieth floor, as it slowly made its way down. Staring at the two men, he let out a slight yawn, "So what about that sun, eh? Its pretty bright."
10-01-2006, 08:52
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"Are you disrespecting my girlfriend, future-wife and your own daughter!?" Henry shouted at the General. Henry was fuming inside.

The General, as Henry could see was a typical militaristic asshole. Henry looked down at the ground.

"Whatever. She will be better without a control freak like you for a father."
10-01-2006, 09:06
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"Its hard not to disrespect someone who turns her back on her own birthplace..." Gares said calmly, as he attempted to control his anger, since harming this little Henry would no doubt hurt diplomacy between the two nations, "Emila should have never been sent here. She should have joined the military, like the rest of her family... But she had to wind up marrying trash like you. If her mother was alive..."

Gares stopped there, giving an emotionless stare at the elevator door, relaxing as he calmed himself down. This Henry was infuriating, no doubt something he aquired from being raised in foreign lands. As he began to open his mouth to say something, the door opened and Knight leapt out.

"Ahhh!" Director Knight said with a relieved smile, "That elevator was getting a bit cramped. General, welcome to the main lab..." He said with a smile as he walked over and slid his keycard in, the doors suddenly opening to the warehouse sized room, "The virus samples are on the lower level. We had a special biological contamination suit made out for you."
10-01-2006, 09:26
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry waited for the two men to step off the elevator before following after them into the main lab. As per protocol he donned his biological suit and swiped his card through the card reader and stepped into the main body of the floor before the other two.

After a short time the two strolled in and made for a nearby Virus Scanner which Knight usually showed to all those on the tour. Henry ignored them for the time being and he walked over to where he was walking only a few hours earlier.
10-01-2006, 09:39
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Knight quickly sat the general down at the microscope, as he stared into it while completely covered in the large biological containment suit. He then quickly began to give the tour, along with numerous skin, blood, and body samples infected, along with all data on the parasitic virus at large. Every now and then he would wait to make sure the general understood, but after being reassured he continued...

"And in conclusion..." Director Knight finally began to finish, coughing softly, "We expect the virus to be finished in one month, though at most will allow up to two months untill we are finished." Doing a little bow, he kept his eyes on the general as the large man stood up.

"And the subjects? Do you need more?" General Gares questioned Knight.

"No General, we won't be needing anything else from the government at this point. So I guess we can all return to our rooms and rest untill we begin finishing up the last of the tests."

"Ah I suppose that would be alright, though I should return to the capital soon, the Emperor is having some issues with the international community. Its nothing really, you're doing a good job so far. Keep it up and you might just earn yourself a medal." Gares seemed a bit off, his voice no longer cold as he made his way out of the room towards the nearest exit.

"Ahhh thankyou..." Director Knight finally stated with a grin, despite the fact the general had already left.
10-01-2006, 10:06
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry walked to Director Knight's side.

"Is he always a pompous prick like that?" Henry asked. His voice muffled slightly from inside his suit.

"I wouldn't say he is ALWAYS like that. He is a nice bloke once you get to know him."

Henry scoffed and walked out of the lab, remembering to remove the suit and to take a bio-chemical shower to remove any toxins that might have come in contact with his skin.


Henry lie down on his bed and began to think of Emilia, who was waiting for him in Maldaathi. How could her dad be the man he met today? She was obviously her mother's daughter. And for that, he thanked fate.
10-01-2006, 10:12
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Director Knight laughed a bit at Henry's reaction, but figured it was only natural after how the general had treated him. Looking at the clock, he flicked out his card and grinned a bit, deciding to pay one of the brothels in Holy Gibbot City a little visit. After all, that dream had given him quite a few ideas, and the general would be in his quarters, allowing complete access to the city.

"Looks like its time for the Director to go out and have some fun." He said with a sheepish grin, brushing his hair back as he made his way out of the lab, making sure to quickly rinse off before making his way through the elevators to the top floor.
10-01-2006, 10:24
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry decided that it might be time for a bit of R&R. So Henry set off for the blast doors when a thought came to his mind. The General mentioned something about an 'minor' international incident. He just hoped it didn't touch to close to the lab. He tried to push it out of his mind as he stopped behind Director Knight who was dressed up.

