NationStates Jolt Archive

N00b seeking help! Mentors and/or exploiters inquire within!

07-01-2006, 05:44
Ok, before anyone comments:

1)- I'm not really a n00b. I've been around for almost 2 years, I just never bothered to look at the forums for most of them...

2)- I have read the stickies, that is, as many of them as my time permits. Which isn't actually all too many, but it's enough to give me an idea not to post "I NUX0RZ j00 OMGWTFLOL!!!111!11one" even if I can afford the nuke. ;)

All right, what I'm really looking for is:

Hints to improve my diplomatic tactics. What level of dignitary should I send to a foreign nation for a conference — does it depend on my respect for that nation, a matter of custom, etc.? What international customs do most of the respected nations use when writing messages that I should try to follow? How do I send a polite message to a nation I despise? And so on...

Hints to improve how the II community views me. Just not post "What do you think of me[IC/OOC]?"-type threads? Do I need to actually learn (gasp) how to role-play well?! Do I need to have detailed coats of arms, presidential seals, flags, directive symbols, etc. and if so is there anyone into graphic designing who can help me make some of these things? What about pictures of my characters etc.?

Hints to improve my military. I'm looking to build a rather large but highly disorganized, heterogeneous military whose soldiers spend more time fighting each other and the logistics personnel than the enemy. However, I still need to know the stats and specifications of ships, planes, guns, tanks, missiles, etc. (In addition, anyone who wants to sell me weaponry or equipment is free to do so, although this thread is mainly for OOC advice. To sell me things you can use my factbook [see link in sig].) Is there any kind of standard for modern-tech materials on NS, as well? Is it just anything before space ships and battle droids, or does it stop at things we have the capabilities to build today... or does it really depend on the RP? I want to plan my tech accordingly.

Links. These always help: to threads, NSWiki entries, offsite forums, etc.

Basically, if anyone has any kind of general help for me, please post it here. Thanks! :D
Saint Fedski
07-01-2006, 06:21
1) If its an important conference, a higher level is best. If its a meeting, a mid level or lower official could do. If you send a minor official to a high level conference, its considered an insult.

2) Those things are not necessary. They just add to the RP of your nation.

3) Check out DMG Military Industries (, Portland Iron Works ( or Kriegzimmer Storefront ( They are suppliers of military equipment. I can't design my own, so I buy from them. All are excellent, all are reliable, all have other services to offer if needed (advice, helpful hints, good RPs etc)

While you're at it, send an embassador to my nation using the link in my sig. I'd be glad to be the first nation with diplomatic relations with you.
07-01-2006, 06:23
You just want stats for weapons you use?

I use a fairly diverse arsenal, I use Israeli Merkava IV tanks, Galil rifles, US M-16's, M109A6 Paladin artillery, B-52's, and most of my warships are US design, Russian MiG's and Kirov-class cruisers, you can check all their info on Wikipedia.

I never bother with graphics and only rarely try to make character pics. As for diplomacy, I find that peace talks often involve the President himself and a general or other officer, for some other things like observing an ally's weapons test I might send a mid-ranking officer.

EDIT: Roman Republic ( is also a good supplier, I get almost all of the tanks I don't produce myself from there. DMG, on the other hand, tends to blacklist newbies and be unreasonable about allowing them back. Until they're more reasonable about dealing with newer nations, I wouldn't recommend a new nation try to buy anything from there. Can't believe SF didn't mention RR. You have insufficient funds and RR will let you take out loans, which is good for newer nations with small defense budgets.
Van Luxemburg
07-01-2006, 08:15
Well, I can tell you that you can follow courses which give this information on the Role Play University ( Link ( I hope that can help you out.
07-01-2006, 09:11
Hints to improve your military is where I would most likely do the most help.

Your idea of how you want your military to be is, well, rather good, excellent for a "n00bie". It opens up lots of RP opportunities for you, such as civil wars, revolutions, infringes on civil rights; all of those things being big hitters among the I.I community.