"Special Occasion?"
10-01-2006, 10:39
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"Ohhh I'm just going out to waste some cash at Holy Gibbot City. What're you doing out this late? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He grinned a bit as he flicked the card into the blast door, causing it to open slowly, "Or is something bothering you?"
10-01-2006, 10:43
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry shook his head 'no' before chuckling.

"Actually yes there is. The General said something about an International Incident in this country.... it wouldn't have anything to do with us would it?"
10-01-2006, 10:51
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"Why? Is Maldaathi planning something I should know about?" Director Knight said seriously, staring at Henry before erupting with laughter. Scratching the back of his head thoughtfully he nodded, "Actually its just a little international incident over slavery. We're in a sort of blockade, but it should be over by the time the virus finishes at least, though if not at least we have some people to test it on."

Whether or not that last sentence was meant to be taken seriously or not was hard to read on Knight as he slowly walked out the door, the cool wind blowing his hair back. Looking back, he shook his head and smirked. Walking over, he patted Henry on the shoulder and gave him a look that he was taking things too seriously.

"You're overworked. At least thats what it looks like to me. I'm going to go do some partying to celebrate. You should come with me, since ya know you want to. Am I right? Being couped up alone all the time isn't good for you, and with Gares coming by you need to relieve some stress. Wanna come?"
10-01-2006, 11:02
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry's face changed from shock to relief as he realised Knight was joking about Maldaathi about to commit a II. He followed Knight out of the vast entrance hall.

"Actually," He said as he walked. "I was going to leave the lab for some R&R on the town. It was pure coincidence we met. You?"
10-01-2006, 11:05
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"Me? I've been sneaking out constantly for months." He smiled as he looked around, "So I hear you have a personal vehicle around here? Should we take yours or mine? I'm pretty sure Maldaathi probably put more into yours than mine anyways. Theres alot of fun to be had if you know what you're looking for in Antanjyl."
10-01-2006, 11:09
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

"I believe we should take my car. It's quite comfortable and I believe it will be able to safely get us to Gibbot City."

Fenwick pulled the key chain from his pocket and pressed a button upon which a small woop-woop sound came from nearby along with 2 quick flashes from the headlights. Henry jogged over to it and jumped in and patiently waited for Knight to catch up.
10-01-2006, 11:13
Outside of Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Director Knight slowly strolled over, hopping into the passenger seat as he whipped out a small pouch. Inside was what appeared to be well over two thousand skulls, a sly grin passing over his face. Staring at the dashboard, he quickly leaned back and let out a slight laugh. There also appeared to be some type of firearm hidden behind his jacket, only visible when he leaned back in such a way.

"Well lets go then. I have a date with destiny."
10-01-2006, 11:16
Outside Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry sighed and gunned the engine before backing out into the soft falling snow and drove off into the deep night. Both men sat in silence on the drive to the City but Henry could tell Knight was up to something but found it in his better intrests to not ask.
10-01-2006, 11:26
Holy Gibbot City

The drive was uneventful as the vehicle finally passed under the enormous two demonic statues depicting dramatizations of their emperor, Galf. Snickering abit upon seeing them, he muttered something about what an eyesore they were. Once on the main street however, Director Knight quickly told Henry Fenwick to stop the car so he could get out.

"Alright Henry, try not to get into any trouble. I'll be over at a place called the Scarlet Room, just ask around to find out where it is. You can find just about anything by continuing on the main road. Bars, fast food, the Holy Gibbot Cathedral, anything. Though don't go to the Cathedral, since they're starting at about this time and I wouldn't want you getting brainwashed."

Quickly finishing, Knight waved a hand nonchalantly before quickly disappearing into the crowds of people. Some were ragged looking, but many were wearing suits and had attractive women or small children following behind them carrying bags and other objects.
10-01-2006, 11:45
Holy Gibbot City

Henry watched as Knight disappeared into the masses before continuing down the main road as Knight directed. He eventually turned into a shop that sported a large "Chicken Hut" sign (Your so inventive Antanjyl). He followed the dark road around behind the shop and out the other side where he stopped outside the window.

"2 Piece Chicken and Chips." He spoke the the window attendant.

"Anything else, sir?"

Henry shook his head.


After a few minutes the lady handed him a bag which contained a pleasent smelling box. Henry nodded and without paying drove off, back onto the main road and back to the outskirts where he planned to enjoy the sights while enjoying his meal.
10-01-2006, 11:59
Scarlet Room

Director Knight walked into a red, extremely decorative building at the other end of town, with numerous artistic silouettes of nude women adorning the sides. Looking at his pouch of skulls, he quickly stashed it away into a hidden pocket on the interior of his jacket and walked inside.