AS for stats, lurk around the storefronts for awhile, examine how well the equipment does, that way when you want to create your own stuff, you will have an idea of what the stats should be without having somebody go "ZOMGWTF THAT IS THE UBERZORS!!!11! I IGNORES J00 BECAUSE YOU ARE TEH N00B AND DONT PLAY REALISTICALLY!!!11!!SHIFTONE!". Also, I hate to rain on your parade but, you do have to keep somewhat within the boundaries of what we can build today if your going to be a MT(Modern Tech) nation. MT ranges from about the present, to a few years into the future, without having exaggerated ideas of what the future will hold(example: improved radar, new bio and chemical weapons, improved armor). Anything above that would be considered PMT(Post Modern Tech), up to the spaceships and battle droids that is, which is FT(Future Tech.)

Most MT players will RP with PMT players, as long as the PMT player doesn't have too much advanced weaponary. Having body armor that can deflect most fire is alright, as it still leaves areas where your men can be defeated, and gives your people credit for having skills in creating this equipment(tho it will be pretty expensive to equip all your troops); whilst having forcefields that take 30 or so hits from anything is usually frowned upon.

In the end, I can offer you some of the best advice for actual combat. It is considered good RPing if you take losses and not just go "ZOMG!! ME=TEH PWN!!11! I CANT DIE AHAHAHA N00B!!!!1". But you can get confused with being a good RPer and being a pushover, so you need to know how many losses would be appropriate. This refers to simple math, as there are standard calculations that keep RPing fun and fair.

Example: Say your fighting a nation of equal size and you both pay the same amount to your military, but you have a smaller military of 100,000 troops, and he has a larger one of 500,000 troops. Logic says that your troops will be better equiped because you have less troops to equip with your budget, while he will have more troops to equip with his budget. In an open battle, if you both send the same amount of troops in, you will most likely win(note I said open battle, where you just fight it out, no real strategy involved, as strategy is like a wild card within battles.)

I hope you understood the example, but I just realised I did not give you the equations, so, this is a helpful way to find out how good your units are going to be, and how good those of your opponent are going to be.

population / armynumber = unitpower
unitpower * armynumber = attackstrength
tactics + tech = extra
attackstrength + extra = damage

This is the basis for all battles, PT(Past Tech) through FT. This helps keep things fair and realistic.

In conclusion, I hope my post will be of some help to you, and I fullheartidly welcome you to the I.I community. I do regret, however, that we will most likely not have the pleasure of RPing with one another, as you seem to be MT, and I am mainly FT. All the same, good luck and happy hunting:)
07-01-2006, 09:31
Hints to improve my diplomatic tactics. What level of dignitary should I send to a foreign nation for a conference — does it depend on my respect for that nation, a matter of custom, etc.? What international customs do most of the respected nations use when writing messages that I should try to follow? How do I send a polite message to a nation I despise? And so on...
It's all up to you. ViZion sends all sorts of diplomats and the likes. OCCASIONALLY, and usually only on EXTREMELY IMPORTANT diplomatic meetings, the President himself will attend. But it depends on the type of confrence. Sometimes it'll just require an official from your military... other times it'll require your top diplomat.

As for customs, again, it's all up to you. Everyone has a different style. You'll also notice that everyone has a different way to send "encrypted" messages, among other sorts of messages. Some just type out what they say, others add a more advanced "heading" of some sort. When looking at RP's, you'll see what I'm refering to.

As for how to send a polite message to a nation you despise? Well... just remember that if you aren't polite, you could be looking at a massive invasion and bombing of your nation depending on who you piss off. That should be enough to be at least neutral in your message. And really, if you absolutely hate them, why send a polite message, or any message for that matter, unless you're trying to put aside your differences.

Hints to improve how the II community views me. Just not post "What do you think of me[IC/OOC]?"-type threads? Do I need to actually learn (gasp) how to role-play well?! Do I need to have detailed coats of arms, presidential seals, flags, directive symbols, etc. and if so is there anyone into graphic designing who can help me make some of these things? What about pictures of my characters etc.?
Do you need all that fancy shmancy stuff to be respected in NS? No. But it sure helps. What it really depends on are the following: At least decent RPing skills and good grammer/spelling IC; a respectable OOC attitude even towards those you dislike IC or OOC; know the important RPing terms; don't godmod; always try to improve your RPing; and of course, your IC nature... of course, no matter how you act, you'll always be respected by some and hated by others. So choose your side and roll with it. Pics of characters can be fun, but in all honestly, you don't need em... only a few nations use that... maps and a flag, and maybe some pics of your capital... basic stuff like that is basically the only graphics you need... the others are simply "fun" add-ons. ;) Oh yes! And no smilies ICly!!