"Ah Mister Knight! You haven't been here for quite some time, I was worried you might have found somewhere else..." An old man in a black ornate robe said with a smile as he bowed, placing his hands in front of him as they received a few skulls, "Some of the girls have actually gotten worried, do you have your card?"

"Right here." Knight quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out a small gold card, placing it onto a dish as he walked through a hallway, concealed by a large silk wall hanging. After walking towards the end of the hall, he quickly turned to a special door with his name inlaid in gold letters.

"Ah... Heres my stop." He said enthusiastically as he rubbed his hands together and opened the door, disappearing on the other side.
10-01-2006, 12:39
Scarlet Room

Director Darius Knight leaned back in the large red colored bed in the shape of a heart, drinking from a large bottle of liquor as he wrapped his arm around a scantily clad woman almost half his age. Looking around, his vision finally rested on a picture of a blonde haired man surrounding by women in various states of undress. Laughing a bit, he knew almost right away who that was.

"So this is Albeleo's old room here huh? The man knows taste..." He whispered pulling another girl over as he flicked his access level 10 card, along with his pouch of skulls, onto a nearby table.

And so, Darius night of partying had begun...
Holy Gibbot Town; Outskirts

It was a long party at the Scarlet Room, and having done such an exquisite job at the brothel, he was awarded with a fake crystal crown, which he now wore on his head as he drunkenly made his way down the street. He was looking for Henry, since he was about ready to go home, his labcoat covered in numerous stains and his gun, in a holster, clearly visible out the side of his side.

"Dammit Henry... Where the hell are ya? I've been wandering around for what? Two hours?" He grumbled angrily, throwing his boose bottle onto the pavement, "Gah!!!"
10-01-2006, 12:48
Holy Gibbot City

Henry licked his fingers clean before discreatly stepping outside the car and dropping the box nearby. He began to climb back into the car when he heard a faint shout.

"Henry.... where.... two hours......!?"

And then a loud smash came through the lonely area.

Henry sighed. He was going to have to put up with a drunk Knight....

"Stay there Knight!" He shouted out.

He jumped in the car and sped down the road.
10-01-2006, 12:56
Holy Gibbot City

Darius was laying on the ground, his labcoat covered in a blood-colored liquid and a gun laying in front of him. Upon seeing him in the headlights, it would almost look as if he had been shot, but just as the car came closer, Director Knight sprawled to his feet and wretched over the side of the road.

"Oh god... That was the best..." He stuttered as he wiped his mouth clean.
10-01-2006, 13:03
Holy Gibbot City

Henry pulled over to the side of the road, jumped out and looked down at the pathetic body that was Director Knight.

"You sure did..."

Henry bent down and lifted Knight onto his shoulder before placing him in the car.

"God damn...."

Henry slammed the door and jogged around to the driver's side. Henry jumped in and slammed his own door closed.

"Lets go...."

Henry slowly turned around and headed back to the lab all the while trying to ignore his superior's drunken ramblings.
10-01-2006, 13:06
Antanjyl Road

"So there I waz... Surrounded by beautiful women, and I was all..." Darius Knight belched as he attempted to respond, laying back in the seat, "You know... I think I may have drunken too much... What do you think?" He whispered, rubbing his forehead, "But next time you should totally come with me man. Women everywhere!" He shouted enthusiastically as they closed in on the lab.
10-01-2006, 13:15
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Henry wanted to slap Knight.... so bad.... and Henry did just that. He turned to his side a bitch slapped Knight across the face.

"Shut up or no bitches for you!" He said as he pulled into the same place where he parked everytime.

He walked around to Knight dragged him out of the car and locked it with the central locking.

"Your on your own." He said as he left the slumped Knight lying in a pile of snow.
10-01-2006, 13:34
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

The last thing that Henry would hear from the Director, now facedown in the snow, was something along the lines of, "You can't kick me out, I live here." Or something equally insane.

However, the next day he would find the director back at work, with no signs of the previous night readily apparent. This would continue weekly untill the virus' eventually completion.
10-01-2006, 14:00
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

The next day as Henry was outside the lab inspecting any damage Knight may have caused in all of his drunkeness a rather small convoy of similar cars he drove but much more militarily decked out drove up to him. A small statured colonel appeared and rushed over to Henry while a further 4 men provided overwatch with the Famas SBX's that were the standard arms for those who drove the Elusion Class Vehicle.