Hints to improve my military. I'm looking to build a rather large but highly disorganized, heterogeneous military whose soldiers spend more time fighting each other and the logistics personnel than the enemy. However, I still need to know the stats and specifications of ships, planes, guns, tanks, missiles, etc. (In addition, anyone who wants to sell me weaponry or equipment is free to do so, although this thread is mainly for OOC advice. To sell me things you can use my factbook [see link in sig].) Is there any kind of standard for modern-tech materials on NS, as well? Is it just anything before space ships and battle droids, or does it stop at things we have the capabilities to build today... or does it really depend on the RP? I want to plan my tech accordingly.
For specs, simply go to and start searching for various weapons, ships, and so forth. That's how I do it and it works fine. If you really want to though, go buddy-buddy w/ someone to get some help. I do that occassionally when I really need help. As for buying/selling weapons, there's alotta Storefronts around that you can buy from. Create one and you can also sell your stuff. Also, when you become good allies, you can usually get lots of goodies from them. ;) lol
And it really depends on the RP. Decide what tech or techs you wanna RP in. For example, there's 2 different ViZion's not related to one another... Modern Tech ViZion and Future/Space Tech ViZion. I RP in both and have my nation setup in both. :)

Links. These always help: to threads, NSWiki entries, offsite forums, etc.
All of the RP's... check them out, scan them, see how things flow. Everyone has a different style, but it will give you the idea.

Please feel free to TG me and I'll help you out more... also, many nations on NS are more than will to help you out... you just gotta ask for some help... and another tip... it's usually not a good idea to post an all-OOC thread here in II unless it's an OOC thread break-off of a RP (thus keeping the RP thread mostly OOC-free)... But ya, like I said, please feel free to TG me for any help! I'm more than willing to help ya out, as are most NS'ers! :)
07-01-2006, 09:45
Armed Forces:
When you're new and starting out to build your military, it's best to buy RL modern tech, as it's much more cheaper to use than all the generations-ahead NS grade weaponry. When you get enough money, (three and above trillion) then upgrade to NS standards. But since you have been around, just not posted much, but you have a mountain of cash (NSEconomy) (, you can buy good NS standard tech, but however, since you spend nothing on defense, many arms dealers will reject that. So go to the gameplay forum and ask what issues are beneficial to your defense budget and get cracking! But technology and numbers can go only so far. Strategy still does dominate the battlefield in the world of NS: so read the opposition's map that he/she provided and figure out a weakness in his/her fortress (usually OOC info however).

ICly and OOCly I favor discussion over use of armed forces, so always use diplomacy first. And sending low-profile delegations works, provided how high level the meeting is. So even when you're dealing with an enemy that you despise more than anything else ICly, try to use diplomacy. Alliances are usually for political purposes, so you can pressure your opposition into backing down. Always have a detailed list of your nation's policies of foreign embassies (try not to keep it too strict or too lax), and NEVER break diplomatic immunity. As in real life, breaking of diplomatic immunity is greatly frowned upon, and Automagfreek, what many say is the military hyperpower of NS MT, would do what Genghis Khan did to the countries of the assassins when they assassinated his delegates: the entire destruction of your nation.

RPing and Graphics:
Regarding graphics, sadly in today's society (in fact, it always has been) people are superficial. Coats-of-arms often make people more attracted to your embassy exchange. If you want to have a sprite detailing your coats-of-arms/presidential seals Pacitalia does some fine graphics. And character pics, search over the net to see what pic fits your leader. Or get someone to draw them. However, I don't know anyone that can draw characters very well.

There, I hope I have been helpful to you Mauvasia.
Saint Fedski
07-01-2006, 09:56
I highly suggest talking to Southeast Asia (he'll explain why its Southeast Asia as opposed to Southeastasia, he likes to) when you have a question. He seems to have good relations both ICly and OOCly with everyone in the game. I'm thinking that if anyone attacked Southeast Asia, they would go up against the entire II community. He also seems to know just about everything that has taken place in II for the past little bit. In other words, hes the "google" of NS.
07-01-2006, 10:43
I was slow to dip my toe in the water, too. I wish I'd had the sense to do what you've done, ie, ask.

I can't help with the military stuff, but on diplomacy I'd suggest you try keeping an eye on the UN forum as well as II. That will give you an idea of what different nations' policies are and which ones you'd be most likely to seek diplomatic relations with. Also which buttons to press to get 'em riled, heh-heh. You don't have to be a UN nation to post in the UN forums.