"Henry we have notified the heads of the lab but it's time to evacuate. All will be explained along the way. Move move move." He ushered Henry towards the car and without a question jumped in and the convoy sped towards the base.
10-01-2006, 14:16
Antanjyl's Secret Biological Weapon Lab

Director Knight took little notice as the groups of scientists began evacuating, much preferring to experiment with the final stages of the virus. It was painstakingly close to completion, and with the week he would be finished, with thanks to the help and research of Maldaathi of course. Looking back, thinking of the test subjects, he knew that what he did was worth a year stuck in this lab. With the Legion Virus any nation would fall to its knees, and there would be no mercy. For the Legion Virus was a virus unlike any other, and if spread the correct way could obliterate a nation...

10-01-2006, 14:23
Official Statement to Antanjyl from Maldaathi
We have evacuated half of our scientists. The plane to carry the promised 500bil is still at the Maldaathi Base and we request it delivered ASAP so more soldiers and supplies can be bought in.
10-01-2006, 14:29
Official Response to Maldaathi from Antanjyl

The money will be sent by armored car immediately and in full. After aquiring it, you may do with it as you please once you return to Maldaathi. Your scientists have done their job well, and with the Legion Virus at most only days away from completion, we can only feel that our alliance has been more than profittable. Thus, if you would like to withdraw the remainder of your scientists for their own safety, we will allow it as the virus is nearly complete.
10-01-2006, 14:42
Official Statement to Antanjyl from Maldaathi

We thank you for allowing our scientists to be fullen withdrawn. Another load of planes will be sent to collect them along with delivering more vital troops and vital supplies. We have a medium amount of armor in your nation but we request an approximate number on the amount of armor Antanjyl possesses.
14-01-2006, 08:23
Official Request from the Intergalactic Trade Counsel

Kinwara requests to buy a small amount of this Legion strain. Though we are a future tech nation after an enourmous amount of research into the weakness of a tyrant animal called the Behemoth Sand Worm we now believe an unidentified bacteria in the Legion strain can kill the Sand Worm in a matter of hours. Please reply with a quote.
14-01-2006, 15:11
Official Response from Antanjyl

Due to the immense potential of the Legion Strain, Antanjyl will not be selling it for any reasonable amount of money. Though since you aren't really much of a threat to our interests, being not located anywhere within a comprehensible distance, we'll sell you the strain for the low price of 350 Billion USD.
The Kraven Corporation
14-01-2006, 17:27
The Totalitarian Military State of The Kraven Corporation

After monitoring the Situation for some time now, The High Command has decided that a Group of our Scientists and Several of our Secret Police Reichmarshals will be sent out to Inspect the Facility, and evaluate your work, All Scientists who have worked on the Project are required to remain within the Facility until our arrival and all Scientists who have left the Facility since the begining of The Legion Virus's Production will be required to Return.

We Look forward to your response.

The High Command
15-01-2006, 17:08
Antanjyl's Secret Response to The Kraven Corporation

We accept this, and will have all of the scientists from Maldaathi returned as soon as possible to go through questioning. However, for the sake of retaining some amount of secrecy, we also ask that none of the scientists be terminated without first pressing it by Antanjyl. This is to insure a steady, productive relationship with Maldaathi at this point. We await your own response to this, and will send a message to Maldaathi immediately so that they may send their scientists back.

Director Darius Knight

Antanjyl's Message to Maldaathi Government

Greetings, this is Emperor Galf and I have an important request which may take a moment of your scientist's time. Some of our foreign interests, primarily that of The Kraven Corporation, will need all of your scientists returned for a brief screening process to garner a bit more intel on the Legion Virus. Of course this also includes Emilia Gares and anyone else who has left since the beginning of the virus' creation. We will pay for the ride to bring them to the base, and will make sure that you are compensated for this expenditure. How does 3 Billion USD sound? We assure you it will not take more than a month or two.

Director Darius Knight
16-01-2006, 16:54
Official Message to Antanjyl

Your request has been denied. We will not be returning any of our scientists to the lab in the foreseeable future.
16-01-2006, 22:06
Official Message to Maldaathi

While we are puzzled as to why you have denied such a request, we suppose we will have to accept it. May we have the reason why?
22-01-2006, 15:03
Official Message to Antanjyl