Check NS Wiki ( to find out background stuff on other nations that will flesh out your RPs, or try the Search function (if it's working) to see if they've got a World Factbook thread. There's also the World Leaders Survey (

Van Luxemburg's already given you the link to the Role Playing University, which has courses on all the topics you've mentioned.

Role-playing itself is one of those things you learn by doing, and everybody who does it is still learning. If you're worried about your ability, then let your in-character persona be just a beginner (like, be a new recruit, not the general; or be a particularly thick 'imbedded' reporter) and let him ask your OOC questions ("Er, what does that Mark XIV Mega-Planetary Annihilator you keep talking about actually do, Captain?").
07-01-2006, 12:31
I highly suggest talking to Southeast Asia (he'll explain why its Southeast Asia as opposed to Southeastasia, he likes to) when you have a question. He seems to have good relations both ICly and OOCly with everyone in the game. I'm thinking that if anyone attacked Southeast Asia, they would go up against the entire II community. He also seems to know just about everything that has taken place in II for the past little bit. In other words, hes the "google" of NS.
On the contrary Saint Fedski, I do have IC enemies (namely corporate autocracies like Kraven and Joint Conglomerates, National Commonwealth because their nation is a democracy and have a brilliant human rights record yet they backed such a heinous man like Chairman Stryker, Very small island for the same reasons as NC). OOC I get along with everyone. So if someone attacked me it wouldn't be like a sup3r-ub3r-m3g@ @ll1@nc3 0 d00m coming down upon their heads. And me, the Google of NS? No. I just read the history of NS on NSwiki and the Euroslavia Series of Helpful Hints to see what nations have come and gone and what conflicts have happened.
07-01-2006, 15:14
I was slow to dip my toe in the water, too. I wish I'd had the sense to do what you've done, ie, ask.

me too.

Ive just started up properly getting into things but ive hit on some problems soon to be resolved.

RPing tips.

Don't bother getting into Rps that mix techs. stay as you want to play, if nation X suddenly brings in drop pods, whilst everyone else has chariots trundling around - tell them you have a problem, and try to resolve things peacefully.

Dont let a person with a higher post count than you push you round, if their Rps are poor quality or 'godmodding' then dont just sit back and accept shit. Post counts mean nothing, it means how many times people have typed some keys.

Make a factbook, all nations who want to get somewhere have a factbook, the usual format is the CIA version. Although many are different formats.

Be original, kriegorgrad was original, he pioneered the orwellien nation when it was fashionable to be the good guys. Mine now follows that way. Create a religeon and get other nations to follow it. don't just say; I'm a socialist nation. make up something querky about it; socialism with a twist.

For help designing your own tanks, join one of the groups of nations that do it. Offsite forums such as The NSdraftroom are for people who want to become designers, or seek help from experienced engineers.

Do a different RP, dont just do the apple mac standard.

"our nation has been bombed."

" we can send a force if you like."

"we condemn the attackers"


I started an RP for a group of nations to design, construct and use an international space station. It grew intrest, i was mildly shocked when ANL joined. It was in-depth and it was still only a group of 5 nations.

But most of all. and in the slightly modified words of Mr Mafia Sinatra

You Do it, YOUR Way.

break the mould and revolutionise something.

That was a populace improvement message.
The Kraven Corporation
07-01-2006, 15:46
Your already well on your way, Your opening post was well structured and thought out, you are already at a major advantage over other new players because you've been playing the NS game for two years so have High Pop stats etc.

Is With what people have already said, Create something different, Go against the Norm.

For Example, My nation The Kraven Corporation, is a Totalitarian Military State, ruled by a Sentient AI Computer called father, who if he was a human would be locked up in a mental asylum for being Clinicly Insane, a Psychopath. a Megalomaniac.

My military is comprised full of Humans that have had every strip of humanity and Soul taken away from them, they are no longer individuals but all Cogs in a greater machine of War.

I make allies with people, only to Attack them a few months down the line and turn them into Slave Nations, nations that have been brought under Totalitarian Rule and Do as Father Says, I.E. Concremo

My Economy is totaly based on being at war, Everything my nation creates is either a Tank, a Bullet or a Missile, I have The Population so Brainwashed that If The High Command told them the sky was Pink, they'd say.. "The Sky Is Pink" If however my nation is not in some form of Conflict, the Economy Collapses.

My Nation is inherently Evil, I order the Extermination of Entire nations, I Invade nations soley to Enslave the entire populace, and just about every nation that knows of my exploits sees me as a threat to Global Peace.

I hope this gives you an Idea of the Avenures of Roleplaying you can explore, and Pictures do help, I have pictures for all of my characters, and Multitudes of Pictures for my Capitol Police.
07-01-2006, 15:49
While you're at it, send an embassador to my nation using the link in my sig. I'd be glad to be the first nation with diplomatic relations with you.
Ok, I'll make sure to do that. Thanks. (I'll check those storefronts as well.)

Roman Republic is also a good supplier, I get almost all of the tanks I don't produce myself from there. DMG, on the other hand, tends to blacklist newbies and be unreasonable about allowing them back. Until they're more reasonable about dealing with newer nations, I wouldn't recommend a new nation try to buy anything from there. Can't believe SF didn't mention RR. You have insufficient funds and RR will let you take out loans, which is good for newer nations with small defense budgets.
Thanks, I'll also check that out. Although, for the defence budgets, I don't use NSEconomy's stats (for one thing there aren't nearly enough government departments...), so will people accept it if I do so? My budget stats are towards the end of the first post in my factbook (, which I'm still trying to put together...

AS for stats, lurk around the storefronts for awhile, examine how well the equipment does, that way when you want to create your own stuff, you will have an idea of what the stats should be without having somebody go "ZOMGWTF THAT IS THE UBERZORS!!!11! I IGNORES J00 BECAUSE YOU ARE TEH N00B AND DONT PLAY REALISTICALLY!!!11!!SHIFTONE!". Also, I hate to rain on your parade but, you do have to keep somewhat within the boundaries of what we can build today if your going to be a MT(Modern Tech) nation. MT ranges from about the present, to a few years into the future, without having exaggerated ideas of what the future will hold(example: improved radar, new bio and chemical weapons, improved armor). Anything above that would be considered PMT(Post Modern Tech), up to the spaceships and battle droids that is, which is FT(Future Tech.)
Actually, my join date could confuse people who will ignore me for n00bishness.... and as for the general boundaries, thank you, I'll try to keep with stuff we already have or know how to build. ;)

Example: Say your fighting a nation of equal size and you both pay the same amount to your military, but you have a smaller military of 100,000 troops, and he has a larger one of 500,000 troops. Logic says that your troops will be better equiped because you have less troops to equip with your budget, while he will have more troops to equip with his budget. In an open battle, if you both send the same amount of troops in, you will most likely win(note I said open battle, where you just fight it out, no real strategy involved, as strategy is like a wild card within battles.)
Ah. So I have to take into account my defence budget (spending per capita) and population when building an army—it's not all about numbers.

In conclusion, I hope my post will be of some help to you, and I fullheartidly welcome you to the I.I community. I do regret, however, that we will most likely not have the pleasure of RPing with one another, as you seem to be MT, and I am mainly FT. All the same, good luck and happy hunting:)
Actually, I'd eventually like to become a multi-tech nation (i.e. with MT, PMT, FT, and PT versions of my nation), so we might cross RP paths at some point... if I ever get all of this figured out. ;)

It's all up to you. ViZion sends all sorts of diplomats and the likes. OCCASIONALLY, and usually only on EXTREMELY IMPORTANT diplomatic meetings, the President himself will attend. But it depends on the type of confrence. Sometimes it'll just require an official from your military... other times it'll require your top diplomat.
Ah. So people will say what kind of a conference or meeting it is, or whom they expect to attend?

As for how to send a polite message to a nation you despise? Well... just remember that if you aren't polite, you could be looking at a massive invasion and bombing of your nation depending on who you piss off. That should be enough to be at least neutral in your message. And really, if you absolutely hate them, why send a polite message, or any message for that matter, unless you're trying to put aside your differences.
Actually, that would be the general idea... We don't like to keep grudges ICly (or OOCly for that matter).

Do you need all that fancy shmancy stuff to be respected in NS? No. But it sure helps. What it really depends on are the following: At least decent RPing skills and good grammer/spelling IC; a respectable OOC attitude even towards those you dislike IC or OOC; know the important RPing terms; don't godmod; always try to improve your RPing; and of course, your IC nature... of course, no matter how you act, you'll always be respected by some and hated by others. So choose your side and roll with it. Pics of characters can be fun, but in all honestly, you don't need em... only a few nations use that... maps and a flag, and maybe some pics of your capital... basic stuff like that is basically the only graphics you need... the others are simply "fun" add-ons.
Ok... so I can live without that stuff. Thanks.

I'll make sure to TG you if I have any more questions.

When you're new and starting out to build your military, it's best to buy RL modern tech, as it's much more cheaper to use than all the generations-ahead NS grade weaponry. When you get enough money, (three and above trillion) then upgrade to NS standards. But since you have been around, just not posted much, but you have a mountain of cash (NSEconomy), you can buy good NS standard tech, but however, since you spend nothing on defense, many arms dealers will reject that. So go to the gameplay forum and ask what issues are beneficial to your defense budget and get cracking! But technology and numbers can go only so far. Strategy still does dominate the battlefield in the world of NS: so read the opposition's map that he/she provided and figure out a weakness in his/her fortress (usually OOC info however).
Ah... so most storefronts will only accept NSEconomy's stats? I don't use those budget stats; I've designed my own, and my yearly (I assume) defence budget comes to about $7.52 trillion. I'm not sure how much things actually cost in the NS world, so I don't really know what I can do with that ...

ICly and OOCly I favor discussion over use of armed forces, so always use diplomacy first. And sending low-profile delegations works, provided how high level the meeting is. So even when you're dealing with an enemy that you despise more than anything else ICly, try to use diplomacy. Alliances are usually for political purposes, so you can pressure your opposition into backing down. Always have a detailed list of your nation's policies of foreign embassies (try not to keep it too strict or too lax), and NEVER break diplomatic immunity. As in real life, breaking of diplomatic immunity is greatly frowned upon, and Automagfreek, what many say is the military hyperpower of NS MT, would do what Genghis Khan did to the countries of the assassins when they assassinated his delegates: the entire destruction of your nation.
Well, ICly and OOCly Mauvasia would favor diplomacy, as our military won't be strong enough to engage in any major conflicts... so I'll remember that. Thank you.

I can't help with the military stuff, but on diplomacy I'd suggest you try keeping an eye on the UN forum as well as II. That will give you an idea of what different nations' policies are and which ones you'd be most likely to seek diplomatic relations with. Also which buttons to press to get 'em riled, heh-heh. You don't have to be a UN nation to post in the UN forums.
Ok, I'll look in the UN forum then.

Be original, kriegorgrad was original, he pioneered the orwellien nation when it was fashionable to be the good guys. Mine now follows that way. Create a religeon and get other nations to follow it. don't just say; I'm a socialist nation. make up something querky about it; socialism with a twist.
Actually, I'm planning to make Mauvasia the classic completely inefficient liberal democracy, with everything wrapped in red tape, and the government full of completely useless positions with funding still going into departments that were closed long ago... I can't see too many other nations like that around here, but I'll keep that in mind.

For help designing your own tanks, join one of the groups of nations that do it. Offsite forums such as The NSdraftroom are for people who want to become designers, or seek help from experienced engineers.
The NSDraftroom? All right, I'll remember that. Do you have a link?
07-01-2006, 15:52
Yes, that certainly does give me an idea of what we can do in fact. Although personally my beliefs that a nation cannot be inherently evil or good might influence the construction of my own nation, but thank you.
07-01-2006, 15:56
Ah... so most storefronts will only accept NSEconomy's stats? I don't use those budget stats; I've designed my own, and my yearly (I assume) defence budget comes to about $7.52 trillion. I'm not sure how much things actually cost in the NS world, so I don't really know what I can do with that ...

Well, ICly and OOCly Mauvasia would favor diplomacy, as our military won't be strong enough to engage in any major conflicts... so I'll remember that. Thank you.

You better start adjusting to NSEconomy then. Trust me, it'll be worth it. It is however a great idea to keep a powerful military in case things go to hell.
Van Luxemburg
07-01-2006, 16:03
They not only accept NSEconomy. Other calculators are welcome too. I, as a storefront holder, accept them, at least. Here's a list of others:
Pipian. Replace the name in the link with your nation's name. ( nation name)

Thrace-Talitean calculator. (

Colony Calculator. (
07-01-2006, 16:04
What I meant by that was the majority, not ALL storefronts Van Luxumberg.
Van Luxemburg
07-01-2006, 16:09
The majority only accepts NSEconomy? That's strange, why can I always work with NSTracker then? And, it's Van Luxemburg. I don't particularly like it when people spell my name wrong. :p
07-01-2006, 16:15
So there's really no way I can get around the calculator stats and use my own?

(I tried raising my military spending and NSEconomy still says I have zero... so that can't be the problem.)
The Kraven Corporation
07-01-2006, 16:20
Here's something... NEVER TALK BAD ABOUT A GAME MODERATOR! Also, never send a message to a game moderator insulting him. Because THEY are asshole bitch whores and will ban your nation from the forums forever if you so much as make them a little bit mad. They are tiny-dicked fuck holes, especially one named Katganistan or something like that. He was especially a whoring little fucker.

Erm... This is a Prime example of What Not To do...
07-01-2006, 16:23
Erm... This is a Prime example of What Not To do...
I know actually, I've spent time on a few other online forums... ;)
The Kraven Corporation
07-01-2006, 16:25
I know actually, I've spent time on a few other online forums... ;)

I factored that, I just couldn't help but reply to it... :)
07-01-2006, 16:26
Here's something... NEVER TALK BAD ABOUT A GAME MODERATOR! Also, never send a message to a game moderator insulting him. Because THEY are asshole bitch whores and will ban your nation from the forums forever if you so much as make them a little bit mad. They are tiny-dicked fuck holes, especially one named Katganistan or something like that. He was especially a whoring little fucker.

OOC: I think Katganistan is a girl.

Some Game Moderators, like Euroslavia and possibly Cogitation, are actually quite nice from what I've seen of them.

Scolopendra... He DEATed my first nation. (I was Assramistan, back in late 2003.) I strongly suspect him of DEATing my second nation, Mighty Assramistan, in December 2003 or January 2004, I don't remember which.

I've seen a lot of complaints about Hack recently, and I've been clashing with the Mods before, but they rarely show themselves in my experience, just change a thread title here, edit a sig there... so I never know which one acted.
The Island of Rose
07-01-2006, 16:52
Euro's nice as heck, I knew him pre-Mod days. But anywho, this is about helping not Mods.

Now then. First question!

Diplomacy: Usually when there's a conference, I just send a Diplomat. But it's important, someone from the Chancellories (Ministries) in my nation. And if it's Earth shattering, I'll send the President. If you want to send a polite message, the say "Excuse me sir, you're mean" but fancy. Every diplomatic message has to be fancy, so use big words like perpindicular. Oh when you go to a fancy party, you don't have to be fancy to the extreme, it's still a party. Especially if there's Kareoke involved.

Community: Be nice and RP nice. There's no TRICK to it. Took me months to be known, but they STILL don't know who the FUNK I am. Dang it, I'm a Jester. Stroke my ego. Sorry, let's continue. Pictures help, especially in storefronts. I look at pictures more then stats in a storefront to tell you the truth.

Military: Stats? Who the FUNK needs stats? I've been workin' without stats for half my nation tenure. The other half, I bought my ships from Hamptonshire. If you too lazy to design, then buy. Hope this helps, if not meh.
07-01-2006, 17:03
The trouble with RPing without stats, from what I've seen, is that people accuse you of G-dmoding when you, for example, have an Imploded economy and field a whole fleet of Super Dreadnaughts to defend against the enemy warfleet that some imperialist with a Frightening economy just sent to grind you into the dust and your Thirdgeek stats can't justify the purchase.

I myself take accusations of G-dmoding as a personal insult, but I absolutely hate being dragged into long OOC disputes.
The Island of Rose
07-01-2006, 17:29
The trouble with RPing without stats, from what I've seen, is that people accuse you of G-dmoding when you, for example, have an Imploded economy and field a whole fleet of Super Dreadnaughts to defend against the enemy warfleet that some imperialist with a Frightening economy just sent to grind you into the dust and your Thirdgeek stats can't justify the purchase.

I myself take accusations of G-dmoding as a personal insult, but I absolutely hate being dragged into long OOC disputes.

Yeah, unfortunately it happens. But we don't need to get too specific either. When a missile hits something, it blows up. I don't need to know how it blows up. I don't need to know why it blows up. It just blows up. But we're getting off topic again.